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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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The confusion at the heart of this:

A presidential candidate is heard, on a tape from 11 years ago, bragging  that he advances on women by unwanted kissing and groping.  

He says "I grab them by the pussy"

Then, some women come forward and say, "Yeah, he grabbed me by the pussy" (not an exact quote)

It seems like everyone is saying the same thing.  How are the women wrong? 

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1 minute ago, biakbiak said:

Has Melania actually spoken since the convention? She issued a statement about the tape and her lawyer sent a stupid lether to People but is she out actively campaigning and doing a stump speach?

With all of these stories coming out...how long until we think Melania gets her ducks in a row and files for divorce?  8 am on November 9th?  I'm sincerely surprised they've lasted this long, but if I were her, I'd be hightailing it out of that marriage ASAP.    

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4 minutes ago, backformore said:

The confusion at the heart of this:

A presidential candidate is heard, on a tape from 11 years ago, bragging  that he advances on women by unwanted kissing and groping.  

He says "I grab them by the pussy"

Then, some women come forward and say, "Yeah, he grabbed me by the pussy" (not an exact quote)

It seems like everyone is saying the same thing.  How are the women wrong? 

The women were wrong the moment they were born.  It's the misogyny.  Women are property, meat, things, not people.  

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I don't know what kind of financial arrangement Melania might have with Donald.  Probably only the lawyers know for sure.  There would undoubtedly be some kind of penalties involved if she ever spoke about anything that happened in their marriage.   He might even be able to hold their son as some kind of hostage.  My guess is that Melania intends to encourage Donald to eat as much fried food as he wants, and to become his wealthy widow. 

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55 minutes ago, atomationage said:

I don't know what kind of financial arrangement Melania might have with Donald.  Probably only the lawyers know for sure.  There would undoubtedly be some kind of penalties involved if she ever spoke about anything that happened in their marriage.   He might even be able to hold their son as some kind of hostage.  My guess is that Melania intends to encourage Donald to eat as much fried food as he wants, and to become his wealthy widow. 

I'm assuming there definitely are - Ivana and Marla both had them in either their prenups or divorce settlements (can't remember which), because Donald withheld alimony payments from both when he thought they violated that clause.  Ivana let it go (or worked out something with him), but Marla sued him and won, since a judge said he couldn't have a clause like that in there.  Oh, and in the process of the lawsuit, he and his lawyers made sure to call her an attention grabber, gold digger, a failure, stupid, and said this was to "send her a message".     


50 minutes ago, starri said:

And don't forget about the time he called a pregnant Kim Kardashian fat

Edited by Princess Sparkle
Misspelled Ivana's name
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18 hours ago, atomationage said:

No woman could resist this:


Jamie Dornan's competition?

See, this is what I don't get.  This sorry excuse of a man is obsessed with women's looks:  their weight, skin color, nationality, what they wear, whether they have been surgically enhanced, their physical beauty or lack thereof.  Meanwhile, this is what he looks at everyday when he looks in the mirror.  

It fascinates me that this piece of human refuse has yet to grasp that Melania and women like her are only with him because of his bank account.  Meanwhile, if women reject him or are otherwise deemed unworthy, they are insulted, demeaned, sexually assaulted and shown that they have no agency whatsoever over their own bodies.  They are nothing but objects onto which he can sate his sick lusts.  Even 10-year-old girls aren't safe.  Not to mention his own daughters, including an infant.

When one looks at a picture of his entire family, the women are virtually identical.  I can't help but wonder if his unfortunate daughters-in-law had to go through some kind of "inspection" before the equally vile Uday and Qusay (a/k/a Donald Jr. and Eric) could date them seriously or pop the question.  As someone who lived through the whole Marla Maples affair, I remember how poor Ivana drastically changed her appearance in a misguided attempt to hold onto a man who publicly humiliated her.

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5 minutes ago, Princess Sparkle said:

I'm assuming there definitely are - Ivana and Marla both had them in either their prenups or divorce settlements (can't remember which), because Donald withheld alimony payments from both when he thought they violated that clause.  Ivanna let it go (or worked out something with him), but Marla sued him and won, since a judge said he couldn't have a clause like that in there.  Oh, and in the process of the lawsuit, he and his lawyers made sure to call her an attention grabber, gold digger, a failure, stupid, and said this was to "send her a message".     


