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S11.E13: Bye, Bye, Beadors

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14 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:


Everyone makes mistakes, but part of being a good decent person, is owning up to your mistakes, accepting responsibility, asking for forgiveness and never doing that same mistake again. Not doubling down on your detestable behavior after being exposed, and having the nerve to be self righteous about it.


But then no one could mistake Vicki for a good decent person.

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2 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

She is doing this for purely vindictive reasons, to slime a family with their embarrassing private moments, (which we all have in one form or another, imagine an old friend turned enemy going on national tv to discuss our messy PRIVATE stories???) she has NO honor or integrity. Is a dreadful human being.

She's also trying to be relevant on the show...grasping at ANYTHING to have her own storyline and maintain her BRAVO standard of living.  Dump Vicki!  Dump Vicki!

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14 hours ago, nexxie said:

There's something so sad about the need for enormous homes and endless stuff.

Gah. So much this.   I was sick of hearing Shannon's complaining.  I kept yelling at her on my screen, "Stop complaining and DOWNSIZE. Get rid of SHIT!!" 

God, I just can't stomach Kelly.  

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1 hour ago, jnymph said:

Gah. So much this.   I was sick of hearing Shannon's complaining.  I kept yelling at her on my screen, "Stop complaining and DOWNSIZE. Get rid of SHIT!!" 

God, I just can't stomach Kelly.  

That is one of the reasons Shannon said she wanted to do it herself so that she could get rid of things as they were packing.

Edited by biakbiak
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I was a little shocked when they showed a flashback of Vicki and Donn and we saw Vicki's old face. Gah!

I may be in the minority but I actually enjoyed the scene of Tamra and Eddie having lunch. They were having fun teasing each other.

It also seemed to me that Kelly was trying to bait Michael by bringing stuff up on camera, especially the stuff about the lawyers. You can tell from his reaction, he was shaking his head, probably thinking "why are you saying this now?"

I CANNOT wait to see the craziness that is to come!!

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I'm not buying the Beadors' simplistic reason for selling Shannon's dream house as "downsizing" five years after building it and being several years away from an empty nest.  If they're being squeezed financially, why not just say so?  There were reports that David used the house as collateral on business loans that were being called in.  That seems plausible, so why all of the mystery?  I guess we will all see when they decide on their permanent living situation.  Will it be a castle or a tract house in Anaheim?

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1 hour ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

I'm not buying the Beadors' simplistic reason for selling Shannon's dream house as "downsizing" five years after building it and being several years away from an empty nest.  If they're being squeezed financially, why not just say so?  There were reports that David used the house as collateral on business loans that were being called in.  That seems plausible, so why all of the mystery?  I guess we will all see when they decide on their permanent living situation.  Will it be a castle or a tract house in Anaheim?

LOL, because the affluent NEVER have money problems and when they do, they use that old game of 'word swapping' - finding a word or term that makes it sound not-quite-as-bad-as-reality dictates?

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5 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

I just realized what happened in the spa to Kelly. A bee stung her on the lips but it wasn't caught by a camera. That is why she suddenly started crying and her lips were so swollen!

Ha! Her lips are just ridiculous! Reminds of how Goldie Hawn's character in "The First Wives Club" looked. I cant remember who but someone said it looked like her lips got stuck in a pool drain. She needs an intervention, I cannot believe a doctor would let her go so overboard!

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1 hour ago, MaggieG said:

I was a little shocked when they showed a flashback of Vicki and Donn and we saw Vicki's old face. Gah!

I may be in the minority but I actually enjoyed the scene of Tamra and Eddie having lunch. They were having fun teasing each other.

It also seemed to me that Kelly was trying to bait Michael by bringing stuff up on camera, especially the stuff about the lawyers. You can tell from his reaction, he was shaking his head, probably thinking "why are you saying this now?"

I CANNOT wait to see the craziness that is to come!!

