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S18.E14: Live Eviction 4

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It's good to hear that even Big Brother wasn't sure about who would go because of the discussion up until the very last minute.

It's surprisingly good to see Frank and Tiffany working together? I'm glad she was fighting hard this week. You could tell early on that she knew she was going, though. She looked so defeated. And Day's bored look during Tiffany's speech made me angry. Couldn't one person have thrown Tiffany a vote? Why couldn't they have 4v4? Four of them seemed ready to evict Da'Vonne! Why do things need to be unanimous?

Day whipping her hair at Tiffany wasn't that bad, but it was childish, especially since she confirmed that she did it to piss off Tiffany. Plus, her goodbye message is so petty.

Paulie is very, very annoying, and his haircut makes him look awful. He's just so dead set against Tiffany going. But Day's on my nerves too. People may find her vocal facial expressions funny, but now I'm sick of them. She is a horrible liar. She can't lie at all, and that isn't good for this game. Plus, she's starting to play petty. She can go soon.

Natalie/James happen to be very cute together. I dig them. Even their fight was just kind of cute. Natalie throwing out James' name during her speech was just so cute. I love that James knew that Day talking about the showmances would have him and Natalie somewhere on there. I am disappointed he told Paulie, though. At the same time, it got more of a target on Day. It would be hilarious if she doesn't get to jury for a second time. 

Oh god, Cody and Vanessa. Cody, go away. Vanessa is very wise. I loved Vanessa last season. She even said that her sister could get very far if she survived this week...unlike Cody, who just said 'oh yeah, my brother'll win because he's my brother'. LOL, you only got to final two because of Derrick, you idiot. 

Tiffany needs to walk her way through Battle Back right into that house. Imagine the hysteria that would emerge. Plus, Day would freak out. She seems like she's going to get extremely cocky so if Tiffany got back and then helped to evict Day and then got farther? Sure, Day could brag about not having to get back in the house to get to the end, but Day leaving before jury would be oh so bittersweet. 

LOL at the evicted houseguests speaking. Glenn's gunning for the vets, Jozea thinks Day's a snake like Nicole (but he's actually right), Victor blames himself but is 'gunning' for Paulie (we'll see if he actually follows through if he gets back in the house) and Bronte has no actual plan. I will say Jozea's 'I will be there' speech made me laugh really, really hard.

Bye teams and Roadkill! 

  • Love 3

No more teams. No more Roadkill. When Julie announced that, I felt a glimmer of what I felt when Battle of the Block would be declared over for the season. 

I really think that out of all of the possible returnees that there could be, if there is no immunity for them re-entering the house, Tiffany would be the only one that would be sure to get booted right back out the next week. The others might be able to stick around for an extra week or two. If she comes back, Tiffany will be a dead woman walking.

I didn't need to see Cody and his kissin' daddy again but at least they didn't shove Derrick down our throats in the same package.

  • Love 4

I kinda want Victor to come back since he'll go after Paulie, but he'll probably be an outsider again with the showmance alliance and the bros.

That whip sound was overkill. Day's goodbye message was not a good look for her, especially if Tiffany comes back.

I kinda wish they would've kept RK.

Paulie's haircut is a mess.

Who was the Messiah playing volleyball with?

8 minutes ago, wings707 said:

It hasn't come on here.  Was there an HOH comp?   Doesn't sound like it.  How was it left?

There wasn't an HoH comp. There probably won't be one until after the BattleBack.

Edited by Chrissytd
  • Love 4

When Tiff said something about having a "once-in-a-lifetime" experience, she missed a great shade-throwing op! Could have tossed her hair at Da' and been like "well, SOME of us get TWO chances." Whatever happened to "get the vets out"?

Hey Paulie-before-the-hair-atrocity: George "Ya gotta have faith" Michael called, and he wants his look back. Post that hair massacre? Between him and Paul, that house is starting to look like some gay Romper Stomper fever dream.

If Victor actually follows through on his Get Paulie Out campaign, hell, I'd be down with him reentering - guy was a dolt, but pretty to look at and a good competitor. But who am I kidding? One bro-hug and they'll all be back in the frat.

Anyone else wonder who was playing volleyball with Jozea? I assume as the Messiah, it was his God-daddy. Or maybe chillin' with his homie the Holy Spirit.

