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1 hour ago, augmentedfourth said:

I rewound just to be sure - the plaintiff in the dead mother's ancient car case was introduced as being 21 years old, and then later says her three kids are ages 7, 6, and 5. Either some of those kids are biologically the wife's, or damn, she got started early. Guess there really isn't much else to do in certain parts of Indiana.

Wow! I thought she was in her late 30's, early 40's. I guess being a petty, bitter bitch really ages you fast.

The hair in the vandalized car case was some crazy stuff. I could barely pay attention to what anyone was saying because I was mesmerized by the hair. I couldn't figure out if the white stripes in the curlique 'do were hair or feathers. They almost looked like small feathers.

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On 8/26/2019 at 10:17 PM, AngelaHunter said:

I guess Ms. Shabazz was in dire need of a little slap 'n tickle and Jerone's criminal ways didn't bother her, so she gave him 1400$ "to get on his feet."

I just don't get it.  I'm old, but interwebs savvy enough, that I bet for that kinda money, I could find a very nice evening of slap & tickle with a little Richard Gere escort sort of cutie.  Just sayin'.

I mean, FFS, nobody gonna fault you for paying for it.  I certainly wouldn't.

But damn GF (and all our female litigants) get some real bang for your buck!  And that my friends, I mean LITERALLY, in it's correct use of the word.


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16 hours ago, VartanFan said:

I feel like Judes showed, yet again, how little she knows about normal folk in this case.  It's not uncommon for people to be selling stuff way below 'market' or 'retail' value on Craigslist.  My husband does it all the time with snowmobiles.  Frankly he finds a lot of deals because people are divorcing (or financial morons want to go riding NOW and don't price shop or look for good financing).  Then...he know a LOT mechanically, he spruces them up, and then sells them and makes a profit.  ANother thing is if he buys a snowmobile and it comes with the trailer...he might immediately sell the trailer (he already has one) to defray the cost of the actual machine.  It truly is not uncommon.  That's similar to what this kid did.  I mean - they were both idiots and I don't feel like either deserved anything but her dressing down was what I found her out of touch about. 

Amen to your whole post.  JJ just can't deal with the great unwashed.  

I would never, ever shop on CL, because my LE buddies say "uh uh, no way".  

BUT!  For those (mostly)guys that like to chase a bargain and fix stuff up.  It's fun.  It's a hobby.  The thrill of the chase.  People dump stuff below market all the time for a myriad of reasons.

Like you say, divorce, broke, trying to pay some bills.  For instance,  a sweet electric guitar, maybe worth a grand.  Pawn shop offers $250.  Dude can snag $400/500 on CL and buyer/seller are THRILLED!

In JJ world, buyer should pass because it MIGHT be stolen.  Oh just shut up, JJ.  Happyass your ear rocks down to the pawn shop and let's see how that works out.  I can hear her sqawking now "do you know what I paid for these???"

Edited by zillabreeze
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I used to get stuff off of CraigsList, but it's mostly overpriced crap now, so I stick to FB Marketplace and local sites (LetGo, etc).  I just got a $300 rotating media rack for free, because the guy doesn't use it anymore, and just wanted to get it out of his garage.  I'm in the process of turning my 3rd bedroom in to a home office, and that was one big expense to check off my list.  I also got an awesome antique desk for $50.  When we moved, I got a curio cabinet for $30, and 4 dining room chairs for $35 (total).  I also sell, and I do get jerked around by both sellers and buyers, but I've gotten some good stuff.

JJ wouldn't lower herself to that level - she doesn't need to, financially, so she doesn't get it.

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"Fool Falls for Nigerian Scammer" -  I usually get my requirement of old lady catfish victims on Dr. Phil, so it was a pleasant surprise to get one on JJ, and she was just as delusional as all of the others.  Just laundering money for her friend in Africa - no big deal.  They all get blinded by "love".  Then she has the nerve to get belligerent when she doesn't get the chance to tell about being scammed herself. 

Get off the dating sites, grandma.

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3 p.m. episodes, both reruns, and probably from 2016-


Death Threat and Racial Profiling-Plaintiff's car was towed by the two defendant's company, when he parked in an apartment parking lot (he doesn't live there, or have the person who gave him permission to park there).   Defendant man says it was the Salvation Army's permit only parking lot.  In the morning he discovered the car had been towed.   Defendant claimed the plaintiff threw a rock at their truck the night before.   Defendant's witness claims he saw plaintiff too, and case was dismissed. Defendants didn't show up for trial.  

Plaintiff was arrested when he went to retrieve his car, and the second time defendant wife claimed he threatened her on the phone.     Second case didn't even go to trial, because defendant lied about her name on police report (She had a different name on the first police report, than the name the show put under her photo on the show).   

JJ is right, car tow was legal.   However, two false arrests are justified, $5,000 and to defendant.  

Check Bouncy House-Plaintiff suing former friend for two bad checks she cashed for defendant.     Defendant had done some remodeling for plaintiff several years before, and he needed a place to stay, and she offered to cash a large cashier's check for defendant. $2750 was the first check, but credit union said it was an altered or bad check.     Then plaintiff cashed another check for him.     He gave her a bad check, and then she cashes another one for him!      Second check will not be paid by the show.   $2750 to plaintiff for the first check, but nothing for second check.   


