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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Deadbeat dad can't support his damn kids, but he's got tattoo money.


And earrings. I love that he can make ten kids, yet doesn't have to support any of them - can't remember the last time he did. Let the taxpayers raise his irresponsibly spawned brood.

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When the daughter said that she received Social Security for the two younger boys, I thought it was probably death benefits from the mom's death, and why she has custody. JJ usually goes into a spiel about what their disability is, and she didn't, so I think that was mentioned and not aired. The 17 year old probably quit school so he doesn't qualify, but told JJ he was still in school.  

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The 17 year old probably quit school so he doesn't qualify, but told JJ he was still in school.


Not sure but I think welfare ends at 17.  I know a friend whose son was getting social security because her dad was retired, and it ended at 17.


JJ was charmed with Sheldon, she couldn't help herself.  I loved that a guy named Sheldon wasn't a 70 year old Jewish guy, but was a young African American dude.  When he started talking I thought he was the Snoop Dog stoner guy you guys talked about yesterday, he was soooo baked.  Apparently he nicely dressed himself before he brought out the bong in his hotel room, because in  a tie and vest (I think) he looked way better than 80% of the non-high litigants on the show.

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If it weren't for the fact that the sister/guardian seemed to genuinely dislike her father so much, I'd think this was one of those situations where they were in cahoots to get on JJ just to get the money from the "judgment."  Usually, JJ sends those cases back to the local small claims court, because (I believe) there's a limit as to how much her production staff will pay out when she sends them back . . . and it's a lot less than being awarded the requested damages for the case.


I was so supportive of big sister taking care of the brothers.  But then when she opted to spend $600 on sneakers, I began to doubt her judgment.  Even with the two younger kids pulling in SSI money, it's not cheap to feed and house four people.  And sneakers, as someone said above, are not going to last long on growing young men.

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When the daughter said that she received Social Security for the two younger boys, I thought it was probably death benefits from the mom's death, and why she has custody. JJ usually goes into a spiel about what their disability is, and she didn't, so I think that was mentioned and not aired. The 17 year old probably quit school so he doesn't qualify, but told JJ he was still in school.  


She called it SSI but maybe she misunderstood.  "Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal program that provides monthly payments to people who have limited income and few resources. SSI is for people who are 65 or older, as well as for those of any age, including children, who are blind or who have disabilities." 


If the boys' mom had died, I think she would have said "Social Security because our mom died."  As weepy as she got over dad abandoning her, I think she would have found more tears if her mother was also dead.

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When the daughter said that she received Social Security for the two younger boys, I thought it was probably death benefits from the mom's death, and why she has custody. JJ usually goes into a spiel about what their disability is, and she didn't, so I think that was mentioned and not aired. The 17 year old probably quit school so he doesn't qualify, but told JJ he was still in school.  


Two of my husband's cousins got social security when their dad retired. They received benefits (not a huge amount, but enough to help with living expenses) until they were 22 as long as they were enrolled in school, college, or technical school until they were 22. The younger one turned 22 about five years ago; the cut-off age for benefits could have changed since then.

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Two of my husband's cousins got social security when their dad retired. They received benefits (not a huge amount, but enough to help with living expenses) until they were 22 as long as they were enrolled in school, college, or technical school until they were 22. The younger one turned 22 about five years ago; the cut-off age for benefits could have changed since then.


When their dad retired or when he died? 

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Thanks. I love it even more when she shouts out YOU'RE A HUSLAH!!! A HUSLAH! (hustler). Truly, she screams "SQUATTAH" about 12 times!!

In the stolen Swiss Army Knife backpack/laptop, the Defendant, who was the Plaintiff's college room mate, looked about 14. I though maybe he was a Doogie Howser type who went to college at 12, but it said he was 21. i was thinking maybe he traded the laptop for Pokemon cards.

Finally got to the "Squattah" episode. Seriously funny, cuz I knew it was coming, but then JJ said it alot more, so it was truly awesome. It makes me smile just thinking abt it, so, "Squattah" will become my new, favorite pejorative to call people ( in my head, unless they're on tv). Edited by Tosia
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It makes me smile just thinking abt it, so, "Squattah" will become my new, favorite pejorative to call people


Tosia, might a suggest a screen name change to Squattah to commemorate your newfound love?  Maybe an avatar of someone squatting to accompany it?

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And there isn't a star indicating new episode, so who knows what I will be watching.

