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Toddlers & Tiaras - General Discussion

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Finally had a chance to watch:

What the figgity fuck was that crap?  

Dueling coaches? Who cares?  The girls & their crazy parents are the stars, not these coaches who only received about two minutes an episode in previous seasons.  Arizona coach does seem lazier than Cambrie, but Cambrie makes me want to vomit as much as that sick little girl did…and all over Cambrie instead of her mom. 

I did like the blonde lady (judge?) who said this ain't life or death and losing a pageant wasn't the end of the world.  If she has kids in pageants, I'd guess they are more relaxed and enjoying themselves than any kids featured on the show. 

  • Love 4

I did like the blonde lady (judge?) who said this ain't life or death and losing a pageant wasn't the end of the world.

Totally. And it was great when she said the parents were paying for one thing: someone else's opinion. Let's hear it for perspective! She really was going bug-eyed though, in a way that made her look like a complete nutter.


My DVR cut out before the end of the ep. Did it run longer than an hour?

Mine cut off too! No idea why.


This felt like an hour long audition for Cambrie for the Real Housewives of Las Vegas. She's not nearly as adorable as she thinks she is.

Cambrie, looks aside, has a her sh*t together. She has clearly figured out that just a little bit of effort has a huge impact on those easily impressed pageant moms. The Z list celebrity, the matching outfits, her whole Vegas look, all of that makes her operation seem glitzy enough to make it worth opening up those wallets for a real pro-fresh-un-null.  $175/hour? This show always makes me think I need to go into coaching.  Jamie from SassyPants or whatever that group is, clearly does not have it figured out and is still handling business the way she did when she started coaching at age 14. It's like that one lady said, Cambrie runs it like a business, and Jamie runs it like a hobby.

I'd like to know why Cambrie had a beverage in her hand for her talking heads. Was she a little parched?


What the hell was up with the Einstein who couldn't figure out how to work a Keurig?

Ugh. Her. I think a big part of her problem is she just isn't very bright. That whole scene at the mall was one big eyeroll. Your kid gets out in front, can't remember a bit of her routine and the coach says she needs to practice. Mom's response to that is "she hasn't practiced because our house has been torn up for 3 weeks." Then got pissed off because she felt the criticism hurt her special snowflake's feelings. Whaaaat? I could not wrap my brain around that at all. I mean really. What did she think would happen when she showed up with a kid who didn't know her routine? Did she think she'd get special one-on-one coaching and waste everyone else's time? That whole situation made me really doubt the prior scene where she was complaining that Jamie hadn't told her anything about the dress, hair, and flipper. I suspect Jamie did tell her what needed to be done to prep, and the mom figured that meant Jamie would do it all for her. UGH. Such a pet peeve of mine - people who don't do the work, and then expect everyone else to be sympathetic to their BS excuses.


Oh, and I am also out if I am to be treated to spewing vomit & snot rockets every week. Ew - I was eating at the time :(

I was eating dinner too. Bad enough that they showed it once. But they showed that one girl spew at least twice, and the snot three times or more. That was no snot rocket though. It looked like the child's brain was leaking out of her nose and down her face. So gross. I did not need to see that.  Meanwhile, my brain is stuck on the fact that the mom was standing in the bathroom doorway, and instead of pushing the kid into the bathroom with the tiled floor, stood there and tried to catch the vomit in her hand while the kid barfed on the carpet.  All of that was followed by several scenes of the mom still wearing that black shirt her kid had vomited on. My guess is the vomit happened near the end of taping, and that was when she changed into the tank with the giant bow. But the way it was edited, it looked like the mom got barfed on, and was still wearing the shirt when the pageant coach came by. So. Foul.

