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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I really hope this pregnancy motivates Bin to finish school or learn a trade. At some point the TLC money and People interviews will end. Boob has a string of boys that are about to come of age and will need work. It's not as though he has some Trump-like portfolio of properties that require a dozen full time maintenance men.

I wish they'd waited to have kids but I am looking forward to seeing how Jessa handles her pregnancy versus Jill.

Also noticed that earlier promos had Jessa saying " French something. French fries" and Ben adding "French kissing'. That is gone, and I know I didn't imagine it.

I saw that promo last night. And let me just note for the record that I am sick to think that such a trip was wasted on two people who couldn't be bothered to learn a little something about what they were going to see (and eat) before arriving in Paris.

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Another photo...it is super obvious! lol. I am always happy for parents to be...I remember what a blessing my son was. However, courtship, weddings and baby making ARE the Duggar money train. This train has about 500 cars lol



Problem I have with Bin is that whenever I hear him speak...he sounds like tongue tied 5 year old. He really does seem to struggle to get the words out..or at least a coherent thought. Whenever I see posts from his pages...I always think his father posts for him....I am Catholic and lawd knows they don't like my kind lol.


I am sure these two were told to chop chop and get on the baby making wagon....


A Benessa pregnancy guarantees another season from TLC!

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I actually don't see Blessa blanket training or being a psychotic disciplinarian. And I do think she'll be a good mom. I can imagine her being a lot more laid back than Jill, and enjoying her child's personality as it is, instead of trying to beat it into submission.


I so hope you're right. She doesn't seem overly warm with her siblings, so I hope that tendency to be a little prickly doesn't carry over into motherhood.


Once they announce on Tuesday night, I'm sure we'll be overwhelmed with pregnancy pics. Jessa's somewhat of a selfie queen anyway, so it has to be killing her to keep the news quiet.

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Problem I have with Bin is that whenever I hear him speak...he sounds like tongue tied 5 year old. He really does seem to struggle to get the words out..or at least a coherent thought.


Yes.  I have stated before that he and Jackson really do sound alike when giving their interviews.  Really.  What's even sadder is that Jackson isn't even operating on his own grade level. 

  • Love 1

I so hope you're right. She doesn't seem overly warm with her siblings, so I hope that tendency to be a little prickly doesn't carry over into motherhood.

I wouldn't worry about it. I can be fairly irritable myself, but when you have your own kid -- assuming you are sane -- you just kind of fall in love with your child (who is, of course, FAR superior to all those other annoying rug rats running around).

  • Love 2

Bin looks like he is starting to carry some baby weight.


Seeing that the dashing Binjermin Seewald put on weight gives me hope that it might just be some happily married pounds. I know a lot of new dads can gain weight during pregnancy because of all the craving food around the house, but Blessa's gain seems to be pretty controlled, like what you would expect for a first trimester. I guess I'm alqays holding out hope that one of these crazy Duggar kids could make it to age 25 without a kid. (Crazy, right?)

  • Love 6

Seeing that the dashing Binjermin Seewald put on weight gives me hope that it might just be some happily married pounds. I know a lot of new dads can gain weight during pregnancy because of all the craving food around the house, but Blessa's gain seems to be pretty controlled, like what you would expect for a first trimester. I guess I'm alqays holding out hope that one of these crazy Duggar kids could make it to age 25 without a kid. (Crazy, right?)



Well we can hope but I do not think it is feasible. I think they all know their role in the Duggar Dynasty. I was hoping Jessa held off until at least Bin had a career...but apparently he is tightly attached to the Duggar teat. They better produce or.......



Seriously. ...we can speculate and wish all we want.....they have to adhere to the Duggar contract...because without babies, courtships and marriages...that TLC contract will dry up like a lake in California.

This newer special announcement has JB almost giggling while looking at the brood mare. Since that scenario is not only 99.999% impossible, but disgusting as well....I am holding out hope that the announcement is that M4 will be named Michelle...that it will appease the two of them and Josh and Anna will close up shop.

Also noticed that earlier promos had Jessa saying " French something. French fries" and Ben adding "French kissing'. That is gone, and I know I didn't imagine it.


