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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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What a chickenshit bully Drumpf is.  




Donald Trump singles out NBC's Katy Tur, again

Donald Trump once again singled out NBC News journalist Katy Tur by name during a rally on Wednesday, reigniting concerns about reporters' safety at Trump rallies.

Speaking at a rally in Miami, Trump launched into his oft-repeated line about how the "dishonest" media never showed the size of his rallies before singling out Tur.

"There's something happening. They're not reporting it. Katy -- you're not reporting it, Katy," Trump said. "But there's something happening, Katy. There's something happening, Katy."

It was not the first time Trump had singled out Tur, who has been covering his campaign since last summer. Last December, he called Tur a "third-rate journalist" during a rally, causing supporters to shout at her and boo. During a news conference in July, he told her to "be quiet."

[more at link]

When BriWi asked Katy how she felt about being bullied like that, she fluffed it off with "good thing I have a thick skin."  Mic-drop,

Edited by 33kaitykaity
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Watching World Series and so far three Trump commercials between 8th and 9th inning. (Tied at 6-6 at end of 9th). No Hillary commercials ..

So Trump campaign likes sports fans? and Clinton campaign does not think that they want to spend money on sports fans?

(Oh and using FBI for insinuation in Trump Ad . After talking about Hillary using foundation money to get rich and do illegal things, says that FBI just started a new investigation on her. FBI director really gave them a life line)

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53 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

first, what idiocy to tell women to "grow a set" - GROW testicles?  HOw does a woman do that? 

Secondly -   that article quotes a woman saying Trump was chosen by God.  I keep reading that - GOD has somehow chosen DONALD TRUMP to be president?   Where did this idea originate? 

It's a good thing I don't go to church. 

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1 minute ago, backformore said:

first, what idiocy to tell women to "grow a set" - GROW testicles?  HOw does a woman do that? 

Secondly -   that article quotes a woman saying Trump was chosen by God.  I keep reading that - GOD has somehow chosen DONALD TRUMP to be president?   Where did this idea originate? 

It's a good thing I don't go to church. 

Trump being chosen by God is the ongoing far right belief for months now.

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9 minutes ago, FartyPants said:

Watching World Series and so far three Trump commercials between 8th and 9th inning. (Tied at 6-6 at end of 9th). No Hillary commercials ..

So Trump campaign likes sports fans? and Clinton campaign does not think that they want to spend money on sports fans?

(Oh and using FBI for insinuation in Trump Ad . After talking about Hillary using foundation money to get rich and do illegal things, says that FBI just started a new investigation on her. FBI director really gave them a life line)

I just saw that.  What a fuckin' liar!  The Clinton FOUNDATION  made the Clintons rich?   And the whole ad talks about the Clintons like they are the "wealthy elite".  As compared to TRUMP?!!?

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1 hour ago, backformore said:

I just saw that.  What a fuckin' liar!  The Clinton FOUNDATION  made the Clintons rich?   And the whole ad talks about the Clintons like they are the "wealthy elite".  As compared to TRUMP?!!?

I saw a comment from a Trump supporter the other day stating that Hillary Clinton was only going to support the white, wealthy, elitists. Clearly they have no idea who Trump is and what he stands for - I just can't with these ignorant people anymore,

Edited by Rapunzel
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26 minutes ago, FartyPants said:

Watching World Series and so far three Trump commercials between 8th and 9th inning. (Tied at 6-6 at end of 9th). No Hillary commercials ..

So Trump campaign likes sports fans? and Clinton campaign does not think that they want to spend money on sports fans?

(Oh and using FBI for insinuation in Trump Ad . After talking about Hillary using foundation money to get rich and do illegal things, says that FBI just started a new investigation on her. FBI director really gave them a life line)

Just saw an ad for Hillary.  (Maybe different ads are running in different markets?). Man, this game is so tense!  (Game now in extra innings).  Between this game and this election, I'm not sure which is causing me more anxiety!

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35 minutes ago, 33kaitykaity said:

What a chickenshit bully Drumpf is.  