You Sound Like a Fool-Plaintiff suing defendant for medical treatment, rabies shots, and damages after defendant's poodle bit her.   Dog bit plaintiff in the apartment parking lot, dog was off leash, collarless, was wandering in the street without an owner.   Poodle bit her on the hand.       Plaintiff called animal control, and defendant's young daughter came out of the apartment complex, and dog owner got defensive.    Animal Control report says no proof of rabies shots, so plaintiff had to get four shots in her arm over three weeks.    Defendant's witness is  an adult friend of defendant, and they keep calling the plaintiff a liar.      Defendant and her witness's excuses are ridiculous.     Defendant hasn't paid the impound fee either.   Defendant's witness claims dog was outside briefly, wasn't off the property, and never bit the plaintiff.   Defendant's witness is such a liar, and keep mouthing off at JJ.    Animal control report says neighbor says poodle is frequently running loose.  Defendant claims plaintiff hates Latinos.   

Plaintiff gets $1500.   

Gambling Getaway Gone Wrong-Plaintiff suing ex boyfriend for unpaid gambling loan, and property damage.   They went from Stockton to Reno, defendant claims woman gave him $800 so he wouldn't bounce a check, and plaintiff gets $800 for the loan back.  All property damage claims are dismissed from both litigants.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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53 minutes ago, patty1h said:

"Fool Falls for Nigerian Scammer" -  I usually get my requirement of old lady catfish victims on Dr. Phil, so it was a pleasant surprise to get one on JJ, and she was just as delusional as all of the others.  Just laundering money for her friend in Africa - no big deal.  They all get blinded by "love".  Then she has the nerve to get belligerent when she doesn't get the chance to tell about being scammed herself. 

Get off the dating sites, grandma.

Loved the catfish, but was DYING over the reverse mortgage kerfuffle.  I was fascinated by the defs weird Area 51 nostrils that went up the outside of her nose.  Rhinoplasty gone awry or on purpose?   Never did figure out what she had stuck in or on her forehead, but that mouth licking, puckering movement with the brown lipliner was mesmerizing.   

I silently excused the producers for the next 4 dog bite cases for finding this one!

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5 p.m. episodes-both new-


Inheritance Riddled With Debt-Plaintiff foreclosure consultant is suing defendant over a real estate deal.    Defendant inherited a house (in 2012), but didn't realize that the house had $400k in liens on it (reverse mortgage).  It took 6 years to confirm the mortgage, and defendant tried to weasel out of the mortgage.   She negotiated a short sale with the lender, to sell to her daughter.   Plaintiff was hired to stop the foreclosure, and negotiate with the bank.    Foreclosure was stopped, but plaintiff was only paid $2k.  Reverse mortgage was $400k, but defendant's father used over $200k.  Defendant settled for $348k, instead of $400k.     (I hate that piercing or whatever it is between defendant's eyebrows).   Defendant now says she already had a short sale agreement with the bank, so plaintiff is claimed to be in cahoots with the bank.  Plaintiff claims to have a signed contract, but doesn't-even I know that's garbage.   Case dismissed for both litigants, and that's what they deserve. 

Fool Falls for Nigerian Stranger Scam-Plaintiff suing defendant for helping an online scammer steal from her.   Plaintiff saw apartment advertised on craigslist, and plaintiff wired money for deposit to defendant, which was three months rent, and it went to defendant's bank account.    When plaintiff went to get the keys, and she was told current tenant wasn't moving out, and she would get a refund.   Supposedly, scammer phoned plaintiff, emailed, and texts that tenant wasn't moving, and money would be refunded.  

Defendant says Nigerian scammer was in Texas, and would be her friend,  and give her a lot of money.    Defendant claims the $3,000+ went to a closed bank account.   Defendant still says she doesn't have the money, that the scammer took it out of her account.  Plaintiff says defendant was listed on the lease as attorney, and with the defendant's account information.  Defendant is either a fool, for giving the man her banking information, or a scammer.

Plaintiff receives $3,451 (or whatever 3 months rent was).

(I lived near a woman that fell for another variation of this.    The scammers charged hundreds of thousands of electronics, mostly prohibited for shipping overseas without a license, by stealing the identity of another man.   The packages went to the fool's house, and she would reship overseas, labelled something harmless.   Then the victim who had their credit stolen is out hundreds of thousands, the fool was paid a little, and lots of vital electronics went to people who shouldn't have them.  They feds proved she had received and shipped at least a couple of million worth of electronics, and computer hardware.   The feds hauled her away one afternoon.   People I knew that knew her said she was dumb as a box of hammers).

Second-(These are 2 parts of the same case, they just both suing each other.  Everyone's ex-boyfriend has an adult daughter as a witness, he must look younger than he is)

You Can Have Him...Keyed on Car-Plaintiff claims defendant (ex girl friend of plaintiff's ex boyfriend)wrote "you can have him" on her car paint,   Defendant sent a photo of the car damage, saying "Look what I did".   Defendant was doing this with her older children sitting in her car watching.   $4500 to plaintiff

Baby Daddy Tire Flattener-Plaintiff (defendant from first case) suing everyone's favorite guy, Dwayne.  She spent the night at his house, he got jealous, she left, and about 4 a.m. the tires were flattened, and she claims Dwayne did it.  She also claims her garage, and car was spray painted, and I won't mention what he said.   Dwayne was arrested for probation violation, and police never followed up on tire flattening.  The writing on the windshield must be very nasty, because they blurred it.   

