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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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How many horrors must Rump commit before the EC voters change this damage-in-the-making before Dec 19??

Two electoral votes have already changed. I read it here and I assume you guys know your facts. You have so far.

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Trump is brilliant to have put him on his team.

I disagree but David Duke agrees with you.  



The leaders of the white nationalist and so-called "alt-right" movement — all of whom vehemently oppose multiculturalism and share the belief in the supremacy of the white race and Western civilization — publicly backed Trump during his campaign for his hardline positions on Mexican immigration, Muslims, and refugee resettlement. Trump has at times disavowed their support. Bannon's hiring, they say, is a signal that Trump will follow through on some of his more controversial policy positions.

"I think that's excellent," former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke told CNN's KFile. "I think that anyone that helps complete the program and the policies that President-elect Trump has developed during the campaign is a very good thing, obviously. So it's good to see that he's sticking to the issues and the ideas that he proposed as a candidate. Now he's president-elect and he's sticking to it and he's reaffirming those issues."


Source: CNN article

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5 minutes ago, ari333 said:

Why am I seeing so many images of hateful, vulgar, bloated, red-faced alcoholics?

Because they're the face of 'Angry America'. The unremarkable, mediocre men who used to be on the top of the heap just by virtue of their skin being white. Now that the playing field is leveling, just a tiny bit, they're suddenly being overtaken and it's making them furious. These are the people Trump appeals to. If not for voter apathy, they would already be extinct as a meaningful group, consigned to the dustbin of history where they belong.

For everyone who didn't vote at this election, and who probably won't vote in 2018, this is the sort of person you are allowing to remain relevant.

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7 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Dear Electoral College - You're casting your votes on my birthday.  And, well, guess what's on the very top of my birthday list, in bold, all caps, underlined 10 times?  

I'd help if I could, but I can't.

I'd like to say I can't help because I flunked out of the Electoral College, but the truth is I was never admitted.  The Electoral College is far too selective for the likes of me.

Edited by Constantinople
Because it's too selective not to selective
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21 minutes ago, windsprints said:

I disagree but David Duke agrees with you.  

Source: CNN article

Not only that, the selection caused exuberant celebrations in white supremacists and neo-Nazi communities.  These include Stormfront, that lovely benevolent group which boasted that Bannon "will have Trump's ear more than anyone else."  They added, "Nothing you dirty Jews can do to keep him out."

Brietbart is a site that has promoted racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, homophobic and sexist views.  It sickens me when people try to defend Bannon with the, "What did he do that was so bad?" canard.  Why?  Just because he called Bill Kristol a "renegade Jew" and that's the only anti-Semitic act that some people are aware of?  Excuse me, but isn't one more than enough?  Evidently, this is the post-Drumpf world we're living in.  It's a world where standards are lowered so much that a wife-beating anti-Semite and racist should be acceptable because he's highly educated and a millionaire.  Never mind that Bannon's list of atrocities is well documented, particularly if one actually looks for them.  Also, did anyone notice that Brietbart became an arm of Drumpf's campaign?  Listen to the language in one of the last ads of the campaign:  Drumpf wants to come to Washington to "shake things up."  Brannon made it clear that he wants to tear the system down and replace it with something else.  The only question for me is, "replace it with what?"  It should also be noted that white supremacists were openly courted by not only Drumpf but also by his son, Uday.  And, guess what?  They made it quite clear that they want their demands met in exchange for their support.

And, please let's talk about Bannon's background as a filmmaker.  Among the top documentary makers he studied was Leni Riefenstahl, the creator of Hitler's propaganda films.  According to Bannon, "you have to learn from those past masters."  And, learned he has.  His book, Clinton Cash, was also used by Clinton-hating FBI agents to investigate her foundation and to leak damaging emails (some fabricated) to the press in the days leading up to the election.  It was Bannon's goal to take down both Hillary and Jeb Bush, whom he co-authored a book about, which was replete with unsubstantiated smears.  

I'm sorry, but I absolutely refuse to fall for the okey-doke and normalize this.  Steve Bannon and Donald Drumpf are proof positive that evil walks this earth in all forms.  I refuse to be apathetic about the danger Bannon poses; as a woman of color, I can't afford to be.  

