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Moonlight (2016)

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A timeless story of human connection and self-discovery, Moonlight chronicles the life of a young black man from childhood to adulthood as he struggles to find his place in the world while growing up in a rough neighborhood of Miami.

I just came from seeing this, and I thought it was stunning -  both the look of the film and the performances.

It's not easy to describe what this movie is about, as the description above (courtesy of IMDB) attests. We see the main character, Chiron, at three stages of his life, as he struggles with his sexuality and confronts homophobic bullying. As a pre-teen, he's played by Alex Hibbert; Ashton Sanders plays him during his high school years; and Trevante Rhodes plays him as an adult. All of these actors are excellent. Mahershala Ali as Chiron's surrogate father is sublime. Naomie Harris and Janelle Monae are also great. And this film just reinforced my love for Andre Holland. I mean it when I say this film has no bad performances. 

It's aching to watch Chiron fight himself and close himself off as a result of the homophobia he encounters.

The experience of watching this film left me feeling simultaneously melancholy and euphoric. This is one that will stay with me for a while.

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Ditto to everything you said. I saw it a week or so ago (yay free screening!) and was so moved. I was not expecting it to be *that* good on every level. The movie looks beautiful and there is not one weak performance-I don't know who I would say was the best actor in it. I also liked that it showed an aspect of Miami that never gets shown and avoids typical Miami on film cliches (I've never been there).

I am definitely seeing this again and will happily pay.

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Saw this last night.  Easily the best movie I've seen all year.  Totally agree that the 3 actors playing the stages of Chiron's life were all great.  There wasnt any weak links here.  

One thing that struck me and my friend wasnt even really about the movie itself..but about the moviegoers.  Usually a movie with an all black or majority black cast will garner a majority black audience....but only speaking for the theater I was in, we were pleasantly surprised to see that it was actually a majority white audience.  That got us into a discussion about why?  Was it because of the gay black male (who isnt the stereotypical hairdresser/flamboyant type) dynamic and curious to see what THAT looks like?  Maybe most were House of Cards fans and really liked Remy?  I dont know,  it was just something we noticed and thought was interesting. 

One personal gripe I have is the ending. I WANTED the payoff!  A kiss at the very least.  I can understand why they ended it the way they did but damnit I wanted that kiss.

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Apparently the second act started just after his death, although references to it were blink-and-you'll-miss them.

It was easily the best-made movie I've seen in theaters all year. I'd have a hard time picking who to nominate for Best Actor, though, with the main character divided among three actors and no one performance being clearly superior to the others (or to Ali's, Holland's, or Harris'). They need a Best Ensemble Oscar.

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On 12/3/2016 at 11:07 PM, Bruinsfan said:

Apparently the second act started just after his death, although references to it were blink-and-you'll-miss them.

Okay thank you. I overheard someone say something about a funeral while walking out of the theater, but I missed it.

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I LOVED this movie. I haven't felt that invested in a character (Chiron) in a long time. I cared so deeply about him it that it was as if he were real. He was a fully fleshed out character, and it was beautiful. Also, the attraction and friendship between Chiron and Kevin was just so complex and captivating to watch. All of the performances in this movie are excellent and award worthy. 

It was also nice to see a movie with an entirely black cast. The world didn't end! Amazing.

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One of my favorite movies of the year! I had read a review of the movie before I went to see it. It made it clear it wasn't spoilery and was about movies about black people usually being about black pathology and this movie wasn't different. So despite that review, I really wanted to see it because I haven't seen a movie like this advertised that made me say, "I want to spend my money and time at a theatre on it."

The review was wrong. It dealt with issues that are usually in stories about black pathology but they weren't what the movie was about. You could've changed the setting and taken those issues out and it replaced them with something else and it would've still worked. Trevante Rhodes as Black killed me. His face sold me in every scene especially while on the phone with Kevin, at the diner table with Kevin and before they really start talking in Kevin's apartment.

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I went to see Moonlight today. I came away heartbroken for Chiron's loneliness and only slightly hopeful about his future. I was just glad that he was able to reconnect with Kevin and have an intimate connection with another human being. The movie was beautifully filmed and every actor gave sublime performances. I hope the actors and the movie are recognized for the amazing piece of art that it is. I hope that Ashton Sanders and Trevante Rhodes get steady work in Hollywood.

