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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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Ghouliani and Trump Campaign Ties to FBI and Leakers

As for Trump and trials...He is a presidential candidate accused of raping a 13 year old (credibly, imo).  And there's no question that he's facing THREE upcoming trials for fraud.

His people will surely say its all politically motivated. Or that he could have settled but didn't because he has "integrity" and is innocent.

In reality, he loves to drag these things out because its added punishment, stress and financial burden for any accuser.  I was glad that the woman who was lead accuser in the Ca. case and dropped out from the stress of taking on Trump, at least was awarded "costs" by the judge--$780,000, since Trump had kept it all going for five years.

Edited by Padma
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1 hour ago, Darian said:

Yeah, I won't criticize anyone for not wearing a bra, and the pearl-clutching that can ensue over visible nipple outline can annoy me, but, yeah, I tend to wear the damn bra that won't show my nips at certain events. The main thing is, imagine if it were Chelsea or Michelle Obama or any Democratic woman. That picture would have been everywhere with the worst slurs imaginable. 

People get absolutely rabid for Michelle Obama showing off those perfectly toned arms of hers.

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20 minutes ago, briochetwist said:


But this wasn't work, it was a gala event, The Pride of Britain. Feel free to check out the link showing what others were wearing, gowns slit up to here and cut down to there. She looks perfectly respectable.



I think she looks perfectly respectable as well, and I don't agree with the criticism either. However, different cultures have different views. The Brits are more conservative than Americans in many ways, this being one of them. I have British citizenship, spent pretty much half of my life over there, and still haven't figured it all out yet.

However, should Trump win this election, I will be taking my UK Passport (along with my US one) and spending more than just half the year in London. Despite the issues that the UK is going to have with Brexit (which I don't understand why Trump refers to at all), I would so much rather live and work there than risk living in a Trumptatorship with a leader who will be nothing but an incredible embarrassment at best and likely destroy America and it's diplomatic relations and get us tied up in multiple wars.  

I read part of an article the other day that mentioned more Americans than ever were applying for jobs in Canada at the moment. I wonder if Americans will be eligible to seek asylum in other Countries if Trump is elected (which he just cannot be, and will not be - again, trying to stay positive).

Edited by Rapunzel
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23 minutes ago, ari333 said:

I hope I'm not out of line in  discussing the Mrs here, but I don't think she warrants her own thread.

Bold By Me (BBM) are you referring to outfits worn in public or her .. um..... photos? I haven't seen much of her bc I didn't want to, but now Im a little curious how bad it got aka how little she wore. And for sure tRump will trade her in when she is deemed "too old" or gains 2 pounds or when gravity gets her.  I expect the first lady of any term and either party to have a little.. what's the word? decorum.... in how she conducts and dresses herself. Sheesh that is not too much to ask.   

Edit to add: Hopefully he'll lose and it wont be any issue anymore.

Here are some of the outfits the wannabe Bond villainness has worn.  Admittedly some of the dresses she has worn on the campaign trail are a little more appropriate.  Melania's Fashion Sense

And, as much as Drumpf brags about his "beautiful wife," I prefer a man who actually shows his wife how beautiful she is by honoring her and acting as if she's a reflection of him.

Edited by MulletorHater
To include the link to the story
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9 hours ago, 33kaitykaity said:

Really good, fricking scary synopsis of how we got here. 



I enjoyed this, especially the look back to the rise of Trump from 2008, roots in the tea party (and of course birther movement). It's always interesting how his candidacy has shown what many movement conservatives actually find intolerable, even in a winning Republican. Jonah Goldberg and Rick Wilson in particular. Not a lot about the actual campaign, but a good reminder of some highlights (lowlights) that got us to this point. (I'm surprised he didn't use some news footage of the Rep officials critical of Trump. There aren't a lot of them, but Graham in particular comes up with some devastating soundbites.)

