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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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I was browsing the Duggars blog today and saw the most recent pics of Jessa and Bin. I must say, I've seen less makeup on hookers in Vegas casinos than what Miss Jessa has been sporting lately. She's starting to look like a Fundie version of Chelsea Houska from TM2.

I guess they're off on some Central American mission trip. Hopefully Jessa packed a pair of sneakers this time.

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The Duggars have this weird belief about matching their kids with a suitor based on Jim Bob's impression of the suitors personality. They firmly believe in the old adage that opposites attract. So that is why loud, brash, show off Jessa was paired with the younger and soft spoken people pleaser Ben. However that backfired when Ben became enamored of the fame.

They follow this weird, anti-biblical belief called the four temperaments.

Seriously, for people that claim to be born agains, they leave no room at all for the Holy Spirit. Everything revolves around following 7 principles to get the payoff of a good life.

But as the outside world knows now, Bill Gothard was just a nasty old sexual pervert, not a man of God.

I didn't know that about their belief in the four temperaments. Nothing like applying ancient Mesopotamian philosophies. 

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I just saw the pic of Bin and Jessa holding up their passports all ready for the missions trip.  I can't wait to see what self-absorbed selfies they will be taking and posting during the trip....   I am so overJessa's wide-eyed outy-lipped hooker makeup pose.  Is her face frozen that way?

Edited by MrMattyMatt
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I find it pretty telling that numerous things have been said about Jill's personality - she's sweet, she's loving, she's selfless, etc. But nothing much about Jessa.


If you asked me to describe Jessa in a few words it would be things like "snotty," "selfish" and "smug."  "She's pretty" may be the best some of us can come up with (though like you, I don't find her all that pretty.  I mean, she's pretty, but I think Jana is the beauty of the bunch.)

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Just saw pictures of Ben and Jessa for the first time in a while on his instagram. There's a pic that says "Juddy" is a chaperone for a date -- I have no idea which kid that is but he looks young. What's even the point of a chaperone in that case? If you wanted to make out the whole time, couldn't you just bribe a kid that age with an ice cream sundae not to tell Ma and Pa? Or if you didn't trust the kid to keep a secret, couldn't you still talk about all kinds of adult things in front of him -- future, preferences re number of kids etc. You couldn't be super obvious about it, but I find that little kids don't always get every word of an adult conversation esp if you use complex vocab or they get bored enough that they stop listening. Worst case -- ply him with enough soda that he has to go to the bathroom at some point and then sneak in a few kisses. I'm not getting the point of a 7 yr old chaperone . . . .

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I feel like having a child 'chaperone' could go one of two ways. Either they are the bribeable type or they are the type who will run back and tattle regardless of the candy or pizza you dangle in front of their faces. Snce the Duggar kids have so few freedoms, I'd like to think they are the bribeable type.

Edited by trimthatfat

Just saw pictures of Ben and Jessa for the first time in a while on his instagram. There's a pic that says "Juddy" is a chaperone for a date -- I have no idea which kid that is but he looks young. What's even the point of a chaperone in that case? If you wanted to make out the whole time, couldn't you just bribe a kid that age with an ice cream sundae not to tell Ma and Pa? Or if you didn't trust the kid to keep a secret, couldn't you still talk about all kinds of adult things in front of him -- future, preferences re number of kids etc. You couldn't be super obvious about it, but I find that little kids don't always get every word of an adult conversation esp if you use complex vocab or they get bored enough that they stop listening. Worst case -- ply him with enough soda that he has to go to the bathroom at some point and then sneak in a few kisses. I'm not getting the point of a 7 yr old chaperone . . . .

Bin has the ability to use a complex vocabulary?.

  • Love 9

Is Jessa the one that said she wanted to live in a big city or was that Jinger? I remember a segment with the older girls where they talked about who wanted/needed what. I recall they thought Jana needed a mature man, and Jill needed someone with a servant's heart who maybe spoke Spanish. Can't recall what was said about Jessa or Jinger, though I remember one of them wanted a big city life (that the other sisters and Ma later knocked down). Joy looked totally bored with a "OMG I don't even want to marry, what do I care" look on her face.


Heck with a "chaperone" that is a boy under age 13, go on dates to places like Dave & Busters, buy him a bunch of tokens and tell him to go play all the games he wants until the food comes. That buys you at least 20 min of talking/making out time. While Ma & Pa Duggar would like to think that all the kids are so faithful that they would never leave their sister alone with a man, get real -- these kids have no freedom and always have to share everything with their siblings; the idea of 20 min of video gaming without 20 sibs hovering over them is not something a 10 yr old boy could turn down.

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I think it's totally out of line for Boob and Clown Car to appoint a little child to be a chaperone and have the responsibility of watching the couple and reporting back any improprieties. It's bad enough when they have the older kids do it. Little ones shouldn't be involved in helping manage a courtship, and the courting couple should be respected more and not be placed in the humiliating spot of being babysat by a young child.  Boob and Michelle are jerks, plain and simple.