The clip you mention here is actual footage from the Derick-and-Jill "we're pregnant" announcement. You can practically see Boob rubbing his hands together.

I would love to give Jessa a haircut 


My thoughts exactly. A shoulder length cut would look so great on her. Her hair usually looks good, but when hair gets to a certain length it starts to look scraggly and also flat at the top because it's weighed down. Hell, even bra strap length like Jana's would look good.


I know it wasn't my wedding or my hair, but Jessa would have looked great with her hair in a nice bun instead of down like it always is. Hell, even a chic ponytail. She had it swept up a few weeks later when she and Ben and Smuggar and Anna did their weird kissing pic together, and I kept thinking how nice it would have looked with her dress.

Edited by EarlGreyTea


So Ben interviewed a friend of his (and groomsman) about his rebellious and unchristian life.

The video is 30 min so here's the abridged article that I originally found.


Eta: it really grinds my gears when people outside of the medical and law enforcement field say methamphetamine instead of just meth.

Edited by TheDoctorsCompanio

Bin looks like he is starting to carry some baby weight. 




How is it that Boob had to insinuate himself between Jill and Derick in Nepal, lest righteous desires be stirred up - yet it's OK for Jessa to stand all cozied up directly next to this perfect male stranger for a photo op?  Once again, evidence of how illogical their rules are - or just how much BS they spout. Take your pick, I guess...

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 4


. I guess I'm alqays holding out hope that one of these crazy Duggar kids could make it to age 25 without a kid. (Crazy, right?)


Well,  that would be Jana and JD. Neither married and I feel pretty safe assuming not pregnant at the age of 25.  I like to think Jana is choosing to stay single for now, but I may just be making that up.


Dang it would be great if Jessa's not pregnant, just gaining some weight cooking for only two. but I doubt it...

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How is it that Boob had to insinuate himself between Jill and Derick in Nepal, lest righteous desires be stirred up - yet it's OK for Jessa to stand all cozied up directly next to this perfect male stranger for a photo op? Once again, evidence of how illogical their rules are - or just how much BS they spout. Take your pick, I guess...

She's married silly! Married women don't have to worry about sinning, because they have husbands.

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I actually know how this goes. You tour cathedrals and talk about how empty they are and how they are now nothing more than a tourist attraction. How Europe is now a Godless continent and its up to people like you to make sure such a thing never happens in the U.S.

I've sat through a lot of vacation stories.

  • Love 5

Isn't there going to be a guy kissing both Jessa and Ben on the cheek? Now Binjermin is going to have to be extra macho to compensate for that. Plus, Jessa's going to have a lot of frumper wearing to do to atone for defrauding that poor man. Hopefully she didn't break up his marriage.

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Posted on P&H



Hey guys. I was present at the Southern Women's Show in Richmond yesterday to hear Benessa speak (also got to meet them...surreal). They took questions from the emcee for about 10 min then turned to the audience for 20 min of Q&A. Lots of questions were taken from children, possibly because they won't ask "challenging" questions? Not sure. Anyway, I will outline some of the highlights. -"Are you pregnant?"... Something about "We are looking forward to children and aren't doing anything to prevent getting pregnant." -"Adoption?"... They are looking into getting the adoption process going as soon as they return home. Jessa acknowledged that adoptions really only are possible once the couple has been married for 2 years. -"Where did you go on your honeymoon?"... Jessa said "I'll tell you the *countries* we visited." Paris, Venice, and Rome. -"What do you do for work?"... Ben said that he helps Jim Bob flip houses also he mows the lawn for his properties. Jessa does paperwork for her father's property business. -"Josiah just announced his courtship, how long does courting usually last?"... Jessa went over how long her and her married siblings courted/were engaged for and basically just said "it depends". The phrase "sweet Marjorie" was used. Of course. Also to be noted, she said it helps to have a relatively short engagement because of physical desires wanting to be fulfilled. My general impression of Ben in person was that they must ham up a certain character for him during editing. He's not so ditzy. Anyone else who was there, please feel free to add!

