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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Speaking of SNL, Law and Order: SVU announced they're doing a Duggarish episode.  Of all the Duggars, I could imagine Jessa watching the episode to see how Nessa and Ken ("Kin") are portrayed.

This is like all of my dreams come true wrapped in a unicorn package. Do you know when this is supposed to air?? They could do an entire season dedicated to this wack job family. 

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I think Jessa likes to call Ben 'her man' to try and convince others and herself that he is really a man and not still a boy.


Sometimes I forget the kid was (? is ?) nineteen.  Many other teens are just as badly suited to be spouses.  I don't care how hot their pants were, it was really irresponsible of this parental clown brigade not to insist he get that M.Div, or at least a BA, before marriage.  I don't care if that's interspersed with four years of "courtship".

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I recently taught at a community college for 5 years, and that's not at all unusual. In fact, I, myself, had no math beyond Algebra II, and I went to a public ivy. I took the minimum math requirement (kind of a math survey course), and that option required that I double up on the science courses. I chose biological (geology, botany, zoology) and one low-math astronomy (the other one was for the rocket scientists). I'm no worse for not having taken calculus, trig, etc. I didn't need it then, and don't need it now. :-)


Yes!  I have a graduate degree and a 6 figure salary and I didn't take a math class after High School Algebra II.  I specifically chose the University I attended because I could earn a BS degree by taking more science & less math.

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And yet again, because I'm a contrarian skeptic, I had to check out a few things about Ben's alma mater.  They offer precisely 2 Political Science classes.  That doesn't constitute a declared major, even for a 2 year degree in my book.   Page 6. 



Of course, right underneath the 2 Poli Sci classes in the course listing are 2 "Poultry Science" classes.  Are we sure that wasn't his major?


Because I'm a skeptic, I looked at the website to make sure it wasn't just 2 pol sci courses offered that semester.  Much more telling is looking at the degree planning worksheets for 2013 forward.  None of them offer a AA-Poli Sci degree.  But interestingly, they do offer a AA-Poultry Science degree!!!



I am a big fan of community college.   It is a great way to get a practical degree in preparation for a job.  Or a great way to make a 4 year degree more affordable.  Or a great way to take economical classes to figure out what you want to do in life.  No need to lie about the degree though.  Much better to just say I earned an AA in (Applied Science or whatever).  I really enjoyed my 2 poli sci classes and might want to study that at University in the future. 

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Bin confuses me. I don't understand why he doesn't just enroll at U of A and finish his four year degree instead of doing some Mickey Mouse program at Clown College or a similar institution. Has it not sunk in yet that the gravy train is over? Does he not realize that a new baby doesn't mean life automatically stops? When I was in grad school there were people in my class who had spouses, kids and full time jobs. I guess the Duggars don't believe in multi-tasking.

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U of A is expensive. Also, it's a party college. I know most colleges are, but there's a whole lot of defrauding going on over there. ;) 


He's still nineteen? She's still pregnant? These two seem stuck in time to me. 



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The die has been cast and the gauntlet thrown down.  I've purposed to attempt to refute any and all claims that anybody in that family makes about anything.  Totes purposed. And I'll be drinking wine and wearing a tank top when I do it. 

I  dare you to drink wine without a tank top when you do it.

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Bin confuses me. I don't understand why he doesn't just enroll at U of A and finish his four year degree instead of doing some Mickey Mouse program at Clown College or a similar institution. Has it not sunk in yet that the gravy train is over? Does he not realize that a new baby doesn't mean life automatically stops? When I was in grad school there were people in my class who had spouses, kids and full time jobs. I guess the Duggars don't believe in multi-tasking.

Agreed - I think Ben is stuck in the "good old days" of just being a bum and surfing the Duggar Gravy Wave, but I'm thinking it might be a bit more complicated than that, especially with the little precious blessing just around the corner...


