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7 hours ago, straightshooter said:

Even more frustrated when, at the end, we see her telling Bethenny that no, she wouldn't want to be told if Bethenny were to see him "cheating" yet again. That's proof to me that she's either beyond desperate or is much more okay with an open relationship than she wants us to believe.  What is it?  She just wants the financial security?  Enjoys the title of "wife"?  I don't get it.  

Not all relashionships are binar. You don't have to believe in monogamy and some people don't. 

Lu should just say/admit that they are marrying for companionship (you enjoy each other presence in your life and want to make a commitment) with an understanding that both of them do whatever they want sexually as long as it's kept safe and private. Which in that case is an epic fail of course but hey, Tom's learning to be caught up in Bravo's web. I'm guessing he's already better at it. It's not well judge as far as couple relationships go but those people exist and when it's between consenting adults, it should be accepted and there's nothing to be ashamed of imho. LuAnn could be a factor in some revolution, who knows?! :)

After reading all your comments, I passed on the last episode, and I never did that, for any RH shows, ever. It's my drug. I think I'm out for this one too and maybe the one after, depending on what you'll say here. I'll come back for the reunion. It's just not fun anymore. Bethenny, whom I liked before (but I have never seen Ever After and all that...), really sucked the life out of it. I don't know. I liked the bitchiness of the previous seasons, the inane fights for bullshit reasons, but it got way too personal. Gorgas/Giudices level of personal and that shit was dark. We got from fighting because it's their job to "I'm trying to ruin your life". I don't care how much realness Beth wants, and as much as I agree I'd really like to see more of their real relationships with other people, the socialite life and all that, but trashing everybody, trying to burn lives and reputations to the ground, all the while you are applauded by the rest of the coven you're terrorizing? I don't know... I'm uneasy watching, not just moking them for their pretenses anymore. It sucks.

  • Love 7

I wonder if Bethenny's married BF sent her the photos.  Who else would be sending photos to Bethenny in the middle of the night and would know she would be soooo interested in wanting to know about/sabotage Luann that she needed to hear about it that late at night without worrying about invoking Bethenny's ire?  Only someone paid to give her the info (but would they have her personal cell?) or someone who knew they had Beth's ear in a personal way.

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, jinjer said:

I wonder if Bethenny's married BF sent her the photos.  Who else would be sending photos to Bethenny in the middle of the night and would know she would be soooo interested in wanting to know about/sabotage Luann that she needed to hear about it that late at night without worrying about invoking Bethenny's ire?  Only someone paid to give her the info (but would they have her personal cell?) or someone who knew they had Beth's ear in a personal way.

Lol, someone from Bravo did it.  :D :D :D

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ryebread said:

You KNOW she stood outside that hotel room door, right before she walked in, messing up her hair and practicing her JustGotScrewed Face. 

I'm surprised she didn't borrow a vacuum cleaner and hose from the hotel housekeeper to put hickeys on her neck.

I think that grand entrance/walk of shame was faked by Ramona.  If I recall correctly, Sonja mentioned something to the other girls at breakfast that she had a get coffee and a pastry (?) for Ramona (weren't they sharing a room again?).  Two minutes later, Ramona enters through the connecting door, with that phony smile on her face and her hair all mussed.

First of all, regardless of what she may have done the night before, there is no way that Ramona would go anywhere in public (presumably not in their hotel) with her hair looking like that, doing a "walk of shame".  Second, given Ramona's history and the way she speaks of her dating style compared to Luann and Sonja's more free and easy dating ways, that whole scene goes against everything that is Ramona, who is pretty straight-laced.

I'm calling shenanigans on that one.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 16
1 hour ago, Sai said:

Carole and Bethenny have the same denim jacket.  Anyone notice that?

Luann doing her song on the boat when those guys recognized her was hysterical.

That sandbar trip seemed lame.  I didn't know it was an actual sandbar.  I thought they would be at a sandy beach with a bar.  They never even got off the boat.

I think that the women did not get the full lowdown on that sandbar thing.  I wasn't sure what to expect, but I didn't expect to have flashbacks to Vicki (RHOC) floating around in an inner tube on Lake Havasu.  It just didn't seem like something the women from New York would enjoy - didn't seem upscale enough for them.

I'm surprised that little Miss Know-it-All Bethenny didn't give them a heads-up as to what actually goes on there.

It really is a good thing that Ramona didn't go.  She would have done nothing but complain and bitch, ruining it for the other women, who seemed to realize this was not really their thing, but embraced it and appeared to be having a good time.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Sonja needs to stop. Just STAHP. She went from having a FWB relationship with Tom, to being regular lovers, and now she was meeting his mother right before Thanksgiving? What in the what what? She may not be drinking any more, but the delusion still runs deep. 

And the whining about how she now has no one to sleep with? Girl, bye. Your house is like a revolving door of hook-ups. Calm the fuck down. 

That being said, I just don't see it between Lu and Tom. I don't feel like she is really in love with HIM, but the idea of him. She's happy, that's for sure. But it's the entire situation. not specifically Tom. When I see them together, there's zero chemistry. Hell, I feel more emotion from her when she's talking about Alex. So when she's upset about what Bethenny has exposed, I feel like it's more about the image, than the actual betrayal. 

But, for whatever reason, they've chose each other. So no one should really meddle in that. Beth came off looking really pathetic in this episode. (And I'm usually a Bethenny defender). Calling Tom??? Sheesh. I'm glad he didn't pick up. She should really know that it is NEVER good to try and tell someone they're being cheated on. It rarely works out. The person usually stays with the cheater and gets mad at YOU. This is common sense. I think Lu is more mad about a scandal being associated with their image, but that's her right. If B really cared, she should have told her off camera. Just my opinion. 