When BriWi asked Katy how she felt about being bullied like that, she fluffed it off with "good thing I have a thick skin."  Mic-drop,

That is scary, unacceptable and also really weird. I saw Katy's stand up earlier and, as often happens, she annoyed me by not really saying much. It was a recap of his speech somewhere, a recap of how they see the crowd sizes growing and feel that shows t hey'll win, a recap of more of the latest spin. Does Trump even WATCH her broadcast? Or does he just like to find punching bags who won't respond (keeping it professional) so he keeps on hitting?   The SS at least walks her out of the rallies now, but what about when they're not around? Trump is so reprehensible.

Chosen by God? And Hillary and Obama are, literally, demons? How many of our people have IQs in the single digits?  These are the lunatic fringe anymore. They're the lunatic mainstream and they may give us a lunatic for president.

Just linking to this NY Daily News multi-chapter editorial slam on Trump and endorsement of Clinton--really a good overview (they hate him!)--and some great line art, too:NY Daily News Bury Trump in a Landslide!

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17 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Trump being chosen by God is the ongoing far right belief for months now.

It's not a problem, I just read a post from a 'ordained minister' on the Sean Hannity Facebook page who said that he was there praying for a Trump victory and I just responded as a nun calling Trump Satan and that I've already said 100 rosaries that he'll lose.  I'm pissing them off over there at Hannity's Facebook, I better cool it.

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2 minutes ago, Padma said:

That is scary, unacceptable and also really weird. I saw Katy's stand up earlier and, as often happens, she annoyed me by not really saying much. It was a recap of his speech somewhere, a recap of how they see the crowd sizes growing and feel that shows t hey'll win, a recap of more of the latest spin. Does Trump even WATCH her broadcast? Or does he just like to find punching bags who won't respond (keeping it professional) so he keeps on hitting?   The SS at least walks her out of the rallies now, but what about when they're not around? Trump is so reprehensible.


Katy is more vocal on twitter and other outlets which is probably why she is on his radar. That and she is a pretty blonde who doesn't like him.

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I dared not say this out loud, but I made up my mind that if the Cubs won tonight, I could rest easy that Hillary would be our next president.  An Indians' win would portend very very badly.

An irrational thought hatched during an irrational campaign, I grant you, but....

Congratulations to the Chicago Cubs!  

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I don't like despising him either. But I didn't sixteen months ago. He's completely earned it.  And I agree with you he's capable of suspending the Constitution and getting spineless Republican-controlled Congress to go along.

I thought the Patriot Act was going too far. Imagine President Trump "inspiring" his army of deplorables with martial law, supported by Republican leaders in Congress who were too scared of all these angry Americans (and all these newly formed 50-state heavily armed militias) to stand up to him. And a Supreme Court with 5 rightwing judges, two of them, far right.  Also not hard to imagine? Pretenses for curtailing press criticism as "consorting with the enemy".

It's not hard to see how fascism could come to America.

ETA: Yay, Cubs! (great final game) C'mon Hillary!!!

Edited by Padma
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Tonight, Chris Hayes and LOD both talked about Donald's companies and investments.  While there isn't a full picture of his current financial ties, since he refuses to release his tax returns, how he's acted in the past is well known - lawsuits, discrimination, bankruptcies and not paying contractors, using undocumented workers, cheating on taxes, making nice with gangsters, etc.  And from the required disclosures he has made, we know he has investments in a number of authoritarian-led countries.  These are places where rulers and intelligence agencies are cozy if not intermingled.  It's not beyond the realm of possibility that his financial ties could lead to him being compromised by one or more foreign governments (if he hasn't been already).  You'd think that Donald's enablers would think twice about supporting a candidate with this baggage, but then these are the same people who have no problem standing alongside white supremacists in their support of the man.  It's mind boggling.

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Two co-workers got into it today on FB, with one saying Trump is God's instrument. God sometimes uses bad people for good, you see.

Of course, the Trump supporter would not allow that HRC might be someone bad whom God could use for good.

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5 hours ago, 33kaitykaity said:

What a chickenshit bully Drumpf is.  

