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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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I think we're running out of time to put a stop to this maniacal creature. I've been posting videos, news articles and links to stories like the 'Bridgegate' story and Donald's speech about how he knew Christie was aware of the action to stop the traffic on the G.W. Bridge. I am bombarding Kellyanne Conway, Sean Hannity, Amy Kremer, Kaleigh Mcenany, Scottie Nells Hughes, CNN, and just about any surrogate or supporter of Trump including Giuliani. Their Facebook and Twitter accounts all have something on them that's an undeniable condemnation of Donald Trump. If that could change only one vote, ONE.... then I'm satisfied.

I would ask anyone with access to Twitter or Facebook to do the same. Let's flood them with anti-Trump messages.

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1 minute ago, NextIteration said:

I'll be phone banking into battle ground states the next three days.

Mr ebk does phone banks and door-knocking.  He knows better than to ask me to go with him because my default line to anyone who doesn't see the light is "what are you - stupid???"

I do the best I can...

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So if you were wondering why Trump "bizarrely" called Hillary's email story "bigger than Watergate," now you know. Once again, he is projecting, this time in advance. We may have an actual Watergate situation, with the DNC headquarters allegedly being bugged, but he got the word out there about Hillary. I'm calling it more than a coincidence. IMO, Trump knew and knew the story was coming out. I know that might sound like a conspiracy theory, but, really, does it, given all that's come out recently?

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I'm donating, making calls from home and local office, posting on social media, and now actively asking friends to do something now. Any opportunity, like when they say they're worried I suggest something they can do. Never did this before, and I don't think I've crossed the line yet into nagging. 

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53 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

The Finger-waving Cheeto just threw Chris Christie under the bus and backed up over him. As far as he's concerned, Christie knew about his people closing the bridge. 

I live in New Jersey so I say, fuck him.

Douche bag....

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Wait a minute.  It is all actually happening too fast...

Did Donald Trump accuse and condemn Chris Christie?

Did the DNC HQ actually get bugged?  Why would anyone do that when they can simply read their emails?  (How has nobody drawn the Watergate parallel before, btw, with the Russian/Republican hacking of DNC HQ?)

There are ocean tankers-full of criminal wrong-doing occurring now and being uncovered from Trump's past.  The DOJ could investigate this forever.  This could launch a whole industry of paranoid conspiracy TV series and books and movies.

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It's today. The other people involved in it were convicted today. He said it throwaway like, like it was a funny thing. But he wasn't kidding. I think he believes it's ok to treat people that way. If Christie doesn't turn his back on him after this, he's truly nothing but a piss-boy. Bring my bucket!

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Ohio Judge Blocks Trump Supporters from 'Exit Polling'


A federal judge in Ohio issued an order Friday barring supporters of Donald Trump from trying to intimidate voters.

Effective immediately and until the voting is done, they are barred from hindering or delaying a prospective voter from reaching the polling place and casting a ballot.

The order, issued by U.S. District Judge James Gwin, also applies to pro-Trump operative Roger Stone. It forbids questioning voters "under the guise of the purported 'exit polling' or 'citizen journalist' operations organized and encouraged" by Stone and a group called Stop the Steal.

The judge acted after Ohio Democrats complained that Stone was planning to engage in his own version of exit polling, which they claimed was intended to hassle voters

Gwin's order specifically bans unauthorized poll watching inside polling places as well as within a 100-foot buffer zone around the polls. It prohibits coming closer than ten feet to voters in line outside the zone.

Banned practices include "challenging or questioning voters or prospective voters about their eligibility to vote, or training, organizing, or directing others to do the same."

In an apparent desire to be even-handed, the order also applies to "groups associated with the Clinton for Presidency campaign."

Similar lawsuits have been filed by Democrats in Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, and Nevada.

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54 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

Wait a minute.  It is all actually happening too fast...

Did Donald Trump accuse and condemn Chris Christie?

Did the DNC HQ actually get bugged?  Why would anyone do that when they can simply read their emails?  (How has nobody drawn the Watergate parallel before, btw, with the Russian/Republican hacking of DNC HQ?)

There are ocean tankers-full of criminal wrong-doing occurring now and being uncovered from Trump's past.  The DOJ could investigate this forever.  This could launch a whole industry of paranoid conspiracy TV series and books and movies.

The video in which Donald Trump was campaigning against the others, including Chris Christie, was Donald's judgement that Chris Christie of course knew all about the plans to stop traffic on the G.W.Bridge. But, after receiving Chris Christie's endorsement after he won the RNC primary, he put Chris Christie in the position as chairman of his 'transition team' for when he takes over as President. He threw Christie a bone in return for his support. Suddenly his opinion changed and he was adamant that Chris Christie knew nothing about the bridge closing.