I agree, on Tamra & Eddie's lunch.  I think Tamra is starting (I've come a long way with my opinion on the woman formerly known as Tamrat, the Devil)...so I can't bring myself to give her too much credit, to appear almost human these days.  While she is clearly stirring the pot, as usual, her heart seems to be firmly on the mend.  

I think her comments over the last 2 seasons regarding painful marriages making one a shrew is on point.  Misery loves company and all that baggage...  Personal issues are never an excuse for poor behavior, like the outbursts and lashing out at them (throwing wine at Jeanna, ripping on Alexis, naked wasted...) but it does help others gain incite into what is going on to make someone act like such a byotchhh.  So, there's that!

Eddie has been great for Tamra and it's nice to see a relationship that works.  I think Eddie is goofy and those eating scenes are great humor during the tantrums.

I also can see from the clips from her first season how Shannon's face has filled in with a little weight gain.  I think she looks good with a bit of fat in her face.  I know in real time she's on a diet/work out regime, but I bet she has a healthier attitude then she did before the affair.  Just being honest about what she weighs is huge for a control freak like Shannon.  No matter how often she gets wound up, she seems to be the most real of all these woman, thus her popularity.

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So much like Jules (NY) was accused by She Who Shall Not Be Named of going on the show to get divorced, I think that's exactly what Kelly's doing here.  As all of you have pointed out, she was totally trying to bait Michael in the garage. She's been talking shit about him all season, she relays to Vicki the story of him telling her to shut up.   I think she's trying to get him to lose his cool on camera in order to have ammunition again him when she files for divorce again.  If she has "proof" that he's a bad guy then she can cash in on more $$, child support, etc.   The flip side of this is all her batshit crazy is front and center this season, so good luck with that Kels. 

On 9/27/2016 at 11:45 AM, ghoulina said:

And it sounded like Kelly said that Michael was saying, "Clock. Clock. Clock." as he walked up the stairs. I was a bit confused by the whole thing, but I wonder if he was passive aggresively telling her that it was time for the kid to go home? I don't know, the whole thing sounded very dysfunctional. 


That's funny because the closed captioning actually said, "clock, clock, clock."  (I always watch with closed captioning on so I can make sure I see/hear everything that these ho's say. Don't want to miss anything good!)

Because it cannot be said enough--Vicki is disgusting.  That whole bullshit scene at Coto made my blood boil.  That dumb bitch really thinks she's the victim, doesn't she?  She LIED.  About CANCER.  There's no coming back from that (at least not in my book.)   I remember looking at the charity website months ago when it was first reported. If I recall correctly, there was an option to buy the rubber bracelets, but in order to do so you had to agree to accept insurance solicitations from Coto.   Fuck you, Vicki.  I do give some points to Michael's WTF faces during that scene and his pointing out that everyone knew Brooks was a big, fat faker.  

Ummmm...Dublin looks EPIC.  I seriously cannot wait. 

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19 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Me neither.  On the one hand, her marriage, her business.  But...really??  If David did take this woman to family dinners, that's all on him.  I don't think anything David's mother could do would be anywhere near what David himself has done.

There were no family dinners.  Shannon tweeted that Vicki was LYING. 


18 hours ago, zulualpha said:

From what Vicki was saying it sounded to me like a portfolio of products like major medical, disability insurance maybe long term care, that sort of thing.  Not necessarily for cancer patients but people that may be worried about getting gravely ill.  I don't really understand why this is so horrible?  This is from the website, www.killallcancer.com.

It looks like a legit charity to me.


It is absolutely NOT legit. 

It is extremely disgusting.  She has set up a charity (which still isn't an official charity yet - there is not a 501(c)(3)) designed to LOOK like a helpful organization but is actually a f-ing way to SELL INSURANCE!  She is pretending like she will be helping these people who are worried about getting cancer, but she is actually using their worry as a way to prey on fears and make money off of vulnerable people.  She (or whomever) will be counseling people into BUYING INSURANCE!!! 

I am actually thinking that once the IRS realizes what this really is, it will never get a 501(c)(3) designation.