Edited by SimoneS
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On 11/27/2016 at 3:58 PM, FuriousStyles said:

One personal gripe I have is the ending. I WANTED the payoff!  A kiss at the very least.  I can understand why they ended it the way they did but damnit I wanted that kiss.

yeah, that would have been a nice touch....but I get too get why it didn't happen

finally got to see this today....i found out about this movie in December and by that time the only place it was playing was at an independent theater 1 hour from my house and was only playing at 10 pm...so i figured i'd have to wait until DVD but then i think because it won the golden globe it expanded back out again and i was able to see it a theater closer to my house (though i still had to travel about 30 min)

so, just like the other movies i've seen (manchester, la la land) this too lived up to the hype...and then some.....while i thought all of the performances were really really good, i especially felt for teenage chiron...oh man i just wanted to give him a hug! i'm glad to see he still had a relationship with teresa after juan died and as an adult.....i really liked adult kevin, i wasn't crazy about teenage kevin but maybe it was that i just couldn't connect with the actor who played him...it wasn't because of the bullying scene, i just didn't really care for him as a teen

M.Ali was so so so so so good! that last scene with him and Chiron......such good drama.....i hope he continues winning all the awards (minus the globes fiasco)

this movie reminded me a lot of the book white oleander, the book, not the movie....two totally different stories but what reminded me of both main characters is that both of them became someone they weren't due to their traumatic experiences....and that even though there was light at the end for both characters, they were still and will always be damaged characters...and the two scenes with them confronting their mothers were similar as well, it's what i love about coming of age stories

if this movie does not win oscar for best movie...there better be a boycott lol....and while i liked la la land, if that wins over moonlight i will not be happy, plus i think moonlight or manchester should be winning for screenplay, not la la land!

Edited by snickers
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This film finally came to my area, but even then, I had to travel to a theater farther away to finally see it.  Totally worth it though.

Because, yeah, I love this movie.  Certainly the best I've seen this year (2017), but even including with 2016s (since that is when it technically came out), I still think it might be my favorite (bouncing around between this and Hell or High Water).  It was close to perfect.  Incredibly directed and written (can't believe this is Barry Jenkins first feature film.  That man is going places), realistic, but beautiful to look at, relatable and multi-layered characters, and powerful acting.  All three actors playing Chiron were perfect, and I liked the minor differences we saw, but I still believed that they were the same person, only with more experience and more broken, as the film progressed (also, when he was Black at the end, I felt like they made him carry himself like Juan at times.)  I was equally impressed with the three different actors they got for Kevin as well.  Just well done, on all parts.

Mahershala Ali has always been one of my favorites, so I was looking forward to seeing him here.  And blew me the fuck away.  I swear, he's going to be the one where I'll hurl something at the TV if he doesn't get the Oscar (I know he's got the backing from the critics, but Aaron Taylor-Johnson somehow winning the Globe is making me more cautious.)  I know it might be a variation of the "criminal with a heart of gold", but Ali just did it in a way that didn't feel phony or sappy, but made Juan seem like a real person, who can do both bad and good things.  The scene where he taught Chiron to swim was beautiful, and his final scene was heartbreaking.

Equally loved Naomi Harris, and I'm kind of bummed she hasn't been getting as much hype as Ali for the award seasons.  I wonder if it's just a timing issue, and she would be a bigger contender if this didn't end up kind of being the Year of Viola Davis, for the Supporting Actress category.  But she was fantastic, and made Paula equally awful, but sympathetic.  My favorite non-Chiron scene was when Juan confronted her about the drugs, and she pointed out how all the drugs she uses come from him.  Certainly doesn't excuse her and she still is a horrible mother, but it did shine a light on how Juan's own actions have hurt Chiron, even though I think he truly cared for him.  The look on his face when he realized this was amazing.

Janelle Monae certainly seems to be on her way to being one of the best singer turned actresses, between this and the raves I've heard about her on Hidden Figures.

I figured Juan wasn't going to make it to the end, but I was shocked that they had if after the first chapter and only briefly mentioned.  And they never explained what happen, but I guess it involved his career dealing drugs.

