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Toddlers & Tiaras - General Discussion

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21 hours ago, bethster said:

The truth is, I like Cambrie more and more with each episode.  She really does seem to care about each girl, and it was a fun treat that she rented out the water park for the afternoon so the kids could kick back and have some fun.

Well, it was a 'fun treat' rigged up by the producers to catch some footage of Cambrie in a teeny bikini.  I doubt it was her idea and she certainly didn't pay for it.  Alas, this show is going the way of so many other 'reality' shows; featuring product placed venues and manufactured experiences.  I don't watch this show for that stuff; I want to see the moms and kids at home, talking about and preparing for the pageants.  I realize that is also staged to some extent, but it's more entertaining to me.

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2 hours ago, Nowhere said:

Why did Cambrie refuse to work with the two little girls because they weren't good enough but took on that one hot mess mom and her inexperienced child from sassy supremes? Did I miss something?

thank god we didn't have to deal with Top Models.

Maybe she saw some promise in Selyse that she didn't in the twins.  Or she doesn't want to work with that twins' mom.

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2 hours ago, Nowhere said:

That judge is a raging bitch.

If we're talking about the same judge - the curly-headed one with the drawl - she was a pageant mom in a previous episode - I think her daughter's name was Ava? She might have been the kid who was kicked out of daycare for biting. Presumably if she's moved on to judging then her daughter doesn't compete anymore. 

4 hours ago, doodlebug said:

Well, it was a 'fun treat' rigged up by the producers to catch some footage of Cambrie in a teeny bikini.  I doubt it was her idea and she certainly didn't pay for it.  Alas, this show is going the way of so many other 'reality' shows; featuring product placed venues and manufactured experiences.  I don't watch this show for that stuff; I want to see the moms and kids at home, talking about and preparing for the pageants.  I realize that is also staged to some extent, but it's more entertaining to me.

Little Miss Atlanta is somewhat more like the old Toddlers and Tiaras. 

3 hours ago, Shopkeeper said:

If we're talking about the same judge - the curly-headed one with the drawl - she was a pageant mom in a previous episode - I think her daughter's name was Ava? She might have been the kid who was kicked out of daycare for biting. Presumably if she's moved on to judging then her daughter doesn't compete anymore. 


5 hours ago, Nowhere said:

That judge is a raging bitch.

Yes!  Ava Claire, I think?  She was kind of an unfortunate looking kid.  I remember stalking the moms FB account once and she mentioned she was losing weight, so that's why she looks a little different this episode.

On 10/12/2016 at 9:01 PM, Honey said:

I had to look up contortionist training and as I suspected it's recommended that children wait until age 13 to begin, or damage to the spine can occur.  What is that mom with the crazy eyes thinking?  She reminds me of someone and I can't remember who, but the name Marci is popping into my head.  Weird. 

ETA: Wait, The mom's name isn't Marci is it?  I think I need some sleep.  Lol

Marci, yes.  She was also on a previous episode and had crazy eyes then too.  In the very beginning of the episode during her TH, her makeup was a hot mess.  She had a shadowy dramatic crease on one eye only. But Kailia was weird then too.  She kept staring like a creepy kid and said she was going to take her winnings and buy herself some panties (I hate that word, btw).  Weird family. 

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I know all kids are beautiful and blah blah blah but ...

One of the 1,678 Callen/Callyn/Kallins, the second interchangeable blonde this past week (I'm running so late on watching my shows) who is apparently in competition with Emily? Wearing the blue dress? That girl was hit so hard with the ugly stick I can't believe they can not only make her presentable but bitchy former-pageant-mom judge raves about how "beautiful" she is. Without the foof, she may be the single most unfortunate-looking kid I've seen yet on this show.

I actually got a kick out of Marci.  She may be my most likable T&T mom this season, but then the bar is not very high for that one.  

2 hours ago, RealityCowgirl said:

I was debating whether to post this here. Yeah, for good old-fashioned delusion and crazy, that show has "potential." 

There's a newly created thread just for that show, the last time I looked, only I and one other person have posted on there.  that show is definitely entertaining in a hair raising sort of way lol!

On 10/10/2016 at 9:02 AM, Gabrielle Tracy said:

Ok...what's the deal with Nini and Coco?  Are they luvahs?

I immediately thought of the relationship between Jack Black and Shirley MacLaine's chaaracters in the movie Bernie ... so my guess is she's kind of into him, but he's not into girls. Pure conjecture of course.

Marcie and her daughter are both nutjobs, but I've got to say, they seem to me to have a relatively heaalthy relationship. I liked the way they joked with each other; it was weird but struck me as affectionate and unforced.