Second police report changes the story plaintiff told, where plaintiff claims it wasn't the defendant.     There is a statement by plaintiff that says Dwayne didn't do it.    Case dismissed.

(Warning: Tomorrows first episode is a dog attack on a cat, with the usual delusional dog owner.   It sounds very graphic)

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I haven't watched Judge Judy in quite a while and the foreclosure case reminded me why I stopped watching.  Granted both litigants were obnoxious but so was JJ.  Her repeatedly yelling at the defendant "What did you hire her for", was annoying.  She could have moved on, which she eventually did, and let the plaintiff testify.  To me, her yelling and talking down to the litigants has gotten old.  I know some will say I don't have to watch and I agree.  So once again I'm taking a break from Judy.

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58 minutes ago, momtoall said:

Her repeatedly yelling at the defendant "What did you hire her for", was annoying.  She could have moved on, which she eventually did, and let the plaintiff testify.  To me, her yelling and talking down to the litigants has gotten old. 

Agree 100%.  Doesn't JJ ever watch her own show?  I'm fine with the yelling when litigants aren't listening, or following the rules, but the constant repetition -- that's getting so old!

I don't understand how the Nigerian scam worked, with regard to the apartment.  Did defendant actually have an apartment for rent?  Or did the scammer put an apartment on Craig's List using defendant's bank account info for the deposit?  Who made the phone calls setting up the appointment and then cancelling?  The Nigerian? 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, AuntiePam said:

Did defendant actually have an apartment for rent?  Or did the scammer put an apartment on Craig's List using defendant's bank account info for the deposit?  Who made the phone calls setting up the appointment and then cancelling?  The Nigerian? 



The Nigerian.

Pretty good scam and when you see who is falling for it, you understand why it's such a big business. Did you see the face of the woman behind Ms. Scoggins(?) when she said her new beau was working in Nigeria? She nearly choked. Sure, someone you've never laid eyes on asks for your banking information(s) - they always add the "s" - and you see no problem with that? She trusted him! HIs idea of friendship was her giving him all her account info. That's normal. This is a little more elaborate than the usual rental scam, which normally involves putting pictures online, usually on CL, of an apartment or the exterior of a lovely house found through Google images, and getting a deposit/sec./first month from someone by Western Union. The potential renter then finds their money has vanished and there is no apartment or house for rent. "I was scammed!!!" Yes, but that's your problem. Get on a plane to Nigeria and try to get your money back.

The plaintiff is a dumbbell too. Someone gives her an address and tells her to go look at the outside of a building and from that, she agrees to rent it sight unseen and to transfer her 3,000$ to some bank account. Wow.

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2 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

The plaintiff is a dumbbell too. Someone gives her an address and tells her to go look at the outside of a building and from that, she agrees to rent it sight unseen and to transfer her 3,000$ to some bank account. Wow.

A few years ago when I was looking for a new place to live, I called a number on a craigslist ad and sent emails with someone who it turned out was running this type of scam. I caught on pretty quickly,

Once I realized that this type of scam was prevalent on craigslist, I enjoyed searching for them. One of them showed a nice apartment in Central Missouri that was beachfront property with palm trees.

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I think the Nigerian apartment rental scammer was actually the boyfriend, but the defendant was absolutely in on it.    I bet she opens different accounts, gives her 'boyfriend' the information, and he puts the information on the application, and lease letter, with defendant listed as an attorney.   Then when a few people make the deposit to defendant's bank account the man empties it, and defendant closes the account, and opens another, and they put more ads up to attract victims.     

I think the 'boyfriend' was the mastermind, but I think the defendant was a willing participant who followed his directions.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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8 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I think the Nigerian apartment rental scammer was actually the boyfriend, but the defendant was absolutely in on it.    I bet she opens different accounts, gives her 'boyfriend' the information, and he puts the information on the application, and lease letter, with defendant listed as an attorney.   Then when a few people make the deposit to defendant's bank account the man empties it, and defendant closes the account, and opens another, and they put more ads up to attract victims.     

She had a stack of gift cards in her hand (probably iTunes), which is a favorite tool of scammers, because once you send them the numbers off the back, you can't get your money back.  A lot of stores (GameStop, Walmart) started telling peopole who come in buying large quantities of them to be wary, but again, people still fall for it.....

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19 hours ago, momtoall said:

I haven't watched Judge Judy in quite a while and the foreclosure case reminded me why I stopped watching.  Granted both litigants were obnoxious but so was JJ.  Her repeatedly yelling at the defendant "What did you hire her for", was annoying.  She could have moved on, which she eventually did, and let the plaintiff testify.  To me, her yelling and talking down to the litigants has gotten old.  I know some will say I don't have to watch and I agree.  So once again I'm taking a break from Judy.

I hear you loud and clear.  My only point would be that both of these litigants were particularly annoying and dishonest.  And I've noticed that in my advancing years I've lost all patience with these types.  And I'm a lot younger than Judge Judy.

20 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Fool Falls for Nigerian Stranger Scam-Plaintiff suing defendant for helping an online scammer steal from her.   Plaintiff saw apartment advertised on craigslist, and plaintiff wired money for deposit to defendant, which was three months rent, and it went to defendant's bank account.   