As for the DNC being bugged, I haven't heard anything about it on CNN so far. The FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton can go on for years, they're leaving a door open to impeachment. The DOJ investigation into the FBI can also drag on for years. Right now, this is no longer a choice between Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, this goes much deeper especially with the obvious collusion with Russia over helping to sway this election in favor of Trump. Vladimir Putin absolutely hates Hillary Clinton because she's a hard-liner when it comes to Russia and Donald Trump actually would be a puppet for Putin. Russia will do anything within it's power to manipulate this election. It's our very democracy at stake here, not just whether Hillary will or won't be our President.

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2 hours ago, NextIteration said:

So the DNC headquarters was probably bugged.  ... and the Friday night drinking commences.

The FBI under Comey will no doubt drag it's feet (and certainly won't announce anything until after the election). If Trump wins, like so much else (his rape case, the Trump Univ. case, prosecution on the bribery we know Trump gave to Pam Bondi), this will be buried under tons of other bullshit.  Cases may go forward for all of those things but they will drag for years if he's sworn in.

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2 hours ago, needschocolate said:

Well, it adds up, doesn't it?  Trump has a "tell" - his comments about his opponents are foreshadowing of the trouble with him and his campaign (and sometimes it is just projecting he does after his trouble has surfaced). 

Yes, this is exactly what he does.  He projects onto everyone else what he's thinking, what he's feeling and what he's planning.

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20 minutes ago, Pixel said:

Called it! A small joy in this pile of crap. 

Yes! As a resident of NJ, I am thrilled by this result. Can't wait to get rid of Governor Playground Bully.

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26 minutes ago, Menrva said:

Yes! As a resident of NJ, I am thrilled by this result. Can't wait to get rid of Governor Playground Bully.

My husband is a native New Yorker and was incensed to see Governor Soprano in Jerry Jones' box when we were watching a football game one Sunday.  He's never forgiven him for it.  "Awww, helllllll naw!  How the fuck is he going to be frontin' as if he's a Dallas fan!"  In his estimation that was an unforgivable offense and the governor should have been ridden out of Jersey on a rail.

It was clear even then that Christie's ambitions were causing him to leave the state behind.  Given the numerous credit rating downgrades and other problems that occurred as a direct result of his "stewardship," I'm still astounded that he had the balls to run.  But, then, too so did Governor Jindal who ran Louisiana into the ground.

By the way, what ever happened to that Sandy money?

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But Hillary is the liar?

In the full clip of Obama dealing with the Trump supporter in North Carolina, the camera definitely showed the protestor, he was an older white man in formal military gear with a Trump sign in his hands. The only time POTUS raised his voice was to tell his own supporters to calm down, and sit down (POTUS said it like a really legit Alpha male, and I think I now have a crush on Obama.) He ended with "Don't boo, vote." Literally nothing Trump said happened, happened. Except that a Trump supporter was there. 

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6 hours ago, random chance said:

I'd bet good money that if he loses the election he'll be trading her in for a younger model in a few years. There is no way he's going to stick with someone who's losing out to gravity.

Or hell, even if he wins, since none of the usual rules seem to apply to him.

And this is how Ivanka became First Daughter and First Lady.

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Tonight on All In, Chris Hayes played some of the interview of President Obama by Rev. Al Sharpton.  Obama said he didn't take any of the things Cheetos Mussolini said about him personally, not even the birther bullshit.  He's a better person than I will ever be.

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7 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

And this is how Ivanka became First Daughter and First Lady.

This bothers me almost as much as Donald Trump being called 'Mister President'. The fact that Ivanka, Donald Jr. and Eric (or as Bill Maher calls him 'Fuckface Trump) will possibly be given cabinet posts or made ambassadors to some tiny foreign island just to get them on the payroll is a really disturbing thought.

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I don't know how important this is in the grand scheme of things, but Lawrence O'Donnell just reported that the AP said Melanoma Trump got paid for 10 months of modelling in this country without a work visa when she first came here.  She has said in the past, when questioned about this issue, that she did everything legally and would  provide the proof.  Of course that never happened, but the AP apparently  has the proof that she didn't have a legal visa to work here.  And now her orange perv of a husband wants to build a damn wall because of all the 'illegals'.  What a despicable family of lying, opportunistic bullies, the whole damn lot of them...including his beloved favorite,  Ivanka.

