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Kate: Chrissy Metz


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45 minutes ago, luna1122 said:

If the Drop Dead Diva chick is OBESE, I'm gonna be over here jumping off a cliff.

Depends on the definition of obese. If it's the body mass index definition - BMI of 30 or higher - then many people are technically obese. My weight is in the overweight BMI range, and I normally wear a size 8. A few years ago I gained 15 pounds due to job stress, and my BMI slipped into the obese range. I had to go up a dress size, but was still nowhere near plus-size (which starts at size 14). It's ridiculous.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

Can you elaborate?  I really don't want to watch the after show.   Chrissy is trying to lose weight and struggling?  With the motivation part? 

Maybe that set decorator is a Weight Watchers member.  I do WW often and I consequently eat bread only sparingly, because it's 'pricey'.  

I'm kind of impressed they didn't make it a table of desserts.  There seems to be that stereotype of fat people--- that they all just gorge on sugar all day.  

Nothing that she said at all, just the way she looked, and it may have been partly the camera angle but if she has lost weight it is not yet visible.  I realize she could have actually lost as much as 40 or 50 pounds in the last year and it would be hard to tell.  But I can see how they may have had to drop the surgery story if Chrissy is not losing very much very fast. 

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, luna1122 said:

Bread and carbs are way more fattening than butter.

I understand that, but who actually eats three loaves of bread with no butter?  That's what seemed unrealistic to me, but then I don't think I've ever eaten a dry biscuit, and I definitely would have some cake and ice cream included in any binge of mine. I guess we dream differently.

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Depends on the definition of obese. If it's the body mass index definition - BMI of 30 or higher - then many people are technically obese. My weight is in the overweight BMI range, and I normally wear a size 8. A few years ago I gained 15 pounds due to job stress, and my BMI slipped into the obese range. I had to go up a dress size, but was still nowhere near plus-size (which starts at size 14). It's ridiculous.

that's insane. I do believe the BMI is a fairly controversial thing these days.


1 hour ago, JudyObscure said:

I understand that, but who actually eats three loaves of bread with no butter?  That's what seemed unrealistic to me, but then I don't think I've ever eaten a dry biscuit, and I definitely would have some cake and ice cream included in any binge of mine. I guess we dream differently.

I want bread and cake and ice cream all the time, so no, we don't dream differently. I mean, I don't eat them all the time, but I always want to.


Brooke%20Elliott%20main.jpgthis was the pic I saw of the Drop Dead Diva chick, and this barely looks overweight to me, let alone obese, but then again, when a size 10 is considered obese...yikes, who

Edited by luna1122

She looks good there, I agree.  I assume it's from a different time, or photoshopped.  Something about her chin, cheeks and right hip look unnatural.  And her legs in relation to her torso.

I think where BMI gets less useful is people whose weight is high due to a lot of muscle, not fat.  For most of us, it's not a bad yardstick.  I strongly prefer it to the mirror or the old insurance tables, which would want all women in the 120s and below.  

I don't think most of us can be obese in a size 10.  I know I sure can't.  I'm about 12 lbs. above 'healthy BMI' now and 10s are tight.  But dress sizes can be so random, too, depending where you shop.  

13 hours ago, ShadowFacts said:

Nothing that she said at all, just the way she looked, and it may have been partly the camera angle but if she has lost weight it is not yet visible.  I realize she could have actually lost as much as 40 or 50 pounds in the last year and it would be hard to tell.  But I can see how they may have had to drop the surgery story if Chrissy is not losing very much very fast. 

Yes, she looks no smaller to me, either.  

Edited by Guest
1 hour ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I don't think most of us can be obese in a size 10.  I know I sure can't. I'm about 12 lbs. above 'healthy BMI' now and 10s are tight.