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Fox News admits it made up phony story about Hillary Clinton being “indicted” over Foundation

The “indictment” storyline began when Fox News reporter Bret Baier claimed on Wednesday night that two anonymous sources had told him Hillary Clinton was going to be indicted over the Clinton Foundation.


Bret Baier who erroneously reported this on Fox & Friends walked it backwards. It was a total lie.

Edited by HumblePi
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1 hour ago, Darian said:

Yeah, I won't criticize anyone for not wearing a bra, and the pearl-clutching that can ensue over visible nipple outline can annoy me, but, yeah, I tend to wear the damn bra that won't show my nips at certain events. The main thing is, imagine if it were Chelsea or Michelle Obama or any Democratic woman. That picture would have been everywhere with the worst slurs imaginable. 

I'm flat chested, so when I was younger I used to wear a lot of bras without any padding and I didn't realize until I started working and it was pointed out to me that you could often see my nipples through my shirts.  So now I always buy bras with padding to prevent this from happening.   Melania is old enough to know better.

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3 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

But,but,but,she will bring the class to the WH that has been missing for 8 years! WHAAAAT? Are people blind? The Obamas exude class and grace. The Drumphs are tacky,tawdry and trashy. 

^ I wish I could like this 100 times.  I'm already missing them in anticipation.

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6 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

But,but,but,she will bring the class to the WH that has been missing for 8 years! WHAAAAT? Are people blind? The Obamas exude class and grace. The Drumphs are tacky,tawdry and trashy. 

Seriously new administrations have an allowance to redecorate, seeing their houses this might be one of the more troubling aspects of his possible presidency!

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This is another very underreported story on Trump v. working people

Trump Ordered by Court to Stop Fighting the Union Voted On at his LV Hotel And Start Contract Negotiations

Also this Ties to Putin?

This article raises the possibility when Trump was in Russia for the Miss Universe pageant that Russian intelligence compromised him and could blackmail him as president. That is so obvious a weakness for Trump--the possibility of blackmail over some sexual or financial impropriety! Too bad it hasn't become part of the public awareness.  Definitely he's a security risk if ever there was one.

Edited by Padma
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Two days before the FBI Director James Comey made his startling announcement, Rudolph Giuliani was a guest on Fox and made this telling slip.  He KNEW and gloated about this announcement a full TWO DAYS ahead of time! Obviously Trump and his camp knew all about this and were involved deeply. They should all be charged with crimes against the government, interfering, intent to commit fraud and any other charges that can be brought. They are despicable humans. Key up to minute 1:00 if you want to go directly to the Giuliani statement on Fox.

Edited by HumblePi
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14 minutes ago, Padma said:

And the media will remain mute. It's only news if it's Hillary.

I can hardly believe Ghouliani! He has turned into the ultimate told-ya-so-neener-neener toddler. He is taking such glee in this it's sickening.

I hope that at some point in time he is held accountable in a, "What did you know and when did you know it" kind of way. Followed by, "Remove your belt, shoelaces and watches and rings."

Edited by NewDigs
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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

And, as much as Drumpf brags about his "beautiful wife," I prefer a man who actually shows his wife how beautiful she is by honoring her and acting as if she's a reflection of him.

I hate that he brags about his beautiful wife. First of all, in my opinion, she has a pinched, mean face. I don't find her beautiful at all. I think she's hard looking. She looks to me like a deeply unhappy person, who is putting on a front. That doesn't even matter, though.  I don't think enough notice is paid to the fact that her looks are all he cares about. Does he call her brilliant? Does he wax poetic on what a great mother she is to their son? Does he praise her business acumen or her wisdom? No. Perhaps he has occasionally given lip service to those qualities, but truly,he only gives a shit about how having a beautiful woman on his arm improves his status in the eyes of his peers. That's a glaring spotlight into him as a person.  I wish the media would pick up on that and take notice every time he talks about his beautiful wife. It seems nice on the surface, but it's really just another way to demean Melania, and by extension, show us how he thinks of women.

