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S04.E05: The Freak Comes Out at Night


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3 hours ago, Sai said:

I lost more respect for Lauren than I did for Nico.  Nico never said to her that he liked her more than a friend and Lauren never told him that she liked him more than a friend.  How was he to know?  He never led her on leading to her acting like he was cheating on her.  Her reaction was real high school, IMO.  I'm sure if she had told him she was starting to get feelings for him he would have told her he appreciated their friendship but didn't have the same feeling and he probably wouldn't have flirted with Emily so openly.  He was a bit of a horn dog last night but he was drunk.  He didn't go overboard.  Neither Sierra or Emily were angry with him.  He apologized immediately the next day.  He seems like a nice guy most of the time, unlike Trevor who was a total dick ALL THE TIME.

Yeah, it seems like Lauren's reaction came out of nowhere. I don't know if she was retconning the story but she kept insisting in her TH that nothing would happen even if he did reciprocate so I don't see the big deal. I like her a lot but she was being a big baby essentially saying if she can't have him, no one can. Nico's behavior, trying to make out with all the stews, was pretty sleazy but it would have been just as sleazy even if Lauren didn't have a crush on him. 


I like Kate.  She's quick witted and comes up with some great one liners.  She's funny.  I really like Kate and Ben together.  I wish they would hook up for real.  You can tell they like each other.  Even when they bicker they quickly make up and keep moving forward.  Neither one of them dwell on the argument.  I love people like that.

I thought they confirmed they've hooked up plenty before she started swimming in the lady pond. That's why he gets all jealous (read: horny) next week.

2 hours ago, rehoboth said:

I want to thank Ben for saying that even he could not understand everything that Kyle was saying.  I pride myself at being very good never having a problem with accents but I could not get everything that Kyle said.  It's not me, it's you. ;-D

Ben was on point this week! I also love when Nico was babbling about Lauren being mad at him and Ben just rolls his eyes and deadpans "dude, she likes you." 

2 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

How do yachts handle drinking ages while cruising around in different geographic locations? A couple of the latest guests seem underage (by US standards).

The drinking age is based on where the boat docks. If they push off from the BVI then they follow local drinking age minimum of 18 but since it's a private yacht and they aren't necessarily charging for drinks, but rather an all inclusive experience, I think there's some wiggle room. That said, I'm sure Bravo requires all the guests to be 18+ to avoid breaking labor laws. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, dleighg said:

I really wonder why the main guest (who seemed like a decent sort -- certainly showed no signs of being a jerk) is hanging around with that group.

I wondered that too. He seemed very calm and quiet and easy to please. And wasn't that his daughter with them? Was she the one waxing the backs? What the fuck? He's probably up to some super shady shit himself. He's the quiet money guy. Those other clowns do his dirty work. But if you cross him, I can see him totally going batshit. *shudder*

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, ryebread said:

I think Mr. Chow is the head zookeeper.  Something is sketchy about their business dealings.  The jerks he travels with are the animals in the zoo.  He rewards them handsomely for performing whatever sketchy tricks they do to make him money. 

What made you think their business dealing were "sketchy?"  Not everybody acts the same way and not everybody has the same set of boundaries, that doesn't make them criminals.

  • Love 3

I love Kyle's accent!  I watch several bad British reality shows (TOWIE/Geordie Shore/etc) and one good non-reality show (Call the Midwife), so his accent wasn't a problem for me.  But I'm also an accidental accent stealer…I'd be talking like him after an hour.

So Nico is the Freako with enough alcohol?  I wasn't at all surprised to see him try to get a little from both non-attached stews.  I knew Lauren was gonna be in her feelings for a bit.  

Loved Captain Lee's "Way too early to tell" when Kate asked for his impression of the new deckhand.  And  loved Ben's drawn-out "sarcasm" over his and Kate's descriptions of waking up.

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

What made you think their business dealing were "sketchy?"  Not everybody acts the same way and not everybody has the same set of boundaries, that doesn't make them criminals.

I dunno.  Just a feeling I got from their general disrespect for women and for people who aren't rich.  Ya know, the 5 percenters.

BTW, I didn't say criminal.  You can be in a disreputable/sketchy business and not be a criminal.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I dunno.  Just a feeling I got from their general disrespect for women and for people who aren't rich.  Ya know, the 5 percenters.

