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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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I hate both those kids, really, the older one for bragging that her sister gets her cast-offs, and the younger one for being so snotty to Lily about bedazzling. The brat's standing there wearing a bedazzled sweatshirt and somehow she's surprised to be asked if she's into it? Rude.

She didn't bedazzle that sweatshirt - her older sister did.

  • Love 3


That's why the "depreciation?" and "what are you supposed to do, drive three-fourths of a car?" ones piss me off so much.  Things are worth what someone will pay you for them now, not what you paid for them back when you bought them.

The three-fourths woman seems to be saying that it's three-fourths of what the car is worth, but if that's the case, the difference is the deductible because you don't get that if the accident is your fault. Why is it so hard to understand that if you screwed up, it's gonna cost you somehow, and the alternative is to pay extra up front in case you do (like the Allstate women who doesn't seem to realize that the rebate check is her own money she's getting back because she *didn't* have the accident she already paid for.

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I agree, so, given her age, I'm not particularly bothered by her rude reaction.  I am, however, disgusted her father doesn't react.


And I'm a bit bummed Lily feels bad about her own Bedazzling interest, since what I've always liked about her is how low-key, comfortable with herself, happy without being annoying, just very "normal" comportment.

  • Love 4

I'm so glad I found this site. Been wanting to scream about commercials for years.

Hate the commercial for the product that shaves dead skin off your feet. They always seem to run this during dinner. Makes me want to barf.

Why are so many products featuring totally obnoxious kids? If my kids ever behaved in ways that these kids do, I'd be arrested for swatting them. I particularly hate that kid in the Sears repair commercial who jumps on the dishwasher door, totally breaking it. It then shows mom ruffling the kid's head when it was repaired. Yeah, like that's gonna happen in our house. That brat would have been in major trouble, like being confined in the basement for a week. Just what our country needs----more bratty kids.

I couldn't believe the commercial with the three women trimming their bush. Talk about a double meanings. Three babes in bikinis, with three tiny bushes strategically placed in front of their crotches? Seriously?

Have any of you noticed how they've changed the Tena commercial? In the original one, the laughing woman in the theater was literally scream-laughing. But now, her laugh is completely toned down. And why is it that the dancing women for Tena are all plus size? What, skinny women don't have pee problems?

Thanks for letting me vent. I'll probably be back once I see more commercials I hate.

  • Love 14

Hate the commercial for the product that shaves dead skin off your feet. They always seem to run this during dinner. Makes me want to barf.



The one with the foot model (or whatever she's supposed to be)  is REVOLTING!  Our TV is standard definition.  I can only imagine how much worse it is in high definition.  There are things I just don't need to see, and flakes of dead skin flying off someone's foot is one of them.  <shudder>

  • Love 5

Why are so many products featuring totally obnoxious kids? If my kids ever behaved in ways that these kids do, I'd be arrested for swatting them. I particularly hate that kid in the Sears repair commercial who jumps on the dishwasher door, totally breaking it. It then shows mom ruffling the kid's head when it was repaired. Yeah, like that's gonna happen in our house. That brat would have been in major trouble, like being confined in the basement for a week. Just what our country needs----more bratty kids.

I have complained and complained about the Sears commercial. That stupid mom lets her kid run around in Sears and when he races by her and the salesman, nearly knocking them down, she gives the guy a look like, "Oh, what a scamp! What am I to do?" It makes my blood boil! And then that fucking kid, who looks to be at least EIGHT YEARS OLD, jumps on the open dishwasher door. NO! I've said here previously that even my cats know not to do that. I hate that commercial SO MUCH. (Clearly!) One Million Moms spend their energy fighting a fucking crappily drawn cartoon Pop-Tarts commercial, but this bullshit is fine? It figures.

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Those insurance commercials -- Liberty Mutual I think? -- with the people who don't understand how insurance works are driving me nuts.  Especially the young woman who's the "poster child for paying on time" who taps a bumper ("no big deal!" except it must have been a big deal for the other driver to make a claim) and gets upset when her insurance rates go up. "Newsflash! Nobody's perfect!"  Apparently paying on time should make up for any and all car accidents you cause.


Yes - the vocal-fry girl!  the way she says "you TAP a bumper, no big deal!".  Makes me want to choke her.  If it was no big deal, then the other car has a little chipped paint, and you can just settle out of pocket.   But if it's an insurance claim, then I assume it's more damage than that, and possible injuries.  And if you tap MY bumper, your insurance is going to pay for all the tests i need to make sure you didn't mess up that spinal fusion I had last year.