5 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

And heather was right there with her....proving that she IS a gossiping hag.

Was there ever any doubt??

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5 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

And heather was right there with her....proving that she IS a gossiping hag.

No, you have it wrong......Pleather was there to shake her head in feigned disgust/amazement. She also wanted to make sure she heard everything so that Terry wouldn't left out of the loop?

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I had thought when David's mother mentioned him making a mistake, that she was referring to the affair. But, upon seeing the flashback of the scene in this episode, it appears she was saying that David had made a previous mistake, Shannon wouldn't let up on him for it, and that's what "pushed" him to cheating. (I hope that made sense.) Anyway, now I'm curious as to what the original mistake was.

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19 hours ago, WireWrap said:

The fact that Heather nodded in agreement makes me believe that Shannon told them this last season. Heather is not one to reveal information/dirt on the show unless it is already know by most/all of them and I suspect that Tamra, despite her shocked response, also knew.

I want Vicki and Kelly gone next season! LOL

But WE didn't know... I cannot understand why they would stand there and reveal such ugly, embarrassing things about Shannon's family that way, even if shannon wanted them to...this involves kids! I would would be so mortified going to school the next day if everybody heard about my gross family dramas on tv! As a teen I don't think I could have recovered. I just about died of embarrassment when my mom showed up in a stained sweatshirt to my place of employment when I was 15! Lol I'm still scarred!

oh! NOW I understand why! They were in the mud and behaved like the pigs they are! ;) They belong in the mud permanently. 

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Just now, jaync said:

I had thought when David's mother mentioned him making a mistake, that she was referring to the affair. But, upon seeing the flashback of the scene in this episode, it appears she was saying that David had made a previous mistake, Shannon wouldn't let up on him for it, and that's what "pushed" him to cheating. (I hope that made sense.) Anyway, now I'm curious as to what the original mistake was.

Maybe she was saying that David's one mistake that Shannon pushed him into was marrying her?  But, yeah, I'm with you--I though Mama Beador was referring to the affair as being the mistake, but now I'm not so sure. 

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4 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

No, you have it wrong......Pleather was there to shake her head in feigned disgust/amazement. She also wanted to make sure she heard everything so that Terry wouldn't left out of the loop?

She actually added A LOT to that conversation on her own as well. 

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I think the fight between Tamra and Vicki is real, not just them doing their normal squabbles that they patch up the following season. From Tamra's blog......"Am I the only one that doesn't know what to think about Vicki starting an insurance program for cancer patients? The way it was explained was more about making money and convincing people she had nothing to do with Brook's cancer scam. Michael sure called her out on some of her lies. Yikes."

The preverbal gloves are off! LOL 

(I did the bolding)

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4 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

But WE didn't know... I cannot understand why they would stand there and reveal such ugly, embarrassing things about Shannon's family that way, even if shannon wanted them to...this involves kids! I would would be so mortified going to school the next day if everybody heard about my gross family dramas on tv! As a teen I don't think I could have recovered. I just about died of embarrassment when my mom showed up in a stained sweatshirt to my place of employment when I was 15! Lol I'm still scarred!

oh! NOW I understand why! They were in the mud and behaved like the pigs they are! ;) They belong in the mud permanently. 

Shannon put the affair on the show, she doesn't seem to shield her kids away from any of it, she seems to actually include them in much of the discussion surrounding it. So, Yes, I do think she discussed that David's family wanted him to leave her for the Mistress with the other HWs, in fact, she herself said it in a TH this season.

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5 hours ago, VedaPierce said:

If Vickie can intentionally lie about cancer, and KEEP lying, even after being confronted by everyone with the facts of her lying, she's capable of anything. Nothing is too low for her. She is a morality hypocrite. And her stupid son sat right along side her at that Fake charity meeting. He actually said at one point "There was a slight mistake. Not necessarily by you, but..." Then trailed off. I couldn't believe what I heard and rewound and put up captions! The excusing and attempts at explaining away her deceits just add to my disgust. It wasn't "slight" and it WAS by her. She was in on it 100%. if not from the beginning, definitly somewhere along the way. And she has NEVER claimed her responsibility or really sincerely apologized to EVERYONE. If she really accepted her responsibility, she wouldn't be saying stupid shit like "when are the haters gonna move on and stop hating?"! Ugh! 