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4 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Not only that, the selection caused exuberant celebrations in white supremacists and neo-Nazi communities.  These include Stormfront, that lovely benevolent group which boasted that Bannon "will have Trump's ear more than anyone else."  They added, "Nothing you dirty Jews can do to keep him out."

Brietbart is a site that has promoted racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, homophobic and sexist views.  It sickens me when people try to defend Bannon with the, "What did he do that was so bad?" canard.  Why?  Just because he called Bill Kristol a "renegade Jew" and that's the only anti-Semitic act that some people are aware of?  Excuse me, but isn't one more than enough?  Evidently, this is the post-Drumpf world we're living in.  It's a world where standards are lowered so much that a wife-beating anti-Semite and racist should be acceptable because he's highly educated and a millionaire.  Never mind that Bannon's list of atrocities is well documented, particularly if one actually looks for them.  Also, did anyone notice that Brietbart became an arm of Drumpf's campaign?  Listen to the language in one of the last ads of the campaign:  Drumpf wants to come to Washington to "shake things up."  Brannon made it clear that he wants to tear the system down and replace it with something else.  The only question for me is, "replace it with what?"  It should also be noted that white supremacists were openly courted by not only Drumpf but also by his son, Uday.  And, guess what?  They made it quite clear that they want their demands met in exchange for their support.

And, please let's talk about Bannon's background as a filmmaker.  Among the top documentary makers he studied was Leni Riefenstahl, the creator of Hitler's propaganda films.  According to Bannon, "you have to learn from those past masters."  And, learned he has.  His book, Clinton Cash, was also used by Clinton-hating FBI agents to investigate her foundation and to leak damaging emails (some fabricated) to the press in the days leading up to the election.  It was Bannon's goal to take down both Hillary and Jeb Bush, whom he co-authored a book about, which was replete with unsubstantiated smears.  

I'm sorry, but I absolutely refuse to fall for the okey-doke and normalize this.  Steve Bannon and Donald Drumpf are proof positive that evil walks this earth in all forms.  I refuse to be apathetic about the danger Bannon poses; as a woman of color, I can't afford to be.  

I'm horrified, the more I read.

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The Taylor woman said hate crimes have been committed against her because of her "I'm absolutely not a racist!" post about Michelle.

Hate crimes are a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity." Don't think you qualify, Pamela. Lipstick and hair dye abuse aren't protected. Good luck with any defamation cases as well. Her own words got her fired.

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The "The Hill" article was interesting, and one of its points was that Bannon himself may not be anti-Semitic.  



None of them recalls hearing Bannon make an anti-Semitic remark. One source recalls feeling uncomfortable, listening to Bannon ranting about black rioters in Ferguson, Mo. These sources criticize Bannon for binding himself to a movement that they say has virulent anti-Semitism and racism within it. 

“While he might be playing footsie with the alt-right, and he doesn’t have a problem engaging anti-Semites … he is not himself an anti-Semite,” said a former Breitbart employee who fell out with Bannon.


He's not a nice guy, no matter what:



Former Breitbart employees interviewed by The Hill — including three who strongly dislike Bannon — level all manner of charges about Bannon.

They say he’s extreme, dictatorial and verbally abusive. They say he’s got a short attention span and urges his reporters to go “buck wild,” meaning to take their attacks on ideological enemies to extremes not accepted in conventional journalism. They say he uses Breitbart as a tool to gain power.


And supports nationalist movements:



The new Breitbart Paris website will campaign aggressively to help Le Pen get elected as the next president of France, according to a source familiar with the website’s internal dynamics. 

Bannon strongly opposes German Chancellor Angela Merkel. A source familiar with Breitbart’s internal dynamics said the new Breitbart Berlin website will focus “on the Islamic refugee crisis that Merkel created.”


The comments, however, are spectacularly awful, hate-filled and anti-Semitic.


This was an interesting article, too, about why moderate Republicans should decline to serve in a Trump administration:

The Case Against Serving

One of the things the author mentions is rationalizing serving the lesser of two evils, and that it is morally wrong no matter what. Reading the above quotes about Bannon and anti-Semites, even if he's not one, brought that to mind. 