Edited by Portia
Misspelled name
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Cambrie didn't want to work with Givanna and Aly (I can't with the full spelling of Aly) because for their age they are way behind where they should be. Seleyse is only 3, you can do more with someone her age to get her ready than for a what 8/9 year old? Giavanna only stood out in this pageant because of that dress, it hid her feet and she didn't have to worry about perfect placement and doing the full expected modeling; Aly was a pure mess. I will say that the twins have greatly improved in the terms of their looks. They were homely youngsters but I thought Aly was really pretty even though they made a bigger deal over Giavanna. With the full makeup on and that completely inappropriate teenage gown she had on, she did look really pretty. But in their THs with no makeup on Aly is actually pretty while Giavanna is average. 

Top Models is at this pageant but they aren't focusing on them. One of the hidden routines was Landree doing her pet routine. 

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Also, am I mixing up the moms or isn't Gia/Aly's mom also a pageant coach? Or at the very least THEIR pageant coach? My assumption was that Cambrie didn't want to work with them because of nutjob mom Kelly, not because of the girls per se. She didn't need the income THAT much.  I am sure Kelly even asking her to coach them was staged.

6 hours ago, Ciarrai said:

That poor Zebra. I just wanted to scratch his back and neck and take him outside for a nice walk so he could get away from the crazy pageant moms and kids.

The whole pet theme pissed me the hell off but the zebra really got to me. The poor thing was just a baby and they're making him a pageant accessory and that's just wrong.  

None of those poor animals should have been there, most of them looked terrified the way they were held up in the air and shaken and jiggled in front of a crowd of yelling strangers.  I wanted to save them all.  I noticed some of the animals were "rentals".  What kind of legitimate, reputable animal agency/company of any kind would allow their animals to be used in such a way?!  I wish I had paid more attention to the names of the companies that rented these animals out.    I would get pissed every time I saw an animal in this episode. 

And yeah, yeah, I know I should worry more about the kids being pushed into this crap...whatever,  I like animals more than I like most people, even kids. 

It was nice to see Crazy Eyes Marci again though, I didn't think the eyes could get any more crazy looking but it looks like I was wrong.  And her kid, who's name I could never remember seems to be even more, uh, strange than she used to be.  It wasn't just me who thought so right?   Marci's daughter is kind of odd?

  • Love 6
13 hours ago, Maharincess said:

The whole pet theme pissed me the hell off but the zebra really got to me. The poor thing was just a baby and they're making him a pageant accessory and that's just wrong.  

None of those poor animals should have been there, most of them looked terrified the way they were held up in the air and shaken and jiggled in front of a crowd of yelling strangers.  I wanted to save them all.  I noticed some of the animals were "rentals".  What kind of legitimate, reputable animal agency/company of any kind would allow their animals to be used in such a way?!  I wish I had paid more attention to the names of the companies that rented these animals out.    I would get pissed every time I saw an animal in this episode. 

And yeah, yeah, I know I should worry more about the kids being pushed into this crap...whatever,  I like animals more than I like most people, even kids. 

It was nice to see Crazy Eyes Marci again though, I didn't think the eyes could get any more crazy looking but it looks like I was wrong.  And her kid, who's name I could never remember seems to be even more, uh, strange than she used to be.  It wasn't just me who thought so right?   Marci's daughter is kind of odd?

The whole thing was ridiculous and potentially dangerous for both animals and people.  If they're going to call the animals 'pets', then restrict the pageant to actual pets. Not some rented or borrowed animal that is no an appropriate pet in any household.

Based on Cambrie's attitude and those of the others, it seems like using rented wild animals was actually advantageous and that a kid who actually showed up with her own pet hamster or kitten was never going to win.  What kind of warped thinking is that?

Edited by doodlebug
  • Love 4

I am not a pet person and I was seriously appalled by this pageant. First, anyone with a goat or a lamb, or a pig or a bunny or a dog or a cat.... if your animal shits, you fucking pick up your animal's shit. You're the one who brought it to a hotel, you're the one claiming to love the fucking thing, so you better grit your teeth and pick up it's lovely cute shit. That the pageant runners don't seem to give a shit about the actual pet status and how certain barn yard animals are obviously not beloved family pets and are clearly not being treated as beloved family pets is why this sort of pageant shouldn't be allowed.

