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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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No. And the biggest reason is that I don't think we know very well who Jessa really is or how she plans to organize her life once she's married. But I think she knows the only way she has a chance of organizing it with any say is to be married, so she's going to do that. They may stay with the dog and pony show, or they may really be a younger version of Michelle and JB before the weirdness set in. We keep saying Jessa won't work and according to Gothard can't work, but I've never heard JESSA say she won't. And Ben's parents aren't Gothardites, so they may support the couple when JB and Michelle won't (like when Mr Seewald came to Jessa's defense online but her own father didn't?) so their future really could go any number of ways.

Or it could just keep going the way it is.

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Just watched the episode where Zach Bates asked Sarah Reith to enter into a courtship. He arrived at her house wearing suit & tie & carrying roses. Boy a whole lot classier than when Bin showed up in T-shirt & jeans with coffee / spit cup in hand to ask Jessa to court. Then asking her in the small Duggar office with Boob & MEchelle in attendance. I may give him a small break because he may not have expected Boob to say "well let's ask Jessa what she thinks" if Ben was just asking permission to court her. But Ben could of have said, "I have something special in mind when I ask her, so I'd rather not do it now."

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This is why I HOPE that TLC starts to put the squeeze on FameWhoreMike Seewald. He sold his not-so-bright first born to Fundie Royalty, and now thinks that HE'S a star, too. Gave himself a higher profile byline on a blog and began pontificating and calling those who don't agree with his opinion, "Hitler's Dopplegangers." Damn straight that TLC should be worried about some asshole throwing Hitler's name around and losing viewers because of it.  If JB is as business savvy as he thinks he is, he should see it, too.  Maybe he has, and this is why he pulled Bin into the Duggar compound, instead of sending cameras to the Seewalds. But, that hasn't shut ol' Mikey up. He's becoming more entitled and emboldened as the wedding draws more near. 

Don't forget, Mike Seewald's first blog post (Marrying Young) appeared about four days before the Public found out Benessa were engaged. Timing? More than a tad suspicious. I think Seewald is there to parrot Duggar views that they really can't say out loud.


GEML, who is this "we" you refer to? Fundies? Evangelicals? Mainstream Christians? Just wondering why you made that inclusive.

Edited by Sew Sumi

Actually I meant "we" here at the board. I think there is this sort of assumption that Jessa could never do a menial labor job. Some would say it's because she's too high and mighty. Some because she's unskilled to do anything. Some because she's not able to handle the people skills required. Some because she's under Daddy's thumb. Some because under Gothard's rules.

But she very well could just go out and take a job that was pretty ordinary. Her mother did it. If both she and Ben did it, they wouldn't be all that different from thousands of young couples starting out - only with a LOT more gifts! ;)

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I personally don't think Jessa would enjoy a position that requires customer service skills and I don't think she's equipped for one. *shrug* I also think that in general, Jessa and her siblings will struggle with traditional work schedules since their parents have a poor concept of time. To JB and Michelle, showing up somewhere an hour late is acceptable. For the average employer, it's not.


Anyways, I do hope Jessa seeks work outside of the home, but I don't see that happening for right now.


Have there been any mentions about where Jessa and Ben will live after the wedding?

Edited by trimthatfat
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Man, I hope not. If TLC is indeed on Seewald Watch, they'll probably only show a brief, obligatory shot of the Parents of the Groom and consciously try NOT to bring more attention to them. 


Now that Jessa is the SECOND daughter to marry, I wonder if her wedding prep will be as drawn out and given as many episodes as Jill's. My guess is no. With Jill's pregnancy being announced at the same time as Jessa's engagement, there are other things to focus on besides Princess Blessa.  Way to go, Baby Dilly, you little thunder-stealer!


Besides, I don't think Bin's limited vocabulary and dull-as-dishwater personality can carry many episodes. 

  • Love 3

Now that Jessa is the SECOND daughter to marry, I wonder if her wedding prep will be as drawn out and given as many episodes as Jill's. My guess is no. With Jill's pregnancy being announced at the same time as Jessa's engagement, there are other things to focus on besides Princess Blessa.  Way to go, Baby Dilly, you little thunder-stealer!

That was a total back-stabbing move. It's not like Jill was showing at that point or became severely ill like Duchess Kate where they were pretty much forced to make the announcement early. She could have easily waited another month before wrangling the spotlight away from her sister.