Good grief.  If the judgement tips on the basis of being a fool, how in earth do you rule in favor of a plaintiff dumb enough to wire $3,100 as a deposit on a apartment she found on Craigslist and has never even seen?  FFS people...2 huge, blinding red flags: 1.) Craigslist, 2.) Wire transfer.  Put these two together and you have a the fraud equivalent of a time bomb.

PS, the defendant here does not appear to have even the most remote ability to scam anyone.  I vote in favor of her being a halfwit dupe.

Edited by Byrd is the Word
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3 p.m. episodes, both reruns, probably 2016-


The Fixer-Plaintiff suing defendant and her son for fraud over a car sale.   Plaintiff bought a non running 2007 Hyundai for $500, and was promised the title within a week.   Car was bought originally from defendant's cousin, and was never registered or titled in defendant's name (car was always in cousin's ex-wife's name).   Plaintiff worked on the car, and it's now running.   Plaintiff paid $500, and spent $ fixing it up, including a new engine.     Plaintiff gets $2500, defendants get car back, because they were selling a car they never owned. ( I have to say that plaintiff's name is Mr. Rogers, and all I have running through my head is that it's not a beautiful day in his neighborhood).   Plaintiff should never have touched the car until he had a title in hand. 

Motorcycle Regrets-Plaintiffs suing former friend and his mother for impound fees, and something about motorcycle accessories.    Motorcycle was sold to defendant, and he was going to make payments on bike, and took possession of motorcycle.    Defendant claims he was going to return the bike, kept it a week, but was pulled over for lack of registration, and bike was impounded.  Defendant claims bike was registered to the plaintiff, and has zero proof.   Impound fee was $1229 , and motorcycle stuff was in defendant's possession and disappeared  Plaintiff gets $1229.  (Hallterview, whiny little baby defendant explains that the mean kids were picking on him)


Dangerous Drinking-Plaintiff and defendant were both drunk, but defendant is proud of the fact she wasn't as drunk as the plaintiff.   Plaintiff is suing ex-girlfriend for false police report and arrest, and stealing his stuff.   Defendant filed petition to get restraining order.  Plaintiff claims defendant filed exact same allegations to get restraining order against ex-husband, but has no proof.    Defendant's mother seems to think allegations her daughter is a drunk is somehow amusing.  There is no proof of his abuse on defendant.   Defendant claims after plaintiff's arrest, she moved the truck to guest parking.   She left everything in the truck for his mother to pick up, with the keys near the truck.   However, he couldn't find his truck keys, and a lot of property disappeared out of the truck.  Plaintiff even has a receipt for the rifle.   Defendant's uncle claims he saw items in the truck when defendant moved the truck to the guest parking spot, and she had the keys to the truck then.   However, defendant 'lost' the keys, so plaintiff's mother had to get AAA to tow the truck.   Defendant's mother is just as pathetic as her daughter, and just won't shut up.     Defendant still claims the rifle was a gift to her.    Both sides need a group rate to rehab.   $800 to plaintiff for the rifle.  

(On the dog attack on cat at the 5 p.m. episode, I'll note if we get the pit bull letter again.   However,  since my lying cable guide says Husky, I'm hoping no pit bull letter).

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I can't stop laughing!!!!  The bitchy plaintiff in the storage unit vs cleaners case.  At the end she handed Byrd some papers ordering him to give them to her meaning JJ.  JJ was ignoring her as she was running to her chambers for lunch no doubt .  Byrd says ok and starts directing her out of the courtroom while sneakily putting the papers down on top of her papers.  It was amazing and so funny! When you see this case you'll appreciate it.  She was very annoying.

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17 minutes ago, NYGirl said:

When you see this case you'll appreciate it.

I also enjoyed seeing the brief peek behind the curtain the other day when JJ pointed out the camera that kept catching the shifty defendant’s lyin’ eyes.

17 minutes ago, NYGirl said:

When you see this case you'll appreciate it.

I also enjoyed seeing the brief peek behind the curtain the other day when JJ pointed out the camera that kept catching the shifty defendant’s lyin’ eyes.

  • Love 5
23 minutes ago, NYGirl said:

I can't stop laughing!!!!  The bitchy plaintiff in the storage unit vs cleaners case.  At the end she handed Byrd some papers ordering him to give them to her meaning JJ.  JJ was ignoring her as she was running to her chambers for lunch no doubt .  Byrd says ok and starts directing her out of the courtroom while sneakily putting the papers down on top of her papers.  It was amazing and so funny! When you see this case you'll appreciate it.  She was very annoying.

Nancy Sawyer, I think, was her name and she was HILARIOUS (in a horrible shrew kind of way)!  All the posters on here that can't stand JJ's talking over the litigants have to see this episode because Nancy would. Not. Be. Silenced.  Even after many attempts by JJ to shut her down, she was undeterred.  And after the judge dismissed her case and walked away from the bench, her charge around the lectern to submit her evidence (she would be HEARD), Byrd blocking her, and her saying, "give this to the judge!" was some ballsy stuff!  It was so funny!

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1 hour ago, Brattinella said:

So, I'm skipping JJ today; "Kitten gets mauled by a Husky".  :((

Luckily there were no gory pics of the injured kitten or diatribes against any dog breeds (apparently they're saving it for tomorrow's episode), only Judge Judy ripping the dumb as a box of rocks defendant and her unbelievably arrogant witness.