Everyone makes mistakes, but part of being a good decent person, is owning up to your mistakes, accepting responsibility, asking for forgiveness and never doing that same mistake again. Not doubling down on your detestable behavior after being exposed, and having the nerve to be self righteous about it.

This is why people won't "move on" like she insists they do.  She thinks there is some sort of statute of limitations on her bad behavior and lies.  After, I don't know, three months, everyone has to shut up and never talk about it again.   But, she never has to apologize, admit fault or, as you say, accept responsibility.  Time just runs out on anyone's being able to be mad at her or think she's awful.  How convenient (especially since she doesn't do this for anyone else's transgressions).

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12 minutes ago, kdl88 said:

This is why people won't "move on" like she insists they do.  She thinks there is some sort of statute of limitations on her bad behavior and lies.  After, I don't know, three months, everyone has to shut up and never talk about it again.   But, she never has to apologize, admit fault or, as you say, accept responsibility.  Time just runs out on anyone's being able to be mad at her or think she's awful.  How convenient (especially since she doesn't do this for anyone else's transgressions).

KDL88: I think I love you!!

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41 minutes ago, Maccagirl said:

KDL88: I think I love you!!

Aw, I'm blushing! <3 (Vicki is the only housewife that I can't stand. Even Bethenny doesn't get under my skin the way Vicki does. There's just something about her...)

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20 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I agree, but I think she said Michael has threatened to fight for sole custody of their daughter, and she couldn't bear to lose her so she's staying married to avoid that happening.  If that's the case, she's in a no-win situation, but since she's so blameworthy, I can't feel sorry for her.

Except earlier in the season she basically said that they got back together because it was cheaper. And in the garage, she talked about him not going for the settlement her lawyer put forth. I think the talk about Jolie is just her way of backpedaling, to sound better. I'm not saying Michael wouldn't threaten something like that, but I think the $$$ is the real reason. 

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1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

But WE didn't know... I cannot understand why they would stand there and reveal such ugly, embarrassing things about Shannon's family that way, even if shannon wanted them to...this involves kids! I would would be so mortified going to school the next day if everybody heard about my gross family dramas on tv! As a teen I don't think I could have recovered. I just about died of embarrassment when my mom showed up in a stained sweatshirt to my place of employment when I was 15! Lol I'm still scarred!

oh! NOW I understand why! They were in the mud and behaved like the pigs they are! ;) They belong in the mud permanently. 

Any embarrassment Shannon's kids have probably came from their parents, who willingly told the world about the hell that has been their marriage.  And in many cases included the kids in the conversation.  It is way too late for the Beador's to worry about how this public display might hurt or embarrass their kids.  

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4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Except earlier in the season she basically said that they got back together because it was cheaper. And in the garage, she talked about him not going for the settlement her lawyer put forth. I think the talk about Jolie is just her way of backpedaling, to sound better. I'm not saying Michael wouldn't threaten something like that, but I think the $$$ is the real reason. 

Add in that Kelly did not go back to Michael until after her ex fiancé broke up with her (he called it off, not her), she then went running back to her husband as fast as could be, so I don't think it was because of Jolie. LOL

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3 hours ago, MaggieG said:

I may be in the minority but I actually enjoyed the scene of Tamra and Eddie having lunch. They were having fun teasing each other.

I enjoyed it too. Tamra isn't my favorite, but I think Eddie is a good match for her. She and Simon did nothing but push each other's buttons. Eddie is so chill and seems to do a good job of not putting up with the BS, but not trying to control HER too much. What did she say - "Even if he thinks I'm crazy, he still supports me". So he doesn't always agree with her, but he's always there for her. I think that's just how spouses should be. 