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, sleepyjean said:

Ugh. Her. I think a big part of her problem is she just isn't very bright. That whole scene at the mall was one big eyeroll. Your kid gets out in front, can't remember a bit of her routine and the coach says she needs to practice. Mom's response to that is "she hasn't practiced because our house has been torn up for 3 weeks." Then got pissed off because she felt the criticism hurt her special snowflake's feelings. Whaaaat? I could not wrap my brain around that at all. I mean really. What did she think would happen when she showed up with a kid who didn't know her routine? Did she think she'd get special one-on-one coaching and waste everyone else's time? That whole situation made me really doubt the prior scene where she was complaining that Jamie hadn't told her anything about the dress, hair, and flipper. I suspect Jamie did tell her what needed to be done to prep, and the mom figured that meant Jamie would do it all for her. UGH. Such a pet peeve of mine - people who don't do the work, and then expect everyone else to be sympathetic to their BS excuses.

Exactly what I was thinking.  So even if the house was tore up, she couldn't go outside or to a friend's house to practice.  I think mom is disorganized with all aspects of her life, not just the pageants.  But Coach Jaimie should have had an eye on the clock.  I didn't understand why the coach was doing hair/makeup instead of being more of a manager of her team with an eye on all her team members.

1 hour ago, sleepyjean said:

Totally. And it was great when she said the parents were paying for one thing: someone else's opinion. Let's hear it for perspective! She really was going bug-eyed though, in a way that made her look like a complete nutter.

She's been a director of a few of the other pagents, and she's looked like that in all of 'em. My guess is the comment about paying for opinions was in response to criticism about previous parental craziness.

3 hours ago, Spooneroonie said:

She's been a director of a few of the other pagents, and she's looked like that in all of 'em. My guess is the comment about paying for opinions was in response to criticism about previous parental craziness.

I watched some of her other ones this afternoon, and it didn't seem as pronounced.  I figured it was a side-effect of botox or a chemical peel or injections or something along those lines.

Part of me wondered if that interview was filmed after the whole pageant was over, and she was annoyed with the moms' behavior and about to hit the hotel bar (hence the "fun with alcohol" comment).

24 minutes ago, Beden said:

That totally sucked.

I don't want to watch producer driven/ego driven adult conflict. Yet another 'reality' show ruined by idiot producers who think they know what their audience wants; and are wrong.

Bring the kids and insane parents back. Until then, I'm gone. (And yes, typing that sends me to embarrassment hell.)

I'm not so sure they are catering to the audience; it's more like they're catering to their bottom line.  It has got to be cheaper to set up this fake 'rivalry' and write storylines for it than it is to try to cast the show with random parents/kids.  One set of interviews, one production crew, no wasted footage trying to capture just the right parent/child wacky vibe.  I expect the pageants are going to be made for filming just like the 'competitions' on Dance Moms.  They can settle into one geographic area, get releases from one group of half dozen or so kids and churn out pre-plotted 'drama'.

On 8/28/2016 at 0:45 AM, pigs-in-space said:

I watched some of her other ones this afternoon, and it didn't seem as pronounced.  I figured it was a side-effect of botox or a chemical peel or injections or something along those lines.

Part of me wondered if that interview was filmed after the whole pageant was over, and she was annoyed with the moms' behavior and about to hit the hotel bar (hence the "fun with alcohol" comment).

Excellent point, and probably correct.

Edited by Drogo
Removed blank quote.

I just rewatched the first episode with Sami Jo. She was the very young child whose mom bred her to do pageants and then did a bikini calendar to finance the pageant career. Could Mama (sorry, I can't remember her name) have been angling for her own reality show? Anyway, it was hilarious to hear Mama ramble on and on about this infant's passion for pageants, how the baby was gunning for Ultimate Burrito Supreme and Mama didn't know how Sami would react if she didn't win. Of course baby Sami obviously didn't know she was in a pageant, didn't win and didn't care. I looked them up on FB and learned that Sami "retired" from pageants before her third birthday and is now doing ballet. I would love to hear Mama's version of how two-and-a-half year old Sami Jo decided all by herself that she had accomplished all she could in the pageant world and was ready to take on new challenges. (BTW, Mama, Miss America does not lead to Miss Universe. Do your homework.)

