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S03.E10: The After Show

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13 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Derick is ...an idiot. He should never have asked her to court 5 minutes after seeing her in person for the first time.  He should have never agreed to what basically amounted to a shotgun wedding before he knew anything about her. He should have taken precautions of his own against pregnancy 5 seconds after the wedding.  Had he just taken a few months, he would have realized that he was being sold a bill of goods. He thought that since Jill was adventuresome enough to travel to Nepal to meet him, and had been to El Salvador several times, that she really would be a good missionary in Central America.   He was flat out lied to about what she wanted out of life. Jills excuse is she had no freaking idea what she wanted because no one ever let her decide anything anyway. Most likely the real issue in CA amounts to having been alone with a male. 

To be fair, Jill had been saying for years that she wanted to be a missionary. If you remember back to when they used to show the family going to CA on 19 Kids and Counting, Jill got really attached to a girl there and was genuinely crying when they had to part. But I think, just as others have said, that she did not bank on how lonely and isolated she would feel without her extended family. 

8 hours ago, Love2dance said:

I think Jinger's clinginess is just following the programming her parents brainwash into their girls' heads. It is so important to be obsessed only with being "in love" when courting/engaged that the girls are relieved of all household duties. The siblings go on and on about how the girl is on the phone/Skype/lala land all day. She is just following the formula set for all the Duggar kids, maybe just a little more intently.

That will never stop infuriating me. There's nothing worse than dropping all your existing friendships in favor of an obsessive first "love." It is so unhealthy and also quite unfeeling toward the people you are suddenly ignoring. Well, when she gets to Laredo, and once the infatuation begins to die down somewhat, I hope she'll regret it. Not that it's really her fault. Boob and Mechelle actively seem to encourage the concept of being in la la land, as you said. 

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16 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

It's all about Triple D, isn't it? I can only imagine what it must be like to live with a Stage 5 clinger, but one has to wonder what it's like to live with the famewhoriest of the famewhores as well. He does not want to work 9-5. He needs the spotlight. He's a special snowflake, dammit, winning the lost for Jesus!!!111!1111!!! Don't get in his way!

The Duggar spouses (if it's possible to find any; after the exposure of the questionnaire, the slim pickings just went to no pickings) will get more sketchy as time goes on. The only reason to join this family is reality TV fame and cash. 

Re: that questionnaire.  I am still reeling from reading that.  I would NEVER consider marrying a man who didn't tear that thing up into a million pieces and shove it up...in JB's face.  This more than anything else I have seen/heard shows me that women in that family are property to be transferred from one male to the next.  I'm no flaming feminist, but that questionnaire really disgusted me.  I said it left me speechless...well, I guess I just found my voice again.

16 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

I personally hope one day Ben and/or Derick slap the crap out of JB, Michelle, and Josh and tell all three of them off.

Don't hold your breath.  I'd love the show to be cancelled just to see how they all make out.

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9 hours ago, Jeeves said:


I believe they were answering a question from one of the producers, as to what was the scariest moment/event down in Danger America. And the shower rack crash thing was apparently the best they could do short of telling the truth. These people are taking money to be on a reality TV show, while also taking money from SOS Ministries and donations from their fans to hang out and play missionaries in Central America. IMO those two interests collided at that point, and they fudged their answer to protect their "missionary"-related income stream.

Yes, that reminds me, did anyone else feel that the guy who asked, asked really meaningfully...."It's so good to have you home,"  with an undercurrent of "We weren't sure you would make it home."  To which Jill said "It's great to be back" and that was the point where I felt Derrick got pissed off and looked angry as he said "Yes, it's good to be back for a while."  I wondered if he had said that he did not want to discuss the dangerousness of Danger America.

I have mixed feelings about the DEFCON 1 level of concern. On the one hand, I thought that they were exaggerating to make themselves more heroic, but now I wonder.  For Derrick to dodge the subject?  Although I guess he might just be annoyed about how much the danger has become the focus of their storyline, instead of his good deeds or whatever. He may be aware it makes him look bad.