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1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

Vickie also has the added benefit of cleaning up her image, didn't she say something like, "people can't keep being haters if I'm connected with a cancer charity, right?" while all the slime balls in the room nodded super fast. Gross

IMO, this was all about PR for icky Vicky.  She knows she truly crossed the line with the viewers last season and this is why she hates Shannon so much.  Shannon holds the past out there on her and Shannon is one of the fan favorites.  Hey, Vicky knows all too well she tried to (and was successful with Jeanna) oust other housewives regardless of how much they needed the income.  She showed her true colors when she was clearly annoyed and envious when Laurie snagged her newest sugar daddy.  Laurie was no longer holding onto the orange out of desperation and Vicks lost her power over her as the boss.  

It's easy to understand why other HWs found Vicky unforgivable over the years.  She has a lot of nerve demanding complete redemption, very ballsy. She has treated every housewife like the scum of the Earth until she had no one left and Kelly Dodd came into the picture.


Disclaimer: I'm no fan of Laurie! 

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21 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

Coto 'got big' during the 84 Olympics, they had the equestrian events, It wasn't an exclusive area then.
It grew up as the property values went up in El Lay county and people began to flee the smog, traffic and people.

It's a snobby, upper crust area where people dress in clothing and accessories that have names.

 Back in the '80s, my husband (then boyfriend) and his friends use to go back in that area (and what is now Rancho Santa Margarita) and "Whoop it up". Way back then, nobody understood why anyone would want to live in Coto.

So, David's affair was for only a year, correct? I thought I heard that. Who in the hell would a) let your family even know you're having one, b) bring her over for family dinners, and c) on the mother's part be happy about it and not give a shit that there is a whole 'nother family involved in this mess?!?

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3 minutes ago, Cranky One said:

 Back in the '80s, my husband (then boyfriend) and his friends use to go back in that area (and what is now Rancho Santa Margarita) and "Whoop it up". Way back then, nobody understood why anyone would want to live in Coto.

So, David's affair was for only a year, correct? I thought I heard that. Who in the hell would a) let your family even know you're having one, b) bring her over for family dinners, and c) on the mother's part be happy about it and not give a shit that there is a whole 'nother family involved in this mess?!?

OMG it's so crazy!  I certainly understand why Shannon was so out of her mind now.  As if the affair wasn't horrendous enough, but the level of backstabbing/lack of loyalty to Shannon by the MIL and SIL was just hard to imagine.  She also felt the other housewives were not good people, because Tamra betrayed her confidence, heather socialized with the women who were friends with the affair.  Her only support was her family and girls.

What a mind F*%#!

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2 minutes ago, IKnowRight said:

OMG it's so crazy!  I certainly understand why Shannon was so out of her mind now.  As if the affair wasn't horrendous enough, but the level of backstabbing/lack of loyalty to Shannon by the MIL and SIL was just hard to imagine.  She also felt the other housewives were not good people, because Tamra betrayed her confidence, heather socialized with the women who were friends with the affair.  Her only support was her family and girls.

What a mind F*%#!

Exactly! The affair is bad enough and I understand being able to forgive, but I'd have a hell of more hard time knowing he was already bringing her around family. Who does that? It's bad enough all this shit has aired on TV. I know Shannon says she didn't know her first year on the show while they were filming, but I sure as hell wouldn't be back for a 2nd season.  I think both of them are insane.

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20 minutes ago, Cranky One said:


So, David's affair was for only a year, correct? I thought I heard that. Who in the hell would a) let your family even know you're having one, b) bring her over for family dinners, and c) on the mother's part be happy about it and not give a shit that there is a whole 'nother family involved in this mess?!?


9 minutes ago, IKnowRight said:

OMG it's so crazy!  I certainly understand why Shannon was so out of her mind now.  As if the affair wasn't horrendous enough, but the level of backstabbing/lack of loyalty to Shannon by the MIL and SIL was just hard to imagine.  She also felt the other housewives were not good people, because Tamra betrayed her confidence, heather socialized with the women who were friends with the affair.  Her only support was her family and girls.

