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"The View": Week of 09/12/2016

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Monday: Dr. Phub McGraw ("Dr. Phil"); Harry Connick Jr. on the premiere of his new daytime show, "Harry"; season 20 edition of "View Your Deal" with hottest $20 items.

Tuesday: Day of Hot Topics.

Wednesday: Joseph Gordon-Levitt ("Snowden").

Thursday: The Beach Boys perform.

Friday:  Keke Palmer ('Scream Queens).

Edited by Jaded
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I really hope that Sunny Hostin is on this week. She has become a large part of the reason that I have started watching, albeit sporadically, the show again.

I love Joy. But I think that she is really frustrated with the ignorance of some of the panel members these days. And it shows a little bit more as well.

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The pain continues.

4 hours ago, maryis1 said:

I love Joy. But I think that she is really frustrated with the ignorance of some of the panel members these days. And it shows a little bit more as well.

I'm sure she didn't think it could get worse than Sherri and Elisabeth.

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Since they have 99 revolving co-hosts, I hope each of them have a defined number of appearances in their contacts.

 I also hope they are using up CCB's appearances early in the season and her end is in sight.

 Does she really think Hillary is infecting the grandkids?

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Don't you just love how people (usually older white men who have no reason to protest) say people shouldn't protest this way or they shouldn't protest that way?  Is there a Miss Manners defined etiquette to protesting?  Isn't the point of protesting to make your voice be heard and show what injustice you think is being done?  If you have to be loud and disruptive then so be it.  I imagine the only thing Dr. Phil would protest would be a donut shop closing.

The thing is that when people riot in the streets, we hear that they should protest peacefully. When they protest peacefully, it still isn't right. What they really want is for black people to accept their fate and be quiet about it. White people need to really pay attention. Police are starting to kill white people with impunity at very high rates as well.

Protesting donut shop closing? lol-Can you believe that McGraw wrote a diet book and people bought it?

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I loved Joy’s response to Candace’s baseless speculation. And then Candace went a different direction--now Hillary is so evil she’s even trying to infect her own grandchildren! Oh, won’t somebody think of the defenseless children!!

I can't believe Sunny won't be back for 2 more weeks. This show is overloaded with conservatives now. And Sara is just sitting all the political talk out. Sometimes it seems like Whoopi plans things with her ahead of the show. Like the clothes discussion--the way Whoopi asked her about it looked completely planned. Whoopi must've put in a word for Sara to get her guest-hosting, then hired.

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37 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I loved Joy’s response to Candace’s baseless speculation. And then Candace went a different direction--now Hillary is so evil she’s even trying to infect her own grandchildren! Oh, won’t somebody think of the defenseless children!!

I can't believe Sunny won't be back for 2 more weeks. This show is overloaded with conservatives now. And Sara is just sitting all the political talk out. Sometimes it seems like Whoopi plans things with her ahead of the show. Like the clothes discussion--the way Whoopi asked her about it looked completely planned. Whoopi must've put in a word for Sara to get her guest-hosting, then hired.

No matter Hillary does, it will always be looked upon as being suspicious and shady....Her sickness, something that she cannot help because she is a human being, is somehow nefarious and calculating...Now, she is a monster that would willfully hurt her own grandchildren..Unbelievable!

Edited by Apprentice79
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Dr. Phil comes on before The View here in my area so I had already seen the BR interview before I watched.  I only watched Dr. Phil for the interview.  I quit tuning in while back.  I'm a crime/mystery junkie so I wanted to see Burke.  How  do I put this....dude has serious issues.  His story does not make sense at all but then this whole case hasn't from the beginning.

Back to The View....Phil was so full of himself during the interview and crowing about a "3 part interview"! I just shook my head.  But the smug look he gave to the camera at the end of the segment just frosted my last cupcake.

Can you tell I don't like the summbitch?

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2 minutes ago, OhioSongbird said:

Dr. Phil comes on before The View here in my area so I had already seen the BR interview before I watched.  I only watched Dr. Phil for the interview.  I quit tuning in while back.  I'm a crime/mystery junkie so I wanted to see Burke.  How  do I put this....dude has serious issues.  His story does not make sense at all but then this whole case hasn't from the beginning.

Back to The View....Phil was so full of himself during the interview and crowing about a "3 part interview"! I just shook my head.  But the smug look he gave to the camera at the end of the segment just frosted my last cupcake.

Can you tell I don't like the summbitch?