Nobody's perfect?    OK, but when you have an accident, own up to how you were distracted, or driving too fast, or that you messed up.   ACT SORRY.  Don't act like you're ENTITLED to an accident every year because you pay your premium on time.   


whoever makes those commercials seems to be of the belief that we want to see "real Americans" filming a video about how they've been victimized by insurance companies, and those videos have to be in front of the Statue of Liberty.  Can they have the national anthem playing in the background?  And someone's mother with an apple pie? 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 12

I have complained and complained about the Sears commercial. That stupid mom lets her kid run around in Sears and when he races by her and the salesman, nearly knocking them down, she gives the guy a look like, "Oh, what a scamp! What am I to do?" It makes my blood boil! And then that fucking kid, who looks to be at least EIGHT YEARS OLD, jumps on the open dishwasher door. NO! I've said here previously that even my cats know not to do that. I hate that commercial SO MUCH. (Clearly!) One Million Moms spend their energy fighting a fucking crappily drawn cartoon Pop-Tarts commercial, but this bullshit is fine? It figures.


Never thought about the bolded part, but boy howdy are you ever right!


Again, I am just overcome with adoration for my fellow posters here!



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They seem determined to con the public into thinking THEIRS is the only insurance company that will pay you full value for your car.  (Others will, too, as long as you pay exorbitant premiums).

Last time I asked, it would have cost an extra $450/year to cut the deductible on my insurance from $1000 to $500, and that's with a driving record free of tickets or accidents. They're clearly making big profits off of people wanting to avoid a sudden large expense.

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Nobody's perfect?    OK, but when you have an accident, own up to how you were distracted, or driving too fast, or that you messed up.   ACT SORRY.  Don't act like you're ENTITLED to an accident every year because you pay your premium on time.


Thank you! Talk about flawed logic. I fear the next generation, really.


So, there's a VW commercial now that shows three hellions entering a convenience store and subsequent a-hole behavior. Clueless mom stands at the gas pump, looks around and says, "boys?" Meanwhile, driver of a VW with three "angelic" boys sweeps past, serene in her fancy car that doesn't have to stop and, therefore, doesn't chance her boys spilling nacho cheese all over the store and drinking slurpees straight from the nozzle.


OK, so "mommas" don't need to teach their kids how to freakin' behave when stopped to fill up...they just need to buy a VW so they don't have to stop.


Uh...wouldn't it be easier and less expensive to teach the kids some manners and basic public behavior? Kidz are gonna need to pee and your car WILL need gas at some point. Isn't the VW mom just putting off the inevitable (and maybe it will be worse because now the kids are extra pent up)?


Or am I just dense and crabby? I think I probably lost a few brain cells while listening to that song, which I just haaaaaaate. Definitely puts me in a rotten mood.

  • Love 8
whoever makes those commercials seems to be of the belief that we want to see "real Americans" filming a video about how they've been victimized by insurance companies, and those videos have to be in front of the Statue of Liberty.  Can they have the national anthem playing in the background?  And someone's mother with an apple pie?


Perhaps Carrie Underwood and her Simply American makeup can do the singing...USA! USA!

  • Love 3

Thank you! Talk about flawed logic. I fear the next generation, really.


So, there's a VW commercial now that shows three hellions entering a convenience store and subsequent a-hole behavior. Clueless mom stands at the gas pump, looks around and says, "boys?" Meanwhile, driver of a VW with three "angelic" boys sweeps past, serene in her fancy car that doesn't have to stop and, therefore, doesn't chance her boys spilling nacho cheese all over the store and drinking slurpees straight from the nozzle.


OK, so "mommas" don't need to teach their kids how to freakin' behave when stopped to fill up...they just need to buy a VW so they don't have to stop.


Uh...wouldn't it be easier and less expensive to teach the kids some manners and basic public behavior? Kidz are gonna need to pee and your car WILL need gas at some point. Isn't the VW mom just putting off the inevitable (and maybe it will be worse because now the kids are extra pent up)?


Or am I just dense and crabby? I think I probably lost a few brain cells while listening to that song, which I just haaaaaaate. Definitely puts me in a rotten mood.


That commercial and this whole subject are things that make me so angry, I could go on all day.  (I think, anyway.  My husband usually stops me after an hour or so).  So no, I don't think you're dense and crabby.  And judging from the behavior of the little hellion - err, precious darlings around here, lots of mommas and poppas seem to not be invested in the whole teaching manners thing.  That scene from the commercial is not that far from things I witness at my local QuickChek regularly.


And as to the commercial - the little angels in that VW are quietly sitting and reading.  Are we supposed to believe that the gas station boys sat quietly in the car reading until momma had to gas up?  If you think of it, that's sort of a point against the VW.  She'd be stuck in the car listening to them whine and fight just that much longer.


Perhaps Carrie Underwood and her Simply American makeup can do the singing...USA! USA!


I don't travel much, so I don't know.  But do other countries act this way about themselves?  Like they invented everything good and everyone wants to be one of them?