It happens. My father and brother are also small-framed and weigh a lot more than their sizes would suggest, and none of us are athletes. I was a size 4 the only time in my life when I had a "healthy" BMI. That lasted less than a year. :)

Topic? I'd like to see Kate find a weight loss routine that is sustainable for her. Last season she had the attitude that a healthy diet means deprivation and eating things she hates, and there's no way she can succeed that way in the long term. Maybe take some cooking classes as a bonding experience with Toby, try new cuisines that incorporate fresh ingredients, etc. Also, just because she was kicked out of fat camp by Horse Dick, doesn't mean she can't continue the activities she enjoyed there, like the drumming class. Or join a walking/hiking group, that's more productive than snarking at people in a weight watchers meeting. The show needs to pick the weight loss story back up somehow; a throwaway line that she's lost two dress sizes doesn't cut it.

  • Love 10

Yeah, I'm sure it's not impossible.  Just not common.  

I think all this is topical to this thread, including if Brook Elliott is large enough to play Kate.  It's going to be hard to discuss Kate/Metz at all without some of our own weight-related anecdotes and beliefs seeping in.  But I enjoy that part of the discussion, too, so I hate to see it censored a whole lot.  

I totally agree with your last paragraph.  I guess the writers can't make Kate have too much weight loss success until Chrissy does, though.  Which makes me doubly invested in Chrissy's path.  I want to see the weight management story play out on screen, moreso than the 'my perfect mom hurts my feelings' one.  

The BMI scale is not perfect but it is a designation of a medical risk factor, not a value judgment or a "you're officially fat here" yardstick. Even bodybuilders in the obese range, who appear super healthy, are at higher risks of certain diseases (like heart disease) than their normal-weight (or overweight range) counterparts. In general, though, women who are particularly muscular might have an extra 10 pounds or so of wiggle room with their BMI. There's no way even a super muscular woman is going to be obese for BMI without being overfat as well.

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I think I read some evidence that the BMI cutoff values for 'overweight' and 'obese' might actually be considered too lenient.  E.g., there are more over-fat people (by body fat percentage) with a 'healthy BMI' than not-over-fat people with an 'overweight' or 'obese' BMI.  I know when I'm at a healthy BMI I'm still overfat by percent.  I still like BMI.  It's a realistic first goal, and is easily calced, unlike body fat percent.  

I liked the Rocky scenes too, I kept thinking, this is real, non weight drama, no Jack drama (she handled that part very well)  and you could feel her respectful admiration and joy.  To see Kevin act like you would expect Kate was surprising, he's an actor and had issues with getting through it. I guess that means in the next shows, it will show why he felt guilty about it or didn't work out his feelings over the years. I can see him having words with his dad and then not having the goodbye moment later.

  • Love 2
On 10/7/2017 at 7:41 AM, JudyObscure said:

The worst part about the shaming, and the medical profession does a lot of that, too,  is that although the health risks are real, we still don't have a cure for obesity.  Doctors can tell people to diet and exercise, and those methods do usually result in weight loss, but  it's only a temporary fix because  97% of them regain within three years and end up less healthy than if they hadn't dieted at all.

Last year I was hoping the show would go there with Kate.  They made a good start with the frustrations of weight loss groups, trying to diet in restaurants, looking for help in fat camps, and exploring surgical options. Then they just dropped it.  I know some people didn't want her story to be all about weight, but I was fine with that, because we've never really seen that story done in a realistic manner.  TV just likes the big dramatic changes of shows like, "The Biggest Loser, never following up to the inevitable regain and the depression and sense of failure that goes along with that.

Excellent points.  It really is a challenge to address the obesity issue in a tv series, because, you have an uncontrolled factor of the actor not conforming with the script.  Supposedly, Kate has dropped 2 dress sizes.  (But, the view can't tell.)  So, we have to buy into what they tell us.  It's a little insulting to the viewer, but, I get it.  They can't force her to lose weight to fit the storyline.  It must be so humiliating for Chrissy.  You know she wants to be more mobile, healthier, etc.  And while I do empathize with her, it's just so painful to watch in many ways.  I fear for the health of not only Kate, but Chrissy.  She must be in so much pain, both physically and mentally, with that much weight on her body.  It appears that the skin would even hurt.  Granted, there are no simple or easy answers. Obesity is a complex medical problem, but, at some point, there are options like hospitalization, where you are kept inpatient and on a monitored diet until you are down enough to take it on your own.  Then, you leave with special therapist, who can support you with your journey.  

