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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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You'd think Jill would leave her pregnant sister a couch, or something. Not like she'll be using that furniture on her mission.


I'm sure Jessa will take the McMansion. She went on national TV as a victim-but-its-not-so-bad, she deserves an upgrade. Every real-life princess needs her castle. She's gotta move fast before some ungrateful howler snatches it up.

ITA and Josiah will need a place to live once he becomes a newlywed. (probably sooner than later--for famewhorig purposes of course, lol)

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Did the girls say why they only wear sports bras?


Well, we know it isn't because of sports.


Maybe the shape of a real bra is too defrauding to look at, even by women?

Just saw this on that Donaldson guy's feed. Does this confirm that Benessa are moving into the McMansion with new furniture? He implies that they are the ones shopping. We also know Smuggar has his own stuff; most of the DC house was furnished with the stuff they brought from AR and added more to fill the larger space while in MD.


This was taken on Sunday. 




Had the Seewalds already bought nursery furniture? I don't remember hearing of it. Seems to me they're more likely to be shopping for that, if they didn't already have it. I still can't see Jessa wanting to be responsible for that huge-ass house. Especially when she's got a new baby to take care of.

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This may be harsh and appalling, but in the proposal episode, when Jessa walked into the glass and timber church, I thought she had cankles then. I mean, not Hillary Clinton 'piano legs', but their flat shoes and genetics don't do anything for their legs.

The Duggar girls are all shaped like that. Narrow shoulders, thin arms and no boobs, but doughy hips and legs.

Regarding the furniture shopping photo, Jessa needs to cut eight inches off that scraggly mane. Her hair is starting to drown her.

  • Love 6

Expectant parents furniture shopping somehow 'confirms' a move to a new house?  wut?

Think about this. The McMansion is going to be vacated soon. I doubt even the Dillards want people sitting on the furniture they worked so hard to grift. I doubt Jessa wants to sleep in her sister's marital bed. YUCK! I imagine the Dillard stuff goes into storage and the Seewald stuff, plus new to fill the second living room, is moved in. Josiah would be next in line for the Mold House. 


If they're like Jill, they won't buy baby furniture until she's 8 months gone. While they're not revealing gender, they could have posed by the cribs if baby furniture was their intention. 

  • Love 2

Jessa had the nicer furniture so it wouldn't surprise me if she wanted to move her stuff into Casa Dillard and put Jill's stuff into storage. The Duggars have several warehouses so it shouldn't be a problem. Jill will likely return to her belongings covered in mold and pigeon droppings, but hey, Clorox works wonders, right?

  • Love 2

Think about this. The McMansion is going to be vacated soon. I doubt even the Dillards want people sitting on the furniture they worked so hard to grift. I doubt Jessa wants to sleep in her sister's marital bed. YUCK! I imagine the Dillard stuff goes into storage and the Seewald stuff, plus new to fill the second living room, is moved in. Josiah would be next in line for the Mold House. 


If they're like Jill, they won't buy baby furniture until she's 8 months gone. While they're not revealing gender, they could have posed by the cribs if baby furniture was their intention. 

What's there to think about?  Posing at the entrance to a furniture store doesn't confirm anything.  Not even a tiny bit.  It confirms they are at a furniture store.  Maybe standing in front of this so-called McMansion might offer some insight into where this furniture is headed.  But an expectant couple at a furniture store... lol.  

  • Love 3

I think this store is a Sam's. Wasn't the charity event from the aborted season at Cross Church's thrift store? The one where they had no takers, so they reportedly created a family in need to donate food to? 


eta: These were taken on Saturday, when the family also went to the original WalMart in Bentonville (same outfits). The guy's caption indicates that Benessa were shopping for *something.* We can agree to disagree as to what those purchases were. :)

Edited by Sew Sumi

Jessa had the nicer furniture so it wouldn't surprise me if she wanted to move her stuff into Casa Dillard and put Jill's stuff into storage. The Duggars have several warehouses so it shouldn't be a problem. Jill will likely return to her belongings covered in mold and pigeon droppings, but hey, Clorox works wonders, right?

She will not care as the Duggars are dirty people who don't know how to clean.

  • Love 3
I think this store is a Sam's. Wasn't the charity event from the aborted season at Cross Church's thrift store? The one where they had no takers, so they reportedly created a family in need to donate food to?


There were two events. One, the fake thrift food drive, the other at Sam' (not Sam's Club).



Oh! I looked on Pickles' page (and pained to do so), but did not see this picture. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. I also found out that this happened on Saturday, the day they also went to the original location of WallyWorld (the Michelle "tummy tuck" pics). Josie standing there with gloves on as if she's going to serve skeeves me out, given her past history. 


As for the furniture pic, I guess Joe Donaldson needs some tutelage in social media-speak. LOL

My take on the furniture picture:  how in the freaking world could anyone call that a selfie?  They clearly did not take that themselves!


My thought exactly!  I crack up when people have their picture taken and then call them selfies.  The K family (mostly Kim and Kylie) are guilty of doing that all the time.

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Before the molestation scandal broke, there were a series of Duggar fashion and beauty clips posted on People.com. I can't find the clip now but one of the girls states that they only wear sports bras and it's a challenge to find them with a high neck.

I'm guess underwire is just another barrier between them and Jesus?



I am about 99.9% sure that they said finding TANK with a high enough neck was the challenge. :) I don't recall them talking about bras, like, ever. That would be immodest! 

Pretty sure they said they looked for higher necked tank tops to make other tops more modest. I don't remember any bra talk, either. Sports bras would make sense budget wise if they're all sharing, and don't need support from specific sizes, but sports bras are usually barely lined and NOT modest. Plus, Joy has some curves. Give her a real bra with underwires.