What a mind F*%#!


4 minutes ago, Cranky One said:

Exactly! The affair is bad enough and I understand being able to forgive, but I'd have a hell of more hard time knowing he was already bringing her around family. Who does that? It's bad enough all this shit has aired on TV. I know Shannon says she didn't know her first year on the show while they were filming, but I sure as hell wouldn't be back for a 2nd season.  I think both of them are insane.

The family dinners never happened!  Shannon tweeted that Vicki was making shit up.  Vicki is a REAL asshole.

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The most telling comment to me was when one of the Beador kids told Shannon one drink/hour when Shannon kept saying she needed a cocktail. I think part of the reconciliation/best family ever/family counselling is that Shannon cut down on her alcohol consumption. 

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10 minutes ago, CriticalMass said:


The most telling comment to me was when one of the Beador kids told Shannon one drink/hour when Shannon kept saying she needed a cocktail. I think part of the reconciliation/best family ever/family counselling is that Shannon cut down on her alcohol consumption. 


I don't know. That struck me more as the kids had learned something in school about the effects of alcohol. Is her older daughter driving yet? I remember learning in driver's training that you need one hour per drink after stopping to sober up. So if you just had one drink, you'd need to wait an hour before driving. It sounded, to me, like kids who just learned something new and wanting to impress their parents with their knowledge. Also, like someone who's never had alcohol before being all preachy about it, like kids spouting off cancer stats to parents who smoke. 

Shannon did seem to LOVE those Vodka drinks, though. I hope she did cut down if it was impacting her health/relationships at all. 

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16 hours ago, Former Nun said:

THIS...a thousand times!

A gentleman.  Heheheheheheheh....     She's SO smart and successful...and such an ignorant idiot!

Let me translate. "A gentleman coming off cancer" means "I am so desperate for a man that I shacked up with a drunken, unemployed, dentally challenged hick who pretended to have cancer to scam more teeth and other suches from my desperate old ass.  Once Megan PI exposed his lack of cancer,  I dumped him and he didn't have cancer anymore, i.e. He came off cancer."   I actually can't translate what gentleman meant in this context, though.  

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1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Any embarrassment Shannon's kids have probably came from their parents, who willingly told the world about the hell that has been their marriage.  And in many cases included the kids in the conversation.  It is way too late for the Beador's to worry about how this public display might hurt or embarrass their kids.  

Oh I agree completely! It's reprehensable the way those girls have been dragged into these adult issues, really private stuff that is now juicy fodder for strangers, HOWEVER (TM Gretchen Christine) regardless of how stupid and unprotective Shannon is of her own children, it's repugnant to me that Heather and her cohort, the morally corrupt (thanks Camille) Vickie spewed all those juicy -yet untold- sordid details in the mud. Don't they have any feelings AT ALL towards those girls? what must they be going through this week at school? 

I have nobody to root for on this show. There are no heroes. Only hoes. They all suck in their own special ways. They are each representative of the seven deadly sins, only there are 6 of them. Greed, envy, wrath, pride, gluttony...etc, take your pick housewives! All equally disgusting. 

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5 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

I'm not buying the Beadors' simplistic reason for selling Shannon's dream house as "downsizing" five years after building it and being several years away from an empty nest.  If they're being squeezed financially, why not just say so?  There were reports that David used the house as collateral on business loans that were being called in.  That seems plausible, so why all of the mystery?  I guess we will all see when they decide on their permanent living situation.  Will it be a castle or a tract house in Anaheim?

Well they are currently spending 25k a month on their rental so I think there doing fine. I think it started out as Shannon's dream house got added to by their architect and contractor who encouraged to add a bunch of things not originally in the plan, Shannon mentioned this previously, and is now associated with a lot of bad memories because of the affair.

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16 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Wasn't there a rumor that Donn and Vicki hooked up while she was still married/living with her first husband?