On the other had, it is dangerous in 3rd world countries in ways t is not here in the US.  I think I would have been really frightened by a loud noise seemingly right outside my house, which is in the woods and likely there's really no reliable emergency responders.  At home, you just call the cops. There? I don't know.

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5 hours ago, MamaMax said:

Yes, that reminds me, did anyone else feel that the guy who asked, asked really meaningfully...."It's so good to have you home,"  with an undercurrent of "We weren't sure you would make it home."  To which Jill said "It's great to be back" and that was the point where I felt Derrick got pissed off and looked angry as he said "Yes, it's good to be back for a while."  I wondered if he had said that he did not want to discuss the dangerousness of Danger America.

I have mixed feelings about the DEFCON 1 level of concern. On the one hand, I thought that they were exaggerating to make themselves more heroic, but now I wonder.  For Derrick to dodge the subject?  Although I guess he might just be annoyed about how much the danger has become the focus of their storyline, instead of his good deeds or whatever. He may be aware it makes him look bad.

On the other had, it is dangerous in 3rd world countries in ways t is not here in the US.  I think I would have been really frightened by a loud noise seemingly right outside my house, which is in the woods and likely there's really no reliable emergency responders.  At home, you just call the cops. There? I don't know.

The more that I see this statement from Derick, the more I think it's about keeping the cash flow coming in to Dullard Ministries and to show SOS that HE hasn't given up. That's wht I suspect the shower rack story is a half lie. It probably did fall and startle her, but something else that they're not talking about sent them into the bathroom emailing family for prayers. You laugh about a falling shower rack.  Telling the truth would only martyr them more with their followers.

That they're not telling the whole truth of what broke Jill must mean they were instructed to keep quiet in case the wrong people happened to see the segment, really endangering SOS and the Dillard's IF they return. Notice that SOS has never been mentioned by name in all the years they've filmed the missioncations and the Dullards' latest sojourn "on the mission field," and TLC has been (instructed to be) cagey w/r/t their whereabouts beyond saying [Danger] America.

Edited by Sew Sumi
Walls o' text are not appealing
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I'm wondering, when Jill and Derrick were courting, if she assumed they'd be missionaries later in life. I mean, nobody with common sense would think it's a good idea to have potentially a very large, young family with no money saved up on the mission field. Also, as much as Jill has inhaled the Kool-Aid, I'm sure she would prefer that her children be raised in Murica in a very similar way to herself.  Plus, why would Derrick get a college degree if he never intended to use it? I can see them talking about their heart for missions, with Jill assuming all the while that they'd use common sense and go on the mission field later in life. 

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20 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

The Duggar spouses (if it's possible to find any; after the exposure of the questionnaire, the slim pickings just went to no pickings) will get more sketchy as time goes on. The only reason to join this family is reality TV fame and cash. 

There haven't been anymore kids who have found spouses since the Josh scandal. I think Jinger was introduced to Jeremy right before it happened. I have a feeling that the Duggars will have trouble finding spouses and jobs in the future due to Josh. If history is any indication, the children of the Shah and Farah Pahlavi have had a difficult time: two have died, and one of them had trouble in college with professors thinking she didn't write papers without help. This family is better off and educated than the Duggars!

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7 hours ago, becca3891 said:

There's nothing worse than dropping all your existing friendships in favor of an obsessive first "love." 

I think growing up and never even getting to experience a real friendship is worse, but I get your point. 

I suppose the girls throw themselves into these relationships like maniacs because it's the first time they are ever permitted to really bond with a person outside of their family and they are literally starving to know something/someone different.  Plus it's their ticket out of the Tinker Toy House and their life of servitude and they know it.  I almost can't blame them for being thrilled beyond belief and hurling themselves at the first remotely acceptable guy who comes a callin' ... excepting Jana, apparently.  I am sure she has had lots of guys express an interest in her but she seems to have held out.  