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8 minutes ago, Deanie87 said:

I can't find anything that says that Bannon self-identifies as a White Supremacist, but the American Nazi party and the KKK have endorsed him (along with Trump) and neither man has renounced the support (and I won't even get into the disgusting things his "newspaper" prints that he is also completely fine with as long as it makes him rich).  That is enough for me to decide that he has absolutely no business in the White House and I think that Trump was the exact opposite of brilliant to put him on his team.  

Trump prizes loyalty above everything. That alone scares me, to be honest.

The most direct connection I know of between Bannon and white nationalism is the Mother Jones interview where he says he wants to turn Breitbart News into the vehicle for the alt-right. Then, of course, all those headlines.

Trump hasn't denied calling Alex Jones of InfoWars to thank him and his listeners for their support. How is this not bigger news?

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26 minutes ago, ari333 said:

I'm horrified, the more I read.

I read all about Steve Bannon when he was made campaign manager for Donald Trump after he fired Paul Manafort. I was deathly afraid of Manafort until I read about Steve Bannon. Instantly, Paul Manafort didn't seem so scary anymore because 'ta-daa' here comes Steve!

But moving forward with the fears of Steve Bannon having an office right next to Donald's Oval Office, I learned to fear something even worse than Bannon, the 'kids'.

I know it doesn't seem to be so awful on the surface but knowing that Ivanka, Donald, Jr. and Erik Trump along with Jared Kushner, who is Ivanka's husband and will also be given a position within the administration, will ALL be running this country as a unit. But are Ivanka and her husband Jared actually building a 'house of cards' in this administration? For 16 months, while her withdrawn stepmother mostly steeled herself away in Little Versailles and her knuckleheaded brothers struggled to keep their feet out of their mouths, Ivanka hopscotched across the country, well into her third pregnancy, to stump for her father. wielded his quiet influence behind the scenes—brokering relationships with the Republican establishment, retooling key speeches and staff shake-ups within the campaign. When the Trumps visited the White House last Thursday, Jared was spotted touring the grounds with President Obama’s chief of staff, Denis McDonough, stoking rumors that he would receive a plum job within the Trump Administration. This is definitely an unusual degree of power for any presidential offspring or in-laws to hold. 

Could you imagine if Hillary Clinton had won this election and announced that she was going to appoint Chelsea for a cabinet post or to request a high security clearance for her? There would be a savage uproar by the Republicans. None of Trump’s children have held any public office or have any government experience, but could act as unpaid security advisers to receive top secret security clearance. The thought of that actually makes me want to throw up. It scares the shit out of me. Just consider what that really means to our national security.

And on CNN, Jeffrey Lord made light of any attacks on blacks or Trump detractors as petty and trivial. Well there's more to come.


Edited by HumblePi
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How about Ivanka using political appearances to sell her brand of clothing and jewelry?  

let's sell stuff!



Ivanka Trump’s brand on Tuesday admitted that adjusting to a world in which Donald Trump holds the Oval Office is going to be tricky.

The company was criticized this week after sending out a “style alert” about a $10,800 bracelet ― the Metropolis diamond bangle to be precise ― that Ivanka Trump wore in an interview with “60 Minutes.” The bangle, sold by Ivanka Trump Jewelry, is “Ivanka’s favorite,” the alert sent to journalists noted.


Yeah, this isn't "real Housewives"  or "The bachelorette"  where women are given clothing and jewelry and then a "style alert"  comes out about where to purchase the goods.   She can't use the PRESIDENCY to sell fashion.

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2 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

It's not like I needed more proof that money can't buy class, but geez. The thought of this family in the White House makes me so embarrassed.

I now,right? Half the world is scared with us The other half is laughing their asses off.

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23 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

I know it doesn't seem to be so awful on the surface but knowing that Ivanka, Donald, Jr. and Erik Drumpf along with Jared Kushner, who is Ivanka's husband and will also be given a position within the administration, will ALL be running this country as a unit. But are Ivanka and her husband Jared actually building a 'house of cards' in this administration? For 16 months, while her withdrawn stepmother mostly steeled herself away in Little Versailles and her knuckleheaded brothers struggled to keep their feet out of their mouths, Ivanka hopscotched across the country, well into her third pregnancy, to stump for her father. wielded his quiet influence behind the scenes—brokering relationships with the Republican establishment, retooling key speeches and staff shake-ups within the campaign.