BTW, I didn't say criminal.  You can be in a disreputable/sketchy business and not be a criminal.

Ah, I see.  I got tacky, no class,  nouveau riche vibe from them and they probably don't have as much money as they say they have.

  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, OnceSane said:

I love Kyle's accent!

I do, too.  I'm glad that it's not SO heavy that he requires subtitles all the time.  I had to squint and pay close attention the first time they put one up. Then I had to rewind because I didn't catch it fast enough.  Ain't nobody got time for that.

6 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Ah, I see.  I got tacky, no class,  nouveau riche vibe from them and they probably don't have as much money as they say they have.

Mr. Chow's recap, above, led me JohnChow.com, which led me to look at whether his biz is legit or not.  Still dunno for sure.  But I don't have time to do further research because I've got decks to swab today.  I needa Nico.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, dleighg said:

do some think this is lower class than RH? I *will not* watch any of those because it just seems to be people yelling at each other and getting drunk. Here you've got the getting drunk but combined with making fun of charter guests :) 

I figure there's always something scraping the bottom (Love at First Kiss, 90-Day Fiancee for examples) - but there's no shame in my game...I love me some trash tv.

John Chow's website DOES indicate he's sketchy - but I get that it's a snap judgement based on their on-air behavior.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ryebread said:

I think Mr. Chow is the head zookeeper.  Something is sketchy about their business dealings.  The jerks he travels with are the animals in the zoo.  He rewards them handsomely for performing whatever sketchy tricks they do to make him money. 

Mr. Chow probably isn't that decent at all.  He's just a less crass, craftier version of the others.

On a lighter note, I LMAO when the deckhands said that when the 2 sasquatches were doing push-ups, they looked like humping walruses.  And then imitated them.

Yes. This exactly. Actually decent people don't surround themselves with classless obnoxious boors. I suspect Mr. Chow is probably fairly terrible when he's not on tv. 

1 hour ago, ryebread said:

Kate and her frazzled hair, can have a seat with the, "Finally. I get 2 sweet, complacent stews so now I can be nice. So, yes, my pissants, by all means have a swim."

I watched a bit of season 2 yesterday and she was a HOSEBEAST to Amy - who appears to be as sweet as can be.  And Kate was as dismissive and awful as I'm sure she is in real life.

She actually said to Amy, "I already tried to be nice to you.  I don't want to anymore."  And when Amy was struggling with her work load Kate said,  "If you were nicer, I'd help you.   But you weren't."  LOL. Can someone fill me in on what Amy did that was so awful?

Darlin', being a yachtie isn't why you can't stay in a relationship. I think your unpleasant personality has a lot to do with it.

1 hour ago, Thumper said:

Funny.  I thought Lauren looked kind of "boho relaxed" and Emily (who I also like) looked a little "trying too hard."   But then I am old and never had a figure for the skimpy.

What does "girls catch feelings" even mean???  

I love Captain Lee.

I have no idea what I did with the quote boxes.

I think that besides her resting bitch face, Kate has basal CUT Fitness personality. Kate is a bitch, but for the most part I think she's witty and funny enough that I mostly overlook the fact that she's a complete cow. The other thing that suspect is that she was trained in a more aloof European style of stewardship.

I love the irony of Kelley saying that girls catch feelings. Kelley "Big Dick" Johnson imprinted on Jennice practically on day 2 and then would not stop mooning over her for the rest of the season even though Jennice had a boyfriend. And then when he and Jennice get together, he drops her 2 seconds later.

  • Love 10

I think there was an additional aspect to Lauren's behavior than just picking up on the Emily thing... and that's the producer manipulation.  There was a particularly giddy talking head this episode, I believe, where it was clear that she had moved from "I like this guy" to "OMG, I think I really LIKE THIS GUY!"  We all know how producer questions manipulate the "script."

So her reaction was layered.  OMG, he's going after Emily.  Which means I'm friend-zoned.  Which means the producers knew I was friendzoned and purposely had me talk about him over and over and now I'm going to be on national television as the stupid chick who was chasing after a guy who wasn't interested.  They were making fun of me the whole time!

Well, that's how my brain works, anyway.  I would have wanted to stay in that night, and I'm guessing that option was probably denied to her.  A shame she couldn't have just stayed quietish and plead a headache or something even at the table, but maybe she thought they'd leave her alone if she walked away.

