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Donald John Trump: 2016 President-Elect

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All I know is it feels like the KKK is running for the Oval Office and the media is treating it like it's normal.  They need to stop saying the alt-right and white nationalists, call it the KKK.  I can't forget how offended Chris Matthews and Michael Steele were at the Clinton campaign showing an ad. with Klan members in their "white uniforms" saying they supported Trump. Yeah, that got a reaction out of that full of shit Matthews. He didn't like that ad. it got real, just who exactly his boy crush is, and I Chris Matthew would never support anything Klan. Nor would I a black  man Michael Steele, how on earth could I justify supporting the Klan. Sorry, newflash the Klan is front and center running the republican party now and no one in the media wants to go there with the term KKK. Donald Trump is not Archie Bunker, he's David Duke and this voter is tired of TPTB trying to act like he's not. As soon as he's elected there are going to tons of Klan marches like the ones Trump senior marched in , they'll bring back the tree hanging too I'm sure. No one wants to get that graphic, fuck that. 

Edited by Keepitmoving
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29 minutes ago, Padma said:

Watching MSNBC show early voting starting in NC.  Jacob Rascone interviewed an African American family--3 or 4 adults lined up to vote. The younger woman praised TRUMP for his "outreach to AAs and how he wants to fix the inner cities."  The older one urged people "not to be deceived by words and to look at the record of failures (presumably Democratic and Clinton failures) and vote for something better."

This family--like the Cuban Americans I heard about this morning--was voting for Trump.

I feel ill....

Le sighhhhh...I have to wonder if Drumpf's celebrity status has a lot to do with this family's mindset.  If he were the average Joe-schmoe spouting his racist B.S., they would probably be singing a different tune.  Plus, there will always be people who vote against their own interests and then have the unmitigated gall to be angry when they realize they were duped.  If that happens, I don't even want to hear it because Drumpf's bigotry and unfitness were never hidden.

The fact that Drumpf is a television personality, who enlisted the help of another "starruh" to do "outreach" to African American communities speaks volumes as to how little he actually thinks of these voters.  It's obvious that he equates being African American with "inner cities."  Had those fools actually paid attention to how he proposed "fixing the inner cities," they would be horrified.  I also wonder how hard MSNBC had to look to find these voters.  We (Black folk) have had a running joke for years about how the media will bypass intelligent looking, well-dressed, and articulate Black people to find the one or two idiots who perpetrate every negative stereotype imaginable.  ("Did I see the robbery?  Sho' nuff!  Yeah--well, I was in bed with my old lady and the mama of my 6 kids, and I hears this noise outside--BANG!  BANG!  BANG!  And I'm like, 'Yo!  Bitch, get up offa me!'  Know what I'm sayin'?")  Shudders!

I also suspect that the Clinton campaign is experiencing a lack of enthusiasm with some younger Black voters who aren't as enthusiastic for her as they were for President Obama.  I saw this interesting article in The New York Times yesterday regarding Black voters, which I suspect more accurately describes how a lot of us feel.

Black Voters and Trump

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15 hours ago, lordonia said:

Statistics indicate that the average Trump supporter is not economically disadvantaged:

"As compared with most Americans, Trump’s voters are better off. The median household income of a Trump voter so far in the primaries is about $72,000, based on estimates derived from exit polls and Census Bureau data. It’s well above the national median household income of about $56,000. It’s also higher than the median income for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders supporters, which is around $61,000 for both."

The majority of his supporters do feel culturally marginalized and experience increased levels of racial anxiety. "Support for Trump is highest among whites who express ethnocentric viewpoints, score high on measures of authoritarianism, identify strongly as white, and who express negative views of racial minorities." It isn't any more complex than that.

Personally, I can more easily understand their attitudes if I think of them as simply being fearful that their beliefs will no longer matter and their voices no longer be heard because of "others". I don't agree, but am really trying not to hate Trump voters (except for whackjobs calling for murder, etc.). I'd feel VERY angry and ignored if the religious right took over the U.S., so it works both ways.