My bold.  You & me both!!  I "quit" him a. long. time. ago!!!  Egotistical summbitch & his wife were just too much.  (I was kind of thinking the new show, Bull, looked like my kind of show, but now that I know Dr. $hill has his hands all over it, I don't know!!)

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I cannot stand Dr. Phil. I must admit that I occasionally hate watch his show just to bitch about it on the web. Like The View, his show is full of things to criticize. And that wife? Scary. Every time he says something folksy like "That dog won't hunt" or "I'm just an ole country boy", I die a little bit inside.   I'm beginning to see a pattern here with my viewing habits and I am not sure I like what it says about me.

Edited by GiveMeSpace
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Me, too!! Bull looked interesting and I like that kind of show (I do have questionable standards...according to Mr. Songbird...I watch Zoo for heaven's sake) but now knowing $hill is involved I think I'll find something else.  Thanks for the heads up!

Medicine Crow & GiveMeSpace....cocktails at 5?  I'm buyin'....

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2 hours ago, OhioSongbird said:

Me, too!! Bull looked interesting and I like that kind of show (I do have questionable standards...according to Mr. Songbird...I watch Zoo for heaven's sake) but now knowing $hill is involved I think I'll find something else.  Thanks for the heads up!

Same here. I was really thinking about watching Bull because the previews looked interesting. Now I know it's about Dr. Phil, I'm not touching that show with a ten-foot pole.

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13 minutes ago, OhioSongbird said:

Me, too!! Bull looked interesting and I like that kind of show (I do have questionable standards...according to Mr. Songbird...I watch Zoo for heaven's sake) but now knowing $hill is involved I think I'll find something else.  Thanks for the heads up!

Medicine Crow & GiveMeSpace....cocktails at 5?  I'm buyin'....

OMG Ohio, tell me where & I'm there!!!

Also, I started watching Zoo (out of boredom) & last night I "tried" to watch the two-hour finale.  About ten minutes in, I said to myself "this is so stupid & a waste of time" & deleted it.  But now I'm curious how it ended.  LOL.

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My gawd Jed wears so much makeup.  Could she possibly glom more shit on her eyes?   And what the hell is she wearing?   The trim gives it a pinafore feel and then there's a bow tie and lace and ruffles and little collar.  Paired with a short black skirt and strappy spike heels.  It's simultaneously schoolgirlish and waitressy, with just a little touch of call girl thrown in.   FAIL.  Her look was so distracting I couldn't pay attention to what she was even saying.  WIN!  


Gotta run, gotta go make that video of me doing "The View Slide!"  I can't wait to see all of yours!!! We should start a special thread where we can all post ours!!!!  You guys are all doing them, right?  Right? 

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And Sara is just sitting all the political talk out. Sometimes it seems like Whoopi plans things with her ahead of the show. Like the clothes discussion--the way Whoopi asked her about it looked completely planned. Whoopi must've put in a word for Sara to get her guest-hosting, then hired.

Oh, the clothes discussion was completely planned!

Airhead Sara was sitting there wondering when she needed to speak. Someone must have told her through the ear piece. 

Whoopi only likes her because she won't challenge her. Airhead Sara can't handle the political talk and continues to add nothing to this show.

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Does anyone know if the angle of Hillary endangering her grandchildren was brought up on F & F this morning? That's just such a bizarre thing for CCB to say. Somebody must have planted that little seed in her head (shades of Ailes coaching Bitsy via Geddie. Is Ailes really gone? Isn't he advising Trump these days?). I recently heard Trump referred to as Putin's "Useful Idiot." CCB is The View's Useless Idiot.

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22 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

My gawd Jed wears so much makeup.  Could she possibly glom more shit on her eyes?   And what the hell is she wearing?   The trim gives it a pinafore feel and then there's a bow tie and lace and ruffles and little collar.  Paired with a short black skirt and strappy spike heels.  It's simultaneously schoolgirlish and waitressy, with just a little touch of call girl thrown in.   FAIL.  Her look was so distracting I couldn't pay attention to what she was even saying.  WIN!  

Jed comes out like she's the resident party girl of the panel with her dancing and waving when she's walking out at the beginning. Also, the tone of her voice just annoys me  

I agree with the others that Hillary is damned no matter what she did. I'm just glad that Paula wasn't there to discuss Hillary and her pneumonia. I usually roll my eyes at Candace, but Paula and her viewpoints annoy the crap out of me. 

