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Jeopardy! Season 33 (2016-2017)

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Glad Seth won again. As champions go, he's rather likeable. No annoying gestures, acting like he doesn't know the answers, etc. Too bad our local station preempts Jeopardy due to Thursday Night Football, so I won't be able to watch again until tomorrow.

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Got FJ but initially thought the dates were too late for H.S.  Seth is the most un unlikeable guy.  I can't find fault with him and hope his streak continues.  Yesterday he said his mom like 3 former players:  Buzzy and 2 others that for the life of me I cannot recall.  And ohoh, I got Tabard Inn cuz I actually ate there about 30 years ago!

Edited by PaulaO
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I'm pretty sure they would not have accepted "The guy who designed the labyrinth" for FJ, but that was all I could come up with.

I didn't do very well on the TS tonight -- got Bach, Marquette and Irving Thalberg, but that's it.

Go, Seth!  Although the woman on the end would have been okay, too.  The middle guy was fine until he started with the middles of the categories.

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40 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

I'm pretty sure they would not have accepted "The guy who designed the labyrinth" for FJ, but that was all I could come up with.

That's all I could come up with too; I'm not too sure I ever did know it was Daedelus.  Seth's spelling of the name could have been considered unacceptable since he spelled it Dea instead of Dae - that does change the pronunciation but I guess it was close enough.

My only ts's were Bach and ruble.

Edited by Trey
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Seth's spelling of the name could have been considered unacceptable since he spelled it Dea instead of Dae - that does change the pronunciation but I guess it was close enough.

I'm so old, I remember GE Theater, hosted by Ronald Reagan, who pronounced his name REEga'n. Only when he became a politician, did he change the pronunciation to RAYgun.  There is precedence for pronouncing the EA sound as a long A.

I scared the cats by yelling, "THALBERG" at the TV.

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Missed it again because we were at the vet with the demon cat (he suddenly has fleas, poor guy).

Reading what you are writing about FJ, I would've had a better chance reciting the Bible in Greek than knowing whatever it is you are talking about.

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On September 28, 2016 at 7:10 PM, Mondrianyone said:

I keep hoping that someone here will tell me who Seth looks like.  It's driving me crazy, because I know it's someone, but for the life of me I can't think who.

I'm just catching up, have been traveling, but I like Seth a lot too.   I think he looks a bit like Jack Black.  

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3 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I'm pretty sure they would not have accepted "The guy who designed the labyrinth" for FJ, but that was all I could come up with.

I immediately said Daedalus, but when Alex mentioned the Labyrinth, I thought I was wrong - I know him more for the flying thing.

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Good for Sean. He is really playing well and as others have said has no annoying characteristics. I FF through the contestant stories so can anyone tell me the subject area for his PhD?

For TS I only remember Bach, ruble, Thalberg and Peabody. There was one category where I didn't know a single answer so my mind wandered a bit and I lost track of the game. I had no clue on FJ. I loved learning Greek and Roman mythology and I remember the story about Icarus but had no clue about his dad's name or background.

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11 hours ago, Moose135 said:

I immediately said Daedalus, but when Alex mentioned the Labyrinth, I thought I was wrong - I know him more for the flying thing.

I said Icarus instead, because that's the story I remember (or rather, he was the subject of a painting I remember and found amusing). Daedalus never means anything to me (except that I have a vague memory the word was used in a Star Trek episode or movie).

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Mythology (of any kind) is my anti-Jeopardy! category so I bet nothing and had NFC as to the answer.  Even when Alex said Daedalus, the only thing I could think of was a very minor character in Harry Potter.

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3 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

UGA? While he's from elsewhere, he's another of that bunch of Georgia contestants.  Good job, Georgia!

You mean U(sic)GA


FYI:  my son goes to Georgia Tech and the Tech students call it U(sic) GA.


I would like to add that the day before I guessed La Vida Loca for the FJ answer, it was Viva La Vida so I was sort of close, no?

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Apple was a pretty terrible guess for FJ - I can only assume she focused more on the timeline?

I also guessed Delta, because not ten minutes earlier I had been looking up flights on their website. I don't think I ever would have got Nike.

Seth killed the competition. The other two didn't have a chance.

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FJ was an absolute instaget for me.  I can sorta see airplane guesses but I thought the origins of the Nike symbol were pretty well known.  I didn't realize it was that old though, probably because I didn't get my first pair of Nikes until around 1984 and also I wasn't born yet in 1971, heh.

Apple WAS an awful guess.  She bugged me with the buzzer anyways and she seemed pissy during the Canadian category.

Go Seth!

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FJ was an instaget for me -- and of course I second-guessed myself, since I wasn't sure about the date.  Not sure how an apple looks like a wing, though.

I hope Seth wins at least two more so he's ahead of Arthur Chu.

TS that I remembered to write down (that I got, of course!) were bandicoot, mold and antibody.  I was a little sad that they left the Biology category till the end, but glad that they were able to finish the whole thing.

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Go Seth!  He's the anti-Arthur Chu - pleasant, starts at the top, doesn't jump around, applauds for his competitors, and I get the impression he holds back a little when he has a huge lead to give the others a chance to at least answer a few questions.  He can stick around a lot longer, as far as I'm concerned.

I kinda liked Walt; seemed like a cool dude.  Erica was a strange duck.  Kangaroot and Apple?

I got Zinga and Coleman.

I answered FJ before Alex finished reading the clue.

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Kangaroot was funny. Apple was embarrassing. 

I'm glad Seth keeps winning. He's a very pleasant type of champion. And what a gift for him to get a whole theater category. I was surprised he didn't wager more in his DD since he had such a big lead and that's an area where he should be confident. 

