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18 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

And the mother wasn't so much "generous" as she was a completed and unadulterated enabler. 

Yes.  Sometimes I wish that these bars would be redone over a three-episode arc, or something.  The issues in some of these situations simply cannot be resolved in a few days, for a happy ending at the end of the episode.  What was going on between mother and son?  Why was she so quick with undeserved praise?  So the "owner" went from disgusting schlub to dignified owner seemingly overnight?  As annoying as I find Taffer sometimes, I want to see more to these revitalization stories.

@TDT Yes, that was nice to see. I'm glad he did that. That guy was an ass of the first order. I checked online for an update and the bar is permanently closed. No surprise there. I can't understand how that guy has gotten through life with an attitude like that. You would think he would be smart enough to know "I don't know anything about this business. Let me hire someone who does and have them run it." If he had done that, then he could have sat back and collected his money without ever being involved. I think that guy thinks everyone else is more stupid than he is and so he has to do it if he wants it done right.

The only thing left for me to wish for is that, in situations like the one last night, Taffer would help the employees find other employment. I know it's not his job or anything to do that, but to my mind such situations are rare enough that it wouldn't be even a part time job for him.

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On 3/6/2017 at 4:53 AM, MrSmith said:

@TDT Yes, that was nice to see. I'm glad he did that. That guy was an ass of the first order. I checked online for an update and the bar is permanently closed. No surprise there. I can't understand how that guy has gotten through life with an attitude like that. You would think he would be smart enough to know "I don't know anything about this business. Let me hire someone who does and have them run it." If he had done that, then he could have sat back and collected his money without ever being involved. I think that guy thinks everyone else is more stupid than he is and so he has to do it if he wants it done right.

The only thing left for me to wish for is that, in situations like the one last night, Taffer would help the employees find other employment. I know it's not his job or anything to do that, but to my mind such situations are rare enough that it wouldn't be even a part time job for him.

I was surprised that Taffer actually even went through with the rescue and remodel; maybe he thought that once it was done, the jerk would change.  Nope.  I tell you, if I was ever planning to open a bar, I'd have Taffer on the phone with his research and knowledge, and have him design, etc. 

17 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

I was surprised that Taffer actually even went through with the rescue and remodel; maybe he thought that once it was done, the jerk would change.  Nope.  I tell you, if I was ever planning to open a bar, I'd have Taffer on the phone with his research and knowledge, and have him design, etc. 

We were surprised to see that, too. I think he was contractually bound to do the remodel. If he wasn't, then I don't understand why he would have done it. He knew the guy wasn't going to change. And I completely agree: If I was going to open a bar, I'd hire Taffer and his team to help me with the concept, market position (what kinds of alcohol to focus on), and to build the bar for me. And I would definitely get a manager who knows the bar industry to run it while I get up to speed on whatever I still don't know (because I'd have done a lot of learning about that industry before even hiring Taffer); that would include me working as bartender and being proficient at that - because how can you manage those employees effectively if you haven't done their job?

I had not watched this show in a while, and actually just became aware of the new season.  I watched this episode on-demand, and OMG, what a bunch of BS. Are we supposed to believe all the action in the bar is being captured by hidden camera, a la "Mystery Diners?" Even that show has more credibility. It was obvious that the drunken owner, bar staff, and "customers" (ie hired actresses) were all miked and following a script.

As someone who's had tangential involvement in the bar industry, I used to find this show somewhat interesting. Though I usually disagreed with Taffer's methods, he was at least dealing with real business situations. But this episode was totally staged "reality TV" fake drama. And Taffer is an even worse (and less believable) amateur psychologist and family counselor than Gordon Ramsey. His in-your-face screaming and exaggerated facial expressions are painful to watch. At least GR can sometimes be charming. Taffer has to be the most over-the-top, unpleasant person on reality TV.

I guess I'll check out another new episode and see if it's any better. If not, adios.

Edited by bluepiano
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But this episode was totally staged "reality TV" fake drama.