Kate ruled out surgery and I see no problem with that.  I mean, not everyone is a good candidate.  It means more work than if you don't have it, but, it does cut back on the amount of calories that your body can absorb.  So, that's something to consider.  It's not just having a small stomach.  But, I agree that the show can't chase Kate with her weight loss journey too much, because it could take over the show.  However, a part of me wonders how this very serious problem can just be approached casually as the series progresses. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 4

This article says that it's in her contract and all that, but how it happens is up to her. It was written in Sept but the end of the article has Chrissy saying she was worried if people would know she was pregnant? I guess it was always in the plans, but I would have read that and just thought she meant, "if it happens".


She stated in another article she lost 100 pounds in a few months eating 2000 cals a day and walking 20 minutes a day. I hope she gets to a healthier weight for her joints and heart. She can still be "heavy" in our society but healthier and her story lines and acting roles will become much more available. There is a bias in Hollywood for age, race, weight, but if you have talent, you will work and I hate to see her typecast.

Edited by debraran
  • Love 2

This article mentions in Sept that pregnancy was in the cards. It's at the end, but it must have been discussed with her as a long range option. http://people.com/bodies/this-is-us-chrissy-metz-losing-weight-contract/

I know I understood many things about my mom and stress with kids and all the feelings that go with it. I don't understand how she did other things but we are all different. I wouldn't change much with my kids but I would try to be less anxious about things, push them to try more things but finances were always an issue. When I heard my daughter criticize an action I had,  , I heard myself at her age and just say, "You might not see it for a while, maybe if you have a child, but parenting is hard work and I hope I get some slack later". I think Kate will see that with Rebecca.

When people have the type of bias/racism that Jack so eloquently described to Randall, I try to subtly leave them something to think about, not get too angry, but plant a seed to have them think how their bigotry isn't right or well founded. Sometimes it works, sometimes I can't tell or it doesn't but it's a start. Many spout things but never really think about it.

Edited by debraran
  • Love 1
54 minutes ago, debraran said:

There is a bias in Hollywood for age, race, weight, but if you have talent, you will work and I hate to see her typecast.

I still remember Janeane Garofalo saying that she wasn't getting cast in stuff but when she started losing weight, suddenly casting directors thought she was funny. She said the skinnier she got, the funnier they thought she was.

  • Love 4
27 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I still remember Janeane Garofalo saying that she wasn't getting cast in stuff but when she started losing weight, suddenly casting directors thought she was funny. She said the skinnier she got, the funnier they thought she was.

I can see that . John Pinnete a comedian I found online made a living making fun of his weight and as he lost, he felt better but an embolism killed him way too young. That part of him made him made some able to relate to him more but it also limited him to "fat and eating jokes" which he was planning to get away from a little before he died. Larger actress's can't get a foot in when they go over a certain weight because it's the elephant in the room. How do we not mention this?  Guys have it a little easier, you can be John Goodman when he was larger and have a role but if John weighed as much as Chrissy, probably not.

I have a feeling Chrissy is trying to lose and the pregnancy will hide that for a while and she'll watch her weight and gain little and afterwards they can show a lighter Kate. It will take time for it to be noticeable on camera though. Or, if she can't lose weight, the pregnancy gives her time and she'll have to lose after the baby like many women. For the writers, they have a story either way.

  • Love 1

Janeane Garafolo didn't focus her comedy on eating or her weight. After she lost weight, she said, "I was heavier and it really gets you almost nowhere, you realize quickly. I mean, I got very lucky in the nineties. Very lucky. But I was usually cast as a person wherein they’re so unattractive, that it defines them. And you get sick of it after a while, and then you realize that it’s just easier. And you don’t even have to be really heavy to be characterized as an overweight actor."