All of the scenes with Chiron dealing with being gay, homophobia, and bullying, were equally powerful and didn't feel like they were taking a sledgehammer to my head.

I actually liked the quiet ending and nothing major or shocking happened.  I'd like to believe that Chiron will slowly accept himself and get out of the drug life, and he and Kevin can make it work.  Just a simple, but happy ending.

Totally hope it gets some deserved trophies, even though I suspect La La Land will still be the one to beat.  Again though, if Mahershala Ali isn't walking up on stage to get Best Supporting Actor in a month, then something is really, really wrong with the Academy.

Edited by thuganomics85
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Naomi Harris was outstanding as Paula. I don't pay attention to the buzz, but if she isn't get any that sucks because she does deserve an Oscar nomination as does Mahershala Ali and Trevante Rhodes. 

I struggled with Paula. While for Chiron's sake, I was glad that she finally seemed to be on the road to recovery, I couldn't forgive her for destroying Chiron with her neglect and homophobia. Thank goodness that he had Juan and Teresa and that she stayed in his life after Juan's death, but Paula's failure as a mother was unforgivable.

Juan teaching Chiron to swim was beautiful and visually stunning. I also loved the conversation at the table when Chiron asked what was a "f" and if he was one and then about his mother using drugs and Juan selling drugs. It was such a painful and well acted scene by Alex Hibbert, young Chiron.

Edited by SimoneS
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I struggled with Paula. While for Chiron's sake, I was glad that she finally seemed to be on the road to recovery, I couldn't forgive her for destroying Chiron with her neglect and homophobia. Thank goodness that he had Juan and Teresa and that she stayed in his life after Juan's death, but Paula's failure as a mother was unforgivable.

I agree.  I will say that I wasn't expecting her to have a genuine turn around at the end and I loved the final scene with her telling him that he didn't have to love her because she knows she failed him.  I was pleasantly surprised by that part.  But, you're right, nothing excuses that horrible way she treated him while he was growing up.  Who knows how he would have ended up if not for Juan and Teresa.

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Honestly, my heart literally hurt when it was revealed that Chiron was dealing drugs. I know that it was probably inevitable, but I was hoping that he had taken another road. I was also crushed when Kevin revealed that he had done time also. I am not convinced that Chiron can get out of the life. He would have to move far away and I don't think Miami is far enough, but I want to believe that he would find a way out and find some happiness with Kevin who might be the only person who can breakthrough his loneliness and walls. Here is an article with the film's cast and crew speculating about Chiron's future after the movie ends: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/moonlight-chiron-end_us_5810f815e4b0990edc2ec6fa

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Moonlight got quite a few Oscar nominations. I am not sure what the buzz is with the movie, but hopefully Hollywood is embarrassed into do in the right thing and giving the film and cast their deserving wins.

  • Best Picture
  • Best Director - Barry Jenkins
  • Best Actor in a Supporting Role - Mahershala Ali
  • Best Actress in a Supporting Role - Naomie Harris
  • Best Adapted Screenplay
  • Best Film Editing
  • Best Original Score
  • Best Cinematography
Edited by SimoneS
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I'm thinking/hoping it will have a great shot with Adapted Screenplay, since it won't have to compete against some of the other frontrunners like La La Land or Manchester by the Sea.  Unless either Fences or Hidden Figures gets a surge, I can see it at least getting that.

Really hope Mahershala Ali takes it, although I wonder if Manchester's Lucas Hedges could be a spoiler.  I still think Naomi Harris won't, since Viola Davis seems to have all the buzz.

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Is this movie really good or great and worth watching? I read that it is a good contender to win Best Picture.

Ex. Birdman won Best Picture 2 years ago but I didn't like that film! 

So I found out that it's a gay movie, I am gonna pass on this one.

Edited by piequinn35
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Me too, I think his performance is the best I've seen all year.


I wonder if that Oscars So White mess really motivated filmmakers working on primarily black pictures to step up their game, or if it's just a coincidence that this, Hidden Figures, and Fences all hit the box office so close to one another?