When BriWi asked Katy how she felt about being bullied like that, she fluffed it off with "good thing I have a thick skin."  Mic-drop,

As soon as I read that he singled out a female journalist like that, I  knew what the reason would be. Googled her and confirmed my suspicions: She's attractive and intelligent, which means Trumpster is both horny for her and scared of her, so he uses his bully pulpit to demean her. The man is nothing if not predictable in his behaviour.

I've got to say, if he wins this election he's going to set the US back by at least a generation. On all fronts. Simply cannot believe he's even in the race, despite how bad a candidate Clinton is.

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8 hours ago, WhitneyWhit said:

I also don't like that I have such a seething hatred for this man, I don't like that feeling but I despise Big Orange, I despise everything he's done to our country, our democracy and I especially hate him for helping normalize racism, bigotry, sexism, homophobia, etc.

I don't know that I've ever hated someone I didn't know personally this much (I don't know that I've really hated someone that I did know personally--hate is such a strong word).  I've always tried to find the good in someone and if I couldn't, I believed that since we don't know them personally, how can we truly say that we hate them?  But, I truly hate this man and that's part of the anxiety I'm feeling. 


8 hours ago, WhitneyWhit said:

I didn't want Romney or McCain to win, but had they I would have said "Well shit" then life would have went on

Exactly how I felt, too.

8 hours ago, WhitneyWhit said:

A coward like Paul Ryan wouldn't stop him and considering that Trump is frighteningly close in the polls, it seems as though a lot of Americans would go along with him, as well.

I'm pissed at the hypocrisy.  They wailed that Obama didn't have any experience.  They thought Michelle wasn't classy enough.  They thought Obama made us look bad. Etc, etc.......  Are they kidding?!!!  This is just insanity. 

I've always been fascinated with the late 60s and early 70s.  The way people were fighting for a change and the tumultuous events that led to that change.  People who lived through it told me it was just terribly depressing, but I always, naively, thought it sounded sad, yet exciting.  If it was anything like this, then I'm kind of glad I didn't have to live through it.  I mean, I don't know if I'm going make it through the week without a full blown anxiety attack (in fact, I was close to one yesterday).

Edited by Shannon L.
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9 hours ago, backformore said:

I just saw that.  What a fuckin' liar!  The Clinton FOUNDATION  made the Clintons rich?   And the whole ad talks about the Clintons like they are the "wealthy elite".  As compared to TRUMP?!!?

It's amazing how the Trump/Pence campaign has managed to portray their own qualities as bad qualities that the opposition has.  It's so bizarre.  Trump's continuing to lump Hillary in as the "wealthy elite" while he, himself, claims to be a billionaire.  Then we had Pence at the VP debate repeatedly using "career politicians" as a slur against Clinton/Kaine.  Really, Mike?  What is it you've been doing for around 30 years now?  That nobody calls them out on this shit is one of the many mind-boggling aspects of this campaign.  

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20 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

It's amazing how the Trump/Pence campaign has managed to portray their own qualities as bad qualities that the opposition has.  It's so bizarre.  Trump's continuing to lump Hillary in as the "wealthy elite" while he, himself, claims to be a billionaire.  Then we had Pence at the VP debate repeatedly using "career politicians" as a slur against Clinton/Kaine.  Really, Mike?  What is it you've been doing for around 30 years now?  That nobody calls them out on this shit is one of the many mind-boggling aspects of this campaign.  

In the psychotherapy world, it's called 'projection', I think. Whatever one thinks is a description of himself/herself, is projected onto someone else, as a means of deflection.  This is classic tRump.   Plus I think that once he describes Hillary in a certain vein then he feels that gives him immunity from the same characterization.  It's absurd, bizarre, sick, and in its own devious way, very clever.  I cannot believe that so many lemmings are following him off the cliff.  The disastrous result of a tRump victory, however, is that they will drag all the rest of us over it with them.

