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Danielle and Mohamed: The Original Mess

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What I can't stand is her idiotic smirk. That's even worse than her grammar, lol.

She should have just filed the annulment and then disappeared, leaving him floundering on his own. I take it he'd be deported if the marriage was annulled. But she still seemed to think she could manipulate him into being her boytoy again and just wouldn't stop chasing him. Wot an idiot she is.

  • Love 6

Nothing online about Mohamed's status - green card, whether he's staying or leaving.  Only thing was a statement in March about going to Canada to go to school (eyeroll).

While I agree that Danielle (and her tribe) is one of the most illiterate people on TV, (I'm sure TLC figured she would be a ratings booster just out of sheer stupidity) I can't say that I support the terminology/name calling being used here.  Do I like her? No. But I don't think that gives me a right to call her names. 

I suppose TLC has some sort of gag rule in effect as to what is going on with them now, so they can milk it for what it's worth.

  • Love 2

that rehash was a waste of time. I kept going back and forth between it and the awful Menendez brothers movie. not sure which was worse. the only reason I watched was because they were advertising a sneak peek. the sneak peek ended up being about 30 seconds, if that. oh TLC you fooled me again. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Glad I skipped this, I'll delete my recording now.

Ditto. I started to watch, then I saw it was 2 hours long. No thanks. It was one thing when this was an unexpected, sort of naturally-occurring train wreck. But two years later, I'm over it. It's even more producer-driven than ever, and now these two are playing along. The bad acting, the shady behavior, the willingness to embarrass themselves like this for a little bit of money and z-level fame. I can't even. This show...these people...it's just gross. All of it.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, sleepyjean said:

Ditto. I started to watch, then I saw it was 2 hours long. No thanks. It was one thing when this was an unexpected, sort of naturally-occurring train wreck. But two years later, I'm over it. It's even more producer-driven than ever, and now these two are playing along. The bad acting, the shady behavior, the willingness to embarrass themselves like this for a little bit of money and z-level fame. I can't even. This show...these people...it's just gross. All of it.

Clearly those two are in it for the TLC money, as meager as it is. At least they have that in common. 

  • Love 2

I watched it all.  I was drawn like a moth to the flame.  Yes I watched it all previously and then again last night.  I think it was three hours long???  It brought me right up to date on anything I had forgotten about or missed. 

I think Mohammed won't be sent back.  He is now a reality star.   The network.   That's who is paying for his plane tickets, lodging and food.  That's who set him up with the Walmart guy he spent a few nights with.   They want some more mileage out of him and he's surely not  going back to Tunisia until filming is finished and I think not after.  They signed contracts and have been paid money to do certain things.  I'm sure his and Danielle's was that he is staying.  Divorce not annulment.

I noticed Danielle and her girls are living in a different home and she is able to have a few luxuries ... beauty parlor now and then.

  • Love 2

I watched again, too.  Danielle makes me appreciate my IQ.   Again I was struck with how could she possibly EVER think he loved and was attracted to her.  It is mean to say but she has a mirror.  Part of me wants to applaud her for believing in herself that much but the rest of me remains dumbfounded.  Funny but I don't fault Mohamed for using her to get here.  Many do that.  Usually the reason is clear to both.   

  • Love 11

I've always thought that Danielle figured Mo would be beholden to her, couldn't leave her, and would work and support her family. She had no idea he would walk out, because she knew how hard and long they had to work to get him here. She didn't tell him how financially poor she was, but he knew she had trouble because he sent her the money to buy her daughter shoes for some sport. He had an unrealistic opinion of America and didn't realize his Green Card wouldn't be immediate, but poverty here was better than back home, I guess, and he had plenty of women throwing themselves at him once he arrived and the show aired.

What she didn't count on was his internet prowess. Back when the show first aired, we could see where she was okay with him scamming other women as long as the money was coming in, but he wouldn't share it with her, either, and she then began arguing with the other idiots on the internet. Then, she tried to use an annulment against him, because that would have gotten him deported, but she played around too long expecting him to come back and ruined it. The PTV poster who works as an immigration attorney said that as soon as she showed up to that first hearing and said their marriage was real, she blew that option, and it seems to be the way it worked out.

Even though I don't doubt that he acted like he loved her when she went to visit him in Doha, she knew she was scamming him, too. She thought she had the upper hand, and if she was better off, even just middle class, I think he would have tried to make it work a bit longer. But, as it were, she was unable to keep the electricity on, food in the house, and keep a job. He was expecting to live in a McMansion, only to find out that after they were married, he would be responsible for debt she incurred after the marriage, too, and the woman didn't have two nickels to rub together.