  To quote Bill Maher, "The only thing poor about Trump voters is their judgment." 

  The daily implosion of Trump's campaign just keeps getting better. While Trump's licking his wounds in his largely empty hotel in DC, more and more dirt keeps coming out, mostly out of his own mouth, such as his claim that Hillary would start WWIII if she wins. This is the same idiot who not only claims to know more about Isis than the generals, his only solution to deal with them is to bomb the Hell out of them and if innocent people get killed, then so be it. Trump doesn't care about collateral damage because the casualties will be Muslims-most of whom, according to him, are terrorists. Then again, what else can be expected from the lunatic who not only encouraged Russia-a foreign country-to spy on his opponent, he called her & President Obama "the co-founders of Isis?" The only reasons why Trump would want a war are because Muslims would be the targets and other peoples' kids (most likely poor) would be fighting it, not his own. As Gold Star father Khzir Khan put it so brilliantly, Trump has "sacrificed nothing and lost no one," not like Mr. Khan has. Mr. Khan's speech at the Democratic convention was sheer perfection, from start to finish. However, as powerful as Mr. Khan was, his wife was equally compelling, in her own way. The loss, grief and pain in Mrs. Khan's eyes during that speech spoke volumes. However, Trump being Trump, he not only didn't get it, he insulted Mrs. Khan. By Trump's so-called "standards," if women aren't trophies, servants nor victims, then they're useless. 

  Now Trump via Newt Gingrich has chosen to pick another fight with Megyn Kelly. Only Trump would think that attacking Michelle Obama and Megyn Kelly in the same week was brilliant. All he did was make his already-"yuuuuge" gender gap with women as wide as the Grand Canyon. I'm not the biggest Megyn Kelly fan in the world, but starting another beef with her this close to the election is going to bite him in the ass way sooner than later.

  On a personal note, while some members of my family aren't big Hillary fans, they wouldn't even think of voting for Trump, much less do it because they know that there's way too much at stake at home and abroad to let Trump anywhere near the White House.

  May Trump's heart on Election day gets as broken as his star on the Walk Of Fame. 

Edited by DollEyes
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Thank You!!!!!!! I saw a gay couple being interviewed and one guy introduced the other as his fiance.   And I'm like, HELLO?????? Smell the barley Charlie.

They probably think that if they support the Grand Dragon now, maybe he'll remember their support and save them from slaughter once he takes power even though they belong to one of the countless minority groups he'd like to wipe off the face of the earth.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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I also saw that MSNBC interview, but turned the channel when the wife/mom started saying that Donald loved America.  The only America he has ever loved (if that's an emotion he's capable of) is one that has never existed, and if it did exist wouldn't include her or her lovely family.  This is a man who wouldn't even rent an apartment to her much less include her wants and needs when it came to formulating policies (not that he would be capable of that, either).

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I was against Trump from the beginning, but felt duty bound to keep pointing out his "criminals and rapists" thing was about illegal immigrants from Mexico and the Mexican government, not all Latinos or all immigrants, heinous though the comment still was.

Then he started in on Judge Curiel and -repeatedly- called him "a Mexican" (which the media kept tidying up as "criticizing his Mexican-American heritage". No, he said that a federal judge here was "a Mexican".)  I'm maybe a little slow, but that was when I knew he had really shown his hand. No reason to quibble about "Latinos v. undocumented immigrants" anymore.  Trump was a racist, through and through, and he showed it. (Thank you.)

Here's him walking out when a reporter asks about being sexist and racist. (He does deny racism. Sexism? Who cares?) http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2016/10/21/trump-interview-walk-off-orig-vstan.cnn  It's followed by an interesting interview with Richard Branson about his lunch with Trump that showed him a dangerous, vindictive petty man and felt he should speak up. 

