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S04.E31: Mr. Walsh Goes To Washington Part 1 / S04.E32: Mr. Walsh Goes To Washington Part 2

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We do, however, care that John Sears is back

I can only imagine what would have happened if he and Valerie got together.


Aw. Truly, they were Friends 'Til The End.

At that point, probably the only person IRL from the cast that SD was still on good terms with. It does look sincere.


We'll excuse Donna's weird running because she's just had her heart shattered, but seriously, wtf.

I think the way her jacket moves makes it look even weirder.



That handshake that goes on and on and on....seriously, the way "Bill Clinton" is pumping that handshake, you'd think Brandon just solved all of America's education problems.



Sadly, it seems Brenda took whatever fashion sense Donna had, since this is probably the last time we see Donna looking anything close to appealing.

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This episode fills me with such soapy glee. I think we finally submerged into full soap territory: partner switching, scams, cheating... and no more summer episodes.

A couple of things I just realized:
1. Donna does start dressing in really tight/low cut/short outfits after and gets a boob job. In an odd way, I can see this as a reaction to the betrayal of David (based on sex). It's like she wants validation on her sexiness, even if she doesn't put out.
2. The scam!
3. Has there even been a time since that EVERYONE wore the same bra? I remember that one from VS. It did NOTHING for my body, but I bought it too.
4. Neither Kelly nor Dylan wait a second for the body to get cold before hopping on.

I need a guy's opinion: would it be reasonable to assume that a sex-starved/obsessed David Silver would totally lose his virginity to an older gal in the backseat of a limo vs break up with Donna and then date Ariel? I just always felt that losing your v-card would take a bit of thought in doing the deed vs once you actually have had sex and wouldn't think twice about hopping into it.

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8 minutes ago, CurlyATX said:

Has there even been a time since that EVERYONE wore the same bra? I remember that one from VS. It did NOTHING for my body, but I bought it too.

I swear they handed them out to all of us or something. Literally every girl I knew had one too. 

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52 minutes ago, CurlyATX said:

I need a guy's opinion: would it be reasonable to assume that a sex-starved/obsessed David Silver would totally lose his virginity to an older gal in the backseat of a limo vs break up with Donna and then date Ariel? I just always felt that losing your v-card would take a bit of thought in doing the deed vs once you actually have had sex and wouldn't think twice about hopping into it.

Depends on the guy. Some would do A and some would do B. Depends on the situation I guess but mainly B for me. Anyway I thought David put on the vest to try and hid the fact that he did bone Ariel. Not surprised it took Donna that long to figure it out. There really wasn't a lead up to Ariel but whatever. I'm glad David and Donna don't happen for 2 seasons. 

David is a lot better with Clare and Donna doesn't have to worry about meth boy but instead gets Ray...so yeah.

Did Andrea get a goodbye with Brenda? Did Kelly? Steve, Brandon, Dylan and Donna got one.

Gonna miss Brenda a lot but roll on the Valerie years. 

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1 hour ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Do you think Ariel was no like "No...leave it on!" or David was like "I'm doing it to you with this vest on for my first time, which I'll remember forever"?

David told Donna that the time in the limo wasn't his first time, but that he had only been with Ariel, so I assume he wasn't trying that hard. 


1 hour ago, SoupThrower said:

Did Andrea get a goodbye with Brenda? Did Kelly? Steve, Brandon, Dylan and Donna got one.

Nothing with Andrea that I remember.  The last conversation she had with Kelly was when she told the girls she was moving to London and Kelly told them her and Dylan broke up again.  There was something said like, "Dylan McKay, eat your heart out."  That was it.

Tara, I so feel your pain with the end of the Brenda years because they are my favorite of the show's run.  However, Val does start putting the smack down on people rather quickly so I think you'll enjoy that.

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An even better scenario that requires too much self awareness: his clueless jackhammering is only interrupted by his thoght "I am finally getting laid...but why the fuck am I still wearing this vest, oh no!" 

