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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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So the case has been dismissed.  Happy for Anna and the kids.  As much as I dislike Josh, it does suck to be falsely accused of something like that.  I must admit the story always seemed a bit fishy to me- if someone roughs you up once, why go back again?  And yet, there must have been some sort of connection there- maybe just online or phone sex?


Is there any chance that Josh will sue Danica for libel or slander?  I mean, he has no job, his prospects are dried up, and he has a wife and 4 kids.  Plus his father is Jim Bob Duggar.  You would think they are planning the lawsuit as we speak.

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So what is Ms. Dillion going to do with the hush money? New car? New face?

She didn't get any hush money. The settlement specifically said she hasn't received any money and wouldn't be receiving any money.
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If I had to read between the lines, my guess is the attorney finally realized Boob would cut off his dick before he'd settle with a porn star and the attorney dropped the case like a hot potato.

He could have saved himself the trouble if only he'd come here first. The real world doesn't know the Duggars like we do, lol.

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15 minute of fame and a Hustler cover

For her, that was probably as big as she could dream. Can Josh sue her for defamation? Or will he let it go, since such a case would require airing other laundry that might well be dirty in nature?

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Can Josh sue her for defamation? Or will he let it go, since such a case would require airing other laundry that might well be dirty in nature?


I assumed that was the "Josh agreed not to file documents that proved she lied" part.

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Man, Anna is so dumb. How can she see those pics of her husband, or better yet his face in real life every day, and think that's a man that is happy and excited to be having more children? How can you miss that? Or did she know he was miserable and just not care? Either way: moron.

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The worst part of this whole Danica Debacle is the ammunition that it will give the leghumpers: "See, the Duggers really ARE an awesome, special, super-neat family being persecuted for their Christian beliefs by the agents of Satan! We believed that Josh was being victimized by that lying whore and he's been vindicated!"

And in a weird twist of leghumper logic, this "vindication" will not only absolve Josh of having abusive sex with Danica, but will also absolve him of being an Ashley Madison client and of molesting his sisters.

Edited by Albanyguy
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The worst part of this whole Danica Debacle is the ammunition that it will give the leghumpers: "See, the Duggers really ARE an awesome, special, super-neat family being persecuted for their Christian beliefs by the agents of Satan! We believed that Josh was being victimized by that lying whore and he's been vindicated!"

And in a weird twist of leghumper logic, this "vindication" will not only absolve Josh of having abusive sex with Danica, but will also absolve him of being an Ashley Madison client and of molesting his sisters.

I know.  This just gives the whole Josh redemption tour more fuel for his re-found holiness.  This just sucks to think of pasty boy making headlines for being 'wronged'.   I think I'll just post one of his 3 apology versions each day.  The heart of Satan one was my favorite of all.

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The whole Anna more children - Josh none situation. It takes two to make babies (for Fundies) and two to communicate. Neither one can be 'blamed' for M4. They both did it.

I don't think Josh was honest with Anna, certainly not at the beginning. They took an oath at their wedding that they would not use contraception.
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I don't think Josh was honest with Anna, certainly not at the beginning. They took an oath at their wedding that they would not use contraception.

I know as Gothardites that they don't believe in birth control, but I had no idea they pledged this at their wedding. Anyway, Anna certainly can't force Josh to impregnate her. And Josh knows about fertility. I just don't get the Anna hating on this one.

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I don't think Josh was honest with Anna, certainly not at the beginning. They took an oath at their wedding that they would not use contraception.


How did they crowbar that into the vows? Awkwardly?

These kids are doomed from the start.

Edited by NewDigs
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How did they crowbar that into the vows? Awkwardly?

These kids are doomed from the start.

I, Josh take thee Anna, to be my wife, and before God and these witnesses I promise to never use birth control. KISS

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Not hating on Anna for doing as she was raised to do.  Giving her major side-eye for hoping to keep doing it after all that's happened.


Josh really should have scheduled an out of town conference and had himself snipped.  Anna might have suspected once she suddenly wasn't able to become pregnant, but hey, just tell her that this is the number of blessings the Lord felt was right for their family.  I suspect that there are at least some other Quiverfull women out there who would secretly wish the Lord would shut down their own uterus.

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Would Josh need Anna's signature in order to have a vasectomy? My husband had one after our 3rd child, but I can't remember if he needed my permission at the doctor's office.