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On Thursday, August 25, 2016 at 2:00 PM, Honey said:

What the hell was up with the Einstein who couldn't figure out how to work a Keurig?

Right?? I was watching with this WTF look on my face. After about 10 minutes she gave up and said she'll buy coffee downstairs. Uh??


New format blows. Not even a full pageant with results. To be continued?? What the what???

  • Love 2

In the episode where Eden Wood took all of the trophies on stage, I laughed my ass off as the little girl who was giving her the stink eye.

I must be in the minority, because I think Eden is a beautiful little girl.  I will confess to laughing however in the episode where she wanted the princess bed prize.  She flew to the stage when her name was called, and only realized she didn't win it when another name was called after hers.  She burst into tears.  I did like that her mom didn't immediately tell her that she would buy her one.

21 hours ago, doodlebug said:

I'm not so sure they are catering to the audience; it's more like they're catering to their bottom line.  It has got to be cheaper to set up this fake 'rivalry' and write storylines for it than it is to try to cast the show with random parents/kids.  One set of interviews, one production crew, no wasted footage trying to capture just the right parent/child wacky vibe.  I expect the pageants are going to be made for filming just like the 'competitions' on Dance Moms.  They can settle into one geographic area, get releases from one group of half dozen or so kids and churn out pre-plotted 'drama'.

Probably.  The only thing is that there is no real rivalry between coaches - real or producer manufactured.  That cheaper coach just sucks (sorry, terrible with names).  How could she let her client be late and miss the competition?  Its like they didn't have a clue what time they were supposed to go on and in general, they did not seem to be in a particularly hurry (do I have time to paint her nails? Duh, you should have done that last night, idiot).  That mom is a few fries short of a happy meal.  Her and that coach belong together.

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On ‎8‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 5:40 PM, Gabrielle Tracy said:

I have to wonder if winning pageants is based more on who you know or what your reputation is.  Case in point, the Dorseyville Corn Queen in my hometown almost always resembled a donkey with wide hips and a big blonde wig.

But I digress...  those babies that are only months (and sometimes weeks) old; what in the world are they judged on?  Costumes?  I mean, they're infants.  They eat, poop and sleep.  One doesn't look very different than another!

Some of it is who you know, but a lot of it is what you spend.

Way before T&T, but after some pageant docs (Baby Beauty Queens, Painted Babies), a former co-worker wanted to enter her kid in a beauty pageant.  The mail advertising it came to their house....addressed to the kid.   I told her not to do it - that she'd get in way over her head.  She sent her kid in natural, wearing a flower girl dress from a wedding she was in.  She got chewed up and spit out.  She didn't win anything, except a small trophy for a coloring contest, and she paid something like $50 extra for that.  She didn't buy any of the other "upgrades" and then didn't understand why her kid wasn't in the running for any of the big prizes (aside from the fact she didn't understand anything about "going glitz").  She was out a few hundred.  She didn't do it again.

When my DVR gave me a 2 hour Eden Wood retrospective instead of the new episode, they had a note on the screen that the one crown the one woman's daughter won (Ambassador Supreme) was purely because her parents bought the most ad space in the pageant program.

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23 hours ago, krawz555 said:
On 8/25/2016 at 5:00 PM, Honey said:

What the hell was up with the Einstein who couldn't figure out how to work a Keurig?

Right?? I was watching with this WTF look on my face. After about 10 minutes she gave up and said she'll buy coffee downstairs. Uh??

Okay, I know this is embarrassing but, truth be told, I've never worked one of those things, either. I'm not a coffee drinker (hate the stuff) nor is anyone in my household. I just use an electric kettle to boil up some water pour it in a mug and toss a tea bag in. OTOH, not being a total moron, I do believe I could scope it out just fine, should the need arise.

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@Beden,  I wouldn't know how to work one of those either. I don't really think it was a big deal that she didn't know how it works, I would imagine a lot of people don't know.   I lost count at how many times this mom said "like" though,  she couldn't get through a sentence without saying it 3 or 4 times. That drives me crazy. 