The defendant's husky charged into a neighbor's house after a good Samaritan was trying to find the dog's actual home, horribly injured the kitten, the plaintiff had to lift the snarling, snapping dog off the ground to get it away from the kitten.  He said, "I threw the dog out the front door" to which idiot defendant's witness, Blinky, indignantly shouted out, "you threw our DOG!?!?"  After hearing what the dog had just done!  They're lucky the neighbor didn't shoot it.  The hapless good Samaritan then took the dog next door to idiot and Blinky's house at the plaintiff's direction and defendant claims it wasn't her dog that did this.  Is she calling the good Samaritan a liar?  Does she have two brain cells to rub together?  Worst of all, idiot is a VET TECH!  Slaps all around to the defendant, she rightfully lost.

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5 p.m. episodes, both New-


Kitten Mauled by a Husky-(What are defendant's teeth?  Veneers?  They're huge, and ugly, and so are her giant false eyelashes.  )-Plaintiff suing neighbor for her roaming Husky getting in plaintiff's home, and mauling a kitten.     Defendant claims she was in bed, when neighbor called and said her dog was out. I think JJ is right, defendant or roommate let the dog out to roam, and that's when dog attacked.    Plaintiff heard knock at door, and Good Samaritan brings lost Husky to their door thinking it might be their dog.   Dog charged in the front door when plaintiff opened it, and dog immediate charged cat, cornered it in the basement, and attacked kitten repeatedly.   Plaintiff threw dog out their front door after attack, and defendants are outraged that their dog was manhandled.       Plaintiff tried to present bills to roommate of dog owning idiot.     Dog owner finally contacted plaintiff by text, but refuses to pay.   Vet bill is over $6,000+ for poor cat, that survived.   Defendant claims her dog didn't do it, and seems incredibly stupid also.    $5,000 for plaintiffs.    Defendant is a moron.      

Dream Car is Friend's Nightmare-Plaintiff (foolish student) suing former friend for an unpaid loan for tires (he's not a student, but they met in a chat room for students at the local community college).    Defendant acknowledges in texts that he owes the money, and brought the giggling village idiot as a witness.   JJ will now grill defendant, construction worker, and security guard sometimes.   What a shock he has a 2017 Camaro SS, with huge speakers (JJ's guess about the speakers).  Defendant sold the car in March, and still didn't pay the plaintiff.    Defendant sold Camaro, and bought a Prius (I hope he proves the Prius as target of catalytic converter theft rumor is true, one man has had six stolen).   Plaintiff gets tire money.


Housekeeper Cleans Woman Out-(The plaintiff sounds like the people who think they're being generous to give broken, and other junk to someone who works for them, and the worker should be grateful)-Plaintiff says she didn't know what was in her storage unit.  Defendant says plaintiff told her to clean storage unit out.   Plaintiff suing for stolen property, and incomplete services.    Plaintiff was moving from Georgetown, TX to Cedar Park, TX, defendant was to clean house after plaintiff moved out.    Plaintiff said defendant wanted payment with all furniture in the storage unit, and payment according to plaintiff was going to be what she wanted to give the defendant after they hauled everything out of the storage unit.   Plaintiff won't shut up, and keeps interrupting JJ.   Plaintiff claims the defendant didn't clean the house at all, but cleaned the storage unit out.   

Plaintiff Motormouth thinks being old makes furniture valuable, and she's wrong.  Not everything is an antique.   Defendants say plaintiff sold virtually all furniture to defendant's witness.   Witness bought $3,000 worth of furniture from plaintiff, and defendants moved furniture to witness's house, and they were paid $400.  Defendant cleaned for six days total, and are still owed by plaintiff.    Plaintiff claims defendants were supposed to empty the storage unit, let plaintiff decide what she could sell (she had no room for any more furniture).   Plaintiff was going to pay defendant for cleaning out filthy house and garage with the storage unit furniture.  Plaintiff should see how much it would cost for commercial cleaners to clean up her filthy house and garage.   Plaintiff thinks defendant should have cleaned the house, and settle for a referral to the home buyer she sold to.     (OK, I've thought about this since the case aired today.    I wonder if Motormouth Nancy treats everyone the nasty way she treated the Latino defendants, and the beloved Byrd?  My guess is she does. 

Plaintiff gets nothing, and I really think that's what she deserves. 

(Warning-Tomorrow there is a Pit Bull attack case, resulted in a terrier's death.  Another clueless owner that claims her dog is always in her control).

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Dream Car is Friend's Nightmare-Plaintiff (foolish student) suing former friend for an unpaid loan for tires (he's not a student, but they met in a chat room for students at the local community college). 

This plaintiff was a breath of fresh air. I just loved her. Foolish perhaps to make a loan to dirt bag she considered a best friend, she had her shit together and presented herself admirably. When she told the judge that she took advantage of 60 days free financing and paid the balance without interest I wanted to high five her. Bravo young lady and I’m pretty sure you learned a valuable lesson. PS, if you close your eyes and listen to this fool defendant you’ll hear Rocky Balboa.