Or maybe he was like "I knew this vest would seal the deal for D-Sil! That Rory Randoff has got it RIGHT, these things are just straight panty peelers!"

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I am in the middle of the venn diagram between Again With This listeners and those who have experience with deliveries. A premature baby may be born vaginally or via C-section. If the baby is in any sort of distress you want to perform a C-section because it gets the baby out quickly. Even with pushing out a small baby there's a chance that it may take awhile to push and you risk more complications - for example, the umbilical cord might come out first, become compressed and cut off the baby's oxygen supply. I have not watched this episode only listened to the podcast, but it's possible that the baby was in distress and needed to come out quickly.

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As someone who had an emergency C-section because my baby (although not a preemie) was in distress, I can assure you that it's scary and they do it to get the baby out as quickly as possible.  Oh, and in my experience, I still looked pretty pregnant, although not quite as round as before delivery, for awhile after delivery.  They did a good job trying to mask GC's ginormous still pregnant belly in those scenes.

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26 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Or maybe he was like "I knew this vest would seal the deal for D-Sil! That Rory Randoff has got it RIGHT, these things are just straight panty peelers!"

This needed a disclaimer warning... I almost spewed tea on my monitor, not cool while sitting in a quiet open office environment.

As for post-baby pooch that's totally normal.  You still look about 5 months pregnant for a while (or at least I did).  I really think these "look I popped a baby out 2 days ago and now can rock a bikini" stars are doing a disservice to what's normal and natural for women.  I subscribed to a 9 months up/ 9 months down to recover from the baby.  I haven't had a C-section, but when they detect a lot of distress, you are rushed to OR.  I've had friends who've had this and there is very little lead time.

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I'm with you guys that the reboot of 90210 is not canon -- but (in case anyone even cares) Kelly was a regular, and there were visits from Nat, Jackie, Donna, and Brenda. Erin (Kelly and David's little sister) was a series lead from beginning to end, but David and Mel never turned up or even got mentioned really. They killed off Jackie with cancer.

Kelly and Dylan had a kid but Dylan decided to move to Montana or Wyoming or something to be on a rancher because, sure, Mr Surfer would love nothing more than a landlocked state, so they broke up. When Brenda showed up to visit (to guest-direct at West Bev), she and Kelly were very friendly but they were both still hung up on Dylan.

Oh and Donna and David lived in Hong Kong or something and were having trouble.

It was all very dumb and certainly shouldn't count. I can't even remember how they wrote Kelly off the show. Maybe she went to be with Dylan again? They certainly never acknowledged her existence after that.

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Jesus, seriously, is Kathleen Robertson wearing a Shemullet in the brandon / lucinda photo? She's an attractive woman, but good lord could this show's wardrobe and makeup department fuck her up. The pictures of her at the Task Force thing, 700 Club Cohost is spot-on. I thought she looked like a QVC on-air shuckster, or maybe a washed up cheer mom.

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A baby pooch is especially normal after a c-section as your tummy can fill up with air leaving you incredibly bloated and it takes a few days to dissipate (through farts).  The speed at which a c-section takes place depends on the reason for it. An emergency section is one that was not planned for and usually takes place after labour has started. But there are variations of severity of the emergancy. I had an emergency section but my son wasn't in immediate danger so it was very relaxed. A friend of mine however had an emergency section and it was like a dramatic ER scene. She was rushed from L&D into surgery with nurses keeping her body in a certain position because if she raised her head above her pelvis even for a moment, her son might have died. She was immediately put under general anaesthetic as keeping her awake long enough to administer a spinal block had too high a risk of still birth. 

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It was a mild imdb surprise when I first saw that Kirstie Alley was in 25 more episodes of Cheers than Shelly Long was. My jaw dropped when I saw just now that Tiffani Thiessen was in more episodes of 90210 than Shannen Doherty (and by almost the same amount). Can you two really keep doing this through six more seasons? Are you sure it's safe?

