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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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Luckily for Anna, she could get by without education and job skills if she ended her marriage, because she's become famous enough that she could support herself through speaking engagements and ghost written books. Most women in her situation would not have those options.

I think you are projecting onto Anna what you would be able to do if you were in her position.  I don't think Anna is capable of that.  She is not a good public speaker and has little of substance to say when she is on camera.  Writing a book?  Someone would have to do that for her, but she would never be allowed to tell the full Josh story so a book wouldn't make much money.  


She would have to find a real job like most divorced women.  In her case, though, she can't really do that and homeschool, too.  Because of that, she'll probably stay in her bad marriage.

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Even if Anna wrote one book and was able to keep relevant for 2 years, I'm not sure she'd make enough money for her and her 4 kids to live, even during that 2 year time period.


Reality TV feeds egos and bellies, but only for a short time, unless your as savvy as the Kardashians, or unless one has a real talent and happen to be "discovered". And the Duggars and neither savvy or talented. Once the cameras drop away so does the money and so does people's interest.


Anna has been there, she lived for 20 some years in a double wide trailer with her parents and  6 or 7 siblings. She probably has the most realistic notion of the reality of her future than any of her in-laws.

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She would have to find a real job like most divorced women.  In her case, though, she can't really do that and homeschool, too.  Because of that, she'll probably stay in her bad marriage.


My sister works at a staffing agency that hires for a lot of unskilled jobs. Anna is looking at $12 an hour tops to start, and probably maxing out at $15 an hour. Not going to work with 4 kids to feed. And realistically, Josh is unskilled labor too. His job at the family research council was a talking head based on his fame. And I suspect he wasn't really running that used car business all by himself. Even if they both got jobs at $12 an hour full time, they would never survive with 4 kids. They're basically locked in to being dependent on Jim Bob. And I really think Jim Bob likes it that way.



It is crazy that he continues to have kids when he doesn't want them.


Josh's only other choices are all really difficult. And the reality show is dependent on them having more kids. There is no other point to the show besides courting and pregnancy. The Duggars don't do anything else. The Jill and Derrick missionary stuff was really boring, because it wasn't even showing real missionary work. It was just Jill taking Spanish language lessons.

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The only book that would make a decent amount of money would be a tell-all, and even that would never last. Plus, Anna couldn't and wouldn't write a tell-all.


There are really only two kinds of books any of these guys could do, I think. Any of them could do tell-alls, or here's-how-it-all-went-wrongs, and make some cash. But none of them will do that, Anna included.


And the other kind that can bring in some cash is the wish fulfillment-fantasy book for the leghumpers about "how we live such a wonderful life and you can do it too"

The Duggs' other books were portraying the Gothard lifestyle without mentioning who and what was behind it, and so they got leghumper sales because of the happy lovely total fantasy they portrayed. And I know the girls "wrote" their book entirely under the auspices of the Gothard machine. JB and M's books were all about that lifestyle -- and about life with young children -- and the whole Gothard thing is shot to hell now and the young children are growing up. So the fantasies to sell in books just aren't there any more. 


And Anna could never come up with a book that portrayed a happy fantasy in the first place, since both her marriage and Gothardism are now on the rocks.


The book route isn't going to get Anna or the rest of the Duggars anywhere from now on, as far as I can see, unless somebody is willing to write the negative book. And as to that -- well, we'll see. I doubt it would be Anna. Because for one thing, to write it, any of them would have to find and work with a competent ghostwriter. And I can see the Duggars -- and maybe other Gothardites -- exercising mighty efforts to keep Anna away from any such person, even if she had the savvy and guts herself to try to find one.

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The sad thing about Josh is he was the only Duggar who appeared to have SOME sense that the gravy train wasn't going to last forever and supporting a child army wasn't feasible. He explicitly stated he wanted 2-3 kids tops. Even though he got his FRC gig through family connections, he made the leap, moved and worked in DC. As smug and arrogant as he is, Josh at least attempted a life outside Daddy's control. Derick and Bin are still worshiping at the altar of TLC and Boob, with no signs of slowing down.

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In some ways Josh was still under Daddy's control when he was in DC. In other words, Josh you can run, but you cannot hide from daddy. Of course the money, five minutes of D celebrity famewhoreness, and being able to have your secret life while telling others how to run theirs can have appeal.

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I think josh's arrogance was him trying to cover up the fact that he realized he was uneducated and could never be anything he wanted. Josh said many times when he was a teen, he wanted to be a lawyer.