13 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Housekeeper Cleans Woman Out-(The plaintiff sounds like the people who think they're being generous to give broken, and other junk to someone who works for them, and the worker should be grateful)-Plaintiff says she didn't know what was in her storage

For heaven’s sake Nancy Sawyer SHUT UP! Your precious storage locker was probably a load of old junk that the defendant’s likely regret taking in lieu of cash. In any case the migraine that you gave me has me considering suing you for the good old “pain and suffering”.

17 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Kitten Mauled by a Husky-(What are defendant's teeth?  Veneers?  They're huge, and ugly, and so are her giant false eyelashes.  )

 At first I thought it was the defendant’s appearance that I found most bothersome. But by the end it was her absurd denial of any responsibility for her out of control dog attacking a kitten when there was a pile of credible evidence to the contrary. 

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

5 p.m. episodes, both New-


Kitten Mauled by a Husky-   


Housekeeper Cleans Woman Out-

First case.

Maybe I’m evil but golly Ms. Spiderleg lashes sure wasn’t doing herself any favors with those things, her makeup and hair, Only made her poor features like her nose and overbite more noticeable. 

Not sure why the plaintiffs even agreed to pay half the vet bills, When the Attack took place inside their home by a dog who ran inside. 

Second case-

What is the deal with that storage room unit? She kept going on and on about it describing it, like it was King Tut’s tomb or a long lost forgotten tomb of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh.

Edited by Hellohappylife
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 (I hope he proves the Prius as target of catalytic converter theft rumor is true, one man has had six stolen).

I didn't realize that this happened to Prii more than other vehicles...a little searching finds that the catalytic converter on a Prius is in an easily accessible spot compared to other vehicles. The more you know 🙂

  • Love 5
19 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

The plaintiff sounds like the people who think they're being generous to give broken, and other junk to someone who works for them, and the worker should be grateful.


OK, I've thought about this since the case aired today.    I wonder if Motormouth Nancy treats everyone the nasty way she treated the Latino defendants, and the beloved Byrd?  My guess is she does. 

I used to volunteer at a food bank.  You wouldn't believe how OLD some of the canned goods were that were donated.  Some people who wouldn't eat it themselves have no problem donating it (and probably taking a generous tax write-off for the donation). 


I'm a senior citizen, and I know LOTS of old people.  Not all are like this (thank goodness), but - trust me - she is far from being the only one who acts like this.  

2 hours ago, bad things are bad said:

I didn't realize that this happened to Prii more than other vehicles...

Prii . . . the plural of Prius.  Love it!

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10 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I used to volunteer at a food bank.  You wouldn't believe how OLD some of the canned goods were that were donated.  Some people who wouldn't eat it themselves have no problem donating it (and probably taking a generous tax write-off for the donation). 

This is very surprising to me; we get regular 'food harvest' bags left on our porch, and we go through our canned goods and THROW OUT any expired cans!  Never would I give some poor unfortunate something we wouldn't eat ourselves.  That's just shameful.

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23 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I used to volunteer at a food bank.  You wouldn't believe how OLD some of the canned goods were that were donated.  Some people who wouldn't eat it themselves have no problem donating it (and probably taking a generous tax write-off for the donation). 

11 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

This is very surprising to me; we get regular 'food harvest' bags left on our porch, and we go through our canned goods and THROW OUT any expired cans!  Never would I give some poor unfortunate something we wouldn't eat ourselves.  That's just shameful.

There are a lot of people out there who think that expiration dates don't matter, and as long as the can isn't bloated, it's still good.

Reminds me of the canned food drive on South Park.  All that was in the box were cans of creamed corn.  I went to an affluent school district, and when we'd do a canned food drive, there would be crap like pickeled herring, capers, etc.  These aren't gourmet people who need this food.  Sheesh.

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3 p.m. episodes, both reruns, probably 2016-


Bad Babysitter Barter-Plaintiff claims she doesn't need to repay $400 loan to defendant, because she was supposed to get  defendant's Jeep in return for babysitting his child, and taking child to and from school, and before and after school care.   She claims she worked many hours, paid off the Jeep, but defendant didn't pay her for more babysitting, and she got behind in her bills.   JJ figures out she didn't work for $1800 worth, but much less.  

The plaintiff claims defendant didn't pay her much, and repossessed. the Jeep.    Plaintiff also claims man lusted after her, but she obviously had another boyfriend (she's quite pregnant), and defendant says she watched the child was every other week (custody issues).     (funny note-defendant buries money in his back yard, and announced this to 10 million viewers.   JJ advises him to move the money).   (I used to live in Colorado Springs, and why would plaintiff drive an hour each way from Pueblo to bar tend in snow country?   They have lots of bars in Pueblo. ).   Defendant claims a friend of plaintiff, and plaintiff's mom threatened him.  

Plaintiff wrote loan, for the $400.   $400 to defendant, and nothing to plaintiff.  

Matching Tattoo Fail-Plaintiff suing ex-boyfriend for cost of matching tattoos, and a bedroom set.  Defendant's nasty emails are so bad that it can't be read on TV. Defendant's new girlfriend is his witness (looks almost identical to plaintiff's witness), and gets the Byrd boot.   Defendant did not pay for bedroom set, $2350 (King size bed, frame, and TV), because he claims it's was a gift.  $2235 to plaintiff (loser defendant actually made one payment already).


