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S06.E04: Strange Case

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37 minutes ago, MaiLuna said:

Even though I think Mary's dead was accidental, I like that the villain was a Nice Guy™

It was accidental, but it only happened because he refused to let her go and struggled with her, yelling about how she should be his.  And then his first instinct after it happens is to take the potion to frame Hyde for the crime.  Jekyll was an entitled, cowardly piece of shit, just like Rumple.


And I'm glad Hook saved the day! The relationship with Belle is cute. Even though it's a bit hyprocritical since I don't like Regina and Snow/Emma but whatever, I just like it. 

Not really, it's been detailed elsewhere here on how the Hook/Belle friendship, its slow development, and that they aren't shown as unbelievably super close is pretty much how the Emma/Regina friendship should have gone. (The Regina/Snow friendship, otoh, just shouldn't have happened at all.)

Edited by Mathius
  • Love 8

Here's hoping belle really sticks it to Rumple by naming the kid after his godfather and father -- Killian Maurice.  I am liking Captain Book.  


i liked the episode.  I really liked Hyde and am sad he is gone.  Evil Hyde was awesome.  They are entertaining.  I hate when the writers waste potential.  I was hoping they would make Hyde a regular.  He was creepy but compelling.  The Jekyll Hyde Mary triangle is very much like Hook Rumple Milah.  

Jekyll reminds of this weasel I used to work with, not surprised he killed Mary, so it was cathartic to see him bite it.

i like Emma and David working together. David makes a good deputy.  I like that the dwarfs are standing up for themselves.

i wish Snow had better material.  She makes me sad.  I want her to be dynamic.  I want her to be a great mayor/leader.  Regina has taken so much from her.

i did like Jasmine.  She was warm.

Edited by kitticup
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It doesn't take an evil-scientist-pretending-to-be-an-awkward-nerd to figure out that You kill one = You kill both.  Like seriously, how is this a lightbulb moment?  You don't even need to solve for x.

It was a relatively pedestrian episode.  I did like seeing the Fictional Victorian world again.  I totally forgot that bald guy was Alice's doctor.  Sorry, but I don't buy that Jekyll would go so far as to try to murder Belle to get revenge.  I'm not sure how Hyde's behavior in the Season 5 finale/onwards (including his wish to rule Storybrooke and his knowledge of everyone from the Land of Untold Stories) meshes with this backstory we saw.  From this, his main motivation was to get revenge on Rumple.  

I'm personally not too torn up about Hyde being off the show.  I believe that A&E's only plan for him was the reveal that Jekyll was a latent evil.  There's not much more he can do with the story.  Why didn't Dr. Evil, uh I mean Dr. Jekyll, just go slip some poison into Belle's drink last episode?   Did they even explain why Hyde was immune to everyone's magic?

So a protection spell can keep one half of someone out (Hyde) but the other half (Jekyll) can still enter.  So why isn't Regina/Emma creating protection spells around every location they don't want the Evil Queen to go?  

I'm glad Belle was telling Rumple off, but I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop since we know it'll happen some time.  After the words exchanged, this is the worst love story ever, if they become a couple again.

I liked Charming's pancake scene, but it was short as usual.  It would have been nice to have a whole episode around Snowing adjusting to Emma moving out.

The Snow subplot was horrible.  Why would she expect random Untold Stories kids and children who hasn't had regular schooling to "solve for X"?  As if shooting arrows would miraculously get students to learn how to solve the equation.  She could easily have described the archery example in the classroom.  It was just so incredibly hokey that it was frankly embarrassing to watch.  It smacked of someone who knows nothing about science writing a dumb script about science after rewatching some Nickelodeon special about high school.   I wanted to like Jasmine (and I loved the actress on "Galavant"), but Snow and Jasmine should have gotten way better material than this forced "I love teaching physics" ridiculousness (why the hell was she asking Jasmine about her birdhouse building skills?).  It would have been better if Jasmine helped Snow to realize she shouldn't be teaching at all; she should have been out with her family tracking and fighting the villains and running her kingdom.