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I agree that Suzanne and Kevin should have left Erica behind. The note eventually makes it to Dylan and is the reason he goes to Mexico with Jones and Val. It's mainly to rescue Erica along with getting the money back. If they had left Erica with him to begin with then they might not have been caught. I am excited that you're continuing with the podcast because I do love Val. I was excited when she showed up because I watched Saved by the Bell when I was younger and liked Tiffani Thiessen. I am not looking forward to holier-than-thou Kelly; she got so bad dating Brandon. 

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Steve was so good at the snark, one liners, and humor.  It's why I loved him even when he would be a dick. 

I miss those satin bras.  I never had the VS ones, just the knockoffs that Target sold, but they still looked SO GOOD on me and I wish they still sold them.

David was such a douche to Donna but I loved his relationship (platonic and romantic) with Val so I'm glad he wasn't written off for cheating on Donna.  Not that I think that was ever considered but I wanted to throw that out there.

I can't remember where I read this (one of her books?) but I think Tori had two boob jobs.  She had one before or during season 3 and then the second, more memorably horrific, one was between 4 and 5.  The bra scene reminded me that those horrors are still to come so I'm thankful that the costume department hadn't yet lost its mind where she was concerned.

I'm sad to lose Brenda but ready to go on Val.  I'm amused that casting had the sense to pick a replacement actress whose hair is even more stunning.  And Tiffani clearly had so much fun with the character so even the most bizarre and outlandish story totally worked for me. 

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kelly didn't even get written off really in the spin off. Like she didn't get a goodbye scene or anything. I even remember one episode after JG left where Erin mentioned Kelly because Erin was still living with her but we never saw her again. Which kind of lame. It's kind of canon for me only because Dylan is a real jackass and I think it's funny that even the reboot writers know Kelly and Dylan still hate each other.

Aside that, this episode is sad. Bye Brenda! Bye awesome Kelly! I can't wait for Val!

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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Well we know that David didn't lose his virginity in the limo because he told Donna it wasn't his first time. In an earlier scene, Donna said she was looking all over for him. I always assume he was off with Ariel.
I'm sad that the Brenda years are over, but Val really makes up for that. Did anyone ever hear a rumor after SD left that Tiffani was actually going to play Brenda? I swear I saw that on MTV. I wonder if that was something they wanted to do, but later scratched that idea. Believe me, I think Tiffani would have been good as Brenda, but the show really needed a Val.
Season five was decent... Val, drunk and druggie Dylan, bitchy Kelly, Ray Pruit, and JONESY!!

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I watched this episode recently and it struck me that Dylan didn't actually seem that into Brenda at the end. She was monologuing about how much she loved him and he responded by saying he'd applaud her from afar. If some guy said that to me in response to me saying I loved him, I'd think he was telling me that he wanted me to leave him alone. I'm not sure the scene was meant to come across like that, the previous 5/6 episodes had been building up to them being meant to be for each other after all. But he seemed so reluctant to be with her, it's almost as if she told him she was going to stay in London and wanted a sexy goodbye, rather than the re-ignition of their relationship and him eagerly looking forward to her return.

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8 hours ago, Jmallory said:

Season five was decent... Val, drunk and druggie Dylan, bitchy Kelly, Ray Pruit, and JONESY!!

I can't even quantify what an understatement "decent" is. The annual intervention party at the Walsh's house is in this season. Isn't SQUASH IT also this season? And THE CULT OF FINLEY!!! 

Seriously...SQUASH IT! I hope it features a remix of Switch It Up. I wannaahwanna miggitymic check, miggity miggity mic check check it. 

God, I want to kick my OWN ass over that edit, but sometimes I just gotta get that poison out. :)

Edited by Uncle JUICE
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17 hours ago, MostlyC said:

I'm embarrassed to know this, but the whole bra flashing scene was a product placement for Victoria's Secret New bra line.

