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Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events

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Given that we barely see Anna with Meredith, I wonder if she's harboring some resentment towards her.

If this is true, how's she gonna feel after 2-3 more kids. They'll have to have more kids if they stay together, to 'prove' things are ok. Stores have circulated about Josh wanting another 'forgiveness baby' right away when he's home. It's just so sad.

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Given that we barely see Anna with Meredith, I wonder if she's harboring some resentment towards her. I think going from three to four kids heavily tips the scales in terms of Anna's options as a single mom. Anna probably realizes now that Josh had no interest in a fourth child and getting pregnant really wasn't the smartest move. There just didn't seem to be any joy or excitement surrounding Mere's birth and other than Jana, nobody seems to care about her existence. Pure speculation on my part, but it's just a vibe I get.

Not even that I feel it is resentment,  I feel that Anna is so stressed and babies sense that. Given that she is breastfeeding, it probably makes it worse for Meredith.  


Too bad she has a scumbag father.  One day, I am certain she will write a tell all book.  My Rehab Dad  sounds like a good title.  

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I don't think Anna resents Meredith necessarily.  I most definitely think Josh did, and does.  It's a double whammy for Meredith because, not only did he not want another child, she was born a filthy dirty female.  Now, I do think poor Anna is stuck with the entire responsibility of caring for four babies, with one being a newborn.  Even with daddy not away in rehab, I'm pretty sure he didn't do much as far as caring for them.  He sure as hell didn't "care" in that he threw away $2100 in one night for pussy, money that was supposed to be for providing for his babies.  What a completely selfish shitbag.

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I don't think Anna resents Meredith necessarily.  I most definitely think Josh did, and does.  It's a double whammy for Meredith because, not only did he not want another child, she was born a filthy dirty female.  Now, I do think poor Anna is stuck with the entire responsibility of caring for four babies, with one being a newborn.  Even with daddy not away in rehab, I'm pretty sure he didn't do much as far as caring for them.  He sure as hell didn't "care" in that he threw away $2100 in one night for pussy, money that was supposed to be for providing for his babies.  What a completely selfish shitbag.

I KNOW RIGHT? If nothing else gets through to Anna, that certainly should. One thing those people definitely understand, and take DEADLY seriously, is money.

Edited by Aja
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oh and if you're not already puking at the thought... This plan to have another baby, why not name the baby Miracle, to keep the tradition of naming all of your children M names, and to symbolize this miraculous "change"... 


Of course Josh will deny everything Danica claims, and claim that it's the devil, and "sin", and he is being persecuted for Jesus.  That's the thing about selfish, cheating shitbags... they LIE.


Anna believes him because she so much wants to.  She SO wants to believe that enough religious rituals will actually perform a miracle like the movie Fireproof-- I'm sorry but Fireproof, and God is not Dead, and all those other sickly sweet christian movies that show miraculous changes from evil to good, are fucking FICTION!!!


I wanted to believe my husband was getting better.  He was in "rehab"... and fucking another woman the entire time.  Showing up for group, lying to them, lying to me... a selfish cheating shitbag is a selfish cheating shitbag.  All this rehab is, is a coverup to get Anna to trust him again so he can keep on cheating.  I guarantee it.  Of course I'm preaching to the choir here.


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Not even that I feel it is resentment, I feel that Anna is so stressed and babies sense that. Given that she is breastfeeding, it probably makes it worse for Meredith.

In many ways I feel being back in Arkansas makes things worse for Anna, not better. Sure, she has childcare help, but the Duggars are pretty much the in-laws from hell. Loud, messy, overbearing, annoying and demanding. I think Anna liked having the older siblings visit her in DC, but had no desire to be around the circus full time. Now she's back in the nuthouse with no escape route in sight. That has to suck in a major way. Edited by BitterApple
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That must have been some good money that the non-profit was paying ole Josh.  When my kids were little we were luck if there was an extra $100 to spend.  But then again, maybe the TLC money is good. 


I'm sure it was six figures from the DC group. Low six figures, but six figures nonetheless. And then they had TLC money on top of that. And, of course, we don't know whether they actually saved any money -- because if they didn't, they had a lot of cash to play around with. For a very brief period. ....


