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6 minutes ago, Kareem said:

For a guy who's been pegged as a green card glomming guy, I don't see it.  Said it from the beginning that it seems more like her idea than his.  He's afraid of fast food and all you can eat buffets.  He's not devout but he's religious.  Her speech on how living here would be so much better had him glazing over.  I'm with ya, CWJ, his personality and patience is admirable.  I don't see any redeeming qualities in Nicole.  None.  She had questions about his religion and then pounced on him while he explained.  Incredible.  Girl's gonna be a handful, whoever gets stuck with her. 

But isn't he the one who proposed marriage to her, after only a short time of "knowing" each other online?

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I don't know what website they were on, must have missed that. She's 22, he's 24, I believe? I thought they were talking marriage after a short time just because they are young and foolish. That's why this couple fascinates me. I just don't get it.

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I guess I'm the only one here who thinks Anfisa is full of it. I think it's just her way of playing hard-to-get. Have none of you ever read Why Men Love Bitches and Why Men Marry Bitches? It's an act. I wonder if Jorge will ever call her bluff?

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45 minutes ago, Kareem said:

I don't know what website they were on, must have missed that. She's 22, he's 24, I believe? I thought they were talking marriage after a short time just because they are young and foolish. That's why this couple fascinates me. I just don't get it.

exactly....he's cute and seems pretty nice and grounded and she's just abhorrent!  What is going on here?  

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I guess I'm the only one here who thinks Anfisa is full of it. I think it's just her way of playing hard-to-get. Have none of you ever read Why Men Love Bitches and Why Men Marry Bitches? It's an act. I wonder if Jorge will ever call her bluff?

Being a bitch is completely different from being a confident, assertive woman. She isn't playing hard to get. Russian women expect to marry wealthy American men (when they're looking at marrying Americans). Anfisa seems particularly jaded and materialistic because she seems to view relationships simply as a business arrangement. By way of comparison, most of the Russian women I've heard about marrying American men really are looking for a happy, loving relationship; they just restrict their suitors to those who are wealthy.

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As the show progresses, it becomes ever more clear to me that Azan is hiding behind his culture and religion instead of telling Nicole why he's really disappointed in her. It's glaringly obvious that he is upset with her appearance, then her behavior and then culture/religion is somewhere in 3rd or 4th place. I'm surprised they made it this far, I thought they would end it by this episode, but there's still time for them to break up before the finale...which I think will end up happening.

Jorge is definitely in the hot seat. Can't wait to see what he'll choose to do after Anfisa openly confessed that she's in it for the money. As I've mentioned in previous posts, this guy is a mess...a steaming pile of it. I wouldn't be surprised if he sticks with her because of his low self-esteem & shallowness. However, I'm starting to think that maybe he is more intelligent then he lets on and isn't the push-over that I think he is. Anfisa is very annoying to watch, even awkward in fact.

Chantel and Pedro. Still think they are the most interesting couple on here. I still think Pedro is going to do/say/reveal something that is going to create the "WTF moment" of the show. It just appears to me that he is holding something in, couple that with Chantel's uptight parents, wannabe tough-guy little bro, and her pushing him to explain big things without a working knowledge of the English language, and you've got mounting friction that results in an explosion or meltdown of some sort. I do think they'll marry and I think that Chantel's family will come around and go to the wedding.

Alla is suprisingly easy-going, at least when they were venue-shopping. I thought she was gonna get really upset when she couldn't have the wedding on the beach but seemed okay with the place that Matt's family (not Matt) picked out. It might be that she's picking her battles and later on will not let Matt's family dictate what goes on in their relationship. That said, I see Matt's family and friends constantly adding their two cents and Matt allowing it, even asking for it, because he's just that type of guy. This will snowball into a mounting pile of disappointment for Alla and will continue to be the center of their arguments over time unless Matt man's up and takes control of his life (which he won't) and will ultimately lead to their divorce down the line. Alla's smart though, I think she'll wait until she gets her citizenship and then say adios to Mr. Insecure.

Lowo don't care. Narkiya dumb. Both shall move on.