And then there's the baby zebra. You know what my problem with the zebra is? It's not that its too big, although I am sure that's the ONLY reason it will get booted if at all, and its not that it's clearly and obviously not some little girl's pet - though it obviously isn't a pet. My problem with the zebra is that it's a wild animal. Zebras are notorious for biting. This is not an adorable striped domesticated pony, it's an actual wild animal from a species well known for being impossible to domesticate or train. Its dangerous for an adult handler to deal with one. So lets have an eight year old girl in fancy dress parade it around!

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I wonder how many of those animals were drugged to keep them calm. Also, did the pageant director require proof of vaccinations?

My friend's mother attended a party and was bitten by a supposedly docile donkey. She developed an infection at the bite site and nearly lost her arm; they did manage to get the infection under control. And my brother's church had animals at its annual Christmas nativity scene until they learned that the animals were being tranquilized.

They should restrict the pet pageant to things like dogs, cats, hamsters, etc. - you now actual pets.

Those 2 little blonde girl cousins really aren't attractive.   Like someone said above, it really is impressive how all that makeup, hair and clothes transforms them into legitimate competitors.  The girl in the blue talking about how her boy cousin didn't cheer for her because he hates her was hilarious.

For or some reason I kind of like Kyliah and her crazy eyes mom.   They are crazy, but the things they say make me laugh.   Like when the mom said "it's okay if the monkey bites her" and she said "mom - my God!", or whatever it was - it was funny.   They seem to have one of those sarcastic relationships where they put down and tease each other a lot, but are really close and mean the world to each other.  Her flexibility is really exceptional - and it's nice to see a kid on this show who actually has a superior talent.

That Jayliannas mom complaining about the zebra being too big was so funny.  Yeah - if the weight limit is 40 pounds they are clearly in violation.  

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On Sunday, October 16, 2016 at 1:54 PM, ZoloftBlob said:

Zebras are notorious for biting.

Not only that, they're notorious for bucking and kicking.  A kick from this animal can cause a lot of damage to a little kid.  These people are crazy!  Are they really going to try to let a small child handle this animal?  smdh

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3 hours ago, Alapaki said:

No new ep this week?

Yeah - lol - after about 5 minutes of outrage and confusion as to why it wasn't on and wondering if it was cancelled leaving us to never find out what happened w/ zebra and the goat poop, I realized that the presidential debate was on at the same time!  Apparently they didn't want us to be torn between that and watching a trashy reality show.   Ironic, huh?  Haha!!!

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On October 21, 2016 at 0:22 PM, EVS said:

I watched a couple old episodes this week. I saw the Carly/Darly one. For me, that mother was one of the most disturbing/disturbed parents in the whole series. 

YES!!!!! I didn't know if it was okay to comment on the reruns here, even though I have them all being TiFauxed and they jump around a lot so it's hard to put them in any kind of chronological order but I watched that last night and that mom (Melissa, I think?) absolutely ranks in the Top 5 of WORST T&T MOMS EVER (and, may I add, Carly/Darly is plain plain plain ... or, to borrow from a Four Weddings thread, B-L-A-N). I wonder how many side competitions they entered and poured money into for her to finish with the runner-up-to-the-overall-ultimate-nacho? 

Also, those crafty producers definitely pulled a fast one ... who else assumed that Alane (Alessondra's mom who had the "frozen babies") was going to be a total wack job? And yet she turned out to be by far one of the most likable and sympatico moms we've ever seen on here (albeit not so great at applying makeup). 

Finally, Berkeley (named for the school or just so dad could buy swag with her name on it on the cheap) was ... okay,  not quite so cute.  They should have dressed her up as Frida Kahlo for Storybook Theatre time. (Waiting for that lightning bolt to come crashing down on my head now so will step away from the laptop.)

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Honestly, the more the blond bitch protests how people need to inspect her goat's ass, to prove it was her goat that shit on the floor, the more I just want someone to point out that the rabbits were never shown to be loose on the carpet.  I was appalled when she was telling her kid to mock another kid while the not family kid performed. Then it got worse when she was cussing out the moms in front of the kids and telling her own kid (the not a pageant girl daughter) that she had to pick up the poop since the crowd of moms needed to see a Cinderella story.

And dressing up the good at pageants daughter as a pageant mom showing off a piggy contestant was kind of well, not kind of but actually really bitter and passive aggressive.

I like Kailia's mom. And Kaila. And totally agree that the contest hostess really needed to brush her hair.

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I actually kinda agreed that the poop looked too small to come from a goat and that it did look like rabbit poop.  There was at least room for debate IMO - haha!