And Josh is so shallow and such a mess of a person and so impulsive, I expect it's more likely than not that he wasn't terribly careful with the money and didn't think too clearly about how quickly the end of that money might come (even though I'm sure in the back of his mind he was haunted by the thought of how quickly it might end .... but that kind of scary thought can sometimes make you even more careless with the cash. ... )

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A "forgiveness baby", huh? Joshley Madison would have to have surgery to remove my boot from his ass (my boot, hell, the boot of any self-respecting woman). I'm sick inside that Anna will probably have no choice. Thinking about sleeping with someone who not only victimized his sisters (and I still don't believe that Anna knew about that before they got married) let alone playing Hide The Sausage with an adult film star while his wife was pregnant with their fourth child? Oh, HELL, no.


I don't like Anna's smugness, but damn, there's no way out for her. If she lets her brother help her, the chances are good her parents will disown her. If she does not, she's stuck with the Duggars and their bullshit. (And the waste of human skin that is Joshley Madison.) Alone, uneducated, with four kids under six and Jim Boob Duggar for a father-in-law: I wouldn't wish her fate on my worst enemy.

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In many ways I feel being back in Arkansas makes things worse for Anna, not better. Sure, she has childcare help, but the Duggars are pretty much the in-laws from hell. Loud, messy, overbearing, annoying and demanding. I think Anna liked having the older siblings visit her in DC, but had no desire to be around the circus full time. Now she's back in the nuthouse with no escape route in sight. That has to suck in a major way.


Maybe that will be her impetus to move!  In any direction!


It's probably from there (hostessing and queening it over the other members of the family with her citified ways), that the other viewers got the impression that Anna would be delighted for the chance to eventually swan around as Queen Bee out-Michelle-ing Michelle.  And ambition is a powerful motivator.

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$2100 is nothing. In this group men can spend whatever they want on their own pleasure. Witness the $250k Senate campaign - while kids were sleeping in a cramped molestation house, near (at?) starvation.

Edited by JoanArc
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I don't recall any of the posters here thinking that Josh wanted another baby.  No one thought he looked happy when Anna talked about babies.  No one here thought he was pleased with the announcement of the pregnancy.


He seemed to be a good father, good in daily interactions, very nice in getting them together by himself for a surprise photo shoot to give Anna, and great taking them shopping to a music store.


Godd fathers, however, don't cheat.  They don't spend a couple of thousand or so on sex.  His own father spent a quarter of a million on a hopeless political campaign so he did have an example.  


Anna, if she left, should be thinking about how SHE will get along, what work SHE will be doing.  Not about getting another husband.  Most men don't really want to take on 4 of somebody else's kids.  That's nature.  

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I don't recall any of the posters here thinking that Josh wanted another baby.  No one thought he looked happy when Anna talked about babies.  No one here thought he was pleased with the announcement of the pregnancy.


He seemed to be a good father, good in daily interactions, very nice in getting them together by himself for a surprise photo shoot to give Anna, and great taking them shopping to a music store.


Godd fathers, however, don't cheat.  They don't spend a couple of thousand or so on sex.  His own father spent a quarter of a million on a hopeless political campaign so he did have an example.  


Anna, if she left, should be thinking about how SHE will get along, what work SHE will be doing.  Not about getting another husband.  Most men don't really want to take on 4 of somebody else's kids.  That's nature.  


This is why I think she will stay.  Not only is it all she has been taught, but who would take care of her?  Silly, defrauding womenfolk cannot take care of themselves, people!  

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Anna, if she left, should be thinking about how SHE will get along, what work SHE will be doing. Not about getting another husband. Most men don't really want to take on 4 of somebody else's kids. That's nature.

Not to mention, Anna's kids are babies. It would be one thing if she had kids from a previous marriage that were already in college or teenagers heading that way, but four kids under five is a lot for any guy to take on. The pickings already suck in Fundieland as it is, Anna would probably end up with a closeted gay or some old creeper.

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I don't recall any of the posters here thinking that Josh wanted another baby.  No one thought he looked happy when Anna talked about babies.  No one here thought he was pleased with the announcement of the pregnancy.

I didn't say it was from here:



Does Josh really think that having a baby will save his marriage? “Josh is so worried that Anna will leave him that he is now convinced she will stay if he can persuade her they should have another child together. He’s been begging her not to leave him and that they were meant to have another baby. Unfortunately for Josh, getting pregnant is the last thing on Anna’s mind. She’s been a single parent for the last few months and she knows that having another child is not going to fix their marriage. Josh hasn’t given up though. He is still trying to convince her, at least this is what he always brings up during their limited conversations,” an insider tells HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY.