Edited by EvCog
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34 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Being a bitch is completely different from being a confident, assertive woman. She isn't playing hard to get. Russian women expect to marry wealthy American men (when they're looking at marrying Americans). Anfisa seems particularly jaded and materialistic because she seems to view relationships simply as a business arrangement. By way of comparison, most of the Russian women I've heard about marrying American men really are looking for a happy, loving relationship; they just restrict their suitors to those who are wealthy.

But do you think all this, "I'll go back to Russia if you don't buy it for me" stuff is completely truthful? Don't you think she would be keeping her cards closer to her chest if she was honestly this mercenary? you don't think she is playing up the "brutal honesty" angle for the cameras or to get a rise out of Jorge?

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  56 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

Being a bitch is completely different from being a confident, assertive woman. She isn't playing hard to get. Russian women expect to marry wealthy American men (when they're looking at marrying Americans). Anfisa seems particularly jaded and materialistic because she seems to view relationships simply as a business arrangement. By way of comparison, most of the Russian women I've heard about marrying American men really are looking for a happy, loving relationship; they just restrict their suitors to those who are wealthy.

But do you think all this, "I'll go back to Russia if you don't buy it for me" stuff is completely truthful? Don't you think she would be keeping her cards closer to her chest if she was honestly this mercenary? you don't think she is playing up the "brutal honesty" angle for the cameras or to get a rise out of Jorge?

Depends on what you think her life was like in Russia. Perhaps she was doing fine because she was playing multiple men for smaller amounts. Then along comes Jorge promising her the moon. She finds out he can't deliver and realizes her bread is better buttered on the other side. So, threatening to go back to Russia could be a perfectly mercenary move. Besides, it's hard to fake all the little things she does, like the side eyes and the other subconscious physical tells.

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Now that Anfisa's found out that living with Jorge won't afford her the Kardashian level lifestyle she was expecting, she just might prefer to go back to Russia. Even if she lives with her grandmother in a cold water flat, SOMEBODY somewhere was paying for all that plastic surgery! She can go home, regroup and then look for her next mark

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6 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I always thought Azan was very attractive! He has a very nice face and he's in great shape ~ healthy glow to his skin, etc.  In addition to that, he seems to be from a very nice family. I am  genuinely surprised and impressed with how very patient he is with Nicole. Maybe he just really wants to come to the United States, but where a lot of guys would have thrown up their hands, he seems more than willing to work with her. I think his heart is invested, and his character makes him more attractive.

For 5 weeks, he had to be patient with her.  He's under contract.

Edited by Virtually Me
I can't type worth a damn :(
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23 hours ago, DeeReynolds said:

Jonah Hill is exactly who Jorge reminds me of too! Also, the stupid stoner durrr look on his face when Anfisa gives zero fucks is hilarious.

I think he looks defeated and resigned, sometimes embarrassingly so, he looks to me like he feels trapped and without an easy or good way out. He doesn't want to admit he under-estimated her level of demands and lack of affection, which seem to be too great even for the part of him that may like financial domination and some humiliation; he doesn't want to send her back, it feels heartless and also like a failure, but he also feels that he can't move forward.  I have empathy for him, I see a lot of hurt and I'm sorry he's experiencing that.


I'm back and forth on Anfisa. Sometimes her no shame game is....entertaining? to watch? Often, it's just uncomfortable.  I only give her props that she sure isn't in the business of scamming, at least she is totally upfront about her reason(s) for being there. His hope that things would change/not be as extreme as they seemed is no reflection of that, simply of his greater hopes and desires for the relationship.

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On 10/25/2016 at 3:59 PM, Granny58 said:

I'm more intrigued by Matt's mom's anime eyes.

SHARILEWIS2.0!  I mean, what more could we ask for this season?

DANI, the prequel.


This is the show that keeps on giving.

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I laughed hysterically and rewound to laugh hysterically again when Alla told the Touch of Elegance guy to "ask MaryAnne" when he queried what type of wedding she wanted.

I would have felt the same way. I loved her snark.

But I also like that she allowed herself to be charmed by the venue, when I thought she would have been well within her rights to be a dick for the next couple of days.