Edited by Bruinsfan
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7 hours ago, Bruinsfan said:

I wonder if that Oscars So White mess really motivated filmmakers working on primarily black pictures to step up their game, or if it's just a coincidence that this, Hidden Figures, and Fences all hit the box office so close to one another?

probably a little bit of both, i think for sure there are more movies for black actors/actresses to get nominated for this year as compared to last year

because the only performances/movies i remember people being really upset about was beasts of no nation not getting recognition, and will smith for concussion, i don't remember any upset over an actress not getting a nomination


On 1/26/2017 at 4:55 PM, piequinn35 said:

Is this movie really good or great and worth watching? I read that it is a good contender to win Best Picture.

Ex. Birdman won Best Picture 2 years ago but I didn't like that film! 

So I found out that it's a gay movie, I am gonna pass on this one.

I may not be able to change your mind on this, but I don't really consider this a "Gay movie", sure the main character is gay, but it is more of a story about a young man finding himself and as M.Ali said in his speech yesterday, "folding into himself".

It does not have any explicit gay sex scenes and it is not anything like Birdman! I agree birdman was kinda odd, but i did like it, minus the ending

I would classify the movie as very very good, maybe not great, but a solid movie worthy of best picture-more so than jackie, manchester, arrival and especially la la land! Haven't seen hidden figures or fences aka hidden fences yet so i can't say if those two movies deserve the win over moonlight, but for the movie's i've seen so far, this one is the most deserving.

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I liked Hidden Figures a lot, but I think Moonlight is the better film, with the more groundbreaking performances. It definitely has the better Mahershala Ali performance, he was merely good in the former and outstanding in the latter. (Janelle Monae was great in both; I can't recall ever seeing an actress debut with two such capable performances in a row. )

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On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2016 at 3:58 PM, FuriousStyles said:

Saw this last night.  Easily the best movie I've seen all year.  Totally agree that the 3 actors playing the stages of Chiron's life were all great.  There wasnt any weak links here.  

One thing that struck me and my friend wasnt even really about the movie itself..but about the moviegoers.  Usually a movie with an all black or majority black cast will garner a majority black audience....but only speaking for the theater I was in, we were pleasantly surprised to see that it was actually a majority white audience.  That got us into a discussion about why?  Was it because of the gay black male (who isnt the stereotypical hairdresser/flamboyant type) dynamic and curious to see what THAT looks like?  Maybe most were House of Cards fans and really liked Remy?  I dont know,  it was just something we noticed and thought was interesting. 

One personal gripe I have is the ending. I WANTED the payoff!  A kiss at the very least.  I can understand why they ended it the way they did but damnit I wanted that kiss.

This. I really enjoyed this as well but after watching poor Chiron stifle his true self for most of his life, I needed to see some sort of "finally I get to be happy!' payoff. What I really wanted was a shot of the two of them curled up in bed together, sleeping, with the early morning sun creeping through the blinds, but I would've settled for the kiss.  

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On 1/30/2017 at 8:03 PM, snickers said:

It does not have any explicit gay sex scenes and it is not anything like Birdman! I agree birdman was kinda odd, but i did like it, minus the ending

I hated Birdman. I was annoyed when it won.

On 1/19/2017 at 8:16 PM, SimoneS said:

Honestly, my heart literally hurt when it was revealed that Chiron was dealing drugs. I know that it was probably inevitable, but I was hoping that he had taken another road. I was also crushed when Kevin revealed that he had done time also. I am not convinced that Chiron can get out of the life. He would have to move far away and I don't think Miami is far enough, but I want to believe that he would find a way out and find some happiness with Kevin who might be the only person who can breakthrough his loneliness and walls. Here is an article with the film's cast and crew speculating about Chiron's future after the movie ends: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/moonlight-chiron-end_us_5810f815e4b0990edc2ec6fa

I gave a heavy sigh. It was inevitable though. He grew up around drugs - his mother used, his father figure was a dealer. He grew up in the life. I don't think Miami is far enough either, particularly since he came of age around the drug trade there. I think Kevin could be a positive influence - what he said about having a simple but happy life really resonated with me. But it would take a lot of work for him to get out of the life.

Mahershalala Ali and Janelle Monae are both excellent. I saw them both in Hidden Figures and it was wonderful to see them again. That scene with Juan and Little in the ocean was one of the most beautiful scenes I can recall in film. I love the water, and it was so beautiful to see these two black males enjoying it. Forgetting about their lives for a second, the younger putting total trust in the elder and the elder living up to it, just happy. So gorgeous.