What drives me nuts when I watch is when he whips out "blueprints" that are actually blue. I have been my company's site manager on a few construction sites (Navy and Army construction and post hurricane rebuilding) and all of the drawings are CAD, maintained by the General Contractor (or their Architect) who also has large format printers and suppies prints as need to subs. Maybe I am wrong, but aren't blueprints called that from an old and long obsolete chemical process for making large copies which only produced blue background/white lines? To say nothing of Taffer's ability to get permits, architectural approval, etc. overnight.

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I'm glad to see he was nicer to AJ and her daughters than I was expecting. I thought he'd really blast them, and I thought that the changes they made showed they were at least trying. I'm glad they see the need for a uniform, though the t-shirt that AJ designed was definitely not good. You only put the female form on a business t-shirt if that's what you're selling (i.e., running a strip club). That t-shirt says they cater to men that want to see nude women, and that women (and men who aren't interested in going to a strip club) needn't bother patronizing their business.

I was disappointed to see Brau & Brat had closed. I wasn't terribly surprised; just disappointed. That was a cool design. Too bad the owner was such a cheap, greedy dick.

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Only 2 updates?  And nearly 40 minutes was devoted to stupid AJ?  Okay.

I nearly fell out when AJ tried to tell Jon that they were looking for an identity.  Ummm, I think he gave you one when he redesigned and renamed your business.  Stop saying that you're female friendly when it's clear you cater to men and have no desire to cater to women.  While it's good that the biz is apparently not in debt it sounds as if they are basically breaking even.  That can be dangerous; a few slow months and they can be right back in the hole.  Really stupid to not try to get women as bar patrons, maybe with a Ladies Night or something.  If AJ was a man, she'd be a tool.

  • Love 2

Is anyone commenting on this show anymore?  Is anyone still watching?

I freaking disliked these people with a raging passion.  Jon tells you to show how much you care by cleaning up your pigsty of a kitchen and you leave?  Why on earth would he do anything for you after that?  I sure wouldn't.  Peace out.  The wife is twerking on customers, screaming obscenities at her drunk husband and then crying and acting like a victim?  I don't think so.  One of the employees, who likely has not been trained in anything other than twerking and drinking, flounders on stress test night (what a shocker). She walks out briefly and then returns.  How many times have we seen that before?  Wife decides to fire her.  I've agreed with many termination decisions in the past, and have thought some employees who weren't terminated should have been, but this one I don't necessarily agree with.  Especially not coming from an owner who 24 hours previous was twerking on the customers and balancing plastic cups on her ass.

That said, the new bar really did look nice.  

  • LOL 1
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Got to watch this episode. I'm not sure why TiVO thought it was a repeat. It's definitely one I had not seen before. Anyway, I don't understand why Taffer went ahead with the remodel given that the husband couldn't be bothered to clean the kitchen. That said, I did like the new look and I hope the owners are able to make a living from the place. Though, if it weren't for the fact they have two kids and that one of the owners' mothers has put up $60k to keep the place going, I would be wishing a pox on them instead.

This was a very refreshing episode to not have the manufactured drama and typical Taffer lunacy. Everyone was also much more on the same page than the Hurricane Sandy episode. 

Poor Mookie seemed like they were leaning into the story of how she missed her son's wedding with no real payoff, though. I was hoping we'd see the two of them together at the end of the episode.

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I can't help but wonder - even though Big Mike's is open and up and running, does anyone in the town have enough disposable income to go there? That town was practically flooded off the map - so many businesses still not open and may never re-open. Are the residents able to afford eating and drinking out enough to keep the place as profitable as it was before? Unless it is/was getting a lot of business from people from other areas as well. I sure hope it works out, but that was my concern: if you lost your home and/or business, can you really spend money eating out? But yes, it was a relief to see a recipient who truly deserved the make over and help, rather than some hostile, nasty, no-nothing jerk.

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I can't speak for others, but in those situations I always go back to my University days. I was broke, but I still managed to find money for a meal out every once and a while and beers. For a community going through tough times like that, having a place to come together will be an emotional support that I'm sure they'll still go to. It won't be boomtimes, or even pre-flood times, but hopefully enough income to keep a couple people in employ and keep the lights on while Insurance claims get settled.