Edited by Camera One
  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, placate said:

I don't pay a lot of attention to this show and I didn't watch Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, so can someone tell me who the blonde at the end with Jasmine is?

She wasn't from the Wonderland spinoff.  The blonde was The Oracle, who appeared in the Season 6 premiere a few weeks ago in a flashback as someone helping Aladdin (she got slammed against the wall by Jafar).  She also appeared in that episode in the present-day explaining to Emma her visions showed her impending death.

Edited by Camera One
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It wasn't terrible. That's the best I can come up with. I figured Jekyll was evil from day 1, so that wasn't a surprise at all and I wasn't engaged in the back story at all. Even Imp!Rumpel couldn't save it for me.

Some notes:

- I cheered when Gold picked up his scissors. Off with the terrible wig! I admit to being amused that both Reginas complimented the new look and how it shows off his eyes.

- Also, Gold is awful. I'm so happy they are doubling down on him staying evil. I loved that after Belle told him off, he turned back and was all threatening. No woobie Rumpel, he just went all Dark One on her with regards to Baby Damien.

- The Hyde violins were awesome. Bring them back!

- The Snow plot was so dumb, I just couldn't with it. Archery demonstrates physics, but she wasn't teaching the physics of it. She was just letting a bunch of kids play with bows and arrows. The whole point of throwing things off the balcony at school was because you had to use the experiment to actually solve for X. Also, Snow taught birdhouse making for 28 years and later volcanoes (although the volcano excuse was a ploy to hook up with David I think), why is she teaching high school physics? That whole thing was so forced and stupid, I spent the whole time rolling my eyes.

- The David/Emma/Hook stuff is overdone and it's all in service to the inevitable Hook killed my father plotline of stupidity, so I can't find it sweet or interesting.

- Where's Henry to castigate Hook that heroes don't kill? Bad Hook! You need to let the bad guys kill you and Belle!

- There is nothing happening this season. What does the Evil Queen want? Like what will this get her? Where was Zelena? How did Hyde know everything about everything? Why did he bring all these people to the Land of Untold Stories? Poor Charlotte must have really pissed him off. See ya, Hyde. You were as pointless as the questions I have about your purpose.

Edited by KAOS Agent
  • Love 5

I loved David making Emma pancakes. It was such a cute moment. Plus, my dad used to make me pancakes when I was a kid. I'm sure I had the wrong reaction to Regina realizing she had to die to get rid of the Evil Queen then the writers wanted. I'd love to know if she knows EQ hit on Rumple. I really wanted to like Snow's subplot but it really felt weird that she was teaching while all of that was going on with Hyde and Jerkyll. But it did have Jasmine! I really like Hook and Belle's friendship. I really liked Belle yelling at Rumple and I really liked Hyde getting the better of Rumple.

  • Love 2

Watched it and overall I liked it but not as much as last week.

I struggle to be invested in the overall arch this year. I mean how many times can you do the sacrifice things (if all your heros and their mother) before it become overkill It is not like dead has meanings on this show.


Will love the Savior mythology more if the vision was sinister without the killing parts because I know Emma will not die neither Regina

Loved the breakfast scene and could have been longer.

Loved the jasmine and Snow scene but I don't care for the back to school storyline and I am not sure if show will choose teaching over a leadership position it is just easier for the writers if she is not a competition to mayor Regina.

Loved the classsic world this week more than the present story. I feel the magic of the show is more in the one off story than in the main story this year.

The truth suspense is will the writers have the courage to broke off Rumbelle for good this year

Edited by maryle
  • Love 2
5 hours ago, kitticup said:

i wish Snow had better material.  She makes me sad.  I want her to be dynamic.  I want her to be a great mayor/leader.  Regina has taken so much from her.

Well put! It made me sad too! 

4 hours ago, KAOS Agent said:

- The Snow plot was so dumb, I just couldn't with it. Archery demonstrates physics, but she wasn't teaching the physics of it. She was just letting a bunch of kids play with bows and arrows. The whole point of throwing things off the balcony at school was because you had to use the experiment to actually solve for X. 