I feel like Jessa has the gestation period of an elephant, or whatever has a longer pregnancy than an elephant. This is the longest 22 weeks ever. She is big, but I think she was hard core dieting and smaller than her 'natural' body size pre-wedding, and then she just let it all go, without the benefit of a real bra and with too tight clothing, so she looks huge. She doesn't look as sloppy as Jill did - she looked like a dirty hippie - but Jessa's on her way. She needs to trim off about two feet of hair, too. 


Because these girls are going to spend a huge portion of their lives pregnant, it baffles me that they don't bother to invest in some decent, fitting, not paper thin, maternity clothes. 

  • Love 7


Oh! I looked on Pickles' page (and pained to do so), but did not see this picture. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. I also found out that this happened on Saturday, the day they also went to the original location of WallyWorld (the Michelle "tummy tuck" pics). Josie standing there with gloves on as if she's going to serve skeeves me out, given her past history.

There were several pics from that event on P&H. It was pre-scandal, I know because I saw them a few days after the scandal broke.

I agree. These girls may be covered up, but I really don't need to be treated to Jessa's nipples or belly button. I don't do that, yet I don't follow "modesty" rules of dress like they do. I guess once a Duggar daughter is breeding, all bets are off regarding the actual modesty/taste level of dress. I wonder where they got this from, because Anna tends to dress with actual modesty while pregnant...most of the time. 


Before pregnancy, Jill was actually fairly well-endowed (just looked at an old engagement pic last night and was surprised that I'd missed that), but Jessa was a small B at best. I guess she and Jinger (Jana seems to be a bit more endowed) could have gotten away with sports bras (I'm a B cup, wore one pretty much all day today), but I just can't see the other three, especially Joy whose shape can't be hidden like Jill's was and Jana's still is, under loose-fitting shirts. Jill's boobs are already headed south. I imagine Jessa's will follow suit around the new year. Is it wrong of me that I hope it teaches this vain little girl some humility?

  • Love 5

I agree. These girls may be covered up, but I really don't need to be treated to Jessa's nipples or belly button. I don't do that, yet I don't follow "modesty" rules of dress like they do. I guess once a Duggar daughter is breeding, all bets are off regarding the actual modesty/taste level of dress. I wonder where they got this from, because Anna tends to dress with actual modesty while pregnant...most of the time. 


Good point. Excellent point actually. The Bateses don't seem to do this, and the Kellers certainly haven't either, based on seeing both Anna and Priscilla pregnant a number of times. Ever-increasing evidence that the truly odd factors in this whole lumbering saga continue to be Boob and Me-chelle. 

  • Love 3

There were two events. One, the fake thrift food drive, the other at Sam' (not Sam's Club).


You'd have to hold a gun to my head for me to eat food the Duggars have handled. Enterobius Vermicularis must be endemic in that family. I don't care how many hairnets the grossest members wear. Edited by Kokapetl
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I know pointing out Duggar hypocrisy is like shooting fish in a barrel, and particularly when it comes to the issue of modesty, but seriously. Seriously?? Nobody, including Jim Bob and Michelle, see any irony at all in their daughter posting duckface selfies every other day with her tits shoved out in a skin-tight top? 

  • Love 19

I know pointing out Duggar hypocrisy is like shooting fish in a barrel, and particularly when it comes to the issue of modesty, but seriously. Seriously?? Nobody, including Jim Bob and Michelle, see any irony at all in their daughter posting duckface selfies every other day with her tits shoved out in a skin-tight top? 

Their knees are covered so it is all good. 


LOL!  I agree with you ;)

  • Love 11

I know pointing out Duggar hypocrisy is like shooting fish in a barrel, and particularly when it comes to the issue of modesty, but seriously. Seriously?? Nobody, including Jim Bob and Michelle, see any irony at all in their daughter posting duckface selfies every other day with her tits shoved out in a skin-tight top? 


No. And what's more, when they find out that we're criticizing her, Jim Bob and Michelle will start publishing their own daily duckface-cum-titty photos. That'll show us.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 9

The question that comes to my mind is What the hell is the point of these Jessa photos?


I can't imagine why anyone would do this. It seems downright pathological, really.

Cuz she's still anglin' for her spin-off, doncha know?


The next selfie will probably have a dress with a side-slit and her leg sticking out. She's perfecting that Angelina pout.


I wish TLC would have the guts to pull the plug on this mess. They're just going to have courtship after courtship, wedding after wedding, baby after baby. All of them. Even Anna.


ETA: It's hard to tell if they've moved or which house is which....they all have Hobby Lobby frames and framed-writing-crap all over the walls.

Edited by drafan
  • Love 6

What's there to think about?  Posing at the entrance to a furniture store doesn't confirm anything.  Not even a tiny bit.  It confirms they are at a furniture store.  Maybe standing in front of this so-called McMansion might offer some insight into where this furniture is headed.  But an expectant couple at a furniture store... lol.  

Ahhh, live a little.    I think they are shopping to outfit the new Fundie porno set. 

  • Love 3

To be honest, that didn't seem terribly immodest to me. Maybe I'm just jaded, but she has on two shirts, her hair is over her breasts, and the focus is clearly on her stomach. I'm the least Angelina person I know, but even I can do better duck faces than THAT!

I do think they use social media as self promotion, but I think they also use it pretty much in keeping with their generation. The shirt is tight, but given the comments, I was expecting Jessa Rabbit! :)

  • Love 5

Well, there's really no timetable on moving in; they could theoretically move in any time after they return from their nail-painting mission. No one needs the Mold House at the moment.

You're probably right. I figured princess Jessa would want the castle now Now NOW! But she might wait for one of the lesser Duggars to clean it out and move -- they're probably working 24/7 to get Josh's house done before baby comes.
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Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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