Sigh....anyhow, I'm beyond over this storyline. I'd like more of Ramona and Bagatelle vs. Dorinda and Sandbar. That shit was hilarious. Ramona was her natural, rigid diva self. Dorinda was shit faced drunk and speaking a lost language. And I don't think I'd want to go to EITHER place. Bagatelle is just a bit too fancy for me, but that sandbar thing seemed like too much work. You are taken out on a boat, then you have to get out of that and get into this floating nightclub booth. But if you want something to eat, you have to get into a little kayak and be taken to a snack bar, where you can bring back some ice cream in a gas station bag. PASS. You'll find me on the beach, ordering a nice fruit plate from room service.

I did appreciate Carole going out with the other girls and proving that her and Bethenny aren't some inseparable entity. 


Final thought - please never replay Jules with the trombone. That was truly frightening. Girl has no sex appeal whatsoever. 

Maybe Carole was still mad at Bethenny for ripping into her the night before about being late.  I think it was reasonable to be pissed off because the rest of the girls were 1-1/2 hours late, but seriously - they all have cell phones glued to their hands - couldn't Carole have sent Bethenny a text or called her, saying she was running late and the rest of the girls were waiting for her, so start without them?  (Again, I think there was production manipulation there, so to give Bethenny, Ramona and Sonja more camera time to discuss the Tom situation.)

One thing I can say about Bethenny is that at least she is fair and equal with her nastiness - she doesn't only save it for non-close friends.  As I've said before, being friends with Bethenny must be completely exhausting.

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

This episode only proved to me how much Bethenny will stop at nothing to see someone as unhappy as she is.

I caught when she said in her talking head she was getting satisfaction at the thought of telling LuAnn that Tom is cheat.  And yet she wants to play it off like she was something sympathic, concerned friend.  I truly believe she wanted Carole or Ramona to be the one to let the cat out to LuAnn about Tom, but when Carole said she would deny it, Bethenny was stuck.  It's like get real!  Her dramatics of telling LuAnn at the end didn't remotely win me over, it was all an act for the camera.  

As for Sonja,  tired of her being all heartbroken over Tom's sausage strokes!  The point of friends with benefits is that - friends with benefits.  She talks as if Tom was her man for the last 30 something years.  No he just dicked you down whenever you wanted it.  That's not a relationship!  Move the hell on!

Correction whenever HE wanted it. Sonja was just a willing participant and this is the reason she's truly upset. That her arrangement with Tom confirms that her encounters aren't so much a mutual "I am woman hear me roar" sexual freedom endeavor with equal footing but instead a rather sad pit stop for Tom whenever he wanted to get his rocks off and enough alcohol was involved.

  • Love 8
10 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Maybe Carole was still mad at Bethenny for ripping into her the night before about being late.  I think it was reasonable to be pissed off because the rest of the girls were 1-1/2 hours late, but seriously - they all have cell phones glued to their hands - couldn't Carole have sent Bethenny a text or called her, saying she was running late and the rest of the girls were waiting for her, so start without them?  (Again, I think there was production manipulation there, so to give Bethenny, Ramona and Sonja more camera time to discuss the Tom situation.)


I would love, love, love to find out that the delay was a fight with Andy and Production that Carole and Dorinda and Jules put their foot down that they would NOT be a party to the takedown of Luann with this very sensitive, private info that Bethenny was hatching. I just CANNOT believe that ALL of the ladies, including Luann's allies/friends sat idly by with the info waiting for Bethenny to grenade her. On camera Sonja, Ramona, Carole, Bethenny and Bethenny's flying monkey Sarah knew. As did Tom and the person who texted Bethenny, and production, and Andy, and the girl he was kissing. That is a LOT of people. I have to believe someone told Dorinda and Jules also. I bet they all knew. The fact that none of this leaked that someone waved contracts in these ladies faces with a threat. At some point.  For fucks sake why am I watching this, why can't we see beautiful homes, opulence, and real lifestyles?

Was the delay a sit-in strike? 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 8

They didn't show enough of Ramona on the dance floor.

Next morning - Carole and her eggs (she left out the a la) francais to Luanne.

When Carole/Dorinda/Luanne/Jules get on the rubber tugboat - Carole is holding her bag high on the ledge. Does she want her shit to fall into the water?

Jules needs bangs or she should stop the ponytails for a while. Her hair is falling out and she has a rapidly receding hairline.

Ramona is lucky she didn't go to the sandbar, in that macrame dress the fisherman would have tossed her out thinking she was a net. Bagatelle should have let her sit outside to trap all the bugs flying around

  • Love 7
59 minutes ago, BogoGog24 said:

It's telling that in the previews for next week Luanne says something like "How could you do this to me at the Regency in front of everyone? Now the whole town knows!" Not "How could you do this to me? I thought we were in love and were going to get married!" Luanne definitely seems more concerned with her public image than anything IMO. And it appeared like she knew what Tom had done before Bethenny even told her, which means she either knew already or they had made some kind of agreement that they could step out on each other as long as they were discreet about it and he was dumb enough to do it in public. And I definitely think Luanne is more gaga over getting married than actually being in love. She seems really concerned with superficial stuff like big weddings, diamond rings, and money (IMO). But the fact that in real time she and Tom I think are still together kind of says this wasn't a big enough deal to her to call the whole thing off. But they also kept saying in this episode that they were going to marry on New Year's Eve (this was filmed 2015 right?) and so far as we know that didn't happen. 

I'm with everyone else that Sonja needs to shut it with the whole Tom and I were lovers thing. Either you were fuck buddies with no romantic feelings towards each other or you happened to develop feelings for your fuck buddy. But you were still fuck buddies just the same. I think Sonja's real issue is that another woman, especially a friend, snagged his rich ass before she did. She probably thinks he was her last hope for a rich husband. 

Bethenny was reveling in holding this information because it fed her ego and fueled her self-proclaimed "know it all" persona. She even basically admitted it herself. How odd that when she was showing Carole or whoever the photos that we didn't see them on camera. I have to wonder if this was all just crafted for a storyline. The big reveal between Beth and Lu looked like bad acting to me. 