This. It was beyond stupid. It was like one of Hagrid's embarrassing attempts at teaching. 


You were as pointless as the questions I have about your purpose.

Hyde epitomized "your questions are pointless".

  • Love 3

Mary annoyed me because I know her as Valerie on The Vampire Diaries. It's fine if she was attracted to Hyde and not attracted to Jekyll but I thought the way she explained it to them was weird and kind of shitty. Obviously she had a thing for bad boys but no need to basically tell Jekyll, "Beat it, nerd!"

Possibly the best thing about this entire episode was Gold's haircut. Finally we are rid of that terrible wig!

Heh, glad I'm not the only one who wondered why Belle forgot to put on pants this week.

4 hours ago, kitticup said:

Here's hoping belle really sticks it to Rumple by naming the kid after his godfather and father -- Killian Maurice. 

Ha, from your lips (okay, keyboard) to the writers' ears! I would laugh SO HARD if she did that.

3 hours ago, KAOS Agent said:

- The Snow plot was so dumb, I just couldn't with it. Archery demonstrates physics, but she wasn't teaching the physics of it. She was just letting a bunch of kids play with bows and arrows. The whole point of throwing things off the balcony at school was because you had to use the experiment to actually solve for X. Also, Snow taught birdhouse making for 28 years and later volcanoes (although the volcano excuse was a ploy to hook up with David I think), why is she teaching high school physics? That whole thing was so forced and stupid, I spent the whole time rolling my eyes.

I was just shaking my head over this entire subplot. First of all, these kids from the Land of Untold stories are new to school. Once you get past a certain age, they usually assign you to a grade level based on your age rather than your knowledge, so expecting all of these new kids who just arrived in town who possibly didn't attend school in their other world to volunteer to come up to the board to solve an equation is not a reasonable expectation. Hell, at that age, most normal kids wouldn't be volunteering to do that either. I am fine with Snow realizing that she needs to engage the kids in a different way, but shooting an arrow at a bunch of failed tests? That doesn't demonstrate Newton's third law. How dose that constitute and equal and opposite reaction? I took physics ages ago but I still remember enough to know that her archery lesson was bullshit. The whole thing was just so stupid.

I know we never get to see anyone sing on this show, but I kept waiting for Karen David to burst into song.

  • Love 3

Last nights scenes with Emma and David reminded me why I don't like them all that much. His overprotective shtick is not cute when he's acting that way with someone whose his age. Why couldn't he just say "I'm happy for you and Hook." and then be goofy.


I want to pull the trigger that ends Regina's useless plot.

Its sad that Hook has a practically empty chest and Emma has one box as their stuff. Those two really deserve each other.


Good on Belle for sticking up for herself and her friendship with Hook is the best thing to happen to her. I just hope they stick with it but they won't.


Yay Karen David. I almost forgot what show this was and wanted her to go into a song.

Edited by mjgchick
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12 hours ago, KingOfHearts said:

* That Swan Queen scene made me want to throw up.


11 hours ago, Senna said:

Surprised and disappointed that Hyde met his doom so quickly. I was really enjoying him both on his own and with EQ (though the flashback story was pretty meh). So much for Hyde Queen ...

I mean, seriously. There was actually some chemistry there, and talk about a power couple.


I can't believe the Jekyll/Hyde storyline is over either. Such buildup for nothing. Sure, it was kind of boring, but I still feel a little cheated.

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I know I am in the minority on this board and a lot of people don't like Regina.  I understand your reasoning I just disagree with it.  Personally I find her the most entertaining and interesting character on the show at least when the writers writer her well and decide to tell her story in an interesting way which I think they are doing this season.  Can you ever really remove the darkness inside of you?  Is the Evil Queen really the evil part of her? Or by removing the destructive angry emotional part of herself has Regina left herself open to even worse evil?  

I find that at least an interesting thing to look into.

  • Love 3

I think they tend to go out of their way to make Regina look like a victim and downplay her own responsibility for her actions, but I like how they are handling her this season.  I do like Regina a good portion of the time.  I think Hyde was just a way to introduce the split Regina, and was never intended to be long term.  The actor was not bad, and maybe even above average, but I did not find him indispensable or completely mesmerizing, so I am OK with his exit.  I know people are afraid of too much Regina, in terms of this show, it makes more sense for the story to play out through her.