Be Afraid... Or Not-Plaintiff left home of ex boyfriend and his nasty mother, and claims they destroyed her property (21 and they lived together for 3 years).  Plaintiff's mother is asked why she didn't ask her 21 year old daughter to come home to escape an abusive relationship.  Mother's answer is "because she's an adult, and lives on her own" .    There are multiple police reports about malicious mischief, one report wasn't done until over a month later.  Plaintiff claims defendant has many police reports against him, and his loud mouth mother awful.  Plaintiff now gives up on everything but her car, that had domestic abuse (yes, a car had domestic abuse against it).  Case dismissed.  

DWI Disability Fail-Plaintiff suing former friend for false accusations of depositing a check.   Litigants were in the Military together, and when defendant went to jail for DWI, and told plaintiff to use the check for rent.   A check was cashed by plaintiff, and defendant told her bank it was false cashing of check.  Defendant want $1000 back, has no proof of anything.  Case dismissed.

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5 p.m. episodes, both New-(first one is a full half hour of a pit bull attack, some may want to skip it)-


People Who Own Pit Bulls Are Crazy and Stupid-Plaintiff dog owner suing pit bull (claims dog is half Lab) owning fool for the mauling death of her leashed terrier, by the defendant and her boyfriend's dog.   Defendant is a pit bull denier, who claims her and boyfriend's dog is always under her control.   Defendant boyfriend owns the dog, but lives in a studio apartment, and defendant walks the dog constantly.  Defendant was walking the dog, and defendant blames everything on the Yorkie.  Counterclaim for quarantine fees, etc. because it was the Yorkie's fault, will be dismissed.   Defendant picked up the dog, brought the dog in the car to her house, and an hour later she was walking the dog.   (I bet her insurance doesn't allow pits, and it always lives there).   Defendant is renting, and only her dog is allowed, not the pit that obviously lives there.   

Plaintiff was walking terrier on leash, when pit pulled leash out of defendant's hand, and pit attacked Yorkie.  Plaintiff pulled her dog up by the leash, and pit chomped on her dog, and defendant finally tried to get dog off of Yorkie.   Defendant had no hands on dog rope leash, and was tying poop bag, when attack happened.   Defendant her dog only nipped the Yorkie, and Yorkie bit the pit, causing a fatal attack.   Plaintiff's witness heard screaming, and saw pit chomping on Yorkie's neck, and he hit the dog until he broke his broom.   Defendant dog owner claims the dog is 25 pounds (no, there isn't a mini Pit, ).   JJ now talks about pit bull and cross bite records, from an Akron newspaper from May.   Doctor who did the 15 year study says the #1 bite dog is actually pits and crosses, but people who are in permanent denial about pits lie about the breed or breeds in their dog.     

There is a video (police cam) of defendant saying she lost control of the leash.   Defendant lies about the boyfriend's name, address, claims she can't reach him, and lies about the dog attack.  She claims the dog pulled her down.     She also said boyfriend dropped the dog off, and she's just a dog sitter.   Sadly, apparently the defendants have the dog back.    Defendant now says she lied to the police, not JJ.   I hope the Santa Monica police have her prosecuted, and animal control also.  

$5,000 to plaintiff.   


Your Personal Pain Means Nothing-Defendants are alleged to have done a ton of damages to a rental house owned by plaintiff.    Plaintiff says her medical issues prevented her from suing sooner.    Tenants had a one year lease, left a month early, and plaintiff's attorney tried to arrange a walk through, but it never happened.    There are dated move in photos, but move out photos are from a cell phone, and not dated.   $700 for ruined rug, and cleaning.  Sleazy former tenant pulls out regs citing 21 days to tell him of damages, but they left no forwarding address.   

Landlady has proof tenant refused walk through, in an email.   Tenant claims to have video and pictures day of move out, but he says he got rid of them.    Tenants claim they left a forwarding address, but they didn't even with the post office.    Landlady/plaintiff hired a skip tracer through her attorney, and there is email from tenant saying not to contact him in any way.  

Tenants used security deposit as last months rent, so that's gone.  Tenant won't shut up, and says house was falling apart, so why did he rent it?  Landlady says it took many months to fix the house for the next renter.   Too late for landlady to get any money, case dismissed.   Plaintiff needs to get a new attorney, if they don't know about how to send certified letters to the house address, and they will either be forwarded or returned.  

(Good news!   No animal cases tomorrow on the new cases).

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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17 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Sleazy former tenant pulls out regs citing 21 days to tell him of damages, but they left no forwarding address. 

Sadly, the defendant was legally correct, it is too bad that the plaintiff didn't know enough to mail the defendants at last known address (i.e., the house they rented from her) with registered or certified mail. If it got forwarded, she has proof of notification, if it was returned as refused or no forwarding address on file, she would have proof that she did the legally required attempt to send notice. Shame on the plaintiff for not knowing that as a landlord, but I despised the smirking, smarmy defendant and wish JJ had hit him a lot harder on his talking over her, not shutting up when told, and turning to the female defendant making snide comments to her and chuckling. It took me a while to place the defendant's demeanor then I got it - classic old style arrogant YUPPIE. However, in his case the Y(oung) is misapplied.

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Once again shitbull owners (that shitbull lived with the "girlfriend" and did not stay in Dale's studio apt, sorry) reveal themselves to be lying sacks of shit lying sociopaths. At least Dale (Mission? Tyler?) asked god for forgiveness at the end, maybe there's hope for him. He needs to dump that garbage "girlfriend' before she drags him down.