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Josh could have been a lawyer if he wanted to. The problem with him, in my opinion, he knows it would take hard work, and lets face it, hard work is not a strong suit for him or the Duggars. Geez...I know people who went back to school after being out of high school for years, and they had families, jobs, and without a sister coming to stay with them because his obsessed practice makes progress, and progress makes babies wife cannot handle the three or four she has now. I went back to community college after being out of school for many years, and right before my second semester I became sick and miserable, but I still managed to take a couple of classes and keep up with it. The only reason why I left school was I was getting burned out and lack of funds to keep going. I left school with a 3.86 grade point average. Sorry for going off topic, but Josh has many opportunities to succeed, and he blames the evil liberals/heathens and the devil himself for his mistakes. Man up Josh and grow a freaking pair.

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Josh could have been a lawyer if he wanted to. The problem with him, in my opinion, he knows it would take hard work, and lets face it, hard work is not a strong suit for him or the Duggars. Geez...I know people who went back to school after being out of high school for years, and they had families, jobs, and without a sister coming to stay with them because his obsessed practice makes progress, and progress makes babies wife cannot handle the three or four she has now. I went back to community college after being out of school for many years, and right before my second semester I became sick and miserable, but I still managed to take a couple of classes and keep up with it. The only reason why I left school was I was getting burned out and lack of funds to keep going. I left school with a 3.86 grade point average. Sorry for going off topic, but Josh has many opportunities to succeed, and he blames the evil liberals/heathens and the devil himself for his mistakes. Man up Josh and grow a freaking pair.

For Josh to try to be a lawyer, he would first have to get a four-year undergraduate degree and then go to law school for three more years.  Oh, and he would have to make the grades and pass the tests, all the while supporting a wife and four kids and however many kids he would father during seven years of school.  Then, he would have to pass the Bar exam.  Ain't gonna happen!!!

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Well Josh & Anna best come up with a plan. How will he/they support this family of 6?


I'm so curious to know what kind of TLC contract the unmarrieds (& marrieds) signed. Is JB their "manager"? Will the whole family benefit financially from the new show? How much is Anna being paid for her appearances, or is Anna being paid for her appearances? Is hers (& Josh's) contract the one that is supposedly near its end? So many questions.


And how are they able to keep all their finances private with so many prying eyes??

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I think josh's arrogance was him trying to cover up the fact that he realized he was uneducated and could never be anything he wanted. Josh said many times when he was a teen, he wanted to be a lawyer.

Amen. Living in DC must have been crushing to Josh's ego with all of the politicians and lawyers. Josh with his country bumpkin, dining room education.

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ET EXCLUSIVE: Josh Duggar Exits Rehab After More Than 6 Months.


"Josh Duggar is ready to move on.

The 28-year-old former reality star has left rehab after more than six months in a faith-based treatment center. Sources confirm to ET that Josh "has been out for a few days," though his current post-rehab whereabouts are not clear."


Edited by Almost 3000
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I think Josh will stay hidden for a long, long time. Relapse is only a matter of time.


Makes you think Anna's not going to get much out of the new show. If her husband's out of the scamatorium, how can they construct a story line for her and film her without including him? They can't just film her lonely self flitting about in a black suv, ruminating on her fate, when everybody knows Josh is around somewhere.

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I think Josh will stay hidden for a long, long time. Relapse is only a matter of time.

I think Josh just wants out of the lifestyle and has no idea how to break away. He is saddled with the 4ms and Anna. I do not think for one second he believes in the quiverfull cult, Gothard, or even is Christian underneath it all. And that is ok. Now he just needs to man up and take control of his own life and stop hurting people. 


Everytime I think about the Duggar kids, I feel so bad for them. Boob and MEchelle ruined 19 lives. Crazy, psychotic narcissists. Those kids don't have a chance in hell. 

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I feel really sorry for Josh right now (never thought I would say that).  So now that he is "better" I guess that means he has to have 15 kids with his wife, right?  God that is so fucked up.  I cannot even begin to express how fucked up that is.  Coercing someone into having even one child they do not want is messed up, but this is a whole new level of depravity.  It makes me a little sick to my stomach.  Josh has no skills and no way to support the kids he already has, so he has to be firmly in the Duggar/Quiverful fold in order to have a chance of keeping those kids properly housed, clothed and fed.  In order to be in the fold, he must have ten more kids on top of that.  This is so disturbing on so many levels.