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I really don't give a damn about what "dr. Phil" has to say about how black people protest and I don't know why he was even asked. He didn't answer Joy's question on what is the "appropriate" way to protest either. The privileged always has opinions on what the oppressed should and shouldn't do without offering any solutions on how to stop the actual oppression. 

The conversation about Hillary's health was nauseating. Candace is an idiot. She should look up walking pneumonia. Jedidiadoodah is always predictable in her comments about Hillary. Her faux-concern was not convincing. All these women at the table and only Whoopi can bring up the fact that people, especially women power through illness while working or that Hillary gets criticized no matter what she does and this was blown out of proportion because it was Hillary. Sarah is becoming an annoyance too, who can't figure out why she doesn't "like" Sec. Clinton even though she should based on her resume. I can't wait for this election to be over.

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Jed comes out like she's the resident party girl of the panel with her dancing and waving when she's walking out at the beginning. Also, the tone of her voice just annoys me  

I wanted someone to tip her over when she was mugging in that stupid vacay booth. Speaking of that stupid thing-why can't they just draw a name from a hat or whatever? Usually a booth like that is used so a person can grab as many things as they can-not just one thing. So dumb. Happy 20th View *sigh*

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I thought Sara's cutsie/innocent countenance was really bizarre when they talked about returning clothes they had worn.  In my book, that's cheating & it's a slippery slope.

Why in the hell would she proudly admit to doing that?

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Just an aside.....I had walking pneumonia a while back and it zaps your strength.  I passed out at the grocery store and had a nice ride with the EMTs to the hospital.  It ain't no joke.  Donny-boy....where are your health records besides that bogus letter from the questionable "Dr. Feelgood"??  You know he's gonna play this up for all it's worth...and then some. 

Sara is quite the airhead.  She's on GMA on Sunday mornings, too, and I tune her out. 

WTH was Jed wearing?  I sell vintage clothing for a living and that was a 60's nightmare.  And I hate those hooker shoes.

 I still tune in once in a while for Whoopi and Joy....and of course y'all's brilliant snark.

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The truth is, if you return used clothes and the store realizes it, they can't resell the item, and the store takes a loss.  When the losses become substantial,The losses the store incurs is passed on to the consumer by the store raising their prices.  In other words, People like Sara are screwing other consumers.

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Returning clothes like that is outrageous. I hope she gets a lot of flak for that. If she's talking about formal wear or something for a dressy occasion there are places that will rent gorgeous outfits for cheap. 

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Several years ago, I had walking pneumonia, which I thought was a sinus infection. Slight cough, severe headache, otherwise fine. But everyone is different. Hillary pushes herself and I admire her.  Screw the haters. 

I was noticing and wondering why the new show, Bull, was getting so much ad time and promotion on tv.  I figured that the network must be placing alot of $ on it succeeding.  Now I know.  Dr. Shill and his ilk are behind it, which means I will skip it. 

I haven't watched the Spew although it;s still on my dvr, from last week.  I don't think I can take the negativity, so I'll just come here for the snark.  Thanks, all.

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The truth is, if you return used clothes and the store realizes it, they can't resell the item, and the store takes a loss.  When the losses become substantial,The losses the store incurs is passed on to the consumer by the store raising their prices.  In other words, People like Sara are screwing other consumers.


Returning clothes like that is outrageous. I hope she gets a lot of flak for that. If she's talking about formal wear or something for a dressy occasion there are places that will rent gorgeous outfits for cheap


Can anyone on Twitter please let airhead Sara Haines and The View know this? I sent a complaint on the ABC site.

Maybe then she won't be so proud of herself.

Edited by Vinyasa
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28 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Returning clothes like that is outrageous. I hope she gets a lot of flak for that. If she's talking about formal wear or something for a dressy occasion there are places that will rent gorgeous outfits for cheap. 

Yes, & that's what I used to do when I was "going out a lot".

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Everything I sell is vintage/90% used (but I do get things with tags still on them....bought, never worn, sounded like a good idea at the time...ring a bell, ladies?) and I will rent anything in the shop.  I do costuming for plays.  So dry cleaning, a good steamer and an iron.  That said.....if I buy something from a retail store like Kohl's, Macy's....rarely 'cause I wear what I sell....I would not return it if I wore it.  To me there's a difference.....in my store you know you're getting something used.  Retail...you should expect new.