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4 hours ago, EvCog said:

. It might be that she's picking her battles and later on will not let Matt's family dictate what goes on in their relationship. That said, I see Matt's family and friends constantly adding their two cents and Matt allowing it, even asking for it, because he's just that type of guy. This will snowball into a mounting pile of disappointment for Alla and will continue to be the center of their arguments over time unless Matt man's up and takes control of his life (which he won't) and will ultimately lead to their divorce down the line. Alla's smart though, I think she'll wait until she gets her citizenship and then say adios to Mr. Insecure.

Yep, get that ring on the finger so you can say "I'm your wife now, WE need to decide these things, not you and your family."   But, you are also right that Matt will never stop his family from interfering.   I can see her meeting with her divorce lawyer now  "Things would be fine if his family stayed out of it."  Families can mess up more marriages.   And what they do in the divorce is even worse.

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9 hours ago, magemaud said:

Wouldn't the whole idea of going on that particular website have been to woo an American woman and turn it into a ticket to the US? 


At the reunion, I bet Anfisa is going to claim that she is NOT materialistic. ALso, is she a human or a robot ? She doesnt seem capable of emoting at all. I cant imagine her even crying or speaking above that monotone shes been working. 

Edited by Matias130
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On 10/26/2016 at 3:55 PM, Lady Grump said:

Also, Jorge is giving me poor-man's-Jonah-Hill vibes

At first I wasn't sure who Jonah Hill is and was thinking of Bobby Hill from "King of the Hill." But Jorge kind of reminds me of him, too. 

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18 hours ago, mayvenne said:

I wonder about this as well but also even just the initial trips they make to meet in person. There was all this hoopla over Dani in particular as she was in such a financial mess and yet did travel overseas. I am not sure when TLC $ starts but it seems that these peeps make the trips before TLC is on the radar. I would love to know this for real as in show me the money and where it comes from. 

Was it mentioned as far as Nicole making the trip where the $ came from (family? savings) . Although with Nicole, it seems TLC is there for this first meeting. The other people I am thinking of seem to have made the trips in the past.... (pre TV cameras)

Probably on credit...

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2 hours ago, magemaud said:

At first I wasn't sure who Jonah Hill is and was thinking of Bobby Hill from "King of the Hill." But Jorge kind of reminds me of him, too. 

Nah, he reminds me of Gribble. Because they're both clueless. 

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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Yeah, not saying there won't be cat-calling or a level of sexual harassment, not just to blondes or red heads, by the way though they  may experience it more because they're viewed as exotic, but I've never seen or experienced stone throwing or spitting.

I haven't experienced it personally, but friends of mine did. It wasn't gendered. It was an anti-American thing (I lived in Morocco during the Bush administration). The catcalling, on the other hand, was absolutely gendered and absolutely NOT limited to blondes or redheads or even non-Moroccans. 

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Her face looks like it's been run over by a freight train!!! 20 years old come on now I've had 3 kids and look WAY better than she could ever imagine!! Geez Jorge come on she's using you up like a piece of dirty toilet paper!!!

She would NEVER make it in America as a model!! Just sayin....

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There was a preview on tv last night, and one of the scenes was of Nicole and Azan sitting at a table having "the big talk" about their relationship. Despite the fact that they both came away from it seeming to have decided that they are really really in love and will work together to make their relationship work, I couldn't be any less convinced that they are ready for this.

Azan asked Nicole to try to "be Moroccan" during her time in his country. I think it was a clumsy effort to express that he wanted her to embrace and try to enjoy his culture. Of course, she didn't understand that and immediately puffed up with indignation the way she does. She declared that she is NOT Moroccan, and isn't that one of the reasons he likes her? (A question he did not answer, I noticed.) She got all into her feelings, assuming this was another way he was asking her to change for him. She was so vehement about it, it was clear she doesn't think much of his country. I doubt if she'll ever visit Morocco again. 

Then she demanded that he explain why he loves her. It wasn't enough that he say he loves her, he must explain it. She was blatantly fishing for some emotional and ego stroking and he gave it to her. He responded that he loves her because she cares about him a lot. I thought that was so telling. He didn't say because she's smart, generous, loving, kind, hardworking, beautiful, or anything about her. Just that she loves him and that is why he loves her back. Then, as an afterthought, he said she has a great smile. Because she is young, and lacks insight and wisdom, she turned into a big ball of mush. I suppose it was progress that she asked him if they could kiss instead of just grabbing him. But I couldn't really focus on that. I was too busy shaking my head that he said the best thing about her is that she likes him.