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I don't recall any of the posters here thinking that Josh wanted another baby.  No one thought he looked happy when Anna talked about babies.  No one here thought he was pleased with the announcement of the pregnancy.


He seemed to be a good father, good in daily interactions, very nice in getting them together by himself for a surprise photo shoot to give Anna, and great taking them shopping to a music store.


Godd fathers, however, don't cheat.  They don't spend a couple of thousand or so on sex.  His own father spent a quarter of a million on a hopeless political campaign so he did have an example.  


Anna, if she left, should be thinking about how SHE will get along, what work SHE will be doing.  Not about getting another husband.  Most men don't really want to take on 4 of somebody else's kids.  That's nature.  

I can't agree with you more.   I know people talk about her finding a new husband and such, but that is the last thing she needs. 


Agreed that most men will not take on 4 kids that are not their own.  It is a rare breed that will do so.  Plus, throw in the fact that they are Duggar children and Josh is the sperm donor.  OMG.  You would have to be some super insane matchmaker to find anyone willing to take on the task.


However, Anna could easily get child support and alimony.  IMO, she has no intention of doing so.  If she did, she would not be going on the Duggar (Jill and Jessa) show.  Any good attorney would tell her to scrap that idea immediately.   


I read somewhere (probably some rag online pub) that she went to visit Josh before Thanksgiving and that she was taking all the children to visit him soon.  (One of his three visits?) I don't know if any of it is true, but it would not surprise me.  


I wish Josh would just go get a vasectomy and save the world the nightmare. 

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I can't agree with you more. I know people talk about her finding a new husband and such, but that is the last thing she needs.

Agreed that most men will not take on 4 kids that are not their own. It is a rare breed that will do so. Plus, throw in the fact that they are Duggar children and Josh is the sperm donor. OMG. You would have to be some super insane matchmaker to find anyone willing to take on the task.

However, Anna could easily get child support and alimony. IMO, she has no intention of doing so. If she did, she would not be going on the Duggar (Jill and Jessa) show. Any good attorney would tell her to scrap that idea immediately.

I read somewhere (probably some rag online pub) that she went to visit Josh before Thanksgiving and that she was taking all the children to visit him soon. (One of his three visits?) I don't know if any of it is true, but it would not surprise me.

I wish Josh would just go get a vasectomy and save the world the nightmare.

...but a vasectomy equals dead babiez!!! That's just as evil as condoms!!!

Or some shit like that.

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Poor Anna...this totally sucks for her. She'll be stuck with 4 kids and will statistically be a dating undesirable. Her choices are to stay with Mr. smug and Pasty and get some help from his legion of Duggette sister moms or go it alone.

She will likely also face shunning from his family and hers as well. Most of the remaining prospects in Fundyland for a decent husband are slim pickins and barrel scrapings. With no job or school skills one has limited work options as well.

There are many people who probably wish they could divorce but one can't just walk away without proper planning.

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I can't agree with you more. I know people talk about her finding a new husband and such, but that is the last thing she needs.

Agreed that most men will not take on 4 kids that are not their own. It is a rare breed that will do so. Plus, throw in the fact that they are Duggar children and Josh is the sperm donor. OMG. You would have to be some super insane matchmaker to find anyone willing to take on the task.

However, Anna could easily get child support and alimony. IMO, she has no intention of doing so. If she did, she would not be going on the Duggar (Jill and Jessa) show. Any good attorney would tell her to scrap that idea immediately.

I read somewhere (probably some rag online pub) that she went to visit Josh before Thanksgiving and that she was taking all the children to visit him soon. (One of his three visits?) I don't know if any of it is true, but it would not surprise me.

I wish Josh would just go get a vasectomy and save the world the nightmare.

I'll volunteer to do it. Im sure there is a dull rusty knife somewhere in the house here.
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If this is true, how's she gonna feel after 2-3 more kids. They'll have to have more kids if they stay together, to 'prove' things are ok. Stores have circulated about Josh wanting another 'forgiveness baby' right away when he's home. It's just so sad.

He's going to want to resume bedroom activities immediately after so long away from both Anna and his porn stars! And you can bet Boob is going to have him on the tightest leash imaginable. Spies, also known as accountability partners, will be everywhere. He's not going to be able to easily find another porn star to pay without Boob finding out about it.