My parents were devout, front-pew Catholics, but even then, my dad got a vasectomy after 5 kids.

The very best, most easy and logical thing, would be for Josh to get a vasectomy!

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Me thinks Josh getting snip, snip would go against Gothard. Josh is a man, and he needs to prove he can get his little lady knocked up. He might end up being considered damage goods if he lets a doctor changed his manhood parts. Grow a pair Josh and not give in to your wife's obsession about getting knock up all the time by not practicing the ole practice makes progress and progress makes babies way of thinking.

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Would Josh need Anna's signature in order to have a vasectomy? My husband had one after our 3rd child, but I can't remember if he needed my permission at the doctor's office.

My parents were devout, front-pew Catholics, but even then, my dad got a vasectomy after 5 kids.

The very best, most easy and logical thing, would be for Josh to get a vasectomy!


I got your back on this one:


Oddly, as I surfed around online, I couldn’t really nail down any definitive explanation of how widespread this practice is, or of why doctors are able to get away with something that’s so clearly a violation of male patients’ rights.




Short version:  you can probably find a doctor who won't make this a condition; but yes, some apparently do.

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If not Danica, was there another lady that kept Josh happy when he was out of town? Remember he was "caught" in the Ashley Madison scandal rather than him confessing. Without the scandal, he would still be doing his own thing on that site & others, probably without anyone knowing.

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Me thinks Josh getting snip, snip would go against Gothard. Josh is a man, and he needs to prove he can get his little lady knocked up. He might end up being considered damaged goods if he lets a doctor change his manhood parts.


Grow a pair, Josh, and not give in to your wife's obsession about getting knock up all the time by not practicing the ole practice makes progress and progress makes babies way of thinking.


Yes, Josh would be going against GotHard, but he's been doing that for years.  Josh is fine with going against the cult rules, he just doesn't like people finding out about it. 


As for Josh needing to prove his manhood by impregnating Anna as much as possible, he's done that quite well with the first four kids arriving one after another.  If the blessing train suddenly came to a screeching halt, he could claim God's Will.  God wants him available to do more Great Works.  


Sadly, he'd be more likely to hint to Anna and his family that she was at fault.  She must not have been as joyfully available as she should be, you know.  I think he'd hide a secret vasectomy to avoid having to deal with the consequences of his own actions.  But if the truth came out, there's always that fortress that Satan built in his heart. 


Yeah, let's blame Satan for not wanting a hoard of children he can't support.  That damned Satan is always building fortresses in his heart, mind, or genitals.  When it comes time for Josh to own up to something, just pull out Satan, because Josh isn't about to own up to anything if he can help it.


I must stop now, I'm starting to lose my cool.

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Yes, Josh would be going against GotHard, but he's been doing that for years.  Josh is fine with going against the cult rules, he just doesn't like people finding out about it. 


As for Josh needing to prove his manhood by impregnating Anna as much as possible, he's done that quite well with the first four kids arriving one after another.  If the blessing train suddenly came to a screeching halt, he could claim God's Will.  God wants him available to do more Great Works.  


Sadly, he'd be more likely to hint to Anna and his family that she was at fault.  She must not have been as joyfully available as she should be, you know.  I think he'd hide a secret vasectomy to avoid having to deal with the consequences of his own actions.  But if the truth came out, there's always that fortress that Satan built in his heart. 


Yeah, let's blame Satan for not wanting a hoard of children he can't support.  That damned Satan is always building fortresses in his heart, mind, or genitals.  When it comes time for Josh to own up to something, just pull out Satan, because Josh isn't about to own up to anything if he can help it.


I must stop now, I'm starting to lose my cool.

Wow, could one of the reasons that Gothard women are so anxious for kids be to prove that they are joyfully available?

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And the sad scary fact is the children suffer because of the parent's stupidity. First the Duggar children and now the Duggar grandchildren. If Josh is not happy at all, he needs to admit to it instead of cheating on his wife and promoting his family's religious and political beliefs. He can cry all he wants about having a crappy childhood, but he does not mind riding on his parent's five minutes of famewhoring. Grow up Josh, be a man. Anna needs some major deprogramming herself. Her worth should be not equaled to being married, popping out the kiddies right and left and standing by Josh after he admitted to molesting five girls and cheating on her and looking at porn. She is the Gothard example of the Tammy Wynette song "Stand By Your Man."