When I've heard Melania speak in any capacity, she does seem to be a genuinely nice, if a bit dim, person.  I suspect she's much like any other trophy wife - grinning and bearing it for the payoff of having a rich husband, asshole though he may be.  My dad always told me, "If you marry for money, you'll earn every penny".  Melania seems to be paying the price to be rich. I couldn't stomach living with that walking shitstain.

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9 minutes ago, Padma said:

Assange, Unhinged, Ignorant and Completely For Trump and the "He's the Victim of a Conspiracy" Idea

This man has zero credibility now.  And I wish the media would refer to the leaks being from him, as "wikileaks" has lost a lot of the people who had a mission in the beginning.   Why is he in the Ecuadoran embassy? Can't he join Snowden in Russia?

He will be arrested and extradited as soon as left the Embassy. He already appealed to the UK Supreme Court and they already ruled that he could be extradicted to Sweden.

Edited by biakbiak
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1 hour ago, PatsyandEddie said:

But,but,but,she will bring the class to the WH that has been missing for 8 years! WHAAAAT? Are people blind? The Obamas exude class and grace. The Drumphs are tacky,tawdry and trashy. 

There's one thing you've forgotten here. The true reason why these people will not consider the Obamas to be classy or graceful. Wait for it.... they're black. These people are racist, and even after eight years, they can't accept that a black man and woman lived in the White House.

Hey, does anyone remember the furore way back, when Michelle dared to wear a sleeveless dress to something? I think Fox had apoplexy at the sight of naked arms, yet they have nothing prudish or judgemental to say about anything relating to the women in Trump's life.

Edited by Danny Franks
horrendous apostrophe misuse
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3 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

Her rode hard and put out wet face bothers me more than her nipples. Damn, she is ugly!

Sorry, but this kind of attack is just plain wrong and ought to stop.   

Trump was roundly criticized for attacking Carly Fiorina, Jessica Leeds and other women about their looks via Twitter and elsewhere.   Everyone said how horrible he was.

As far as I can tell, Melania Trump is guilty of being married to the Worst Person in the World, being given a plagiarized speech to read, and allowing herself to be paraded around like the trophy wife she is.

None of that warrants this kind of venom.   

Edited by millennium
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There's no way to tell what will happen on November 8th, but the rumors are running rampant that there will definitely be some type of sabotage. It's a little scary particularly since the polls are showing that it's going to be a close race, although I am still holding onto the hope of Hillary winning by a great margin.

The election day forum is up and ready to start on Nov. 8th so we can combine these boards into one for that day.


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7 minutes ago, millennium said:

Sorry, but this kind of attack is just plain wrong and ought to stop.   

Trump was roundly criticized for attacking Carly Fiorina, Jessica Leeds and other women about their looks via Twitter and elsewhere.   Everyone said how horrible he was.

As far as I can tell, Melania Trump is guilty of being married to the Worst Person in the World, being given a plagiarized speech to read, and allowing herself to be paraded around like the trophy wife she is.

None of that warrants this kind of venom.   

Every time I'm tempted to feel sorry for Melania or wax poetic about what a nice person she must be, I remember that she said that Julie Ioffe of GQ provoked the anti-Semitic attacks launched against her.  And, why?  All because the woman had the temerity to write a less-than-flattering profile about her and researched her background in Slovenia.  According to Melania:  “I don’t control my fans.  But I don’t agree with what they’re doing. I understand what you mean, but there are people out there who maybe went too far. She provoked them."

Perhaps she should take a lesson from Mrs. Obama who has had to develop thick skin on behalf of herself and her family.  And, she still manages to stay above the fray.  It's outrageous that the Drumpfs' "fans" [can't believe this chick claimed she had fans!] called Ms. Ioffe, playing Hitler's speeches, telling her she should be shot in the head and burned in the ovens.  Then to add insult to injury, they sent her photoshopped images of herself in a concentration camp uniform.