For what it's worth, this was what she looked like when she was considered overweight and not as funny.




Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 3

The pregnancy story line isn't of interest to me, either.  I feel like I was just getting to know individual-Kate, and am not ready for pregnant-Kate and mom-Kate.  I want to know Kate better first.  I mean, she seems very happy about the baby, but did we have any idea she wanted to be a mom at all?  I don't remember if we ever heard her and Toby talking about kids, which they should have since they're engaged already.  The pregnancy is coming too early in the show for me.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 5
On 10/9/2017 at 0:55 PM, ShadowFacts said:

I'm wondering where they will go with her weight now.  I don't have a problem with her character not choosing the surgery, but to just have dropped the issue after the whole Horse Dick incident and now it's months later is just sort of a fail.  She mentions she's down two dress sizes but what path is she on?  I would like to know more.  I did watch the latest after show which I don't usually do, and Chrissy appears quite alarmingly in need of more help whatever it may be.  If the story is that she is "stalled", then at least mention it. 


14 hours ago, debraran said:

This article mentions in Sept that pregnancy was in the cards. It's at the end, but it must have been discussed with her as a long range option. http://people.com/bodies/this-is-us-chrissy-metz-losing-weight-contract/

I know I understood many things about my mom and stress with kids and all the feelings that go with it. I don't understand how she did other things but we are all different. I wouldn't change much with my kids but I would try to be less anxious about things, push them to try more things but finances were always an issue. When I heard my daughter criticize an action I had,  , I heard myself at her age and just say, "You might not see it for a while, maybe if you have a child, but parenting is hard work and I hope I get some slack later". I think Kate will see that with Rebecca.

When people have the type of bias/racism that Jack so eloquently described to Randall, I try to subtly leave them something to think about, not get too angry, but plant a seed to have them think how their bigotry isn't right or well founded. Sometimes it works, sometimes I can't tell or it doesn't but it's a start. Many spout things but never really think about it.

What gets me, is that even though Rebecca did make some mistakes, Kate admits she dislikes her mother because she is pretty and thin.  What if Kate has a daughter that is the spitting image of Rebecca?  Will she resent the child like her mother?  I know growing up overweight in a thin family is hard, but I really hate that Kate biggest problem with Rebecca is that she exists.  It also feeds that larger women are always jealous of thinner women and it simply is not true.  Everyone can be petty and jealous, but people can still love themselves and not everything with women has to be a giant beauty pageant.  I wrote in another thread that my mother makes it a point to inform me about all my cousins who have stayed thin and how she hates my size ( a perfectly healthy weight, by BMI standards).  I really do not care if the woman standing next to me is thin or thick...it really does not matter.  I understand little Kate having these issues, but adult Kate really needs to get over herself a little bit.


6 minutes ago, izabella said:

The pregnancy story line isn't of interest to me, either.  I feel like I was just getting to know individual-Kate, and am not ready for pregnant-Kate and mom-Kate.  I want to know Kate better first.  I mean, she seems very happy about the baby, but did we have any idea she wanted to be a mom at all?  I don't remember if we ever heard her and Toby talking about kids, which they should have since they're engaged already.  The pregnancy is coming too early in the show for me.

The really have not fleshed out her character much.  The only thing I remember (vaguely) is in the pilot her saying she wanted to raise a family like "mom" and marry the perfect guy like "dad".  I might not be remembering that correctly.

  • Love 8

To me, Kate and Kevin are extremely immature. Maybe, having his own family and a more demanding job, helped mature Randall or maybe, that's just who he is.  I wonder if they just got way too much attention and pampering as children. lol  Ok.  Don't kick me for saying that, but, they sure seemed spoiled to me. For one thing.....I would not speak as disrespectfully to my mother as Kate has.  You can speak your truth without her attitude.  I don't care for it.  A lot of adult kids are providing around the clock care for their parents, bathing, transporting to doctors, cooking, changing, etc.  It's not required by adult children, but,.....I hope Rebecca has her long term care insurance paid up.  