Yes, the fried food idea would be best. He has incredibly aggressive prenups and NDAs on everyone. Marla only got $2 million as a settlement/alimony. When they were married, he had a clause put in that if they got divorced within a few years, that's all he would owe her. He even bragged to a biographer that he'd owe "a lot" if his marriage lasted another year. (It didn't). His lawyer said he had the date written on his calendar from the beginning of the marriage, that was how sure he was Donald would divorce in time to save himself a lot of money.

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28 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

See, this is what I don't get.  This sorry excuse of a man is obsessed with women's looks:  their weight, skin color, nationality, what they wear, whether they have been surgically enhanced, their physical beauty or lack thereof.  Meanwhile, this is what he looks at everyday when he looks in the mirror.  

It fascinates me that this piece of human refuse has yet to grasp that Melania and women like her are only with him because of his bank account.  Meanwhile, if women reject him or are otherwise deemed unworthy, they are insulted, demeaned, sexually assaulted and shown that they have no agency whatsoever over their own bodies.  They are nothing but objects onto which he can sate his sick lusts.  Even 10-year-old girls aren't safe.  Not to mention his own daughters, including an infant.

When one looks at a picture of his entire family, the women are virtually identical.  I can't help but wonder if his unfortunate daughters-in-law had to go through some kind of "inspection" before the equally vile Uday and Qusay (a/k/a Donald Jr. and Eric) could date them seriously or pop the question.  As someone who lived through the whole Marla Maples affair, I remember how poor Ivana drastically changed her appearance in a misguided attempt to hold onto a man who publicly humiliated her.

Oh, you know they did.

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1 hour ago, Padma said:

It's not only creepy, it's astonishing, that he seems to use this line so often to young girls. Like, in what universe does he think they would want to be told this? You're singing for people in a choir and all some creepy 46 year old man can say is he's "going to" be dating you in a decade (when he's 56)!  Whoa, girls! Your dream comes true!

Ick. Yet I believe every one of these women because he talks and acts like a predator. The arrogance and complete and total lack of empathy with his victims. Even laughing on Howard Stern when Robin called him that. (And 24 year old Ivanka, appearing with him, laughing too and even patting him proudly on the back! Bizarre.) I'm so grateful to whoever leaked the Access Hollywood tape. Imagine this man as President of the United States! (/shudders. Has nightmares.)

Please don't tell me she was there when Trump gave Stern permission to call Ivanka a "piece of ass"? I've only heard about this and can't believe it. 

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2 hours ago, Padma said:

It's hard for me to process the comments of the women at these rallies who still support Trump and think what he bragged about is "no big deal". Maybe some of them have never experienced it themselves? Or are thoroughly brainwashed into thinking (1) boys will be boys or (2) that its supposed to be a compliment?  I don't know, but I watched them defend him and I don't get it.

I don't either, and women supporting that buffoon is harder for me to understand than working class support for him.  It must be that they were raised to accept an inferior status as normal.  And that is very, very sad.


1 hour ago, NewDigs said:

I think there's enough blame to go around to maybe point a few fingers at the Republican Party.

Did all of those potentials just not take don seriously?

There were, what, twelve Repub. debates and nine forums? Not one of those participants could do anything other than stand around with their thumbs up their butts and let Donald take the prize?

What were they thinking?

They were thinking they could control him and his fans.  They've been cultivating the support of people like this for years and have, until the Tea Party, been able to keep them in line.  This is absolutely a mess of their own making and they have no idea how to fix it.  I expect after the election the GOP will use the ghost of Ronald Reagan to help rebuild. 

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2 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I don't either, and women supporting that buffoon is harder for me to understand than working class support for him.  It must be that they were raised to accept an inferior status as normal.  And that is very, very sad.

I can't.  I just can't.


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8 minutes ago, Princess Sparkle said:


And that is exactly what the Republican candidate would say after seeing that woman.  And everyone would laugh and Mike Pence would shake his head and continue to watch funny clowns at a circus in his head.

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21 minutes ago, callmebetty said:

And that is exactly what the Republican candidate would say after seeing that woman.  And everyone would laugh and Mike Pence would shake his head and continue to watch funny clowns at a circus in his head.

Exactly.  He would call this woman a "2," and then degrade her looks further.  And the moron would vote for him anyway.

Meanwhile, Trump called Marlee Matlin "retarded."  And made lewd comments about her both behind her back and right in front of her.  Think about it - her interpreter had to sign what he said!!  


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5 minutes ago, backformore said:

Just had to add this picture I found:



Trump's all about blasting HRC and their Foundation's ties to foreign governments.

Why do I not see reporting on his debt to Russia?

And he owes China  even more.

Enough to practically make him a puppet.