The sons don't have an ounce of their father's undeniable charisma (it's horrible, demeaning charisma, but it is there). They're soulless corporate droids, and will disappear from relevance even before their father does. I don't think Ivanka is much better, but she gets more attention because daddy makes sure she's getting it. From him as well as from the press.

They're selfish, grasping little shits, but I don't think they're actively malevolent, like Bannon is. Still, I agree that any right-minded Americans should be embarrassed and ashamed that this shower are going to have bedrooms in the White House.

What I'm going to be looking forward to is seeing these people be so openly despised in their treasured home of New York. Will they be able to walk down the street without being abused? Will Ivanka be able to swan from one designer store to another without people telling her what they think of her and her family? Normally I'd say abuse in the streets is a bad thing, but these people have incited others to openly hate and abuse, and it will be poetic justice if it happens to them in their hometown.

Edited by Danny Franks
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4 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

I read all about Steve Bannon when he was made campaign manager for Donald Trump after he fired Paul Manafort. I was deathly afraid of Manafort until I read about Steve Bannon. Instantly, Paul Manafort didn't seem so scary anymore because 'ta-daa' here comes Steve!

Ha.  I'd never heard of the woman being discussed for Press Secretary, but it only takes thirty seconds to find out about Laura Ingraham, Fox News contributor and conservative radio host.   She says all the “elite,” “biased,” “post-American” journalists should be put on trial.  She's opposed to the “toxic” Spanish-language outlets, which she claims “revile the American experience.”  Etc.  Etc.

Sounds about right--like no one who might write a disparaging word about our new prez is going to be allowed to ask questions or be given updates or even allowed in the WH Press Room.

And then I think, "Well, at least it's not R*** Lim*****."  (I don't want to be the one to put his name out into the universe.)

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 I'd never heard of the woman being discussed for Press Secretary, but it only takes thirty seconds to find out about Laura Ingraham, Fox News contributor and conservative radio host. 

What do you mean in general or just for Trump's wolf pack? Because Bill Clinton I think had a female press secretary. Yeah, Dee Dee Myers is her name. 

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1 hour ago, stewedsquash said:

The elite establishment and the left wing political parties (elite establishment and left wing are not the same) don't  like him because he is successful in exposing things they don't want to be exposed. So they accuse him of being a racist and other bad names. 

Places like Stormfront and the KKK also accuse him of being racist and cheer about it--and also cheer the success of your "Clinton Cash" book that's been completely discredited. Why are they calling Bannon all these mean names? Or are they not mean when the names are meant as a compliment? Or when they don't come from the "elite establishment" (a term that seems to have no meaning at all beyond "people DT followers resent for one reason or another at the moment and are sure DT does too.") 

DT's campaign, to me, seemed like a straightforward appeal to bigotry and the support for it seems like a combination of the openly bigoted, the greedy who don't care about the openly bigoted one way or the other, and people who want to try to argue away the bigotry away case by case so they can still be the nice person. 

Edited by sistermagpie
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Trump tweeted that he wish he'd have campaigned more in New York and Florida because then he could have won be an even larger margin (paraphrasing). Because of the size of his ego the baboon can't even win gracefully. Nothing is ever enough for that clown, is it?

His people are saying that the claims of Trump people harassing minorities, etc. are false, and the non-Trump people harassing his followers are true. I also read that the woman who met up with Hillary while hiking and had Bill take their picture has received death threats. The hatred in this country is mindboggling! I am so, so sad.

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There was a discussion a couple of pages ago about how it was the Democrat's fault that they lost the election because they didn't do enough to make the working class feel that they cared.  I guess trying to get good healthcare for everyone and raising the minimum wage weren't enough.  Perhaps  they should have promised things they couldn't deliver, like Trump did.  

Sure, the Dems should have tried harder to show they were in touch with all the laid off factory workers, rural farmers, and all the rest who felt that the government left them behind.  However, these Trump voters voted for a man who had a proven history of taking advantage of people like them, a man who was shown to be the biggest liar ever to run for president, a man who has shipped jobs overseas, a man who doesn't pay taxes because he is such a poor businessman that he could lose almost a billion dollars in a year, and the list goes on.  

It is like when you go through an intersection because your light is green and someone runs a red light and hits you..  Sure, if you had taken an extra moment and looked before crossing you might not have gotten hit.  However, that doesn't make your dented car your fault.  The Dems could have and should have reached out more to the working class, but it is not their fault that s many people were stupid and/or racist and/or gullible, etc...