Melania also stated in an interview with DuJour“We know the truth. He’s [her huzzzzbin] not Hitler. He wants to help America. He wants to unite people. They think he doesn’t but he does. Even with the Muslims, it’s temporary.”

Excuse me, but how in the hell is it temporary "even with the Muslims?"  What in the bloody fuck is she talking about?  I just can't with these people.

I cry no tears for Melania.  She is paid well to be Drumpf's arm piece.  She is trash just like her husband and the rest of his fool's gold-gilded clan.

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Hey, does anyone remember the furore way back, when Michelle dared to wear a sleeveless dress to something? I think Fox had apoplexy at the sight of naked arms, yet they have nothing prudish or judgemental to say about anything relating to the women in Trump's life.

No, it's not naked arms, it's naked arms belonging to a woman of a particular hue.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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Add to the "This Should Hurt Donald Trump But Won't" File:

Judge issues restraining order against Trump campaign over voter-harassment fears


A judge in Cleveland on Friday issued a temporary restraining order against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign and a GOP political operative, preventing them from harassing or intimidating Ohio voters.

U.S. District Judge James Gwin ruled in a lawsuit filed by the Ohio Democratic Party that anyone who engages in intimidation or harassment inside or near Ohio polling places would face contempt-of-court charges. Gwin dismissed the Ohio Republican Party as a defendant in the case.

The lawsuit claimed that the Ohio GOP, the Trump campaign, operative Roger Stone and his political action committee, Stop the Steal, were conspiring to suppress minorities in urban areas from casting ballots on Tuesday.

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3 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Every time I'm tempted to feel sorry for Melania or wax poetic about what a nice person she must be, I remember that she said that Julie Ioffe of GQ provoked the anti-Semitic attacks launched against her.  And, why?  All because the woman had the temerity to write a less-than-flattering profile about her and researched her background in Slovenia.  According to Melania:  “I don’t control my fans.  But I don’t agree with what they’re doing. I understand what you mean, but there are people out there who maybe went too far. She provoked them."

Perhaps she should take a lesson from Mrs. Obama who has had to develop thick skin on behalf of herself and her family.  And, she still manages to stay above the fray.  It's outrageous that the Drumpfs' "fans" [can't believe this chick claimed she had fans!] called Ms. Ioffe, playing Hitler's speeches, telling her she should be shot in the head and burned in the ovens.  Then to add insult to injury, they sent her photoshopped images of herself in a concentration camp uniform.

Melania also stated in an interview with DuJour“We know the truth. He’s [her huzzzzbin] not Hitler. He wants to help America. He wants to unite people. They think he doesn’t but he does. Even with the Muslims, it’s temporary.”

Excuse me, but how in the hell is it temporary "even with the Muslims?"  What in the bloody fuck is she talking about?  I just can't with these people.

I cry no tears for Melania.  She is paid well to be Drumpf's arm piece.  She is trash just like her husband and the rest of his fool's gold-gilded clan.

I think the temporary thing she thinks she's referring to is the ban on Muslims entering the US. We all know it's complete horseshit and more than likely,so does she. 

Her saying someone provoked anti Semitic attacks is unconscionable. 

I'm not crying any tears for her either. I doubt she wants any part of the public speaking but that's what happens when you are mixed up with the orange jackass. 

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15 hours ago, HumblePi said:

This horrible election has made me a bitter woman, and a spiteful thinking one. I actually want Donald Trump's business to fail. I want every bank to deny him credit and I want his apartment buildings empty and sold to the city for homeless people's shelters. I want Melania to leave him with Barron and the nanny and get with some really richer man that's half his age.  I want Kellyann Conway's bleached hair to fall out at the roots. I want someone to actually vomit on Kayleigh McEnany. I want to see Van Jones punch Corey Lewandowski right in his nose on TV.  And last but not least is Sean Hannity and what I imagine for that idiot is far too horrid to talk about. See? I told you that it's changed me as a person, and not in a good way.