Those couple heavier moms yelling at the twin's mom were being way too obnoxious w/ their yelling, especially that one in the reddish shirt who was the first one yelling at her as she walked by.  As much as I dislike the twins mom and their odd dad w/ the blinged out jeans, by the end of that confrontation they were who I was siding with cause those moms were just out of line.   It was true that the one that said the twins mom had a big ass didn't have room to talk.

I like Kahlia and her mom and was happy that she won.

The whole zebra thing was a big bust wasn't it?   I think both those blonde cousin girls have very unattractive faces, and they both seem to think they are way better than they are - guess they get it from their delusional moms.

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Those couple heavier moms yelling at the twin's mom were being way too obnoxious w/ their yelling, especially that one in the reddish shirt who was the first one yelling at her as she walked by.  As much as I dislike the twins mom and their odd dad w/ the blinged out jeans, by the end of that confrontation they were who I was siding with cause those moms were just out of line.   It was true that the one that said the twins mom had a big ass didn't have room to talk.

I am gonna disagree although I do agree that none of the women covered themselves in glory. However Twins Mom was just being a straight up bitch when confronted about the goat crap. And not that I am an expert but...it was plausibly crap from a baby goat and unlike the rabbit owners, the baby goats were seen off leash on the carpet. And Twins mom was openly discussing how the baby goats were new pets and how the ride in the car for hours had involved.

And, I know I am expected too much but, there's a way to handle confrontations like this so that they don't escalate and Twins Mom was not interested in being respectful or not obnoxious. This whole thing escalated because Twins Mom treated everyone like utter shit. Listen, I think some of these kids aren't lovely but you know what? That's not something you get on tv and bitch about because at the end of the day, it just encourages people to target your kids. I totally think the unstated reason that Cambrie didn't want to coach the Twins has nothing to do with the kids - I think Twins Mom is a bully and a bitch and Cambrie didn't feel like having a drama llama creating problems at these things.

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Ok, who is an expert here that can weigh in on this debate - rabbit or goat?  The mom of twins -Kelly?- admitted last episode it was theirs, didn't she? Even if it was the rabbit, I have no sympathy for her or Fancy Pants. They were being so nasty & so rude (TM Nene) as soon as they were asked about it & only got worse.  All in front of the kids. Mom even wanted to step outside at one point. 

And that talent performance with the goat made zero sense to me. Walk around while the goat eats random bushes & plants, stop, shake your a$$ & fake drink root beer while nodding & making duck faces at the judges? It clearly went over my head...  

Edited by Daisy head
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The goat was adorable, as were all of the animals.  That little pig was so sweet!  I agree with the judge that Kailia's routine was a little off - the bird just sat there as a useless piece of scenery while Kailia did her thing.  And I say that as someone who loves Kailia & was glad to see her win.  Even if she won't let Mommy have a baby with Daddy. What was that???

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That blond woman was nasty. She said the previous episode that the poop was hers and then said someone else could clean it up. I can not believe how tacky she acted. She was probably the meanest mom I've seen on the show. She's the first one I've seen actually call other children ugly. Her husband was no better. I hope she doesn't come back. I can take drama and cray cray, but flat out nastiness isn't something I like to watch. 

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4 hours ago, Daisy head said:

Ok, who is an expert here that can weigh in on this debate - rabbit or goat?  The mom of twins -Kelly?- admitted last episode it was theirs, didn't she? Even if it was the rabbit, I have no sympathy for her or Fancy Pants. They were being so nasty & so rude (TM Nene) as soon as they were asked about it & only got worse.  All in front of the kids. Mom even wanted to step outside at one point. 

And that talent performance with the goat made zero sense to me. Walk around while the goat eats random bushes & plants, stop, shake your a$$ & fake drink rooter while nodding & making duck faces at the judges? It clearly went over my head...  

And fancy pants (good name, h/t Daisy Head) actually, ahem, fathered those children?  I can't remember too much about their prior episode, though I vaguely remember it taking place.  But I'm not buying it.  And the way she talked to him - good lord!  I, too, believe that Applesauce should stop doing pageants.  I don't think she is really "facially gifted," nor are pageants seemingly her cup of tea.  She was very boring.  Her sister was cute and at least had some energy on stage.  Though they both just walked around with their animals and sort of stood there mugging at the judges. 

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I'm watching an old episode today, it's the one with Zander and his horrible mother.  The irony of Zander's 350 pound mom with her quadruple chins talking about how important it is to be attractive made me laugh and laugh. I guess that applies to everyone except her.   She was one of the worst "moms" I've seen on this show and that's saying a lot. 