  • Love 6

Kate and Toby did mention wanting to have kids when they had their "Oops, we're engaged and barely know each other" talk.


It's not required by adult children, but,.....I hope Rebecca has her long term care insurance paid up.  

Honestly, I could see Kate if she doesn't lose weight needing help before Rebecca does.

I hope they're realistic about the complications of this. My sister had her son at 37 as a woman in the mid/high 200's and 5'1" in height, and she had gestational babies and they had to induce her about 3 weeks early because of her heart rate.

Edited by methodwriter85
  • Love 4

So why do you think Kate hasn't told Toby?  She's obviously not going to terminate behind his back.  I'm guessing the explanation will be something along the lines of "she didn't want to get his hopes up in case she miscarried early due to her weight".  I think it's kind of a stupid direction.  Because what, she's going to mourn a miscarriage behind his back, too?  And never tell him?  He deserves to know.  I can't imagine being engaged and hiding knowledge like that.  

10 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

Kate and Toby did mention wanting to have kids when they had their "Oops, we're engaged and barely know each other" talk.

Honestly, I could see Kate if she doesn't lose weight needing help before Rebecca does.

I hope they're realistic about the complications of this. My sister had her son at 37 as a woman in the mid/high 200's and 5'1" in heig50 and then she had gestational babies and they had to induce her about 3 weeks early because of her heart rate.

Yes, some has to do with genetics, you can be so good with food and exercise and still have crappy cholesterol but many can control blood pressure and diabeties 2 with diet and exercise. My husband coasted until he was 50's and changing habits then has been an uphill battle. Pregnancy brings out a lot of things and I can't see them having her go through it without showing how  her blood work will change and other factors. I knew a woman at work who was about 250 and had a baby and she had gestational diabetes and blood pressure issues and was considered "high risk" because of weight.

This explains it well but still didn't have ultrasound at 6 wks and it says later is better is very heavy because it's harder to detect through the thicker layer of tissue. But this is TV and I'm sure there will be a reason. ; )


Edited by debraran
On 10/21/2017 at 2:06 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

To me, Kate and Kevin are extremely immature. Maybe, having his own family and a more demanding job, helped mature Randall or maybe, that's just who he is. 

I don't think Randall is mature. He might have provided for his family et al., but he still puts his wants before those of his wife and kids and seems to expect his wife to revert to his view without trying (that we saw) to see things from her point of view.

If anything, I'd say Kevin is the most mature of the three. 

  • Love 3

I'll likely be doing some eye rolling if they show Kate having a very normal, no complications, no high blood pressure, no diabetes, no swollen ankles kind of pregnancy.  I mean, she's not just a 250 pound woman getting pregnant.....I won't guess, but, it must be substantially more than that.  I watch enough shows that document the weight and struggles of people her size and so, I have a pretty good idea. 

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And I'm betting that when she reveals to Toby, this show will have her say "We're pregnant" instead of "I'm pregnant", because it's precious like that.  I abhor that usage, because when a woman is pregnant, her husband is so very, very, very rarely pregnant at the same time.  Conceiving and raising a child is definitely a team effort, but carrying the child then squeezing it out is a solo gig.  And no amount of consideration and sympathy from the husband is going to change that. 

However, I WILL gladly and graciously accept that phrase when a woman and her wife ARE both pregnant at the same time.  You GO, ladies!  Otherwise boy, sit your ass down & let that woman gestate in peace. 

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 18
On 10/22/2017 at 1:57 PM, leighdear said:

And I'm betting that when she reveals to Toby, this show will have her say "We're pregnant" instead of "I'm pregnant", because it's precious like that.  I abhor that usage, because when a woman is pregnant, her husband is so very, very, very rarely pregnant at the same time.  Conceiving and raising a child is definitely a team effort, but carrying the child then squeezing it out is a solo gig.  And no amount of consideration and sympathy from the husband is going to change that. 