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When the FJ category was shown, Mr.Trey pre-called Nike - so when the clue came up and I said By golly, it is Nike. he was really impressed with himself.

My only ts was Coleman; my mind wasn't in top gear tonight - too many clues were just words with no meaning.

Yay, Seth!

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23 hours ago, eimSD said:

I like Seth a lot too.   I think he looks a bit like Jack Black.  

Yeah, I thought of Jack Black, but there's also someone else tickling at the far recesses of my brain.  I may have to let it go and move on with life.

I can't find a single thing to dislike about Seth, which could be a first for me.  His little stories are usually funny and well told, and at the end of the show today he made some sort of gracious gesture in the direction of his opponents.  It looked as if he were telling Alex to congratulate them for a good game.  (I could totally be making that up.)

Go, Seth!

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38 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

Yeah, I thought of Jack Black, but there's also someone else tickling at the far recesses of my brain.  I may have to let it go and move on with life.

On the (very) off chance it helps, my husband has said Seth looks like a mashup of a couple of Kids in the Hall guys. I don't think 30 Helens would agree on this.

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Erica reminded me of some sort of Kristin Wiig character from SNL or she thought she was on an episode of The Office with all the facial expressions after her or someone else answered.

I really like Seth, and I usually like the more polarizing Jeopardy contestants like Arthur, Matt Jackson, and Alex Jacobs. It feels like it has been awhile since I have been actively hoping a contestant would win over and over. The end of last season was a big drought for me on contestants I liked.

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I really cannot stand the way Trebek condescends to the contestants sometimes. Like when the guy guessed Boeing for FJ and Alex practically sneered "they didn't come out in 1971." Fuck you very much, Alex, he just wrote something down and took a stab at it. 

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15 hours ago, dcalley said:

On the (very) off chance it helps, my husband has said Seth looks like a mashup of a couple of Kids in the Hall guys. I don't think 30 Helens would agree on this.

Yeah, I can see that, particularly Bruce McCullough

13 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

Erica reminded me of some sort of Kristin Wiig character from SNL or she thought she was on an episode of The Office with all the facial expressions after her or someone else answered.

She reminded me of Ellen Page, so much so that I was surprised when she mentioned her husband.

Kangaroot was cute and funny.

I immediately got FJ and was really surprised not everyone did.

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1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

I immediately got FJ and was really surprised not everyone did.

Me too. It's a rarity, but it seemed so obvious to me. The mister didn't get it either. I thought Alex was a bit boorish though, criticizing the Boeing answer which, even if the date wasn't quite right, it was logical.

Alex's corrections to answers almost always bug, especially when he just says a word or phrase from the clue - if they didn't get the answer, repeating the key part of the clue isn't explanatory - just annoying.

Edited by Clanstarling
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17 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

I really cannot stand the way Trebek condescends to the contestants sometimes. Like when the guy guessed Boeing for FJ and Alex practically sneered "they didn't come out in 1971." Fuck you very much, Alex, he just wrote something down and took a stab at it. 

Also, maybe I am misrembering the wording but didn't it just give the date of the logo not nessairly the company start date, I mean in this case it was both but it could have been the company launching a new logo.

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7 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Also, maybe I am misrembering the wording but didn't it just give the date of the logo not nessairly the company start date, I mean in this case it was both but it could have been the company launching a new logo.

Yeah, that was how I interpreted it too!

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On September 30, 2016 at 9:02 PM, Mondrianyone said:

Yeah, I thought of Jack Black, but there's also someone else tickling at the far recesses of my brain.  I may have to let it go and move on with life.

I can't find a single thing to dislike about Seth, which could be a first for me.  His little stories are usually funny and well told, and at the end of the show today he made some sort of gracious gesture in the direction of his opponents.  It looked as if he were telling Alex to congratulate them for a good game.  (I could totally be making that up.)

Go, Seth!

He looks a lot like my boyfriend's nephew Nicholas, but he's not famous so that doesn't really help you. ;)

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3 hours ago, HelenBaby said:

He looks a lot like my boyfriend's nephew Nicholas, but he's not famous so that doesn't really help you. ;)

[Slapping forehead.]  Nicholas!  Of course!  Boy, do I feel stupid . . .    ;o)

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I immediately got FJ! but just now associated Nike with the <Greek/Roman> god and the swish.  Seth got a squib in Friday's Chicago Tribune about his run on Jeopardy!  No spoilers, just that he went to graduate school here and has won a boatload of money.

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Thank God Seth won again.  I will never warm to a player who doesn't start at the tops of the categories.

Lots of TS today!  Ones I remember getting were rugelach, Havarti, Philip Marlowe, Portsmouth, dugong, and elephants (and really?  with proboscis in the clue she couldn't come up with an animal with a prominent nose?).

FJ was an instaget for me.

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9 minutes ago, PaulaO said:

I said anteaters for the probiscus question.  And elephants are my spirit animal!  Go Seth!!!

So did I - I was positive that was right.  I know I got at least a few ts's but I didn't write them down so now I don't remember them.

Instaget FJ.

I liked George but I'm still good with Seth. 

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I love Seth and want him to remain the champ indefinitely.  Everyone else so far has been annoying at the very least.  The two competitors today instantly pissed me off by starting in the middle of categories.  And Amy was irritating as hell, to boot.

I got The Krays, Phillip Marlowe (missed DD), Cadillac and elephant (missed DD).

FJ was an instaget.

Shanah Tovah! 

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The girl in the middle didn't annoy me starting in the middle because it was kind of funny.

I wasn't paying too much attention and missed the category for FJ, and it was still an instaget, but I can see how someone could miss it.

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