Could he even be accepted at U of A ? I know virtually nothing about the admission standards there, so I have no idea. And how would he pay for it ? Would he expect JB to pony up tuition costs ? I'm of a mind that if he's still working for JB, and with Jessa not working, of course, that his income is going to barely cover his own family's expenses, let alone tuition, books, transportation, etc. JB isn't content, apparently, to enslave his own children - he's working pretty darn hard to bring the spouses into the codependent fold as well !


Yes, a hundred times yes to the idea it's possible to go to school with real-world responsibilities ! Did it myself, in fact, but I (eventually) had a really good job, as did my spouse, I wasn't lazy or spent hours a day Instagramming pictures of my pecs to slobbering leghumpers, and I didn't have to abandon work and school at regular intervals to be photographed pretending that I was having the time of my life while grifting free donuts or riding the choo-choo with my spouse's eleventy-billion siblings. 


FWIW, I wish I HAD gone to community college for my Associate's before moving on to get my Bachelor's at a four-year university ! I would have saved thousands and thousands of dollars, my student loan debt, now long-paid (YAY !), would have been minuscule in comparison, and I wouldn't have had to work as many hours to simply make rent and tuition. In the end my diploma would have read that I was a graduate of the University of SomePity City, and not had a qualifier that said "  *** But only for two years..."

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My theory is Bin is taking a year off for financial aid. If he were to enroll this year, his fincial aid package would be based on his 2014 tax year income, with TLC income, People magazine income, etc. He would probably be on the hook for the full tuition.

They made very little for 2015, and are a family of three, so he would probably get some sort of financial aid if he enrolled in 2016.

As someone who is still making massive student loan payments, it doesn't hurt to take a year off, figure out what you want to do, and take advantage of whatever financial help is available.

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At this point, she's been pregnant longer than Michelle.

It just seems like an eternity because she keeps constantly reminding everyone with pregnant selfies. After the baby is born we'll probably get pregnancy anniversary 'never before seen' photos of when she was 5 months and 3 days pregnant.

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They made very little for 2015, and are a family of three, so he would probably get some sort of financial aid if he enrolled in 2016.

The show was still on in 2015, there were people covers, and the southern women's show. 2016 and beyond is where it will start getting bleak for Jessa.

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This is like all of my dreams come true wrapped in a unicorn package. Do you know when this is supposed to air?? They could do an entire season dedicated to this wack job family. 

I looked on the website and I couldn't tell.  Anyone?  I don't want to miss it!

SVU episode based on the Duggars, that is.

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I had to check out a few things about Ben's alma mater.  They offer precisely 2 Political Science classes.  That doesn't constitute a declared major, even for a 2 year degree in my book.


Agreed, most high schools have a wider variety of course offerings. Not to mention that all of the Poly Sci classes relate to "American" politics. No xenophobia here, nope, none at all...

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Agreed, most high schools have a wider variety of course offerings. Not to mention that all of the Poly Sci classes relate to "American" politics. No xenophobia here, nope, none at all...


I doubt they get much, if any, call for anything else, though. They probably get almost no call for Poly Sci courses at all. I have some acquaintance with what library materials in history, poli sci and such colleges and universities buy, and what it suggests is that there is comparatively only very small interest in courses and materials that deal with histories and systems other than those concerning the states. This is the age of globalization, but you can't really tell it by what Americans are interested in, including Americans who attend college. Faculty may want to offer more things about the world in general, but students in many places may not be.

Edited by Churchhoney
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My theory is Bin is taking a year off for financial aid. If he were to enroll this year, his fincial aid package would be based on his 2014 tax year income, with TLC income, People magazine income, etc. He would probably be on the hook for the full tuition.

They made very little for 2015, and are a family of three, so he would probably get some sort of financial aid if he enrolled in 2016.

As someone who is still making massive student loan payments, it doesn't hurt to take a year off, figure out what you want to do, and take advantage of whatever financial help is available.