Unpopular opinion, but was much as I normally like Grumpy, this year he seems to be simply more of a jerk than "grumpy."

  • Love 1

I think Jekyll's serum was inherently flawed. It didn't remove the "evil" side of him. It basically removed some of his constraints. That's what EQ! told Emma as well--that she is the more "honest" version of Regina. Both sides are capable of evil and good. I mean, Hyde fell in love with Mary, and we are led to believe that he respected her the way Jekyll didn't. So, I guess EQ's love for Henry will somehow come into play in the resolution. 

  • Love 3

Not as good as last week, but it had its moments. It seemed a bit paint by numbers Once, to be honest, and not in the fun "back to basics" way that last week was. 

Jekyll/Hyde is over already? Pretty lame, show. And Jekyll was the bad one the whole time? Insert your own *what a twist!* joke here. Didn't we all call that from day one? Personally, I liked Jekyll, so I was disappointed that he turned out to be a generic Nice Guy villain guy. Once has already done the "good guy in the original story is now the bad guy OMG" thing like 30 times, so why is this so different and cool? I really liked Jekyll and Hyde and their actors, so I will miss them being around.

Karen David! I love Karen David! I think she will make a great Jasmine, I really hope they dont waste her. Maybe she will get a musical number?!? Jasmine is one of my favorite Disney princesses, so I hope this all goes well. Also, the oracle is still a bad actress. She comes off as less All Knowing and more High Schooler in Drama Club. 

Poor Belle probably starts all her conversations with "I am really sorry about whatever Rumple did to you" or some variation. Good for Belle for standing her ground with Rumple. 

How is David still feeling weird about Hook/Emma? Hook and David have been bonding since season 3! What more does Hook have to do to prove he is son in law material? I did like Charming making breakfast for Emma. That was cute.

I dont really mind Snow going back to teaching, but the story itself is kind of pointless. Why would Snow start teaching this stuff to kids who come from all over the place? 

I did like seeing Alice's England again, and a bit of a reference to Wonderland. God I miss Wonderland.  

  • Love 5

This was way better than the first two episodes, but not as good as last week. I'm not surprised that the Jeckyll/Hyde story is over. It was a failure since the beginning (and so is the EQ/Regina part, we all know how this is going to end since last season finale).

Rumbelle is such an unhealthy relationship, and for the sake of Belle and baby Damien (he is going to always be Damien for me) I hope she never goes back together with Rumple (I know, I know, but a girl can dream).

Snow's plot was silly, but it was to introduce Jasmine. I really like Karen David and I just hope they don't mess with Jasmine too much.

I don't know how unpopular this is but I hate overprotective daddy Charming and his now I like him, now I don't like him attitude with Hook.

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Damn, why can't Jasmine just be Princess Isabella from Galavant? Do you know how awesome that would be? Especially if Galavant, King Richard and Gareth all showed up too! (*sniff* I miss Galavant.)

I for one am not sorry to see the back of Jekyll and Hyde. Those weird, bloody red eyes were grossing me out. The "land of untold stories" seems like a flimsy excuse to throw every fictional character they can think of into Storybrooke whether they belong there or not. They don't even have to work at connecting the dots anymore, everyone from Aladdin to Dr. Jekyll to Anne of Green Gables could potentially be there now. Woopie.


We got confirmation that Jekyll's Victorian England is the same as Alice's, since Dr. Lydgate was her doctor in the mental institute on Once Upon A Time in Wonderland.

And yet . . . it was a different Anastasia than the Anastasia who was Cinderella's stepsister. Riiiiiiiight. 

  • Love 2

This was way better than the first two episodes, but not as good as last week. I'm not surprised that the Jeckyll/Hyde story is over. It was a failure since the beginning (and so is the EQ/Regina part, we all know how this is going to end since last season finale).