You are not alone, I have Cox ( the second worst cable provider I have dealt with, Comcast being significantly worse if you can imagine that) and my program guide is unreliable on whether an episode is new or a rerun. And I won't even mention telling me that all stations are " temporarily off the air" for hours at a time.

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When their dad retired or when he died? 

They got SS p checks when their dad retired. He's still alive. He retired at 65 when he still had 2 kids in school. I don't know all the details, but their dad  paid extra (possibly for years when he was in the stat teacher retirement system and didn't pay into SS) because he realized his kids would need the extra cash that he'd get for paying extra.

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___When their dad retired or when he died? ____ Sorry, can't figure out copy and paste on Kindle. My dad retired at 62 when his company closed down. He had worked there 29 years. My kid sister was still in high school. She got Social Security checks until she became an adult. Mom got benefits, too. She never held down a full time job because she was raising 6 kids. My best friend's husband was approved for disability for metastasized cancer. Their daughter was not even 9 at the time and she received payments until she was 18 even though her mother worked full time. Social Security isn't a hand out, it is earned. I paid into it for over 45 years and I earned every penny.

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First episode, first case --- we had a Mandarin interpreter for the defendant, Ms. Zhang. The plaintiff Mr. Evans is a squattah (as is his girlfriend/not girlfriend), and he is suing for the utilities that were turned off and an assault ("a kung-fu kick to the gut"). She was countersuing for rent, harassment, and a fraudulent restraining order. He moved in in Nov. and paid rent. In December, he got an eviction notice (for unpaid rent) but then paid a portion of the rent after that. He said Ms. Zhang is messy and didn't care about the "clean-liness" of the place. He also said that Ms. Zhang brought in more tenants. Then, Zhang started kung-fu fighting....those kicks were fast as lightning, in fact it was a little bit frightening, and Zhang had expert timing. Zhang gave a very watered-down version of her kung-fu kick in the hallterview. I think JJ went into this case thinking Mr. Evans was going to be 100% in the wrong, but then she changed her tune a little bit.



Second episode, first case --- Nicardo Blake, 15, started off by bullshitting JJ about plaintiff Davia, 15. BS was flying out of Nicardo's thumb-sucking teeth, and he tried to say that "a friend" named Xavier posted Davia's yearbook picture on a chat (maybe a group text?) with a comment about her looking like a bullfrog.  Pathrine Hewitt, Nicardo's mother/"a nurse," admitted that she doesn't know about her son's friends or social life, so she has no clue. Nicardo claimed that Davia later talked smack about his mother; he obviously felt this justified his actions in the upcoming video. Video -- Nicardo approached Davia, then he takes and throws her to the ground. Pathrine believes Nicardo is a special snowflake, and she's probably campaigning for his sainthood. She blames Davia and Nicardo's friends for his behavior. Nicardo's was like, "What behavior??" He gave less than zero shits. His only words in the hallterview: "I'm not sorry." Throughout the whole case, JJ was having a freak-attack about Nicardo not looking at her while he spoke....my 2 cents-- it could be cultural, he might just be him being rude, or he could have some attention issues.

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He kicked that tiny girl IN THE FACE!

And didn't seem to care!


In his mind, since she talked trash about his mother, he could go an kick her a**. If no one had stepped in, the defendant was moving to go in on the plaintiff again while she was laying on the ground. That was insane! I don't think I could have actually shown up in court if that was my son -- I would have been too ashamed!


He was actually frightening and I do expect him to end up in jail again if she doesn't get him some help...

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That 15 year old in the first hour was unbelievable. Saying he doesn't regret it and the mother saying the plaintiff's daughter provoked it. Words are words and you can ignore those. Mother doesn't feel bad either, she's one of those mothers that supports or will make excuses for their sons being woman beaters or if her daughter was being smacked she would be one of those mothers that says "You have to stop doing what you doing to upset him." So all ladies need to stay away from that guy, they got in on tape that he's a woman beater who feels justified in hitting women. 


I wasn't paying much attention in the second hour case because it sounded like nonsense.

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Then, Zhang started kung-fu fighting....those kicks were fast as lightning, in fact it was a little bit frightening, and Zhang had expert timing.


LOL! She was so frightened of the squattah that she busted his door down and Kung Fu'd him. I couldn't stop laughing. Plaintiff's witness? Holy shit - from what hole did he drag her and what was she on? JJ couldn't listen to her impaired rambling and gave her the ol' dismissive, "Sit down!"