As far as Jessa working, I think a lot of her laziness has to do with resentment that she's providing free childcare for her lazy ass parents. She might be a completely different person if given the opportunity to do something that she actually wants to do.

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IMO, I don't think that their TV show is the forum to "silently advertise" their specific politics. Besides, why are any of those kids wearing that message t-shirt? Unless there is something Michelle isn't telling us.

The first one of those t-shirts I saw was the one Ben was wearing. I think he got them interested in advertising that message.

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Considering all the Duggar children were "wanted" and planned for, down to the last detail of having the entire family know when Mom has her period, all those "I Survived" shirts make absolutely ZERO sense.


I don't think it was a backstabbing move on Jill's part, but I DO think that it was hastily announced to cover up a brewing controversy....once again thanks to a Seewald rant. That was the same time that Michael Seewald posted some comments on his blog that many thought was critical of the Duggars. Blogs were starting to pick up on it. I think Jill's pregnancy announcement was a bit of Wag the Dog. She wasn't in her second trimester yet, which seems to be the goal line when it comes to announcing most pregnancies nowadays. Jill's news deflected attention away from the comments of FameWhoreMike. 


Note to Jim Bob: How many times are you going to have to cover up for the stupidity of your soon-to-be in laws?  I mean, covering for your batshit crazy wife is already a full time job. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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The ship keeps sinking! Boob better react quickly because there is going to be backlash of people demanding that TLC cancel their show. The Seewalds continue to tarnish the Duggar brand. To us this is old news but to the public I think it will start to become eye opening about these fundie cults and their extreme ideas.



That was a total back-stabbing move. It's not like Jill was showing at that point or became severely ill like Duchess Kate where they were pretty much forced to make the announcement early. She could have easily waited another month before wrangling the spotlight away from her sister.

As far as Jessa working, I think a lot of her laziness has to do with resentment that she's providing free childcare for her lazy ass parents. She might be a completely different person if given the opportunity to do something that she actually wants to do.

I think she might be willing to work too. We know she's practical, an organizer and likes to accomplish things. She would probably be good doing inventory or warehouse type work, which would not require anything beyond a GED to start and she had connections at Wal-Mart. My mother-in-law did that for years and took tremendous personal satisfaction in it, despite it being a not terribly well respected job, or high paying. But it would pay enough for Ben to finish some education and get a desk or sales job and then Jessa could take a little time to think about what she might want to do, assuming that motherhood isn't enough for her.

And I don't think announcing the baby was thunder stealing but the baby registry? Yeah, that was just wrong. Wait a couple of months.

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Boob talks all the time about how "competitive" the Duggars are. I don't recall the timing of Jill's announcement coming right after one of Mike Seewald's (weekly) rants, but it did steal thunder from Jessa. The registry? Even moreso. These girls may not have been raised like other girls in GirlWorld, but they sure are devious and underhanded. I think that they aren't as close to one another as they'd like their audience to believe.


Especially Jessa and Jill. I've never observed them as being close, other than during the book tour, when Jessa was pushed up front because she was courting with Jill, who was always the girls' "spokesperson." (But of course now we find out she too was courting.) At any rate, during the book tour those two took center stage, with Jinger/Jana receding into the background. That said, Jill still managed to talk over...well, everyone.


I can't stand Jessa, but if I was her, I'd be pretty pissed off right about now.

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That was a total back-stabbing move. It's not like Jill was showing at that point or became severely ill like Duchess Kate where they were pretty much forced to make the announcement early. She could have easily waited another month before wrangling the spotlight away from her sister.


Well depending on what/where you read she's got to be pregnant with quintuplets to be 'showing' as much as she is at this point, so maybe Jill already won the battle. (for the record I think she's just pregnant - with one! - and doing her best to show off the belly)

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Boob talks all the time about how "competitive" the Duggars are. I don't recall the timing of Jill's announcement coming right after one of Mike Seewald's (weekly) rants, but it did steal thunder from Jessa. The registry? Even moreso. These girls may not have been raised like other girls in GirlWorld, but they sure are devious and underhanded. I think that they aren't as close to one another as they'd like their audience to believe.


I think that we are looking at this from the perspective of a normal family. None of these kids have ever had anything special of their own (e.g. the jewelry box, the shared birthday parties, shared closet). I don't know that Jessa would even stop to think that this is supposed to be her special time.