I agree. This episode and The Other Shoe had a much better structure than the premiere or A Bitter Draught. We didn't spend the latter half of the episode jumping from one storyline to the other. There was a main plot (Jekyll/Hyde) two subplots, (Rumpbelle and Snow/Jasmine) and a light C plot. (Emma/Charming.) There wasn't much time spent on exposition. 

  • Love 1

Can you ever really remove the darkness inside of you?  Is the Evil Queen really the evil part of her? Or by removing the destructive angry emotional part of herself has Regina left herself open to even worse evil?  

I find that first question terribly dull, because we all know the answer: NO.  And now, four episodes in, the show has said so as well.

That other question, on the other hand, does interest me.  I've already pointed this out, but ever since being split from Regina the EQ hasn't actually killed anyone,  but Regina has.  Similarly, it was Jekyll who killed Mary, not Hyde.  I am interested to see if Regina's so-called "good" self was really the worse part of her all along, since that side of her seems to hold the mental and emotional immaturity and impulsiveness that led to her worst deeds.

Edited by Mathius
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I'm not so sure Hyde's story is over.  We don't know what his last command to Gold was; seems to me, it could have been, "Make me appear to die of Jekyll's injuries."  As part of his alliance with the Evil Queen, this would have the benefit of potentially causing Regina's death, if she kills herself or someone else kills her in an effort to destroy the Evil Queen, but in actuality just frees her entirely.

I'm intrigued by the revelation that Regina retains the capacity for evil; by implication, the Evil Queen retains the capacity for love and the potential for redemption.

  • Love 1

I guess my wacky theory that Jekyll put his darkness into an already existing person named Hyde, and thus the two different actors suggesting they were totally different people and the way to get to the "Jekyll is really the bad one" concept, turned out to be wrong. Though they don't seem to have a clear concept of what constitutes "darkness." With Lily, she mostly just seemed to make some bad choices and be unlucky, which to me wasn't all that dark. Now here with Jekyll, it was less about evil and more about passion and not having fear. Maybe that was what his potion was meant to do, but then how would that give us Regina and the Evil Queen? Regina isn't acting like she's lacking passion or being fearful. If anything, the Evil Queen is being more rational and calm than Regina. Is that going to be the big revelation, that Regina is actually the "Hyde"?

8 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I am fine with Snow realizing that she needs to engage the kids in a different way, but shooting an arrow at a bunch of failed tests? That doesn't demonstrate Newton's third law. How dose that constitute and equal and opposite reaction? I took physics ages ago but I still remember enough to know that her archery lesson was bullshit. The whole thing was just so stupid.

My dad's a retired high school physics teacher, so Snow's attempts at teaching were painful, and my dad came to teaching after he retired from the military, where his expertise was in field artillery, so he did lessons that were similar to the concept of using archery (though he had his students work on stuff like artillery firing solutions). I think if Snow truly embraced who she was, she'd be running the town. Why is she still a "princess" and not a queen? Her father was the king. Regina was just a consort to the king. Snow is the rightful ruler. Not that teaching isn't a noble profession and all (as I said, teacher's kid), but Snow's true self is either ruling a kingdom or being a badass bandit rebel leader.

  • Love 3

Obviously she had a thing for bad boys but no need to basically tell Jekyll, "Beat it, nerd!"

From her perspective, Mary had just woken up to him in her bed and his friend was gone. And then he is acting all entitled about it and demanding to know what she did and why she wasn't with him. I think most people would say worse than "Beat it, nerd!" They would probably be yelling for the cops.

 She didn't want to play second fiddle to his experiments and she was attracted to his friend's passion. Deal with it dude. Nice Guy (TM) indeed.

And then the Nice Guy frames the "Bad Guy" (who never did anything all that bad anyway - okay, he didn't help Belle when he could have). I can see why Hyde had Jekyll imprisoned. Maybe our good guys shouldn't free everybody with a sob story. I'm sure Ted Bundy could tell a sob story. They need to get the full story first.