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And the sad scary fact is the children suffer because of the parent's stupidity. First the Duggar children and now the Duggar grandchildren. If Josh is not happy at all, he needs to admit to it instead of cheating on his wife and promoting his family's religious and political beliefs. He can cry all he wants about having a crappy childhood, but he does not mind riding on his parent's five minutes of famewhoring. Grow up Josh, be a man. Anna needs some major deprogramming herself. Her worth should be not equaled to being married, popping out the kiddies right and left and standing by Josh after he admitted to molesting five girls and cheating on her and looking at porn. She is the Gothard example of the Tammy Wynette song "Stand By Your Man."


Did you mean to say that Anna's worth should be MORE than her role of popping out kids?  Because that makes more sense to me.  After all, she still has to raise those kids and babysit Josh as well, while still placating the rest of the cult.


She could be given a ribbon for being a good little cult wife, but I'd give her a golden statue if she woke up and started accepting help to get her and her children out of this mess.


Yet another reason I'm sad I didn't win that last big lotto.

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I think Josh is the perfect example of why you don't push kids into marriage before they're ready. If he'd grown up in the real world, Josh would've been that guy who played the field in his 20s and married in his mid 30s after he aged out of the bar/club scene. I think he initially loved Anna, but resented the hell out of her when she became pregnant with M#4. Yes, I know he's half of the equation, but Josh never made any secret of the fact that he didn't want a huge family. It wouldn't surprise me if they had discussed slowing the baby train down, only for Anna to pull an "oops".

At this point, I don't think their marriage is savable. Anna may be willing to live in willful ignorance, but Josh will be up to his old tricks once the dust settles and the ink on the TLC contracts is dry.

Edited by BitterApple
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She's one of the head covering fundies.


Maybe Josh meant his wedding vows at the time and maybe he didn't.  I don't think they hold a great deal of meaning for him any more.  He seems to have already broken one or more so expecting him to hold to taking all the children God gives him without trying to slow it down seems unrealistic to me. 

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Here are the vows, they will leave it all up to God:


Good grief. I never saw actually watched that before. No shit that those vows are different from other people's, Jessa. They're ridiculous and horrifying. What idiot things for two people who barely know each other and are in the throes of mad fundie barely-out-of-teenage lust to stand there promising.

Edited by Churchhoney
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He seems to have already broken one or more so expecting him to hold to taking all the children God gives him without trying to slow it down seems unrealistic to me.


Let's face it...he didn't remain true to the "forsaking all others" part of their vows, so the "taking the children God gives them" shouldn't be that hard for him to alter either.

Edited by Tunia
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I feel bad for Anna, but I do not feel bad for her when she complains about having to raise her kids without one of Josh's sisters helping her. This is one of my major pet peeves about the family. Do not have children if you cannot handle it. I know people who are married or single parents with full time jobs, one or more children, go to school and other activities, and run the household, and they manage without help or very little help aka sisters-in-laws or other family members coming around. And yes, I know the expression it takes a village to raise a child, but the Duggars take it the extreme.

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And yes, I know the expression it takes a village to raise a child, but the Duggars take it the extreme.

Amen. I think what really grinds my gears is the fact that unmarried daughters are EXPECTED to be 24/7 nannies for their married relatives. Like there's no other options for them such as college or trade school or a part time job.

Sure it's one thing to help out a few afternoons a week or watch the kids so Mom and Dad can have a date night. But taking the graveyard shift with a newborn so your unemployed sister and her unemployed husband can get their beauty rest? Hells no.

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Let's face it...he didn't remain true to the "forsaking all others" part of their vows, so the "taking the children God gives them" shouldn't be that hard for him to alter either.


Maybe that's why someone insisted on them being crowbarred in there.


They knew they couldn't leave it up to some unofficial conversation the marrieds would have together, oh noes.  The promising as part of the vows, will glue the reluctant father's nose to the grindstone.  (So to speak.)

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I don't think Josh was honest with Anna, certainly not at the beginning. They took an oath at their wedding that they would not use contraception.



Here are the vows, they will leave it all up to God:

Koka, you're amazing when it comes to Duggar facts! Thanks for the clip Ginger.

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