ETA: Posted at the same time as Chrissytd - glad to see I wasn't the only one!!

Edited by Dewey Decimate
great minds think alike
  • Love 8

I figured Jozea was playing against himself. I mean, who else would be good enough? 

Hopefully, Paulie's ridiculously large sphere of influence will be gone now that his hair is. Ugh! 

I wish the HOH had been tonight with immunity for the buyback. As Julie signed off, the hamsters were already looking for the box that someone would be retuning in. 

And Da? That was just tacky. 

  • Love 7

Wow, I like that it's already been labeled an atrocity, but seriously at first I thought Paul had shaved his beard, then I saw it wasn't Paul!! Deergahd that's a horrible look on anyone *looks at Paul* but it's even worse on Paulie. WTF was he thinking?? It's absolutely hairrendous!! I mean take it down a >bit< on the sides/back and see what you think... but to go to completely shaved in back and sides while growing out your beard in homage to your name-mate?? Really?? It's giving me bad 80's wrestling hair flashbacks. I will give him this, it take hairballs to do that to your head and go on live tv.

I am on the anyone but "bros" side here for the Brokeback Comp, I can't take having another person claiming to be "my boy" in the house. Unless Victor cuts his hair like Paulie of course. That'd be worth it. I'm really cheering for Tiff mainly though as I think she could reformulate a team for herself. It seemed like she was starting to pick up momentum; she just started from too far behind.

It's sad that Josea doesn't even have enough "followers" to have a couple people to play actual volleyball with.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, Porterest said:

And Da? That was just tacky. 

And that's why I can't stand her.  She's unnecessarily hateful.  I loved Day last season when she was teamed up with Jason Roy.  The 2 of them kept me laughing with the way they threw shade behind Audrey and Vanessa's backs when both Audrey and Vanessa were deserving of the shade....spreading lies, planting seeds of hate.  But Tiff was loyal to Day until Day turned on her.  After that, I cut her loose....can't wait till karma gets the best of her.  

Edited by J.D.
  • Love 10

Da is nothing but tacky, that's why she blows up her own game. 

I guess Paul did Paulie's hair?

Sad to see Tiffany go, but I'm liking all the potential houseguests that are going back in have the same similar targets. Jozea, Tiffany, and Victor all seem to have similar targets. 

Those were some nice sequester houses, really liked Bronte's pool and Victor's view.

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, J.D. said:

And that's why I can't stand her.  She's unnecessarily hateful.  I loved Day last season when she was teamed up with Jason Roy.  The 2 of them kept me laughing with the way they threw shade behind Audrey and Vanessa's backs when both Audrey and Vanessa were deserving of the shade....spreading lies, planting seeds of hate.  But Tiff was loyal to Day until Day turned on her.  After that, I cut her loose....can't wait till karma gets the best of her.  

She blew up her own game last season, too with the same behavior.  Nasty seed planting. 

  • Love 3

I don't know, I enjoy snarky houseguests and drama so didn't have a problem with Da's goodbye mssg. I mean they were both trying to get the other out of the house and even if Tiff does come back, Da' would have to assume Tiff was coming after her and vice versa. I know Da's playing a sloppy game but I'm glad she stayed and didn't think her mssg to Tiff was mean or ugly -- more like taunting an opponent. I'm one of the people who doesn't feel that sorry for Tiff and don't see her as a big victim so that might be why it didn't really bother me. 

What I found cringe-worthy was Natalie's calling out James during her speech. I think she's trying very hard for camera time and to be the show's sweetheart. I know others are working hard for camera time as well, like Paul, but I think she's just not as up front about it. 

  • Love 7

They are very sweet together.  Will it survive outside the house?  I would have said no, a week ago but I am not sure, now.  She is hot girl and has all the attention she can handle.  But do any of them really like her and see her? Probably not.  What a love story this would be.

I am, in no way, thinking this will happen. Odds are, no way. But still, maybe. Stranger things, you know.