However, I WILL gladly and graciously accept that phrase when a woman and her wife ARE both pregnant at the same time.  You GO, ladies!  Otherwise boy, sit your ass down & let that woman gestate in peace. 

You called it! lol

  • Love 2
On 10/22/2017 at 10:57 AM, leighdear said:

And I'm betting that when she reveals to Toby, this show will have her say "We're pregnant" instead of "I'm pregnant", because it's precious like that.  I abhor that usage, because when a woman is pregnant, her husband is so very, very, very rarely pregnant at the same time.  Conceiving and raising a child is definitely a team effort, but carrying the child then squeezing it out is a solo gig.  And no amount of consideration and sympathy from the husband is going to change that. 

However, I WILL gladly and graciously accept that phrase when a woman and her wife ARE both pregnant at the same time.  You GO, ladies!  Otherwise boy, sit your ass down & let that woman gestate in peace. 

I think you just wrote the premise of a new sitcom Our Two Mommies.  :D

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I suppose that the show can't hold her to anything, but, I wonder if it helps Chrissy to pretend she's doing something, but, not really doing it.  The language is so noncommital, open ended, etc.  .....classic for people who really have no focus or commitment to weight loss.  It's her business, but, that has to be so stressful to have that pressure and not be ready for it.



Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I suppose that the show can't hold her to anything, but, I wonder if it helps Chrissy to pretend she's doing something, but, not really doing it.  The language is so noncommital, open ended, etc.  .....classic for people who really have no focus or commitment to weight loss.  It's her business, but, that has to be so stressful to have that pressure and not be ready for it.



I think it's non-committal and vague because last year there was a ton of negative PR when she mentioned it being a clause in her contract that she had to walk back the statement and she has been vague ever since.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, MBayGal said:

Watching tonight, it really looks like she has gained even more weight.  I had hoped that with the show's encouragement she might take some steps toward becoming healthier. Interesting that tonight the show is dealing with her weight as a child. And just now a commercial for a weight- loss pill is on.

I feel guilty but I thought the same thing, her face seemed puffier. I wondered if that is why they wrote the relapse in. I thought maybe when fans said it seemed like she was losing weight last season they might have her look heavier and then later, have her look thinner after eating less and exercising, etc.  Then they'd try again for baby. I wish her the best, have my own struggles with weight but they never addressed why in her TV life as a child, Kate had issues. She didn't buy her own food, was it genetics that made her weight more, less activity? Did the doctor have any suggestions? My cousin was heavier than her siblings who ate about the same but her parents had them all eat a bit less junk, took hikes, bike rides and she had a less addictive relationship with food later. I struggle with stress eating because like many kids, I was offered sweets when upset, bully bothered you, here's a cookie, bad day at school, here's a brownie. It is a pull for many, I'm just glad I don't like to drink alcohol so that was never a temptation.

I hope we see more of Kate and what she was like as a child in the future. She was so much more than her weight, what did she love to watch on TV, read, did she like music or art, did she play an instrument or join a club.  Make her more dimensional!

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, debraran said:

I feel guilty but I thought the same thing, her face seemed puffier. I wondered if that is why they wrote the relapse in. I thought maybe when fans said it seemed like she was losing weight last season they might have her look heavier and then later, have her look thinner after eating less and exercising, etc.  Then they'd try again for baby. I wish her the best, have my own struggles with weight but they never addressed why in her TV life as a child, Kate had issues. She didn't buy her own food, was it genetics that made her weight more, less activity? Did the doctor have any suggestions? My cousin was heavier than her siblings who ate about the same but her parents had them all eat a bit less junk, took hikes, bike rides and she had a less addictive relationship with food later. I struggle with stress eating because like many kids, I was offered sweets when upset, bully bothered you, here's a cookie, bad day at school, here's a brownie. It is a pull for many, I'm just glad I don't like to drink alcohol so that was never a temptation.

I hope we see more of Kate and what she was like as a child in the future. She was so much more than her weight, what did she love to watch on TV, read, did she like music or art, did she play an instrument or join a club.  Make her more dimensional!