  • Love 11
7 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

Kate is a bitch, but for the most part I think she's witty and funny enough that I mostly overlook the fact that she's a complete cow.

LOL. I agree.  However, that's what most people said about Bethenny over the past couple seasons of RHONY. 

Kate, for me, is Bethenny Lite.  But she's got a few years to catch up to the utter disaster that has become Ms. Frankel.  Funny thing, though, I don't remember Beth being particulary bitchy in her first season.  Whereas, Kate let the cat out of the bag from the git.  Also, I don't think Beth has been arrested four times.

  • Love 2

I've been in Lauren's position before so I completely felt her in this episode. I can't blame her for not wanting to talk to Nico as he's flirting with Emily right in front of her or wanting to just be alone for awhile, away from him. I would do exactly the same thing. Yeah it's not his fault he had no idea how Lauren felt about him, but that doesn't make it hurt less to watch someone you like friend zone you right before your eyes. And it probably hurt her even more since it seems like she thought Nico might feel the same way. I've totally been there. You feel so stupid when you think the other person has reciprocated your feelings and it turns out they haven't. 

It also wasn't cool that Nico was flirting with Emily when he has some situation at home. Emily handled that whole situation really well, not only accepting his apology but telling him exactly what was inappropriate about his behavior and why. 

I'm not sure that Kelley's "girls catch feelings" comment was meant to sound offensive. I took it as to mean girls are more in touch with our emotions and more likely to develop feelings for guys we're close with as opposed to men. Like I said, been there.

The hair waxing was so gross. Good on Kate making them take it home with them. At least they left a decent tip for all the trouble they caused. I felt sorry for Emily and Kate having to put up with the misogynistic comments. And Emily was far more gracious than I would have been kissing that guy on the cheek. She should have gotten a bigger tip than the others since she had to put up with more BS than the rest of them.

Kyle's accent is cool, I like it. And yeah I did also notice Nico sounded British when he was in Emily's bunk. It's either something he does while drunk or maybe its from hanging around so many British people. Kyle may be green but he seems like a fairly normal and decent guy that's willing to work hard and learn. 

I'm glad at least Nico apologized for his behavior. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, rho said:

Yeah, it seems like Lauren's reaction came out of nowhere. I don't know if she was retconning the story but she kept insisting in her TH that nothing would happen even if he did reciprocate so I don't see the big deal. I like her a lot but she was being a big baby essentially saying if she can't have him, no one can. Nico's behavior, trying to make out with all the stews, was pretty sleazy but it would have been just as sleazy even if Lauren didn't have a crush on him. 

I thought they confirmed they've hooked up plenty before she started swimming in the lady pond. That's why he gets all jealous (read: horny) next week.

Ben was on point this week! I also love when Nico was babbling about Lauren being mad at him and Ben just rolls his eyes and deadpans "dude, she likes you." 

The drinking age is based on where the boat docks. If they push off from the BVI then they follow local drinking age minimum of 18 but since it's a private yacht and they aren't necessarily charging for drinks, but rather an all inclusive experience, I think there's some wiggle room. That said, I'm sure Bravo requires all the guests to be 18+ to avoid breaking labor laws. 

They did but I want them to hook up again, preferably on screen.  I'd like to see how they would be in a relationship with each other.

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, windowshopper said:

Throwback reference but she looked like the Portuguese housekeeper in Love Actually who wound up with Colin Firth.



4 hours ago, ryebread said:

I think Mr. Chow is the head zookeeper.  Something is sketchy about their business dealings.  The jerks he travels with are the animals in the zoo.  He rewards them handsomely for performing whatever sketchy tricks they do to make him money. 

Mr. Chow probably isn't that decent at all.  He's just a less crass, craftier version of the others.

On a lighter note, I LMAO when the deckhands said that when the 2 sasquatches were doing push-ups, they looked like humping walruses.  And then imitated them.

Zookeeper hahaha! The one guy (hairiest) reminded me of Gru in Despicable Me. Just looked like a villain from Central Casting. 

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Sai said:

I like Kate.  She's quick witted and comes up with some great one liners

"We're going to need more wax".

That waxing scene, starting with the push up contest, was the funniest thing I've seen on reality tv maybe ever.  And Kate's deadpan commentary was priceless.