I think it has more to do with all of this getting filmed for the show. On top of being hurt by his betrayal she has to contend with everyone knowing about in a very public way, so I get it. It is bad/painful enough he cheated but the way he did it caused her humiliation on top of her heartache.

49 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Luann went from "we got the yacht!"  In Palm Beach to visiting a sandbar in denim shorts (denim shorts in Palm Beach could get you run out of town)  where people pee in the shallow water and she cannot get a hot dog...... All in one ep. 

I hate Bethenny and have since season 1. Her mother, Kelly, and Ramona on the Brooklyn bridge had the guts to stand up to her long ago. None of this Tomcat BS should've gone down on camera if she cares. "I'm not the one who is doing this to you." Ok? Yes you are, on camera !!!

I did laugh when B asked Mona where the rest of her dress was. 

Bethennys artist dinner was ratchet. Bethenny in that painted CAR with the PJ man! The level of attention she needs points to psychosis. 

I wouldn't be surprised  Tom was having a bachelor's night out and he was set up with tons of booze and a girl who was paid to get the money shot for RHONY. 

Carole was normal without B. Carole is getting the picture I don't think she liked Bethenny's lecture at dinner. 

I have to wonder if Luann accuses Bethenny of setting him up at the reunion! LOL

  • Love 9
9 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Why do I not remember Luanne saying I had an open marriage in the Berkshires?

Wow. I always thought it was something she may have said off camera to the other ladies but never while filming during the season

They flashed back to her saying that last night. That said, she clarified it a bit more with Carole on the boat last night. It seems she/Count had a more normal marriage through the first 12 years with the last 4 being "open" but not by her choice, it was his. I think she told her he wanted to see others and she had go along with it or he would divorce her then and there, she elected to go along because she really did still love him and they had young kids.

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, WireWrap said:

No, on her radio show, Bethenny says she was sent a text with pictures from some guy she know and she took it to the producers so they could get the guy to sign the release and appear on camera. Her comment, "I'm not the one doing this to you", was that Tom cheated on Luann, so it was Tom that did this to her.

If this is true, Bethenny is as cruel as we've been making her out to be.  If she were truly concerned about whether or not or how to tell Lu, WHY would she go to the producers?   It's bad enough she told her on national tv, but how much more humiliating to find out that the rest of the cast, production, and the viewing audience all knew? Nice move Bitchenny.

And what made Bethenny think Tom would pick up a phone call from her -an unknown phone #?  Delusions of grandeur much?

  • Love 18

They made it seem like Lu had made the appointment  gone to Bethenny in her office bedroom to clear the air about their previous conversation.  Assuming Beth was expecting Lu, what with the camera crew there and assuming her position on the bed, why didn't she throw on a cover-up or clothes or a blanket?  imo, she is not NEARLY as sexy as she thinks she is.  Maybe she was trying to distract Lu.

  • Love 15

Many years (decades?) ago, I read in Ann Landers or Dear Abby that if one learns of a cheater (Tom), one (Beth) confronts him ~not~ the cheatee (Lu). So, Beth was correct in trying to reach Tom.  Kind of like saying: "Tom, you need to tell Lu as a courtesy at least since others already are aware of your indiscretions. You owe that to Lu."

I think that's why she wanted to talk to Tom on the phone.

  • Love 9
12 hours ago, ridethemaverick said:

Bethenny looked slightly less ugly this episode. Her behavior was still gross though.

I felt a sense of dread for the entire episode waiting for the moment. It wasn't enjoyable, it wasn't funny, and it wasn't fun to watch. I'm not a huge Luann fan but I hated this and I hate that Bethenny and her crew enjoyed it so much.

Ramona has too much money for her weave to look like that. 

This sums it up perfectly.  Her hair looked MUCH better flat-ironed straight than her normal soccer mom "shellacked" hairdo - it actually made her look somewhat pretty.  On the outside. The inside is a lost cause, though. 

12 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

Poor Dorinda, everytime she makes plans with these bitches they screw it up. The Sandbar excursion didn't seem much fun though.

Ramona really looked like something the cat dragged in. Wonder what she had done the night before that the camera's didn't catch? 

Not a fan of Luann's but When Bethenny said she didn't have a choice (or something like that) about telling her the big secret about Tom I called B.S. She could have kept her big mouth shut. But then what would these past few episodes been about? Just watching everyone eat and drink? This whole season has basically been about Luann, Tom, their engagement. Nary a word has been said lately about Bethenny and her massive amount of bleeding, thank the Bravo gods! 

Gosh that Sandbar really was lame, wasn't it?  I was expecting something like Seacrets in Ocean City Maryland- which actually IS fun.  But it just looked like a few random boats all floating in the ocean with no music, no food (well, very little) and no fun. THAT said- it would still be preferable to hanging out at some hoity-toity place with Beth, Moaner, and Sonja. Carole made the right call.

12 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I'm going to have to watch a few minutes, then post.  Otherwise I will never remember. 

First off - I don't know who writes the episode description for DirectTv, but they're not a Lu fan - "While Luann continues to gloat about her engagement ....."

When I saw that car door open followed by long skinny legs, I thought it was Jules.  Damn Dorinda's got great legs. 

I really hope that Dorinda mixes a Xanax with her alcohol. Otherwise she really is a sloppy drunk who seems to have issues with alcohol.  Why doesn't she see she's the butt of the joke with Bravo?  How could she let them get away with that tagline?

Mixing anti-anxieties with alcohol isn't great, but wow.  She's one drink away from being a fall down drunk.  And the subtitles??

"Don't comfameezumased!"  

And the arms?  Oh Doris. 

I legitimately LOL-ed when I read that "gloating" description.  Too good.  And YES I totally thought those legs belonged to Jules when I first saw them.  Damn, the woman can't seem to hold her liquor - or at least speak coherently while imbibing - but she's got a tight, firm bod. 