I do want Kate to be more dimensional. Terribly so!! For someone that was a fat child, Kate is not a peace with herself in a way I would think. From my own personal experience, people (especially women) who grow up fat are not as traumatized by it, 1. Because it’s our status quo, 2. You’re either going to lose weight or you won’t do get on with it. 

As far as why Kate was heavier, I don’t know, but some people just ARE. “Back in the day” before the obesity epidemic you may have had 1-2 heavy kids in a class, who probably grew up to be heavy adults, and that’s just how it was (the bell curve of humans). Jack mentioned his grandma who was probably a big woman (although not as big as Kate now, but probably what we consider normal plus size in 2017). I think Rebecca is doing her best caring for child Kate, not wanting her to be self conscious etc, but Jack is doing Kate no favors by the “you’re not fat”- fat people know we are fat!! Fat kids know they are fat!!

The problem is that culturally fat is one of the worst things a woman can be and that “fat” also means “less than”- that’s the issue. 

  • Love 9

I really related to Teen Kate's plot tonight. I was incredibly obsessed with my weight as a teenager, and there was a period in my junior through senior years where I was pretty thin. But I was so hung up on the fat kid label, that I just couldn't accept that I looked pretty damn good. Part of me didn't want to look good, even as I weighed myself every day and felt like shit whenever I went a pound over. And it was never really enough, because I was a short, stocky Asian boy who would never look like a 6'2" blond Abercrombie model like I wanted to.

She doesn't say it outright, but I wonder if Teen Kate also did "corrections" like I would do occasionally as a teenager if I felt like I ate more than I should. I feel like that was why she pretty cued into what Madison was doing in the bathroom.

The other thing that got me is Kate basically admitting on some level that she needs this struggle. She doesn't like know what to do with herself if she DOESN'T have a weight problem, which is pretty realistic for people who have deep-rooted eating disorders.

  • Love 8
22 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

I really related to Teen Kate's plot tonight. I was incredibly obsessed with my weight as a teenager, and there was a period in my junior through senior years where I was pretty thin. But I was so hung up on the fat kid label, that I just couldn't accept that I looked pretty damn good. Part of me didn't want to look good, even as I weighed myself every day and felt like shit whenever I went a pound over. And it was never really enough, because I was a short, stocky Asian boy who would never look like a 6'2" blond Abercrombie model like I wanted to.

She doesn't say it outright, but I wonder if Teen Kate also did "corrections" like I would do occasionally as a teenager if I felt like I ate more than I should. I feel like that was why she pretty cued into what Madison was doing in the bathroom.

The other thing that got me is Kate basically admitting on some level that she needs this struggle. She doesn't like know what to do with herself if she DOESN'T have a weight problem, which is pretty realistic for people who have deep-rooted eating disorders.

I've heard people say that about any addiction. It was hard not having an issue that they had for so long.

I wonder if they will show Kate really thin, they could be padding teen Kate a bit, her clothes are cut in an unflattering way sometimes, and then she spirals. That is quite a lot of weight they want us to think she put in on in a few years but if she really spiraled after the death, I wish she got help earlier.

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1 hour ago, debraran said:

That is quite a lot of weight they want us to think she put in on in a few years but if she really spiraled after the death, I wish she got help earlier.

It was more than a few years. We only saw an adult Kate flashback to when she was 28, which is more than ten years after Jack's death. She could have been gaining at the rate of 20 pounds a year, which doesn't seem that extreme in the short term but adds up over the years. And the longer she went on like that, the more difficult it was to change.

Edited by chocolatine
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On 9/28/2017 at 0:41 PM, Scarlett45 said:

However it amazes me how many fat people claim they don't eat!! Like omg. Of course you eat!

Ha! Sumo wrestlers eat ONE meal a day right before bed when they need to gain weight. I lose weight when I remember to eat. I gain weight when I miss meals (which is more often than not). It's a metabolism thing. I'm not fat, but I've always been at my biggest when I ate the least. So they aren't lying.

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