I doubt Jessa does much paperwork. No adoption agency is going to give a baby to people who are totally dependent on their family for money.

Lol, so Rome and Venice are countries now? Good to see that homefoolin' edumacation paying off!

When has Jessa ever done paperwork for Boob? Bin flips houses? Ok, sure. I guess it sounds better than nothing.

So now Bin can add licensed contractor to his list of professions.

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Is "paperwork" code for I clean the office? (Is there an office?) We all know what a super special surreal organizer Blessa is, so maybe she's in charge of neatly stacking things.

Call me naive, but I can actually believe the flipping houses thing. Siah said that he worked for his dad, doing construction. I guess Boob buys fixer-uppers, has the A-team make it marketable and then either sells it, or keeps it for the next couple that needs a house. I can see him likening himself to Laban (?) in the bible, who had Jacob work for him for 7 years for his daughter. In exchange for a house, you have to work for Boob fixing up all the other houses, impregnate your wife regularly to give him grandchildren, sell your most personal moments to TLC (for Boob's profit) and pretty much be his bitch.

  • Love 3

I see Jessa as perhaps not being overly emotional to her own child and not one to use baby talk. I see her as insisting on discipline but not to the point of abuse. I also think she'll turn into an absolute mama bear when it comes to outside threats to her kids.

I kind of see a Benessa child as getting his emotional needs from his father and his practical needs fulfilled by his mom. That's not necessarily a bad thing. He'll go to Ben to kiss the boo boo and Jessa to slap on the band aid and make sure said boo boo doesn't get infected.

I actually think a lot of families run this way. My own mom was not overly affectionate but we had no doubt she loved us and was there for us.

  • Love 2

Lol, so Rome and Venice are countries now? Good to see that homefoolin' edumacation paying off!

When has Jessa ever done paperwork for Boob? Bin flips houses? Ok, sure. I guess it sounds better than nothing.

You forgot Paris!!!  LOL  Home schooling indeed, more like home FOOLING!

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This whole thing had me somewhere between laughter and vomiting. I guess it depends on how regular the girls' cycles are. If the girls are kind of irregular, once they're out of the house Jchelle has no way of keeping track. I don't think she would go that far, but honestly, who knows with that freakish woman. Besides, I'm not sure that she actually cares too much about having grandchildren. They're numbers to her.


I have a feeling that MEchelle did many classes on charting your cycles, ovulation and such at the dining room table.  It's probably detailed on a sticky note on that stupid board. 


This may not be the proper thread of this- but I am wondering if the Duggar girls are allowed to wear tampons.  I had a semi-fundie friend in high school who was not allowed.  She could only wear pads!  I'm sorry but I found it just gross.  

Bitter Apple:

Lol, so Rome and Venice are countries now? Good to see that homefoolin' edumacation paying off!

I need QUOTE lessons!!!!!!!!!! I literally laughed out loud reading that post where she listed "countries"

they visited. Venice and Rome. I'll be darn. I never even read that on the internet that they were now

countries. HAHA!!! I'm really hoping it's a typo by the original poster. That would make me feel much


But I'm from the south - there was a longstanding tale about whether New Mexico was a country or a state

when the Olympics were in Atlanta.

Edited by Happyfatchick

Paris, Venice and Rome. Perfect. You sure are a walking advertisement for home-schooling, Jessa.


Then we've got Ben, in a previous episode, explaining that in order to get their groomsmen to wear pink ties, you just call them "coral" because coral reminds them of manly "rocks" in the ocean. He doesn't know "if there are any pink ones," but randomly calling the color coral will get them to wear 'em. Neither of them are joining Mensa anytime soon.

  • Love 5

I'm holding out SO much hope for Jessa that she's not pregnant, and will be greatly disappointed if she is. If so, it would only further cement my belief that the Duggar family is, indeed, a religious cult. What a shame for these young kids to be missing out on so much of life.

She is absolutely, positively pregnant. No question. Not only was she pregnant in the People pics, but my guess is it's a honeymoon baby. I'm sticking with my prediction of an August due date.

  • Love 4
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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