6 hours ago, Neurochick said:

What made you think their business dealing were "sketchy?"  Not everybody acts the same way and not everybody has the same set of boundaries, that doesn't make them criminals.

There were two things that Mr. Chow did that made me think he has some class.  First, he dressed up for Ben's twelve course dinner and was polite and appreciative throughout, right to the bitter end.  Then, during the waxing, a member of the party said to Emily "Can we see your V" or something cringey like that and Emily was clearly not amused and visibly uncomfortable. So she stiffly asks if anyone would like anything and nobody wants anything and then Mr. Chow asks for a glass of water giving her an excuse to leave.  I like to think that at some point he told that dude to STFU but we can only hope.

The thing that screamed sketchy to me was the brick of well used cash they gave as a tip.  Someone said "strip club" when they saw it and that's about right.  There were frickin' ones in there, a lot of them. Sketch!

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, zulualpha said:

"We're going to need more wax".

That waxing scene, starting with the push up contest, was the funniest thing I've seen on reality tv maybe ever.  And Kate's deadpan commentary was priceless.

There were two things that Mr. Chow did that made me think he has some class.  First, he dressed up for Ben's twelve course dinner and was polite and appreciative throughout, right to the bitter end.  Then, during the waxing, a member of the party said to Emily "Can we see your V" or something cringey like that and Emily was clearly not amused and visibly uncomfortable. So she stiffly asks if anyone would like anything and nobody wants anything and then Mr. Chow asks for a glass of water giving her an excuse to leave.  I like to think that at some point he told that dude to STFU but we can only hope.

The thing that screamed sketchy to me was the brick of well used cash they gave as a tip.  Someone said "strip club" when they saw it and that's about right.  There were frickin' ones in there, a lot of them. Sketch!

Though he was the one who commented on the smaller boat shouting to see if they wanted to borrow some money and it was his daughter who said that $3,000 was like sewers money, neither of which screams class.

4 hours ago, ryebread said:

IIRC, didn't Kate say she got into yachting so she could find a rich husband?  If she wasn't kidding, Ben isn't nearly good enough.

If what he said on the Med version is true, he's led a very privileged life - hanging out with Princes William and Harry, expensive private school, etc., so it sounds like the family has bank.  He needs to work on that hairdo though, but so does she, for that matter.

  • Love 5

Yeah, those guys were so rich they had to go on a cruise paid for by Bravo.

I have to defend Kelley a little, but only because I am that big of an Amy fan. I think he has the right to use Nico's onshore relationships to cock-block him. Now, if he made Nico pull watch whenever Emily was on break, that would be abusing his position and violate the agreement.

Also, telling Nico that "girls catch feelings" seems like a way to explain to Nico that Lauren isn't into him because he so awesome, but because he's a decent guy and he's on the ship. Nico seemed to get really uncomfortable around Lauren like she could never get over him or something.

13 minutes ago, lyric said:

If what he said on the Med version is true, he's led a very privileged life - hanging out with Princes William and Harry, expensive private school, etc., so it sounds like the family has bank.  He needs to work on that hairdo though, but so does she, for that matter.

His dad is an author. The only book I have heard of is Lone Survivor. He also said his father was a self made man so the money is apparently new to his family and since that is the only time he has ever mentioned his family and it was to defend himself against Jules implying he was a condescending snob, I don't know how much access he has to that money.

  • Love 2

Upon learning about Nico's interest in Emily, Lauren should have looked @ the camera, wryly stated, "Well, that's that"(in reference to her mistaken belief of mutual romantic interest) then proceeded to enthusiastically and elegantly enjoy the ambience, activities, AND people despite her feelings of embarrassment about her aforementioned comments re: Nico.

  • Love 3
36 minutes ago, ketose said:

Yeah, those guys were so rich they had to go on a cruise paid for by Bravo.

I have to defend Kelley a little, but only because I am that big of an Amy fan. I think he has the right to use Nico's onshore relationships to cock-block him. Now, if he made Nico pull watch whenever Emily was on break, that would be abusing his position and violate the agreement.

Also, telling Nico that "girls catch feelings" seems like a way to explain to Nico that Lauren isn't into him because he so awesome, but because he's a decent guy and he's on the ship. Nico seemed to get really uncomfortable around Lauren like she could never get over him or something.