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I don't know. When we hear Duggars describe other Duggars it's always "sweet", "servant's heart" blah blah blah... character traits they value. Both Jessa and Jana have been described as being willful as children. Jana clearly had that beaten out of her. I think there may be more to Jessa than just a pretty face, but she's not allowed to express anything but happy helper girl. I like that she still has some spunk and bit of snark.

Edited by mimionthebeach
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I'm guessing that "Juddy" is a nickname for Justin. He's around 11 or 12 years ago, so while not age 7, he's at the age where he can easily be distracted with a Gameboy or Jessa's Smartphone...long enough for a private conversation and maybe a few kisses. LOL. Jim Bob and Michelle are apparently too damn lazy to even chaperone their own kids. Even in the Cheaper by the Dozen story, set in the 1920's, the father insisted on going along as a chaperone when his oldest daugther had a date at the high scool dance..and she was mortified. It was pretty funny reading about that. And she had something like 10 younger siblings, and none of them were saddled with the chaperone job. 

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It would wonderful if Jessa could sign on and take some college courses too, but of course that will never happen. What is she planning on doing while Bin is going to college, hanging around the compound curling her hair?


Lets not forget about taking constant selfies and applying Instagram filters to them, while passing her duties off to the Joyless one. 

Bin's family owns a company that makes pre-fab homes. If Jessa doesn't get a new home from Bin's family I would be shocked! i've said it a 100 times before Bin is there to serve a purpose and that would be that Boob gets a discount if he needed some houses to buy.

And Bin's dad gets free advertising via the show. It is not a coincidence that this man drove his family HOURS to attend St. Pickle's Basilica. 


I hate to snark on appearance, but I'd like to see her get some Proactiv. Are the kids not allowed to see a dermatologist, I wonder? Josiah could use one, too. 

I have a feeling that she's A.) using cheap make-up and (obviously) lots of it and B.) sharing brushes with her sisters and not washing them. The more makeup we see her wearing, the worse her acne has gotten. 


...St. Pickle's Basilica.

I have a feeling that she's A.) using cheap make-up and (obviously) lots of it and B.) sharing brushes with her sisters and not washing them. The more makeup we see her wearing, the worse her acne has gotten.

I've been thinking of it as The Church of the Blessed Airplane Hangar but I love St Pickles Basilica!

Re bad skin. A lot of it's simply genetics. I struggle with acne still in my 50's. Through my teens until recently, regardless of how conscientious I was in my skin care routine it took very expensive prescription meds (oral and topical) to control it. I feel bad for kids (and adults) who have problem skin and people just think it's their fault. And you couldn't pay me to not try to cover it up with makeup especially as a young woman.

To me it also looks like Jessa in playing around especially with the eye makeup. Like a kid in a candy store.

Edited by mimionthebeach
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^I agree on the acne thing. I'm in my 30s and use 3 Rx topicals but I know from experience that my skin goes bananas if I use cheap drugstore brands (Sephora knows me by name) and if I don't wash my brushes every 3 days or so. She's definitely experimenting, and I encourage her to do so, but I doubt that Michelle is teaching her about picking the right brands and maintenance. This is where having that one semi-slutty friend from school comes in handy. =)

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Lets not forget about taking constant selfies and applying Instagram filters to them, while passing her duties off to the Joyless one. 

And Bin's dad gets free advertising via the show. It is not a coincidence that this man drove his family HOURS to attend St. Pickle's Basilica. 


I have a feeling that she's A.) using cheap make-up and (obviously) lots of it and B.) sharing brushes with her sisters and not washing them. The more makeup we see her wearing, the worse her acne has gotten. 


It's possible that the acne is completely unrelated to the makeup she uses and/or hygiene issues related to the brushes. Could be due to hormonal issues. It seems a lot of the older Duggar kids, boys included, have had some issues with acne.

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It's possible that the acne is completely unrelated to the makeup she uses and/or hygiene issues related to the brushes.

That's my guess. I've posted this before, but I hate that no one (presumably) has taken those kids to a dermatologist. A few of them definitely could use one, and in many cases, skin can be improved pretty significantly with antibiotics and topical medications. 

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Both of my boys, now ages 17 and 20, suffered with acne for quite a few months and after several trips to the dermatologist, they both went on Accuane. That did the trick when nothing else did...there are the monthly blood tests required, and it was a 5 month course of treatment, but I'm surprised the Duggars haven't gone this route.

On topic of Jessa and Ben, does anyone think that by the time these two get around to getting married, the viewers will already be bored with them?

I just don't think Ben is ready for the responsibility of marriage especially in their culture where financial support falls squarely on his shoulders. Does anybody know if he has employable skills? 

And with the additional requisite that no debt be encountered. In Ben's case -- young as he is the no-debt rule is a good one, of course. 