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17 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Rachel Maddow is running it again right now. I can't stop crying. When she said that this has affected her in ways she never imagined, I just lost it. What he has done is made me and countless other women suddenly recall feelings we thought were long buried.

Would that include the feelings of the women that Bill Clinton propositioned, sexually assaulted and raped?

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His rhetoric is now past the point of volatile.  If I was a journalist, I would stop showing up at his rallies.  I think.  I think it's about to get dangerous and ugly.  I think he has these fucking lowest-common-denominator zombies worked into a frenzy and we're going to look back at the warning signs with regret.
His supporters are ASKING HIM TO MOLEST THEM.  This is happening, as he claims that the United States of America and all institutions are conspiring against him, and through him, them.  He is teetering on the edge of sedition.

Cool non-sequitor, Jordan!  Thank you for your input!

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1 minute ago, Jordan27 said:

Would that include the feelings of the women that Bill Clinton propositioned, sexually assaulted and raped?

Bill Clinton was accused of rape, but the allegation was not proven. So by your standards, Donald Trump, because he has been accused, and actually has an active rape case proceeding the courts, is a rapist.  

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8 minutes ago, starri said:

Another accuser, this time an Apprentice contestant.  This is just so...I'm numb to it, and that disgusts me.

I feel so strange "liking" these posts sometimes, but ugh - he is such a garbage human being.  And I will lose my shit if one more person asks "Well, why are they coming out with this now?"  To quote Seth Meyers' excellent piece on the allegations: "The reason women are hesitant to report allegations is because of reactions like this.  Because instead of believing them, you question their motives.  Stop pretending there's an optimal time for women to come forward with these allegations."

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3 minutes ago, Jordan27 said:

Would that include the feelings of the women that Bill Clinton propositioned, sexually assaulted and raped?

Got anything new?  Other than those poor women who were nothing more than bought-and-paid-for Drumpf employees?  Oh, that's right, you're still yoked to the Limbaugh talking point generator.  

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He made some comment about Hillary walking in front of him at the debate and "[he] wasn't impressed."  So, you know, no one wants to grab her in the pussy.

Josh Barro said on Twitter a few days ago that he was making a prediction of something he thought Trump would say at the final debate.  He was going to seal it in an envelope and reveal it if he was correct.  He sent a picture out of the prediction, where he'd said pretty much exactly that.  'I wasn't wrong, I was early."

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3 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

He is teetering on the edge of sedition.

This is what I'm watching for, to see if he gets himself so whipped up that he says something that is actually treasonous instead of just fucking stupid.  That gold-hat wearing woman the other day rattled Pence and it should have been a signal to Trump's handlers to dial him down a notch.  But instead he comes out swinging with a speech declaring himself Lord Savior of the American People and Civilization.  Ok, then.

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Since I believe that neither Hillary nor Donald will make it four years (her health, his health/likely IMO impeachment/potential lawsuits), my vote will be based on Kaine or Pence as President-to-be.  It's the only way to (for me) to stomach actually casting a vote.

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I worked for a doctor's office as a medical assistant for 3 years, usually just for one doctor. I had this one patient who was probably a few years older than me. I had to drug test him each time he came to the office so that he could get his prescription pain meds. The doctor I worked for had a policy in place for everyone who wanted something stronger than Ibuprofen 800mg. So I would lead him to the bathroom, hand him the cup and give him instructions and in return I'd get asked if I was going to "help him" and "hold it" for him. This happened almost every time I took him for a drug test and I finally told the doctor I worked for and he never did it again after the doctor had a discussion with him. Sexual harassment is not cute.

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4 minutes ago, Darian said:

Bill Clinton was accused of rape, but the allegation was not proven. So by your standards, Donald Trump, because he has been accused, and actually has an active rape case proceeding the courts, is a rapist.  

Was not this completely and investigated by prosecutor named Ken Starr? He could not find anything to press charges about IIRC. Bill's licence to practice law was suspended,not permanently lost. He was guilty of lying to the American people about Monica though but that was another consensual relationship was it not? 

I'm Canadian but do have a great interest as what happens in your country affects us north of you,especially in business. 

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1 minute ago, peacheslatour said:

Pence is just as vile as Trump. Just in a different way.

Pence is 10x worse in the women's health care area. Have you seen the things he's done as Governor there? Disgusting.

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On 10/14/2016 at 0:13 PM, Landsnark said:

His supporters are ASKING HIM TO MOLEST THEM.  

When Chris Brown beat Rihanna, some his of his fans tweeted that he could beat them anytime. Stupid isn't confined to just politics.

