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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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Could Kaeleigh Holt really be the non-Duggar?

As to the person that tipped off Oprah, it would give me a little joy if it was Evelyn Ruark. She lives in Ohio, where Michelle's father (the aforementioned Garrett Ruark) lived. If a victim lived with him, I'm hoping Josh's gay aunt (that he likes to reference when spewing his hateful anti-gay propaganda), helped bring him down for it.

Edited by Isthisok
  • Love 9


and Anna knew. I call BS. You don't get impressed when someone mentions they were a molester. You give them the stink-eye. Their world is so messed up.



And Josh's wife Anna, 26, says she has remained supportive of her husband – even after he confessed his "past teenage mistakes" two years before he proposed marriage.

"I can imagine the shock many of you are going through reading this. I remember feeling that same shock," she says. "When my family and I first visited the Duggar home, Josh shared his past teenage mistakes. I was surprised at his openness and humility and at the same time didn't know why he was sharing it. For Josh, he wanted not just me but my parents to know who he really was – even every difficult past mistakes."


This won't save the show.



"I would do anything to go back to those teen years and take different actions," says Josh. "I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life. In my life today, I am so very thankful for God's grace, mercy and redemption."

Smallest screechy violin



Edited by JoanArc
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I'm just hoping it wasn't Pa Keller who is the "former prison guard" cited in the police report. Given that it's a police report, and the Duggars may not have known him very well, I could see someone mixing up prison ministry with prison guard. That two people would have ties to prison would be church elders isn't impossible, but unlikely, in my opinion.

And this might explain why Anna needed no dowery, and Josh, as pointed out, got his own paycheck. (Good call.)

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Anyone in here a lawyer? How are they able to arrest priests decades after abuse but couldn't arrest Josh because the 3-year statute of limitation had passed? So confusing.

Not an attorney, but studying to be a paralegal... In most states the statute of limitations for sexual abuse/rape doesn't start until the victim is aware of the abuse. So, in the cases of children who were abused and didn't realize or remember until they are adults , the statute of limitations starts at the time of that realization. (Does that make sense?) So in the Duggar case, the victims knew and reported to their parents right away.

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I never imagined it was something this serious, when I kept reading rumors of his "failed courtship" and "needing to be married off".   I just assumed it was a typical teenage crush that they were making a mountain out of a molehill of.



Absolutely.  He is so quick to accuse others of being sinful deviants when he knew this about himself all along.

And that, above all else, will be the final nail in his coffin. Josh's holier-than-thou attitude has come back to bite him in the ass big time.
  • Love 9

I don't know what I expected from any statement they would offer. The report indicates he didn't receive any counseling and everyone is stating that he did. Talking with your pastor isn't the same as talking to a TRAINED PROFESSIONAL about how to deal with sexual urges in a healthy way. God. At least he recognized that he'd hurt others. JB and Meechel just gloss over their victim-children. 

Edited by Bean421
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I truly hope they are telling the truth that Josh and the girls received therapy. This is more than a mistake or a youthful indiscretion. I am actually shaking thinking about their treatment of the four oldest girls. At the very least Anna went into it with her eyes open. I just feel rage that the victims had to live in such close quarters with their abuser.  

Michelle and Jim Bob are disgusting individuals. 

  • Love 7

Anyone in here a lawyer? How are they able to arrest priests decades after abuse but couldn't arrest Josh because the 3-year statute of limitation had passed? So confusing.


Not a lawyer.  In Arkansas you have three years to bring charges once the abuse is discovered.  The abuse was "discovered" in 2003 when Jim Bob and Josh first told the State Trooper who did nothing.  I'm guessing the interviews done in 2006 was a last ditch effort to beat the deadline.  The part that sucks for Josh is that since he was a young juvenile, he probably could have pleaded down to a light sentence without having to register as a sex offender.  Then everything would have been sealed in juvie court where no one could have ever found out.

Edited by Saylii
  • Love 5

The start of the end.     Good.    And 


Yeah, I just wish it had been his anti-LGBTQ bigotry or his all-around stupidity that led to his downfall. Not child abuse.     :-\


Remember how Michelle likened all transgender people to child molesters? Yeah, about that....

We all know its both.       So, People magazine prints this vomit worthy article, but is silent before that.   TLC payroll is and has been working overtime and wide reaching.

Time to start emailing sponsors of TLC shows and clearly tell them you will be boycotting their products. That is the fastest way to make the Duggars disappear. 

  • Love 2

God, I'm sick to my stomach.


Thanks to all for being here today. And I hope the victims in question (including Anna and her children) have a hand to hold and a shoulder to lean on. If you need a hug, here's one from me.


Unbelievable. And Rhondinella, you said it all. I didn't think I could possibly dislike Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar more. Well, I do.