Well, it worked on me. I want one now. Too bad I'm at least 20 years too late to get one.

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Crazy was the fashion that season. Donna's helmet hair, Kelly's short hair, David's weird iconic hair with 2 earrings on each ear before he magically has none and his hair is like normalish. 

Crazy season (S5). So much it is like they just decided to have some fun with it and create all these crazy stuff. Oh man with the music rights not there, bummer...

Edited by SoupThrower
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WHY would Andrea ever be in a relationship with someone like Jesse? He constantly tells her what to do, undermines her, had nothing but disregard for her feelings... David's borderline abusive, but Jesse is just an oldfashioned asshole. I don't remember that from watching back then.

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16 minutes ago, Nanna said:

WHY would Andrea ever be in a relationship with someone like Jesse? He constantly tells her what to do, undermines her, had nothing but disregard for her feelings... David's borderline abusive, but Jesse is just an oldfashioned asshole. I don't remember that from watching back then.

Is this a real question? Because the answer is the tire fire that IS their volcanic, smoldering sexual chemistry. You can't get that just anywhere. To quote Tom, the actor, DUH!

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I did notice that Brenda's England trip is referenced as only being for the summer, and I want to say in the next season, it's said that she decided to stay in London and will be gone for a year.  It seemed to me like they were writing the situation in a way to allow her to return.  I was just curious if there were ever any real efforts, on either side, for Brenda to return to the show?  She obviously made up with the Spellings to the point where she was starring on Charmed by 1998. 

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I believe she was originally going to return for the series finale but changed her mind.

It's a shame we never got to see Brenda and Valerie in an episode together.

Edited by benteen
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Team Brenda forever. I'm with Tara. I've watched S1-S4 more times than I care to admit, and it still hurts knowing Brenda is gone *sniff.* Although 90210 squeezed out a couple more decent seasons (God, I love, love the New Evolution and Coke!Kelly storylines) but mostly I checked out around this time 'cuz it wasn't the same. 

And, agree with Sarah - there is no chemistry between Kelly and Brandon. They are so damn boring together. I can so  believe he'd


 rather make snoopy eyes at Emily Valentine and her bad french haircut than get burned alive at the Rave with Kelly....*spoiler*....

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On August 25, 2016 at 11:38 AM, Lisin said:

I swear they handed them out to all of us or something. Literally every girl I knew had one too. 

I never did, because even at age 12 I was too big for VS. If you're imagining a tween Pamela Anderson, you're not far off. I would have given anything to wear a VS bra in that era. I always thought it was ridiculous that they sold push-up bras to make you look like you had big boobs but if you legitimately had big boobs, you were out of luck. 

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(oddball note: the link to the visual aids post just loops back here -- at least that's happening for me.)

This is quite a milestone -- I remember when the podcast started and thought, how will they ever make it to the end of the Brenda years? And look, here we are -- and what a hilarious journey it has been.

I don't know what it is about Shannen Doherty -- her mushmouth drives me crazy, she seems to have trouble getting along on sets, etc -- but she sure is watchable. I loved her on 90210 and on Charmed (and even on Scare Tactics, that ridiculous hidden camera show on SyFy.) I wish her well -- fighting cancer takes so, so much.

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I can't even quantify what an understatement "decent" is. The annual intervention party at the Walsh's house is in this season. Isn't SQUASH IT also this season? And THE CULT OF FINLEY!!! 

Don't forget, Dylan & Valerie & Jonesy's Awesome Mexican Adventure.

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16 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Is this a real question? Because the answer is the tire fire that IS their volcanic, smoldering sexual chemistry. You can't get that just anywhere. To quote Tom, the actor, DUH!

I know, you're right. They just can't resist each other! I guess I'm just jealous of their great lovestory.

