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Rio Scandals: Is It Ready, Will The Place Kill You & More!

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30% of Olympic volunteers have quit due to long hours and inadequate food. Workers working 8-9 hours are provided with only a little snack. Meanwhile, IOC members get $900 a-day per diems. The thing that kills me about that per diem is that they are probably being put up at the best of hotels and being treated to lavish meals wherever they go. What is the $900 even for which is plush by any standard. Many of the volunteers will be working in areas where they can't just dash off to buy food and they aren't allowed to carry a lunch bag with them (kind of messes up the uniform and doesn't leave your hands free for doing your job - if you put it down beside you as you monitor the road race - it looks cluttered). 

To resolve this issue, the organizing committee has banned volunteers from speaking to the press.

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5 hours ago, kili said:

The thing that kills me about that per diem is that they are probably being put up at the best of hotels and being treated to lavish meals wherever they go.

They are, absolutely. The most recent episode of HBO's Real Sports had a devastating expose about the IOC that went deep in detail about all the demands the IOC makes of the host committee/city. The IOC specifically requires that they be provided with "food of the highest quality," at the venues and in the IOC suite in the village.  Norway dropped its bid to host the 2018 games because in addition to that request, the IOC also requested 24-hour butler service for members, separate entrances at the Oslo Airport, and that the king host a reception for IOC members at his own expense.

The Olympics are my favorite sporting event, but the IOC is beyond disgusting. I keep going back and forth on whether it or FIFA is more corrupt. And after seeing that expose, I no longer want any American city to bid on the Olympics and give into the IOC's demands.

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selkie: The IOC made those same demands in London in 2012. I thought it was completely outrageous. (btw, there's a very funny British series called 2012 in which a bumbling committee tries to get London ready for the Games...) But the IOC has been notorious for its demands for decades - I highly recommend Andrew Jennings 1992 book The Lords of the Rings (updated a few years back as The New Lords of the Rings), which blew the whistle on the rampant corruption. 

Note they've added five *more* sports for the next cycle. The best hope is that cities stop bidding because the demands are too absurd. That's really the only thing that's going to stop this ridiculous escalation.

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IOC sucks tons. Yesterday an  overhead camera fell from a cable at the Olympic Park.  Cable and camera are operated by the Olympic Broadcasting Service, IOC's own broadcasting system, but they are blaming whatever technician installed camera and cable. Obviously not IOC's fault. Gag me.

No excuses for the green pool, and of course it was algae. Green pool = algae.

These volunteers are being treated like crap, aren't they? I read Coke was complaining that there were cases of one volunteer taking five Cokes with him/her back to the stands - apparently Coke doesn't understand the concept of being the one to grab drinks for everyone.

The Daily Mail says Lotche and the others swimmers were rushing towards inot the Olympic Village after being robbed at gunpoint. They look all pretty relaxed, IMO.  Is that a cellphone and a wallet Bentz is holding? 


Edited by Raachel2008
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The funny thing about the IOC scandals/issues is that they can literally go on for decades without any actual action.  In fact, it's kind of like FIFA--someone might actually have to try to prosecute them somewhere for anything to be done about ANY of it.

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13 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

Norway dropped its bid to host the 2018 games because in addition to that request, the IOC also requested 24-hour butler service for members, separate entrances at the Oslo Airport, and that the king host a reception for IOC members at his own expense.

I remember reading somewhere that they also wanted a dedicated lane on the highways to the Olympic venues.

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On August 16, 2016 at 0:49 AM, legaleagle53 said:

LA and Lake Placid were the only bidders when they were awarded the 1932 Games in 1925.   The reason that, contrary to ParadoxLost's theory, LA isn't automatically a shoo-in for 2024 is not only that it has more competition this time around, but also that it's not considered the front-runner; Rome is because the other cities on the short list (Paris and Budapest) are security disasters waiting to happen, and also because the IOC takes a very dim view of countries *coughUScough* whose candidate cities have previously withdrawn their bids.  

I spent a lot of time in Budapest a few years ago for work reasons but haven't been back since.  Why is Budapest considered a potential security disaster?  Why is it any worse than, say, Rome?  I could see that it could be just as vulnerable as Paris, though.  

