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Unpopular Opinions Thread

Message added by Lady Calypso

Let's bring the discussion back to Unpopular Opinions about the show.  

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On 11/21/2016 at 11:01 PM, topanga said:

But I agree that too many people assume that it's easy to lose weight. That all it takes is knowledge and a light bulb moment. Often these thoughts come from people who are naturally thin and have no idea about being genetically overweight or having a food addiction. (Not saying that all overweight people have either of these issues. But many of us do). 

This might be truly unpopular, so perfect here right? :) I am the total opposite of Kate. I was a skinny child with an overweight, and later obese mom. All my childhood, people (distant relatives mostly) were telling me I needed to eat more - I had a huge appetite and was eating like a horse. Only my mom stopped them by telling them, you know, I give her her bath, and trust me she's not scrawny at all. Still, all these comments got to me and I started eating whatever "fattening" food I could find, which was mostly nuts because I was never a big fan of sweet things.

Then puberty hit, and I found myself with hips, ass and thighs which could no longer be called scrawny. Horror was exacerbated by the fact that, due to and ankle problem, I had to stop dancing for a while (I probably had about 5 hours ballet practice per week at the time). So I suddenly became much bigger and much softer. And in the same way that Rebecca was tone deaf, mine was too. She started telling me that it was normal, that all women put on weight as they aged. That may have been true for her and her friends, but the magazines were showing me people in their 40s who were slimmer that what I had become (that was back when plastic surgery wasn't even though of, even less so photoshop), so I started to think if this actress can look like that at 40, well I can too. And I did have a light bulb moment. My mom was sitting at the dining table, I was on a couch behind her, and I noticed how her body spread both sides of the chair, and at 16, I decided that I was not going that way and that getting big should not be the fatality I was told it was (thank you, older stars who were in the magazines). We used to eat a lot of very good food at home, and instead of eating all I liked, like I used to, I started skipping once out of two, or just having one piece of tart instead of two etc. And soon, I realised that I didn't actually miss the sweet stuff. I had been so conditioned to see it as a treat that my mind saw it as a treat, while my body, for a treat, would go for slices of dry sausage, or radishes, or pickles. I kid you not.

I now feel semi guilty, because when I cook, I just forget about dessert, it's like it's not even on my mental map. Sure, I have fruit and yogurt in the fridge, I like them in the morning, or as a snack, but would never reach for them after a meal (if I'm still hungry, I'm more likely to reach for a piece of bread - I love bread!)

My child loves baking (I don't) but doesn't eat much of the end produce, and me neither. If it's only the two of you, a chocolate bar can safely stay in the fridge for a month or more.        

  • Love 2
18 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I have trouble with these statistics because it's like saying only 5% of smokers quit on their first try so don't waste your time.  But given unlimited tries virtually all of us eventually quit, which is the important point.  I think after one diet, 97% of people probably regain the weight.  But generally we get better at it the more times we do it, just like any other learning experience or skill.  

But the  statistics aren't  just about their first try at dieting. There's no evidence to indicate that after many tries most people lose weight and keep it off. The statistics show that 97% of all people on all diets (their first or their fiftieth) regain the weight within 2 years.  We can all try to be in that 3%, though.

  • Love 1

I think those stats are close to the truth.  Whenever I see someone lose a lot kind of fast, they usually regain it.  I think "dieting" is the problem that leads to regaining weight.  My own lasting success only came when I quit that game.  I kept eating what I like which is more or less, most of the time, a variety of whole foods, little meat, but not restricting myself from anything all of the time.  If I want pizza, yes, mac and cheese, whatever it is.  But smaller portions, and I always have a little treat every day for my sweet tooth.  I lost weight soooo slowly, like averaging .5 lb. per week, some weeks a pound or two, then nothing for a couple.  But this is the way I always eat now, that's the key.  It's the long game, which some people don't have patience for.  By not denying myself, I don't binge on anything or get obsessed about what I'm missing.  I'm at an age where I feel like to hell with dietary restriction, I'm here to enjoy everything within reason.  I will never be thin, unless I'm very sick.  But I'm quite a bit thinner than I was, good health, and not obsessing about food all the time.  It took me many years to figure this out.