This perfectly sums up my feelings.  I consider myself a nice, live and let live kind of a person.  I get along with just about everybody and I'm tolerant of different opinions.  But Donald and his minions make me so angry, disgusted, and scared, that my previously unknown interior vengeance beast is awake and slathering to be fed by constant negative stories and Donald and his whole damned family.  I want him to be humiliated and scorned and broke and friendless.  And I hate him even more for making me realize that I am capable of feeling this way.

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39 minutes ago, millennium said:

Who points a gun at children? This guy needs to do some time to get his priorities straight. Asshole! 

It's the stupidity that I can't tolerate. You can be uneducated but you don't have to be willfully dumb. 

Edited by PatsyandEddie
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1 hour ago, Pixel said:

I don't think enough notice is paid to the fact that her looks are all he cares about. Does he call her brilliant? Does he wax poetic on what a great mother she is to their son? Does he praise her business acumen or her wisdom? No. Perhaps he has occasionally given lip service to those qualities, but truly,he only gives a shit about how having a beautiful woman on his arm improves his status in the eyes of his peers.

I'd bet good money that if he loses the election he'll be trading her in for a younger model in a few years. There is no way he's going to stick with someone who's losing out to gravity.

Or hell, even if he wins, since none of the usual rules seem to apply to him.

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2 hours ago, PatsyandEddie said:

CNN is bringing this up today. I wonder if any of the others news programmes will. 

Fox should run a banner on a loop " We can't be trusted to give correct information the TRUTH to the viewers" 

I hope you don't mind, but I fixed that for you!

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6 minutes ago, random chance said:

I'd bet good money that if he loses the election he'll be trading her in for a younger model in a few years. There is no way he's going to stick with someone who's losing out to gravity.

Or hell, even if he wins, since none of the usual rules seem to apply to him.

Honestly, I'm shocked he hasn't traded her in already. She's 46 - way too over the hill for Puffy Cheeto. He has claimed previously that anyone over 30 was too old.

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2 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

Every time I'm tempted to feel sorry for Melania or wax poetic about what a nice person she must be, I remember that she said that Julie Ioffe of GQ provoked the anti-Semitic attacks launched against her.  And, why?  All because the woman had the temerity to write a less-than-flattering profile about her and researched her background in Slovenia.  According to Melania:  “I don’t control my fans.  But I don’t agree with what they’re doing. I understand what you mean, but there are people out there who maybe went too far. She provoked them."

Perhaps she should take a lesson from Mrs. Obama who has had to develop thick skin on behalf of herself and her family.  And, she still manages to stay above the fray.  It's outrageous that the Drumpfs' "fans" [can't believe this chick claimed she had fans!] called Ms. Ioffe, playing Hitler's speeches, telling her she should be shot in the head and burned in the ovens.  Then to add insult to injury, they sent her photoshopped images of herself in a concentration camp uniform.

Melania also stated in an interview with DuJour“We know the truth. He’s [her huzzzzbin] not Hitler. He wants to help America. He wants to unite people. They think he doesn’t but he does. Even with the Muslims, it’s temporary.”

Excuse me, but how in the hell is it temporary "even with the Muslims?"  What in the bloody fuck is she talking about?  I just can't with these people.

I cry no tears for Melania.  She is paid well to be Drumpf's arm piece.  She is trash just like her husband and the rest of his fool's gold-gilded clan.

I have had a problem with the fact that both Kayleigh McEnany and Kellyanne Conway and other Trump surrogates to want to put Melania Trump on some kind of an altruistic pedestal. Kayleigh McEnany and Kellyanne Conway were each on CNN praising Melania Trump up to the heavens, making her out to be some sort of national treasure or heroine.

Kayleigh McEnany;
"She's a loving wife with values that people should have when they love humanity and love their neighbors. The amazing story she told of coming from Slovenia, admiring the American dream, harnishing it and achieving it, nothing will take away from that."