"Nicardo" - unbelievably insolent and unrepentant, acting as thought beating the daylights out of a girl was totally justified. I even got an "Big deal. I'd do it again" impression from him. From the brief shots of Byrd's face, I think he may have been mentally delivering a beating of his own. Nicardo's mom, "Pathrine" seemed to think that the girl provoked her baby boy to the point where the assault was justified. Where are the dads, BTW? MIghty scarce, they are.

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Regarding the asshole Nicardo, I thought it was too bad those thumb sucking teeth weren't knocked out of his head. Oh well, it's only a matter of time. He will mess with the wrong girl and her dad or brothers will take care of it out of court.

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Wow I don't give a royal shit if he has attention disorder; he is a violent, nasty, misogynist who will NEVER GET BETTER. He kicked that tiny girl IN THE FACE! He really needs to go to jail and stay there a while. GAH!

Wow --- just wow... Mom watched video of her son physically attacking a girl a foot shorter than her son, and her reaction is to blame the girl for provoking him. She was so so sorry when he was charged, promising to pay the girl's medical bills, and oh so thankful when girl's mom didn't pursue the charges, but then refused to follow through and pay after the charges were dismissed.

I shudder to think what my Dad's reaction would have been if one of my brothers or I had done something like this to a much smaller kid --- much less a girl

Edited by SRTouch
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Hooooo boy. When Nicardo was mumbling about the schools he went through, I thought "Oh, this absolutely seems like the kind of thing that would happen at the Mount Vernon High School near me" and waited to see if the informative red boxes below would give their location. Sure enough, Pathrine confirmed Westchester County. My husband and I had to laugh about JJ's reaction to the court system there, as her son's had some...issues with that particular system. Anyhoo, she was right about Nicardo appearing before a judge again sooner rather than later, especially since his mother did nothing but make excuses for him. Both the video footage and his hallterview were chilling, and confirmed to me that the only time I need to go to Mount Vernon is when I'm passing through on my way to Long Island.


The whole rent thing in the second case was confusing and boring, and I am extremely disappointed we didn't get a "SQUATTAH!"

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First episode, first case --- we had a Mandarin interpreter for the defendant, Ms. Zhang. The plaintiff Mr. Evans is a squattah (as is his girlfriend/not girlfriend), and he is suing for the utilities that were turned off and an assault ("a kung-fu kick to the gut"). She was countersuing for rent, harassment, and a fraudulent restraining order. He moved in in Nov. and paid rent. In December, he got an eviction notice (for unpaid rent) but then paid a portion of the rent after that. He said Ms. Zhang is messy and didn't care about the "clean-liness" of the place. He also said that Ms. Zhang brought in more tenants. Then, Zhang started kung-fu fighting....those kicks were fast as lightning, in fact it was a little bit frightening, and Zhang had expert timing. Zhang gave a very watered-down version of her kung-fu kick in the hallterview. I think JJ went into this case thinking Mr. Evans was going to be 100% in the wrong, but then she changed her tune a little bit.

This case left me very confused about who paid what to her for rent. About all everybody agreed about was that defendant kicked plaintiff, so JJ awarded $500 to kickee.
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This case left me very confused about who paid what to her for rent. About all everybody agreed about was that defendant kicked plaintiff, so JJ awarded $500 to kickee.

Yes! I got lost in the maze, and I don't know if the guy paid December's rent, part of December's rent, or none of December's rent. I think the case made it to air because of the kung-fu kick and Ms. Zhang's non-stop weirdo smile. 


The theme of today's episodes was definitely, "I assault people because they deserve it. Who cares?" Now Ms. Zhang is just a nut, I think...but Nicardo is what's wrong with the world.

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Nicardo will be on Beyond Scared Straight in a year, mark my words. And he probably still won't learn his lesson. This was one time I wanted Byrd to walk over and tell him to straighten the fuck up while he's in the courtroom. This kid clearly has NO respect for women, and no wonder, with a mother that lets him get away with everything.

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Wow I don't give a royal shit if he has attention disorder; he is a violent, nasty, misogynist who will NEVER GET BETTER.  He kicked that tiny girl IN THE FACE! He really needs to go to jail and stay there a while.  GAH!

He and his disgusting scumbag of a "mother" need to be sent back to Jamaica. 

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Just saw the video. That is one scary kid. This one probably shouldn't have been shown on national television.


Why?  Because people will be looking for his sorry ass..?


I would've LOVED to see Byrd put a whooping on him!