Maybe she has the sheer audacity to dream of leaving one day on her own and not on some loser's arm just to be free.  Or the guys she has actually been interested in have all had enough self respect to crumple up Jim Bob's interrogatories and throw them in his face and as a result have been barred from the compound.  Or maybe those blind item gossip stories are true and Jana has a whole secret life off camera and she is just waiting for this shit show to die so she can finally be free, lol.  

Either way, Joy better have a plan of escape by the time Jana makes her break for it because she is next in line to be the Head Slave and take over raising JB and Michelle's kids for a decade or two.  The problem is, poor dumb Joy seems to almost be looking forward to it. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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At this point, JB and Michelle's kids are starting to age out of the constant care stage, but things will be so, so much worse for Joy. Now, she will expected to be head slave to whoever JB and Michelle farm her out to, for the sole purpose of raising their children. 

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52 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

At this point, JB and Michelle's kids are starting to age out of the constant care stage, but things will be so, so much worse for Joy. Now, she will expected to be head slave to whoever JB and Michelle farm her out to, for the sole purpose of raising their children. 

I don't know, the youngest two kids are 5 (Josie), 6 (Jordan).  They will need at least six or seven years of being watched, especially Josie. Who knows what her future is.  And, of course, being girls means they will have to be watched extra closely, lest they turn into little harlots.  They could keep Joy busy for a while.

But you are right, the real long-term risk is Joy being turned into a nursemaid for her sisters as they breed over and over.  It's so sad, the only sure-fire means of escape for her seems to be marrying and spitting out her own brood one after the other like a pez dispenser so that she is simply unavailable.  But Jim Bob will probably keep her too cloistered for that to ever happen.  So depressing.

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Josie will be 7 in December.  That would make Jordyn 8.  So technically, the littlest are coming to an age where they can do a lot for themselves.  Josie will certainly get a get of doing anything card because she is the youngest.

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So Derick has substitute taught since he got back!? He posted a picture on his IG saying it felt good to be BACK in the classroom at some high school -- and the pic just looks like a regular old public (parochial? private?) HS. And then Jill posted a pic within the last half hr gushing about how great it is to be back in Stillwater Okla for OSU's homecoming. For the love of God, Derick needs to run with this. He married a little girl who could not bear to be away from her family for a minute. And yet he was itching to get the hell away -- probably bc they are overbearing and he likely doesn't want to be around the molester bro in law, nor raise his kids near him. Knowing his wife would NOT move 2 hrs away to start their own lives and only visit her family once every month or two -- without having a breakdown, he instead jumps into the mission field to get the hell away, knowing that he can play the whole "the Lord is leading us here Jill, what can we do, do you want to disobey HIM?"

And yet NOW, having spent a few month in CA and hating it and being scared for her life (rightly or not - I have no idea), now I feel like Jill may be a LOT more amenable to moving 2 hrs from the TTC to a place like Stillwater. Sure it still isn't optimal - which for her is probably living IN the TTC - but it sure as hell isn't as far as CA and you don't have to worry about your safety, you can go out after dark, and drink all the tap water you want. It may be that Derick just does not want a desk job and thus will never want to use that accounting degree 40 hrs a week. Maybe he does derive more energy being around people and teaching. That's fine. He's a college grad -- he can substitute teach while working on his certifications, which he'd have no problem attaining; and then he could get himself hired as a regular teacher someplace in Okla. and can keep up the whole Godly thing by running youth group on the side and/or taking mission vacations each summer. Honestly JILL should be the one seeing this as an alternative road and should start putting it in his ear that that's what is in her heart bc it will allow her to not be in the developing world every 6 months for the rest of their freaking lives . . . .

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Jill's only connection to Stillwater is through Derick's attendance at the school; Jill is humblebragging as if she went/lived there herself. Miss Cathy lives down the road from the Duggars in Rogers. Not sure where Dan lives, but he works with the AR branch of Boy Scouts, so I imagine he's fairly local as well. 

At any rate, both families are local to the Pool House. I will be very surprised if they go back to Danger America beyond the trip in December. They'll be back for Christmas. 