  • Love 3
20 hours ago, funky-rat said:

Some of it is who you know, but a lot of it is what you spend.

Way before T&T, but after some pageant docs (Baby Beauty Queens, Painted Babies), a former co-worker wanted to enter her kid in a beauty pageant.  The mail advertising it came to their house....addressed to the kid.   I told her not to do it - that she'd get in way over her head.  She sent her kid in natural, wearing a flower girl dress from a wedding she was in.  She got chewed up and spit out.  She didn't win anything, except a small trophy for a coloring contest, and she paid something like $50 extra for that.  She didn't buy any of the other "upgrades" and then didn't understand why her kid wasn't in the running for any of the big prizes (aside from the fact she didn't understand anything about "going glitz").  She was out a few hundred.  She didn't do it again.

When my DVR gave me a 2 hour Eden Wood retrospective instead of the new episode, they had a note on the screen that the one crown the one woman's daughter won (Ambassador Supreme) was purely because her parents bought the most ad space in the pageant program.

I'll be honest - when I saw that thing about winning the trophy for buying the ost ad space, I revisited my idea to start my own beauty pageant and make some money. It is a racket! I watch Painted Babies (someone in one of these threads mentioned it, but I can't remember where) and my mouth dropped open when the makeup artist used in the documentary said she charged $300 to do makeup  for each girl. $300!!!!! It was filmed in the 90s and they didn't even wear false eyelashes back then. I thought, ,"Hey! I can do makeup reasonably well! I could make a few extra Benjamins on Saturdays!" 

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On 8/30/2016 at 3:35 AM, Talky Tina said:

@Beden,  I wouldn't know how to work one of those either. I don't really think it was a big deal that she didn't know how it works, I would imagine a lot of people don't know.   I lost count at how many times this mom said "like" though,  she couldn't get through a sentence without saying it 3 or 4 times. That drives me crazy. 

I wasn't annoyed that she didn't know how to work it, I was annoyed that she couldn't figure out how to work it.  She also thought she would have to take the thing apart to put water into it.  I hate stupid.

Edited by Honey
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They're really trying to push that pageants are a type of sport.  No, just no.  

Don't they basically do the same moves every time: sassy walk, head bobs, the chin in the hands, blowing kisses, the finger around the face then a kiss, etc. etc.

What a racket.  Be a coach and show them how to shake their little booty, and more importantly kiss the mom's delusional asses.  Or, run a pageant.  Charge exorbitant fees, and hand out tin crowns.  I don't see too many hand out actual cash money.  Saw a couple where they handed out savings bonds, but yeah you pay a little upfront (depending upon the face value) and it reaches the face value over several years.  If you get a $250 savings bond, you have to wait at least 10 years I think for it to be fully matured.  But all the moms see is my kid won $250!!!  She got the Mega Super Grand Burrito Supreme!!  She'll be Miss America, then Miss USA, then Miss Universe, then win an Oscar!!!  Oh she might also be a supermodel.

The team concept stinks.  

The mom who said what can we do except go, when her kid was sick?  Uh, you could be responsible and keep your child home.  What if it were more than "just" the flu, plus people still do have complications and die from the flu.  Secondly, you may have spread those germs all over the plane, and those people surely did not want to be sick because you have to have your kid at the pageant at the Ramada or Days Inn (wherever it was held).  I think she was the one splayed out on the sofa.  Just no.

Keurig mom is a hot mess.  Her voice bugged, she had excuse after excuse why the kid wasn't doing well.  I'm just surprised the dog didn't eat the kid's routine.  

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Quick, someone get Lily's mother a bottle of water before she gets dehydrated from all the fucking crying....Jeesh  I actually think she may be insane.  Lady, if you hadn't spent all of that money on the pageant, you could have bought her 5 of those cars.  FFS.

I hate Selyse's mom...stupid, scatter-brained moron...Ugh!!