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5 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

No matter Hillary does, it will always be looked upon as being suspicious and shady....Her sickness, something that she cannot help because she is a human being, is somehow nefarious and calculating...Now, she is a monster that would willfully hurt her own grandchildren..Unbelievable!

I just remembered, Candace was there just a few days ago when Chelsea was saying that if anything happened to her or her husband, her mother would raise the children. Now, Hillary is an evil granny for going to her daughter's apartment. It's all a part of Hillary Clinton's nefarious plans to...I don't know what goes through these people's minds anymore. She really can't do anything right in their eyes. 

OT: I remember one Saturday before Christmas, I had been out to a holiday party, the went to the mall afterwards. Right in the middle of the mall, I felt my knees buckle, and I felt sick like fainting. I didn't, but I did a zombie walk all the way back to the car. Long story short, I spent the next week in bed with bronchitis. Bacterial infections happen, but f you asked me what happened that day, I'd say it was Christmas, there were crowds, hot, winter coat = I must have overheated.

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According to Sanjay Gupta (of CNN) basically once you start antibiotics for pneumonia you are not contagious any more.  So if Hillary RC was diagnosed on Friday, she had been on meds for two days before she went to Chelsea's apartment.  So Cameron you can let go of your pearls and untwist the knot in your panties - the children are SAFE!!!!!  

Then have several seats, you ignorant little sow. 

God these people will just grasp at anything to knock Hilary Clinton, anything. 

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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4 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

I thought Sara's cutsie/innocent countenance was really bizarre when they talked about returning clothes they had worn.  In my book, that's cheating & it's a slippery slope.

I agree, Medicine Crow. I can't believe she would admit to doing a dishonest and what I think is an icky thing to do. 

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5 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

My gawd Jed wears so much makeup.  Could she possibly glom more shit on her eyes?   And what the hell is she wearing?   The trim gives it a pinafore feel and then there's a bow tie and lace and ruffles and little collar.  Paired with a short black skirt and strappy spike heels.  

Aisha on The Talk was wearing the exact same blouse today! With slacks.

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1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

You've got to be kidding!  LOL

So who wore it better in your opinion, Blissfool?

I must admit: Jeb 

Aisha wore it with burgundy skinny pants and oxfords. If she had worn it with a wider-leg black slack and heels, she would have won.

And that is.... Fashion by Blissfool

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I had the volume down so low that I forgot the show as on and so missed most of the babble about Clinton.  Did anyone bring up the fact that in eight years of office, President Obama's health has never really been raised as a news issue that even comes close to having a smidgen of truth to it.  Really with Bush as well.  And Bill Clinton's weight was discussed, but the thing is, despite these being younger men at the time in office, a lot of sniffles, coughs, shits and gas doesn't get served up to the public for, erm, consumption.  So it is kind of disingenuous to think a candidate can't be ill and yet still serve. 

And I am not afraid to say that while I don't think age is sole factor, it does bother me to see a system that serves up older candidates simply because the political system is ingrained and this whole "turn" aspect serves both parties.  And that is the real issue here which these women can't discuss or refuse to.  The Republican is the same age basically.  And he is a huge bloat of a gut for a man his age no matter how many spanx they put him in or how careful they are with how he is photographed or gives speeches.  So until we know as fact and not fantasy hyperbole, what both candidates' are healthwise, the fact that someone gets sick while campaigning in a high allergy season that affects stamina, resistance and respiration is just plain silly.


The fact McGraw thinks he even has a voice in how people who feel oppressed by the system should act is simply mindboggling.  Takes undeserved entitlement another heinous step in my mind.  And Oprah Winfrey might have her legions of fans, but to me, taking McGraw, Dr Oz, Rachel Ray and Tyler Perry into account and I wouldn't complain too loudly if the Hague created a tribunal for crimes against culture and hauled her in front of it for some answers.  I see his eyes have stopped trying to be an offensive old thirties Charlie Chan stereotype finally.  That was some seriously bad plastic surgery he got.  It's still no good but at least I don't feel like he was deliberately trying to mock an entire third of the planet's population. 

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tentativelyyours said:  And Oprah Winfrey might have her legions of fans, but to me, taking McGraw, Dr Oz, Rachel Ray and Tyler Perry into account and I wouldn't complain too loudly if the Hague created a tribunal for crimes .....

Sorry, (I always like your posts), but I just don't understand what you're saying here.  (Sorry if I sound "thick"!!)

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