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Just watched. Wow. Derick seems to have a dark side. Jill doesn't seem all that invested in Israel. He reaches for her and she pushes him away. She loves on Spurgie but walks past her own child. She does need help. She won't get it. They are all a bunch of cold fish. No disrespect meant for fish!  All so fake.  How many takes for each scene.  And most of them look like they need to wash their hair  except for Jana  

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2 hours ago, DOBABYR said:

I guess TLC wasn't trying to throw us off with the "only 2 more episodes until Jinger's big day' announcement during the commercial break....Jinger is getting married next week. The wedding photographer blew their cover. 

No she didn't. TLC said that there would be "Two more EPISODES before Jinger's wedding." They gave no hint as to when/if the wedding would/had happened. All TLC said is that the wedding episode would air on what turns out to be 11/15. That's it. 

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11 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

I think growing up and never even getting to experience a real friendship is worse, but I get your point. 

I suppose the girls throw themselves into these relationships like maniacs because it's the first time they are ever permitted to really bond with a person outside of their family and they are literally starving to know something/someone different.  Plus it's their ticket out of the Tinker Toy House and their life of servitude and they know it.  I almost can't blame them for being thrilled beyond belief and hurling themselves at the first remotely acceptable guy who comes a callin' ... excepting Jana, apparently.  I am sure she has had lots of guys express an interest in her but she seems to have held out.  

Maybe she has the sheer audacity to dream of leaving one day on her own and not on some loser's arm just to be free.  Or the guys she has actually been interested in have all had enough self respect to crumple up Jim Bob's interrogatories and throw them in his face and as a result have been barred from the compound.  Or maybe those blind item gossip stories are true and Jana has a whole secret life off camera and she is just waiting for this shit show to die so she can finally be free, lol.  

Either way, Joy better have a plan of escape by the time Jana makes her break for it because she is next in line to be the Head Slave and take over raising JB and Michelle's kids for a decade or two.  The problem is, poor dumb Joy seems to almost be looking forward to it. 

Oh, I totally agree! I use "friendships" somewhat loosely, although my sister is my best friend so I do think sibling friendships count. But it's awful that they never had the chance to develop other ones. And I can completely relate to why they fall head over heels because they're isolated and starved for affection and attention. I was the same way, having grown up homeschooled and isolated, and although in my case, my relationship was NOT parent approved, I still dove in, giddy with the attention, and it turned out to be a horrible relationship. 

I would be so thrilled if Jana really had a secret life off camera and that Boob reluctantly put up with it for the sake of saving face!

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41 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

No she didn't. TLC said that there would be "Two more EPISODES before Jinger's wedding." They gave no hint as to when/if the wedding would/had happened. All TLC said is that the wedding episode would air on what turns out to be 11/15. That's it. 

Maybe they are planning to cover it live, sweet!

Of course I'm just kidding, but that would certainly perk things up. And Lord knows this show needs some perking up.  They should have someone object to the ceremony just for fun. I vote for Jana to protest on the grounds that she is years overdue for a husband and three of her younger sisters escaping the compound before she does is bullshit.

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On October 28, 2016 at 7:06 AM, Vandy10 said:

he other WTF moment for me was when JerBabe were asked about babies, and one of the others made the comment about "being pregnant by the end of the year." The pregnant comment didn't weird me out, because I'm well aware that babies are all these people care about. It was the way Jinger refused to show any reaction until she looked at Babe and saw his reaction. She just stared at him the whole time. Is she no longer allowed to have her own opinions? Oh, wait...

Wow, just wait until Jinger perfects that adoring headship gaze...

i remember Jessa had it for a while, but she's clearly over that dopey look. Might explain Xanaxia's crazy eyes...after 30 years of hat dopey look, her face froze like that.