I, because I have disliked Trump long before he got interested in politics, I can't give him any credit for tapping into the concerns/fears of the working class.  I think he was just spouting off things he had read in right wing emails, and people started cheering so he kept repeating them.  He got lucky.

3 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

As for that tweet about Michelle Obama? The story made it onto the BBC's homepage. And look, the mainstream media has to get their act together. They have to stop being 'balanced' and start telling the god damned truth. They have to say, openly and clearly, that this is not acceptable. They have to stand up and defend what's right, instead of cowering behind 'impartiality' while raking in money from the sensations they help create. I'm glad the BBC picked up on it, because they have been worthless over the last few years, in countering the poison of the new right wing.

The media being fair and balanced, if they actually were fair and balanced, is a good thing.  However, they don't seem to understand that being fair and balanced means applying the same rules to everyone, not giving them equal amounts of air time.  It means pointing out the lies spoken by each candidate, not making sure that they point out an equal number of lies (if one candidate lies 30 times during the debate, and the other lies 5 times, you point out all 35 lies, not limit it to 5 each so it will be "fair").  Same thing with the number of "crimes" and indiscretions.  To be fair and balanced, they should have pointed out all of Trump's pending lawsuits and shady dealings, instead, they seemed to they to give the same amount of airtime, so they ended up mentioned the email thing over and over again so that they would spend as much time on the few things Hillary did wrong as on the many, many, incredibly many things Trump did.

53 minutes ago, lordonia said:

The Taylor woman said hate crimes have been committed against her because of her "I'm absolutely not a racist!" post about Michelle.

Hate crimes are a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity." Don't think you qualify, Pamela. Lipstick and hair dye abuse aren't protected. Good luck with any defamation cases as well. Her own words got her fired.

Apparently, she thinks a hate crime is when someone does something not nice because they hate that you are a racist. 

The level that hypocrisy has reached in the last few months is killing me.

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Re Bannon's disheveled and bloated appearance, at least we can say that the Pumpkin Plutocrat doesn't discriminate against ugly, overweight white MEN.


I can only assume that the term "elite establishment" refers to well-educated, wealthy, privileged men like Trump, Giuliani, the Bushes, and the Koch Brothers.

Edited by lordonia
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1 hour ago, lordonia said:

The Taylor woman said hate crimes have been committed against her because of her "I'm absolutely not a racist!" post about Michelle.

Hate crimes are a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity." Don't think you qualify, Pamela. Lipstick and hair dye abuse aren't protected. Good luck with any defamation cases as well. Her own words got her fired.

Yes, because in upsidedown world, calling a Black woman an ape is not a hate crime, but calling a racist a racist is.

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3 minutes ago, backformore said:

Yes, because in upsidedown world, calling a Black woman an ape is not a hate crime, but calling a racist a racist is.

Post-fact world created by the (now reformed???) Glenn Beck & his brethren at Fox News, who now look like amateurs compared to the hate rag called Breitbart, and carried to the logical extreme by Macedonian teenagers writing fiction for consumption by the gullible on Facebook.

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48 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

It's not like I needed more proof that money can't buy class, but geez. The thought of this family in the White House makes me so embarrassed.

I know, right? 

One of my friends watched the 60 Minutes interview Sunday and mentioned Coral Caligula being perched in a gold-gilded chair.  Is this true?  If so, all I can say is, Lawdddddd...What's next?  Changing their name to "Caesar" and conferring upon themselves all the perks that entails?

Now I guess I know why he wants his Drumpf nuggets (the three who matter) to have security clearances.  He intends to set up a monarchy with Ivana's kids as "national security advisers."  Never mind that nary a one has a lick of foreign policy or government experience.  Let's see if the GOP squawks about this and if they do, how long it will take them to roll over and give Coral Caligula what he wants.  ETA:  Does anyone else remember the picture from one of Coral Caligula's campaign rallies where he had a bunch of supporters pledging their allegiance to him?  Given how quickly some GOP lawmakers flip-flopped after their angry constituents made it clear that they would follow Coral Caligula instead their representatives, this has alarming implications.  And, I don't trust corporate media not to normalize this latest outrage.