No sympathy for either one of them, and I may actually be burned out on the both of them. I skipped that two-hour review because it was trashtastic when it was happening, but it's now old news and overly scripted. 

  • Love 11
8 hours ago, Christina said:

I've always thought that Danielle figured Mo would be beholden to her, couldn't leave her, and would work and support her family.

Something has always been so disturbing to me about her "I'll have you deported if you don't love me, MOHOMMIT" creed, enough so that I find myself siding with him (if I'm forced to side with either.)

I'd probably award citizenship and a medal to anyone who would live with her more than a week.

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, Drogo said:

Something has always been so disturbing to me about her "I'll have you deported if you don't love me, MOHOMMIT" creed, enough so that I find myself siding with him (if I'm forced to side with either.)

I'd probably award citizenship and a medal to anyone who would live with her more than a week.

LOL!   I totally agree!  

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, booboopbedoo said:

Lord how I want to smack her! Wake up!

he will never love you and you are a Moron to keep thinking that he cares or ever did.

The problem is that he keeps telling her they can "be friends" He'll always "care about her" and then when he doesn't respond immediately to her texts or phone calls, she feels that she's been played  and gets vindictive.

One thing that I noticed that makes me  wonder just how much of their whole story line is being faked for $$ is that she claims that she found out he moved to Miami and had his actual address because he changed it on their "joint checking account".

Why do they have a joint account? She doesn't seem to have much money and neither does he, they don't get along very well, so why would either of them trust enough to still have a joint account?   

Neither is a prize for sure, but at least he isn't the vindictive bitch she is. Give him the divorce and let him go. But the money they're getting from the show must be good enough that both are willing to whore themselves out.

  • Love 5
41 minutes ago, iwasish said:

One thing that I noticed that makes me  wonder just how much of their whole story line is being faked for $$ is that she claims that she found out he moved to Miami and had his actual address because he changed it on their "joint checking account".

I didn't pick up on this during their season or on the re watch.  Production gave her his Miami address, clearly.  Might as well milk some more golden footage. I didn't believe he called her to help because he ran out of gas either.  Oh please, he would have called his male friend.  That was a set up, probably to give her a small chance to show some strength.   She is such a sad story.  

I am looking forward to see what she is doing now, her kids, too.  Just morbid curiosity.  Of her 3 girls one of them is barely shown from on the recent show, anyway.  Is she mentally challenged?  I mean beyond just low IQ.  Her other kids, especially the son appeared to be normal.  One daughter looks to be either a lesbian or trans.  

I watched the original show long after it finished so these details have probably been discussed and I missed them.  

Edited by wings707

I only saw a few episodes of the initial trainwreck so the recap was fascinating to me.  I caught the beginning and the ending but have to go back and watch the middle.  It's both absurd and sad.  Mo seems like a big turd but Danielle is so unbalanced it's hard to root for her.  I have trouble following the truth....as it exists in her head.   As long as he was willing to be friends she thought she had a chance to stay in his life and sway him back?  That was the most ridiculous logic....and then she went utter batsheeeet craaaay when he didn't return her communicay?  I found myself siding with Mo, if not only the part that said RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.  (but in his case, stay here in 'merica eye roll)  

The part when he called the Miami cops because she threw the stack of papers at him got my eyebrow up though....that seemed scripted to me.  I don't know how much of their entire relationship is scripted because I didn't see the long version but it doesn't seem like you can make up his shady behavior that continues on or her utter lack of self esteem that drives her poor decisions.  And the whining.  Oh the whining.  Her whiny crying is like nails on a chalkboard. 

The wedding was sooooooo awkward.  Mo's face looked like "hold your face, cameras are on you, hold your face, it's for a green card!!!!"  and then entire clan of people who showed up were of the "he's totally using her to get the green card; this is SO ending in divorce."  Soooooooooo if everyone else could see it, why not her?   Why, indeed.

Speaking of morbid....did they um....consummate the marriage?  Isn't that a requirement?  Oy, sorry in advance for asking. 

Oh and another thing I noticed was that he was wearing a nice Canada Goose jacket.  Where did he get the money for that??  LOL

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, Major Bigtime said:

Yes, he complained she couldn't hold her pee. No apologies necessary, my response was just as bad. :)

I'm hearing weird noises in my head.  I think my brain is screaming.  I'm not even sure I understand what you wrote.  I'm even more sure I don't want you to elaborate. 


  • Love 7
14 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Mo had a good job, working for a computer tech company of some sort. He's just another Tunisian rat looking for a rich woman to sponge off of. He went to Florida with that blonde woman who ditched him as soon as she figured out what he was.