  • Love 16
10 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

I think those stats are close to the truth.  Whenever I see someone lose a lot kind of fast, they usually regain it.  I think "dieting" is the problem that leads to regaining weight.  My own lasting success only came when I quit that game.  I kept eating what I like which is more or less, most of the time, a variety of whole foods, little meat, but not restricting myself from anything all of the time.  If I want pizza, yes, mac and cheese, whatever it is.  But smaller portions, and I always have a little treat every day for my sweet tooth.  I lost weight soooo slowly, like averaging .5 lb. per week, some weeks a pound or two, then nothing for a couple.  But this is the way I always eat now, that's the key.  It's the long game, which some people don't have patience for.  By not denying myself, I don't binge on anything or get obsessed about what I'm missing.  I'm at an age where I feel like to hell with dietary restriction, I'm here to enjoy everything within reason.  I will never be thin, unless I'm very sick.  But I'm quite a bit thinner than I was, good health, and not obsessing about food all the time.  It took me many years to figure this out.

Amen to that!!!

  • Love 1
28 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

I think "dieting" is the problem that leads to regaining weight.  My own lasting success only came when I quit that game.  I kept eating what I like which is more or less, most of the time, a variety of whole foods, little meat, but not restricting myself from anything all of the time.

This is exactly the correct strategy for long-term success for most people. What really kills folks is portion size, not eating "bad foods," so eating small amounts of yummy stuff is the only way to stay sane and stick with it. Congrats to you by the way! 

  • Love 8

As of right now Miguel doesn't bother me. (Though I am definitely interested in learning about how Rebecca got with Miguel.) I think that he seems like he gets along well enough Rebecca, cares for Tess/Annie and seems to be respectful towards her family. That is good enough for me right now until the show starts to reveals more details about how he got with Rebecca.

I think that if it's shown that he didn't get with Rebecca until some time after Jack died but still supported her (and maybe also the kids) after he died that coukd cause more viewers to view him more favorably than what they are now.

If the show does a good job of developing his presence might actually end up being a bit comforting to more of the characters and even viewers (especially with Jack being deceased and William dying).

Edited by Jx223
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, izzybee said:


And there was nothing wrong with him wanting to partake in the hat tradition, either. He wanted to do it for his grandchildren. Kevin was within his right to say no, but there was no reason for him to be so hateful and rude about it. It was nice that Miguel wanted to do it and it was nice that Kevin ultimately let him. I don't know why he's being painted as a villain. 

I think that It's just some viewers that are seeing him in a bad light. I don't think that the writers are trying to paint him as a villian. I think they will end up painting him as sympathetic character and I think they are going to do that successfully. Though, I do think it may end up taking some time for them to do that.

Edited by Jx223
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I was a bit annoyed at how many of these hallowed, sacrosanct traditions they just HAD to observe every year.  The disgusting hot dog thing, the hike, the Pilgrim hat and the stupid movie.  Have these folks slavishly adhered to this list for over 25 years?  I can see maybe bringing out the hat and taking a short "hike" after the meal, but the almost religious significance of having all those specific items seems excessive in grown adults.  

And it's probably heinously unpopular, but I don't care for Milo/Jack.  I've just never liked his characters or how he & his pornstache come off in every episode so far.  I don't get anything genuine or nuanced in his acting, just constant grand gesturing and over-the-top scenery chewing. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Jx223 said:

I think that It's just some viewers that are seeing him in a bad light. I don't think that the writers are trying to paint him as a villian. I think they will end up painting him as sympathetic character and I think they are going to do that successfully. Though, I do think it may end up taking some time for them to do that.

Not a villain, but definitely not someone to be liked. I think that is intentional and really, if the show intends on making him a sympathetic character in the future, that definitely doesn't mean viewers will find him to be so. I think the show knows that and probably doesn't care because they are about the epic Rebecca/Jack love. But they still need to make every character sympathetic or complex or whatever they want to call it so as not to be accused of one-note writing or painting a character as a villain in order to "prop" a character or couple. Feels a little sneaky to showcase Miguel in one way and then after most likely viewers have developed a sour taste, throw something else out there when it will be much harder to change someone's viewpoint. Why not write these things earlier on and let viewers come to the conclusions on their own. 