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11 hours ago, Padma said:

Trump has shown all his opponents what works (a simple theme that fits available negative information and--this is the important part--that you repeat over and over and over...at every. freaking. rally!)  He did it with his slogan. He did it with the wall. He did it with "bringing back jobs". [...]

Trump has a killer's instinct for on-target messaging, and he's relentless.

I agree, I think this is the crux of it. I flip through the channels and there's Hillary saying something like "we need to stop being divided by divisiveness and come together to build a better tomorrow for the future" and then there's Trump with something like "when I'm elected I will invent the fountain of youth! You will be ten years younger IMMEDIATELY! Make America Young again! Youth for all! Youth for all!" 

9 hours ago, WhitneyWhit said:

I'm at a point where I'm wondering if will even have elections after four years of Trump. I said that to  Trump supporter I know and she said that was crazy but I don't think it is. I have been horrified by the way that so many people bowed to his crazy

And that is actually the most frightening thing about him, to me. Nobody stands up to him. Even the Pope backed down.

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5 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

As soon as I read that he singled out a female journalist like that, I  knew what the reason would be. Googled her and confirmed my suspicions: She's attractive and intelligent, which means Trumpster is both horny for her and scared of her, so he uses his bully pulpit to demean her. The man is nothing if not predictable in his behaviour.

I've got to say, if he wins this election he's going to set the US back by at least a generation. On all fronts. Simply cannot believe he's even in the race, despite how bad a candidate Clinton is.

That's personally why I thought he went on on Megyn Kelly.  It was clear to me that he had a hard-on for her and it incensed--and fascinated--him that she called out his mysogyny and refused to back down.  So, true to form,  he demeans her and then does the kiss-and-make-up interview.

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I heard a Trump surrogate comment today that Hillary is running such a negative campaign and they wish she would be more like Donald, who is talking about America's bright future and his policies to make it happen.  I speculated a while ago that Trump's surrogates have some sort of hearing problem where they can't hear what they themselves are saying.  I have decided that they also can't hear reporters' questions or what Donald Trump is saying either.  

Did anyone else hear Trump coaching himself out loud at a Rally "Stay on message, Donald" and "Be calm, Donald" and try to figure if he was on Valium, Nexium, Ritalin, Weed, or jsut fell and hit his head on the tub? 

13 hours ago, madmaverick said:

But in a nutshell, my question was, how did Trump become a Teflon candidate?  Nothing sticks to him, nothing.  Stuff that would have killed every other candidate's campaign long ago had no impact on his.  That shocking Mexicans are rapists comment would have ended other campaigns.  Little did I know then how many more shocking comments he would make and get away with.  His constant lying is ignored, his inexcusable attacks on women and others are ignored, his unprecedented attack on the fairness of the voting system is ignored.  How does he do it?

What is it about Trump that gives him this Teflon quality?  Is it his celebrity, is it his personality?  Lots of people are willing suckers, but Trump's still doing something that lets him get away with what others wouldn't in a million years. 

That he polled as someone more honest and more trustworthy than Hillary after all he's said and done is the last straw.  He has mastered The Art of the Deception.

My latest theory (still trying to make sense of this election and Trump's "popularity") is that, among his other mental/emotions issues/disorders, Trump has short term memory loss. Like when he said during the debate that he doesn't pay taxes because he is smart and, immediately after the debate, said "I never said that."  Sometimes he forgets what he said two sentences before.  His short term memory loss is so severe that it is contagious - millions of people have caught it and forget whatever Trump said moments/hours/days/weeks before.  Actually, it is a hybrid form of short term memory loss that isn't just contagious, it makes people apply the memories to the wrong person, so they remember Hillary mis-used charitable donations and that she is the untrustworthy one, etc...

11 hours ago, backformore said:

first, what idiocy to tell women to "grow a set" - GROW testicles?  HOw does a woman do that? 

I always thought is was weird that the most sensitive/fragile part of a man's body is supposed to be such a sign of strength (Testicles vs Vaginas - which one is better at taking a pounding?) 

10 hours ago, sleekandchic said:

I dared not say this out loud, but I made up my mind that if the Cubs won tonight, I could rest easy that Hillary would be our next president.  An Indians' win would portend very very badly.