I saw Malcolm Gladwell on TV a couple of weeks ago arguing a point that I had been considering, as well.  It's a wonderful concept in theory to have athletes from around the world gather in one place, but it's just not practical in reality for the host country/ city to run up a staggering debt (with new venues, security, etc.) to do it.  What country can justify $20 billion+ anymore on a single Games?  (Although I know Rio has good plans to dismantle/ recycle venues to benefit the city long-term.)  They need to have one city host swimming, one host track, etc., and divide and conquer among, say 5 cities (and have those same cities host more than once per century to recycle venues).  Just do a satellite-linked opening/ closing ceremony.  With more modest bids for only certain pieces, bids could be 20% of what they are now.  I'm not sure that would help solve IOC corruption or make the security situation much less complex, though.

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Or they could do what the original Olympics did -- one place all the time.    You use the same venues every 4 years.    It's a tourist attraction in between.   But that will never happen because with the medal count it's become political.   Oh look, Country X has more medals than their rival County Y.   Instead of Athlete A is better than Athlete B.  It's gotten so bad that here in the states they are keeping track of medal winners by state.   Giminy Geebus.

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58 minutes ago, Trey said:

I guess the IOC members aren't getting enough perks - they have to make even more money:


Ooh you beat me to it. 

Also. apparently he opened the door naked. 

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The plot thickens...


A Brazilian judge has ordered that the passports of American swimmers Ryan Lochte and James Feigen be seized as authorities investigate their claim they were robbed at gunpoint during the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games.


Lochte and three of his teammates say they were robbed at gunpoint in a taxi Sunday morning as they returned to the athletes village from a party, several hours after the last Olympic swimming events were held.  Police have found little evidence so far to support their accounts, and say the swimmers were unable to provide key details in police interviews. A police official with knowledge of the investigation told The Associated Press that police cannot find their taxi driver or witnesses. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

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1 hour ago, Arynm said:


Maybe they were drunk? Or maybe there was a language barrier? I don't see the benefit in them lying about being robbed at gunpoint. It doesn't make sense to me


Maybe they weren't supposed to arrive at the Olympic Village that late or maybe Lotche was worried about his Playmate girlfriend who stayed in the hotel with his parents. Or maybe there were women/drugs involved and they needed a cover, and saying they were robbed at gunpoint in a city where this kind of crime is not unusual  would be a good cover up.  I can see why the local police is suspicious, though, because anyway you look at it, there are a few questions that need answers: if they were told to lie on the ground, why their clothes are so clean? Why the robbers would take wallets but let their watches and cellphones? Why the time gap? Why Bentz has his wallet? Where is the cab driver? 

Let's see what happens. Lochte is far from being the brightest, but lying about that would be stupid even for him, and I refuse to think that his teammates are dumber than him.

Edited by Raachel2008
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Yeah, it never made sense to me that the robbers didn't take their watches and phones.  Lochte loves his bling, so his watch would be worth a ton.  There is certainly ample reason to believe the robbery happened because, you know, Rio, but it also wouldn't surprise me if it didn't happen, although I can't imagine why they'd make it up.

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19 hours ago, Raachel2008 said:


These volunteers are being treated like crap, aren't they? I read Coke was complaining that there were cases of one volunteer taking five Cokes with him/her back to the stands - apparently Coke doesn't understand the concept of being the one to grab drinks for everyone.


Wow, are they serious? A company raking in billions of dollars in profits is nitpicking over volunteers taking too many Cokes? I swear, between NBC, the IOC and these greedy ass sponsors, I just want to line them up and take turns punching them in the face. 

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Whether or not Lochte made it up or not, what I find very troubling is Rio's response to issue a warrant to detain them and seize their passports.  Especially since all the police seemingly have is conjecture, not any actual proof.  It's possible the robbers didn't take watches and phones because those might be more easily traced or perhaps the whole thing was done out of protest against the Olympics, and so actually taking valuables wasn't the point.  Either way it's conjecture which should not be the basis on which someone is detained.

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In at least one bout I watched, I thought it was fishy.  Even though it was a Canadian boxer and I'm Canadian, it wasn't my patriotism talking - it really did look bad - and kept getting referred to as a "controversial split decision".

It was supposed to be better when they went to professional boxing method of scoring. 