Kellyanne Conway;
"She has a very difficult job at home taking care of her 10 year old son Barron. Her immigrant roots, her love of America. The fact that she came to work and live in America. But that wasn't enough, she wanted to BE an American."

This is when I think to myself 'give me a fucking break'. Melania's experiences coming to America as a model can't really compare to a vast majority of our immigrants who had come into the US legally to escape lives of oppression, poverty and even starvation. My own father in law came to the US when he was 18 years old from the Ukraine. He had been a young boy during the Russian revolution. His mother was a school teacher under the Czarist rule so when the Bolsheviks, known as  the Red Army opposed the military confederations collectively known as the White Army she was arrested with white collar workers and others associated with the 'White Army' and sent to Siberia with her four children in exile. Her husband was conscripted into the White Army. They were literally starving in Siberia. She arranged secretly to have her own son (my father in law) kidnapped so that he would end up in an orphanage and hopefully have enough food to eat there to survive. She watched as her older son was blown to pieces throwing himself on a hand grenade thrown into her home.  As he related the story, they had even less food in the orphanage, they were starving to death, so he ran away. At eight years old, he was on the run alone, stealing apples from root cellars buried in the ground, he was shot in the leg trying to run from the Red Army. He survived and was able to get into the US at the age of 18. That's what I call strength. That's what I call perseverance. That's what I call bravery. And his story is probably nothing compared to some of the immigrants that came to the US.

Melania's father, managed a car and motorcycle dealerships for a state-owned vehicle manufacturer, and was a member of the Slovenian Communist Party. Her mother, Amalija came from the village of Raka and was a pattern maker at a children's clothing manufacturer. They weren't exactly poor, that's for sure. Melania attended the Secondary School of Design and Photography in Ljubljana and studied at the University of Ljubljana for one year before dropping out. Melania Trump began her modeling career at age 16 and at age 17 posed for Slovenian fashion photographer Stane Jerko. At 18, she signed with a modeling agency in Milan, Italy. Melania Trump isn't the poor little girl from a Communist country that had to struggle and do without as they like to portray. She ended up marrying a billionaire because she was pretty much high-profile and had the  privilege of being given the opportunity to be able to hob-nob with the wealthy and powerful men of this country. Her story doesn't bring a tear to my eye, or a warm fuzzy feeling towards her.

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How can you tell Fox News was hacked?  Did it suddenly start supporting Hillary?

It is really frightening just how far the GoP is going to win this election, moreso than any other year with the hacking by Russia, the voter intimidation/poll watching, etc.  There are rumors in PA that the whole reason Septa allowed the strike is to prevent people in Philadelphia from getting to the polls to vote on Tuesday, because Hillary needs the democratic Philadelphians out in force to counter the republican stranglehold on the rest of the state.

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14 minutes ago, random chance said:

I'd bet good money that if he loses the election he'll be trading her in for a younger model in a few years. There is no way he's going to stick with someone who's losing out to gravity.

Or hell, even if he wins, since none of the usual rules seem to apply to him.

Oh, he'll do that either way.  She's starting to age a bit. I'm sure he doesn't like that at all.

Not that it matters, but I actually honestly think Hillary is more appealing.  She's not a model type, but she has an open, friendly face, and looks approachable. That's what I consider beautiful.  Not someone who has the angles figured out that will make a great photo.  

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16 minutes ago, Pixel said:

Oh, he'll do that either way.  She's starting to age a bit. I'm sure he doesn't like that at all.

Not that it matters, but I actually honestly think Hillary is more appealing.  She's not a model type, but she has an open, friendly face, and looks approachable. That's what I consider beautiful.  Not someone who has the angles figured out that will make a great photo.  

The only thing Sarah Palin had going for her is her slenderness and great cheekbones.

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1 hour ago, HumblePi said:

Kellyanne Conway;
"She has a very difficult job at home taking care of her 10 year old son Barron...."