I wanted to believe my husband was getting better.  He was in "rehab"... and fucking another woman the entire time.  Showing up for group, lying to them, lying to me... a selfish cheating shitbag is a selfish cheating shitbag.  All this rehab is, is a coverup to get Anna to trust him again so he can keep on cheating.  I guarantee it.  Of course I'm preaching to the choir here.

I'm so sorry for what you went through. You must have such a keen understanding of what Anna is enduring. And I agree with you -- I don't really believe people change that fundamentally. There are people committed to monogamy, and people who for whatever reason are not satisfied with it. If he had confessed of his own accord, maybe he would have had a prayer of changing, but as it is, he was caught. Like most Christian hypocrites before him, he was never planning to confess. Like I just said above, though, finding a way to cheat and get away is going to be more difficult for him now.


Crazy Days and Nights, another on line publication, says Josh has found a new woman in rehab and wants to divorce Anna, but she doesn't want to.  So which stellar publication are we to believe?  hmmm

Ha. Sounds like the rehab has taken great pains to keep the men and women far apart at all times, so I'll take that one with a huge grain of salt.

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If there is ANY way to get around the separation of the men and women at Jesus Rehab, I could see Josh figuring it out. He is "sly" after all. Unfortunately, there is probably a willing woman participant there who would feel honored to have sex with royal Josh Duggar.

It is hard to believe he has gone this long without sex, so I can see this being at least partially true.

Josh Duggar is a pig and will not change. Anna has to know this on some level despite her religious beliefs. She has enjoyed and gotten used to her lifestyle and is hoping against hope that can be resumed after Josh's "cure". That hope combined with her arrogant sense of entitlement leaves her on the Duggar property for the foreseeable future.

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Poor Anna...this totally sucks for her. She'll be stuck with 4 kids and will statistically be a dating undesirable.


And add to the fact of her being a dating undesirable the fact that she probably has no experience at all getting to know people of the male persuasion on her own and thus little ability and little confidence when it comes to doing it.


People are a lot like dogs when it comes to socialization. We don't have much ability to follow socialization patterns other than those we knew as kids without a lot of later-years retraining. And -- according to Priscilla in that crazy moms-and-daughters talking torso with Michelle -- at the Keller house if you felt a little attraction toward a person of the opposite sex, the rule was that, rather than acting on it in any way, you went to your parents, told them the bad news, and then they talked you out of it, repeatedly, until you got the idea. Because "god's best" people, apparently, were only the ones that your parents decided to introduce you to and then palm off on you. (That would be John Shrader, David Waller and Josh Duggar, in case anyone has forgotten. Because God apparently has very poor taste.)


I expect there were Keller kids who didn't obey this rule. But I expect that Anna, like Priscilla, really did. So if she leaves Josh, she'll be going into the adult world pretty much a social cripple, as well as an untrained, uneducated, never-had-a-job single mom of four kids. It's a lot to ask somebody to construct a whole new life out of that beginning. I think she'll most likely be too terrified to try, even if the idea were to occur to her. Perfectly understandable, unfortunately.

Edited by Churchhoney
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The one ray of hope I have always had for all the Duggar offspring and appendages is that, over the past 10 years, they have been exposed to enough unclean Satan people (camera crews, etc.) to have at least planted some sort of 'wtf am I doing' seed. I can't imagine that Anna hasn't at least been approached by people who don't believe she wasn't joyfully available enough and that Jesus forgives so therefore it's only logical that she throw her entire life away on a lying, cheating, utterly dependent, molesting, smarmy, hate-filled skid mark AND continue to produce more humans for him to potentially victimize. ....right?

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I disagree that she's "teaching her children that molestation is okay." Unless someone is actually molesting them, and we've had absolutely no reports of that.

She knowingly married a serial molester. That's enough.

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Of course Joshie has "nothing to say" about the people hurt by his behavior.   Selfish, cheating shitbags give zero shits about anybody but themselves.




"Whether he will reunite with his wife and children or face divorce court is unknown, but expect TLC to be standing by ready to create another "special" on the first Duggar divorce if that happens."


Can you imagine the three-ringed shit show that would be a Duggar divorce special?   

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Michelle couldn't reminisce about her own divorce...so it wouldn't happen.

No, but she could make a guest appearance at the SOTDT to read the kids the wisdom booklet on divorce.




Anna can look up at Joshie with doe eyes and keep sweet while he explains to her that God has laid it on his heart to end his union with her, and please take your brats and get the hell out.