Hey look, Josh is a dick for cheating on his wife, but the most normal things he ever did was look at porn and seek out casual sex that does not result in babies.


This is like a twilight zone episode.  

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My problem with Josh is the fact he molested innocent young girls and was covering his actions up while going around saying certain groups of people are child molesters and women are to be blamed for being molested or raped because they lead the guy on. I also do not care for the fact he is blaming the evil liberals/heathens and the devil for his actions. He can say his childhood was crappy until the cows come home, but he needs to man up and accept responsibility. I do agree his parents pushing him into marriage was a terrible idea, but if he does not want more kids he can do something about it.


Btw, I have a cousin who is gay. It makes my blood boil to think Josh is spreading the message my cousin is evil and is a threat and a danger to society while Josh was hiding the fact he molested young girls including a few of his sisters. My cousin served in the military, is in a great relationship, and is a hard working responsible family man. Can we say the same thing about Josh.

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Josh is a product of his upbringing.  In a lot of ways, he cannot help being a bigoted tool.  And, since he is smug he sees nothing wrong with his hypocrisy.  There are a lot of things wrong with Josh, but to me it seems like a very unfair "punishment" to make him have 15 kids.  It is unfair to him, his wife, and above all to those kids.   

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If he wasn't so toxic he would be traveling around the US with either Cruz or Rubio because Jesus wants a new Christain leader and Josh would be there to sway the masses.


But he is toxic so he will be at home working on some scam at home business so he can feed his family. 

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Josh has been trained to believe that any crime, sin, or bad decision he made was the result of the Devil tempting him or ungodly women luring him or whatever. He refuses to accept that he CHOSE to do these things out of his own free will and now there's consequences. That's why he was able to bash gays, single moms, nonbelievers, pro-choicers etc, all while having committed the worst offense imaginable. Josh gets to clear his conscience and blame everyone else for his problems. No wonder these weak beta males flock to Gothard like flies on shit.

Edited by BitterApple
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I just do not think that a consequence of bad actions - whatever they may be - should be forced reproduction to the tune of 15 kids.

I don't either, it would actually be the worst thing Josh and Anna could do right now. In all honesty if I were Josh, I'd go get snipped. If Anna and Daddy don't like it, too bad. Four kids is plenty.

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I don't either, it would actually be the worst thing Josh and Anna could do right now. In all honesty if I were Josh, I'd go get snipped. If Anna and Daddy don't like it, too bad. Four kids is plenty.

Normally I would be horrified at the thought of one spouse getting fixed without discussing it with the other spouse, but in this case, Josh would be completely justified.  

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"Josh Duggar is home.

The former 19 Kids and Counting star has left rehab, People has learned.

“If nothing else, this is a happy time for their kids,” a source tells People.

His family confirmed the news on their website.

“Josh has completed his residential rehabilitation program. We are so thankful for everyone who worked with Josh in this program,” the statement reads. “It was a crucial first step in recovery and healing for Josh. Josh has now returned to Arkansas, where he will continue professional counseling and focus on rebuilding relationships with his family. We look to God for help and guidance and place all of our trust in Him. We are forever grateful for the love and prayers offered by so many and hope you will continue to pray in the days ahead.”

Duggar, 28, checked into a faith-based rehab facility in Rockford, Illinois, in August following a series of scandals, including his public confession to being addicted to pornography and to being unfaithful to his wife Anna.

Ahead of his exit from rehab, Josh’s family spoke out about forgiving the star.

“I definitely have forgiven Josh. It is a process, though, that you have to work through in your heart,” Josh’s sister Jessa (Duggar) Seewald told People exclusively. “And trust is not quickly rebuilt. It is something that takes a while. We love him very much, though, and we are very hopeful for the future.”

In January, Anna, 27, released a statement about her difficult year and revealed that she visited Josh in rehab, calling it “an important step on a long difficult road.”

“Please continue to pray for me, Josh and our children,” she said.

Anna also spoke out during the TLC special Jill & Jessa: Counting On, tearfully telling Josh’s sister Jessa (Duggar) Seewald that the experience has “been a good opportunity to draw close to God and just trusting God for his wisdom to take the next step.”

The family’s new show Counting On premieres Tuesday at 9 p.m. ET on TLC."

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I think that might be the first smart thing they have done:  hid away Joshy and not trot him out into the spotlight.  Another good thing might be a vasectomy.  But who am I kidding. 


Anna, you go get counseling too!  From a professional.