We are SO fucked!

Edited by MulletorHater
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25 minutes ago, parisprincess said:

Trump tweeted that he wish he'd have campaigned more in New York and Florida because then he could have won be an even larger margin (paraphrasing). Because of the size of his ego the baboon can't even win gracefully. Nothing is ever enough for that clown, is it?

His people are saying that the claims of Trump people harassing minorities, etc. are false, and the non-Trump people harassing his followers are true. I also read that the woman who met up with Hillary while hiking and had Bill take their picture has received death threats. The hatred in this country is mindboggling! I am so, so sad.

That's because he's an emotional black hole.  Nothing is EVER enough for people like Coral Caligula.  It bothers him more that he's not universally loved than it does that some of his supporters are attacking people in his name.

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Interesting behind-the-scenes peek at the 'team" in revenge mode and disarray (from NYT, paraphrased):

....the disarray caught the attention of some Republicans with high level experience who had criticized Mr. Trump. Now some were saying they might be willing to serve in his administration or advise him during the transition.

Eliot A. Cohen, one of those former State Department officials, said on Twitter that after having spoken to Mr. Trump’s team, he had “changed my recommendation: Stay away. They’re angry, arrogant, screaming ‘you LOST!’ Will be ugly.”

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4 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

Trying to claim she's not being racist is utterly laughable. Still, I would say this, apes are better than this woman is. She's sub-human. And Trump's supporters won't stop crying that everyone calls them names?

I thought I was going to have a rage blackout this morning when I saw that story on BBC . My gawd, how disgusting! Her backpedalling is ridiculous! Glad she's out of a job! 

You go HumblePi!

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Please, everyone, share the shit out of that ignorant, racist's Facebook post! If she really cared about her family's "undue duress", she'd have used what little brain she has and kept her big, hate filled mouth shut. She deserves every single bit of flack she gets for her actions.

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1 hour ago, HumblePi said:

And on CNN, Jeffrey Lord made light of any attacks on blacks or Trump detractors as petty and trivial. Well there's more to come.


If you watch the video, please notice the girls who help the "perpetrator" and the calls of "Shane."  Then read the comments...it sounds like he is a special needs student (not a Trump supporter) who may have been agitated from the noise and wanting to come down the stairs.  The person who held the megaphone is asking for charges to be dropped.

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Does Nudie McMuffin get security clearance too? I assume so....as FLOTUS-elect

9 minutes ago, parisprincess said:

Please, everyone, share the shit out of that ignorant, racist's Facebook post! If she really cared about her family's "undue duress", she'd have used what little brain she has and kept her big, hate filled mouth shut. She deserves every single bit of flack she gets for her actions.


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Been reading up about the potential/inevitable conflicts of interest with the Trump spawn being put in charge of the Trump business, the preposterousness of him separating himself from his business with his children being the trustees, the many many properties and investments Trumpelstiltskin owns here and around the world ... how the hell can this guy be the President with all that built-in corruption-waiting-to-happen?

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9 minutes ago, parisprincess said:

Please, everyone, share the shit out of that ignorant, racist's Facebook post! If she really cared about her family's "undue duress", she'd have used what little brain she has and kept her big, hate filled mouth shut. She deserves every single bit of flack she gets for her actions.

Talk about being supremely disingenuous!  Perhaps she should have given more thought to how Michelle's children would feel to read such hateful things about their mother.

No sympathy from me whatsoever.

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14 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Talk about being supremely disingenuous!  Perhaps she should have given more thought to how Michelle's children would feel to read such hateful things about their mother.

No sympathy from me whatsoever.

Wow.How self-aware she is..... not. Sheesh.

I don't think Michelle gives a  flying rat's ass what that hateful,ignorant turd says about her. It was still horrible though. And to be shallow here, she should glance in the mirror before she casts aspersions about someone else's looks or integrity. YIKES.

Edited by ari333
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15 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

Been reading up about the potential/inevitable conflicts of interest with the Trump spawn being put in charge of the Trump business, the preposterousness of him separating himself from his business with his children being the trustees, the many many properties and investments Trumpelstiltskin owns here and around the world ... how the hell can this guy be the President with all that built-in corruption-waiting-to-happen?