So, will they or won't they? haha

Edited by K-9
  • Love 1

So the 4 players have been in separate big homes for 1-4 weeks? I assume they don't get internet, tv, and are alone. At least the jury house only 1 person is alone for 1 week. I can't imagine Glen being alone for a month , without a good book to read or tv to binge watch. Are they really going to have all 5 players battle back in one day? It is kind of not fair for Glen if it is any physical comp. to have to battle 4 times in a row to win back. Redemption Island at least gave players a 3 day break between battles. I guess I'm hoping for Victor because Tiff would be gone too fast. I really don't think anyone coming back would last more then 2-3 weeks.

I don't see Nat and James outside the house. If they actually made it to the real world, I think they are at different places in their life and it wouldn't work. I'm not impressed with any of the "couples" this year. At least Nat choose to be with the James who I think would protect her and help her game more then Corey or Paulie for their partners.

Edited by silverspoons
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Meh, Tiffany was trying to get DaVonne out and DaVonne was trying to get Tiffany out. They've both let this game stress them out to no end, so some smack to someone that you don't think will affect you in jury? Don't care and I thought it was funny. Tiffany even chuckled as who went first did matter to both of them.

In my opinion, Paulie has said and done much worse to Tiffany to her face and for no reason at all! Heck, Tiffany was going to go out calling Bridgette a Cabbage Patch Kid for no reason at all! But, I'm supposed clutch pearls over DaVonne's goodbye message? Nope. Paulie and Tiffany were trying to hurt someone's feelings, DaVonne is needling her frenemy.

DaVonne shouldn't have done it because she knows, or rather should know that they always drag somebody back in the house, but I personally hate all of those suck up goodbyes. They will all be able to see the show at the end and see who really liked them or not, why not spare some suspense?

  • Love 10

Well, I got my answer to whether Vanessa was able to able to assess her sister's gameplay objectively.  She said something like "They let Paulie play his own game, but they don't give Tiffany any respect."

Hmm.  I think Tiffany got the respect she earned.  Vanessa was a crafty player with some periods of tears and paranoia; Tiffany reversed that.


Da'vonne!  Taunting an opponent is one thing, but taunting a vanquished opponent is just tacky--being gracious in victory would have been a good look on you.  That's not "the Big Brother way" perhaps, but showing a little class never hurts anyone in the long run.  (For example, there wouldn't be a million people currently hoping they'll get the chance to see Tiffany's face on the screen, saying "ta-ta" during your exit interview.)


I think the only way to make sure the Battle Back returnee isn't immediately booted again is to send him/her back in as HOH.  Any chance of that happening?

5 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I agree.  And she waited by the door to give Tiff a big hug and then they show that mean-spirited goodbye.  What a hypocrite.  I hope she gets the boot soon.

What else bugs me about Day's goodbye speech is this:  When Frank was acting misogynistic .... smacking Day's butt and so forth... she felt she couldn't confront him or else it would hurt her game.  Later on she cried to the other girls because she said it bothered her to think that, by her not putting Frank in his place, she felt that someday her daughter might watch the tapes and think it's acceptable for men to behave that way to women.  Okay, fine, I can agree with that.  But following that same logic, then why would Day be so unnecessarily nasty in her goodbye speech to Tiff?  What about the impact that would have on her daughter if her daughter were to see her behaving that way -- kicking someone when they're down?  Day should have used more self-control to set a better example for her daughter if she feels that someday her daughter will watch those tapes.  

  • Love 14

Day can't help being who she really is which isn't anything good. I liked her a little the first time around and I thought she got a raw deal. Of course, she was too mouthy for her own good and got booted. At the start of this season she said she learned and was going to play differently. So much for that plan, right?! She just doesn't have it in her to be classy for anything. If she doesn't win HOH this week I think she could be booted before jury......again!

  • Love 2

Normally I hate showmances with every fiber of my being, but James and Natalie make me very happy. For one, because I've always liked James. And it's nice to see someone who's usually relegated to the friend zone have a girl actually reciprocate his feelings. But there's also just something genuine about those two. I don't get the impression that they're using each other in any way, or that this is something that wouldn't happen outside the house. I was a bit worried there for a minute when James made his snippy comment about making his own food. I felt so lame because I was more concerned about, "What is going on between James and Natalie???" than who was going home. But they made up. Yay! 