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The one with the foot model (or whatever she's supposed to be)  is REVOLTING!  Our TV is standard definition.  I can only imagine how much worse it is in high definition.  There are things I just don't need to see, and flakes of dead skin flying off someone's foot is one of them.  <shudder>


I'm going to put this in spoiler tags because it's pretty digusting, but ...


I just read an article in the paper this morning about a woman who was convicted of attempted poisoning for sprinkling her foot scrapings into her roommate's food.

  • Love 2


So, there's a VW commercial now that shows three hellions entering a convenience store and subsequent a-hole behavior. Clueless mom stands at the gas pump, looks around and says, "boys?" Meanwhile, driver of a VW with three "angelic" boys sweeps past, serene in her fancy car that doesn't have to stop and, therefore, doesn't chance her boys spilling nacho cheese all over the store and drinking slurpees straight from the nozzle.


OK, so "mommas" don't need to teach their kids how to freakin' behave when stopped to fill up...they just need to buy a VW so they don't have to stop.



Yeah, I linked that one earlier in this thread. 


I think it is one of the worst I've seen, as far as excusing kids' obnoxious behavior.   She lets her kids go into the store and get whatever they want, not monitoring how they are acting? And the one kid was smirking at the worker in the store, who was going to have to clean up the mess he was making.   

Gee, I wanted the price of all the stuff the kids were stealing (because when you pour slurpees, soda, and nacho cheese on the floor, you're stealing it)  to  be added to her total at the pump.  PLUS clean-up costs.  

I get that it's taking it to an extreme, I just don't find it amusing to see kids acting that way.  (unless of course, it ends with police and mom being charged with not supervising her kids and the whole family having to do community service.  That would be amusing, but it wouldn't sell cars) 


When you see the commercial, sing along with me -   "mamas, don't let your babies  grow up to be assholes" , instead of cowboys. It makes it better. 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 7

I'm going to put this in spoiler tags because it's pretty digusting, but ...


I just read an article in the paper this morning about a woman who was convicted of attempted poisoning for sprinkling her foot scrapings into her roommate's food.

Having horrible feet and having used the PedEgg before, I must tell you that the scrapings look exactly like grated parmesan cheese. When I use my foot shaver (the thing in which one places a replaceable razor blade], the shavings look like instant mashed potato flakes. Enjoy dinner tonight! I'm sorry, everyone.

  • Love 5
I have complained and complained about the Sears commercial. That stupid mom lets her kid run around in Sears and when he races by her and the salesman, nearly knocking them down, she gives the guy a look like, "Oh, what a scamp! What am I to do?" It makes my blood boil! And then that fucking kid, who looks to be at least EIGHT YEARS OLD, jumps on the open dishwasher door. NO! I've said here previously that even my cats know not to do that. I hate that commercial SO MUCH. (Clearly!) One Million Moms spend their energy fighting a fucking crappily drawn cartoon Pop-Tarts commercial, but this bullshit is fine? It figures.


Even my BF noticed and became pissed off at the dishwasher part.

What is this about a million moms getting pissed at Pop-Tarts?

  • Love 3

Having horrible feet and having used the PedEgg before, I must tell you that the scrapings look exactly like grated parmesan cheese. When I use my foot shaver (the thing in which one places a replaceable razor blade], the shavings look like instant mashed potato flakes. Enjoy dinner tonight! I'm sorry, everyone.


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whoever makes those commercials seems to be of the belief that we want to see "real Americans" filming a video about how they've been victimized by insurance companies, and those videos have to be in front of the Statue of Liberty.  Can they have the national anthem playing in the background?  And someone's mother with an apple pie?

And the flag--gotta have the flag!

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It would be easier and less expensive to lock the kids in the trunk when you travel...


Nah, due to all the kids being kidnapped and stuck in car trunks, all trunks have quick releases from the inside.   The little "angels" would be out and running wild at the first stop light heading for the nearest appliances to jump on and gas station to trash.  And of course, if you hit a car with a trunk load of kids be sure you have Liberty Insurance so your rates won't go up.    Of course, the car the kids will be in will be insured by Nationwide because the kids never got a chance to grow up.


My I am cynical tonight.

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I am so sick of the Anytown USA commercial.  Apparently so beer company "created" a town (populated solely by douchebags who auditioned to be there).   The worst part:  "this once-in-a-lifetime event is about to happen again".   Um, I don't think you understand what once-in-a-lifetime means, dumbass.

Oh, I hate that ad SO much!
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Having bought similar products for family members in need of such things I have always assumed they were meant for when you couldn't control yourself.  That is, they were meant for people who are incontinent, whether the occasional sneezing or coughing related accident or had the inability to hold their urine when there is a build up.  When they make it seem like you should just "let go" and pee yourself wherever you are we have an issue.  Unless you are fully incontinent with no bladder control whatsoever, I would still like to think people try to find a bathroom and don't just figure the car ride is as good a time as any to release their bladder.  If they make these things good enough, will people just starting pissing and shitting wherever they are?  Will we be beset with theaters full of full diapers on adults?