This episode also had a little girl named Carissa.  In the beginning of the episode when they show them at home, this little girl's dad actually said the words "shake your booty for daddy" to his three year old daughter.  Disgusting. 

Edited by Maharincess
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Okay I so I googled goat poop as I had thought it was pellets and yes it is.  Even the adult goat poop was small and these were baby goats right?  However what I read said it can look like rabbit poop so I guess it could be rabbit poop on the show but it looked like quite a bit of pellets.

I found this week more boring than others.

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Making me think back a few decades.  Pygmy goat poop was easily differentiated from rabbit in person.  I'm guessing pygmy goat and young goat would be similar.  Rabbit is also pellet like but was smaller. 
That said I haven't watched this episode yet and just because TLC didn't show loose rabbits doesn't mean that there weren't loose rabbits.  I wouldn't put it past production to place poop in the floor for "drama."

Ratings are in:  581K viewers and a .19 rating.

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They spent way too much time fighting about shit.  I felt like I was yelling at my kids as I was audibly yelling at the tv: "I don't care whose shit it is, just clean it up!" (yes, I do believe I have yelled that exact phrase to my 11 and 14 year old boys recently).  I mean for fuck's sake, its "pellets" not some sloppy mess, go get a broom and stfu.  

The pageant organizers have to have their head examined for having a contest involving animals like that, and I for one, would NEVER sign my kid up for such a thing.  They are lucky that the worst thing that happened is that a goat and/or bunny pooed the floor and no one got bitten or kicked by one of those animals!

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Personally I think it was both the goats and some bunnies, but I think the bunny people didn't get caught and too many of the participants were insisting it was goat crap for me to think it was all a massive hate for Twins Mom (although Twinsmom was incredibly vile)

I do wonder if that hotel will ever host that pageant again. I'm repeating myself but... zebras are dangerous wild animals. You don't tell people to leave the room because it's a wild animal, you simply don't allow someone to claim a zebra is a pet.

And a LOT of the asshole behavior would stop if kids got booted due to parent behavior.  Twinsmom and dad were totally out of line in how they were cussing in front of children. (I love to fucking cuss, but there's a time and place and in the make up room of a child's beauty pageant is a place to not cuss) Any parent who offers to take another outside for a fucking fight should have their kid disqualified. And yes, that's punishing the kid for the parents behavior and I am an asshole for suggesting it except that these sorts of parents DONT LEARN unless THEY have to deal with their spoiled little brat losing because mom and dad fucked up.

Twinsmom in the prior episode passive aggressively conceded the crap on the floor was probably from the goats but that she had no intention of picking up after them and that if anyone had a problem, they could pick the shit up themselves. She was aggressively rude over it with the other moms and she made a point of turning on her kid and telling the kid to "show them a Cinderella story" and tried to make the kid pick up the goat crap... in other words, punishing her kid publically in an effort to make the other moms feel bad for daring to question her.

But then, if I had been the hotel worker - after seeing the goat crap on the floor, I would have grabbed the raggedy hair pageant runner and explained how contracts work and how trashing a hotel conference room with animal shit could get expensive for the person who rented the room. And then I think some parents might have been told to pick up their animal shit or leave and take their goats with them.

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4 hours ago, fountain said:

Okay I so I googled goat poop as I had thought it was pellets and yes it is.  Even the adult goat poop was small and these were baby goats right?  However what I read said it can look like rabbit poop so I guess it could be rabbit poop on the show but it looked like quite a bit of pellets.

I found this week more boring than others.

This made me laugh my ass off.  You must have found this episode extremely boring to Google the poop.  Thank you for this, it's been a sucky day and I needed a good laugh. 

PS: I googled goat poop too. 

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Not only did I google goat poop but also goat poop vrs rabbit because my faith in the internet is that someone somewhere wondered about identifying poop.

I was right http://www.pestdetective.org.nz/clues/droppings/clumped/

BTW I may be wrong but I thought people were claiming that it was goat poop because they had actually seen the animal do it.

The little girls being more excited about getting stuffed animals than their titles (and crying when they didn't get the stuffed animals they wanted) was too real.


Twinsmom in the prior episode passive aggressively conceded the crap on the floor was probably from the goats but that she had no intention of picking up after them and that if anyone had a problem, they could pick the shit up themselves.

Her "Not my problem" attitude was mystifying. Who does that?

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Her "Not my problem" attitude was mystifying. Who does that?

Sadly, in this day and age, too many fucking people. Personal responsibility is a foreign concept to these special snowflakes.  I don't think I've ever hated a pageant mom more than her. A punch in the face might do her a world of good. 

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