These two are so clueless. And so ill-matched.

Edited by sleepyjean
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Yeah, I was struck by her indignation at him suggesting she try to be Moroccan.  She didn't at all take it in the spirit intended, which was to soak up the culture and learn something about the way of life there and the people.

If Azan wants to be my friend and show me Morocco, I'd be all over that situation enjoying the food, the souks, the people, music, dance, and just soaking up  every minute of the whole experience.  I'd also cherish his family's hospitality, and I'd be enjoying the camel ride and the desert. I'd set aside my menopausal intolerance of the heat for such an experience. 

And, I wouldn't ask him to kiss me...I'm old enough to be his mother.

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I hate to be judgemental about clothing and weight - but jeans and tank tops to go to Morocco and meet the love of your life? I hate my upper arms and can't stand tanks. And how about some cute flowy skirts of caftans to get in the spirit (all you have to do is watch the BH housewives to see how it's done!)?  I guess she really thought she was rockin that look. Meanwhile Azan had some nice sweaters and looks hot in t-shirts (no tanks). 

So do we know where they are now? I saw her call his hair sexy the other day on Twitter. He appears to be posting pics of himself still in Morocco. I'm sure he's much desired these days. 

Anfisa is the definition of butterface. Sorry, I think she's actually quite unattractive (in all ways). If she'd put away the boob dresses I'd guess not many would look at her twice. I did get a little scared though when they couldn't be reached by production (hello Dateline). It's just all too creepy with both of them seeming so desperate. He wants to hold on, she wants the cash. I watch too many of those crime shows and can see him claiming she went back to Russia and she disappears (I know, not fair to stick him in that box - but I'm doing it!)!

Edited by EmeraldGirl
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18 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

Then she demanded that he explain why he loves her. It wasn't enough that he say he loves her, he must explain it. She was blatantly fishing for some emotional and ego stroking and he gave it to her. He responded that he loves her because she cares about him a lot. I thought that was so telling. He didn't say because she's smart, generous, loving, kind, hardworking, beautiful, or anything about her. Just that she loves him and that is why he loves her back. Then, as an afterthought, he said she has a great smile. Because she is young, and lacks insight and wisdom, she turned into a big ball of mush. I suppose it was progress that she asked him if they could kiss instead of just grabbing him. But I couldn't really focus on that. I was too busy shaking my head that he said the best thing about her is that she likes him.

That reminds me of something that was filmed in a talking head either in Doha or in Tunisia: "What I like about Danielle is that she care about me a lot".

Next, Azan should ask Nicole why she loves him. "CUZ UR HAWT"  I wonder if he'd find that answer #acceptable.  Actually the reason he didn't ask is because he already knows the answer.  If that earns him a green card, he doesn't care about the impulse behind it.

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On 10/26/2016 at 9:31 PM, Lady Grump said:

I'm usually on the compassion truck, but when it comes to these two, it's entertainment all the way. Why? Because they're not hurting anyone -- not even themselves, really. They're young -- and like many of us who were hot messes in our 20s, they're arrogant and lack self-awareness and it's high comedy. But they still have time to grow up and change; in 20 years they'll be laughing at themselves, too. (Not together, of course.)

And besides all that, Anfisa's bluntness is just....dare I say....refreshing. Homegirl is who she is, right now, and she is not apologizing to a soul. It cracks me up.

I agree.  She totally knows how ridiculous she is, judging by how she seems to almost be ready to burst out laughing during her scenes. Girlfriend is smart and likes being on tv. 

When the cameras are off?  Who knows what goes on. She is so young. And thinks she has it all figured out.  Shoot, I am almost 50 and despite thinking the same in my 20s, I still have no clue. 

On 10/27/2016 at 10:35 AM, Kareem said:

For a guy who's been pegged as a green card glomming guy, I don't see it.  Said it from the beginning that it seems more like her idea than his.  He's afraid of fast food and all you can eat buffets.  He's not devout but he's religious.  Her speech on how living here would be so much better had him glazing over.  I'm with ya, CWJ, his personality and patience is admirable.  I don't see any redeeming qualities in Nicole.  None.  She had questions about his religion and then pounced on him while he explained.  Incredible.  Girl's gonna be a handful, whoever gets stuck with her. 

