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The Other Duggars: The Lost Girls and Amy

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Jed's hairline is starting to go (he's almost 18), but his twin seems to be holding onto his hairline, which was easily seen when he got the crew cut during his recent stint at ALERT. I'd have to go back to look at a pic of Jason, but I think he's starting to lose his hairline, and he's just 16. 

James has his hair....for now. He's just starting to grow, so I'll give it a year and see where his hairline is. 

Poor Duggar boys. Even my Dick Vitale-level bald (see below) Dad had a full head of hair through his years in the Navy. I hope none of the Duggar boys end up like this when their Pops hasn't lost a hair in his life: 



Edited by Sew Sumi
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Forgive me if I've pointed this out before, but hair loss in young adulthood doesn't necessarily continue apace throughout life. My husband's forehead got a lot bigger (ha) in his 20s, but it's held pretty steady for 20 years or more. It's been nearly the same for my brother.

I hope we can all agree that a receding hairline--or even flat-out baldness--doesn't automatically make a guy hideous.  My husband likes to say that all men are given the same amount of testosterone, and if some guys want to squander theirs growing hair, that's their business.  ;-)

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3 minutes ago, Portia said:

Forgive me if I've pointed this out before, but hair loss in young adulthood doesn't necessarily continue apace throughout life. My husband's forehead got a lot bigger (ha) in his 20s, but it's held pretty steady for 20 years or more. It's been nearly the same for my brother.

I hope we can all agree that a receding hairline--or even flat-out baldness--doesn't automatically make a guy hideous.  My husband likes to say that all men are given the same amount of testosterone, and if some guys want to squander theirs growing hair, that's their business.  ;-)

This is true...I don't typically go for baldies or men with receding hairlines, but Patrick Stewart, The Dos Equis Guy, and Sean Connery all make me swoon!

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Thought I read somewhere that the male hair pattern is from the mother's father (maternal grandfather) side of the family. I'm not sure if this means the type of hair (curly, straight)or just how/if the hair line recedes.  But this would explain Boob's Lego head of hair, but the boy's receding hair lines. I think MEchelle's dad had the Dick Vitale look. 

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It has a lot to do with how bald men carry themselves I think; self-consciousness isn't all that attractive after all. Sean Connery knew he was sexy AF, hair or no hair and so he was sexy AF. The Duggar boys on the other hand are awkward AF, and the lack of hair and socialisation (and the acne) isn't helping one bit. I feel a bit sorry for them tbh because while they're all cute as kids, they never really get to experience being attractive as adults so they won't get a chance to develop their swagger like Connory or Patrick Stewart obviously did.

On the other hand, Smuggar did have a few years where he was kind of decent looking and look where that got him... Maybe the other Duggar boys should be counting their blessings.

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My dad was EXTREMELY good-looking well into his senior years (he looked probably 15 years younger than his actual age well into his 70's). I just fear that some of the Duggar boys will be *that* bald one day. I agree it's a confidence thing, and the arrogance that these fundies show does not equal confidence. 

IIRC, Grandpa Ruark had some hair loss, but wasn't Dick Vitale bald. So hopefully, while the boys lose hair early, they won't lose much more. 

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On 7/9/2016 at 11:17 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

Poor John David is the homeliest of the male Duggar spawn. His twin is beautiful. Genetics don't always make sense.

Smuggar's vileness makes him ugly beyond homeliness

The genetics make sense because they are paternal twins and not identical twins.  Paternal twins can look as different from each other as any other sibling.

1 hour ago, Barb23 said:

Thought I read somewhere that the male hair pattern is from the mother's father (maternal grandfather) side of the family. I'm not sure if this means the type of hair (curly, straight)or just how/if the hair line recedes.  But this would explain Boob's Lego head of hair, but the boy's receding hair lines. I think MEchelle's dad had the Dick Vitale look. 