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On 3/27/2017 at 5:29 PM, Eliza422 said:

This was a great episode, and it made me cry. the normal type of assholes that run bars into the ground should take a lesson from these bar owners! 

I so agree!  I was crying, my fiance was crying!  Such amazing people and a great staff.  I wish that they had a few more episodes like this, where someone isn't just an asshole, but really down on their luck.  These people DESERVED their makeover.

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On 3/30/2017 at 0:53 PM, MrSmith said:

@Biggie B I had wondered whether they'd have enough customers or not, too. I guess we'll have to wait to find that out in the future.

I was wondering that, too and my husband pointed out that they were probably the first place in the whole area to reopen. So if there was any business to be had, they got it.

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Rockin' Rhonda is clearly mentally ill and. has no  business RUNNING a business. Someone get her the help she needs. She's also a dreadful singer. If it makes her happy, great, but do it somewhere else and don't drive customers away.

And Cajun Belle lady, snark alert. I guess it's the new trailer trash fashion, but ratty, straw-like hair extensions arranged to either side of the shoulders to frame your breasts is...just gross.

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On 9/9/2017 at 0:52 PM, orangeiguana said:

Rockin' Rhonda is clearly mentally ill and. has no  business RUNNING a business. Someone get her the help she needs. She's also a dreadful singer. If it makes her happy, great, but do it somewhere else and don't drive customers away.

Her fake crying was making me crazy. I don't see how she could have possibly had the mental & emotional fortitude to be a stock broker as she claimed. She really could benefit from some therapy. I thought JT was impressively tender with her. I was also impressed that he chose a less flashy renovation & mostly just fixed that rotted floor & foundation. I google mapped it--- looks like the place is still around.

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On 4/16/2018 at 3:50 PM, Maccagirl said:

Just watched the episode with the man showering in the kitchen!  I was aghast that no one discussed it, and the cameras caught it all, so they must have known.  I hope the Board of Health paid a visit, STAT!

I was all set to watch this but my DVR grabbed a “Back to the Bar” update episode instead. Argh!  Do you remember the name of this episode? 

Aw, the hurricane eps always get to me. I'm not supposed to cry during Bar Rescue!

Only 2 WTFs:

  • The basketball court looked just fine, other than the lights probably not working. Not sure why that means the kids would be forced into the streets. Likewise with the baseball field? 
  • El K'rajo? Google Translate didn't like that but try "el carajo"... :)
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Is this the place that was renamed "Fogline Bar & Grill?" Color me shocked: I googled it & it's still open. The way they did the editing near the end, I thought for sure they were setting up a 'this bar could not be saved' storyline.

I was glad they ultimately got rid of 3 troublesome bartenders. But, the owner never took his "friends" to task for freeloading & fighting, & he never got that poor woman in the kitchen some help. Well, it wasn't shown on tv anyway.

The owner was less than sympathetic: blaming everybody but himself until the end. I'm hoping he's successful, just so he can care for his elderly father after burning through the poor man's retirement.

I just watched this show for the first time today.  This place was disgusting and I'm surprised they ever made money to begin with. I wonder if there were other factors besides Corrie that contributed to the loss of the $70,000 a month revenue. Good on the owner for taking Jeff's advise to fire Corrie, promote the other guy, and  pivot in a new direction. I hope it works well for all of them. 

Just watched the South Yonkers bar with all the fighting (Taffer's crew got attacked. Yikes.), pouring cheap liquor into premium bottles, and the cook who leaves the refrigerator door open. A train wreck classic. I couldn't look away. Looks like they permanently closed 9 months ago. Not exactly shocking.

An episode I've never seen before: "Sour Lemons and Bitter Business" from 2015. A marginal part owner is the landlord & does weird, interactive art projects in the back rooms. It's amusing to watch the 8% owner be so clueless & the 92% owner meatheads seemingly powerless to stop him. Fresh fruit in the art exhibit, artificial stuff in the cocktails, lol. Looks like they're still open: mixed reviews, food safety issues, most of their business is late night Fridays & Saturdays, so they're more nightclub than restaurant. Folks still talking about Bar Rescue even though it was years ago.

There was a commercial for new episodes in March.

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