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I think they're totally programmed to LIVE FOR THE WEDDING. Seriously, marriage is a female Gothardite's goal in life. I think Jill even said something to the effect that she'd been planning her wedding since she was a little girl. I can't imagine Jessa or now even Hannie, who is being slowly brainwashed out of her tomboy stage, think any differently.


So in that context, Jill totally upstaged Jessa. Twice in the past 6 weeks since the engagement.

Edited by Sew Sumi

I think that we are looking at this from the perspective of a normal family. None of these kids have ever had anything special of their own (e.g. the jewelry box, the shared birthday parties, shared closet). I don't know that Jessa would even stop to think that this is supposed to be her special time.

Jessa might not even care that her wedding has been put on the "back burner".


BTW has anyone else read the latest comments on her I'd Rather Have Jesus post on her FB?  Lots of negative comments about their registry and not much comments from leghumpers.

I think they're totally programmed to LIVE FOR THE WEDDING. Seriously, marriage is a female Gothardite's goal in life. I think Jill even said something to the effect that she'd been planning her wedding since she was a little girl. I can't imagine Jessa or now even Hannie, who is being slowly brainwashed out of her tomboy stage, think any differently.


So in that context, Jill totally upstaged Jessa. Twice in the past 6 weeks since the engagement.


Are they supposed to live for the wedding, or the pregnancy?

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Remember "Waiting for Prince Charming?" I think that's pretty damning proof about how these girls (and girls amongst all the Patriarchy cults) are bred to think. I read the book, and I deserve a medal. It was a painful metaphor for stay at home daughters to remind them to find a "ministry" to keep themselves busy rather than obsessing over boys.


Jessa only has "organization" to brag about. Hey, I am a logistical freak, but unless she gets that family on REGULAR time, she doesn't have a "ministry." The show tried to portray her as a baby photographer, but Jinger seems to have taken that niche for their family; Jinger may have been up all night the previous evening with another delivery. OR Mr. Show wanted to portray Jessa as being productive at...ANYTHING aside from troweling on makeup or barrel-rolling her locks. 

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I think it would be better in Jessa's situation to have a failed engagement then a failed marriage. Either way she will the one at fault. Never the man in this case FamewhoreBrother Seewald, The man is a creep. Something about him gives me that feeling. His daughters have no life in their eyes. I bet he rules with an iron fist in that house.

  • Love 3

I think it would be better in Jessa's situation to have a failed engagement then a failed marriage. Either way she will the one at fault. Never the man in this case FamewhoreBrother Seewald, The man is a creep. Something about him gives me that feeling. His daughters have no life in their eyes. I bet he rules with an iron fist in that house.

The good thing about Jessa is I think she's conceited enough and resilient enough to where she could brush off a broken engagement pretty easily. She's very reserved with her emotions so I don't think she'd fall apart the same way a girl like Jill would. Jessa already has an F.U. attitude towards Boob, so even if he blamed her I don't think she'd take it personally.


Although she might have to do some time at the concentration camp known as Journey to the Heart.

Edited by BitterApple
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Remember "Waiting for Prince Charming?" I think that's pretty damning proof about how these girls (and girls amongst all the Patriarchy cults) are bred to think.

There are sooooo many young women "waiting for Prince Charming" on Pinterest...it's almost scary. Planning their weddings when they are not even engaged.

It is not limited to cults but it is part of what I call the Disneyland Princess syndrome.

  • Love 3

The good thing about Jessa is I think she's conceited enough and resilient enough to where she could brush off a broken engagement pretty easily. She's very reserved with her emotions so I don't think she'd fall apart the same way a girl like Jill would. Jessa already has an F.U. attitude towards Boob, so even if he blamed her I don't think she'd take it personally.


Although she might have to do some time at the concentration camp known as Journey to the Heart.

Spot on observation!!

BitterApple, on 10 Oct 2014 - 12:12 PM, said:

That was a total back-stabbing move. It's not like Jill was showing at that point or became severely ill like Duchess Kate where they were pretty much forced to make the announcement early. She could have easily waited another month before wrangling the spotlight away from her sister.



I am not sure any of the Duggar spawn have much choice on when things get announced. I have a feeling that TLC/JimBoob control the shots as far as determining when public announcements like courtships, engagements, and pregnancies are made. They may even be under contract with TLC in regards to major announcements.

Jellybeans, on 11 Oct 2014 - 10:47 AM, said:

There are sooooo many young women "waiting for Prince Charming" on Pinterest...it's almost scary. Planning their weddings when they are not even engaged.