This is true and it applies to hair loss and baldness.  So Michelle's dad is the fault here. Meanwhile, JB's daughter's sons will bald at the same rate JB goes bald.  

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Oddly, when I was younger I always found receding hairlines rather attractive, but the older I get, the more I can appreciate a good head of hair. My husband's hairline was starting to go at 27 when I met him, and it never bothered me a bit. Now that I have sons who are 25 & 30, both losing hair, I sort of feel for them and wish they could hold on to it for a but longer. The 25 year old in particular, I swear I can see more scalp through his hair after every shower these days. Still, if that is passed down on the maternal side I guess I can only blame my genes...

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My husband started losing it in the crown in his late 40's (he's 56 now). It's just a small bald spot, and if his hair is long enough you don't really notice it, but he got it from his Vitale-domed dad. His maternal grandfather and grandmother had thick, thick hair that his mother inherited. 

Like I said earlier, genetics, they be weird. 

I guess what I'm trying to say it that pretty much any outcome is possible with 10 boys. 

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Poor babby Jeebus help a Duggar couple with fertility problems. Of course, it will be HER fault, and the husband (Duggar or otherwise) will never be tested for low sperm count. 

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34 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Poor babby Jeebus help a Duggar couple with fertility problems. Of course, it will be HER fault, and the husband (Duggar or otherwise) will never be tested for low sperm count. 

In olden days it was not the man's problem.  If a couple couldn't conceive, it was the woman's fault & she was considered "barren".

Edited by ariel
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6 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Oddly, when I was younger I always found receding hairlines rather attractive, but the older I get, the more I can appreciate a good head of hair. My husband's hairline was starting to go at 27 when I met him, and it never bothered me a bit. Now that I have sons who are 25 & 30, both losing hair, I sort of feel for them and wish they could hold on to it for a but longer. The 25 year old in particular, I swear I can see more scalp through his hair after every shower these days. Still, if that is passed down on the maternal side I guess I can only blame my genes...

My 21 year old is the same. I feel so guilty....  

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10 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Poor babby Jeebus help a Duggar couple with fertility problems. Of course, it will be HER fault, and the husband (Duggar or otherwise) will never be tested for low sperm count. 

Hey, throughout his life George Washington blamed Martha for their lack of offspring. Said that the only chance he'd ever have to produce kids would be if she died young and he married some sweet young thing. Yep. The Father of Our Country totally ignored the fact that, just before he married young widow Martha, she'd popped out four kids in rapid succession with her first husband.

It's the American way. We put him on our holiest of objects, after all, the dollar bill.

Edited by Churchhoney
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1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

Hey, throughout his life George Washington blamed Martha for their lack of offspring. Said that the only chance he'd ever have to produce kids would be if she died young and he married some sweet young thing. Yep. The Father of Our Country totally ignored the fact that, just before he married young widow Martha, she'd popped out four kids in rapid succession with her first husband.

It's the American way. We put him on our holiest of objects, after all, the dollar bill.

That's right, Churchie! You always know how to call 'em. These are the Churchie posts that make my day.

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Not to go too far OT, but didn't Martha have kids from her first marriage? How very Fundie of George to blame his infertility on her, lol.

Aside from any physical issues, what if one of the Duggars just flat out doesn't want children? Not everyone is a kid person, and I imagine growing up in a horde with minimal parental love and attention would turn several of them off from wanting a family. Of course, I don't think they have much choice, but it wouldn't surprise me if some of the siblings felt that way.

Edited by BitterApple
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I also see Jessa in that photo


Ok, originally there was a pic of MEchelle's dad posted to which I was referring. Now it's gone lol

Edited by lulu69
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My son who is in his early 30s has a bald patch on the back of his head. Both his grandfathers died, in their 80s, with a full head (although thinner) of hair. His great grandfather, my grandfather, died in his 60s with a crazy thick mane of hair, but with a slight receding hairline.

I don't know where my kid's balding gene came from, but he sure doesn't like his bald spot.