Edited by Honey
  • Love 9

Lilly's mom - oh she worked so hard, she wanted that car.  Here's a hint - take the thousands you spent on those damned pageants and buy the kid the freaking car.  "Oh she wants to be somebody".  Give me a break.  The kid is 4.  You are projecting your insecurities onto your daughter.  "She's going to be a star".  Uh, if she has talent - dancing, singing, acting, painting, whatever - get her into some real training, not this wannabe stars gimmicky pageant world.  All they are doing is giving out toys and cheap ass crowns.  Just look at the kid who was to be the break out star - Eden.  She's not setting Hollywood ablaze now.  Even Honey Boo Boo has faded.  And very few talented people become "stars".  Why not tell your kid to be happy and satisfied in whatever career they choose and that is what is important, not fame.  

A lot of mothers who are living through their kids.  The kids didn't act upset until mom was all upset.  And of course, it was fixed because their special snowflake didn't win.  The kids just do a very rudimentary pantomime, not really acting.  There are much more talented kids performing in local theatre, but they're doing it for the love of their art, not a tin crown.  And oh, she hit all her marks, and she performed so well. How would the judges know if the kid missed a mark - can't they adlib - like if they're supposed to go right and do the head bob, and they go left - is that a mistake - how could you ever tell?  Plus a good performer knows - with a live performance, things ALWAYS go wrong - so just act like it was part of the show and no one will notice.  But the moms freak the hell out, so that kind of leaves the cat out of the bag.  

The moms were always wanting to be in the spotlight, be famous, be the star.  They have a lackluster life and are going to get that fame by god now through their cute daughter.  

The one mom on the first show made crack about cheerleading.  At least cheerleaders can get scholarships, are typically involved in school, and are athletic.  They have to practice a lot - and it's not just the sassy walk, head bob, and kiss blowing practice.

Way to go to teach your snowflake to be an entitled little diva, who thinks the world owes them everything, that if they don't get what they want, it's fixed.  If pageants are  sport, where is the sportsmanship and losing gracefully?  

The moms who were crying and saying it was rigged - in ear shot of the kids who did win - need to feel ashamed of themselves.  

  • Love 12

The show blows. Did u look in the audience when the featured kids were performing? Where was everybody? So dumb. 

And those riding toys for the winner? Big woop. Instead of spending 40 grand on crap for the pageant, spend 200 for for riding car toy.

Why did they chang this show?? Sooooo much better in the old format. 3 random families and how each goes through the process. This team crap is so, so dumb. 

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2 hours ago, hoosier80 said:


A lot of mothers who are living through their kids.  The kids didn't act upset until mom was all upset.  And of course, it was fixed because their special snowflake didn't win.

Right on. If their kids wins they are so super talented and deserved it. If they lose, it's totally rigged. Get a life.

  • Love 1
8 hours ago, hoosier80 said:


The one mom on the first show made crack about cheerleading.  At least cheerleaders can get scholarships, are typically involved in school, and are athletic.  They have to practice a lot - and it's not just the sassy walk, head bob, and kiss blowing practice.

Way to go to teach your snowflake to be an entitled little diva, who thinks the world owes them everything, that if they don't get what they want, it's fixed.  If pageants are  sport, where is the sportsmanship and losing gracefully?  


This. I was thinking about this while (half)watching last week's repeat and this one - and hearing the word "sport" tossed around. 

Cheerleading is a sport. Those who take it seriously and excel, competitively or not, are athletes. All those other things you mention are true. Pageantry is not a sport. It's an industry designed to separate foolish parents from a whole lot of money.

* Not that there aren't crazy cheer parents or that there aren't costs for participating in that activity. But the rewards are more than plastic crowns and fake titles.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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On August 24, 2016 at 6:50 PM, Honey said:

I've only seen a couple of the Eden Wood episodes, but her Mom seemed okay to me.  What is it people hate about her?