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I finally read the Questionnaire. Wow.  I'm confused but who wouldn't be after reading that?  Was it meant to be something for the couples to discuss  or did Boob (& other dads) decide to use it as a guide for potential suitors? Many of the questions say "we" meaning the couple. Some of them said "me" which confused me - did they mean "me" as your potential spouse or "me" as the Dad checking out suitors? (Example: "would you share with me your guide in reading the Bible?" or something like that.)  Some of the questions reminded me of ones we discussed 32 years at our premarital counseling sessions (which were done in a group setting with our minister. Just general questions, nothing too specific or embarrassing.)  There was a lot of repetition in the Questionnaire questions especially involving children & birth control.  BTW, I guess Ben skipped the whole section about having a job & how he would provide for his family.

Sorry, I didn't mean to be so confusing but if the Questionnaire would have been written better, I wouldn't have these questions.  

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33 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

I finally read the Questionnaire. Wow.  I'm confused but who wouldn't be after reading that?  Was it meant to be something for the couples to discuss  or did Boob (& other dads) decide to use it as a guide for potential suitors? Many of the questions say "we" meaning the couple. Some of them said "me" which confused me - did they mean "me" as your potential spouse or "me" as the Dad checking out suitors? (Example: "would you share with me your guide in reading the Bible?" or something like that.)  Some of the questions reminded me of ones we discussed 32 years at our premarital counseling sessions (which were done in a group setting with our minister. Just general questions, nothing too specific or embarrassing.)  There was a lot of repetition in the Questionnaire questions especially involving children & birth control.  BTW, I guess Ben skipped the whole section about having a job & how he would provide for his family.

Sorry, I didn't mean to be so confusing but if the Questionnaire would have been written better, I wouldn't have these questions.  

I don't think that's specifically Boob's questionnaire, just an example of what some questions might look like. Boob also apparently leaves space for responses, hence 50 pages. Most of it is blank space, and even so, Jeremy expanded on it and sent his back with mini essays for each question. LOL

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I think the questionnaire is just Boob's tool to mark his territory. The answers really don't  matter, because if they did then there's no way Bin would've made the cut. A potential suitor could list "serial killer" as occupation, but as long as he's willing to hand his balls over to KJB, he's good to go.

Edited by BitterApple
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Boob probably had to look up half the words Jeremy used anyway. Jeremy may be many bad things, but he's very erudite. I mean, "defile the wedding bed?" Does anyone here really think any Duggar understood that aside from context? 

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2 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Boob probably had to look up half the words Jeremy used anyway. Jeremy may be many bad things, but he's very erudite. I mean, "defile the wedding bed?" Does anyone here really think any Duggar understood that aside from context? 

You got that right. I can just picture JD trying to make a joke out of it.  Along the same lines as he did with Wrap (music vs food).

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4 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

I can't figure out why Jeremy was grilled about a second job to pay for thrift store outings and Ben was given a pass on the whole supporting his family?  

Bc with Bin there was full disclosure - he was 18 yrs old with no job, so JB knew that if he said yes, he'd have to provide the kid a job so he could support his daughter. JB was fine with that bc he can afford to support their household and prefers it that way bc then Bin HAS TO dance to his tune bc he's taking his money. Jer - as of right now - won't be taking his money; so JB needs to make sure he is making "enough" and needs to insinuate that it can't possibly be enough to support a family + Jing's thrift store habit so that Jer can be on the defensive and "prove" his worth. And if this effort is successful as far as JB is concerned, it plants the seed in Jer's mind that he can't possibly support a wife and family and they needs to settle near JB and use his financial backing. That to JB would be the ultimate success -- another son in law who MUST live as JB wants bc he's under constant risk of the money being cut off otherwise.

19 minutes ago, Barb23 said:

You got that right. I can just picture JD trying to make a joke out of it.  Along the same lines as he did with Wrap (music vs food).

Definitely. If they repeated this statement to the older kids, I bet more than one would have to think about it -- and I bet they'd wonder "why would you have files in the marital bed? Meaning file folders? Does that mean a working wife or husband who brings his/her work home and reads it at night bc uh uh -- no WAY will I have THAT kind of spouse . . . ."