I even doubt her story that she was on her way to a funeral. Just something she blurted out for pity points while she was dodging the policemen's questions about how she reaches the person whose dog she walks (the dog walking arrangement was another steaming pile of lies). She can't reach him, he just brings the dog over to her twice a day, 30 minute drive each way.

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Oh, Raymond Rowland, let me count the ways I hate you. He stands there - a grown man with kids -  holding hands with his "stand by your man" lady, who is just as dumb as he is, as he gives out with the silliest giggling and most foolish grins ever seen, just like a little school girl.

They moved into a house that was falling apart and want to blame someone else for their idiotic decisions.

"Byrd, would you mind grabbing Mr. Giggles and frog-marching him right to boot camp? Maybe they can try and make a man of him. Good luck to them."

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I usually knit while watching JJ (and often miss the entertaining shenanigans going on in the gallery that you guys talk about!), but I kept looking up today because I apparently hate myself and was infuriated by the stupid smirk on the pitbull defendant's face. What a terrible person. I know it's unlikely, but it would be awesome if the police department did follow up on her claim that she lied to them. I was also glad the police officer wearing the body cam called her out on her bullshit as nicely as he could.

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1 hour ago, Toaster Strudel said:

At least Dale (Mission? Tyler?) asked god for forgiveness at the end, maybe there's hope for him. He needs to dump that garbage "girlfriend' before she drags him down.

He asks God’s forgiveness and she wants to “put it behind her”. As if she’s the victim. The only thing that should be behind this absolutely vile woman is the plaintiff with a Louisville Slugger.

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1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

Oh, Raymond Rowland, let me count the ways I hate you. He stands there - a grown man with kids -  holding hands with his "stand by your man" lady, who is just as dumb as he is, as he gives out with the silliest giggling and most foolish grins ever seen, just like a little school girl.

If this smug, smirking asshole is half the player he presents himself to be why did he rent a shabby little house from the whack job plaintiff and then leave in terrible condition? Oh, and by the way asshole, your $500 deposit is just that; a deposit. It’s not an insurance policy or a limit of liability. If your wretched dog does $2,000 damage you’re on the hook for another $1,500. Did I mention that this guy is an asshole?

But in all seriousness, there is something very wrong with Raymond Rowland. 

Edited by Byrd is the Word
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1 hour ago, Byrd is the Word said:

He asks God’s forgiveness and she wants to “put it behind her”.

I think it is possible that the male defendant may have learned something from JJ connecting an out of control dog to his baby, but I may be too optimistic. However, the femail defendant was a complete piece of shit.

1 hour ago, augmentedfourth said:

. I know it's unlikely, but it would be awesome if the police department did follow up on her claim that she lied to them.

Yeah, I would hope so but they have more important things to deal with like DUI, ADW, B&E, etc.

3 hours ago, Toaster Strudel said:

I even doubt her story that she was on her way to a funeral.

I don't know, every time I have gone to a funeral I always took some random dog for a walk on the way.

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1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

Has JJ ever really cut off somebody's microphone after threatening to do it?

Yes, although I can't recall the case.

The bubble-headed Kassandra and the former love of her life, the hulkish, oily-haired Nathan Hofstader could not shut up. Neither could Kassandra's Momma (personally I don't blame her for not wanting her idiotic motor-mouthed daughter back) and Nathan's gruesome Mommy. Kassandra couldn't stay in Iowa with loverboy because she couldn't get a good job. Don't they have IHOPs there? I'm surprised JJ didn't throw the whole pack of blabbering nitwits out much sooner. Nathan learned something valuable, "Don't date blondes with blue eyes," because why should he? I'm sure he has the ladies beating down his door, I mean his Mommy's door.

Forged check case: The defendant was in the military? Really? I didn't think the bottom of the list could go that low.

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22 hours ago, Hellohappylife said:

First case.

Maybe I’m evil but golly Ms. Spiderleg lashes sure wasn’t doing herself any favors with those things, her makeup and hair, Only made her poor features like her nose and overbite more noticeable. 

Not sure why the plaintiffs even agreed to pay half the vet bills, When the Attack took place inside their home by a dog who ran inside. 

She looked like a real life caricature of a mix of a Gelfling from The Dark Crystal and Janet from The Muppets

Edited by Mrs Shibbles
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That pit bull “walker” had me SEETHING.  She is a horrible, horrible human being.  You could see that the plaintiff was still visibly upset even in the courtroom - very downtrodden looking.  I can only imagine the pain of having your dog virtually ripped from your arms by a vicious pit bull.  Excuse me, mini pit bull/Labrador cross.  As if anyone believes there is any lab in that awful dog.  It looks more like a full, stocky, fighting pit than half the dogs that get on JJ and are honestly called pit bulls by their owners.

I wish I knew that defendant’s name, because I want to look her up on FB and see if she mentions being arrested...

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Defendant pit bull owner downplaying the size of his dog -- 25 pounds isn't tiny.  I was pulled down by our goldendoodle (see avatar) when she was just a few months old and 20 pounds.  If you don't brace yourself when a dog starts to run, even a smallish dog can take you down.

People want pit bulls because they think it makes them look strong and fierce: "Look at me, I can handle a pit bull!"  But it really just makes them look pathetic and needy. 

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