I can see Ben being advised to wait for financial aid too. But even so, an aid package for Ben would almost certainly include a loan. Boob would not be happy about that, although I don't recall him grilling Ben about living a debt-free life the way Derick was. And of course, Ben doesn't have to use the loan if it is part of his package. I wonder if Boob would write him a check instead?

Edited by Wellfleet
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If Boob thinks that Benessa are going to be able to live debt-free, someone should check the water at the TTH.  


Boob doesn't seem to understand that it will be borderline impossible for all his uneducated kids to live without some sort of loan given that none of the adults (excluding maybe JD) have jobs that don't involve begging and handouts.  

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It's simple enough. For now, Jim Bob is worth plenty enough money to pay for any school Ben could realistically expect to get into, and he made a fair amount of it from their record-viewership wedding. If he feels that strongly about it, he should lend Ben the money interest free. Problem solved.

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I've worked at a community college for more than 10 years, including advising, so I checked out both National Park College and U of AR.


It doesn't look like NPC has any real majors in its AA programs; it appears like it's much more of a technical/vocational college where students earn terminal degrees rather than a college where people begin and expect to transfer to finish a bachelor's degree.  He definitely can't say that he majored in PoliSci, because there are no AA majors in anything there.  And quite frankly, an AA degree is pretty much worthless, except to allow that person to transfer to another school and finish a BA or BS.  I've never worked at a community college without AA majors or transfer-tracks or programs or whatever it might be called (and I've worked at a few), so it seems odd to me.  By the way, my college does have pre-majors in our AA degrees that only require two classes in that major; it's expected that they will pick up the rest of the needed classes once they transfer. 


It also looks like if you have at least 24 credits and a 2.0 GPA (or higher), U of AR will accept you as a transfer student, no problem.  So if Ben didn't screw things up overly much, he could probably transfer pretty easily (other than the money, of course).  I do wonder what his GPA was, and what classes he took.

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I've worked at a community college for more than 10 years, including advising, so I checked out both National Park College and U of AR.


It doesn't look like NPC has any real majors in its AA programs; it appears like it's much more of a technical/vocational college where students earn terminal degrees rather than a college where people begin and expect to transfer to finish a bachelor's degree.  He definitely can't say that he majored in PoliSci, because there are no AA majors in anything there.  And quite frankly, an AA degree is pretty much worthless, except to allow that person to transfer to another school and finish a BA or BS.  I've never worked at a community college without AA majors or transfer-tracks or programs or whatever it might be called (and I've worked at a few), so it seems odd to me.  By the way, my college does have pre-majors in our AA degrees that only require two classes in that major; it's expected that they will pick up the rest of the needed classes once they transfer. 


It also looks like if you have at least 24 credits and a 2.0 GPA (or higher), U of AR will accept you as a transfer student, no problem.  So if Ben didn't screw things up overly much, he could probably transfer pretty easily (other than the money, of course).  I do wonder what his GPA was, and what classes he took.

That's similar to how it is in my area. The different community colleges have agreements with various 4 year colleges for certain degree majors, that will transfer over seamlessly. However many AA degrees at these same colleges, transfer only by class and credits and don't guarantee entering a 4 year as a Junior. 

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As far as I've seen, you can not even remotely have a political science degree in any form without some components of International Studies and Comparative Politics.  I think Ben just picked that because it sounded serious and grown up.  


He would have been much better served to get a welding certification.  Welders and pipefitters can always get work.  And it's very manly. Jessa would have swooned over him in a welding rig.  Kind of a reverse "Flashdance" thing.  Oh, what a feeling.....

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I think Ben's talk of his degree and future degrees is a lot like their talk of adopting 10 kids to go with their 10 biological children. It's all a cloud-cuckoo fantasy constructed by a couple of seven-year olds who have zero concept of what any of it would mean in real life. I wonder how soon real life is going to smack Ben and Jessa in the face. Because it's going to be a pretty hard smack, I think. It's all very well for Boob to be propping them up now. But what happens as the other kids get older and try to move out "on their own except still supported by Daddy" too? Getting a sense of reality isn't going to be easy for the very childlike but also very stubborn and convinced-of-their-own-superiority Ben and Jessa.