11 hours ago, izabella said:

That's Bethy's main problem with trying to sell us on her concern for Luann.  It's not believable because we've seen Bethy spewing vitriol at or about Lu all season.  She's not a well wisher

HA - excellent "Veevs" callback! 

But for real.  I almost--almost--might have bought into the sadness and fear that Bethenny was trying to portray in that last scene with Lu. IF the editors hadn't put that scene of her cackling LOUDLY at dinner the night before about "witness protection" or whatever it was. We see you, Beth, we see you. 

9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I agree...I giggled when I saw that, and then, the fact that she was taking a selfie while wearing it.

I like Jules, and I like tipsy Jules even more!  :-)

I'm loving tipsy Jules.  She's so much fun.  I think it's quite clear that her marriage in general was stressing her out, big time.

4 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Loved the Bravo subtitles of Dorinda's drunk scolding of Ramona.  I rewound that five times.

Does anyone else remember a portion of the season preview teaser that had Bethenny wearing white rimmed sunglasses dancing behind a DJ station at a club?  Could that be the hip hop club she mentioned tonight but we didn't see it?

I felt bad for the waiter at Bagatelle who had to hear when and where Beth & Sonja last had sex.  Hope they tipped him well.

Jules isn't a favorite of mine, but I don't dislike her either.  I do wish we'd hear more from her, even if just in THs, because she certainly had Carole's number on the boat, saying Carole was much easier to deal with away from Bethenny.  Really, anything to break up the overwhelming Beth narration in THs would be nice. 

I don't remember it from the season preview, but they use that little clip in her show intro!  I'll have to watch again to see if she is wearing the same outfit in both scenes.

17 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Why do I not remember Luanne saying I had an open marriage in the Berkshires?

Wow. I always thought it was something she may have said off camera to the other ladies but never while filming during the season

Yeah it's.... confusing to say the least.  I said last week (well 2 weeks ago) that I remembered Lu admitting that she DID have an open marriage, but was told that I was incorrect. But now she is admitting that she DID have one --- but it wasn't by her own choice. 

  • Love 12
11 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

Did you hear Bethenny was trying to pull a Jacqueline a'la RHONJ and call Tom to tell him off!   Again this woman needs to know her place and learn boundaries.

Um, Sonia told her to call Tom and from everything else we saw, it was not to tell him off, it was to basically ask him how he wants it handled--does he tell Lu or does she.  I think "tell him off" is the wrong choice of words there. 

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

Bethenny really told on herself. That whack ass lunch at Bagatelle said it all to me. Just as bad as her saying in a talking head that she was getting some glee out of this, she said that it has been such a nice trip and B hadn't found the right time to tell Luann because Luann wasn't acting like her typical "I'm so in love, Can you believe I'm engaged" and clapping her hands like a seal and jumping up and down self in B's presence so she decided to tell her at the end of the trip. Made me think if Luann actually had acted like that, B would have loved to have thrown it in her face mid-gloat. 

I do think Bethenny absolutely should have told her or got someone else who shows some semblance of caring about Lu. I can't even say I am that offended that Lu was told on air, because hey, not only is it reality tv, but one of the worst kind Bravo reality tv, which is just a step above VH1. Plus, no lie, I live for this messy shit. However, It was the totality of the circumstances that made it all so disgusting. B's keeping her personal dating life off screen, yet staying posted up in not only Luann's dating life but the life and times (and mileage) of Lu's vagina; B's Berkshire slut, whore, fuck doll tirade; Sonja's miraculous relationship evolution with Tom from last call fu*& buddies to lovers on the cusp of more because ya know, she was about to meet his moms; Ramona's counting Tom dates like her ass is Sesame Street's the Count - one, one date, two, two dates ... five, five dates HA! HA! HA! followed by thunder claps and lightening; the barely contained glee of B and Ramona; cackling at dinner when Lu speaks of defending Tom; Carole stoking the fires. 

It is all so sordid and ugly! B doesn't give a shit about Lu and it was an epic fail by B to play it as if she was more concerned than gleeful to have such a nugget. Plus, it was all too obvious that she was basking and marinating in the power she held due to this knowledge. No B, just no.  

So... I'm supposed to believe that Sonja hasn't had sex since the last time she was with Tom because Lu took her lover away? I hope Sonja is invited to the wedding just to see if she shows up, sits in the very last pew in full widow's weeds, a wide brim black hat and a nearly opaque veil over her face while holding a crusty tissue to her nose while she laments the loss of her LOVAH as Tom and Lu exchange wedding views.

That poor Bagatelle waiter deserves hazard pay. 

So I guess walking CSI crime scene Bethenny is all healed since she can parade her narrow ass around in practically a thong?

It was mentioned eleventy million times and I still don't know WTF a sandbar is and what makes it fun and interesting besides the boat/ocean aspect. So you are supposed to catch a boat to this sandbar, than take some canoe for basic ass junk food and snacks, which are probably over priced, and paddle back to your boat? Am I missing something?

Ramona's excursion was not much better although I am sure the food was. The way she went on, I thought the Bagatelle (said 8 million times) was some hip, youthful South Beach like restaurant by the water, near moored yachts, with happening music, pool, swim up bar, and the beautiful people hanging by the dock in swimsuits. It was just a regular expensive frigging restaurant?!?

How many ugly ass macrame dresses does Ramona own and stuff herself into?

Ramona acts more Countess like on vacation than Lu ever has. Lu goes with the flow. From rented yachts in pristine white dresses to tye dye and jean shorts to go to some rinky ass sandbar with no problems or complaints. Never seen Lu acting a right bitch and bum rushing to get the best room and refusing to partake in group activities and offending the hostess just because. 