Which leads me to an unpopular opinion.....I hate the show's promotion with all the crying talk. Like....what happens if you are told you are ABSOLUTELY GO ING TO CRY and you don't? Does that mean the show didn't do what it was supposed to or that there is something wrong with you? Plus, it's just annoying.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, HeyThere83 said:

Not a villain, but definitely not someone to be liked. I think that is intentional and really, if the show intends on making him a sympathetic character in the future, that definitely doesn't mean viewers will find him to be so. I think the show knows that and probably doesn't care because they are about the epic Rebecca/Jack love. But they still need to make every character sympathetic or complex or whatever they want to call it so as not to be accused of one-note writing or painting a character as a villain in order to "prop" a character or couple. Feels a little sneaky to showcase Miguel in one way and then after most likely viewers have developed a sour taste, throw something else out there when it will be much harder to change someone's viewpoint. Why not write these things earlier on and let viewers come to the conclusions on their own. 


IMO, Miguel really hasn't been shown doing anything to warrant being disliked outside of marrying Rebecca. And I don't even dislike him for that. At least one of the big three has issues with him but I think that is being shown to showcase some of the conflict in the family. Not necessarily to paint Miguel as a villain/someone who is supposed to always be disliked by the masses. I think that a lot of people are having negative reactions to him right now because they don't like that he married Rebecca. And I think that the writers understand and anticipated that.

I don't think the writers are trying to deceive anyone regarding Miguel because we don't know much about Miguel or the backstory behind him and Rebecca's romance. We don't know when,why or how they got together.

I think that the writers are going to try and do their best to showcase these things in a way to try and get eventually get a lot of the audience to accept Rebecca/Miguel. I don't know if it's going to work but I am interested in seeing how they go about that. I can think of some scenarios they could use to explain that backstory. 

Edited by Jx223
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1 hour ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

The reverence for the one f'ed up Thanksgiving annoyed me, too.  It's skillful writing when you can show how characters' prior experiences affect their lives today in subtle ways, but when you act like they had one unique day 25 years ago that totally redefined a national holiday for them for the rest of time?  That's just anvilicious, I think.  

Yes, you do have a point.  I think the point of the Thanksgiving was that it wasn't fucked up.  It could have been had it not been for Jack's imagination.  People today have this idea of what Thanksgiving is supposed to be, what you're supposed to eat, where you're supposed to go.  I remember one Thanksgiving, we went to a dinner theater and saw an ice show; they served a traditional Thanksgiving meal and it was fun.  I think sometimes people have expectations as to what Thanksgiving is supposed to be and then become disappointed when it doesn't work out.  

Randall didn't see that Thanksgiving as fucked up, he saw it as wonderful; which was why he recreated it with his own family, which ironically, negated the point of that particular Thanksgiving, to NOT stick to rigid traditions.  

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3 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

 I just think that Randall had a whole lot of other Thanksgivings to pick lovely moments from to carry forward, now that he knew it wouldn't always be drudgery.  I would think his wife and kids would appreciate some nostalgic traditions from a time they were in the pic, for example.  

Exactly.  Are any of them able to move past this total father worship and create a single new tradition, or has Jack's memory rendered them powerless to veer away from the previous path?

My family has a bunch of strange/silly/inexplicable traditions for various holidays, but we don't get manic and freak out if something gets missed.  

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I'm hanging on, here, hoping that "Manic Pixie Dream Dad" is just a phase the writers got stuck in to set up the emotional impact of Jack's death.  They certainly showed a willingness in the first couple episodes to make him a 3-D character who might even have flaws (gasp!).  But we've had a couple episodes now of Dear-Departed-Manic-Pixie-Dream-Dad Jack, not-quite-Mommie-Dearest Rebecca and Evil-Interloper Miguel.  I'm hoping for a little more balance in those portrayals soon.

Oh, and dragging William on the 3.4-mile hike?  I count at least 3 adults (Beth, Rebecca, and Kevin - can't blame Miguel or Olivia for not having standing to interfere) who enabled Randall's obsessiveness at the expense of a cancer patient.

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I said this on the other thread, but Randall's daughters are beginning to drive me nuts.  We know the show can write for 8 year-olds.  Maybe the younger child can't do anything but smile and make cute comments but the older actress can certainly deliver a line.  They exist as adorable props without their own opinions or personality.  And given they're important members of the family and part of the glue of the family, I think they deserve more attention.  Even with background business--couldn't we have seen the girls crowding around Olivia during the walk, even if it annoyed her?  Or complaining to grandma about being forced to share a room still?  Those are normal complaints.