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The one ray of hope I have always had for all the Duggar offspring and appendages is that, over the past 10 years, they have been exposed to enough unclean Satan people (camera crews, etc.) to have at least planted some sort of 'wtf am I doing' seed. I can't imagine that Anna hasn't at least been approached by people who don't believe she wasn't joyfully available enough and that Jesus forgives so therefore it's only logical that she throw her entire life away on a lying, cheating, utterly dependent, molesting, smarmy, hate-filled skid mark AND continue to produce more humans for him to potentially victimize. ....right?


Yeah, she may have been approached (Although, really, how many people on network camera crews, who actually see what these people are, really want to get it on with or marry Duggars, I wonder?). I was raised in a very similar way, though, and when you are you're likely not to have much idea what to do when you're approached. I even went to school every day -- but because I didn't have the socializing experiences -- just the kind that can happen in the classroom and such -- I was really really at a loss about this kind of stuff when I went out on my own. Intuitively being able to navigate this stuff is something that most people develop from grade-school crushes onward, I think, and most people get lots and lots of practice in having relationships and navigating them pretty much on their own. But Anna hasn't even had many of the same emotional experiences, I would bet, and she's been told that any experience of such feelings that she did have was to be beaten down. .... So I think she'd be pretty confused. And will be pretty confused if she ever does decide to go out on her own. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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Because "god's best" people, apparently, were only the ones that your parents decided to introduce you to and then palm off on you. (That would be John Shrader, David Waller and Josh Duggar, in case anyone has forgotten. Because God apparently has very poor taste.)

This was my LOL moment.  God really knows how to pick 'em.  Then again, maybe the devil is actually speaking to Anna's father, making him marry off his children to losers.  I can see the exorcism now.  Devil, be gone!  Let this man find suitable companions for his children!  Let him be able to identify men who shouldn't be allowed anywhere near his daughters.  Let him understand that being sly while feeling up your sisters is not a positive trait.  The power of Christ compels you to stop selecting such horrible people! 

Edited by Muffyn
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We just moved to another state and I picked up one of those local papers and under the ads there is a RU meeting listed. Don't think I'll be going though.

But why not???  They are so wonderful.  Don't cheat yourself out of a chance for a 3 hour cleansing, beautiful music and of course fellowship. 


You might even get a back massage if you are lucky.  


ETA:  You might even get tied up.  

Edited by truthtalk2014
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Well, any confusion she may have to navigate would be preferable to later having to confront the predictable results of the messages she's sending her children by staying with a spouse who will, in all likelihood, continue to befoul your whole life. Teaching children that remaining married even under these dire circumstances is what Jesus wants/requires for heavenly entry is guaranteed to yield many long term tragic results.

Oh, absolutely. I firmly believe that she should get out. (Although I wish Josh would get out first, while pledging his financial support to all of them for life, since I think that would be the most honest thing anybody could do here.)


But I don't think much of the advice to "get out and get a new husband." I think that would be much much harder for Anna to do than most people can possibly imagine, given her very abnormal background and upbringing. I think she should get out and make a life for herself and her kids.


I expect, though, that the you-have-to-have-a-man culture she's living in will make it close to impossible for her to conceive of getting out and raising four kids on her own (daunting for anybody, though, obviously) and will also make her quail before her future because of finding herself clueless about how to garner that required husband, as well. She's been screwed in numerous ways by the limited experiences and knowledge she's been allowed to have by her Gothardite culture, I think.

Edited by Churchhoney
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Absolutely Agee, and find it tragic there is such a complete disconnect between 'I dutifully and unquestioningly led the only kind of life considered acceptable and look at what it got me' and 'No matter how incredibly difficult, I need to be sure to find a way to better prepare my children for life than my parents did for me, lest my children fall prey to the pain, sorrow, confusion, and disillusion I am now enduring.


Yep. Ineed. This is the kind of situation in which you'd hope that the "cults don't usually last past the second generation" thing would kick in, as young adults who discover their lives have been ruined realize that the cult's responsible and withdraw their kids. I'd hope that would happen here, but I kind of have my doubts. Not everybody wakes up to smell the coffee, unfortunately.

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And as long as the TLC money lasts, so that they aren't scrounging for used shoes at the Goodwill store or having to wash dishes instead of buying pallet-loads of styrofoam plates? There will be a level of material comfort that will allow 'em to keep snoozing. Wake up calls may coincide with a stretch of financial hardship.




The heart of the matter, I think.


Damn and Blast TLC.