I'm not a big Kelley fan, so I also might biased, but I thought it was a dick move, not because he abused his role, but because it wasn't just blocking cock, it was also making Nico sound like a cheater and her as the potential side piece - which she may have perceived as really disrespectful to her.  Having 'a girl at home' is different than the new, 'undefined' relationship Nico described.   It was shady as hell, and if you're such a ladies man, Kelley, why ya gotta go low, stud?  How about y'all let her hook up with who she likes more - wouldn't that be the cool thing to do?  Just a stupid hookup, so no biggie - just showed him to be pretty sketchy, I thought.

Edited by lyric
  • Love 10
28 minutes ago, lyric said:

I'm not a big Kelley fan, so I also might biased, but I thought it was a dick move, not because he abused his role, but because it wasn't just blocking cock, it was also making Nico sound like a cheater and her as the potential side piece - which she may have perceived as really disrespectful to her.  Having 'a girl at home' is different than the new, 'undefined' relationship Nico described.   It was shady as hell, and if you're such a ladies man, Kelley, why ya gotta go low, stud?  How about y'all let her hook up with who she likes more - wouldn't that be the cool thing to do?  Just a stupid hookup, so no biggie - just showed him to be pretty sketchy, I thought.

Also funny considering Kelley spent his first BD season pursuing a girl in an established relationship. Didn't Emily break up with someone like three weeks ago? Seems to me like she's not into hooking up with anyone on the boat and would rather steam iron bed sheets than share a bunk with either of those two bozos.

  • Love 9

Lauren isn't the first person to become very emotional because she feels like she's been turned down. Her reaction doesn't make me think any differently of her - it was a human reaction. She didn't act like an ass to Nico - she wanted time to herself and he couldn't respect that. I know he meant well when he said he wasn't going to leave her alone, but still. I'm sure that added to her frustration.  Most people don't react perfectly when they are upset - doesn't mean Lauren did anything wrong and I hope she doesn't feel that way.

I don't mind the new guy's accent. It took me a while, but I did eventually understand what he was saying.

  • Love 9

It's not Kelley playing the long game with Emily. Step aside, amateurs (blows on knuckles while flipping a crepe)...The real Emily long game is brewing in the galley. Ben. 

Also, both Nico AND Emily claimed they were freaks when they introd themselves in their Ep 1 THs. I think Ben wet himself a little bit when he saw this. And I'm also pretty certain the drunk pantsless person being led away in the early promo is also Ben. I think this season is going to heat up especially give we know iRL that Kate truly flies off the rails. 

I actually bust out laughing at Kelley earnestly mansplaining how girls 'catch feelings'. I like this version of Kelley better than whiney pole dancing Kelley. But hell man, what's with not keeping Cpt Lee's windscreen wiped next episode? ! I wonder if that was a delegation to the new guy issue, anyway, we'll find out soon enough. Kyle I am positive was described by Cpt Lee as 'way too green' with a FML shake of his head. Did anyone else catch that? And he surprisingly didn't even start with Kyle arriving late to board. He definitely took Sierra over the hurdles for that. I was vindicated when I guessed Alaskan Face referred to her heritage: the many Scandinavian migrants in the north of America, but she's also dumb with a side of psycho. Thankfully we didn't hear anymore about her passion for juicing, even though she's shown incapable of operating a manual citrus juicer. 

I felt for Lauren, but am I the only woman watching that thinks apart from off the market Cpt Lee, the pickings are slim? Kelley is still too immature, ditto Nico, Ben I root for but just can't and Kyle is green and kinda weedy. The beard may have worked on a trawler but not on the Valor. And he failed the Kate test when her offer of an apple totally flew over his head. 

I'm a Housewives freak too. I venture further afield for the Below Deck franchise, Apres Ski, Work Out NY, Million Dollar Listing. Stuff like that. The Hos are still my bread and butter, but I'm enjoying Below Deck and it's improving. Feel free to recommend others, I'm in Australia so we don't get everything. Shahs. Watch them also. 

Was it Emily or Sierra with the 'i feel so used' line from the promo? Cos if it was Emily, Ben must have been a bad boy! 