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I can't stand Beth.  She is too outspoken and direct to the point of rudeness especially to Randall's family.  The way Randall brought up finding the letter at William's place at Thanksgiving dinner was so disrespectful of everyone at that dinner table.  I am not getting the love fest for Randall and Beth--they are both wound way too tightly for me!  I wish the show would spend more time on Kate's new job and her boss and her overweight daughter.

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, lark37 said:

I can't stand Beth.  She is too outspoken and direct to the point of rudeness especially to Randall's family.  The way Randall brought up finding the letter at William's place at Thanksgiving dinner was so disrespectful of everyone at that dinner table.  I am not getting the love fest for Randall and Beth--they are both wound way too tightly for me!  I wish the show would spend more time on Kate's new job and her boss and her overweight daughter.


14 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I don't 'love' Beth and Randall but I do really appreciate the talent of the actors who are playing them. 

I agree with both of you, although I like Randall more than Lark does.  Beth really irritates me.  But she is a realistic character, well acted.

Something I find interesting is how much "unpopular" seems to come down to local culture, or something like that.  On this site, liking Olivia and Toby would qualify as unpopular; elsewhere it is the consensus view (including the writers, I think).  Personally, I'm ambivalent about Toby, but I really like Olivia and her relationship with Kevin.

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My UO is that I think Mandy Moore is best at acting when she is portraying Rebecca in the current day. I totally buy her as an older lady. The costume, hair and glasses help, but she also does a thing with her posture that makes her seem like she's slowing down. I do not think Mandy Moore sells Rebecca as a 40-something at all. She does just fine as a 29 year old before having the kids, but she's really just playing Mandy Moore there.  And though I am growing tired of the Kate character, I think Chrissy Metz looks absolutely beautiful when she is crying, like in the dinner scene with Toby last week. It is the opposite of uglycrying.

  • Love 6

I like about five things in the The Trip:

1.  Sterling K Brown's line reading when he's discussing his "list" and why there isn't one for Beth and William.  He somehow added some humor there.  Brown is magic.  I want screenwriters to start making projects for him right now.  He's entirely his own thing--smart, nerdy, attractive, dignified, silly, and authentically angry when needed.  How has this actor been working steadily for 15 years and has not had a decent showcase before?  I know he was in OJ but that was last year.  I don't want him trapped by this show for the next seven years.  

2.  Toby hanging up on Kate because he has self respect and boundaries.

3.  Randall's mushroom POV and Kevin's face.

4.  Kevin's anger scale with Kate.

And that's it.  Everything else felt overdone and manipulative.  Sports settings (at the dojo) can allow for a certain level of corniness and sincerity.  I didn't hate that scene, but the push-ups were TOO MUCH.  Mandy being there was too much too.  That was a father/son thing.  Back off mommy. Go make a model plane with the other son.  Or teach your daughter scales.  

Edited by jeansheridan
  • Love 4
1 minute ago, SlackerInc said:

I still like Olivia and I'm still shipping her and Kevin.

I hate to admit it but I still have hopes for Olivia.  I think she brought the two other people out of fear of having to face her own problems and her moment of letting herself be 'real' with Kevin.  Having two other people there was a shield she could hide behind. 

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I'm putting this here as I am not sure where it belongs, and I'm not even really sure what I am trying to say, but it's something I've been thinking about and this seems the most appropriate venue to explore.  Soooooo.....

With each episode, I have become increasingly uncomfortable with how "awful" Rebecca is versus how "awesome" Jack is.  Now, she certainly made a decision regarding the adoption that is worthy of serious question, but in my opinion, not condemnation for which there is no redemption.  However that decision was made against two virtually sainted male characters in Jack and William, and directly impacts perhaps the most popular current age male, Randall.

So, in this case it's three 'good' guys to one 'awful' woman, so god help her, but it repeats something that is seen in other shows, almost a pattern, that folks dislike a woman character that they deem unworthy of their male counterparts, whether that is part of the storytellers intention or not. I think of folks hating Skylar White versus Walt or deeming Meredith Grey unworthy of McDreamy, to name a couple of other examples.

On this show they've had the lead female do something that I know many think is unforgivable, so I don't see how the character can recover regardless of what they intended for the story. 

So, I guess I don't really have a conclusion here other than I'm really concerned about how this plays out and really don't want to see it play out how I think it's going to play out...yet again.