I agree. Telling Luann on camera isn't the worst thing Bethenny did. It was that Bethenny told someone, her friend Sarah, who didn't know Luann at all, then she told Carole/Ramona/Sonja, who all want to see Luann/Tom fail for their own personal reasons, all on camera but never talked to Dorinda who set Luann/Tom up in the first place. Bethenny intentionally kept the 1 person, Dorinda, who would really cares about Luann's feeling in the dark and did so, IMO, so that Luann would not have support. And YES, I do think Bethenny was hoping to get a reaction from Luann to justify what she did and how she did it.

  • Love 24

Ramona's doing the "look what you're missing, Mario" in everything she does - touching up her face before supposedly meeting someone, fake walk of shame, boobs too heavy she can't walk straight or whatever. 

Dorinda seems the only person talking to Jules, but seems like it's all fine to Jules. She doesn't care. And while I do agree that the sand bar was boring, I think if everyone went along with it, they could have had fun. That other place was hardly as exciting, it was more of the same. 

Bethenny - so much drama around getting the pictures. We get it, you have the upper hand.

LuAnn - I'm on the fence on whether the engagement is fake or real. I think it's real, and it was impulsive.

Sonja - hurt ego. She'll get over it.

Carole - meh

  • Love 13
8 minutes ago, rhys said:

Many years (decades?) ago, I read in Ann Landers or Dear Abby that if one learns of a cheater (Tom), one (Beth) confronts him ~not~ the cheatee (Lu). So, Beth was correct in trying to reach Tom.  Kind of like saying: "Tom, you need to tell Lu as a courtesy at least since others already are aware of your indiscretions. You owe that to Lu."

I think that's why she wanted to talk to Tom on the phone.

True, but what made them think he would answer a phone call from some random phone number? They should have used Sonja's phone, as he would know it, not Bethenny's.  

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, straightshooter said:

Well, I felt very bad for Lu when she didn't want to hear anything about Tom and practically begged Bethenny, pretty frustrated that she ran and didn't want to face a truth she would have to face very soon.  No telling how much of it was editing.   

Even more frustrated when, at the end, we see her telling Bethenny that no, she wouldn't want to be told if Bethenny were to see him "cheating" yet again. That's proof to me that she's either beyond desperate or is much more okay with an open relationship than she wants us to believe.  What is it?  She just wants the financial security?  Enjoys the title of "wife"?  I don't get it.  

Ramona annoyed the hell out of me on this one.  She's such a damn idiot.  

It's like this meme  I've seen before. "Women can have all the evidence in the world but will still need a confession" And it has hardly anything to do with bowing to a man but more about catering to one's own heart.

I don't think it's any surprise that not everybody see's relationships as black and white. I've gone through A LOT of inappropriate situations with my significant other. Ran into information that should have ended the relationship but guess what? I needed SOLID proof of actions more damaging than the proof I had over the infraction in question. Silly? Sad? Delusional? Maybe but I needed to know that it changed what WE had. I know it sounds lame and I know there are women out there that make split decisions with the information similar to whats been shown to Lu but in my experience? I haven't come across that many. I don't think Lu is willing to look the other way I think Lu is willing to give Tom a chance to explain, apologize and give their relationship a try and chalk it up to a very reckless mistake on his part. I'm thinking a big part of her reasoning will be about "old habits" and it being an indiscretion during the gray moments between transitioning from the singles scene into a committed relationship.

Who am I to say that Lu's reasoning is wrong when people do that stuff everyday? If she wants to believe that Tom's ridiculous mistake is still not worth denying themselves the potential happiness they can find with each other and that it's a risk still worth taking then why shit on that? I know a couple that went through SHIT. He was caught cheating multiple times. She was caught cheating multiple times WITH HIS COUSIN and others! And they are going to be celebrating their 22nd Wedding Anniversary this year. They have 3 kids and I'm thinking the "cheaper to keeper" equation had a big role in them staying together but ya know what? They really do love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together. Not an arrangement or resentful partnering of defeat.  They have true love and affection for one another. They don't give each other the okay to cheat so it's not a look the other way deal but it is a stay together at all cost sorta situation. They've been running into obstacles like these before there were even children involved and yet for some reason they just didn't want things to end.

People make decisions about relationships. They don't follow the text book version of step by step guidelines outlined in the book of life. It's easy to site this social expectation from said book but I've found that it isn't implemented as easily or as frequently as suggested by the masses. I have a feeling most people understand this about relationships as well so I'm always tickled by the incredulous reaction I see from these women when a woman doesn't high five the messenger after receiving "the news" and then immediately proceeds to toss the relationship away, no if's ands or buts. Ummmmm, I know many women, in the attempt to seem hardcore, CLAIM that's what would happen or even believe that's how they would handle it IF it were ever to happen to them.  And I'm sure there are some out there that exist who have actually acted immediately and deliberately and severed connections. I'm just saying that in my 40 years I've seen more attempts at repairing, excusing, believing, and trying than I've seen of swift and quick dismissals of relationships especially when strong emotions are involved. Que cera, cera....

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 16
20 minutes ago, rhys said:

Many years (decades?) ago, I read in Ann Landers or Dear Abby that if one learns of a cheater (Tom), one (Beth) confronts him ~not~ the cheatee (Lu). So, Beth was correct in trying to reach Tom.  Kind of like saying: "Tom, you need to tell Lu as a courtesy at least since others already are aware of your indiscretions. You owe that to Lu."

I think that's why she wanted to talk to Tom on the phone.

I am thinking a text would have also worked.  Oh that would deprive Bethenny of screen time. 

  • Love 8
8 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Bethenny is loving the power, control and attention that came with those pics.  She has hated Luann for years and loves having this over her.  She dropped that "un Countess-like" term yet again -- she has had an axe to grind for years.  Her tears were so fake.