It is not limited to cults but it is part of what I call the Disneyland Princess syndrome.


Yep, and when they finally get engaged/married, we all know that announcements on chalkboards will be involved, and when they get pregnant, pictures of adult shoes next to baby shoes will be involved. Etc. Etc. Etc.

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What's kind of sad is that they all spend hours trying to create this "unique" event and in the end, it's still a wedding. And there are only a handful of types that yours can fall into. And ironically, what most people remember about weddings are the things that either went wrong or weren't planned.

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The good thing about Jessa is I think she's conceited enough and resilient enough to where she could brush off a broken engagement pretty easily. She's very reserved with her emotions so I don't think she'd fall apart the same way a girl like Jill would. Jessa already has an F.U. attitude towards Boob, so even if he blamed her I don't think she'd take it personally.

Although she might have to do some time at the concentration camp known as Journey to the Heart.

I agree Jessa would bounce back from a broken engagement & hopefully learn from it. Even if she gave away "a piece of her heart" in the process, I'm sure SHE could find someone else to fill that hole. (Or will she be considered used goods in the Gothard circle even tho it is assumed she hasn't "sweet fellowshipped" yet?) On second thought Jessa, tell your parents what they can do with their Gothard rules and make a run for it.

I think she would be great working in a Container type of store or working as a personal organizer. Let her loose with Rubbermaid containers in one of those houses they show on the Hoarders. She'd have that place cleaned out & organized in no time. She could even have Joy helping her. And since she likes to be in the spotlight, I can picture her on the talk show circuit explaining her organizational/packing skills.

Jessa would have a hard time outside of Duggarland, where she'd be just another pretty girl, except she'd be just another pretty girl who is also a prude with no education, job skills or personality.

Good point. Not too many mainstream guys want to discuss abortion, Creationism and the Holocaust on first dates. What else does Jessa have to talk about?

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Jessa's also been a TV reality person who has quite a few skills she could list on a resume. I bet Jessa doesn't run on "Duggar Time" and can handle the stress of filming. She would have plenty of people from the non-religious production company to provide references for her. The ideas that she can't put together a decent entry level resume and get a job just aren't credible to me.

Edited by GEML
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Jessa's also been a TV reality person who has quite a few skills she could list on a resume. I bet Jessa doesn't run on "Duggar Time" and can handle the stress of filming. She would have plenty of people from the non-religious production company to provide references for her. The ideas that she can't put together a decent entry level resume and get a job just aren't credible to me.

GEML, when TLC played all the older episodes over the summer, there was one in particular where the producers asked the kids about "Duggar Time." One of the J'Slaves, I believe it was Jessa, made the comment that when the kids are on their own they always get to places on time. She said it's only when they're going somewhere with their parents that they're late. I'm not surprised.

  • Love 2

Jessa's also been a TV reality person who has quite a few skills she could list on a resume. I bet Jessa doesn't run on "Duggar Time" and can handle the stress of filming. She would have plenty of people from the non-religious production company to provide references for her. The ideas that she can't put together a decent entry level resume and get a job just aren't credible to me.

What exactly are those skills? I mean, she can curl hair and pack a mean suitcase, but that doesn't mean a lot. She doesn't like kids, can't cook or sew, so that rules out nanny jobs. Also, Duggar Time won't work anywhere in the real world with a real job. 

  • Love 7

GEML, when TLC played all the older episodes over the summer, there was one in particular where the producers asked the kids about "Duggar Time." One of the J'Slaves, I believe it was Jessa, made the comment that when the kids are on their own they always get to places on time. She said it's only when they're going somewhere with their parents that they're late. I'm not surprised.

It was Jana who said that in a very passive aggressive manner, IMO. I felt like Jana really wanted to say 'Yeah, my parents are completely inept are getting anywhere on time because they're selfish asshats who are still stuck in junior high.' Of course, I could be projecting, but I felt like she was taking a swipe at them in her own way.

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It remains a mystery why Boob is supporting this relationship. Who would want their daughter to marry a not too bright teenager with little education and no job skills? In the real world the kids would either give in to parental disapproval and call it off or remain defiant and elope. In Duggarland, where the father has an iron grip and what he says goes, the immature couple is given the parents' blessing. It boggles the mind. I predict the first Duggar divorce.

I think because Jim Boob sees a lot of himself in Ben at that age. I also believe somehow, this marriage will benefit Jim Boob financially. Not like Kim Kardashian who whored herself out to various vendors and made millions. That would be JB's wet dream.