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6 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

Somebody dressed as a street maintenance guy gook a pickaxe and hammer to Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Somebody should have taken their dog for a "walk" on it first, and spread that picture of that earned disrespectful dump all over social media.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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I remember Judge Curiel actually agreeing with Trump's attorney and refused the media request to have Trump's testimony released to the Public because it might effect his race for the White House.  Sigh, if only.   I am not of Hispanic decent but I picture myself trying to stow away on one of those mass deportation buses he's intending to use.   Whatever problems the people in Washington might have with Hillary, I honestly can't believe they are just letting this happen.  Is there nobody on the Hill that isn't afraid to be unpopular.    Freedom of Choice, Freedom of the Press, Buh-Bye.    Book this monster for treason with Russia.  What is the hold up??????????????  

He'll rebuild his brand, rebuild his bank account, destroy this country and quite a  few people on top of it and then swan off to a happy ending, after 4 years of letting that vile Iago Pence overturn everything between Roe v. Wade to The Emancipation.   We are going to be under Putin, only he won't be as smart.   It'll be Americans that helped him ascend to power.

I wouldn't be suprised if Internet forums are banned since you know Our Liege will not abide anyone talking badly about him.   It's only 4 years you say, but he can shoot someone in time square and nothing will happen to him.   For his next magic trick, he'll do away with "voting" all together.   It will be literally "EMPEROR Trump" and when he goes to hell, one of those Gargoyles will be his successor.

And as a sign of what's to come if the monster is not defeated.......

Governor Tries to Toss Thousands of Ballots

Reince, Pence and this Governor can all go straight to hell.

Edited by Advance35
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12 minutes ago, Padma said:

I was against Trump from the beginning, but felt duty bound to keep pointing out his "criminals and rapists" thing was about illegal immigrants from Mexico and the Mexican government, not all Latinos or all immigrants, heinous though the comment still was.

Then he started in on Judge Curiel and -repeatedly- called him "a Mexican" (which the media kept tidying up as "criticizing his Mexican-American heritage". No, he said that a federal judge here was "a Mexican".)  I'm maybe a little slow, but that was when I knew he had really shown his hand. No reason to quibble about "Latinos v. undocumented immigrants" anymore.  Trump was a racist, through and through, and he showed it. (Thank you.)

Here's him walking out when a reporter asks about being sexist and racist. (He does deny racism. Sexism? Who cares?) http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2016/10/21/trump-interview-walk-off-orig-vstan.cnn  It's followed by an interesting interview with Richard Branson about his lunch with Trump that showed him a dangerous, vindictive petty man and felt he should speak up. 

My local PBS channel aired Judgment at Nuremberg this past weekend.  I think about people like that Black family in North Carolina and so many other voters who willfully choose to ignore the danger that Drumpf and his racist band of not-so-merry band of Klansmen.

Part of the postmortem for this election season has to include a thorough examination of how easily it was for so many people--people who should know better--to be seduced by a demagogue. 

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14 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

Somebody should have taken their dog for a "walk" on it first, and spread that picture of that earned disrespectful dump all over social media.

That has happened multiples of times in the past few weeks.

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1 minute ago, Silver Raven said:

That has happened multiples of times in the past few weeks.

But it won't piss him off unless they spread a picture like that all over the airways, because I  didn't know that until you posted it.  That kind of "love" for this klansman needs to be spread around. 

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2 hours ago, roughing it said:

I've gone dark on my FB account until after the election.  It makes me sick that some of my friends and family support Trump.

I'm just the opposite, I never used either Facebook or Twitter before this election and now I'm there daily. I get annoyed when his supporters just blurt out statements like "she's a murderer, she should be in jail" or "what has she ever done, nothing!".  So I refute their empty accusations with factual information. I just can't sit still and do nothing about the lies and pretenses. If nothing else, it makes me feel better that I tried and If I set only one person straight and perhaps even change one mind about this lunatic then I'd be happy enough.

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24 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

Somebody should have taken their dog for a "walk" on it first, and spread that picture of that earned disrespectful dump all over social media.

