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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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The first case today with the discarded property and missing RV - the litigants (Asbury vs Owens) gave me a meth contact high through my TV.  It was a circus of burned out brain cells and uncontrollable shouting out.  I imagine many pages of criminal activity on all of the people there.  Byrd probably hated his job today, having to stand between all of those fools.

Edited by patty1h
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Omg the meth heads need help.  He's got s temper and sounds like he took a bunch of Ritalin without needing it.


i actually believe the girl put the car in reverse from the passenger seat, 13 yr olds do stupid shit.  I don't believe Mom thought she had insurance.

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Ep. 1, Case 1 - Thomas Soliz was suing his neighbor Irene Fleishman for an accident that occurred in his driveway. Irene (uninsured, of course) claims that, while she ran back into the house, her then-13-year-old daughter reached over from the passenger's seat and put the car in Reverse, as daughter Oziris said, "so the car would be ready for my mom when she got back into the car." Stupid ass, that makes no sense. JJ called bullshit right away and said that the youngster was likely driving because they both seemed like fools. Irene made the accusation that Thomas took a crowbar to his own car and beat the shit out of it himself. Irene then proceeded to squawk and whine, to which JJ hollered, "You're. Not. The Victim!" Irene was also countersuing for harassment. She spewed slanderous accusations about the Soliz family/friends. She had audio -- but, from the sounds of the heavily accented voice screaming on the recording, Irene was only incriminating herself. Then, she said the plaintiff's wife or sister pushed Oziris and little sister Genesis. Irene's act was getting old, so JJ ordered that she pay for the damages.


Ep. 1, Case 2 -- Defendant and Campbell's Kid Abigail Reece was getting a promotion at Wal-Mart, so the employer ordered a drug test. She borrowed  co-worker Plaintiff Kyle Currington's car and returned it with a cracked bumper. Abigail, who needs to stop smiling because I'm about to punch her annoying lights out, said that Kyle "wrecked" the car himself. Kyle said that Abigail was cruising the town that day, looking for clean pee for her drug test. (I can't imagine how annoying Abigail must be while she's high.) After the drug test, Abigail came back to Wal-Mart and cried in the manager's office about the cracked bumper. Thankfully, JJ ruled around the time Abigail tried to up her cuteness factor. No surprise, JJ ordered Abigail to pay for the damages.


Ep. 2, Case 1 -- Christina Asbury was suing ex-bf Steven Owens, Jr. for stealing her property and setting her stuff on fire. He was countersuing for a stolen RV. There were so many crazy eyes, meth faces, toothlessness, and junkie jaws in this case -- it was haunting, really. Steven was very ticked one night when Christina ran off for a rendezvous with her ex-bf. He piled up her clothing and shoes and made a bonfire out of it. JJ was really agitated by the people speaking out of turn in this case. I'm going to take a wild guess here and say that these folks were not shining stars in school -- they are completely incapable of following directions. Everything's a free-for-all for them, it seems. With maximum intensity, Steven announced that he went through TWENTY-TWO PHONES LAST YEAR. I mean, it was intense. But JJ took that as the perfect opportunity to put Steve on Front Street -- she told him that, if he hadn't spent so much money on phones, maybe he wouldn't have to live in an RV on his gf's stepdad's property. Well played, Judge Judy. As the case rolled on, the litigants continued talking out of turn and showing their stupidity -- and those are the two reasons why all cases were dismissed. The hallterview featured fake crying and more intense story-telling. Steven claimed he'd take Christina back "with a wink and a smile, but she doesn't know what love is." Oh, okay Steven.


Ep. 2, Case 2 Brooklyn Furrillo was suing her nutty-looking ex-bf Robert Waters for a false arrest. Brooklyn fought with Robert about his habit of getting into fights at bars. Robert didn't like that, so he smashed her computer. Robert said he was drunk, so his memory's vague. The cops arrived to hear about the computer and a punch Brooklyn landed on Robert. Robert had to pay her for the computer. The false arrest claim was dismissed because she really did give him a black eye. Robert stated that he hasn't had a drink since that incident. Robert, do we look stupid to you? We all know you were drunk when you got dressed today.

Edited by CoolWhipLite
Math faces -- I meant meth faces!
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OMG Abigail -- Campbell's Kid is right!  What the hell was up with that squirming?  Did she have something crawling on her neck?  Marilyn Monroe didn't squirm that much in Some Like It Hot. 