You are not alone in this theory.  On MSNBC this morning, they said that every time the World Series went to 7 games during a presidential election year, if the American League team won, the Republican became president, and it the National League won, so did the Democrats.

8 minutes ago, ChromaKelly said:

Has Kellyanne Conway changed DT's Twitter password on him? He hasn't said anything batshit crazy lately.

There is a Samatha Bee video someone posted (either in this thread of the political humor one) where she speculates that Trump can't read, an part of her evidence is him saying that he doesn't type the tweets, he has "one of the women" do it.  Perhaps, they have stopped doing it and hope that his short-term memory loss problem will prevent him from realizing they didn't tweet it.  

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1 hour ago, MulletorHater said:

That's personally why I thought he went on on Megyn Kelly.  It was clear to me that he had a hard-on for her and it incensed--and fascinated--him that she called out his mysogyny and refused to back down.  So, true to form,  he demeans her and then does the kiss-and-make-up interview.

Oh, definitely. She gives all those Republicans boners, which is why they're reacting so badly when she displays evidence of independent thought instead of being the bile spewing barbie doll that they want. Gingrich was horrified that she disagreed with him, as was Hannity.

Trump simply could not let it go when she called him out. He kept going on and on about her like a thwarted boy who just found out that the girl he likes isn't interested. But to credit her, other than that fawning interview she gave a while back, she's renewed and maintained her disgust with him as a candidate, even in the face of what I'm sure must be incredible pressure from her peers and those who watch her show.

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54 minutes ago, needschocolate said:

Did anyone else hear Trump coaching himself out loud at a Rally "Stay on message, Donald" and "Be calm, Donald" and try to figure if he was on Valium, Nexium, Ritalin, Weed, or jsut fell and hit his head on the tub? 

I mean ... the man has adult ADHD, right? From the Mayo Clinic:

Adult ADHD symptoms may include:
• Impulsiveness
• Disorganization and problems prioritizing
• Problems focusing on a task
• Excessive activity or restlessness
• Poor planning
• Low frustration tolerance
• Frequent mood swings
• Problems following through and completing tasks
• Hot temper
• Trouble coping with stress

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I just heard one sentence right now from his speech in Florida. It was all I could take.

"Hillary Clinton put the State Department up for sale in violation of federal law." (boo! "Lock her up!")

He ususally adds, "And then she deleted 33,000 email to cover up her crimes."

How does he keep getting away with lying like this? Why don't the Clinton surrogates Call. Him. Out.?

Why doesn't the media speak up?  Like his lie about the Clintons "getting rich through their Foundation".  As we all know, but would not be believed by the deplorables, neither Bill, Hillary nor Chelsea take any salary or money from the foundation!  And unlike Trump's, it has an "A" rating, giving nearly 90% for actual work, not administrative costs!

Just like Tony Schwartz--and Ted Cruz--said this man really IS a pathological liar! Seriously, that's not exaggeration. Apparently, through the years Donald Trump has learned that when he wants something and getting it requires lying, he is absolutely fine with that.  Various fact checkers support this but, for some reason, the news people on television Will. Not. Say. It. (O'Donnell will, of course. He hates him almost as much as I do.)

The NYTimes has finally used the word "lie" related to Trump because it is factual. Why can't cable news do the same? You're not editorializing when you say "lie" and the man is lying!!!!  Trump IS the most shameless, willful, pathological liar I can remember running for ANY public office! No one comes close, not even Lyndon Johnson (who -was- much like this too, but also, unlike Trump, had a positive side).  That's saying something!

Edited by Padma
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1 hour ago, ChromaKelly said:

Has Kellyanne Conway changed DT's Twitter password on him? He hasn't said anything batshit crazy lately.

I always wonder if she just gave him a fake twitter account to post on, somehow set up a phone that doesn't connect to anything.  