  • Love 4

Ben's Dad is author Peter Robinson, author of the Inspector Banks crime novels. He'd be making major bank these days. Wiki says he lives in Canada now. So Ben is in no way minor nobility. This is new money. His hobnobbing with royalty, if it even happened, would have been down to the elite private school he attended. Like the one Emily attended. It's brewing between those 2. Emily is everything Julia wasn't. 

3 hours ago, lyric said:

He needs to work on that hairdo though, but so does she, for that matter.

Can you imagine how bad their kids hair would be? 

Reading your comments about adopting accents brings up an embarrassing memory. I had a  risk pregnancy with my son and the high risk doctor had a really bad stuttering problem.  Every time I would speak to him I would start stuttering, it was so embarrassing.  I would get anxious sitting in the waiting room because I was nervous  I'd start stuttering and  he'd think I was making fun of him and the more I would try not to stutter the more I would do it. It didn't happen with the nurses or anyone else there but the second my poor doctor walked into the room I would stutter back at him. 

I'm with those of you who don't see the appeal of Emily.  She seems nice enough but I just can't get past those teeth. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 3
3 hours ago, zulualpha said:

The thing that screamed sketchy to me was the brick of well used cash they gave as a tip.  Someone said "strip club" when they saw it and that's about right.  There were frickin' ones in there, a lot of them. Sketch!

But I found it hilarious that the crew, after making fun of the guests all charter, had to sit there and count out and divvy up all those ones.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, BookElitist said:

Upon learning about Nico's interest in Emily, Lauren should have looked @ the camera, wryly stated, "Well, that's that"(in reference to her mistaken belief of mutual romantic interest) then proceeded to enthusiastically and elegantly enjoy the ambience, activities, AND people despite her feelings of embarrassment about her aforementioned comments re: Nico.

Totally. Her reaction was very high school, as someone else noted. She's 23, so it did seem out of place from her.

  • Love 3

Since ours is a visual relationship only, Kelley could get it all day every day.  I have no doubt irl he's probably a bit ridiculous, but that's what I love about reality TV being 2 inches deep.

It's Sierra who has the crying jag about "feeling used" - and I can't find a season preview that shows someone pants-less being led away.  Anyone?

EDIT - Found it, definitely looks like Ben to me.

Edited by Adultosaurus
edited to add
  • Love 2

I wonder if Ben's headed for a meltdown - since the Mediterranean season he has seemed a bit unstable, as compared to the earlier seasons of the series

Kate said she started yachting to find a rich husband. While that may have been said partly in jest, perhaps part of her attraction to Ben is the possibility of an inheritance.

7 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

I wonder if Ben's headed for a meltdown - since the Mediterranean season he has seemed a bit unstable, as compared to the earlier seasons of the series

I enjoy watching Ben but I've always thought him a little unstable.  Not like Leon unstable but Ben's moods are all over the place.  Yelling one minute, bouncing in his shoes with happiness the next.  Punching things in the kitchen, crying in the Med.   This could be editing or merely the personality of a chef or an emotional human being. 

But the thing that makes me the most nervous about him is his laugh.  Just seems off to me sometimes.  Like a deranged Austin Powers. 

And then there's the small issue of him being hung up on Kate....

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, zulualpha said:

The thing that screamed sketchy to me was the brick of well used cash they gave as a tip.  Someone said "strip club" when they saw it and that's about right.  There were frickin' ones in there, a lot of them. Sketch!

Someone posted a link above to Johnny Chow's blog about episode 4, he also posted on episode 5 here: http://www.johnchow.com/john-chow-on-belowdeck-episode-5-what-really-happened/       and talked about the ones:

"When wiring the funds to pay for the charter, Bravo allowed us to wire the tip as well. They then withdraw the cash from the BVI bank to give to us to give to the captain. Shoemoney came up with the idea of giving the tip in $1 bills. The producer tried but was unable to secure that many ones. In the end, we got 500 ones, a bunch of fives, tens, twenties and hundreds to make the $20K. I gave the captain a lunch bag full of cash."

Edited by curbcrusher
fixed the link
  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, curbcrusher said:

Someone posted a link above to Johnny Chow's blog about episode 4, he also posted on episode 5 here: http://www.johnchow.com/john-chow-on-belowdeck-episode-5-what-really-happened/ and talked about the ones:

"When wiring the funds to pay for the charter, Bravo allowed us to wire the tip as well. They then withdraw the cash from the BVI bank to give to us to give to the captain. Shoemoney came up with the idea of giving the tip in $1 bills. The producer tried but was unable to secure that many ones. In the end, we got 500 ones, a bunch of fives, tens, twenties and hundreds to make the $20K. I gave the captain a lunch bag full of cash."