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I saw this movie over a week ago and I'm still thinking about it. It was a hard film to watch sometimes but every frame of it was beautiful. I find myself seeking out some of the film's scenes online. I was quite surprised to hear that Barry Jenkins is straight because I thought the third act had a great 'male gaze' showcasing the men. Wonderful. My heart was broken right from "I want to thank you for the opportunity. "

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I loved Barry Jenkins breaking down the swimming lesson scene with Little and Juan. Thanks for sharing. I decided to by the movie when it comes out on DVD to support the filmmakers and actors, but honestly I don't know if I could re-watch it because it was so damn hauntingly painful and heartbreaking. There were moments in the movie that made me feel like my heart was shattering in pieces. 

Edited by SimoneS
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I finally saw this via iTunes rental, since it never came to theatres here.  It was good, but the amount of hype around it was probably impossible to live up to.  In particular, I feel like I came away knowing almost nothing about Chiron despite him being the subject of the story.

Beautiful cinematography, though.

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It saddens me that Mahershala Ali & Naomie Harris were the only two actors, albeit well deserved, to receive serious award season traction for their performances, because the entire cast is pretty phenomenal.

Trevante Rhodes, Ashton Sanders, Andre Holland, and Jharrel Jerome definitely were also very worthy of major awards consideration imo.

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I'm kind of torn on Ashton Sanders—I suspect his closed-down performance as teenage Chiron was spot on for the character at that time of his life, but he was so blank affect that I wasn't actually enjoying it as it was happening.

Everyone else just blew me away. I think it'll be a travesty if Mahershala Ali doesn't win.

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It's hard for me to stay objective when it comes to this movie. I see myself quite a bit in it.

I was a white boy from a small town in germany, not a black boy from a rough neighbourhood in the US. But I grew up without a father. My mother never used drugs, but she always defined herself solely about her work. Even when I was little, though back then she managed to maintain a somewhat good balance, but around the time I was nine or ten all her work wasn't enough enymore and she took a job that was way more damanding, quite a bit further away than before. Meaning she was at work most of the time and even when she was at home she would continue working. I really had no adult to turn to with my problems for many years.

From age ten to twelve I was also mercilessly bullied. It mostly stopped when I changed schools to a lower tier, but this being a small twon there was no way to completely avoid these boys.

I also had a childhood friend. I think the two years I was bullied we saw each other sparingly. He was at another school and I was busy trying not to kill myself. When I changed schools we reconnected since he was going to that same school. Eventually, I think we must have been 13 or 14 we had sex a few times in one night. Afterwards he was often very mean to me in public and sided with the kids who had bullied me (most of them lived on his street). Now I think he was scared somebody would find out, but as a teenager I didn't really understand what was going on. In any case, it was a dick move and I really think it fucked me up quite a bit.

This has been more than 15 years ago. So I doubt I'll ever get that cathartic scene from the end of the movie, where he tells me he is sorry and we can reconnect. But it is nice to imagine.

Weirdly enough I felt quite a bit detached from the movie while watching it. But I think at some point when it became too personal I had built up a wall. Since it ended it has been hitting me a few times and I have replayed the ending scene where the two are cuddling a few times.

From my perspective this was an amazing and profound movie, but again, I'm not very objective here.


On 5.2.2017 at 0:34 AM, wlk68 said:

This. I really enjoyed this as well but after watching poor Chiron stifle his true self for most of his life, I needed to see some sort of "finally I get to be happy!' payoff. What I really wanted was a shot of the two of them curled up in bed together, sleeping, with the early morning sun creeping through the blinds, but I would've settled for the kiss.  

I would have prefered them cuddling with their shirts off. In bed, somewhere else no matter. With their shirts on there was still too much between them. They were close, but not close enough, not after all that has happened.