I caught the Rumble in the Jungle rerun yesterday and that reminded me why many people don't like her. The mom has always been over-the-top, but so have many other moms. In this episode Eden's talent agent ran the pageant and it was rigged but they acted like the audience was too stupid to figure it out. In addition, there was a scene where Eden acted like she didn't want to do the pageant and her mom said she didn't have to and then Eden gave her mom a sly smile and wanted to go on stage. People thought Eden's mom was staging everything and it was all fake and annoying. 

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I don't even know if I can snark/hatewatch this show. The values of the crazed moms are so skewed. WTF is wrong with Jacqueline's mom, sobbing uncontrollably because her daughter was happy with the title she got? Would she have been happier if the child was disappointed and felt like a failure because she didn't win taco grande supreme? Watching all of these mothers screaming "rigged" and "my kid got screwed" right in front of the kids cannot be helping their self esteem at all.

What is wrong with just praising your child for getting the pretty sash and the big sparkly crown, no matter whether it was a higher title or "just division queen"? These kids are 3 and 4 years old. They would not understand the heirarchy of who did "better" unless they learned it from listening to their moms whine. It infuriates me to see kids learning such messed up ways to view their own worth.

Edited by gardendiva
punctuation for clarity
  • Love 6
On 8/26/2016 at 3:46 PM, Nowhere said:

Remember the episode where Eden literally won everything in her age group. I was looking at the other girls and thinking how in the world could she have beaten this girl in facial beauty? Why and how could she win every single award in a long lineup of girls and then get Ultimate at the end. They must rig the pageant for her. There's just no way in hell. She wasn't that much better than anyone else so I don't get it.

Part of the pageant deal is that you pay extra to enter in specialty categories like "best hair," "most photogenic," that kind of thing. She may well have been the only kid whose parents ponied up for the extra trophies.

I always felt sorry for Eden, especially after watching an episode or two of her Logo spinoff. She was an extremely ordinary little girl who seemed pretty happy being an extremely ordinary little girl, on the rare occasions when she was permitted to be.

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IT KILLS me when during the pageant the moms say "oh she just froze" or "she totally messed up outfit of choice" then when it comes to the crowning part, they can't BELIEVE their child got Personality Supreme or it was rigged. This happens every time, the kid fucks up royally and the parent is furious they lost!


I am only half watching so I can't keep the moms and kids and coaches straight. It shouldn't be so hard to watch this show. Now I guess Ill need to rewatch and concentrate if they are going to feature the same moms each week...boo. They all look so tired and sweaty sitting in those chairs at the Ramada!

Why would anyone name their kid Seltzer? I mean Selise? What the fuck?

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And the clueless mom who showed up to a pageant without any music or a routine planned...and acted like that was okay. she was so helpless and confused, and tried to blame all missteps on her coach. If her spouse sees this episode and realizes that thousands of dollars were pumped into this event, but the mother could not even get it together well enough to find some music for the kid's routine, ensuring that the kid would deservedly get a low score as a result, thus wasting all that money...I am pretty sure the money faucet will get turned off pretty quickly.

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I didn't mind Cambrie- just a woman trying to run a business who had the opportunity to capitalize on exposure.  However, if she truly has the accolades that she claims, she shouldn't have to lie about it.

From the article linked below:


R-J: Were you more competitive as a contestant or a coach?

Littlefield: I would say a coach. I really liked competing, and I did well when I did compete. But I didn’t compete as much as I really would have wanted to. I did do a few pageants. Like, I was Miss Utah United States 2011, I think it was. So I mean, I have some great titles. And I won, like, a lot. But I think I would say I’m a better coach. And I actually enjoy (coaching) a lot better.



OK. RED FLAG.  If someone were to actually win the Miss Utah pageant, she would remember that she actually won the pageant, as this is not something that she or anyone around her would ever forget.  Heck, it would even give her more prestige and respect in the pageant world as a "hook" to lure parents into Cambrie's Court.  There are obligations that come with being Miss Utah- you don't "think" you won- you LIVE being Miss Utah.   You would think she would know not to embellish when these things are easily verified or disputed on the internet.