On 10/14/2016 at 0:24 PM, Kitty Redstone said:

This is what I'm watching for, to see if he gets himself so whipped up that he says something that is actually treasonous instead of just fucking stupid.  

 I think he may have already reached that point when he hinted that if elected, Hillary could be shot in order to prevent her from appointing Supreme Court justices.

Edited by GaT
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15 minutes ago, Jordan27 said:

Would that include the feelings of the women that Bill Clinton propositioned, sexually assaulted and raped?

Ari Melber reviewed their cases this morning. Jones was the most litigated, all the way to the SC. She received and accepted $850k without any admission of guilty but then kept going on about it for, many believed, political motives (we all remember the anti-Clinton Republicans who paid for her plastic surgery so she would seem more attractive and "convincing")  Juanita Broadrrick and Kathleen Wiley were both EXTENSIVELY investigated by Clinton-hater, special prosecutor Ken Starr.  He found nothing to charge Clinton with there, either. Wiley's story didn't hold up and Broadrick didn't mention it from 1978 to 98. At first she denied being raped--under oath--but then in 1999 she said she had been after all.  Starr didn't find any basis to charge Clinton with anything.

These were VERY looked into and pretty despicable of Trump to parade around as if they were ignored but True. (Luckily, Starr did find out about the blue dress and consensual sex with Monica and so... Clinton COULD be impeached! Justice served! HAHA Republicans. Too bad he and Hillary became more popular and more sympathetic than ever by the time your witchhunt ended*.)

*And every time I see Newt Gingrich's smug, smarmy face promoting Trump it makes me sick. I remember all too well how, as Speaker of the House, he led the Clinton impeachment. The big, fat hypocrite, when he was having an affair of his own at the time--and told his wife he was leaving her for another woman while she was in the hospital recovery room after surgery for cancer. 

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2 minutes ago, Jordan27 said:

Would that include the feelings of the women that Bill Clinton propositioned, sexually assaulted and raped?

Considering Donald brought them to the debate last Sunday, then yes, it would. 

But Bill's not running for president. 

Does anyone believe that if footage of Bill Clinton or any other recent candidate saying what Donald said was released a month before their elections they would have a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected or that they would have this many vocal supporters defending those statements as "locker room talk?" I don't. Truth be told, I would not have voted for Bill in 1992 (okay, if I was actually old enough to vote in 1992) if what we "know" about him now was known then.

Look, we all have biases, but there are some things that will always and should always cause people to jump ship no matter who the candidate is. This would be the case whether it was Gore or Bush or Mr. Rogers or anyone else. This is not about sticking with your candidate or party in good times and bad like they're a sports team. 

Donald's done. In any other election, he would have been done months ago. 

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23 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

His rhetoric is now past the point of volatile.  If I was a journalist, I would stop showing up at his rallies.  I think.  I think it's about to get dangerous and ugly.  I think he has these fucking lowest-common-denominator zombies worked into a frenzy and we're going to look back at the warning signs with regret.
His supporters are ASKING HIM TO MOLEST THEM.  This is happening, as he claims that the United States of America and all institutions are conspiring against him, and through him, them.  He is teetering on the edge of sedition.

Cool non-sequitor, Jordan!  Thank you for your input!

I'm not sure he's on the edge of it.  This attack on the media (sorry, "corporate lobbyists") might not just be about his sexual assaults. Perhaps he knows they're making the connections between Trump and Russian intelligence/Putin and Assange that seems all too obvious with the recent wikileak releases (also with Trump advisor Roger Stone--himself with Russian ties--predicting in summer that the Podesta emails would come out in fall.  Sedition would not prevent any of his voters from supporting him, of course, but it would be good to know for certain. Personally, I think it adds up--and there may also be financial connections to Russia that he's denied, but exist--another reason he refuses to let us see his tax returns and who his investors and his lenders are.  (And this guy wants us to "trust him" to make foreign policy decisions in OUR best interest!!!!!

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2 minutes ago, Princess Sparkle said:

God, Pence is truly worse in every area if you aren't a middle-aged straight white man.  This is the man who signed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in Indiana (aka, the "you can refuse gay people service" bill), he defunded Planned Parenthood in a county where there was an HIV outbreak (taking away the only testing facility), he wanted federal dollars to be taken away from treating HIV and given to conversion therapy instead, and most ridiculously, wrote an op-ed that Mulan was "liberal propaganda intended to influence the debate of women in the military."  Mike Pence actually terrifies me more than Donald Trump

Yes to all of that "though I'd add "Christian" to middle-aged straight white man." 

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