Sonja is practically tripping over herself with glee over Tom cheating.  She was clearly nothing more than a spoke on his rotating wheel of hookups and is now trying to talk it up like it was some great love affair.  You can tell how much it bothers her that she was so casually dropped and that now he is telling people it was just a one night stand.  Really goes against this image of herself that she tries to project, that she's this "coquettish" girl about town who all the men love.  More like the old lady in the rundown townhouse who has her legs open for anyone and everyone.  She was good for cheap, quick sex and that's it.  She really looks foolish and I'm embarrassed for her, all of this being on tv.

Bethenny is a huge bitch to her so-called friends.  Yelling and chastising Carole at the dinner table like that.  Calling Dorinda the village idiot.  IRL, dating her friend's ex-husband.  Wow.  Who would ever put up with her romantically?  She's horrible.  I feel sorry for her daughter.

I like Carole more when she isn't parroting Bethenny or living up in her ass.  I don't like her continual runtelldat.

Bethenny, Ramona and Sonja were a trio of miserable old hags on this trip.  When they were cackling over Luann at dinner saying that she'd kill for Tom, I was disgusted.  They were really enjoying that.  Total meangirls who will never have happiness themselves.  Pathetic.  It's obvious why Bethenny's marriage failed, why Ramona's and Sonja's husbands left them.

Ramona needs to cut that hair.  It looks like a dingy mop on top of her head.  It is way too young of a hairstyle for her.  I hope Mario is living it up with his young girlfriend.  Good for him.

THIS! So much THIS! To the bolded.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

Bethenny is loving the power, control and attention that came with those pics.  She has hated Luann for years and loves having this over her.  She dropped that "un Countess-like" term yet again -- she has had an axe to grind for years.  Her tears were so fake.

Sonja is practically tripping over herself with glee over Tom cheating.  She was clearly nothing more than a spoke on his rotating wheel of hookups and is now trying to talk it up like it was some great love affair.  You can tell how much it bothers her that she was so casually dropped and that now he is telling people it was just a one night stand.  Really goes against this image of herself that she tries to project, that she's this "coquettish" girl about town who all the men love.  More like the old lady in the rundown townhouse who has her legs open for anyone and everyone.  She was good for cheap, quick sex and that's it.  She really looks foolish and I'm embarrassed for her, all of this being on tv.

Bethenny is a huge bitch to her so-called friends.  Yelling and chastising Carole at the dinner table like that.  Calling Dorinda the village idiot.  IRL, dating her friend's ex-husband.  Wow.  Who would ever put up with her romantically?  She's horrible.  I feel sorry for her daughter.

I like Carole more when she isn't parroting Bethenny or living up in her ass.  I don't like her continual runtelldat.

Bethenny, Ramona and Sonja were a trio of miserable old hags on this trip.  When they were cackling over Luann at dinner saying that she'd kill for Tom, I was disgusted.  They were really enjoying that.  Total meangirls who will never have happiness themselves.  Pathetic.  It's obvious why Bethenny's marriage failed, why Ramona's and Sonja's husbands left them.

Ramona needs to cut that hair.  It looks like a dingy mop on top of her head.  It is way too young of a hairstyle for her.  I hope Mario is living it up with his young girlfriend.  Good for him.

THIS! So much THIS! To the bolded.

There needs to be an intervention with Ramona. Someone needs to tell her that she is not the same age she was when she was in the dating pool before her marriage and she is a grown up now. A grown up who should not wear anything remotely see-through. She also needs to loose the giant boobs. They make her look like a beach ball! There is no waist definition at all. Tight clothing is also not her friend.  Neither is scraggly hair...

You're out there now, Ramona. Time to up your game.

  • Love 9
16 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Yeah it's.... confusing to say the least.  I said last week (well 2 weeks ago) that I remembered Lu admitting that she DID have an open marriage, but was told that I was incorrect. But now she is admitting that she DID have one --- but it wasn't by her own choice

I am so glad that it has finally been clarified that yes, LuAnn DID have an "open marriage" and that was not just some rumor started by meanies Ramona and Bethenny to take LuAnn down.  They were just repeating what LuAnn herself had said!  As to the bolded part, I call bullshit on this.  LuAnn chose to stay in the marriage.  It was her choice.  Whether she herself also had relationships outside her marriage, well, that hasn't been confirmed but it's been mentioned several times to LuAnn without her denial, so I'm gonna say yeah, she also had extramarital relationships while married to the Count. 

The whole Tom thing seems to fit a pattern, that monogamy is not a deal breaker for Lu.  She's so desperate to get down the aisle (or "runway" as she allegedly called it), it's pathetic. 

  • Love 14

I watched the last two episodes back to back.  I was debating on if I even wanted to watch this one because of Bethenny.  To me, the woman is soulless.  She just reveled in her glory when she told Luann about Tom.  I don't think Sonja had a relationship with Tom at all, I think they just fucked, plain and simple and now she wants to pretend it was a relationship.    

I think Ramona, Bethenny and Sonja are three miserable hag witches.  They wanted to destroy Luann's happiness because all three of them know that no man would ever want them for anything other than a quick screw.  

I don't know who Ramona thinks she is with that nasty blonde weave on top of her head; she's not twenty-five anymore, and that fake hair makes her look 10 years older.

Carole should get on the clue bus, Bethenny yelled at her, like she were an errant child, over dinner.  

Bethenny is so miserable, no wonder her husband wants nothing to do with her, and I bet the sex was awful too.