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If Jinger's thrift store habit is so out of control that Babe has to get another job, we can add that to the list of fails: can't cook, can't raise their own children, can't clean a house, can't be alone without an adult, can't 'by used and save the difference'.

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36 minutes ago, sometimesy said:

If Jinger's thrift store habit is so out of control that Babe has to get another job, we can add that to the list of fails: can't cook, can't raise their own children, can't clean a house, can't be alone without an adult, can't 'by used and save the difference'.

How much thrift shop nick-knacks do Jin & Babe need for his little man cave of an apartment?

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1 hour ago, ariel said:

How much thrift shop nick-knacks do Jin & Babe need for his little man cave of an apartment?

Well, there's the thing...eventually he'll have to pay for a bigger apartment as well, for nick-kacks, children, and whatever else they collect.

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There isn't much of a dating pool for the ultra fundies.

Ben isn't really bad, going by their standards. He is decent looking and has a reasonably normal personality, not like some weirdo freak. He is friendly and made jessa feel special. 

Edited by Marigold
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30 minutes ago, kalamac said:

He got her out of a cramped dorm, into a house that wasn't crawling with lost kids, and he seems like he'd be easy to manipulate.

And he's attractive? May not be everyone's type but I'm sure hottie Jessa was scared she'd end up with a guy who looks like her brothers -- pudgy, pale, hair issues by the time they're in their early 20s . . . .

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26 minutes ago, Marigold said:

There isn't much of a dating pool for the ultra fundies.

Ben isn't really bad, going by their standards. He is decent looking and has a reasonably normal personality, not like some weirdo freak. He is friendly and made jessa feel special. 

Also, he was interested in Jessa enough to haul his family all the way from their home to the Duggars' church services so he could meet her and her family. Which shows a level of initiative that the Duggarlings seem to generally lack. He's also more self-confident and able to interact with new people than his wife and most of her siblings. Edited to add: I suppose that last bit is covered by "friendly." Oh, well, just consider me the department of redundant redundancy tonight, lol.

Edited by Jeeves
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That Ben "passsed" the 50 page questionnaire, especially as a 17 year old (I'm assuming you need to do this to even TALK to the girls one on one), proves that Boob barely reads the answers, although the girls claim they see the answers (but when?). As for Ben, he got up to the homechurch before his 18th birthday and would have said anything that he knew was the "right" answer to get the "hot" Duggar daughter. If nothing else, he's a people person. 

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4 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

That Ben "passsed" the 50 page questionnaire, especially as a 17 year old (I'm assuming you need to do this to even TALK to the girls one on one), proves that Boob barely reads the answers, although the girls claim they see the answers (but when?). As for Ben, he got up to the homechurch before his 18th birthday and would have said anything that he knew was the "right" answer to get the "hot" Duggar daughter. If nothing else, he's a people person. 

Maybe this explains the year long courtship. Jim Bob gave him time to get up to snuff. 

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2 hours ago, luvmylabs said:

Just remembering how hopeful everyone was when Derick entered the picture.  He had a college degree, he had traveled.  Just goes to show that we can be mistaken!

We are just a bunch of cockeyed optimists!

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On 10/30/2016 at 11:58 AM, tabloidlover said:

I can't figure out why Jeremy was grilled about a second job to pay for thrift store outings and Ben was given a pass on the whole supporting his family?  

Because Jeremy is a threat to JB and even though Babe gives off a too-slick, game-show host vibe to me, I love that one of JB's precious daughters/trade chips is going to marry a guy that JB can't quite figure out how to stare down.

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8 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Maybe this explains the year long courtship. Jim Bob gave him time to get up to snuff. 

He certainly flunked the financials. At the timme, he just helped his dad with the windshields. He started answering phones at the insurance place around the time he started community college, which coincides with the beginning of the courtship.

Edited by Sew Sumi
Spellcheck, you suck
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Just now, Sew Sumi said:

He certainly flunked the financials. At the rime, he just helped his dad with the windshields. He started answering phones at the insurance place around the time he started community college, which coincides with the beginning of the courtship.