Anyway, on to the game. I was almost thinking that Tiff convinced enough people to stay this week. Her arguments about Day were valid, and I won't be surprised if the latter goes next week. The way she was cutting up and hanging with the guys, I really thought she'd won them over. (But WHAT was with that convo with her and Paulie, both wearing sunglasses in the house???) Especially since she elevated things to 100,000% now. I mean, that's some serious shit. 

Paulie's journey in this house has been interesting. He was not in the original Eight Pack. In fact, he was even put on the block. Now he's basically running a large segment of that group. I'm enjoying this season not because there are a ton of people to root for, but because I feel like the journey has been pretty varied so far. Alliances have been fluid and there's been quite a few change ups so far. It makes things interesting. 

SO glad the team twist is over! 

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, Chrissytd said:

I kinda wish they would've kept RK.

Paulie's haircut is a mess.

Who was the Messiah playing volleyball with?

I kind of liked the RK too, but was glad to see the teams go.

I told my husband Paulie must be trying to be a "cool guy" like Paul with the new haircut. He was a nice looking guy before he butchered his hair.

And I thought I was the only one who wanted to know who the Messiah was playing volleyball with! Because when they first showed him, I thought he was in the same house as Glenn and I just couldn't imagine Glenn playing volleyball. Then we figured out that each evicted HG is in a separate house. And I guess that is a good thing so they can't talk strategy with each other.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, coxtradamus said:

Tiffany's speech last week to Frank and Bridgette was just as petty as Da's goodbye message last night.....yet somehow it seems to be being viewed differently....I wonder why.....hmmmm.....

I'm guessing because Tiffany did it front of everyone (and, they were laughing) and Day's was in the confessional both? At least, that was my feeling.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, coxtradamus said:

Tiffany's speech last week to Frank and Bridgette was just as petty as Da's goodbye message last night.....yet somehow it seems to be being viewed differently....I wonder why.....hmmmm.....

Personally I though Tiffany looked ridiculous doing that especially because she then immediately ran to the dictator for help.  I'm glad she got bounced unanimously.

It wasn't a good look on either of them and can hurt each of them in the game, which is why it was foolish for both of them.

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, wings707 said:

It hasn't come on here.  Was there an HOH comp?   Doesn't sound like it.  How was it left?


12 hours ago, TexasChic said:

I believe they said the HOH would be on Sunday and the returning person would be playing.

It was left with them just standing around talking. And they ended the RK & teams.

 If you listen closely you could also hear the houseguest start to talk about a new box that appeared in the house. They were already speculating that someone was going to jump out of it.   I wouldn't be surprised if they figure out that there is a returnee.

 It sounds like maybe the returnee will get to play in the HOH.   So although they won't have guaranteed immunity, they will at least have an equal shot at it.

  • Love 2

Some random observations:

1) When Corey is in the DR he looks like he's reading from cue cards

2) Speaking of Mr Dull, did anyone else catch him going to 'serious face' when Chen asked him for his vote last night?

3) Day - telling James that he and Natalie were at the bottom of your showmance hitlist wasn't super-smart. You're still telling him there's a list, and he's on it! Did you learn nothing from the messiah?

4) Thanks BB for not focusing on the two fauxmances in the house (Zaulie and Nicorey) and showing us the real deal instead. James and Natalie are so damn adorable - Jamesie and NatNat forever!

5) It's official. By a vote of everybody to no-one, Paulie, you look like a fucking tool.

  • Love 11

I'm thinking Natalie is going to win this. She will be the only one left no one is mad at and who hasn't stabbed anyone in the back. I can understand what she sees in James. She may have lots of guys after her, but I bet nearly, if not all, most of them want to go out with her because it makes them look good to be seen with her. But she sees in James someone who really likes her and respects her for herself and not because she makes him look good and feel good. I hope it works out for them. I think they'd make a nice couple in real life. On the other hand, I definitely hope it does NOT work out for Nicole and Corey. I don't think either of them have plans to do anything once the show is over. Paulie and Zakiyah, probably won't last. I think she can definitely do better.

One thing I've been thinking about is whoever edits and puts together the episodes really doesn't have a storyline to create like they do for Survivor, where the winner is known before the episodes are crafted. How do they know what to show since all that's know is who won the most recent competition. That's one reason why this show is fun to watch - the action is happening NOW, it's not something that happened several months ago.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, coxtradamus said:

Tiffany's speech last week to Frank and Bridgette was just as petty as Da's goodbye message last night.....yet somehow it seems to be being viewed differently....I wonder why.....hmmmm.....