And there you go, evidence in his own words that they are a group of total asshats. Apart from those losers, I loved this episode. It made me laugh quite a few times. Loved the guys trying to fill Nico in on the reason Lauren didn't want to be around Nico at the time. Yes Kelley is clumsy with words but I find it endearing. If Kelley had that great body and was smooth it would be too much. I also enjoyed Sierra's cattiness coming out, it gave her a little edge instead of just being the dumb, pretty girl. She is a Mean Girl! It had just enough drama for interest without discomfort. That being said, I am still waiting for someone, anyone, to produce evidence of Trevor's hair modeling.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, curbcrusher said:

Someone posted a link above to Johnny Chow's blog about episode 4, he also posted on episode 5 here: http://www.johnchow.com/john-chow-on-belowdeck-episode-5-what-really-happened/ and talked about the ones:

"When wiring the funds to pay for the charter, Bravo allowed us to wire the tip as well. They then withdraw the cash from the BVI bank to give to us to give to the captain. Shoemoney came up with the idea of giving the tip in $1 bills. The producer tried but was unable to secure that many ones. In the end, we got 500 ones, a bunch of fives, tens, twenties and hundreds to make the $20K. I gave the captain a lunch bag full of cash."

Against my better judgment I actually read the posts on his blog and probably earned him another $0.17 in ad revenue. Not my proudest moment. So far I've learned that the back peddling they do to justify their behavior on the show, only makes them come across like even bigger assholes. 

  • Love 2
51 minutes ago, Tara Ariano said:


In case you missed it, here's the Previously.TV post on the episode!

'The Freak Comes Out' On Below Deck

Love or something like it's in the air, and a new Dick's in the bottom spot.


THIS!  "Oh, and minus points for having wet hair that wasn't in a bun when the charter returned." I noticed that-- it was so obvious she'd been "playing" rather than lovingly scrubbing their toilets. 

Ugh, Freako-Un-Suave is a boy.  Lauren is a woman.  That's the problem.

[it also doesn't help Lauren that she's a WOC, but that's another discussion].

But seriously, I didn't even pick up that Lauren liked Nico "that way."  I thought she saw him as a little brother.  To me, Nico's too fucking immature and Lauren's too much woman for him.  She can do better.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Ugh, Freako-Un-Suave is a boy.  Lauren is a woman.  That's the problem.

[it also doesn't help Lauren that she's a WOC, but that's another discussion].

But seriously, I didn't even pick up that Lauren liked Nico "that way."  I thought she saw him as a little brother.  To me, Nico's too fucking immature and Lauren's too much woman for him.  She can do better.

I don't think it has anything to do with her being a WOC, they just weren't on the same page with their feels.  

  • Love 5

Nico is so gross, why did he try to kiss Sierra, was it because he thought she was Emily? 

I'm not sure about Kelley telling Emily that Nico had a girlfriend; in a way that was bad on his part, because he likes Emily, but if he knew Nico was talking to someone else, then why not tell Emily?  If Emily had feelings for Nico and then found out he had a hometown honey, we'd all say, "Kelley should have told Emily, since he knew."  So it's a lose/lose situation.

2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I'm not sure about Kelley telling Emily that Nico had a girlfriend; in a way that was bad on his part, because he likes Emily, but if he knew Nico was talking to someone else, then why not tell Emily?  If Emily had feelings for Nico and then found out he had a hometown honey, we'd all say, "Kelley should have told Emily, since he knew."  So it's a lose/lose situation.

Also, Nico and Kelley made that bet in the crew mess about who would ultimately 'win' Emily.  Ugh.  All's fair in love and war.  Merely strategy for Kelley to tell Emily about Nico's honey. 

If Nico is as immature as I think he is, he probably won't even be mad at his bruh for doing it.  It's all just part of the game.  "High five, bro. Watch what *I* do next."  Good thing Emily seems smart.  Someone more naïve could get hurt by these two lame-ass lotharios.

I hate that crap.

  • Love 4

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