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You know what worries me?  Even when !!!!! HRC becomes president, we'll be going through this whole crapfest again in four years.  Cause you just know the repugs will be planning a much better strategy for the next election, plus DT may even give it a second try, depending on how much money he makes off his adoring minions after this go-around.  If there's cash to be made off the elections, we can pretty much count him in. 

OH --- correction to my above post about Mrs. T's visa problem:  it wasn't 10 months of work, it was 10 modelling jobs she got illegally paid for before securing the proper papers.

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It's moments like Trump dissing Christie about the bridge that, for a moment, makes me feel in touch with why some people like him.   I' mean, I think his delivery is kind of funny, like a Jewish standup comic pointing out something so absurd.  And like his people think of him as a truth-teller, he seems like one here, too. Because, yes, seriously, how could Crhistie NOT know?  It makes zero sense that his closest advisors would take it on themselves to cause mass disruption  for 8 hours.

But....then you realize how rotten it is to throw your friend under the bus (and while I can't stand Christie, I will say he's been very loyal and an advocate even after Trump offered him the VP then took it away.  So here's DT, in public being a total d-bag to him (with serious legal ramifications if he winds up on trial and Trump's influenced anyone.  So it's aactually not funny at all--and shows no character or appreciateion for the legal system from DT--but,... for just a moment.....

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The one thing I want to tell anyone who supports Trump is - you pay taxes.   You pay a lot of taxes.  For the past 18 years, Donald Trump has made money and he got away with NOT paying income taxes.  YOU and I paid his share.  He doesn't care - he thinks that proves he's smart - smarter than you.  He thinks it's funny how everyone else has to pay for his share of income tax.  That's the kind of guy you want running things?

Edited by backformore
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What's funny is Trump's wife, who was working in the U.S. illegally, probably paid taxes on that illegal income -- because the employer probably withheld taxes -- while her future husband pays nothing as a millionaire citizen of the United States.

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Melania Trump always looks to me like she's squinting.  Get the woman some glasses!

I think she's had plastic surgery to remove bags under her eyes, not kidding.

On the Lawrence O'Donnell show, one of the guests made a very good point. Trump doesn't seem to have the same standard for immigrants who break the rules who are or look like Europeans -- even those who work here illegally, like those he hired to build Trump Towers or who he married. It's only brown and black immigrants who Trump's pushing to deport and calls criminals as well as rapists.

Edited by Nidratime
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29 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

You know what worries me?  Even when !!!!! HRC becomes president, we'll be going through this whole crapfest again in four years.  Cause you just know the repugs will be planning a much better strategy for the next election, plus DT may even give it a second try, depending on how much money he makes off his adoring minions after this go-around.  If there's cash to be made off the elections, we can pretty much count him in. 

OH --- correction to my above post about Mrs. T's visa problem:  it wasn't 10 months of work, it was 10 modelling jobs she got illegally paid for before securing the proper papers.

Yep and if she's willing to go through that shit for four years, then I sure as hell can stand with her. Right along with voting in every local election that comes up so that she and the democrats get as much support as possible.

They keep saying that shit to suppress the vote because it is exhausting just thinking about how she will tormented all the while trying to work for the American people, sorta like how Obama was treated but on steroids. But that shit doesn't work with me nor the 100 year old black lady they tried to deny the vote to. If she can fight, after living through Civil Rights era, then....



It's moments like Trump dissing Christie about the bridge that, for a moment, makes me feel in touch with why some people like him.   I' mean, I think his delivery is kind of funny, like a Jewish standup comic pointing out something so absurd. 

It's hilarious, every time I see the clip about Christie, I die laughing,I can't help it.  I laugh at the Loretta Lynch on the plane spiel he does as well, about not being able to talk about his grandchildren for more than 2 minutes.  It's a darn shame he's such a racist, sexist, xenophobe....because he can make you laugh. His delivery is so NY, it's a familiar sound to me. He, Leona Helmsley and Al Sharpton, always on tv and on the front page of news papers in NY while I was growing up. If he weren't running for the highest office in the land one could sit back with popcorn and chuckle but... 

Edited by Keepitmoving
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Lawrence O'Donnell also said a story is breaking that the National Enquirer was paid to sit on a story about an affair Trump had with a Playboy bunny while married to Melania. While I know none of his supporters will give a shit about this, it's nice to see some chickens coming home to roost. 

Edited by Pixel
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2 minutes ago, Pixel said:

Lawrence O'Donnell also,said a story is breaking that the National Enquirer was paid to sit on a story about an affair Trump had with a Playboy bunny while married to Melania. While I know none of his supporters will give a shit about this, it's nice to see some chickens coming home to roost. 