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Donna is on a downhill slope from here on out looks and fashion wise. The best she'll look was early season 4 with the long, straight hair and baby doll dresses and doc martens. Season 5 til 10 she just seems to rotate hair colors and short hair, except for the longer fire engine red hair (!@#!@$) in season 8 or 9. Her fashion seemed to always be short and tight but yet she still has the "Awe shucks I'm an innocent virgin" dopey look and act. I always found David attractive mid Season 6 when he gets with Val, he has the shaved head muscular skinny guy look going on. . . Those two seemed to have believable chemistry, probably because they dated in real life

I too will miss the Brenda years. Valerie Malone makes up for Brenda up through about season 7 and then it all becomes a soapy snore. As a true fan, I own all 10 seasons on DVD, but will only really watch the first 7. . .

Side note, what the heck am I going to listen to when Tara and Sarah finish all 10 seasons? Maybe they could do "The O.C. " ? Another great teenage drama show

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On 8/27/2016 at 5:57 AM, AndySmith said:

Don't forget, Dylan & Valerie & Jonesy's Awesome Mexican Adventure.

And Dylan immediately showing his true colours in the next episode. "Sure you actually risked your life helping me get back my millions and my annoying sister, then saved the day (after I endangered us all by being reckless) by grabbing the gun before Suzanne did at the end of the big showdown. Here's 10k you whore." Followed by; "What do you mean Jonesey honourably paid you the money he would have paid the professional woman you stood in for, during our dangerous con. That really does make you a whore." He is such an unbelievable douche.

He also gets all chummy with Jim and Cindy and tells them that if they thought they'd had trouble on their hands with Brenda, they had it easy compared to Valerie. WTAF! Tbf Jim and Cindy deserve ire for sitting there hanging on his every word. If my child's (alcoholic, cheating) ex spoke to me that way about my child, they'd be (to continue the 90s theme) shown the door Uncle Philip > Jazzy Jeff style. He would never even get a chance to continue on to disparage my houseguest for being someone he could coerce into a dangerous situation for his own benefit.

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8 hours ago, RunningRose said:

Side note, what the heck am I going to listen to when Tara and Sarah finish all 10 seasons? Maybe they could do "The O.C. " ? Another great teenage drama show


I'm sorry, I'll use my inside voice.  [[[[Dawson's Creek pleeeease]]]]

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I do love Val so I'm looking forward to her, but I miss Brenda. I can just imagine how awesome it would've been to have Brenda and Val both onscreen together. I only really watched through the college years; so I'm looking forward to Tara and Sarah's coverage of the post-college years.

I also vote for Dawson's Creek next (please, please, please).

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Yeah I was going to say Dawson's Creek too, but when I rewatch episodes (own all 6 Seasons!), it seems very whiny and wordy for teens, all drama!. I felt like the OC was written a lot better in terms of the characters and how they interacted and the sarcastic humor. But that's just my opinion. I'll listen to Tara and Sarah cover any teen show!

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6 hours ago, AllyB said:

And Dylan immediately showing his true colours in the next episode. "Sure you actually risked your life helping me get back my millions and my annoying sister, then saved the day (after I endangered us all by being reckless) by grabbing the gun before Suzanne did at the end of the big showdown. Here's 10k you whore." Followed by; "What do you mean Jonesey honourably paid you the money he would have paid the professional woman you stood in for, during our dangerous con. That really does make you a whore." He is such an unbelievable douche.

He also gets all chummy with Jim and Cindy and tells them that if they thought they'd had trouble on their hands with Brenda, they had it easy compared to Valerie. WTAF! Tbf Jim and Cindy deserve ire for sitting there hanging on his every word. If my child's (alcoholic, cheating) ex spoke to me that way about my child, they'd be (to continue the 90s theme) shown the door Uncle Philip > Jazzy Jeff style. He would never even get a chance to continue on to disparage my houseguest for being someone he could coerce into a dangerous situation for his own benefit.

But Dylan is worldy, too worldy for them all. 

I don't recall this but I don't think David and Valerie interacted in S5 until way late. They never really talked to each other which is kind of interesting. 

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