Are you wondering if the different reactions are race-based???


Tiffany was coming from a position of weakness when she stood up from her seat on the block and, instead of whining about "don't vote me out because I'm a nice person," threw down at the people who put her there.  Da'vonne had already beaten Tiffany and was coming from a position of strength when she decided to kick a little extra dirt in Tiffany's face.

Tiffany was trying, I think, to make an impression on the other houseguests with a gameplay move--she was a little stumble-y, but also a little ballsy.  What was Da'vonne's motive, except to gloat?

Finally, Tiffany said her piece in front of everyone, where there was a chance for the object of her derision to respond.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, J.D. said:

What else bugs me about Day's goodbye speech is this:  When Frank was acting misogynistic .... smacking Day's butt and so forth... she felt she couldn't confront him or else it would hurt her game.  Later on she cried to the other girls because she said it bothered her to think that, by her not putting Frank in his place, she felt that someday her daughter might watch the tapes and think it's acceptable for men to behave that way to women.  Okay, fine, I can agree with that.  But following that same logic, then why would Day be so unnecessarily nasty in her goodbye speech to Tiff?  What about the impact that would have on her daughter if her daughter were to see her behaving that way -- kicking someone when they're down?  Day should have used more self-control to set a better example for her daughter if she feels that someday her daughter will watch those tapes.  

I feel like Day trots out the mom card when it suits her and wants it ignored when it doesn't.  This'll ruffle some feathers but I feel like if she had even a 'normal' level of maternal concern, she wouldn't be spending multiple summers with zero contact with her small child.

13 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I'm thinking Natalie is going to win this. She will be the only one left no one is mad at and who hasn't stabbed anyone in the back.

I could see her winning a la Jordan.

6 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I feel like Day trots out the mom card when it suits her and wants it ignored when it doesn't.  This'll ruffle some feathers but I feel like if she had even a 'normal' level of maternal concern, she wouldn't be spending multiple summers with zero contact with her small child.

This is only her 2nd time. She's not away from her child for months on end, year after year. The same could be said for James too, and bunch of other reality TV people.

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, Newbietunes said:

Is "your boy" a thing the kids say now? 

Yes! A few months ago I held the subway elevator for a guy running down the street in New York, and he was like "thanks, your boy is running late for work". And I didn't yell I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU at him because it was obviously an expression? The fandom is cracking me up and sounding like a pack of geriatrics with all the complaints about what is clearly slang.

Da's message made me laugh, and trash talking isn't necessarily a huge crime where she comes from. At the same time I know she realised last year that she needed a better ability to play nice, so I'm disappointed she hasn't turned that epiphany into a more successful game.

 Tiffany is so pretty - and probably relieved - but I hate when they have to run out to Julie in shoes they can barely stand in.

  • Love 5

I think Paulie is already thinking he is the mastermind and star of the season. He knows he's reasonably good looking and his brother was somewhat popular. He probably thinks everyone else in the outside world thinks he looks cool with that haircut. The good news is the hair will grow back. That said, he can actually grow a nice beard. He reminds me a lot of Scott Caan of Hawaii Five-0....if you squint a little. LOL!!!




  • Love 3
1 hour ago, candall said:

Are you wondering if the different reactions are race-based???


Tiffany was coming from a position of weakness when she stood up from her seat on the block and, instead of whining about "don't vote me out because I'm a nice person," threw down at the people who put her there.  Da'vonne had already beaten Tiffany and was coming from a position of strength when she decided to kick a little extra dirt in Tiffany's face.

Tiffany was trying, I think, to make an impression on the other houseguests with a gameplay move--she was a little stumble-y, but also a little ballsy.  What was Da'vonne's motive, except to gloat?

Finally, Tiffany said her piece in front of everyone, where there was a chance for the object of her derision to respond.