Edited by pennben
  • Love 20

I actually know real people that behave like every character on this show. I know many people here feel like some of the character's actions and reactions are contrived. Uptight and overachieving Randall...I know him. Whiny and yearning for attention Kevin...I know him. Weight-obsessed and insecure Kate...I know her. Scared and overprotective Rebecca...I know her. Fun time Dad but demons underneath Jack...I know him. Former vice ridden and artistic William...I know him.  Quick-witted and blunt Beth...I know her. I even know the Tobys, Olivias, and Miguels in real life. So, I am buying that people like this exist in their own imperfect but human way.


So that is my UO. I find these people believable thus far...the whole lot of them.

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, pennben said:

 I think of folks hating Skylar White

I hated Skylar White for being a 24/7 bitch to everyone and felt that way no matter how I felt about her husband on any given day. Same with Rebecca. I thought her favoritism was detrimental to the whole family long before The Secret came out.  I don't think she's unworthy of Jack, I don't even find him very attractive -- now Young William?  Just my type.

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3 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Yeah, I think Rebecca's more heroic than deceitful for the adoption, and William is no hero to me.  I have no problem with a junkie single dad abandoning his kid at the fire station but if you're giving him up, give him up.  If you want to know him, arrange something temporary while you get clean and keep him.  He seemed to want the best of both worlds-- no responsibility but the perks of being there at his graduation, etc.?  

I defended Skyler White a lot, too.  She never bothered me.  

What happened to Randall's bio-mom, again?   She brought the baby home then died?  Or died in childbirth at home?

He did give him up.  Rebecca looked for and found him.  Twice.  He said he didn't even know their last name.  That would have been the end of it if she hadn't come looking.  So I can't fault him; once she came around, it would be only natural that he'd want to know more/be more.  But he didn't pursue it.  And apparently not for the next 25 years, either, from what we know so far. 

I think it was made to sound like bio-mom gave birth and died at home.  I am curious as to how that death was reported/handled.  Because childbirth would have been evident.

I also was never bothered by Skyler - so we have common ground after all!

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, jeansheridan said:

1.  Sterling K Brown's line reading when he's discussing his "list" and why there isn't one for Beth and William.  He somehow added some humor there.  Brown is magic.  I want screenwriters to start making projects for him right now.  He's entirely his own thing--smart, nerdy, attractive, dignified, silly, and authentically angry when needed.  How has this actor been working steadily for 15 years and has not had a decent showcase before?  I know he was in OJ but that was last year.  I don't want him trapped by this show for the next seven years.

Yes, yes, yes, and more yes.  No unpopular opinion about it, I love everything you wrote.

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11 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Yeah, I think Rebecca's more heroic than deceitful for the adoption, and William is no hero to me.  I have no problem with a junkie single dad abandoning his kid at the fire station but if you're giving him up, give him up.  If you want to know him, arrange something temporary while you get clean and keep him.  He seemed to want the best of both worlds-- no responsibility but the perks of being there at his graduation, etc.?

How does he "arrange something temporary"?  That sounds like a lot to expect a poor black junkie to figure out right after his lady love dies in childbirth.  I don't blame him for just wanting to make sure the baby's safe before he accidentally pulls a "Trainspotting" (oh man, did that disturb me the second time I saw it, after having kids) but then really wishing he could connect with his son once he got sober and came out of his haze.

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2 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I think if he went to any social services office they'd find a temporary foster placement for the baby and possibly even a rehab for William, or at the very least a methadone clinic.  

Or he might fear that he'd be arrested if he did that.  Even if that's not a real possibility, do you think a drug-addicted black man in 1979 (or even now) would be confident of that?

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It's fine to disagree, but I'd like it if you understood what my position actually is.  I didn't say he would be arrested for going to social services.  I very carefully made the distinction that he would be afraid of being arrested, and that even if that's not actually what would happen, it's very plausible to me that he might not be confident of that.

  • Love 4
On 11/30/2016 at 4:48 PM, jeansheridan said:

 Sterling K Brown's line reading when he's discussing his "list" and why there isn't one for Beth and William.  He somehow added some humor there.  Brown is magic.  I want screenwriters to start making projects for him right now.  He's entirely his own thing--smart, nerdy, attractive, dignified, silly, and authentically angry when needed.  How has this actor been working steadily for 15 years and has not had a decent showcase before?  I know he was in OJ but that was last year.  I don't want him trapped by this show for the next seven years.  