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14 minutes ago, galaxygirl76 said:

From the article it seems all in favor of Russians, not sure if that's a coincidence or a pattern...

If they aren't allowed to dope their athletes, they have to find another way to win.

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I for one would be shocked - shocked I say - if it turns out Ryan Lochte made up his robbery story to get attention right around when Michael Phelps was retiring. He just doesn't seem like the type to want to draw attention to himself.

(I am being quite sarcastic.)

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Very little of the Lochte situation makes sense.  Firstly, no matter how dimwitted he seems, there's just no reason for any kind of faked robbery. Even if he was breaking some kind of Olympic team curfew, his Olympic season (and likely his Olympic career) was over anyway. And if there were hookers or drugs involved? Well, really I don't get why even a dimwit would think a fake robbery report would be less suspicious.  But... I dunno. Maybe he IS that dumb.

Also weird is how the Brazilians have handled things. An attempted arrest/passport seizure two days after he's left the country?  It almost sounds like they wanted to make it sound like he'd run. But it's ludicrous. His passport had to be checked to leave the country on a commercial flight, so it makes me suspicious of a system that didn't even seem to know he was gone.  So is massive incompetence the alternative perhaps?

By the way, how does video from the Olympic Village get into the hands of a rag like The Daily Mail anyway? Seems to me that if there isn't corruption coming from one side (Lochte and the others) or another (the Police), then there's also whoever is providing security for the Olympic Village apparently being willing to sell their footage.

I can certainly see why people might put together things from that video, and inconsistent statements from these guys and conclude what they have. But there are still elements of the followup which make little sense.  The Brazilians seem like Keystone Cops not knowing what county the man is in, and as I said that private security video being public within like 2 days is pretty damn suspicious too. 

So how about this. Lochte and the others, despite being men in their 20s and 30s and not teenage boys, thought it would be funny to make up a fake robbery. Then they reported it to the police, but not to the US Olympic committee (which is why there were those contradictory statements). They (or at least Lochte) decide to leave Brazil early when they realize their joke is being reported in the news rather than simply chugging along in the Brazilian justice system (it would be interesting to find out if an athlete at Lochte's level would normally leave mid-games on a commercial flight, and even if he would if it involves returning theoretically for the closing ceremonies). But then to compound things, the Brazilians show a bizarre mix of competence and incompetence in seeing through the athletes stories so quickly. but at the same time having zero access from their own border control people that Lochte's passport was used for an exit two days earlier. And then what?  The security video... was it sold to the Mail or simply released by the Rio cops?  I still don't get that.

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10 hours ago, Arynm said:

Maybe they were drunk? Or maybe there was a language barrier? I don't see the benefit in them lying about being robbed at gunpoint. It doesn't make sense to me

I don't know..
but this is really quite soap opera-esque.

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13 minutes ago, Kromm said:

They (or at least Lochte) decide to leave Brazil early when they realize their joke is being reported in the news rather than simply chugging along in the Brazilian justice system (it would be interesting to find out if an athlete at Lochte's level would normally leave mid-games on a commercial flight, and even if he would if it involves returning theoretically for the closing ceremonies).

It looks like the entire US swim team left/was planning on leaving yesterday and today.  I know it's been widely reported around here that Katie Ledecky came home today (she's local). And four members of the US women's national soccer team were interviewed the other day and they stated that they were the only four who stayed in Brazil after their loss.  Though it seems weird it doesn't seem to be as unusual as it sounds.

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Costas pointing out the Rio authorities may want to look like they are actively fighting crime as a public relations move strikes me as misguided. It would be one thing if the authorities said they had tried to find the cab driver and took all of these steps and came up empty, but detaining people who report a crime is huge. If the authorities are not right in their suspicions here, then the message is "don't report a crime. If we can't track down the criminal who victimized you we are going to prevent you from going home." I would think harassing crime victims would be very bad for public relations. They better hope their suspicions are right.

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4 minutes ago, kalystia1983 said:

It looks like the entire US swim team left/was planning on leaving yesterday and today.  I know it's been widely reported around here that Katie Ledecky came home today (she's local). And four members of the US women's national soccer team were interviewed the other day and they stated that they were the only four who stayed in Brazil after their loss.  Though it seems weird it doesn't seem to be as unusual as it sounds.