  • Love 20

I feel like if anyone is trying to "take Luann down" it's production AND I think it's all manufactured bullsh*t.  I also think that Luann is in on all of this.  She's made a point all season of flaunting her love and engagement to the point of extreme nausea for me at the very least.  She built him up ALL season so of course it was inevitable to have the house of cards fall. It's just good TV.  Even had we not seen previews, everyone saw this coming--including Tamra Barney's medium. I'm tired of the poor sainted Lu stuff that i'm reading. I feel sorry for her that she was in a one-sided open marriage because she'd rather do that than lose the man she loves, if that's even true.  It seems she is now doing the same thing with Tom while acting appalled that anyone would ask if they are monogamous. Who knows maybe she has her side flings too and they both have an arrangement as suggested above.  They are both cheaters regardless and that tends to only end one way so good luck to them if they go through with this whole thing. Lu's blog basically said she'd have wanted to know but that Bethenny should have told Dorinda to tell her.  I have to wonder if she has watched this season at all if she thinks Dorinda is such a great friend to her.  Bottom line for me is that most of these people are not friends.  You want to know why these things happen on camera instead of in private? Because they are not friends. They talk when contractually obligated to do so.  They reveal on camera because it's their job not because there's a sinister plot to take someone down.  You got humiliated on national TV because you are ON national TV. People have tried to warn her all season that Tom wasn't this great paragon of virtue she thought he was and she chose to ignore all of his behavior as "Before Lu." She can't ignore it now and she can't pretend the whole world didn't see his true colors. 

Watching Luann this season for me was like an exaggerated episode of Seinfeld where Bethenny is Elaine Benes.

  • Love 14

Meth should run for president - she had the screechy voice, the fabrications and an favorability rating that puts her above runny diarrhea from the jalapenos you ate and below getting your fingers smashed in a car door?

The Ramonster's boobs are too new, they will settle after a while, without anyone taking them for a test drive.

I love that Scare-ole had a chance to eat a hot dog - but we didn't get to see her inhale it.


Carole is an imbecile.  I have noticed that she doesn't have the 'common sense' that other people have when it comes to food?

She eats and didn't bring anything back for the group.

The scene at the party where she thought the server brought a plate just for her.

She jumped into action during the Calzone Crisis, she eats with her mouth full and is a vegan when she goes home?

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

There needs to be an intervention with Ramona. Someone needs to tell her that she is not the same age she was when she was in the dating pool before her marriage and she is a grown up now. A grown up who should not wear anything remotely see-through. She also needs to loose the giant boobs. They make her look like a beach ball! There is no waist definition at all. Tight clothing is also not her friend.  Neither is scraggly hair...

You're out there now, Ramona. Time to up your game.

While I agree Ramona needs an Extenservention,  I don’t want her to lose the boobs.

A great season of NY for me is to see what a great swimmah Ramona is.

I want to see a Miami Beach lifeguard take out his binoculars. The camera pans out to the ocean, the viewing audience sees a yellow floaty noodle and just feet and toes are frantically splashing at the surface. Ramona is going glug glug glug cause the rock tits are pulling her towards the ocean floor.

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Pollock said:

Not all relashionships are binar. You don't have to believe in monogamy and some people don't. 

Lu should just say/admit that they are marrying for companionship (you enjoy each other presence in your life and want to make a commitment) with an understanding that both of them do whatever they want sexually as long as it's kept safe and private. Which in that case is an epic fail of course but hey, Tom's learning to be caught up in Bravo's web. I'm guessing he's already better at it. It's not well judge as far as couple relationships go but those people exist and when it's between consenting adults, it should be accepted and there's nothing to be ashamed of imho. LuAnn could be a factor in some revolution, who knows?! :)

After reading all your comments, I passed on the last episode, and I never did that, for any RH shows, ever. It's my drug. I think I'm out for this one too and maybe the one after, depending on what you'll say here. I'll come back for the reunion. It's just not fun anymore. Bethenny, whom I liked before (but I have never seen Ever After and all that...), really sucked the life out of it. I don't know. I liked the bitchiness of the previous seasons, the inane fights for bullshit reasons, but it got way too personal. Gorgas/Giudices level of personal and that shit was dark. We got from fighting because it's their job to "I'm trying to ruin your life". I don't care how much realness Beth wants, and as much as I agree I'd really like to see more of their real relationships with other people, the socialite life and all that, but trashing everybody, trying to burn lives and reputations to the ground, all the while you are applauded by the rest of the coven you're terrorizing? I don't know... I'm uneasy watching, not just moking them for their pretenses anymore. It sucks.

I won't go as far as believing that they've agreed that stepping out on each other is okay but I do believe that they have decided on this marriage based on the bolded and that alone should explain why Lu reactions to this news aren't going to be as expected as others would think.

I do believe that Lu is willing to be more understanding and not as quick to throw everything away because of a kiss here a kiss there and expects that the kinks will work themselves out between engagement and wedding.  I do see her sticking with it for as long as they can be happy with each other. I think other people marring what they have based on THEIR expectations of a relationship is inappropriate and damaging and it all just boils down to judgements. Be concerned if you see a friend unhappy and not because you require them to be unhappy with their current circumstances.

  • Love 6
41 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

 Yeah it's.... confusing to say the least.  I said last week (well 2 weeks ago) that I remembered Lu admitting that she DID have an open marriage, but was told that I was incorrect. But now she is admitting that she DID have one --- but it wasn't by her own choice. 

At the end of the last episode (2 weeks ago), when Carole and Ramona were in Bethenny's Miami room, Carole said that Luanne told them she an open marriage. I got slammed too when I mentioned this, it somehow turned into Carole is such a liar and bitter old hag. Yikes

  • Love 7
39 minutes ago, HumblePi said:

I thought that was quite a good moment for Jules, it made her look more like a party girl. But then it got a little weird when she straddled the trombone and started humping it. 'Trom-boner'?

I had visions of her pulling aside the crotch of her underwear and playing "When the Saints Come Marching In" after she warmed the mouthpiece up?

  • Love 3
37 minutes ago, shoegal said:

I am so glad that it has finally been clarified that yes, LuAnn DID have an "open marriage" and that was not just some rumor started by meanies Ramona and Bethenny to take LuAnn down.  They were just repeating what LuAnn herself had said!  As to the bolded part, I call bullshit on this.  LuAnn chose to stay in the marriage.  It was her choice.  Whether she herself also had relationships outside her marriage, well, that hasn't been confirmed but it's been mentioned several times to LuAnn without her denial, so I'm gonna say yeah, she also had extramarital relationships while married to the Count. 