This happened recently, although it's not clear if it was done in protest or in support of Trump.


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26 minutes ago, Keepitmoving said:

Somebody should have taken their dog for a "walk" on it first, and spread that picture of that earned disrespectful dump all over social media.

Been done already


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I just got home from shopping and noticed that within the 2 block neighborhood drive to the main road, I passed six homes with Trump signs on the lawn. My town has historically been Republican and I know some of these people personally. Some I know from local politics and some I know from the church I used to attend. I was quite shocked truthfully because I didn't see one Clinton sign on anyone's lawn. I had two thoughts. The first is that these people are die-hard Republicans and church-goers that will vote the party even if Satan was on the ballot. So, right there, there's a sign that people have their priorities in the wrong place. The second is that they are showing the support for Trump because they're hoping to sway someone in voting for him. The Clinton signs are missing because some people are complacent and ASSUME that Donald Trump is so nuts that nobody will vote for him and he'll lose. But they're wrong. Supporting your candidate is important both on the internet and right there in your circle of neighbors and friends.

These last two weeks are going to be a rough ride because I'm pretty sure there's still some fairly big things that will come to light on either side that will no doubt be damaging to that candidate.

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8 minutes ago, lordonia said:

For a bit of light relief, I enjoy the many and varied buffoonish photos of Trump that accompany most of the articles and news segments about him.

The photo the LA Times uses on its polling page is really funny because it shows him from the left side and all in red.  From that Newsweek article that listed some of the ridiculous stories behind his many cameo appearances:



The preferred camera angle is Mr. Trump sitting front face to camera slightly favoring his right side, while avoiding left hair part and back and sides of hair and head.


Lighting, warm golden lighting (no red tones please).


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RCP is keeping me sane!

I've never thought of a Republican nominee as an existential threat before but this deranged demagogue and his horrifying supporters are making me fear for the future of humanity. Why must so many people be hateful and intolerant? The "We Are Democrats" video the White House put out makes me both hopeful and sad. We are indeed stronger together but people also suck.

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Governor Tries to Toss Thousands of Ballots

Reince, Pence and this Governor can all go straight to hell.

Nothing to see there. Remember, the Democrats are rigging the election.

And what, exactly, I wonder, is Joe Walsh gonna do with his "musket?" Who is he going to shoot to make his (whatever) point? If the answer is anyone else other than himself, good luck, chump. 

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I don't know if anyone else follows Super Deluxe on YT or Twitter, but their remixed videos are consistently hysterical. Today's is no exception:


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Donald Trump is terrible terrible. And in no way could I consider voting for him. But, I can't help but be completely perplexed as to why people are putting their head in the sand and acting like Hillary was delivered on a unicorn by the powers in the sky. I don't get it. It's October 26th, and if people really are acting like they don't know who she is in bed with, who she takes money from, and her everflowing fountain of lies that she cannot stop spewing. That's on you. It's not a conspiracy, although there are a BUNCH out there. There are mountains of evidence, her own words, it's right THERE,  and people are pretending it doesn't exist. Give it a couple years, she is as corrupt as they come. And if you dare speak ill of the next chosen one, then you get labeled as all the typical words the party of tolerance loves to throw at those who dare disagree with them. Ugh. Help us all.. Seriously. 

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2 minutes ago, abstractstuff said:

if you dare speak ill of the next chosen one, then you get labeled as all the typical words the party of tolerance loves to throw at those who dare disagree with them.

That's some fair-to-weak trolling.  Set up a bunch of false premises as if they are accepted fact, and preemptively inure yourself from criticism, because any criticism means I'm intolerant of your nonsense... and while you can be nonsensical, it's unfair for me to observe it.

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It's not trolling at all, which is another favorite. Just call em a troll. The evidence is out there. I'm voting for her by the way. But, that doesn't mean that I'm going to do it with a big smile on my face. Our choices are horrible. Like I said, help us all. If i'm wrong, I will eat my words and apologize. But, I am still confused as to why she cannot be called out on anything without being called a troll, or racist, or mysoginist.. etc.. Oh well. Either way it goes, we are in for a hell of a ride. 