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3 hours ago, Shannon L. said:

I'm pissed at the hypocrisy.  They wailed that Obama didn't have any experience.  They thought Michelle wasn't classy enough.  They thought Obama made us look bad. Etc, etc.......  Are they kidding?!!!  This is just insanity. 

They're shameful, disgusting, hypocritical liars, the lot of them. Even those who can't quite stomach Trump were still complicit in the hounding of Clinton, in the obstruction of government for these last six years, for the staggering double standards on every single issue. The sheer gall of a man like Newt Gingrich accusing someone else of being obsessed with sex, when spent most of the 90s obsessed with what Bill Clinton was up to, while also being so hot and bothered by his love for America that he just had to cheat on his wife. This is the sort of man the Republicans attract. It's why they will cease to be relevant once the generation that was so gullible to their lies dies off.

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The other thing that I wish media would focus on was that shit storm of a debate in Louisiana at Dillard University (a historically Black college).  Somehow or another "ex" KKK Grand Wizard, David Duke, qualified to be on the debate stage.  The students weren't allowed to attend (I wonder why) and protested outside.

Duke went on an anti-Semitic rant that was mind boggling.  According to him, he's "not opposed to all Jews."  His language sounded eerily like Drumpf's and this clown is proud to support him.  But, when one considers that Drumpf's campaign quoted trash lifted from white nationalists sites, it's hardly surprising.  Rachel Maddow and LOD both discussed this on their respective shows last night, along with the church burning in Mississippi.  As Rachel said--in 2016.

David Duke Shows His Ass at Debate

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Trevor Noah had talked about how the Trump family is benefitting financially from the campaign.  

Trump asks supporters to donate money.   Do they realize that their campaign DONATIONS are going right into the pockets of the Trumps?    There have been stories about how donations are being used to rent office space, for the Trump campaign,  from the Trump company - at inflated prices!  And the latest I heard was that the Trump campaign buys wine from Eric Trump's wine company. \

Here is an older article about it - I'm sure things are much worse by now:

Why would donors give money when the first dollars go to help a billionaire buy products from his own company?

Edited by backformore
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37 minutes ago, Padma said:

I just heard one sentence right now from his speech in Florida. It was all I could take.

"Hillary Clinton put the State Department up for sale in violation of federal law." (boo! "Lock her up!")

He ususally adds, "And then she deleted 33,000 email to cover up her crimes."

How does he keep getting away with lying like this? Why don't the Clinton surrogates Call. Him. Out.?

Why doesn't the media speak up?  Like his lie about the Clintons "getting rich through their Foundation".  As we all know, but would not be believed by the deplorables, neither Bill, Hillary nor Chelsea take any salary or money from the foundation!  And unlike Trump's, it has an "A" rating, giving nearly 90% for actual work, not administrative costs!

Just like Tony Schwartz--and Ted Cruz--said this man really IS a pathological liar! Seriously, that's not exaggeration. Apparently, through the years Donald Trump has learned that when he wants something and getting it requires lying, he is absolutely fine with that.  Various fact checkers support this but, for some reason, the news people on television Will. Not. Say. It. (O'Donnell will, of course. He hates him almost as much as I do.)

The NYTimes has finally used the word "lie" related to Trump because it is factual. Why can't cable news do the same? You're not editorializing when you say "lie" and the man is lying!!!!  Trump IS the most shameless, willful, pathological liar I can remember running for ANY public office! No one comes close, not even Lyndon Johnson (who -was- much like this too, but also, unlike Trump, had a positive side).  That's saying something!

Right? The nightly news will be like "Trump's latest attacks on Clinton - Hillary eats babies and bathes in blood. How will the Clinton campaign respond to these latest accusations?" Then the report will say something along the lines of "While NBC news could not verify Trump's claims, they are troubling nonetheless."

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21 minutes ago, backformore said:

Trevor Noah had talked about how the Trump family is benefitting financially from the campaign.  

Trump asks supporters to donate money.   Do they realize that their campaign DONATIONS are going right into the pockets of the Trumps?    There have been stories about how donations are being used to rent office space, for the Trump campaign,  from the Trump company - at inflated prices!  And the latest I heard was that the Trump campaign buys wine from Eric Trump's wine company. \

Here is an older article about it - I'm sure things are much worse by now:

Why would donors give money when the first dollars go to help a billionaire buy products from his own company?