Yes, that ^^^   But also because Frank deserved what Tiff was saying.... he turned on her first.  Tiff didn't deserve what Day was saying.  Tiff was loyal to Day, but Day needed a scapegoat and Tiff was it, so Day was the one who turned first.  I can't speak for anyone else here, but as I said earlier regarding myself and last season --- I loved Day initially because Audrey and Vanessa went around fabricating stories, spewing lies, planting seeds of hate and doubt in people's minds, and Day called them out when she saw right through it.   Audrey and Vanessa both deserved it.  Kudos to Day back then.  This season -- meh --- she can go for all I care.  

  • Love 4

Are you wondering if the different reactions are race-based???


Tiffany was coming from a position of weakness when she stood up from her seat on the block and, instead of whining about "don't vote me out because I'm a nice person," threw down at the people who put her there.  Da'vonne had already beaten Tiffany and was coming from a position of strength when she decided to kick a little extra dirt in Tiffany's face.

Tiffany was trying, I think, to make an impression on the other houseguests with a gameplay move--she was a little stumble-y, but also a little ballsy.  What was Da'vonne's motive, except to gloat?

Finally, Tiffany said her piece in front of everyone, where there was a chance for the object of her derision to respond.

I will admit that my original comment was based on race.  While I understand all of the other differences between the circumstances of Tiff's speech to Frank and the circumstances of Da's exit video to Tiff that everyone has pointed out, for me petty is petty, no matter how it's sliced.  So that's why I personally can't understand the different reactions.  Me being a lover of pettiness in general, I was giddy with laughter in both instances.  

  • Love 5

I just don't see Tiff as all that innocent in all of this. Sure, there were probably things said and done that took it a little too far, but I think she kind of made her bed with how she reacted after Victor RK nom'd her. She knew the RK winner wasn't from her side of the house and that they still had the numbers to send the true target home, but she got all paranoid and really lost her shit, and that always ends up causing concern among your alliance. Tiffany ran around that week, talking to people outside her alliance ABOUT her alliance, when she knew for a fact it wasn't one of her own that put her up. Day also got suspicious during the spelling comp when Tiffany seemed to be trying really hard to beat her, specifically. I don't blame her for fighting for herself, but she had to know that going against her group was going to make them wonder. 

So I really think there's been poor decisions made on every side and I don't really see Tiff as this supreme underdog victim, nor do I see any problem with Day's goodbye comments. I thought they were kind of tame, comparatively. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, coxtradamus said:

I will admit that my original comment was based on race.  While I understand all of the other differences between the circumstances of Tiff's speech to Frank and the circumstances of Da's exit video to Tiff that everyone has pointed out, for me petty is petty, no matter how it's sliced.  So that's why I personally can't understand the different reactions.  Me being a lover of pettiness in general, I was giddy with laughter in both instances.  

I agree with your original comment because it was glaring. However, don't give into these attempts to justify what Tiffany did in her speech. Even if Frank deserved that verbal slap, Bridgette didn't. She hadn't done anything to Tiffany that Tiffany didn't already know was instigated by Frank.

What DaVonne did was "petty," but what Tiffany did was needlessly cruel and her attempt to salvage what was a pathetic run on Big Brother with a "memorable moment" at the expense of Bridgette. If she can dish it, she should be able to take it.

  • Love 6

I agree with your original comment because it was glaring. However, don't give into these attempts to justify what Tiffany did in her speech. Even if Frank deserved that verbal slap, Bridgette didn't. She hadn't done anything to Tiffany that Tiffany didn't already know was instigated by Frank.

What DaVonne did was "petty," but what Tiffany did was needlessly cruel and her attempt to salvage what was a pathetic run on Big Brother with a "memorable moment" at the expense of Bridgette. If she can dish it, she should be able to take it.

You are correct.  "I beat you...na nana naa naa" doesn't seem to have the same weight as "You're a failed dictator with a Cabbage Patch Kid minion" (both paraphrased, of course).  But I must say as a long time lurker, infrequent commentator on this board, that it seemed what most people didn't like about Tiff's speech wasn't the content, but that she didn't execute it well.  And by contrast it seems like people just didn't like what Da did last night, period.  I'm biased because I'm African-American.......and I made a 1st-day-of-the-season-pick-a-contestant bet for a nice Mexican dinner with a friend....She chose Paul....I chose Da.  I just need Da to outlast him so I can eat for free, y'all.  Then I'll go back to lurking.  

Edited by coxtradamus
I left an "l" out of "I'll".
  • Love 5

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