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If Boob thinks that Benessa are going to be able to live debt-free, someone should check the water at the TTH.

The kids could easily live debt free with the incredible start they got in life. Car lots, aviation business, towing businesses, all they would have to do is work.

Work? Oh wait, never mind, you are right.

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The kids could easily live debt free with the incredible start they got in life. Car lots, aviation business, towing businesses, all they would have to do is work.

Work? Oh wait, never mind, you are right.


True enough. With a work ethic, there's no telling what they could do. But without one? Well, we know the answer to that, don't we? I'm guessing the "Where Are They Now?" story on the Duggar family, whenever it comes, is truly going to be heartbreaking.

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As far as I've seen, you can not even remotely have a political science degree in any form without some components of International Studies and Comparative Politics.  I think Ben just picked that because it sounded serious and grown up.  


He would have been much better served to get a welding certification.  Welders and pipefitters can always get work.  And it's very manly. Jessa would have swooned over him in a welding rig.  Kind of a reverse "Flashdance" thing.  Oh, what a feeling.....


Very true. My Dad was an industrial pipe fitter with the same company for 41 years - the only place he ever worked. And my youngest brother is a welder now at the same company. Been there about 30 years I think. My Dad was known for his meticulous work and attention to detail. Other pipefitters could always tell if my Dad had worked on an installation, because it was always easy for the next fitter to disassemble the setting [Dad always swabbed the fittings with something called pipe dope in case adjustments were needed - and they often were]. In the first few years after my Dad retired, guys were always coming up to my brother the welder, telling him they knew our Dad had worked on this or that.

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Very true. My Dad was an industrial pipe fitter with the same company for 41 years - the only place he ever worked. And my youngest brother is a welder now at the same company. Been there about 30 years I think. My Dad was known for his meticulous work and attention to detail. Other pipefitters could always tell if my Dad had worked on an installation, because it was always easy for the next fitter to disassemble the setting [Dad always swabbed the fittings with something called pipe dope in case adjustments were needed - and they often were]. In the first few years after my Dad retired, guys were always coming up to my brother the welder, telling him they knew our Dad had worked on this or that.


My grandpa was a tool and die maker. I'm tickled that there is still documentation of how good he was at his job. I really admire competence.

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The kids could easily live debt free with the incredible start they got in life. Car lots, aviation business, towing businesses, all they would have to do is work.

Work? Oh wait, never mind, you are right.

Lmfao, remember when Josh would stroll into the car lot at ten in the morning? That's the behavior of a guy who knows Daddy is subsidizing the whole charade so it really doesn't matter if he sells ten cars or zero cars. It's all just for show.

I'm also curious as to where all these phantom properties are that the Duggar boys claim to be flipping. Besides Jill's McMansion and Casa de Mildew we haven't seen them working on any houses.

Edited by BitterApple
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My grandpa was a tool and die maker. I'm tickled that there is still documentation of how good he was at his job. I really admire competence.


Me too, Julia. My parents, and especially my father, were BIG on competence and quality. Dad brought a video home from work once to show the whole family - Tom Peters' In Search of Excellence - that he'd seen with his team at work. We were all in our mid 30s, late 20s at the time and moved out of the house. So Dad made us all watch it right after our annual Easter breakfast gathering - it was the first opportunity he had when we were all together at my parents. PS - highly recommend it. Dad said, and he was right - that "everyone who has a job should see this..."

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If Boob thinks that Benessa are going to be able to live debt-free, someone should check the water at the TTH.

But seriously -- they should check the water. JB built the TTH house on dirt cheap land adjacent to a dump. I can't imagine how toxic the ground water must be.