I totally believe Irene's daughter was backing out of the driveway.  She should have said she accidentally bumped the gear shift reaching for the radio or something.

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I called horsepucky when Irene's daughter said she "reached over" from the passenger seat and shifted the car into reverse.

Any auto transmission car I've driven, to shift out of Park, the driver has to put his/her foot on the brake.  Pretty hard to do from the passenger's side.

Likewise, a stick shift would require putting in the clutch, maybe even harder to do from passenger seat.

Edited by tvcourtfan
to add last sentence
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9 hours ago, funky-rat said:

I used to be like that, until I realized that the $1.00 shower curtain liner will need to be replaced in a month as opposed to the $4.99 one that will have to be replaced in, let's say 6 months.  A monthly run for dollar store curtain liners will negate the purchase.  My mom was always buying me jeans from Wal-Mart.  They're cheaper than in the clothing store by A LOT!  Perhaps, but I'd get 6 months out of them before they'd rip out somewhere, or I'd have to return every pair she bought me because the size on the tag didn't match the size of the pants (sometimes off by as much as 3 inches), but the ones I got at the clothing store will last me THREE YEARS - and that's with daily wear.  The fabric often wears thin before they rip out.  So $40 vs $15 - in the long run, it's a no brainer because she'll spend more in a year on jeans from W-M than I do in three years from the clothing store.

It's Terry Pratchett's Captain Vimes Boots Theory of Socioeconomic Unfairness, the best summary of the situation I've ever seen:

"The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money.

Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles.

But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that’d still be keeping his feet dry in ten years’ time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet."


Today's reruns seem to be full of people who should not be behind the wheel.

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OMG Abigail -- Campbell's Kid is right! 

Little Lotta really and truly believes she's precious and adorable. So much "not." Walmart gave her a promotion? I'm going there tomorrow and expect to be running the whole place by the afternoon.

First case was true perfection, with the Trailer Trash "Romeo and Juliet" tragic love affair and the redneck "big ol' fire" stepdaddy. Most of the participants were missing teeth as well. Could it get any better? Yes! None of them knew how to shut up for one second, which got all their claims for run-down trailers and K-Mart wardrobes dismissed.  "Shut up", said Byrd, increasing my love for him.

Irene, who had her "I'm thirteen and look twenty-two" daughter lying like a rug (or maybe she wasn't lying. Maybe she really is that dumb): Irene's voice had my ears bleeding profusely by the time she got done. Not worth mentioning that her insurance was, of course, cancelled without her knowledge.


to shift out of Park, the driver has to put his/her foot on the brake. 

Is this true for cars that are 10 - 20 years old? Because I can't remember a case with cars newer than that. Doesn't matter. Kid's a liar.

The only admirable thing was that the ginormous plaintiff's 10-year old Pontiac Sunfire was actually still running!!

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1 minute ago, AngelaHunter said:

Is this true for cars that are 10 - 20 years old? Because I can't remember a case with cars newer than that. Doesn't matter. Kid's a liar.


My friend has two Geo Metros, a 1990 and a 1992, both automatics, and I know she has to step on the brake to get out of Park. 

In any case, you're right, AngelaHunter, kid was a liar.  Just would have made it even more obvious if that "step on the brake" had gotten brought up somehow.

(I was yelling it at the TV, BTW, LOL)

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1 hour ago, tvcourtfan said:

My friend has two Geo Metros, a 1990 and a 1992, both automatics, and I know she has to step on the brake to get out of Park. 

In any case, you're right, AngelaHunter, kid was a liar.  Just would have made it even more obvious if that "step on the brake" had gotten brought up somehow.

(I was yelling it at the TV, BTW, LOL)

Same here! I couldn't understand why nobody mentioned that a foot would need to be on the brake first.  Maybe JJ doesn't do much of her own driving. I'm pretty sure at one point she motioned for the gear shift to be on the steering wheel column.

Either way, wasn't buying anything the defendant was selling. Especially her $5k worth of harassment. 