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Wow I don't give a royal shit if he has attention disorder; he is a violent, nasty, misogynist who will NEVER GET BETTER.  He kicked that tiny girl IN THE FACE! He really needs to go to jail and stay there a while.  GAH!

That doesn't look like attention problems - he was looking straight at her, eyes wide open, when he got to the undisputed truth of the fight. That looks like someone who looks away when they're lying, and I don't blame JJ for snapping at him when he did it.

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Someone upthread opined that possibly he may have an attention issue.  I just think he is a cold-blooded sociopath.

Yep. I've worked with ADHD kids and this isn't one; he pays attention when he wants to, but now when JJ is telling him he has no right to put his hands on another person, the looking-away look is totally "IDGAF".

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Yep. I've worked with ADHD kids and this isn't one; he pays attention when he wants to, but now when JJ is telling him he has no right to put his hands on another person, the looking-away look is totally "IDGAF".


I am sure that Nicardo will be showing up on the news or a crime show.

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We had two cases with two fighting ass foreigners.

I think he might have some undiagnosed mental issue. His body language with the fidgeting, the meandering way he spoke, he was almost incapable of looking JJ in the eye, the fact that he ran up on the girl and slapped her. He seems like he has impulse control issues. Some of it might have to do with his being in a new country with different customs and whatnot. But I think there may be something seriously wrong that his defensive, excuse-making mother might need to address. Because I can see now that they're both headed for a long life of bullshit. She'll be standing up in front of a real judge waving that one finger around talking about how she's not a bad parent, how cops are picking on her son, how people just don't understand what it's like for him, etc.

The other case with the foreigner who doesn't know to keep her hands, feet, and all personal objects to her goddamn self was confusing. I was rooting for the plaintiff just because his name was Maximiilion. And I'm sorry, but I would've turned Ms. Zhang into a combination dinner if she had in my room kicking at me. I don't play motherfucking games like that. Emotional my ass.

Edited by 27bored
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Some of it might have to do with his being in a new country with different customs and whatnot.


It has nothing to do with customs. He's be a violent bully who feels justified hitting, throwing to the ground and kicking someone (probably always someone weaker than he) who says something he doesn't like and he'd be that way in any country.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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I couldn't understand how somebody could possibly live with somebody who doesn't speak English, let alone work out a living arrangement with her.  I'm thinking Ms. Zhang speaks perfectly good English, and she clearly understood what JJ was saying.

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I couldn't understand how somebody could possibly live with somebody who doesn't speak English, let alone work out a living arrangement with her.  I'm thinking Ms. Zhang speaks perfectly good English, and she clearly understood what JJ was saying.



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I'm thinking Ms. Zhang speaks perfectly good English, and she clearly understood what JJ was saying.


Whereas I have no idea what language the third roommate was speaking.

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I want to know what the hell is wrong with the girl's mother.  If anyone did that or even anything leading up to that to my daughter I'd be like fuck the medical bills, I'm definitely pressing charges and your ass is going to jail.  He might've only gotten a wrist slap, but at least it would be on his record for the next time (and there most certainly will be a next time) he does this shit.  After the wrist slapping was over I would have taken a baseball bat to his face and his asshole mother's, and I'd gladly do the time for it. Or I could promise to pay their medical bills.

Edited by DebbieW
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Mr. Evans is a squattah (as is his girlfriend/not girlfriend)

LOL! She was so frightened of the squattah

The whole rent thing in the second case was confusing and boring, and I am extremely disappointed we didn't get a "SQUATTAH!"


I feel proud, yet still surprisingly humble that my SQUATTAH has taken off so.  FYI, I trademarked it, and   from now on you are required to type "SQUATTAH ™w&c". In about 30 days I expect to start receiving numerous 12 cent checks from Japanese companies.


And I'm sorry, but I would've turned Ms. Zhang into a combination dinner


Cute!  What was up with the Plaintiff's girlfriend/room mate?  She was like 40 and plain and he was young and my-tee-fyne.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Nicardo gave off some really "I'll kill anyone, including you, because i don't give a rat's ass" vibes imo, unlike other juvenile delinquents on JJ who give off "I'm a dumbass and do dumbass things because I'm a dumbass" vibes. Sociopath, indeed.

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he ran up on the girl and slapped her. He seems like he has impulse control issues.

Slapping her on the spur of the moment, maybe impulse control. However what the video showed was that he sought her out, went up to her, slapped her once, punched her with a roundhouse swing with closed fist, threw her to the ground, followed her and kicked her in the face. I go more with dangerous psychopath. It was brutal to watch, but I am glad that we (and the whole world, forever thanks to the internet) saw exactly wht that POS is like.