Not only that didn't they just report a story on LOD that Melania worked 10 jobs as an undocumented worker?  

Edited by Keepitmoving
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2 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

Not only that didn't they just report a story on LOD that Melania worked 10 jobs as an undocumented worker?  

Yes,but someone else already said that like, four posts previously, so I was just adding on to that information. 

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Thanks for the Lawrence O'Donnell heads-up. I was watching it on delay anyway, but made sure not to miss that story.

Drumpf's own modeling agency brought in would-be models on tourist visas, and then had them work here illegally. The absolute hypocrisy of him (and the Republican party in general) is just sickening.

Edited by gatopretoNYC
To remove extra comma
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7 hours ago, PatsyandEddie said:

The Finger-waving Cheeto just threw Chris Christie under the bus and backed up over him. As far as he's concerned, Christie knew about his people closing the bridge. 


6 hours ago, Pixel said:

Is this true? Well, there's an example for his cult of how he'll treat everyone.  Chris Christie was scheduled for a couple of stump speeches for Trump the next couple of days.


6 hours ago, HumblePi said:

Clinton campaign says Trump should 'drain the swamp' by removing Chris Christie as transition chief. Michael A. Memoli. (Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images) Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman called on Donald Trump to remove New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie as his transition chairman after Friday's Bridgegate verdict.


5 hours ago, Pixel said:

It's today. The other people involved in it were convicted today. He said it throwaway like, like it was a funny thing. But he wasn't kidding. I think he believes it's ok to treat people that way. If Christie doesn't turn his back on him after this, he's truly nothing but a piss-boy. Bring my bucket!

I saw that clip on several MSBNC shows tonight, but it is from December 2015, not today.

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Chris Matthews really tried to grill that moron Rudy Giuliani on Hardball this evening.  Giuliani said when he was bragging about the campaign having good stuff up their sleeves that he wasn't talking about the FBI or Comey ... but a great new ad campaign and a speech.  Matthews, obviously, didn't believe a word of it.  The look on his face was priceless. 

Reps. Cummings and Conyers are requesting an investigation into the leaks:


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5 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Chris Matthews, obviously, didn't believe a word of it.  The look on his face was priceless.

My husband & I were cracking up over that. 

Also, what the hell was up with that huge polka dot bow tie Ghouliani was sporting today?

2 minutes ago, Pixel said:

Well, dammit. 

I know, right? 

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27 minutes ago, gatopretoNYC said:




I saw that clip on several MSBNC shows tonight, but it is from December 2015, not today.

Yes, as I explained in a later post, this was when he was competing against Christie in 2015 in primaries.

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33 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Chris Matthews really tried to grill that moron Rudy Giuliani on Hardball this evening.  Giuliani said when he was bragging about the campaign having good stuff up their sleeves that he wasn't talking about the FBI or Comey ... but a great new ad campaign and a speech.  Matthews, obviously, didn't believe a word of it.  The look on his face was priceless. 

Reps. Cummings and Conyers are requesting an investigation into the leaks:


That interview was very rewarding. Giuliani's glee had completely faded now that he realizes he could (should!) be investigated for his FBI leaks and contacts. (And, no Rudy. Like Chris, no one watching you thinks that you were so beside yourself on Fox & Friends last week because you just couldn't wait to see the ad buys this weekend!  Trump's ads are amateurish and scarce at best. Please stop playing us for fools.

You have friends iNSIDE the NY FBI office and they let you know about Weiner's laptop and that Comey wasudos to the  going public with it to help you guys out and please himself and other pro-Trumpers in the bureau.

Kudos to the prosecutors who shut down the politically inspired agents wanting to treat the UNsourced "Clinton Cash" as a worthwhile piece of evidence.

Christie and Giuliani --Trump's too closest henchmen--were shown as liars in the same day. Birds of a feather!

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I also hope Giuliani and those Brietbart-believing agents go down for this.  Clearly they don't have even the most basic critical thinking skills.


1 hour ago, gatopretoNYC said:

Also, what the hell was up with that huge polka dot bow tie Ghouliani was sporting today?

I know!  He looked ridiculous.  And whenever Matthews wouldn't let him off the hook, he got that wide-eyed, oh shit look on his face. 

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1 hour ago, backgroundnoise said:

I hope someone asks one of the Trump mouthpieces to explain Trump's complete and utter LIE about Obama's handling of the heckler.  Talk about a total fabrication and distortion of what really happened.   Trump must have gone off script again. 

And how is this different from every other word that comes out of Trump's mouth?

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