Edited by Art Vandelay
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On 5/15/2016 at 7:16 AM, Bunnyhop said:

I have something I call the "Shower curtain liner theory".  I needed a new shower curtain liner.  I saw one at Kroger for $4.99.  My outraged geezer gene kicked in and I thought, "$4.99!  Why, I can get the same thing at the Dollar Store for a dollar.  So I go to the Dollar Store and $25.00 worth of junk later, I had my $1.00 shower curtain liner.  Doh!!

This is why I call it The Twenty Dollar Store.

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15 hours ago, CoolWhipLite said:

 Kyle said that Abigail was cruising the town that day, looking for clean pee for her drug test.

 *sigh* If only Walmart had Kleen P in stock that day.........

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 ...her then-13-year-old daughter reached over from the passenger's seat and put the car in Reverse, as daughter Oziris said, "so the car would be ready for my mom when she got back into the car.

So. .  if you put the car into reverse, doesn't it start moving right away??? Is mom into some kind of new cardio routine where she chases her runaway car down the street? And didn't she have an off button? She was blabbering so loud I had to turn the sound way down. If I was her kid and knew she was coming out to the car I might have reversed it, but then gunned it and made a run for the border. (not a Mexican joke BTW)

What is it with the Meth Mouthed People and RVs? Isn't an RV hard to lose? All I could think of was Walter White in his underpants cooking in the desert during the case. Did Mr. Meth Mouth sue for his electric fry pan and his supply of Sudafed? And why didn't they have close captioning for the normally impaired activated? I know they have done it on People's Court when they've had a very strong accented litigant. 


I feel like I shouldn't be saying this about an 18-year-old kid, but damn, Abigail has one of those faces that's just begging to be punched.

Note to Campbell's Kid Abigail - perky drug abuser looking for pee in all the wrong places doesn't translate well in JJ's world. I guess she didn't figure out JJ was making fun of her. 

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34 minutes ago, ItsHelloPattiagain said:

So. .  if you put the car into reverse, doesn't it start moving right away???

Depends. If you're on a slope or have a high idle speed, yes. If not it needs the gas pedal.

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If you're on a slope or have a high idle speed, yes. If not it needs the gas pedal

Well, I have had a lot of rental cars (frequently a different city, different rental car every week, all with automatics) and most of them when I stopped at red lights and left them in gear with the brake applied would start slowly forward on a level pavement as soon as I released the brake. However, wouldn't it be great if someone invented a device that would hold a car in place in gear, on a hill, etc. until you released it? We could call it a parking brake. Actually, using the parking brake with automatic transmissions is a good idea when parked because all that selecting Park does is engage a small pin (technically a "dog" but I know we don't like dog cases) inside the transmission which if your car is bumped firmly can jam and the transmission can't unlock. Mostly irrelevaent because I firmly beleive the daughter was flat out lying with the encouragment and coaching from her lying mother.

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 All I could think of was Walter White in his underpants cooking in the desert during the case.

Me: Needs to learn not to drink coffee while perusing forum.


as daughter Oziris said

And as sister Genesis confirmed.

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I didn't watch this case - dog bites a young girl, but I had to come here because the defendant's name was ridiculous.  Picture a slightly thuggish but handsome and neatly dressed 20+ year old, with lines shaved into his eyebrows.  Then imagine calling him by his name "Heaven'Leigh".  His momma ought to be ashamed for that one; I guess the apostrophe between the names makes it classy.

Besides having a biting dog, he had the good taste to get the word 'heaven' tattooed on the front of his neck.

Edited by patty1h
Adding more info
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patty1h, I liked Heaven'Leigh.  I liked what he said about his dog being "good-hearted".   A lot of dog owners don't appreciate that in a dog.  His dog had a habit of escaping the yard and being brought back by the neighbor (the little girl's mom).  Seven times, he said.  Because the dog had encountered little kids before without any trouble, he couldn't understand where he'd gone wrong in not keeping the dog restrained.  The dog must have been somewhat socialized, to allow a stranger to handle him.  The neighbor didn't say how she returned him -- whether she took him by the collar, or just opened the gate and called him.

His manner was respectful and he wasn't aggressively defensive like some litigants.  He lost me a little bit when he said the kids had sticks.  He said the little girl jumped on her brother's back and 'hit at' the dog, which is why the dog nipped her.  It must not have been a bad injury -- no photos and the doctor bill was only $250.  So probably no stitches.  And the dog had had its shots.

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54 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

And as sister Genesis confirmed.

