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  1. As a huge 90210 fan, I have seen all the seasons and episodes many times over, but THANK YOU Sarah and Tara for consistently pointing out how bitchy Kelly is (ALL THE TIME), how bratty braying Brandon is (ALL THE TIME), and how saintly, naive, virginal, can do no wrong EVER Donna is! I guess you really do see the show through different eyes as an adult as I never really noticed these things as a teenager. I don't know how Brandon got away with his attitude with his parents without getting slapped in the face, kicked out of his house, or how he has any friends left, and let alone a girlfriend (in every season!) Do you think the character was written that way or that Jason Priestly was allowed to "make" Brandon into what he was? I don't think he started out that way in the first season?!?!? Also, the comment about Donna getting slapped in the face with ice cream aka the brown lipstick was spot on!
  2. Yeah I was going to say Dawson's Creek too, but when I rewatch episodes (own all 6 Seasons!), it seems very whiny and wordy for teens, all drama!. I felt like the OC was written a lot better in terms of the characters and how they interacted and the sarcastic humor. But that's just my opinion. I'll listen to Tara and Sarah cover any teen show!
  3. Donna is on a downhill slope from here on out looks and fashion wise. The best she'll look was early season 4 with the long, straight hair and baby doll dresses and doc martens. Season 5 til 10 she just seems to rotate hair colors and short hair, except for the longer fire engine red hair (!@#!@$) in season 8 or 9. Her fashion seemed to always be short and tight but yet she still has the "Awe shucks I'm an innocent virgin" dopey look and act. I always found David attractive mid Season 6 when he gets with Val, he has the shaved head muscular skinny guy look going on. . . Those two seemed to have believable chemistry, probably because they dated in real life I too will miss the Brenda years. Valerie Malone makes up for Brenda up through about season 7 and then it all becomes a soapy snore. As a true fan, I own all 10 seasons on DVD, but will only really watch the first 7. . . Side note, what the heck am I going to listen to when Tara and Sarah finish all 10 seasons? Maybe they could do "The O.C. " ? Another great teenage drama show
  4. I have been listening to this podcast since the first episode, and I LIVE for it! BH 90210 is my absolute favorite, mostly seasons 1-4. I own all 10, but can't seem to enjoy watching much beyond season 7. . . The summer of deception at it's best. Brenda's hair and outfits in this episode are dare I say, on fleek. She makes me wish I could pull off bangs. Her and Reeeeeeeck are a better match visually than her and Insect Man. But as soon as that god awful accent comes out and Rick's naiveness (is that a word?) is played out, it doesn't come across as fully believeable. But it does make for a better story line that both her and Dylan have now cheated. . . Brandon and Brooke never a favorite, I actually liked the storyline with him and Nikki later on. A younger girl who can tolerate the Brayness that is him. Brooke needs a more WASPy type guy than good old liberal, in your face, Mr. Know it All Brandon. The fact that the music rights were never obtained is hard. Especially later on when Brenda replays over and over "Losing My Religion" by R. E. M. Whatever song they chose to use in place does not match the tone or relevance of that REM song. Same with the Sophie B. Hawkins and many more.
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