Yes that was the rumor.  There have been rumors about many of Vicki's side pieces.  There was the Don look alike in Mexico who she looked very close to and Tamra said V had told her she woke up naked with him the next morning, the Greek toothless guy Laurie referenced and V spoke about in the extra scenes episode, Brooks, not sure if I am missing anything.

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7 hours ago, CriticalMass said:

The most telling comment to me was when one of the Beador kids told Shannon one drink/hour when Shannon kept saying she needed a cocktail. I think part of the reconciliation/best family ever/family counselling is that Shannon cut down on her alcohol consumption.

The daughter made the comment first to her father when they were in the kitchen. She said that she learned it in school - I think she said  driver's ed but couldn't quite make it out. But in any case it was something she learned in school and had nothing to do with 'family counselling'.

I remember when Shannon first started on the show she and David were bickering because he wanted to downsize and she didn't. I never got the feeling that it had anything to do with money problems, but that David didn't feel they needed to live in a house that big. Looks like after what they went through with his affair, and their ability to come out of it stronger than ever that Shannon realized he was right. And yes, no one needs a house that big. I am looking at you, Pleather.

As for David using the house as collateral on business loans? Someone upthread said it was a rumour, and I have no idea how businesses are run there but my hubby has been a business owner for 30 years and it doesn't matter how successful his business is, the bank requires him to put up a certain amount of personal collateral to secure financing for the business.

I never believed that David took the mistress to dinners at his mother's. If only because his mother appears to hate Shannon so much that I think she would have been only too happy to be the one to tell Shannon. She seems way too vindictive and bitter to keep that to herself.

As far as Meghan being upset about losing one of the embryos? Meghan wasn't doing IVF because she was infertile, but because they were using Jim's frozen sperm. Had Jim not had a vasectomy they would have gotten (most likely) pregnant the old fashioned way and odds are would have only had one embryo. And as someone upthread said, losing an embryo at that stage is very common. I also remember a doctor saying once that in the days before pregancy tests that can detect pregnancy so soon, women got pregnant and lost embryos all the time without even knowing they were pregnant. In any case while I think Jim was very good with Meghan, I don't for a minute think he was sad that there was only one embryo, given how many kids he already has and that I think he is only doing this for her. So in the long run I think it is likely better for their marriage. JMO of course, and we all have one.

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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1 hour ago, IKnowRight said:

IMO, this was all about PR for icky Vicky.  She knows she truly crossed the line with the viewers last season and this is why she hates Shannon so much.  Shannon holds the past out there on her and Shannon is one of the fan favorites.  Hey, Vicky knows all too well she tried to (and was successful with Jeanna) oust other housewives regardless of how much they needed the income.  She showed her true colors when she was clearly annoyed and envious when Laurie snagged her newest sugar daddy.  Laurie was no longer holding onto the orange out of desperation and Vicks lost her power over her as the boss.  

It's easy to understand why other HWs found Vicky unforgivable over the years.  She has a lot of nerve demanding complete redemption, very ballsy. She has treated every housewife like the scum of the Earth until she had no one left and Kelly Dodd came into the picture.


Disclaimer: I'm no fan of Laurie! 

As well as the Producers as we learned from that tell all special thing.  In these series there is the 'love to hate' cast and the 'get this human stain off my tv' cast.  I would say Vicki is more of a human stain variety.   

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1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:



The family dinners never happened!  Shannon tweeted that Vicki was making shit up.  Vicki is a REAL asshole.

Yes but she added that David's sister did have a relationship/friendship with the Mistress.


Shannon Beador ‏@ShannonBeador Sep 27

@brittandbay @AllAboutTRH Heather was talking about David's sister & that's true. David's mother never "had family dinners

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1 minute ago, WireWrap said:

Yes but she added that David's sister did have a relationship/friendship with the Mistress.


Shannon Beador ‏@ShannonBeador Sep 27

@brittandbay @AllAboutTRH Heather was talking about David's sister & that's true. David's mother never "had family dinners

Thanks for the clarification!

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