I had a few students named Genesis over the years while I was teaching in South Florida. I have to admit - they were all adorable!  Now I connect the name Genesis with nice little girls.


I missed most of the cases today because of work calls. I caught the very end of the last case with a dog that nipped someone. The defendant, with Heaven (in Times New Roman font) on his neck, spoke like C-czar from the Nick Kroll Show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9rLeoM7TiQ

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I felt bad for Heaven'Leigh, and not just for the name, the neck tat, and the eyebrows with multiple lines shaved in.

4 minutes ago, AuntiePam said:

His manner was respectful and he wasn't aggressively defensive like some litigants.

When JJ called him an idiot, I thought she was way, way out of line. Her show is loaded with willful idiots -- folks who, if they checked their self-righteousness and engaged their brains a bit, could actually process information. Heaven'Leigh was indeed respectful, only mildly defensive, and seemed clearly intellectually limited to me, and it's beyond unkind to throw "idiot" at someone who, I believe, was truly doing his best.

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1st case: I don't want to sound cruel, but it was plainly obvious why the Defendant's daughter was bullying the Plaintiff's daughter. IJS. I think JJ read too much into the woman pulling up on the curb. I think the plaintiff was being a fragile femme, but whatever. At least the defendant's daughter was honest about the whole thing.

2nd case: The plaintiff looked like Barbie's Black Friend. I don't couldn't fix my mouth to allege that someone got mad at me because they wanted a relationship and I didn't. That's some fly shit. Whenever I hear that I always think the person was being led on and then when they realized it didn't mean anything, they lash out. It's the same as when guys talk about getting rid of women who won't leave them alone. They always leave out the fact that they keep calling the woman on Friday night after the club, drunk.

3rd case: I...don't know. It's possible that he wasn't driving the car. The plaintiffs didn't actually see who was driving the car. I think JJ, again, got hung up on a non-issue. I can understand her saying he's liable since he owned the car, but...I could also see her telling plaintiffs in another scenario that if they can't prove he was driving, he's not liable.

4th case: Another stupid dog case. The defendant's name is Heaven'Leigh Marshall...and he's a dude. Gotta love hippie names for gang members. Is it just me or did he seem like a sweetheart? Like, the two parts in his eyebrow and the neck tattoo suggest he's a bit of a hardcore kid, but he seemed...nice. Mannerable. I get dim-witted from him, but not a bad soul. I blame society for telling everybody it's okay to have a dog. I need to run third-party for President on a platform of three things: stop having so many kids, idiots stop buying dogs, and I don't care if you drink or smoke weed, but if you have kids, no drinking before they do their homework and go to bed, and if you smoke weed and lose your job, no governmental assistance. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. YES WE (PROBABLY) CAN.

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29 minutes ago, 27bored said:

I need to run third-party for President on a platform of three things: stop having so many kids, idiots stop buying dogs, and I don't care if you drink or smoke weed, but if you have kids, no drinking before they do their homework and go to bed, and if you smoke weed and lose your job, no governmental assistance. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. YES WE (PROBABLY) CAN.

That's it. I'm writing in "27bored" come November.

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I did not fall for Heaven 'Leigh's nice manners. Googling showed me his mug shot and felony charges for domestic violence as well as other charges. Idiot indeed.

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 I can understand her saying he's liable since he owned the car,

That's the whole issue - his car, his responsiblity. I remember when I was going away (no, unlike most we see here, not to jail!) I "borrowed" my car to my niece and called my ins.carrier to ask if I needed to add her to my policy, since I had never had anyone drive my car before. I was told that whatever she did while driving it would be as though I did it - accident or whatever. Of course, my niece - unlike our litigants - didn't get drunk and crash it, use it for a robbery, let her friends trash it or damage anyone's property.


 I don't want to sound cruel, but it was plainly obvious why the Defendant's daughter was bullying the Plaintiff's daughter.

Yeah. Def's daughter was "nasty" to Mikaila, refused to accept an apology from her, called her mother ugly names, etc., for years.  Mikaila admittedly did nothing to her, but def's mom kept insisting it was "back and forf." No, it wasn't, you mouthy beast. Mikaila was articulate, intelligent and spoke English better than 90% of the litigants we see here, even those five times her age.