He did not have a good job. He was working for a trucking company in Doha. He got canned and returned to Tunisia where he remained unemployed waiting for Danielle to sell her van to bring him over.

3 hours ago, wings707 said:

I didn't pick up on this during their season or on the re watch.  Production gave her his Miami address, clearly.  Might as well milk some more golden footage. I didn't believe he called her to help because he ran out of gas either.   

That's not what happened, she had to put her zip code at the pump, and the pump rejected it, because Mo's change of address was linked. It was one of few things on the show that's true LOL.

3 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

One of the daughters is going to college, I think. She escaped.

She graduated from cosmetology school. Is that college?

On 9/23/2016 at 6:20 AM, Aw my lahgs said:

Danielle would leave her kids and move to Tunisia in a heartbeat to live there with Mohamed.

 I just watched this and I find her to be despicable! She doesn't have enough money to pay for electricity but she has money to pay to get her boy toy to the states. If she put half as much time and effort into her kids as she does into a man that clearly wants nothing to do with her just think of the good life that those kids would have.   I really feel sorry for those three girls. Her one daughter has more sense than she does. God, she is a piece of work. 

  • Love 1
12 hours ago, Justin Case said:

I'd only heard about these two, but after enjoying the comments here thought I'd watch the "relationship recap".  I couldn't stomach much of it.  She's obviously mentally ill and that takes most of the fun out of snarking. 

My first time seeing Danielle made me think she was slow (not wanting to make that insult at all) and I thought where is her support system? Who would let her go on line to look for a man from another country? But after a few episodes I realized she was just her own worst enemy who does not listen to sound advice from her friends and insists on making the same mistakes over and over.

Feel free to snark. 

  • Love 6
10 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Danielle actually brought this up first and he responded.  He hadn't said anything about it publicly to that point, IIRC.

...Every time I have to defend one of them, I die a little.

I feel your pain. Lol.   She did bring it up, I was stunned.   I had to rewind to make sure I heard correctly.  

  • Love 3

A little more on same topic for a trip down memory lane.  Lol.  I find Danielle fascinating.   A little background for you.  As a child I loved the side show at the Michigan state fair.  I stayed in so long my mother had to send one of my friends back in to haul me out.  Since side shows no longer exist, the Danielles of the world have taken its place.  Don't judge.

Edited by wings707
  • Love 9

Someone tell me to NOT click on that link.  I feel responsible since I asked the question.  But my mind is still clear of whatever information pee related I'm going to get!!

Do I dare?!

26 minutes ago, wings707 said:

A little more on same topic for a trip down memory lane.  Lol.  I find Danielle fascinating.   A little background for you.  As a child I loved the side show at the Michigan state fair.  I stayed in so long my mother had to send one of my friends back in to haul me out.  Since side shows no longer exist, the Danielles of the world that have taken its place.  Don't judge.



I'm going to say something nice.   Her hair looks decent in that picture.  That's a much more flattering color for her.  And length.

  • Love 3

Yes, I too have known people, good people with good character, who have waited up to twenty years for even the chance to take the citizenship exam. Moving on, I just read that Danielle gave an exclusive to Radar Online whether or not he's been deported, however, it was a teaser. Because he got a divorce, it has to be a "no." I used to be a pretty diehard Danielle supporter, feeling as though she'd been taken advantage of by both Mohamed and TLC. However, I've just watched everything avx both online and on television, and this Gabrielle guy and her stalking of Mohamed has moved me to feel like she needs to take SOME responsibility, despite her obvious challenges. OKAY HERE"S THE THING I DIDN"T SEE ANYWHERE! In the original show when they lose their electricity and cell phones within a couple of months, why aren't those girls chipping in more? There are fast food restaurants in that small town, they show them on air! This young girl started working at 12, and I never stopped. They seem quite able, even more so than Danielle. Yes, school, but I was also second in my class.

  • Love 1

From what I remember, the older girls do have jobs. Or they did at one time. Probably didn't want to allow cameras to show them at their workplaces. Danielle has always been lazy and entitled, in that she expected Mohammed to take care of everything. She should have gone husband-shopping somewhere besides Tunisia.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

From what I remember, the older girls do have jobs. Or they did at one time. Probably didn't want to allow cameras to show them at their workplaces. Danielle has always been lazy and entitled, in that she expected Mohammed to take care of everything. She should have gone husband-shopping somewhere besides Tunisia.

If she'd done that, her shopping basket would've remained forever empty. And then how would we have ever learned just how poorly she takes care of herself?!? Come on! Inquiring minds want to know [these things]!