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I think that might be the first smart thing they have done:  hid away Joshy and not trot him out into the spotlight.  Another good thing might be a vasectomy.  But who am I kidding. 


Anna, you go get counseling too!  From a professional.


if only if only if only if only they would both do this


But I really think that Anna is too committed to the Gothard/Keller/Duggar (asinine) way to do it. And Josh is confused enough and lazy enough and fearful enough so that he'll pretend that he's still committed so he can live off Jim Bob's teat, since he can't think of any other way to support a family of six and counting. So he won't do it either.


Tragic. Especially because it's impossible for me to see the kids not getting more and more screwed up by this horrible milieu the longer they live in it.

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It would be so so refreshing to hear him say that they are done having kids.  It is my gut feeling that is part of his problem that he really doesn't want more and panics at the thought of funding/raising more and feels that is a sin to say so.  Or if he stood up for Anna and said "No more kids.  I don't want my wife to one day have a laundry room breakdown like mom." Or even better "There is no way Mack is going to spend her childhood being a mother's helper because we have too many kids to handle."


One can dream.

IMHO, YMMV, I'm old and cynical.


Shorter Josh: He doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself. Seriously. Instead of actually manning up and telling his wife that marriage wasn't for him, he thought he could have his cake and eat it too. He's too spineless to stand up to his parents or be honest with the person he claims he loves most. He wanted more freedom to watch endless porn, sleep with those he didn't have paperwork on or date, he kept having unprotected sex with his wife and ignoring the results of that activity. If he wanted to be the big man, perhaps he should have either had a vasectomy on the down-low or started using condoms. They were living far enough away from Jim Boob and J-Chelle that it wouldn't be their business anyway. (Plus, one has to wonder what happened when Mommy and Da-da came to town and flipped on that gigantic TV in Joshley Madison's room for some Andy Griffith reruns. How much does anyone here want to bet that he had cable and every soft-porn channel available?) Now there's four children as proof of his irresponsibility and a wife that might be qualified to work as a day care provider (if he wasn't around).


FACT: He does not have the balls to tell Anna that he doesn't want any more children or even that he no longer wants to be married. He does not have the balls to stand up to his parents. He's the king of passive-aggressiveness. And he has ruined the lives of his immediate family. His children will never understand why Daddy is so distant and treats them like fun toys to play with once in a while but mostly ignores them. He's going to keep impregnating Anna, insisting that he has no idea where baybeeees come from while rebuilding and maintaining a porn and strippers network that would make Hugh Hefner blush. The Rehabilitation Tour is going to be very financially successful but will collapse in a heap when it's discovered that he's up to his old tricks.


I don't feel sorry for him at all. So he got a rotten hand in the parental department. There's a lot of other people in the world that got an even worse hand at birth. So many manage to make lemonade out of the lemons life gave them. Joshley will never understand this. After all, he's special and others should understand that. Hard work is for other people. So is faithfulness, loyalty, and a hundred other things he will never understand.

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I read it last week. It absolutely does show why someone like Anna would think she should not even entertain thoughts of leaving, not feel she's able to leave, not want to live outside the cult - I mean family - and not feel she's entitled to demand respect from Josh, even for her children. When the author was dissatisfied, she tried harder to be a good wife/woman/mother. Since the idea has been raised that Anna feels guilty and responsible (at least partly) for Josh's behaviour, it would follow that she'd think that the way to make it better for her and M1-4 would be for her to improve and become even more extreme in her thoughts and behaviours.


We know in the real world that Anna was doing what the same thing that all those wives do, make babies stay in the home and have sex when he wanted to.  She can feel as guilty and responsible for all of it or part of it but it wouldn't make a bit of difference

and it won't make a bit of difference - and no amount of rehab will make a bit of difference - because Josh wants to fuck women. (Thank you for allowing me that run on sentence).  Sorry to be indelicate, but that's how I think.  Somehow and some way down the line, he's going to find a way to get the type of sex he wants from the type of women he wants.  


I wonder if she loves him a little less?  I wonder if she'll be happiest making babies, having on demand sex and not thinking about anything else.  



My favorite line was the description of Anna sitting and blinking at Josh "like a Furby on caffeine pills".  




Just like Michelle.

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Considering how fervently the Duggars believe the patriarch should be the decision maker and breadwinner, it's interesting that Anna being a cast member in this upcoming tv charade while Joshley remains too toxic even for TLC leghumpers essentially violates that sacred fundie commandment.