Maybe my dislike of the Randall character has influenced my opinion, but while I think Sterling is doing a fine job acting, i don't see where he's all that great. I think most of the actors are doing a good job with their characters. I'm particularly impressed with Mandy Moore and Justin Hartley. Mandy has mostly done romcoms and Hartley usually plays a shallow pretty boy. Both have shown some real acting range.  

This may be a dumb question, but who is Skyler White?

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I like Hartley in the lighter moments.  He is a natural clown, I suspect.  But being so handsome kept him from flat out comedies.  He seems to have the timing.

Our mileage will vary with Brown.  He was just so unknown to me.  All the other actors I have seen before.  The leads  I mean.  I just find his slight nerdiness appealing and unexpected.  If you look at still photos  of him he is almost model handsome/cool.  But in action the geek emerges.  

I have always like Mandy Moore.  She has pushed herself over the years.  She played that mean girl in Saved with relish.  And the pop star in the black comedy with Hugh Grant.  I think she leans edgier than her persona and agents have allowed.  She is fine in this but not great.  I honestly don't know what actress I would choose over her.  And I suspect she is a pleasant person to work with...prepared, deligient, but not brilliant.  

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I agree that the Miguel praising Rebecca and especially her posterior plot point, was the wrong way to go.  I feel like someone should have been smart enough to omit that, and just let us have the reveal at Randall and Beth's house with Senior Citizen Miguel and Rebecca.  The audience could be pleased or irate depending upon their predilections based upon the situation itself, while avoiding the hint of sleaze.  

I also agree (though this may be the popular one), Mandy's not that great shakes as an actress.  I mean, she's better as a career changer than Katharine McPhee (though that's a low bar); but when I see Mandy act, I think to myself about the cliche "what's one less actor/writer/whatever creative in the world?"

My unpopular opinion:  I'm not loving the show.  I'm in fact several episodes behind and don't have any trouble "batching it".  Normally this wouldn't bother me but clearly those who love it, really love it, or else we wouldn't have Walking Dead-sized threads about the episodes.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, queenanne said:

I agree that the Miguel praising Rebecca and especially her posterior plot point, was the wrong way to go.  I feel like someone should have been smart enough to omit that, and just let us have the reveal at Randall and Beth's house with Senior Citizen Miguel and Rebecca.  The audience could be pleased or irate depending upon their predilections based upon the situation itself, while avoiding the hint of sleaze.  

I also agree (though this may be the popular one), Mandy's not that great shakes as an actress.  I mean, she's better as a career changer than Katharine McPhee (though that's a low bar); but when I see Mandy act, I think to myself about the cliche "what's one less actor/writer/whatever creative in the world?"

My unpopular opinion:  I'm not loving the show.  I'm in fact several episodes behind and don't have any trouble "batching it".  Normally this wouldn't bother me but clearly those who love it, really love it, or else we wouldn't have Walking Dead-sized threads about the episodes.

Yep.  I just can't get past the bad acting but I do think Katherine McPhee is better.  I've only seen her in Scorpion (I've only watched it once in while when nothing else was on.  I think the show itself is pretty bad).  Oh, I gave up Walking Dead after about four episodes but I tried...

2 hours ago, breezy424 said:

  I just can't get past the bad acting but I do think Katherine McPhee is better. 

Holy shit really? Wow. McPhee must have found herself or something. She was the thing that made Smash almost unwatchable for me, which was sad as the rest of the cast was so good.

59 minutes ago, SlackerInc said:

What does that mean?

Presumably that she's okay to watch the series in batches of episodes?

  • Love 8
24 minutes ago, romantic idiot said:

Holy shit really? Wow. McPhee must have found herself or something. She was the thing that made Smash almost unwatchable for me, which was sad as the rest of the cast was so good.

Presumably that she's okay to watch the series in batches of episodes?

Smash was another series I watched a couple of times and threw in the towel (had nothing to do with McPhee. I just didn't feel it overall despite some great actors).  Maybe, I've got more invested in This Is Us and that's why I can stand McPhee more than Mandy Moore. 

I'm not getting the 'batches' either but to each their own and that's ok.

Edited by breezy424
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Message added by Lady Calypso

Let's bring the discussion back to Unpopular Opinions about the show.  

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