  • Love 14

Am I the only one that does not feel bad for Josh because Jim Bob took him to the cops? I think what he did is unacceptable, at 14 you are old enough to know that you dont do that to your SISTERS. I would have hoped this would have made Jim Boob and ME-chelle realize that their kids need outside contact with other people and maybe even *gasp* allowing them to date/kiss before marriage, but I guess not. I would forever feel awkward around him if he were my brother. However, I do feel bad for Anna and the kids, whom Im sure she had NO IDEA of this until now.

  • Love 5

I truly hope they are telling the truth that Josh and the girls received therapy. This is more than a mistake or a youthful indiscretion. I am actually shaking thinking about their treatment of the four oldest girls. At the very least Anna went into it with her eyes open. I just feel rage that the victims had to live in such close quarters with their abuser.  

Michelle and Jim Bob are disgusting individuals. 

We only have Anna's statement, which I would not necessarily believe.  She could of not known at all or been told it was a bunch of lies.    If she did know prior to marriage, who on earth would marry someone who molested his own sisters?

  • Love 11

InTouch doesn't mention that they used sources, but instead the Freedom of Information Act with the Springdale Police Department.  There is some talk that the documents should have never been released because child sexual abuse documents are supposed to be excluded.  It's most likely that InTouch frequently asks for information about the Duggars and this document was given to them this time under that request.  It could be that someone new at the department messed up or someone purposely gave it to them at the behest of someone else (Rick Santorium, the Clintons, the Huckabees, the Holts; could be anyone in Arkansas politics).


Do we know if Mary Duggar has a sister or a younger BFF featured on the show?  She's too old to write the letter to Oprah unless she lied about her age.

We only have Anna's statement, which I would not necessarily believe.  She could of not known at all or been told it was a bunch of lies.    If she did know prior to marriage, who on earth would marry someone who molested his own sisters?

I don't think she was told the whole story by any stretch of the imagination.


I can't imagine being in Anna Duggar's shoes right now.

  • Love 14

We only have Anna's statement, which I would not necessarily believe. She could of not known at all or been told it was a bunch of lies. If she did know prior to marriage, who on earth would marry someone who molested his own sisters?

"God willed it", i wouldn't put it past her to think of it God's mission to fix him. And it was a quick fix to Josh's roaming hands.

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We can only hope that this will serve as a blatant cautionary tale about fundie families (or any other kind) who preach sexual repression and deny their kids educations and normal relationships.


I feel awful for the girls, but I'll admit to feeling bad for Josh, too - at least, back when he was 14 and younger. He's the poster child for the damage that can be done with this kind of upbringing. He'll never be normal, either.


And yeah, a lot of the bizarro stuff that the Duggars do (like having the older girls sleep fully clothed and in a big room with other girls) makes sense if you're trying to avoid a molester.

  • Love 12

InTouch doesn't mention that they used sources, but instead the Freedom of Information Act with the Springdale Police Department.  There is some talk that the documents should have never been released because child sexual abuse documents are supposed to be excluded.  It's most likely that InTouch frequently asks for information about the Duggars and this document was given to them this time under that request.  It could be that someone new at the department messed up or someone purposely gave it to them at the behest of someone else (Rick Santorium, the Clintons, the Huckabees, the Holts; could be anyone in Arkansas politics).


Someone on another board finishing up her final requirements to become a prosecutor said that she believes the paperwork was handed to an InTouch reporter by someone in the police department. The person handing off the report allegedly committed a misdemeanor by doing so.

  • Love 2

I just watched the interview episode. Anna said with a straight look on her face that they maintained purity before they wed. That's just TOTAL BS, and a horrible lie. i can't believe that she's been enabling Josh all of these years. He was so terribly, terribly sorry....received no real (to sane people) therapy...and now won't ever act out sexually again? Doesn't she fear for her own children? Her unborn child? Molestation is not a good M'name, Anna!


And screw Papa Keller for letting her marry a guy like Josh.

  • Love 19

Shit must have hit the fan at least a couple of weeks ago. I suspect the Duggar family was tipped off since Jill seemed so tense at the interview. If she was the one who blew the whistle to her parents I can see why she could have been so not herself and afraid that the empire would fall if she said the wrong thing. The horror of everything coming back up when Jill should be a happy new mom enjoying her new baby.

  • Love 4

That's what kills me about this. The parents could have made different choices. Josh and the girls could have gotten professional help. They could have dealt with this and gotten on the right path. Instead they doubled down on religion and chased fame at a terrible cost to their precious blessings.

Edited by Bean421
  • Love 18

We only have Anna's statement, which I would not necessarily believe.  She could of not known at all or been told it was a bunch of lies.    If she did know prior to marriage, who on earth would marry someone who molested his own sisters?

This morning, I didn't think that it was possible Anna would know. However, now I think that she knew something. I'm only going by her statement. 

The Kellers I'm pretty sure did know what went on.  It seems like the Kellers were matching their daughters up with Gothard sons that their religion viewed as needing to be married. I don't think they were forced arrangments, but heavily suggested by both families. 

I would hope that she wouldn't get married knowing that her intended had molested his sister. However, I think that it could have been presented to her like they're telling us what went down. 

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