Snow was pretty dense expecting Huckleberry Finn (or was it Tom Sawyer?) to be able to do physics on his first day.  Her bow-and-arrow lesson probably didn't help them much either. Maybe if she'd hit an apple on a string, it might have been more intuitive.


Poor Belle probably starts all her conversations with "I am really sorry about whatever Rumple did to you" or some variation.

She's come a long way from "whatever he did to you, you probably deserve it and BTW I can see his true heart".

So Rumple goaded Jekyll into taking an untested potion because he himself wanted a potion to remove the part of him that was starting to fall in love with Belle? That's quite the confession. And if he removes the part of him that loves, doesn't he also remove the part of him that loves Bae? So much for doing everything to get back to Bae.

I will miss the Hyde music. It was quite nice. I will not miss Jekyll. Hyde could have stayed. He was kind of fun. I loved how he coldly refused to even discuss a deal with Rumple. He was taking his belonging and he wasn't going to pay for it. I wish more people would just tell Rumple "No.".  Why should Charming have to make a deal to get the information about his Dad's coin which Rumple shouldn't even have the coin anyway? Just the way Hyde kept mocking Rumple's every attempt to kill him was awesome. I want to know what Hyde's last command was going to be.

  • Love 6
16 hours ago, Mathius said:

Not really, it's been detailed elsewhere here on how the Hook/Belle friendship, its slow development, and that they aren't shown as unbelievably super close is pretty much how the Emma/Regina friendship should have gone.

Even Emma and Regina aren't so unbelievably close that they'd sleep over at one another's houses like Belle on the Jolly Roger.

I forgot to mention last night that I enjoyed the scene with Regina and Emma talking, roles reversed from the Dark Swan arc.

1 hour ago, Tiger said:

I think Jekyll & Hyde may have worked better if Sam Witwer had played both roles.  

But that would have ruined the surprise that they are Jekyll and Hyde in the S5 finale. :-p I was spoiled and I knew beforehand, but I don't remember much about the S5 finale, so I don't remember when it was revealed that Hyde and Jekyll were the same person. Witwer really should have played both roles, especially as Regina and EQ are played by Lana, and if there are any further "splits" in the season, both parts will likely be played by the same actors.


Maybe our good guys shouldn't free everybody with a sob story. I'm sure Ted Bundy could tell a sob story. They need to get the full story first.

The heroes aren't exactly known for their brain-power, but Hyde did have them imprisoned in the LoUS, and was going to choke one of them (Hook).


who never did anything all that bad anyway - okay, he didn't help Belle when he could have

He tried to choke a couple of people, and was full of threats and intimidations, but it's unclear if he's actually done anything evil. Standing by to see his other half kill an innocent woman was pretty bad, though. So, calling Jekyll the "evil" half like they did in the show doesn't quite fit the bill. They were both pretty messed up in the end. 

I did find Hyde quite vulnerable in his flashback scenes with Mary. Almost like he was Frankenstein's monster when he tells her he was made that way. It was beautiful. 

Rumple's "experiment" was poorly thought out. Did he want to split himself into two, or merely be rid of his "weaker" emotions? If the latter, then he'd have had to make a way for the serum to be permanent, or he'd be switching back and forth like Jekyll did.

  • Love 3

The heroes aren't exactly known for their brain-power, but Hyde did have them imprisoned in the LoUS, and was going to choke one of them (Hook).

If we look from Hyde's perspective, it wasn't all that nice to choke one of them, but he did have reason to believe they were dangerous and keeping secrets. First, they attacked his grounds-person to help his evil, murdering self escape. Second, he knew they were associated with the Dark One.  Rumple is the one that manipulated Jekyll into taking the potion which led to the death of Hyde's (probably true, TSTW) love. Then, when Rumple didn't think that the potion suited his needs (like Jekyll or Hyde ever said it would satisfy Rumple...Rumple just came in there and started doing and demanding things), Rumple punished him by sending them to the Untold Story world. I can see why Hyde would be more than a little skeptical of them. "You expect me to believe that the Dark One has found love?" takes on new meaning when you know that Rumple's entire reason for interacting with Hyde was to remove the little spark of possible/maybe love in himself.