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2 minutes ago, abstractstuff said:

The evidence is out there.

I'd love to read some. Can you post links in the Hillary thread? Thanks. 

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15 minutes ago, abstractstuff said:

Donald Trump is terrible terrible. And in no way could I consider voting for him. But, I can't help but be completely perplexed as to why people are putting their head in the sand and acting like Hillary was delivered on a unicorn by the powers in the sky. I don't get it. It's October 26th, and if people really are acting like they don't know who she is in bed with, who she takes money from, and her everflowing fountain of lies that she cannot stop spewing. That's on you. It's not a conspiracy, although there are a BUNCH out there. There are mountains of evidence, her own words, it's right THERE,  and people are pretending it doesn't exist. Give it a couple years, she is as corrupt as they come. And if you dare speak ill of the next chosen one, then you get labeled as all the typical words the party of tolerance loves to throw at those who dare disagree with them. Ugh. Help us all.. Seriously. 

Okay, I'll bite. Who  IS she in bed with and taking money from that is going to make her so corrupt in office? I mean, I'm not talking about speeches to Goldman Sachs. She has, as you say, a record.  Who has given her money that has corrupted her?  (With Trump of course, he's getting tons of donations, too, only unlike Clinton, he doesn't say how much, who or where he got them).   Frankly, I like a middle man--it makes for more accountability. With Trump--unwilling to show ANYTHING about his vast business with 500 companies created within it for various purposes--partnering with some unsavory types, and doing business with many governments and banks all over the world--he won't let us see any of it.

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It's not my job to study for people, especially so close to test time. It's out there. Her own words are out there. It's not hard to find. And I'm not saying Trump isn't corrupt. But, to totally ignore Hillary's issues, I just don't understand it, nor do I think at this point any minds will be changed. I'm just stating my opinion on this joke of an election. Help us all. 

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This happened recently, although it's not clear if it was done in protest or in support of Trump.



Okay, this isn't even funny. I mean he may act like a Nazi, but that's still defacing public property.


There are misinformed or stupid people in every community. Case in point some white gay men who are Trump supporters like Peter Thiel. It does make me ill as a lesbian who is scared out of my mind about this election.

I wonder. Is it because the white balances out the gay or is there something else going on? (like them being self hating?)



About the "damn foreigners"... my neighbor is of Irish decent (and so am I, partially) I said to him, "weren't our family members 'damn foreigners' at one point?" He had no answer.

Trump seems anti-anyone who's not white and male and rich, so there's that. (imo)


The Irish in fact got it worse than almost any other group in their early years in the US.

7 hours ago, needschocolate said:

Well, let's see, he has people around to make sure he doesn't do anything too outrageous while campaigning...How's that working out? Among the many things I can't understand about Trump supporters is how they could possibly think he would be any different if he wins. 

Trump doesn't listen to anyone, so those folks have either the hardest OR easiest job on the planet depending on how you look at it (either as a failure, or as them not even bothering because it's hopeless). 

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5 hours ago, Advance35 said:

Thank You!!!!!!! I saw a gay couple being interviewed and one guy introduced the other as his fiance.   And I'm like, HELLO?????? Smell the barley Charlie.

It's amazing that they don't get the disconnect between introducing themselves as a same sex couple planning to marry while while talking about voting for a man who has said that he'll appoint SC justices who will take away their right to marry.  

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7 hours ago, Padma said:

Watching MSNBC show early voting starting in NC.  Jacob Rascone interviewed an African American family--3 or 4 adults lined up to vote. The younger woman praised TRUMP for his "outreach to AAs and how he wants to fix the inner cities."  The older one urged people "not to be deceived by words and to look at the record of failures (presumably Democratic and Clinton failures) and vote for something better."