Another poster responded to a similar question I had last week.  To paraphrase, when you point out to people that they are being conned, they will either deny it or go ahead with it because it's too humiliating to acknowledge that you were right.  

I've always compared him to the prosperity gospel preachers who fleece their congregations with scams that will send the lot of them straight to hell.  They throw in a few words such as "Bible-based," "prosperity," "and the Lord wants you to have..." and you would be shocked at how quickly those wallets and pocketbooks open.  Check out the net worth of some of these preachers and some of them were investigated by the IRS and Congress a few years ago for allegedly using donations to their ministries to finance their lavish lifestyles.  Sound familiar?

A few months ago, televangelist Creflo Dollar (how apropos) convinced his foolish congregation to help him purchase a $65 million Gulfstream jet.  You know, because his ass just couldn't fly first-class on a commercial jet.  These preachers also con people with gems like these:  

  • "If you come to the altar and put a dollar in my shoes, you can walk in my anointing."  
  • "I received a word from The Lord and He said if I don't raise X number of dollars by such and such date, He's going to call me home."  
  • "Come get this Miracle Manna and Miracle Spring Water, and you, too, will have life more abundantly!"  
  • "Friend, I have a message from the Lord for you!  If you send me just $50.00 in seed money--in the next 30 minutes!--you can be rich!  And, why?  Because the Lord WANTS you to be rich!"  
  • "Look, I know you are struggling financially, but did you hear about the woman whose faith was so great that she gave her last two pennies?  She gave all she had!  Now, if you just reach down a little further into that piggy bank and send me your all, I will pray for your healing, your financial success and your anointing."
  • Why are ye fearful, oh ye of little faith?  Don't you know that the Lord wants you to bless you beyond measure until you don't have room enough to receive?  But, that can only happen if you get up off of the money and bless this ministry."

These are the types of appeals that Drumpf employs to separate the faithful from their money.  They are struggling financially, pissed off at the guv'ment, and despise those foreigners for taking their jobs.  Meanwhile, they don't see the privileged New Yorker who is flying around in a private jet that they are paying for.  It's an investment in their future.

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There was a great comment to an on-line article a few days ago that went something like this.   Donald, one of his fans and an immigrant all sit down at a table with a dozen cookies layout about.  Donald immediately takes eleven of the cookies and puts them in his pocket.  He then whispers to the fan that he better watch out for that immigrant because he was trying to steal his cookie.

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1 hour ago, lordonia said:

I mean ... the man has adult ADHD, right? From the Mayo Clinic:

Adult ADHD symptoms may include:
• Impulsiveness
• Disorganization and problems prioritizing
• Problems focusing on a task
• Excessive activity or restlessness
• Poor planning
• Low frustration tolerance
• Frequent mood swings
• Problems following through and completing tasks
• Hot temper
• Trouble coping with stress

While I think it's tempting to sit back and play armchair psychiatrist with someone as batshit crazy as Trump, this is a bit of an insult to people who actually have adult ADHD...like me! These symptoms pop up in a number of disorders. 

Personally, I'd go with with narcisstic personality disorder, it's where people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

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Don't forget pathological liar. He really does lie to that degree and with that level of shamelessness.

This is the best thing I've read in a while, "The campaign announced Wednesday night it would host an invitation-only event for friends and supporters of the Trump-Pence campaign at the New York Hilton Midtown, a few blocks from Trump Tower" (because he was fined $10,000 for illegally using the TT atrium, a public space, for his campaign announcement.)

He wants a "small group" because he is "superstitious".  It makes me think that, after you take away all the lying, he really does think he is losing (and he is) in the battleground states.  He doesn't want a crowd of 10,000 for his loss, just hand-selected supporters. I hope he's right!

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30 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Yes, he's definitely a certifiable narcissist.  And a megalomaniac. 