I feel like he is a good guy at heart, a "pleaser" who doesn't want to let his proud family down, and Nicole too. At his own expense.  

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13 hours ago, Kareem said:

Well said, AE. She's wasting her time pouting over the absence of PDA and Whoppers while devising a plan to change morals in the Mosque.  

Wow. I have lots of opinions tonight. She reminds me of my niece and a bunch of my clients....they go to other countries expecting to be kowtowed to because they are Americans. They think they are God's gift to the world because they are great and powerful Americans....and why should they have to change or try to fit in?  I had a client actually tell me that he was hated in France because he refused to say bonjour when he went into country shops, he expected everyone to speak English and run to serve him.  He was so mad   

Hubs and I went to London. Paris, Rome for two weeks.  We saw many puffed up Americans wanting to be served by the "lowly" Europeans.  Such an embarrassment. 

My spoiled niece went to Europe much the same way. Complained the whole time how rude they were to her, how she wasn't going to change. She is American dammit. She wasn't going to bend to their culture or rules (like no shoulders or knees showing at religious sites). Not to mention how rudely she treats servers here in the USA  

And we wonder why Americans have such a bad reputation overseas. 

Edited by Meowwww
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Jorge and Anfisa - I get that she is being honest about the nature of the relationship -- she is trading her supposed good looks for material things. But expecting a $100,000 ring and $45,000 dress from a shlub like him is insane.  I don't think he "promised" her that level of insane spending. I wonder how much of this is contrived though, why is he taking her to the most expensive dress and jewelry shops in Beverly Hills of he can't afford them.

Narkyia and Lowo - I know they weren't featured in this episode but I have comments. I have spent time in Southeast Asia. There are Nigerian men in Southeast Asia, I don't think any of them are "studying business."  The Nigerian dudes in Southeast Asia are there for "opportunities," like running 419 scams, pimping, dealing drugs, etc. I'm not saying all Nigerians are shady criminals, but the single male Nigerians who travel to Asia tend to be.  Your average Nigerian guy does NOT spend thousands traveling to Vietnam to "get an MBA."  This is another Lowo lie.

I believe that police records must be submitted with a K-1 visa application, so his story that his visa was approved and then he was told he needed to go to Vietnam is most likely not true. I wish the producers would let us in on the financial arrangements between Narkyia and Lowo like they did with Devar and Melanie.  I think it's possible she is sending him money and now he's going to ask her for more money for the supposed trip to Vietnam. that's how "romance scams" work, the perp always claims to be on the verge of traveling to be united with the victim but then "something comes up" and the perp suddenly needs cash before he/she can travel.  Unclear if Lowo is doing this typical romance scam cash grab or if he's doing the green card scam, perhaps a bit of both. 

Matt and Alla - She seems genuinely nice.

Chantal and Pedro - She should have taken ownership of the lie and told the family it was all her idea, Pedro had nothing to do with it, etc. Because her family will love her regardless, it's critical that she gets them to like Pedro and she doesn't seem willing to take a bit of heat to help that process. Also, I thought her way of breaking the news to the family was stupid. She should have led with "Pedro and I are in love and we're engaged."  The family would have acted happy.  Then drop the bombshell of "Oh by the way, minor paperwork thing here, we lied about the type of visa he's here on."

Instead, she leads with "We've been lying about the visa and we have to get married next week."  Which sounds terrible, like she's getting married under duress.

Nicole and Azan - He doesn't like her and he is using his religion as an excuse not to touch her, like Mohamed.  That said, her constantly wearing sleeveless tops in Morocco is ridiculous.

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12 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Wow. I have lots of opinions tonight. She reminds me of my niece and a bunch of my clients....they go to other countries expecting to be kowtowed to because they are Americans. They think they are God's gift to the world because they are great and powerful Americans....and why should they have to change or try to fit in?  I had a client actually tell me that he was hated in France because he refused to say bonjour when he went into country shops, he expected everyone to speak English and run to serve him.  He was so mad   

Hubs and I went to London. Paris, Rome for two weeks.  We saw many puffed up Americans wanting to be served by the "lowly" Europeans.  Such an embarrassment. 