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I know I'm pregnant and easily emotional but the end of the first case, when the bullied girl was crying, broke my heart. You could see where the defendant's daughter got her bullying behavior from. I knkw this probably won't happen but I sincerely hope that the defendant watches this, gains a modicum of self awareness and sees what an awful person she's shaping to inflict on the world. But then again, she didn't get the hint when the school probably straight up told her that her daughter was a bully.

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The life hacks you learn from Judge Judy: Tattoo your name on your neck so you never forget it! Of course it'll be backwards in the mirror, so that might be a stumbling block... Oh screw it, I hope my local tattoo parlor accepts EBT! Have a "heaven'leigh" day y'all!

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4 hours ago, patty1h said:

...Besides having a biting dog, he had the good taste to get the word 'heaven' tattooed on the front of his neck...

But, I suspect someone else had to tell him what it says - that boy is a few bricks short of a load. 

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3 hours ago, AuntiePam said:

His manner was respectful and he wasn't aggressively defensive like some litigants.  He lost me a little bit when he said the kids had sticks.  He said the little girl jumped on her brother's back and 'hit at' the dog, which is why the dog nipped her.  It must not have been a bad injury -- no photos and the doctor bill was only $250.  So probably no stitches.  And the dog had had its shots.

You're right, he might not be smart, but he wasn't a smart ass. Too bad he couldn't seem to grasp that the first time his dog got out should have been the last time. And, too bad he couldn't articulate what happened. We never really heard how it happened. I could see it happening exactly like he said, so I'm not sure there was any dog attack. It sounds like a dog playing with the kids who were rough housing, the dog getting excited and  trying to pull the girl off the boy.

The kids share some of the blame in that scenario. Problem is, the only adult who was with the kids and should have been supervising them was Heaven. I'd like to know if there were other adults around? Where was Mom, and who was supposed to be watching her kids? Were they playing with Heaven's nieces, nephews and the dog? Sounded to me like Heaven might have been supervising all the kids playing with the dog.

Other problem is, I'm not sure if, in that scenario, whether the dog owner would be on the hook for the medical bills under strict liability. I think mom may have over reacted based on the many times the dog was out before, and JJ might have jumped on that bandwagon, and then the dog was loose yet again the day after the incident. Whether it was 40 lbs like he said or 80 like mom claims, I don't think the dog was attacking the girl, but then we never heard anything about the injuries. All in all, lots of unanswered questions.

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6 hours ago, CoolWhipLite said:

I had a few students named Genesis over the years while I was teaching in South Florida. I have to admit - they were all adorable!  Now I connect the name Genesis with nice little girls.

There is a Genesis nightclub where I live so I  connect the name with club-going party girls and I  assume that little girls named Genesis in my town are named after the club.  Really,  that name to me is like nails on a chalkboard.  Thankfully, I have never had a Genesis in my class, but there IS that distant relative......smh.

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Conversely, most of the chicks I've known with cute girl names like Angel and Precious and Miracle looked like Mr. Loverman himself. SHABBA! I'm sorry but cute names don't matter. If you look like you go hard in the paint, I...can't. 

Even somebody like Serena Williams. She has a cute name for a girl, but when she was in the Lemonade video I thought KRS-ONE decided to be binary. IJS.

Edited by 27bored
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19 hours ago, 27bored said:

1st case: I don't want to sound cruel, but it was plainly obvious why the Defendant's daughter was bullying the Plaintiff's daughter. IJS. I think JJ read too much into the woman pulling up on the curb. I think the plaintiff was being a fragile femme, but whatever. At least the defendant's daughter was honest about the whole thing.


What did I miss?  I didn't see anything odd about plaintiff's daughter.  I agree that JJ went overboard about the woman pulling up to the curb.  Now if she'd driven over the curb, that'd be something else. 

Sorry to hear Heaven has a mug sheet.  He didn't appear to have enough energy to cause trouble.

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19 minutes ago, AuntiePam said:

What did I miss?  I didn't see anything odd about plaintiff's daughter.  I agree that JJ went overboard about the woman pulling up to the curb.  Now if she'd driven over the curb, that'd be something else. 

Sorry to hear Heaven has a mug sheet.  He didn't appear to have enough energy to cause trouble.