Yep. Almost all of the swim team went home in the last couple of days. Feigen, Bentz, and Conger were stragglers, compared to the others. Something weird is going on, either on the swimmers' behalf or the Brazilian authorities, but there's nothing suspicious about the swimmers' travel plans.

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My read on the situation, it seems less likely that Lochte would make up this story.  Based on the NBC report it did sound like they were worried over the curfew issue, but only told the story after they realized it wouldn't have been an issue.  So in other words, what could be so embarrassing that Lochte (who did a ton of stupid stuff in a reality show broadcast to thousands) would make up the story.

Honestly the security footage leak is fishy, but even if true (which seems likely) people have all kind of different reactions when in a situation like that and joking is one of them (especially if drunk). 

And honestly, Rio causing an international incident over a potentially false police report.  There is no evidence they filed a false report (and probably won't be since they only witnesses they can find are the swimmers). 

While I do think filing a false police report is a crime, Rio's response is completely out of line, especially if they have no actual evidence (which it sounds like they don't).


ETA: Thinking about this more, it seems so unlikely that Lochte would lie about this.  Like I said above, what could be this embarrassing.  Plus, there's no reason to make up a story about being robbed.  If they were out doing something stupid, this story wouldn't cover it up.  A robbery take all of a few min while partying or doing drugs/prostitutes take a lot longer (if you're doing it right). 

Edited by Matt K
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For all we know the Brazilian police might have paid the cab driver to keep quiet and not come forward, making it seem like there was no cab driver and, thus, no robbery in the first place.   

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 I think either they were drunk and don't remember what happened or it was real cops who stopped them and Brazilian Authorities do not want that to get out so they are casting suspicion on the swimmers. Ryan is RT NBC and Today Show promoting his Matt Lauer interview. He also RT some guy who believes him because he was robbed in Brazil. Ryan should not be calling more attention to himself right now.

Edited by choclatechip45
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Just now, Ohwell said:

For all we know the Brazilian police might have paid the cab driver to keep quiet and not come forward, making it seem like there was no cab driver and, thus, no robbery in the first place.   

Which would be even more fucked up.  In a proper criminal justice system one doesn't go around prosecuting victims simply being they can't corroborate the story.  Generally you absolutely need hard evidence before prosecuting the victim for filing a false police report as otherwise it pretty much stops people from reporting crimes.  Maybe that's how it works in Rio but if so that's fucked up.

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I believe that the Judge who ordered Lochte and the other guy to surrender their passports had been presented with the security video. I think the "leak" to the Daily Mail came well after that, so not really suspicious, IMO.

Matt Lauer definitely made me believe Lochte more. It sounds like he admitted to embellishing a few details (the gun to his head rather than in his direction) but that would still be an armed robbery. I could see Lochte having embellished the story thinking it was harmless to do so or made him sound braver.

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9 minutes ago, galaxygirl76 said:

The fast that the USOC doesn't know where the two detained swimmers are makes me very uncomfortable.

Me as well.  I really hope someone find them soon (and alive).

Edit: I thought you were talking about the swimmer who's just disappeared.  Either way same sentiments for all those in Rio.

9 minutes ago, Dots And Stripes said:

I believe that the Judge who ordered Lochte and the other guy to surrender their passports had been presented with the security video. I think the "leak" to the Daily Mail came well after that, so not really suspicious, IMO.

Matt Lauer definitely made me believe Lochte more. It sounds like he admitted to embellishing a few details (the gun to his head rather than in his direction) but that would still be an armed robbery. I could see Lochte having embellished the story thinking it was harmless to do so or made him sound braver.

And honestly, changing details like that are very common in these types of crimes.  Eye witnesses are not a very good source of detailed information especially in an armed robbery.  So while at the time it may have felt like the gun was against his head, later reflecting on the situation (and maybe talking with the others) realized it was just aimed at him.


ETA: Leaking the tape is still looks bad even if the Judge had already seen it.

Edited by Matt K
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Has anyone seen Feigan yet? Last I heard he didn't show up for the plane even though he checked in online and hasn't been heard from since. Thats a little disturbing

Edited by Arynm
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This is so weird about ordering the passports held?   If they think they are lying why detain them?   To see if they can get MORE information out of them?  If they can't corroborate, close the case move on.   It's not like there aren't other crimes to investigate in Rio.   