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I haven't watched too much of them together. I'm well aware that Anna has her devoted look perfected (many excited hours in front of the mirror during the courtship, or lessons from MeChelle?) and she appears to love the 'system', of being sweetly married and having heaps of M-bubs, but does anyone here think she genuinely loves Josh? Or doesn't? (So, would she want to stay with him purely for practical reasons/perceived lack of practical alternative)


(Apologies - this has probably been covered in some of the 263 pages I haven't read.)

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Anna could be considered relatively upwardly mobile, taking into considering the limitations the cult placed on her and her spouse. I suspect most of the backbone that was required for the Smuggars to truly leave and cleave from JimChelle and move to DC was hers.

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I think Anna and Josh love each other in their own way. I just don't think it's romantic love. You have to remember not only is Josh her best friend, he's practically her only friend. And vice versa. Yes she seems close to Jana but she'd be wise to remember Jana is first and foremost Josh 's sister. No matter what has occurred in the family Jana and Josh are blood, Jana and Anna are not.

I also somewhat believe thAt Anna is the only one that Josh cared about getting hurt. He did it anyway, but there you go.

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I have no doubt Anna loves Josh... I seriously doubt Josh loves Anna because I do not believe he is capable of loving anybody but himself.  I know it says "do not psychoanalyze Josh" so sorry if I am breaking the rules, but, I studied this crap in school.  trust me.


Also, yes, it's true... when it comes down to having to leave your husband, the family is just about guaranteed to take the side of the cheating shitbag, hands down.  Especially since he was the golden boy.

Edited by greenturtle36
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I am waiting for one of Josh's flings to be pregnant with his child!  Then what Anna?? 

OMG. That would definitely get them a 10 show order from TLC! As someone said in another thread, imagine the three-ring shitshow that would ensue. J-Chelle might snap and use the F word on camera!

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With their 'pieces of the heart' and courtship upbringing, I have my doubts that ANY of the Duggarettes even know what actual spousal love is supposed to feel like. They blather on about a brand new spouse: 'he's my BEST friend!!' And with such an absolutely cloistered childhood followed quickly by such a short and restricted courtship, I always wonder if they are even capable of evaluation of a non-Duggar as a true, muchless, BEST friend.

All snark aside, I really fear for them in this regard. I was raised fundy and homeschooled, thankfully without the Gothard crap, because I went to college and THOUGHT I fell head over heels in love with the first guy who threw some attention my way. He was nothing special, in fact, he was pretty awful, but I was absolutely unable to see it at the time. After being sheltered for so long, a guy saying he loved me had me giddy and completely incapable of being practical. Being in love with being in love is a real thing. The chemicals your brain produces during infatuation are powerful, but they wear off.


I have no doubt Anna loves Josh... I seriously doubt Josh loves Anna because I do not believe he is capable of loving anybody but himself.  I know it says "do not psychoanalyze Josh" so sorry if I am breaking the rules, but, I studied this crap in school.  trust me.


Also, yes, it's true... when it comes down to having to leave your husband, the family is just about guaranteed to take the side of the cheating shitbag, hands down.  Especially since he was the golden boy.

I do think some people's brains are just hardwired to do what pleases them, with little ability to empathize or love. I won't mention any names, but I agree with you!

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Most folks, not including the adventurous few, need an event to be pushed out of their comfort zones. And for most it happens similarly; college, job, marriage, divorce, etc. Anna does seem to adapt easily to change, however it still has been within the folds of her faith, her faith in Fundyism and in Josh.


And looking at her changes, they all seem to have been motivated by status and money. Each change she has made could be seen as a step up in her world, and unless some fundy royalty is ready to swoop in with a gilded bible, I think she is stuck within the Duggar fold. She too, may keep the blinders on until the Duggar money runs out.

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Most folks, not including the adventurous few, need an event to be pushed out of their comfort zones. And for most it happens similarly; college, job, marriage, divorce, etc. Anna does seem to adapt easily to change, however it still has been within the folds of her faith, her faith in Fundyism and in Josh.


And looking at her changes, they all seem to have been motivated by status and money. Each change she has made could be seen as a step up in her world, and unless some fundy royalty is ready to swoop in with a gilded bible, I think she is stuck within the Duggar fold. She too, may keep the blinders on until the Duggar money runs out.


Makes sense. I guess once you've said, "Sure, I'll be happy to marry this serial child molester," in hopes of moving up in the world, you've pretty much decided your own fate.

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