Edited by Miles
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So.... things got insane at the Oscars!  Good news is Mahershala Ali won Best Supporting Actor and the film won Best Adapted Screenplay.  Great news is it won BEST PICTURE!!!!!  Bad news is it won it in the most screwed up way possible.  There was some kind of screw-up, and Warren Beatty (the presenter) basically Steve Harvey-ed the thing, declared La La Land the winner, and the producers had to go up and tell them it was actually Moonlight that won.  That led to a whole lot of awkwardness for everyone, and I just felt bad for pretty much everyone involved in both films.

Still, I can't believe Moonlight pulled it off!  Really hope people look past all the ceremony craziness and check this film out.  Congrats to everyone involved!

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Congrats to Moonlight cast and crew! Well deserved for Barry Jenkins and Mahershala Ali! I just read about the mix up at the Oscars, but maybe the additional press will help the movie get back into more theatres. Everyone I know who saw it had to travel far and wide to find a theatre that showed it.

Edited by SimoneS
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I was pleasantly surprised with the win, even amidst all the confusion! I thought it would be too "Arthouse-y" to capture the votes needed.  I thought it definitely earned Ali, and best adapted screenplay, and had a thought it might have an outside shot at score, but didn't think it had the legs for Best Picture.

Unfortunately I'm worried it will be cited as another example of a film that doesn't have a lasting impact as a film and therefore wasn't worthy of the Best Picture prize. It's become the new go-to for people looking for something to complain about at the Oscars, that because the film that won doesn't have as much of a following five years on, it obviously wasn't worthy, which is ridiculous. Hidden Figures, La La Land, and Arrival will all have much bigger rotations on streaming services twelve months from now, but that doesn't discount the quality of Moonlight.

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4 hours ago, starri said:

Honestly, I think La La Land would have been dumped with Crash and The Artist in the bin of winners who really, really didn't deserve it.

I agree with you except about The Artist, which I loved. : )

Anyway, congratulations to Moonlight.  I haven't seen it yet but I definitely plan to. 

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7 hours ago, starri said:

Honestly, I think La La Land would have been dumped with Crash and The Artist in the bin of winners who really, really didn't deserve it.

Remove The Artist and insert Titanic and I will agree 100%.  I thought The Artist was charming, a better love letter to silent movies than La La to musicals (though I swear I did enjoy it! Just not as an Oscar movie), and just made me so happy to watch.  That's not to say that I would have been opposed to The Descendants or Moneyball taking it (my second and third picks) but it stayed with me longer and with more vividness (if that's even a word) than the others.  

Same reason I was rooting for Moonlight, actually.  Other than La La and Hacksaw Ridge, I would have been fine with any of the nominees winning but Moonlight just stayed with me.  The acting, the story, the cinematography, the score, the direction, everything just came together perfectly and lingered in my mind long after I left the theater. 

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59 minutes ago, Gillian Rosh said:

SO happy with the Moonlight Best Picture win. And ecstatic for Mahershala Ali. This movie has stayed with me since I saw it, so I am gratified to see it get recognized by the Oscars.

Yes! It's great that 'The Little Film That Could' triumphed. Its continued success is very well deserved.

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7 hours ago, Dee said:

Yes! It's great that 'The Little Film That Could' triumphed. Its continued success is very well deserved.

Except of course, the headlines haven't been "Black, Queer Film Triumphs!"  They've been "White Producer Gracious in Defeat!"

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My verdict: Loved it! Moonlight not only richly deserved every Oscar it got-especially Best Picture- I think it deserved another for its stunning cinematography. The swimming scene alone was gorgeous. And the acting! The whole cast was flawless, especially Naomie Harris, Janelle Monae, Andre Holland, Trevante Rhodes and the actors who played young Chiron & Kevin, but Mahershala Ali was incredible. He managed to be both strong and vulnerable at the same time.

  The scenes with the adult Chiron and Kevin were beautiful. There was more chemistry and passion between Chiron and Kevin in the diner scene alone than in both 50 Shades movies combined, but ITA that they should have kissed at the end. As for "Oscargate," while I'm thrilled that Moonlight won, it's a shame that the victory of the first Best Picture winner with an all-Black cast, with an LGBT theme and featuring the first Muslim actor to win an Oscar had to be tainted because of someone else's mistake.  Moonlight is part social commentary, part coming-of-age-story and part love story. It both broke my heart and made me smile at the same time. It was perfection, from start to finish. 

Edited by DollEyes
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