And with the additional requisite that no debt be encountered. In Ben's case -- young as he is the no-debt rule is a good one, of course. 

Under normal circumstances, Ben would have next to no chance finding a decent job. But since he will belong to the Duggar clan, I have no doubt that they will find him a job with their connections. Cause I don't think they want to tarnish their wholesome image with having an unemployed son-in-law who can't provide for his wife.

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I was surprised when I watched the old episodes to see how closely aligned JB and J'chelle's early businesses mirrored what they had done for their kids:


Car Lot - Josh

Towing business - John David

Convenience Store - open

Insurance License - open

Real Estate License - open


It's possible that Bin's foray into the world of insurance was the suggestion of JB. Perhaps JB suggested that he take this more recent construction job to prepare him to refurbish houses. JB knows how to make money, and he may see something in Bin that we (or at least I) don't.

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Has anyone seen the lastest pics of Bin & Paris on the "mission vacation"?  Jessa is in full makeup, applying nail polish to what appears to be a school girl.  Bin's in glasses and some sort of saudi-arabian turban.    All in the name of Jesus!


What's the joke in Mexico? something like "how many times are the missionaries going to paint that school, anyway?" Yeah.

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Bin is being immature. I enjoy learning about what others believe in and I have never felt my own beliefs threatened because of it. You miss out on too many friendships and great conversations when you cut yourself off from other viewpoints. 


Save the indignation for people who name their kid Summer when their birthday is in December. ;-)

Edited by PinkSprinkles
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So Ben is in full on Catholic bashing on his Facebook page. Check out the hateful comments. Voodoo, the pope, it's bad. Pass the popcorn, TLC may have a problem.

Oh Ben..................

  Where they depart from Scripture, I will in no way support, but will call them out because I love them and desire that they be turned from their deadly errors.


So Ben is in full on Catholic bashing on his Facebook page. Check out the hateful comments. Voodoo, the pope, it's bad. Pass the popcorn, TLC may have a problem.

Ben clarifying his previous comment didn't get him any favors.  Sorry Mullet, ate all of the popcorn while reading the comments.

Edited by abseedee

Here's a question for all of you:


If this sends the Catholics on the warpath and TLC begins to think Ben is bad for the brand, will Jim Bob cut off the courtship? 

Depends on a lot of things I think. If the courtship was just for the ratings and such in first place, and it gets really bad, he might. If Jessa is really that much in love with him, it will be harder for Boob. Also because Benessa probably has a lot of fans. And let's face it, Bin is just repeating was he has heard his whole life from his fundie folks, so I doubt the circles the Duggars usually mix with will like it if Boob cuts off Bin because he, in their minds, just said the truth about those Catholics. The Duggars probably agree with him wholeheartedly anyway, so at most I can see Bin issuing some kind of apology. It will probably sound a lot like Gothards "apology" when some girls accused him of molesting them.


Oh and not to forget: Josh works for an organisation that is labelled a hate group. And the Duggars don't seem to have a problem with that, and, sadly, neither do their mainstream fans.

Edited by Sundaymorning
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I have known some people who have gone to Mexico, Hawaii and South America on missions. While they did do some "fun" stuff, like music and games with some of the villagers they met, all of the missions had a goal (aside from evangelizing) and those people worked hard! They dug ditches, built churches, repaired houses, worked on water/irrigation systems, walked miles from house-to-house passing out blankets and backpacks full of school supplies.


Do the Duggars do any of those type things on their missions?

Edited by starfire

Since the Catholic Church believes and teaches that much of what other religions is wrong and that no one goes to heaven unless they are in the Roman Catholic Church, what wrong with Ben stating his biblical beliefs?

I think that's one of the main problems with a lot of religions that if they lash out against someone (gays, other religions, women, you name it) then they will claim that they are just stating the "truth" and  their beliefs and that their opinion is covered by their right of religious freedom. But when someone else lashes out against them, they will complain very fast that they are discriminated against and so on.

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Since the Catholic Church believes and teaches that much of what other religions is wrong and that no one goes to heaven unless they are in the Roman Catholic Church, what wrong with Ben stating his biblical beliefs?


Would rather hear his beliefs on Bill Gothard and on King James writing the bible. LOL

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There is a Pentecostal Manifesto that I found on the internet.  It was very, very long so I didn't read all of it.  The anti-Catholic part of the manifesto shocked me in its nastiness.  Wow, and baby Bin quotes scripture or Gotthard's teachings without giving them any thought, or realizing that most people have a brain and don't look to ONLY his view as how to live your life.

The more Ben disgusts me, the more I realize he's perfect Duggar material.


Josh has expressed the same views about Catholicism on his Twitter.  So I don't think it'll be any big deal that Ben shares his views.


And there's nothing wrong with the act of anyone sharing their opinions on the internet.  It's the opinions themselves that people have the right to call out as being offensive should they see them that way.  


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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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