As for the IOC official scalping tickets, maybe this is the FIFA like bust needed to clean up that mess.   

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I really doubt that they were lying.  Swim events were over.  Really how bad could the punishment have been for violating curfew or whatever they might have been worried about.

It doesn't surprise me that a cab driver might not come forward.  Drunkenness, which they likely were, is as much an explanation for not recalling all the details as lying is. 

Its insane of Brazil to create an international incident.  Even more so to do it before the Games are actually over.  If the USOC doesn't get these detained swimmers back very fast, I wouldn't be surprised if some US athletes start boycotting and heading home.

I think there is every chance that US Basketball could decide to support US swim and there is enough money, star power, and lack of Olympic aspirations there to make this blow up. 

Edited by ParadoxLost
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Just now, Arynm said:

Has anyone seen Feigen yet? Last I heard he didn't show up for the plane even though he checked in online and hasn't been heard from since. Thats a little disturbing

I just posted the same thing.  I'm almost wondering (hoping) that when he heard the news about having to hand over his passport, he went to the US consulate and they just aren't saying that yet.

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1 minute ago, merylinkid said:

This is so weird about ordering the passports held?   If they think they are lying why detain them?   To see if they can get MORE information out of them?  If they can't corroborate, close the case move on.   It's not like there aren't other crimes to investigate in Rio.   

As for the IOC official scalping tickets, maybe this is the FIFA like bust needed to clean up that mess.   

If they lied to police, then the swimmers committed a crime. I agree it would probably be better to let it go and maybe just release a statement saying there investigation could not cooperate the story. 

The other thing is, Lochte claims the authorities never asked him to stay. Trying to get those involved to stay voluntarily might have prevented some of this escalation.

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I looked up the recent USA Swimming code of conduct for international teams, and they've really losened it up in the past few years. When Lochte started making national teams, it was all 'no drinking by anyone ever until you're wheels down back in the States, no fraternization among the sexes", etc. and was very much still geared to a team with a median age around 19 rather than the older often married folks populating senior national teams these days. 

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Wait, they really expected no fraternization between the sexes?    Did they NOT notice what was going in Olympic Villages?

Yes, it's a crime to make a false police report.   But there's crimes and there's crimes.   If no one was arrested based on the false report, it's best to go with a "failed to corroborate" and move on.   It's just a waste of resources to go after someone for this.   Even if it weren't an international scandal.   I really hope Faigen is in the US Embassy.  Or the Swiss one.   I'm good with that too.   Or our good friends the Canadians.

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Honestly, this whole situation has really pissed me off.  The CNN article, which talks about the inconsistencies, are consistent with eye witness testimony in cases like this.  The number of people involves, who had a gun, where were they pointing, etc can change with time as most eye witnesses (especially to gun related crimes and crimes involving multiple assailants) can not accurately remember those details, even seconds after it happens.  This whole thing has really soured me on the games, Rio as a city and Brazil as a country.  I'm starting to feel like maybe people were right to question the idea of Rio hosting.

Edited by Matt K
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3 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

Wait, they really expected no fraternization between the sexes?    Did they NOT notice what was going in Olympic Villages?

There were many international teams in years past where you'd get 20-25% of athletes age 18 or younger, so I can get the idea that you could only really have one set of rules for everyone and they had to account for a 13 year old Elizabeth Beisel or Dana Vollmer and their parents feeling okay with them spending two weeks in Australia with relative strangers. 

The new rules reflect a fresh USAS understanding that they're getting more married with kids swimmers than 15-16 year olds on their senior international teams these days. 

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Not knowing where the other 3 swimmers are is scary. I mean, I don't believe Brazil is just going to hold them indefinitely,  they aren't North Korea, but still...

The Brazilian authorities seem to be going off two pieces of 'evidence' (which is weird to say in a case where the greatest crime is maybe a false police report) that make little sense to me. Not being able to find the taxi driver doesn't seem unusual in a huge city and it certainly wouldn't be unheard of for the driver to be in on it in case like this. As for the stories not lining up, witness/victim stories are notoriously unreliable especially when you're dealing with people who may be drunk/high.

Edited by sab85
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