IMO he was on a much better path before he got together with Princess Jessa.

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14 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

That Ben "passsed" the 50 page questionnaire, especially as a 17 year old (I'm assuming you need to do this to even TALK to the girls one on one), proves that Boob barely reads the answers, although the girls claim they see the answers (but when?). As for Ben, he got up to the homechurch before his 18th birthday and would have said anything that he knew was the "right" answer to get the "hot" Duggar daughter. If nothing else, he's a people person. 

Here goes:

Likeminded precious Lord, prayer for  modest homeschool Walk through Season of life,  purity standard courtship rules. Fellowship mission Heart for children, frugal and skills for life.  Precious Jesus  don't have debt, leave in the Lord's hands, blessings and gratefulness. Amen.


Copy and paste times 50.

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On 10/30/2016 at 1:08 PM, Sew Sumi said:

Boob probably had to look up half the words Jeremy used anyway. Jeremy may be many bad things, but he's very erudite. I mean, "defile the wedding bed?" Does anyone here really think any Duggar understood that aside from context? 

Normally, they would never understand such language, but that's a pretty standard fundy catchphrase. I'm fairly sure it's one that Gothard used. They love phrases like that because many of them believe that 17th century English is somehow more holy, thus the belief in many fundy denominations that only the King James version is the true bible.

15 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

He certainly flunked the financials. At the timme, he just helped his dad with the windshields. He started answering phones at the insurance place around the time he started community college, which coincides with the beginning of the courtship.

I've long suspected that Ben and Jessa's courtship, which over and over they have discussed as being quite a bit longer than the other two, was because Boob didn't find his financial situation up to snuff. Of course, Boob readily agreed to a quick proposal when it came to Babe, because ratings. He wanted to make sure it made it into this season of the show. I love how Jeremy said that the thrift store grilling "came out of nowhere," and also referenced Boob sitting there cramming an enormous chocolate muffin in his mouth. While remaining respectful, I think he was sneakily letting his true feelings about his soon to be father known.

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I finally got around to watching the last 15 minutes of this fascinating retrospective on Duggar courtships.

I noticed one point where Jill is trying to put her arms around Derrick, who stood firmly planted and refused to uncross his own arms.  Awkward.

Where did Jana get the money to buy the tattoo shop, and what is she planning on doing with it?

And Babe?  I have a feeling you're not going to have any trouble going forward with surprising Jinge.  As she doesn't really seem capable of forethought, I have a feeling you could surprise the heck out of her by bringing home a Filet-o Fish from McDonald's for dinner instead of a cheeseburger.

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I grew up IFB and I use the word "defile" a lot.  It's in my core vocabulary.  ;)  My kids use it too.  People always crack up when I say it, like where the heck did I get such a crazy word.  Seems normal to me!

Jeremy needs to up his vocab game. 

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

I finally got around to watching the last 15 minutes of this fascinating retrospective on Duggar courtships.

I noticed one point where Jill is trying to put her arms around Derrick, who stood firmly planted and refused to uncross his own arms.  Awkward.

Where did Jana get the money to buy the tattoo shop, and what is she planning on doing with it?

And Babe?  I have a feeling you're not going to have any trouble going forward with surprising Jinge.  As she doesn't really seem capable of forethought, I have a feeling you could surprise the heck out of her by bringing home a Filet-o Fish from McDonald's for dinner instead of a cheeseburger.

yeah...they really glossed over that, I was like..."Wait...what??"

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Yeah, I remember questioning how Jana got almost $100k to but that place when we found the county record. Even as an adult, she's never been featured like Smuggar, Jill, or Jessa. Even i.e. the current Counting On format, it appears that all the kidults are getting paid (going by the show promos), but that's still not a lot of money when split like 9 ways, not to mention a likely cut for Boob in there as well. I doubt this iteration earns them nowhere close than to what 19 Kids earned at its peak (rumored $50k/episode) due to the advertiser boycott.

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