Edited by DoctorK
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I couldn't understand how somebody could possibly live with somebody who doesn't speak English, let alone work out a living arrangement with her.  I'm thinking Ms. Zhang speaks perfectly good English, and she clearly understood what JJ was saying.

I had a case at work a while back where the plaintiff's attorney told me privately that the Korean defendant spoke perfect English until the lawsuit was filed, and then all of a sudden, he reverted back to using his Korean name, claimed he spoke no English, and insisted on having an interpreter. Which the plaintiff/his attorney had to pay for, of course. A couple times during his testimony, he did jump in and answer (in English) before the interpreter could do his thing, which they attorney made sure to call attention to. That was oodles of fun.


However! The argument has been made before that testifying can be stressful and witnesses will feel more comfortable doing it in their native language. I've done a couple depositions before where an interpreter really should have been used and wasn't, and they were painful.

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Nicardo Blake's FB page is, uh, interesting. He must have a first-hand experience with girls who look like bullfrogs because, from the looks of her, his girlfriend hasn't traveled far from her pond.


That kid made my blood run cold -- like that other kid who shot up his grandfather's neighbor's property. That said, yesterday I got ANOTHER rerun of that awful, fundie family suing their gay son's friends for the "return" of their estranged son's belongings. The neanderthal part of me wishes Nicardo Blake would pay that family a little visit.

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FYI, I trademarked it, and   from now on you are required to type "SQUATTAH ™w&c".


Well, you ARE the person who brought the wonderful "Fuckerbitch" into our vocabulary!


I'm thinking Ms. Zhang speaks perfectly good English, and she clearly understood what JJ was saying.


Whereas I have no idea what language the third roommate was speaking.


HA! Ironic, ain't it?  I think Ms.Zhang could understand and speak English too, but maybe she isn't confident enough in her comprehension or ability to reply in a setting a like this. I speak and understand French well enough for casual use, but for legal or medical matters where a few misunderstood words could wreak havoc I'd probably want a translator too.

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I couldn't understand how somebody could possibly live with somebody who doesn't speak English, let alone work out a living arrangement with her.  I'm thinking Ms. Zhang speaks perfectly good English, and she clearly understood what JJ was saying.

Her body language conveyed that she understood everything being said. She shook her head yes and no and giggled. My daughter is an ELL specialist at an elementary school. I'll have to ask her if it's common to understand the English language and still have trouble speaking it. She has told me that a lot of the kids pretend to not understand English and refuse to speak English when they get in trouble. Perhaps Ms Zhang uses this technique, too.


Nicardo gave off some really "I'll kill anyone, including you, because i don't give a rat's ass" vibes imo, unlike other juvenile delinquents on JJ who give off "I'm a dumbass and do dumbass things because I'm a dumbass" vibes. Sociopath, indeed.

Nicardo was truly scary shit. I predict he'll be in prison for killing someone long before he's 20 years old and his mommy will be making excuses for him to anyone that will listen. I totally believe that Nicardo and his cronies were making fun of the girl's looks. 

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Her body language conveyed that she understood everything being said. She shook her head yes and no and giggled. My daughter is an ELL specialist at an elementary school. I'll have to ask her if it's common to understand the English language and still have trouble speaking it. She has told me that a lot of the kids pretend to not understand English and refuse to speak English when they get in trouble. Perhaps Ms Zhang uses this technique, too.



I think some native -English speaking JJ litigants prove this point over and over and over again......

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Nicardo was truly scary shit. I predict he'll be in prison for killing someone long before he's 20 years old and his mommy will be making excuses for him to anyone that will listen. I totally believe that Nicardo and his cronies were making fun of the girl's looks.

Yep, I agree there was probably a group poking fun at the yearbook pictures - that wouldn't surprise me at all. Don't know if they were purposely taunting the girl, or if they were just posting comments not thinking who might read them. I can understand the girl lashing back and calling Nicardo's mom fat - not exactly nice, but yeah I can see it happening. What I can't understand is Nicardo's over-the-top response. Instead what I would consider a normal teenager schoolyard fight where there's a lot of standing around throwing verbal barbs, he violently attacked. Thankfully there were others present, as I don't think he would have stopped otherwise. The truly troublesome aspect is mom's reaction. Instead of being shocked and horrified after watching the video, she immediately started defending him.
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