I did find Hyde quite vulnerable in his flashback scenes with Mary.

The actor did a very good job there.  It made me care when he died.

BTW, OHSA should look into Hook's boat. It is not a safe work place. It turned out well for him this time, but whatever killed Jekyll should not just be sitting around on the deck like that. He's not a pirate anymore. Time to make things safe for his pregnant tenant.

  • Love 4

What a boring episode, especially compared to the pleasant surprise of last week.

I don't see the point of making Hook moving in such a 'thing', either in the sense of David being weird or making a point of focusing on Hook's one chest of possessions. Just get it all over with, would they?  And some people have pointed out maybe David was sad over Emma just living elsewhere rather than her living with Hook. Neither really makes sense, because Emma's already been living elsewhere, and she's already been with Hook. Why should Hook moving into the 'elsewhere' with Emma be much of a thing? Unless he knows once they finally end up in bed, the won't resurface for a while. Ha. I guess that would weird out a dad.

The Jekyll/Hyde ending seems really premature. I thought they'd be a bigger deal this season. Might they resurface somehow?

WTF is up with Snow? Wasn't she Henry's teacher in season 1? AKA 4th or 5th grade? How in the heck is she teaching high school physics? And bow and arrow or not, I'm sorry, she may claim to be Snow now and not Mary Margaret, but she bears no resemblance to the Snow White darting around the woods that was on the run in season 1. Yawn.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Rumsy4 said:

I did find Hyde quite vulnerable in his flashback scenes with Mary. Almost like he was Frankenstein's monster when he tells her he was made that way. It was beautiful. 

I thought of Frankenstein, too, watching those scenes. That was definitely one of the more adult moments of the series, as far as being sexual goes. I was surprised they went there. It makes me more disappointed Hyde is gone. The actor was really great. I was hoping it was just Jekyll who would die.

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, kili said:

If we look from Hyde's perspective, it wasn't all that nice to choke one of them, but he did have reason to believe they were dangerous and keeping secrets. First, they attacked his grounds-person to help his evil, murdering self escape. Second, he knew they were associated with the Dark One.  Rumple is the one that manipulated Jekyll into taking the potion which led to the death of Hyde's (probably true, TSTW) love. Then, when Rumple didn't think that the potion suited his needs (like Jekyll or Hyde ever said it would satisfy Rumple...Rumple just came in there and started doing and demanding things), Rumple punished him by sending them to the Untold Story world. I can see why Hyde would be more than a little skeptical of them. "You expect me to believe that the Dark One has found love?" takes on new meaning when you know that Rumple's entire reason for interacting with Hyde was to remove the little spark of possible/maybe love in himself.

Good points. There was no reason for him to be trustful of the Nevengers. 

11 minutes ago, Randomosity said:

And some people have pointed out maybe David was sad over Emma just living elsewhere rather than her living with Hook. Neither really makes sense, because Emma's already been living elsewhere, and she's already been with Hook. Why should Hook moving into the 'elsewhere' with Emma be much of a thing?

It was awkward and weird because it wasn't organic. Emma even says that all she gets usually is lukewarm coffee from David (really, David?). So, it's not like morning breakfasts were a thing at the Loft. Besides, Emma hasn't been living in the Loft since the Dark Swan arc anyway (that's like 2 months or so now including time the UW). After they got back from the LoUS/New York, it's been two days at most, so it's not like they had a new tradition of having breakfast at the Blue House (as I'm calling it). The writers are apparently just that unimaginative when it comes to David and Hook. Plus, we'll probably find out that Hook was responsible for Charming's father's death, and it will be back to Season 3, with David berating Hook over being a pirate. So over it. 

  • Love 2

I was hoping Hyde's past could give us some more backstory on the Land of Untold Stories. I thought he was some sort of big wig there. Maybe he'll come back for flashbacks later on. LoUS is just a collection of random characters. It feels more like a concept, not a real place.



I don't hate the idea of Regina and Emma being friends or anything, but the scene was incredibly forced. 