Lmfao, remember when Josh would stroll into the car lot at ten in the morning? That's the behavior of a guy who knows Daddy is subsidizing the whole charade so it really doesn't matter if he sells ten cars or zero cars. It's all just for show.

I'm also curious as to where all these phantom properties are that the Duggar boys claim to be flipping. Besides Jill's McMansion and Casa de Mildew we haven't seen them working on any houses.

We won't see social media evidence of them working on the properties because they're doing so illegally. Joy is laying tile professionally according to Jessa's Q&A on their official site.
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Lmfao, remember when Josh would stroll into the car lot at ten in the morning? That's the behavior of a guy who knows Daddy is subsidizing the whole charade so it really doesn't matter if he sells ten cars or zero cars. It's all just for show.

I'm also curious as to where all these phantom properties are that the Duggar boys claim to be flipping. Besides Jill's McMansion and Casa de Mildew we haven't seen them working on any houses.


I have been wondering that, too. People on this board have been very thorough in combing the public records and keeping us updated on who owns what, and there has been no mentions of the alleged "properties" that they are flipping. It doesn't strike me as a viable busness, etiher.


I think that the real estate market around Fayetteville is in good shape due to the university and the growth of WalMart, but I don' think it's a "hot" market where people are buying and selling a lot.


Second, JB has made a name for himself over a couple of decades as a cheapskate -- not a frugal guy, or a wise investor, but as a cheapskate. He has also shown that he has little use for experience or skill. Jessa mentioned that some of the kids had "picked up" a little plumbing and electrical skill. There is no way on Earth that I would buy a house where someone who had "picked up" a little plumbing knowledge was in charge of the work If I was buying a flipped property, I'd want to buy from someone clever and creative who had found ways to install high-end finishes at modest cost. I'd also want to buy from someone with a reputation for honesty and excellent craftsmanship. None of those words apply to the Duggars: clever, creative, honesty, craftsmanship.


Making money at house flipping requires a vision of what the final outcome will be, organization to schedule the necessary tasks, skilled hands to complete the tasks, and a due date to keep everyone focused. Once again, nothing here applies to the lazy-assed Duggars. They had that McMansion for two years before Jill and Derick moved in and it didn't look like anyone had even walked inside, much less done any work, in all that time.


It wouldn't surprise me to learn that they owned rental properties. They must have done something with all of the money they've made over the past few years, and JB doesn't strike me as the kind of guy to keep money in the bank, and he certainly doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who invests in the stock market. Since they don't believe in debt and would have no mortgages, rental income would all come to them, and could keep the family afloat for a long time to come -- maybe not every spouse and grandkid, but it would keep the Howlers and the Lost Girls in tater-tot casserole.

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We won't see social media evidence of them working on the properties because they're doing so illegally. Joy is laying tile professionally according to Jessa's Q&A on their official site.

Good point. They'd be asking for trouble if they showed them doing reno on any houses except their own. (just to add -- there also were photos of them doing stuff on Josh's house.)

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Short of doing some rewiring or building an addition, making home improvements yourself is not illegal. Taking down load baring walls will compromise the integrity of the roof, and could lead to a future lawsuit. But what they're doing isn't much different to what the average homeowner does.

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Good point. They'd be asking for trouble if they showed them doing reno on any houses except their own. (just to add -- there also were photos of them doing stuff on Josh's house.)


If there are any houses, they own them, and can legally do modest home improvements on them: sheet rock and painting, flooring, tile, upgrading light fixtures and faucets, etc. I think the laws vary as to what requires a building permit, but I doubt that the Duggars would even bother looking into that. As I mentioned above, the idea that these morons think that they can do plumbing or electrical work based on things that they've "picked up" is mind-boggling. I would hope that anyone foolish enough to buy one of their "flipped" houses (if they ever finish one) will have a thorough inspection done, and that the inspector will notify the local authorities of the unskille work that has been done without permits or inspection.

Edited by cmr2014
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