"Very difficult job". Really? He's at school all day and stays on the computer a lot at home. Unless he's an out of control brat like his father was, how is taking care of a healthy 10 year old--with tons of household help--"very" difficult?  

Now, if she'd said, "Don't forget. She has to sleep with Donald every night. You can imagine how difficult that is, day after day, year after year", I might find some sympathy.

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2 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

The Finger-waving Cheeto just threw Chris Christie under the bus and backed up over him. As far as he's concerned, Christie knew about his people closing the bridge. 

Is this true? Well, there's an example for his cult of how he'll treat everyone.  Chris Christie was scheduled for a couple of stump speeches for Trump the next couple of days.

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32 minutes ago, Pixel said:

Is this true? Well, there's an example for his cult of how he'll treat everyone.  Chris Christie was scheduled for a couple of stump speeches for Trump the next couple of days.

Clinton campaign says Trump should 'drain the swamp' by removing Chris Christie as transition chief. Michael A. Memoli. (Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images) Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman called on Donald Trump to remove New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie as his transition chairman after Friday's Bridgegate verdict.

Edited by HumblePi
edited to add breaking news
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9 minutes ago, Pixel said:

Is this true? Well, there's an example for his cult of how he'll treat everyone.  Chris Christie was scheduled for a couple of stump speeches for Trump the next couple of days.

That's ok. Christie will still come back and say Please sir, may I have another. He's the fat kid who will take the abuse because he gets to sit at the cool kids table . 

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16 minutes ago, PatsyandEddie said:

The Finger-waving Cheeto just threw Chris Christie under the bus and backed up over him. As far as he's concerned, Christie knew about his people closing the bridge. 

No sympathy whatsoever for Mr. Lock-Her-UP!  It should surprise no one that Christie turned to Ghouliani when prosecutors were investigating this mess.  Will his administration reimburse New Jersey's taxpayers for the legal fees spent for that self-serving "report" exonerating himself from blame?

And, let that be a warning to Ghouliani, the dishwater blond Crypt Keeper, Gingrich and the rest of the rogue's gallery of sycophants bowing at the nectarine nightmare's gold-plated throne.  It's only a matter of time before he backs up a bus over them especially if he rides off into the sunset to start his TV venture.

Here is Keith Olbermann's suggestion on how to fight evil this weekend:


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3 hours ago, Pixel said:

Oh my god.  I gotta kind of appreciate him being so blunt about it, but that's insanity!

Trump acted like it was not a surprise at all, implying that he thought Christie was guilty all along, yet he chose Christie to represent him.  How are his supporters so blind to the kind of guy Trump really is? (rhetorical question).

3 hours ago, NextIteration said:

So the DNC headquarters was probably bugged.  ... and the Friday night drinking commences.

Well, it adds up, doesn't it?  Trump has a "tell" - his comments about his opponents are foreshadowing of the trouble with him and his campaign (and sometimes it is just projecting he does after his trouble has surfaced).  Around the third debate, he started in with comments about Hillary not having stamina, about her giving a speech then going home to take a nap.  His recent speeches have been much quieter, his voice is a bit hoarse and he isn't as "energetic" in the Christy video as he used to be.  

He started talking about the election being rigged, and now we find out all sorts of ways his people have been trying to rig it (vote by text, etc.)

I thought it was strange a few days ago when he started to reference "Watergate" for Hillary's FBI troubles.  The emails and the foundation have nothing to do with bugging hotel rooms. Now it makes sense.  There was bugging going.  

If you didn't have to look at him or listen to him, he would be fun to play poker against.  He starts talking about Queen Elizabeth and you would know he had queens.  He mentions that there are too many people at his penthouse and you know he has a full house.  Then again, he would ante with IOUs and, after he loses, I doubt he would pay up. 

3 hours ago, HumblePi said:

Take THIS Fox Network. Megyn Kelly claims Roger Ailes sexually harassed her.


I would be more surprised if they found a women at Fox who wasn't ever harassed by Roger Ailes. 

Edited by needschocolate
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