My spoiled niece went to Europe much the same way. Complained the whole time how rude they were to her, how she wasn't going to change. She is American dammit. She wasn't going to bend to their culture or rules (like no shoulders or knees showing at religious sites). Not to mention how rudely she treats servers here in the USA  

And we wonder why Americans have such a bad reputation overseas. 

Exactly! I totally understood what he meant when he told her to just try to be Moroccan for one month. He wanted her to embrace his culture for thirty brief days in an attempt to blend in better and, more importantly, to understand him! If things worked out, he would have an entire lifetime to become all to saturated with American culture.  Just try the food, be more tolerant, perhaps even borrow a hijab, and for heaven's sake, swallow more than a forkful of vegetable!

Reminds me of my mother-in-law when she lived in Asia. She didn't understand the streets were crowded and if you were going one way and other people were going another way it was basically you both pushed past each other and it didn't matter who got there first. No offense, it didn't matter, everyone goes on their way, happy.  If you got there first and had what you considered "the right of way," it didn't matter if you stood there and screeched, "EXCUSE ME!" There was a good chance they wouldn't understand you anyway.  And they would NOT step aside and let you go by first. You were in their culture, lady!

Okay what was a little awkward then has suddenly become rather funny now.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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How about when they have children? He's going to want those children to know who their father is and what their heritage is. May can learn a lifetime of things by being in a family like that. Azan will likely find a place to worship, so have they discussed how they will raise their children? So irresponsible of both of them. Nicole saw a hot guy who paid attention to her, and Azan seems to have gotten stuck on the idea of a peppy (well, that's what she seemed to be in her cyber life), blond American dangling a life in Florida. The devil is in the details. 

Edited by EmeraldGirl
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Anyone that thinks Anfisa is pretty is delusional!!! Did nobody see her without makeup, she has a minefield of pimples on her forehead and she is straight up ugly! Fake lips that don't move, fake tits that don't move, and a chunky mid section...You are all hating on Jorge because he said that one thing about women...i haven't seen ANYTHING bad that Jorge has done what so ever, but he literally has no backbone...

Chantel is absolutely disgusting in her behavior and this must be the type of woman Jorge runs in to...Pedro phone home.

Nicole needs therapy asap. Azan should be more understanding and should of known about her weight...but I agree with him that she needs to get in shape, but having her hike up a sand hill is pretty harsh. Someone that needs fries with every meal shouldn't be looking for a partner, but for the ranch dressing in her purse.

I can't remember the couples name, but the woman from the Ukraine? The guy has issues and it's fine for him to have strippers for a FOURTH bachelor party?! What kind of woman needs to go to a club...

Edited by pastaintheprincess
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Who else is with me of throwing the “Nigerian Prince” *cough cough* off a cliff?? And we have another desperate mother dumping her kid off to relatives to travel half way around the world on a what if boyfriend/fiancé/possible husband.  These women need to shop for someone within 100 kms of their home turf.

Jorge that “attitude” was the SAME attitude you found so cute when she cancelled your ticket to Russia and locked you out of your phone. She would have let you in dumbass if you brought her a 50K purse, 60K piece of jewellery, some type of token.  Man, I feel bad for the cute cat. #resucethekitty !!

Goober Matt should be lucky to marry Alla. He should be kissing the ground she is walking on.

Man, who doesn’t love Azan’s family. Damn, Nicole is so clueless.

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Azan feels obligated to "love" Nicole.  I don't believe that he does at all.  Their situation is so FUBAR.  I hope that they break up. 

Jorge and Anfisa are beyond belief.  I don't even have words.

Matt and Alla, meh.

Chantal/CeAir and Pedro/Junior.  Who the hell believes that any of this is real?  Epic fake fail.

I'm ignoring the most ridiculous couple for my own well being.

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Jorge's losing a lot of weight so I think this relationship is taking a toll on him.  Anfisa even kicked him off the couch?  He looked like hell after sleeping in his sports car, if he slept at all.  He better get an RV if he marries Anfisa so he'll have somewhere to sleep when she kicks him out again.  And again.  And again.  

And his groveling was disturbing.  Unless they have a master/slave agreement, something is seriously wrong with him to put up with that and then beg for forgiveness.  I mean, he's really got something wrong with him.

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