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Lets try to keep the conversation on the younger Duggar children, Grandma Duggar and Amy instead of male baldness, possible infertility problems, and the older Duggar children who have their own threads. Thank you.

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14 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Who's the tramp in the shorts? I'm shocked Boob and Michelle let such a scandalous child pass through the hallowed gates of the TTH.

I think those are the modesty leggings that got rolled up when she sat in the lotus position.

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3 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

And it looks like they're in the BEDROOM, rather than even the playroom. Da fuq?

Hiding from Miracle Josie so she doesn't eat another art set. 

F, I'm going to hell for thinking that. 

Edited by CofCinci
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On Amy's instagram, she has a photo of a kitten that she found in her garage - and I realized that she hasn't mentioned or shown her own kitty for quite awhile. I sure hope nothing happened to it! 

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I did suggest socializing the garage kitty - even if she eventually has to give it up - on her IG. Poor thing has been in there for weeks with no bonding from either humans or other felines. :(

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On July 15, 2016 at 6:08 PM, CofCinci said:

Hiding from Miracle Josie so she doesn't eat another art set. 

F, I'm going to hell for thinking that. 

Yes, you are...

(No worries, you can join me in the Prayer Closet; the food and wine is always good here.)

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Not sure where this was taken, or who the boys are, or whose pack and play is in the background, but this art project is kindergarten level stuff. Hannie is WAAAAY too old to be doing this kind of crafting. And poor Jenni couldn't come up with anything more original than a cross? Poor kid. Their imagination is sooo stunted. :(

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Josie is six, right? Why are they treating her like a three year-old? Something's off about her. :( And why isn"t the "concert pianist," Buddy Jana, giving the lesson? Why the Query girl?

Edited by Sew Sumi
because typing on my phone without my old lady readers causes typos
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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Not sure where this was taken, or who the boys are, or whose pack and play is in the background, but this art project is kindergarten level stuff. Hannie is WAAAAY too old to be doing this kind of crafting. And poor Jenni couldn't come up with anything more original than a cross? Poor kid. Their imagination is sooo stunted. :(

Blue dog boy is often seen in pictures with Jackson. I think he's his friend. No idea who he is though. 

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That thing's a dog? (I'm talking aobut the kid in the middle, not the one on the end who made an OBVIOUS dog). It's also sad that some obviously used templates; that dog and the state of Arkansas are a little too "perfect" to have been done freehand. Hopefully, Jenni's cross was freehand. Can't tell what Hannie drew. Looks like a lopsided heart. By almost 11, she should know how to fold the paper in half to make a perfect heart. Geezus. 

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It looks like string art. Sew, you're right about using templates.  The boy with the recognizable dog still has the template on the wood - looks like he traced or free hand drew the dog and then cut it out.  The Duggars must be in wall art mode with this and then Jilly making wall art in Danger America.

The room looks like the girls' room.  Last weekish, the family posted the picture of Jordyn and Jennifer in the girls' room painting and it was the same carpeting. Weird that there is still a pack and play in it unless they keep it for when Meredith and Spurgeon are around. 

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It's odd that Jose hasn't been in any of these arts & crafts pictures. It seems obvious to me that Josh & Anna aren't at the home often, because there aren't many photos of the M & Ms with the Littles anymore. 

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1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Josie is six, right? Why are they treating her like a three year-old(? Something's off about her. :( And why isn"t the "concert pianist," Buddy Jana, giving the lesson? Why the Query girl?


Wow, you weren't kidding.  She should be going into first or second grade in the Fall.  Maybe the family is babying her to the point that she acts the role? Hopefully, she is just done with cameras in her face and not playing along.  

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6 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

Josie looks a lot like Michelle in that photo.  Music does help teach counting, reading, rhythm, and hand/eye coordination, so it would benefit someone like Josie who might have other challenges.

Shhh! Don't tell the Duggars or they'll stop doing it.

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