Not only a narcissist, but a Malignant Narcissist:

Malignant narcissism is a psychological syndrome comprising an extreme mix of narcissism, antisocial personality disorder, aggression, and sadism.[1] Often grandiose, and always ready to raise hostility levels, the malignant narcissist undermines organizations in which they are involved, and dehumanizes the people with whom they associate.[2]

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I get that this guy has a host of personality disorders.  However, I stand by what I said a few days ago.  There are some people who are just no damn good.  Period.  End of story.  They are vile and rotten to the core and no amount of diagnoses, suggested treatments or therapies will change that.

I have no idea if this creep was ever properly disciplined as a child or not.  Most children learn the concept of shame and boundaries.  They grow to understand at some point that their words and actions may hurt other people.  That's how empathy begins.  Most of us grow up to understand the concept of genuine remorse and that we should make amends for our wrongdoing.  We also get it that our character is what we are when we think no one else is looking.

And, then there are the Drumpfs of the world.  People who are so malignantly evil that there simply is no bottom for them.  What's scary about Drumpf is that he was able to procreate and raise another generation of entitled, vile assholes to follow in his footsteps.  

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1 minute ago, Landsnark said:

OMG, Melania Trump should not be doing this.  I feel so icky watching that poor woman struggle. 
That top really flatters her implants, so... there's that.
This election is fucking surreal.

Remember that interview Trump gave a couple of weeks ago where he seemed to be annoyed that Michelle Obama was so popular, so just blurted out that Melania was going to give "two or three key speeches", and she blinked in surprise but said nothing? Yeah. He basically threw her out there to salve his ego at the idea that someone else's wife is better than his. Pathetic creature.

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10 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

OMG, Melania Trump should not be doing this.  I feel so icky watching that poor woman struggle. 
That top really flatters her implants, so... there's that.
This election is fucking surreal.

Poor thing.  Her husband has her out there flaunting her "struggle titties" just so he can puff out his chest and gloat, "Look at what got!"  Yeah...we see exactly what you've got.  Someone who is so lacking in originality that she plagiarized the speech of a woman whose husband you revile because he is superior to you in every way.

And, The New York Times is doing the work they should have done months ago.  Today, there is an article about how records show that Drumpf's income isn't always what he says it is.  No shit, Sherlock!  The guy is all smoke and mirrors.

Drumpf's Disclosure Records Reveals the Truth

Just imagine what kind of race this would be today if the mainstream media had taken Drumpf seriously early on.  Le sighhhhhh...

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Melania - Praises Donald Trump and praises Ronald Reagan. Her husband worries about the suffering of the American worker. Yeah, how about the American workers he refused to pay after they did the work. Come together as Americans and treat each other with respect. As if her husband respects anybody. How about talking about charity. Yeah, Donald never gives to charity. God bless all Americans she says. Off she goes to be critiqued by her despicable husband.

Then we get a Hillary commercial with sound bytes by her husband that shows him as the asshole he really is.

Okay then Melania, you did as you were told.

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The tv media takes him seriously now but still is a Great. Big. Fail.  After Trump's speech full of lies about Clinton (genuinely, verifiable LIES), they came back and blathered about whether he was really ahead in Florida and could win. Nothing about content, policies or the numerous LIES that he just told a crowd again!!! That was MSNBC, but CNN's even worse with their panels of surrogates commenting and making it easy to just listen to Trump's people if that's what you want to think.  (Oh, and MSNBC had Trump surrogate Sarah Huckabee on following his speech too, lying about Clinton wanting 9th month abortions. Lie!) 

Then Melania got up and gave a Miss America speech: "Do we want good schools? Good health care for everyone? World peace? No internet bullying? Then your candidate is my wonderful, faithful would-never-assault-anyone husband, Donald Trump!"

The whole family is a bunch of liars and con artists.  I didn't even like Chris Jansing's commentary, "Will she change some votes here? It's possible."  No. No it's not.  But it did what Trump wanted--got him a major soundbite on the nightly news and cable throughout the day, upstaging Obama and Hillary with five days to go.

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