I think he wants to marry off Jessa ASAP, because he thinks The Pretty One is more likely to cross the line and mess up with boys (that can mean anything from actually dating to getting pregnant) than the rest. From my experience, however, it's usually the unsuspecting quiet and plainer ones who sneak by and mess up instead of the princesses in these situations.

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She can do hair, make-up, props, run a costume shop, set up for shooting, probably knows all of the technical terms for filming and still photography, she is someone who travels easily, and has done sales and promotion for the show and the book.  She has done public appearances, has had media training for television, radio, and print interviews.  

In the hands of a good PR person or agent, Jessa could do very well for herself.  She attractive, and she communicates better than anyone.  She knows where the camera is, and she knows how to use it.  Someone mentioned Sarah Palin previously, and if people can remember that Palin was someone who could fly in from Alaska and two hours later give a speech in front of a stadium filled with people that was broadcast around the world, that is actually not something just anyone could do.  Sure, the speech was written for her, but it wasn't a speech she had tremendous amounts of time to practice, and she was among virtually no one she knew.  Pulling THAT off was a skill that was completely lost in everything else that followed in its wake.  Jessa could do that, or will be able to do that at some point, I think.

Jessa has genuine skills -- and she has a set of skills that would make her potentially marketable in a world that has an actual niche market for women who are attractive, a little sassy, but not too much, and are media savvy.  Jill has been the family spokesperson, because she's the parrot.  But if Jessa leaves?  She'll be the one that actually has something to say.  And she won't have to speak out against them to do it, she'll just make it sound more interesting than, "But what do you think?"  And "Totally!"

Edited by GEML
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I doubt Jessa knows enough about filming right now to jump in and do it. I think it could be a good background for someone wanting to apply to a school with a tv/film/radio degree, but I don't think someone would hire her based on her experience thus far. And, I think she'd need a lot of speech lessons and political science classes to be some sort of spokesperson in front of the camera unless she tries to get in a situation similar to or with Josh.

I mean, maybe I'm wrong, and the film and camera crew stay after and teach Jessa for a couple of hours each day. But, has anything been mentioned about her taking an interest? I'm not really betting on Jessa currently having advanced skills in anything that an employer would specifically seek. Her "fame" and commitment to beliefs are all I'm seeing. IMO. Entry-level, no experience req'd.

  • Love 5

She could certainly do a Christian talk or radio type program where much of the material was written out beforehand and she was allowed to do multiple takes. I'm not talking about a big media market, but there are plenty of local Christian markets where she had already had plenty of on the job training not only for the show but in media for the show and the book.

Yes, I agree that would be a nice idea for her, GEML. It will be interesting to see if she does branch out at some point.

I've got such mixed feelings about Jessa. More than the other children. I don't like that I feel this way, but I do. I want to see her be happy; I've just got a nagging feeling.

  • Love 2

I think he wants to marry off Jessa ASAP, because he thinks The Pretty One is more likely to cross the line and mess up with boys (that can mean anything from actually dating to getting pregnant) than the rest. From my experience, however, it's usually the unsuspecting quiet and plainer ones who sneak by and mess up instead of the princesses in these situations.


Jessa is Michelle 2.0 in looks and personality.  I wonder if JimBob looks at her and worries she may become the sinning slut his wife was before he came along to rescue her into a life of Godliness.  Better married off to a total tool than premaritally kiss someone. 


...I know everyone thinks JimBob is completely gay for Michelle, to borrow a line from Kevin from The Office, but I think he judges the hell out of "past Michelle," even though I sincerely doubt it was her "heart for God" and not those short skirts that drew him to her in the first place.


(Editing to add, "sinning slut" was meant to refer to JimBob's mindset on women, not my own.  I sincerely don't care how many people Michelle defrauded or whatever, I just wish she'd stop using it as a reason to punish her own children.)

Edited by WTFFF
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I don't know about you guys, but I think if Jessa went into media communications, ie, giving interviews, instruction, "whatever" (which is her favorite word), she would need diction lessons and a lot of coaching speaking to the general public. I can't understand quite everything she says, as her modulation rises, falls, and the speed in which she speaks and pronounces her words varies a lot. Not good public speaking skills, AT ALL, IMO. ..."whatever" Jill likes this word, too along with "totally" and "awesome". They are such juveniles for being women in their 20s. The sad part is that their adult parents think they are adults...but can't live like adults.

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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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