Rumple's "experiment" was poorly thought out. Did he want to split himself into two, or merely be rid of his "weaker" emotions? If the latter, then he'd have had to make a way for the serum to be permanent, or he'd be switching back and forth like Jekyll did.

If Rumple lost his "weaker" emotions, how could he love Bae?


 The actor was really great. I was hoping it was just Jekyll who would die.

I was hoping the serum that Hyde switched out would have made him the one and only body.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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6 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

I was hoping Hyde's past could give us some more backstory on the Land of Untold Stories. I thought he was some sort of big wig there. 

Yeah. I'm disappointed that we didn't get to see how Hyde ended up as a Warden there. Also, he must have figured out a way to keep Jekyll making/taking that Serum, unless Jekyll took it himself when he hurt/killed someone else in the LoUS, and wanted to blame it on "Hyde" again. 


If Rumple lost his "weaker" emotions, how could he love Bae?

Well...Baelfire as a motivation retroactively doesn't exists anymore. They were just going with what works for the plot of the episode. :-p

I've been travelling for the past month so I'm finally caught up a little.  Admittedly, I'm not sorry to see the Jekyll and Hyde story come to an end and I suspect the network isn't either since they decided to tease Jasmine and Aladdin last week instead of J&H.  I fast forwarded through almost every J&H moment this season.

This show needs to figure out what it wants to be...is it fun Disney backstories or is it a horror show.  After the Underworld and with the focus seemingly on J&H and the Evil Queen this season it's certainly seemed like a horror show.  Why must we have Emma thinking she's constantly going to die or lose someone.  No wonder she needs Archie's advice.

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1 hour ago, Rumsy4 said:

It was awkward and weird because it wasn't organic.... The writers are apparently just that unimaginative when it comes to David and Hook.

Not organic is a good way to put it. It was so forced. I don't understand why the writers feel like Hook moving in has to be such an Event, capital E. Or that is has to be such a big Issue, capital I, for David. Fine, it was cute to have him be overprotective and wait up for their first date, but it's getting old. I suppose you're right - they have no ideas for how to write a relationship between David and Hook. I would have much preferred to just suddenly have Hook living with Emma without it ever having been brought up by anyone - just have them be as a couple, rather than always having stupid hurdles or other things to deal with.

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This show needs to figure out what it wants to be...is it fun Disney backstories or is it a horror show. 

They also need to figure out who they want Rumple to be. Didn't he absorb all of the Dark One powers last season? Isn't he now supposed to be the Ultimate Dark One, Darker than the Darkest Dark One That Ever Darked? And yet, he is still easily subdued by someone who doesn't even have any powers. OK, maybe Jekyll's serum somehow prevents him from killing Hyde, although even that seems like a stretch. But does it also prevent him from - oh, I don't know, putting some other kind of hex on Hyde? Turning him into a frog, maybe? Or simply knocking him out? Because if Jekyll's formula makes Hyde omnipotent and impervious to the Darkest Dark One That Ever Darked, that means Jekyll himself is even more powerful than the Dark One, to be able to come up with such a formula. 

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I admit my attention wandered during the episode, but how exactly did Hook get by Rumple and Hyde and on his ship to save Belle?  Rumple and Hyde were on the dock - right?  And Hyde wanted Rumple to see Belle die so wouldn't he have stopped Hook?  It's not like there is a lot of cover when it comes to getting on the ship.  And even if Hook did sneak past them - the second he went after Jekyll why would Hyde not order Rumple to stop Hook?  

I wish I had found the episode more interesting - instead this is what I am wondering about today.   Although I do also wonder about Jasmine and the Oracle being friends.  Is it just Jafar in disguise trying to get to Aladdin and Jasmine is unaware?  Here is hoping next week's plot twist has a little more twist than this weeks. 

12 minutes ago, Rumsy4 said:

Maybe Emma poofed him there, but decided to stay away herself for some reason?

I thought of that - but why would she not have come too?  And even if that's how he got there, his first hit stops Jekyll, but the Dr. gets back up.  So why would Hyde not stop him using Rumple and his magic to do so? 

And worse - why am I trying to get this show to make sense? 

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