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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Spurgeon? Spurgeon and Isreal. It's like a race to the bottom in terms of horrible names. Good luck to the kid whose name will always autocorrect to Surgeon.


Or sturgeon. Or burgeon. And there's an even bigger list if we count the rhymes.  Urgin' - virgin - mergin' - purgin'... As long as they pronounce them like Sarah Palin would, by droppin' the G. Good grief. This family does NOTHING to help itself, does it? At this point I'm hope the poor little fellow gets a nickname hung on him accidentally and really soon. ANY nickname. Even Stinky would be OK. 

  • Love 13

What. The. Fuck. Please tell me this is a joke and they did NOT name that beautiful baby "Spurgeon Elliot Seewald." Oh my Lord. It's not even a name you could shorten or make a decent nickname out of.

That's a name that Bin and Jessa are going to think is so hip and unique now, and then realize how stupid it is in a couple of years. That poor child.

  • Love 13

When I grew up next to Oregon's Columbia River, a few of my friends had boats and they'd take groups us out to ski in the middle of this huge and powerful river (which was one of the most important aquatic conduits used by Lewis and Clark in their explorations west). All of us swam competitively (the only thing to do during the hot summers in our small town), so no one ever worried about drowning. But for me, the real terror was in sturgeon - giant, prehistoric, slow-moving fish that lurked beneath the surface and could grow to an astounding 12 feet in length!


When I fell off my skis (which I did a lot - I was always much better on snow than on water), all I could picture was some leviathan beast nipping repeatedly at my toes. This never happened, of course, but my fear still surged unabated. My friends, who knew my paranoia, would of course circle me endlessly when I fell, laughing and ignoring my pleas to "Get that boat the hell back here and pick me up NOW!"


So here, ladies and gentlemen *drumroll*, we have: Sturgeon! The name plays will be endless, as will the teasing of this poor child on the playground. (Whoops! I forgot he won't ever make it to a public playground.) All his life he will wonder "Why? Why did they do this to me?" I pity this spawn (sorry), but every time I hear his name, it will only make me think of monstrously huge fish using my toes as hors d'oeuvres. Just one more thing Jessa and Bin have done to annoy me ....

Edited by HundFan
  • Love 3

Spurgeon the Virgin?  God its a good thing this kid won't be in public schools


I knew a guy with that nickname once.  But I think it was his last name, not his first.  At any rate, with a name like that, I go back to my earlier theory that the delay involved a disagreement over the final name choice or perhaps the order.

  • Love 3

I knew a guy with that nickname once.  But I think it was his last name, not his first.  At any rate, with a name like that, I go back to my earlier theory that the delay involved a disagreement over the final name choice or perhaps the order.


If Auntie Jessica did, in fact, spill Gabriel and it sent them scrambling for a name, Spurgeon is going to grow up hating her guts. 

Jessa must be whacked out on a shit ton of pain drugs if she thinks a name lke that is appropriate. For a cat, maybe, or a goldfish, but not for a baby.


My 20-year-old cat's name is Diamond. I named her when I was FIVE and she still has a more dignified name than Spurgeon. 


Lawd. That poor child. He's so cute, too. I don't understand how you could you look into that cute face and say, "Yes. He looks like a Spurgeon to me..."

Edited by Guest

I'm just praying they use his middle name. Elliot isn't common these days, but it's not atrocious.

Oh well at least Spurgeon the Sturgeon Virgin will never have to worry about getting his ass kicked on the playground or sending out resumes for real jobs. Duggars don't need no edumucations long as they got that tee-vee show!

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Read the article about the unfortunate name bestowed on this child and after I finished laughing my first thought was "I HAVE to come on ptv and see if these wonderful people found this as funny as I did."  And you all did not disappoint.


Seriously, that's the name they're going with?!?  Oh Duggars, you never fail to make me laugh and facepalm at the same time.

  • Love 7

Spurgeon? That has to be a joke or the worst baby name I've ever heard, seriously. I can't think of one worse. Eliot is perfectly nice, and Charles is also fine, but Spurgeon is flat out ridiculous. Never ever let a dumb ass teenage name a child.

While dumb ass teenager was rattling off baby's unfortunate name, did you see the way he flipped his head back and rolled his eyes?!? He's defiantly daring any of us to question his godly wisdom bestowing this fine preacher man name upon his son.

  • Love 7

I'm just praying they use his middle name. Elliot isn't common these days, but it's not atrocious.

Oh well at least Spurgeon the Sturgeon Virgin will never have to worry about getting his ass kicked on the playground or sending out resumes for real jobs. Duggars don't need no edumucations long as they got that tee-vee show!

How about T.S. Elliot Seewald?




Nope, still sound stupid. I guess it is classic Benessa to chose a name that isn't even in the baby-book. I can't believe that this whole time they were trying to decide on a middle name.

Virgin Spurgeon Seewald

  • Love 3

I will say a couple of things in their defense:


1. Neither of them ever went to school. They have no life experience with socializing with other children outside of the immediate family.

2. In my experience, children today are a lot more open about what I would have considered to be "strange" names as a child. Their friends are often from diverse backgrounds and have unusual names.

3. It is not at all uncommon in the South for children, particularly sons, to be given surnames as first names. Usually, of course, the name is a family name, or the name of a close friend and is something like "Taylor" or "Carter" rather than Spurgeon.


That said, though, the Duggars in general all seem to lack empathy, and I really don't thnk that they are seeing their son as a full-fledged child -- Jessa was, after all, raised as a "Duggar unit" rather than as an individual child. To a large extent, I think that this baby is -- as other posters have suggested -- a statement piece to Jessa. He is a "not-aborted fetus," a validation of courtship, and a warrior for Jesus much more than he is an individual human child.

  • Love 12

p.s.  Anybody who didn't see the original video for Flash blockage, might be able to see the Defamer one:



Oh my, I can't stop laughing at the Urban Dictionary's definition of Spurgeon.

  • Love 8

I'm so glad that 19KAC is cancelled. Can you imagine the name Spurgeon in the introduction?!?!

"...Jessa, she married Ben, and they have a son, Spurgeon..."

This our daughter Spruce, our other sons Sponge and Spicket. We are expecting another daughter Spatula in a few months. Edited by BrianJ62
  • Love 12

Ok, one more observation then I'll stop.


Jessa has spent her entire life believing that she would have children -- probably many children. She has been pregnant for close to forever. They have know that they were having a boy for nearly 5 months. With all that time to think of something, it's simply mind-boggling that they couldn't have come up with something that honored their faith, or their personal religious heros that didn't sound vaugely offensive -- like something only done alone in the bathroom.

  • Love 9
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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