(I also searched for Miss America pageants, but it was more difficult to find the archives- but- she never won this title either)

She was a semifinalist in the Miss Utah USA pageant, which is IMPRESSIVE to say the least.  However, the need to lie about the fact that she won the pageant is despicable.  Is she that insecure about her resume?  Does saying "I think it was" excuse the lie?  OOPS, I guess I misremembered winning one of the most prestigious pageants in the state of Utah?  All respect is lost.  Even if she actually won some other meaningless Miss Utah title- kind of like how the pageants crown the "World Champion" of the Jungle Princesses and what not- she obviously meant to lead on this interviewer into printing that she won something substantial here.

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I'm late to this party because I've been busy with back to school and haven't had a chance to watch until now and my reaction is what the hell was that because that definitely was not toddlers and tiaras?! Why tlc? I've been waiting all summer for this gold mine to come back and this is what I get? Why would you mess with perfection? The original format was so much better. I'm not going to lie, I didn't even finish the episode but from the comments it seems it only got worse. I turned the tv off 20 minutes in when I still hadn't been introduced to a single contestant. That one stripper/Kardashian coach did it for me. I didn't even bother to learn her name but her constant and very incorrect use of the word "literally" made me want to "literally" punch her. No you do not have literally 200 kids!! No you do not literally eat, breathe and sleep pageants!! That is one of my biggest pet peeves ever and I blame the Kardashians for it. What do these bimbos even think literally means? Stick to monosyllabic words until you buy a dictionary. 

  • Love 9

I actually liked this episode more than last week's. Plus I think that we are in for some big drama later on this season lol. I miss the old format but i'm going to keep watching for now. This pageant was definitely rigged and at the preview for next week we kind of get a hint why. Obviously Jamie is a huge insider with a mom who's a director. I noticed that when her little girl missed beauty she was very comfortable asking "Tonya" if she could go on. I think most people wouldn't have been that familiar with a director.

I was with Jacqueline and Lily's mom in being upset. Now I wouldn't do this stuff with my money, but if they are going to do it then it should at least be somewhat fair. There is simply no way that Kallyn (stupid ass name) could have gotten a higher title than either Lily or Jac at a non-rigged pageant. The child completely blew both portions of the pageant. In reality she shouldn't even have pulled out of her age group. Plus Selyse (another stupid ass name) got Queen for her age group rather than 4th runner up or something when she shouldn't have been scored for Beauty at all. So basically for 3 year olds out of the 6 girls that were there she got 2nd place; really? 

I can't wait for the shenanigans next week when Jamie is going to try to convince us all that her mother's pageant isn't going to be rigged in her team's favor!  

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I was really concerned for Selyse.  Her mom is a nutcase.  There was a scene where her hands were shaking like Bethany Frankel"s  when she was fake upset about telling LuAnn her boyfriend was cheating. Anyway, with the amount of RedBull she was giving Selyse, I was surprised that Selyse was so low energy and yawning.  I find her treatment of Selyse borderline abusive. Bring back the old format!!  Those famewhore pageant coaches are not who I want to see.  And it looks like the upcoming episode is going to be Dance Moms style.  I thought Jacqueline was the best overall.  Beautiful costumes and she can work the stage.

  • Love 2

Random thought I had while watching: it was actually more disturbing to watch the kids who performed the pageant routines well than the ones who didn't seem to have a clue. The ones who messed up looked more like real flesh-and-blood children. Those who presumably scored well in the "modelling" categories looked to me like creepy mechanical dolls. 

  • Love 6

I taped a bunch of episodes from the marathon and am slowly catching up.

Season 6 ep 1 is "Disco Fever".  This is a great example of a later season that is still full of gems.

One child has parents that are fitness fanatics where the Dad stripped down on stage and they fed their kid a red bull off camera while saying their kid would NEVER have soda.

Another child had "tinker tea" daily, a mix of coffee, mountain dew and pixie sticks.  Seriously.

Grand prize was a $15k two story playhouse.

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