I got the feeling that JJ just wanted to punish the defendant for abetting her daughter's behavior. If she hadn't gotten so aggressive with JJ in the beginning (with my favorite comeback on this show, "well, that's your opinion,), I think she would have been less inclined to read so much into the defendant pulling up next to the plaintiff. I was hoping she'd award the plaintiff the whole $5k, just to teach that awful woman a lesson.

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Some spectacular hair in the lesbian room mate switcharoo case. Five hairy gavels!

I was so distracted trying to figure out the hair situation that I could hardly figure the case out. What was the look the defendant was going for? 

I'm very disappointed in y'all - did nobody notice in the bully girls case that the girls had relatively "normal" names? Makaila and Brittney? No La'Bullemia and Crackheadia? No Ritzcrackerella and Cheddarama? No Wil'Tazmaniana and ChickFil'asia? I did want to pinch the head off Brittney but I watched her get smaller and smaller with her Tweety Bird face sinking down as JJ told her she wasn't acting nice. I hope she can learn a lesson from JJ instead of her mean ass mother who thinks rolling up practically on the curb next to somebody is a smart idea. 

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9 minutes ago, Ouisch said:

And here's one in Detroit....   


This kind of shit just pisses me right the hell off!

Edited by Brattinella
Is there a fix for this yet?? No comment, my post is gone too
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Where did we, as a people and a country, go wrong and lose our common sense?  Squatters have got to be the worst of the worse, and it isn't only here.  One in the UK lately (a pensioner) found his home occupied, locks changed, etc.  The SQUATTER is now selling the home for $500,000.

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Ep 1 , Case 1 - Shaylynn Stelly earns $8/hr at a residential care facility. Jonathan Fried made $500-800 per week at his previous job, and he didn't pay taxes...because he has custody of his two kids and a mortgage. He also said that his son also "works with him" in his car shop. His son is 5-years-old. So, within the first 4 minutes of the case, he admitted to screwing over the IRS and violating child labor laws and probably a ton of OSHA regulations. Oh, but he claims he was awarded "Parent of the Year" (I am not kidding). Shaylynn gave him her credit card to purchase car parts that Jonathan needed for some cockamamie race. Shaylynn said that Jonathan kept using the card. JJ ordered Jonathan to pay her back $1500. Jonathan thinks his shit doesn't stink, but his farts betray him. No doubt, that guy's hustling and shystering other dim-witted women.


Ep 1, Case 2 -- Plaintiff Blanca Lomelli "bought" a pitbull from her sister-in-law (who seems to know very little about breeding and registering dogs). These two morons obviously saw dogs as a source of income. Blanca claims that the dog kept running away through the front gate (neither of her dogs are permitted to be in the house). The defendant Shannon Sterba found the dog, checked around town to see if anyone lost the dog. Then she took the dog to the vet for vaccinations (the plaintiffs hadn't taken any of the dogs to the vet --- infuriating) and to have it microchipped. Those two plaintiffs need to be stopped...they're greedy, stupid, low-scale puppy millers, churning out unhealthy dogs with no healthcare or vaccinations.


Ep 2, Case 1 -- Patricia Winstead backed out of her driveway into Russell Towne's car as he was driving up the street. JJ said that Russ had the right-of-way and Patricia had road rage. Patricia claimed that Russ intentionally tried to cause the accident. Patricia was rude and abrasive, but she didn't make this case interesting. It was dull.


Ep 2, Case 2 -- I didn't really pay attention to this case. A father was collecting his children's Social Security checks while they weren't in his custody. There was some shaky story about how the plaintiff got custody of the kids. Boring.


Ep 2, Case 3 -- The plaintiff said she leased a horse from the defendant; the defendant said she sold the horse to the plaintiff. I don't even know how this case ended. But I do know this-- at the end of the case, both litigants gasped for air and were overcome by shock. Don't miss the audience members' faces during that part. The plaintiff never got over her case of the vapors, and she had to sit on a bench and cradle her head in the hallterview. She didn't speak in the hallterview, she just panted and struggled to get up and wander away. This was the only entertaining part of this episode.

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The plaintiff never got over her case of the vapors, and she had to sit on a bench and cradle her head in the hallterview. She didn't speak in the hallterview, she just panted and struggled to get up and wander away. This was the only entertaining part of this episode.

I almost choked on my popcorn. I laughed my ass off. The Defendant was a cutie, though. Summer is a hot chick name.

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