The whole Tom thing seems to fit a pattern, that monogamy is not a deal breaker for Lu.  She's so desperate to get down the aisle (or "runway" as she allegedly called it), it's pathetic. 

why is it pathetic that she chooses to live her life that way? At the worst it's different than what other people would do. So curious why this is something the other women fault Lu for. It's all a part of the package of why they don't like her. Because she accepts things in her life that the others "wouldn't" <eyeroll>. Either way I don't get why that should be something that angers others or annoys others or causes ill will toward Lu from others. So she likes to stay in a committed relationship at all costs and doesn't find the need to explain it or announce the details of it to nosey nasty women who have no good intentions towards her. Very intriguing how it's more offensive that Lu participates in such arrangements than women going on and on and on rudely, and nastily about a women who doesn't affect their lives at all.


Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 15

Luanne is still engaged.

Even if Bethenny shows her a time stamped sex tape, Luanne is going to forgive Tom.

Though she wasn’t engaged to Jacques, they were for all appearances in a long term committed relationship. Pirate Penis and Countess Pussy hooked up. This was done while Luanne was filming, humiliating for Jacques and they stayed together for another year. Luanne had to give the same concession to Tom or appear to be an unforgiving hypocrite.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I think that grand entrance/walk of shame was faked by Ramona.  If I recall correctly, Sonja mentioned something to the other girls at breakfast that she had a get coffee and a pastry (?) for Ramona (weren't they sharing a room again?).  Two minutes later, Ramona enters through the connecting door, with that phony smile on her face and her hair all mussed.

First of all, regardless of what she may have done the night before, there is no way that Ramona would go anywhere in public (presumably not in their hotel) with her hair looking like that, doing a "walk of shame".  Second, given Ramona's history and the way she speaks of her dating style compared to Luann and Sonja's more free and easy dating ways, that whole scene goes against everything that is Ramona, who is pretty straight-laced.

I'm calling shenanigans on that one.

IF the ramonster had her ashes hauled, she probably would end up sitting in the wet spot trying to figure out what hit her?

There is NO way she'd ever go for a 'one nighter' - if she was dating someone she'd make sure that people would know about it?

She'd make sure that someone, everyone would know who she was dating - she parade him up and down - like one of those balloons in the Macy's parade.

  • Love 4
40 minutes ago, shoegal said:

I am so glad that it has finally been clarified that yes, LuAnn DID have an "open marriage" and that was not just some rumor started by meanies Ramona and Bethenny to take LuAnn down.  They were just repeating what LuAnn herself had said!  As to the bolded part, I call bullshit on this.  LuAnn chose to stay in the marriage.  It was her choice.  Whether she herself also had relationships outside her marriage, well, that hasn't been confirmed but it's been mentioned several times to LuAnn without her denial, so I'm gonna say yeah, she also had extramarital relationships while married to the Count. 

I agree. Just from witnessing her behavior with the pirate and Jacques, I don't buy that she was faithful to the count while only HE was running around. I think she's probably always had relationships like this; where it gets tricky is if someone fails to be discreet about it.

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, Yours Truly said:

why is it pathetic that she chooses to live her life that way? At the worst it's different than what other people would do. So curious why this is something the other women fault Lu for. It's all a part of the package of why they don't like her. Because she accepts things in her life that the others "wouldn't" <eyeroll>. Either way I don't get why that should be something that angers others or annoys others or causes ill will toward Lu from others. So she likes to stay in a committed relationship at all costs and doesn't find the need to explain it or announce the details of it to nosey nasty women who have not good intentions towards her. Very intriguing how it's more offensive that Lu participates in such arrangements than women going on and on and on rudely, and nastily about a women who doesn't affect their lives at all.


I don't know about everyone else but I don't think it's pathetic she chooses to live her life that way,  I think it's sad which is different.  I think it's sad that she doesn't feel like she's worthy of being treated better by her partners.  The thing is she DOES explain and announce the details of her relationships she just changes them along the way as they suit her. Remember when Ramona outed her at the reunion years ago and said she was in an open marriage?  She vociferously denied it, then admitted it and now is saying "yeah but it wasn't my choice."  This is all so she can play the victim when everything falls apart.  If she just admitted it from the start instead of pretending to be someone she's not, it wouldn't be such a big deal. 

  • Love 12

Ramona and Luann marriages to me, sound like slow death marriages not open marriages.  Both knew or had been told their husbands were stepping out but they continued to carry on as is their spouse's infidelity could be cured.  Ramona's brother wrote in his book that Ramona had more affairs than Mario.  It would not be the first time I disagreed with the terminology of a RH.  Vicki on RHOC husband Donn according to Vicki had the same girlfriend throughout their marriage and she engaged in infidelity, yet you never hear her refer to it as an "open marriage" she would probably say that is filthy.  I hope Luann addresses it  at the Reunion although I have a hard time going back seven years to make a point and label someone.  It is kind of like someone who quits smoking, how long do you talk about them being a smoker and damaging their health?  At some point it is moot.

Just now, KungFuBunny said:

Luanne is still engaged.

Even if Bethenny shows her a time stamped sex tape, Luanne is going to forgive Tom.

Though she wasn’t engaged to Jacques, they were for all appearances in a long term committed relationship. Pirate Penis and Countess Pussy hooked up. This was done while Luanne was filming, humiliating for Jacques and they stayed together for another year. Luanne had to give the same concession to Tom or appear to be an unforgiving hypocrite.

This is not directed at you but how does her staying and marrying someone who stepped out make her less of a hypocrite?  Are Jacques feelings now part of the equation? Are his feelings of humiliation now diminished?

  • Love 2

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