This family--like the Cuban Americans I heard about this morning--was voting for Trump.

I feel ill....


6 hours ago, maraleia said:

There are misinformed or stupid people in every community. Case in point some white gay men who are Trump supporters like Peter Thiel. It does make me ill as a lesbian who is scared out of my mind about this election.

Sometimes I think there is some sort of weird Stockholm Syndrome thing going on. Or in other cases, some think that just supporting a (maybe) billionaire will somehow make you rich too, osmosis? I despair. 

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6 hours ago, Darian said:

Remember Joe Walsh? Deadbeat dad and one term US Rep? Current right-wing talk show host? He's tweeting....

Not surprising since this summer he called for Obama's assasination.

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There's a scene in the documentary 13th (a very well-done film, incidentally; highly recommended) in which footage from Trump rallies, of Trump and his supporters mocking and threatening protestors, is juxtaposed with historical footage of the mistreatment of civil rights protestors in the '60s.

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9 hours ago, Darian said:

Remember Joe Walsh? Deadbeat dad and one term US Rep? Current right-wing talk show host? He's tweeting....

Oh wait. You mean the Evil Joe Walsh. I much prefer the Good Joe Walsh.

Although I may have to rethink that. Apparently he hangs out with Kid Rock, who is a Trump Fan. 

Then again, this doesn't sound like a Trumpeteer position, so maybe he was just humoring Kid Rock that day:

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15 hours ago, DollEyes said:

  To quote Bill Maher, "The only thing poor about Trump voters is their judgment." 

  The daily implosion of Trump's campaign just keeps getting better. While Trump's licking his wounds in his largely empty hotel in DC, more and more dirt keeps coming out, mostly out of his own mouth, such as his claim that Hillary would start WWIII if she wins. This is the same idiot who not only claims to know more about Isis than the generals, his only solution to deal with them is to bomb the Hell out of them and if innocent people get killed, then so be it. Trump doesn't care about collateral damage because the casualties will be Muslims-most of whom, according to him, are terrorists. Then again, what else can be expected from the lunatic who not only encouraged Russia-a foreign country-to spy on his opponent, he called her & President Obama "the co-founders of Isis?" The only reasons why Trump would want a war are because Muslims would be the targets and other peoples' kids (most likely poor) would be fighting it, not his own. As Gold Star father Khzir Khan put it so brilliantly, Trump has "sacrificed nothing and lost no one," not like Mr. Khan has. Mr. Khan's speech at the Democratic convention was sheer perfection, from start to finish. However, as powerful as Mr. Khan was, his wife was equally compelling, in her own way. The loss, grief and pain in Mrs. Khan's eyes during that speech spoke volumes. However, Trump being Trump, he not only didn't get it, he insulted Mrs. Khan. By Trump's so-called "standards," if women aren't trophies, servants nor victims, then they're useless. 

  Now Trump via Newt Gingrich has chosen to pick another fight with Megyn Kelly. Only Trump would think that attacking Michelle Obama and Megyn Kelly in the same week was brilliant. All he did was make his already-"yuuuuge" gender gap with women as wide as the Grand Canyon. I'm not the biggest Megyn Kelly fan in the world, but starting another beef with her this close to the election is going to bite him in the ass way sooner than later.

  On a personal note, while some members of my family aren't big Hillary fans, they wouldn't even think of voting for Trump, much less do it because they know that there's way too much at stake at home and abroad to let Trump anywhere near the White House.

  May Trump's heart on Election day gets as broken as his star on the Walk Of Fame. 

He thinks Hillary will start WW III?! Sheesh!

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This is from yesterday (fell asleep before I could post it):

They're apparently planning to put Trump's star back on the Walk of Fame, but it'll take awhile, apparently because of the manufacturing process. This isn't a special case, they'd do it for any other star damaged in a similar manner. They're also gonna do something to protect it (they hope) from further damage. This link also has footage of the guy ruining the star--yes, he apparently filmed himself wrecking it & posted it online.


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