Yes - conflicts with business!  Already, appearances by Ivanka are seen as commercial opportunities to promote her fashion line. And it hasn't even STARTED yet!  

If they have their way, there will be a line of tableware, décor, wine, etc -   sold to admirers as a way to live like the Trumps!  And it will all profit their empire.

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1 minute ago, backformore said:

Yes - conflicts with business!  Already, appearances by Ivanka are seen as commercial opportunities to promote her fashion line. And it hasn't even STARTED yet!  

If they have their way, there will be a line of tableware, décor, wine, etc -   sold to admirers as a way to live like the Trumps!  And it will all profit their empire.

Well, GAG ME.

Just what they need... more money.

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37 minutes ago, parisprincess said:

Please, everyone, share the shit out of that ignorant, racist's Facebook post! If she really cared about her family's "undue duress", she'd have used what little brain she has and kept her big, hate filled mouth shut.

I don't think that word means what she thinks it means.

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6 minutes ago, backformore said:

Yes - conflicts with business!  Already, appearances by Ivanka are seen as commercial opportunities to promote her fashion line. And it hasn't even STARTED yet!  

If they have their way, there will be a line of tableware, décor, wine, etc -   sold to admirers as a way to live like the Trumps!  And it will all profit their empire.

Ughh!  It reminds me of that ridiculous reality show on NBC a few years ago, I Want to Be a Hilton.  Apparently, pretentious social climber extraordinaire, Kathy Hilton, was supposed to be teaching some young contestants how to fit into high society while they vied for a $200,000 trust fund, wardrobe, new apartment and the opportunity to live like a Hilton for a year.  Never mind that Kathy's daughter was living like the attention-seeking trash she is, including appearing in a poorly received sex tape plus a highly publicized stint in jail.

Ivanka the Terrible figured out just like her daddy that there are enough marks potential customers out there who believe that if they purchased the brand's crappy merchandise, they, too can live like the Drumpfs.  In their customers' mind, Drumpf is still considered a luxury brand.  Never mind that it's cheaply made shit from China.  Just paint it gold and add a few garish touches, and voila!

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well, y'all can rest safe in the knowledge that I have never, and never will, give a plugged nickel to the swamp dwelling cretins that the Rump Roasts are.  How ironic it is that they were filmed sitting in gilded chairs.  Meant to look like solid gold - solid quality.  But scratch that shit and you'll find out it's not even skin deep - cheap and tacky, like they are.

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2 minutes ago, fireice13 said:

I saw this blog post today and I think it sums up well a lot of what's been said about Trump realizing he doesn't actually want to be president. Here's the link, but I'll repost it below as well:

"I do take some small, cold, bitter satisfaction in one thing, and that’s the fact that Trump is going to be absolutely fucking miserable for the next four years. 

He’s an entertainer and an attention whore, not a public servant. He wants to be on TV and in front of crowds, not actually working a difficult, grueling, stressful job he can’t opt out of. He’s going to have to sit through SO many meetings, be forced to read SO many briefings, get shoehorned into serious business all day every day, without crowds to perform for, and he’s going to hate Every. Single. Minute. 

And then, when he doesn’t deliver on his promises, when he doesn’t build the wall or create jobs or make people rich, when it becomes clear how incompetent and buffoonish he is, the country and all his supporters will turn on him. They’re gonna start blaming him for everything, and those crowds that cheered for him are going to start booing. He’ll be humiliated at every turn, and leave office with the lowest approval rating ever, and he’ll be universally despised. 

Because if he’d lost to Hillary, he would have played the martyr forever, called everything rigged, and had a cushy gig on Fox News complaining every day about how he would have done it better. But now he’s going to have to actually WORK, he’s going to be forced to deal with RESPONSIBILITIES, while surrounded by people who hate him and don’t respect him, people vastly more intelligent and competent than him, and he will be exposed as a loser. And then, we’ll fire him. He’ll go down as the worst president in history. And he’ll have no one to blame but himself. 

I know this isn’t much against the fear of what’s going to happen, but friends, hear me. We are going to make Donald Trump’s life a living nightmare, and I for one take immense pleasure from that."


Sorry for the hyperbole. (hi-per-BOWL) [Brian Regan] heh . I get excited.

I talked with a cashier today at the grocery. She said that she didn't see how he'd make it to January. We can hope

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