Here's another question that's dumber than a box of hair: What happens when the kids are old enough to be out in public and are approached by one or more people who want to say something horrible to them because their father is a POS and their mother is a doormat? Not kidding. It is hard to imagine that Anna has not been approached in the grocery store or any other place she goes to run errands over the past six months by some well-meaning person (or someone who just wants to tell her how things are) who gives her advice about how to get out, offers to help, etcetera? Does the thought of his kids witnessing this or being affected by it bother Joshley Madison at all, or does he (as always) only care about how this makes him look? I realize that Anna must have chaperones everywhere she goes now, but OMG! Anyone who does anything that lands them in the public eye are going to be approached every time they leave their house. Their kids never asked for this.


And I wonder how the Duggars' fundie friends view the fact that Anna is now (and will be for the near future) the breadwinner in that "household". I can only imagine the world-class undermining and discounting campaign by one Joshley Madison re: his wife out-earning him.

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I wonder if a man getting a snip job done on his manly parts is a no no in the Gothard movement. A man has to prove he can get the little woman knocked up. Josh wants his cake and eat it too. Yes, his parents will not win parents of the year award, but he is twenty eight years old. Time to stop blaming mom and dad for the crappy way his life ended.

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Josh Duggar as a "punchable potato." MK is seriously my spirit animal. Dlisted is the best.

I know he's busy and all but I wish he'd post here. :) Josh will forever be the Quiverfull Garbage Pail Kid in my head, thanks to him!

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I know he's busy and all but I wish he'd post here. :) Josh will forever be the Quiverfull Garbage Pail Kid in my head, thanks to him!


I also like "Factory Defect Mr. Potato Head" myself.


And the closing of the article was aces.

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"Ahead of his exit from rehab, Josh’s family spoke out about forgiving the star."


The Star.  Love it. 


 She is not a good public speaker and has little of substance to say when she is on camera.  Writing a book?  Someone would have to do that for her, 


Ha.  That hasn't stopped other family members from making a living at doing just that!  Thinking of that Southern Women's conference Jessa and Ben bumbled through, among other travesties that were lapped up by leghumpers, and that wonderful work of literature "written" by the older girls.  

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Ha.  That hasn't stopped other family members from making a living at doing just that!  Thinking of that Southern Women's conference Jessa and Ben bumbled through, among other travesties that were lapped up by leghumpers, and that wonderful work of literature "written" by the older girls.  


Well, I wouldn't deny that they've made some money from this kind of thing. But there's no way that Jessa's speaking engagements or the girls' book could have actually made a living for any of them for more than a few months, at most. I think most who are skeptical of what Anna could do are skeptical that she could support herself doing it, let alone supporting herself and four kids. She could make a bit, certainly, but it wouldn't be nearly enough to call it a living.

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I wonder if a man getting a snip job done on his manly parts is a no no in the Gothard movement. A man has to prove he can get the little woman knocked up.

He's lied about everything else in his life -- why would he believe that lying about getting the snip is a problem? Seriously. Is he really this deluded? If he's got medical insurance now, go make an appointment, get snipped and tell everyone that he had to have minor surgery on another body part.


What's worse -- cheating on one's spouse while not using a condom, exposing her to God knows how many STD's and yet another pregnancy he doesn't want, or a doctor's office procedure that will at least spare the rest of his immediate family the consequences of his actions?

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Well now that Josh is home I hope they all figure something out. Is he Gothard all the way or not. If he adheres to all the Gothard crap then I personally think the road ahead of him and his family is going to be bleaker than most in that cult. Or maybe they can cherry pick their Gothard beliefs too - who knows. But now is the time to live in reality.


Josh has 4 little kids who love their father and a wife that appears to be trying to love him. I hope for their sake that they figure out a plan that is realistic and happy for all of them.

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Aja, you are on snark FIRE today! 

Thank you. My boss left early today and I didn't have anything to do but marinate in my own indignation. :)

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Have they said where they will be living...I can't imagine being out on my own for the what 6,7,8 years they have been married and moving back in that house with all those people. Anna being stuck in the girls dorm, smh.....with all her kids in tow. 

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Have they said where they will be living...I can't imagine being out on my own for the what 6,7,8 years they have been married and moving back in that house with all those people. Anna being stuck in the girls dorm, smh.....with all her kids in tow. 


Wherever JimBoob tells them to live.  It is not like Joshy has money saved and can make head-of-household decisions.

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