  • Love 2

I didn't see the original show on these two, just the three hour (!) recap. Three hours! I should have checked my TV guide before getting sucked in. My impression is that they both completely suck. He is a con artist and she is pathetic. How these women fall for these guys and actually believe they love them is beyond me. He was 25, I think most would consider him attractive and she was 40 and looked 60. Yeah, right. True love. There is a part of me that feels that she is mentally unstable, and that makes me really sad. However, there is this other part that thinks she is a drama queen who is as dumb as a box of rocks and gets what she deserves. Too bad she has children in the mix. None of them seem particularly bright either. 

I don't know whether to be deeply saddened, disgusted, horrified or all three. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, qulevergrrl said:

and this Gabrielle guy

I missed this, do tell me more! 

I am solidly on Mohamad's side if made to choose.  He went online to come to USA anyway he could because he could not tolerate the living conditions and life in Tunisia.  Good for him to better his life.  

It is very difficult to emigrate here.   I have a friend in England who would love to move here but cannot unless she marries and it takes MUCH more than if you are a refugee.  Much more.  OR an employer who claims that no American can do her job.   So plain and simple, she cannot become a citizen here. 

Mohamed took the swiftest road, find a woman who was willing to marry him.  Danielle signed up for this.  She was not just looking online to find new friends as she claimed.  She was on a site to marry a foreigner who wants to get out of their country and get a green card.  She knew what she was doing.  She is not a victim.  She did not hold up her end of the bargain.  He was duped, not her.  

33 minutes ago, orangeiguana said:

I only just now discovered this pair. Wow! This is outstanding television!

I know!  Welcome.  

  • Love 3

I found Luisa's Instagram its called SouthernCharm or some such thing.  It's largely highly filtered selfies but she does make some Mohamed comments. Nothing really bad recently -- in one she says he asked her to be on the show, in another she was watching the reunion and said something pretty unsympathetic about Danielle. I remember when she left Mo she was tweeting some pretty negative things like about how selfish he was sexually. Bit in Danielle's mind she's not convinced they were doing the deed ....

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, escapetoreality said:

I found Luisa's Instagram its called SouthernCharm or some such thing.  It's largely highly filtered selfies but she does make some Mohamed comments. Nothing really bad recently -- in one she says he asked her to be on the show, in another she was watching the reunion and said something pretty unsympathetic about Danielle. I remember when she left Mo she was tweeting some pretty negative things like about how selfish he was sexually. Bit in Danielle's mind she's not convinced they were doing the deed ....

Mohammed likes to deny they were anything but "friends". The thing is you can tell by how Luisa acts and talks that she's the village bicycle. And you could tell by how the two of them were together and what they talked about that they were banging it out on the regular.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

A part of me thinks that Danielle actually thought Mohammed loved her, wanted her, etc.

That's the very deeply hidden sympathetic part of me that rarely comes out for people like Danielle. :)

I agree.  She really did think he loved her.   Once here she continued the fantasy and no one in her life stepped forward to tell her the truth of what they clearly saw.  Or did they?  Hard to know. 

It was difficult for me to have much sympathy of her as the story unfolded.   To be loved you must be lovable.  She misrepresented herself; he walked into squalor and debt.   She had an agenda, too.  She wanted a man to support her and be a father to her kids.   Shameful.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 8
1 hour ago, wings707 said:

I agree.  She really did think he loved her.   Once here she continued the fantasy and no one in her life stepped forward to tell her the truth of what they clearly saw.  Or did they?  Hard to know. 

It was difficult for me to have much sympathy of her as the story unfolded.   To be loved you must be lovable.  She misrepresented herself; he walked into squalor and debt.   She had an agenda, too.  She wanted a man to support her and be a father to her kids.   Shameful.  

I totally agree too. I think though her sister stepped forward at one point and asked Danielle about Mo's motives. Her sister knew Dani was no prize and I believe she grasped the situation but Danielle predictably burst into tears and stormed off from the conversation they were having in a restaurant. Danielle clearly didn't want to hear the truth. 

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

I totally agree too. I think though her sister stepped forward at one point and asked Danielle about Mo's motives. Her sister knew Dani was no prize and I believe she grasped the situation but Danielle predictably burst into tears and stormed off from the conversation they were having in a restaurant. Danielle clearly didn't want to hear the truth. 

Her sister did. I believe she has two sisters and they both tried. Her son tried. Even her daughters tried to tell her in a round-about way, since they knew how she would react if they were more direct. The handwriting was on every wall; all she had to do was have the will to read it. At the same time, he should have known what he was walking into since she had to borrow money from him and his family.

  • Love 5

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