Didn't someone make a fake ad for that product urging its users to buy their product so they wouldn't have to waste time stopping at a bathroom?
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Welp, there is a commercial for some clot med with kevin nealon, a pro golfer, and a race car driver. Then right after that commercial is an atty lawsuit commercial for users of that drug. Alrighty th3n

What ticks me off about Xarelto is that they make seem like it's so much easier to take than Coumadin. First of all Coumadin is much cheaper, and the "dietary restrictions" they go on about is really just a matter of eating a consistent amount of foods that contain vitamin K, like kale so, if you didn't eat kale before, don't start and if you did don't start eating much more or less than you normally do. What they also don't mention is that the effects of Xarelto cannot be reversed. If you overdose you're screwed. Coumadin can easily be reversed with vitamin K.

Edited by Proclone
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Oh man that stuff creeps me OUT, CS!  AAAAAH!




And the only reason I posted it here is 'cause they don't have a thread for Ads That Make You Dive Behind The Couch. :-P


Didn't someone make a fake ad for that product urging its users to buy their product so they wouldn't have to waste time stopping at a bathroom?


Yes. Yes, they did.




That was probably an early SNL.


SNL also did the Colon Blow spoof, which I couldn't find, which was really annoying.

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What they also don't mention is that the effects of Xarelto cannot be reversed. If you overdose you're screwed. Coumadin can easily be reversed with vitamin K.


Which is why every single doctor my dad talked to when he was diagnosed with a-fib said they could not, in good conscience, prescribe Xarelto or the other Coumadin alternatives.  They're more convenient on a routine basis, because you don't have to think about how much vitamin K you're eating every day or keep going in for blood tests to monitor (although the Coumadin monitoring isn't as bad as it sounds, because once the INR is consistently in range, you do it less frequently), but the flip side of that is they're terrible - potentially deadly - in the event of an emergency. 


Great, you didn't have to research all the things other than dark, leafy, green vegetables that have enough vitamin K to potentially render the dose you're taking inadequate, pay attention to how much of all those things you eat, or go in for blood tests.  However, if you need emergency surgery, suffer a serious accident, etc. you may need to kiss your ass goodbye (because you bled out) when you otherwise wouldn't have.  Not exactly a fair exchange for skipping those inconveniences.


So I love the timing of those commercials -- the "call if you've been harmed by Xarelto" immediately following the "Be like me and take this great drug" one.

Edited by Bastet
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Nah, due to all the kids being kidnapped and stuck in car trunks, all trunks have quick releases from the inside.   The little "angels" would be out and running wild at the first stop light heading for the nearest appliances to jump on and gas station to trash.

You can tie down a trunk lid, which I presume a kidnapper would do, so the feature is really more for the folks who were locking themselves in their own trunks. Whatever happened to being able to fold down a rear seat for long items (which would also let you get out of a trunk if you weren't kidnapped)?

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Those Xarelto commercials drive me crazy.  Why do the paid spokesmen have to say "I'm so and so, Pro Golfer" or "I'm Bozo, professional hooker"?   Who gives a rat's ass that you're a race car driver, or a comedian or golfer.  


My dad's had some health problems and was in hospital for a week.  Every doctor who came in said they won't prescribe Xarelto because of the very real chance of bleeding to death very quickly.  At least with Warfarin, they have medications that can coagulate the blood, but there's no such thing for Xarelto.  


I have to ask all of you, are you more likely to purchase an item only because a celebrity endorses that product?  For me, absolutely no way.  In reality, I'm more likely to NOT purchase a product that's celebrity endorsed, especially if I dislike that person.  My sister refuses to buy Ashley furniture because she can't stand the Rancic's, who are the spokespersons for that company.  I won't buy anything endorsed by Bunchen because I just can't stand her sanctimonious attitude, especially when she was lecturing women about breast feeding (remember she said it should be a law that EVERY woman breastfeed for at least 6 months------yeah, like some clothes hanger is going to lecture me on motherhood----if I had people to do my bidding, my hair and makeup and have nannies, I could be a super mom too).  


I just saw a State Farm ad that bugs the hell out of me.  It's the woman who goes into her boss to say she's retiring in 15 years because of her State Farm agent.  She then says she's going to pack her things because 15 years go so fast.  What a bunch of stupidity.  

Edited by KLovestoShop
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I, too, have the negative reactions to celebrity endorsements.  Especially if you watch Celebrity Jeopardy! - What a bunch of brain-dead people - and they even make the questions as easy as the Kids' Tournament. Wolf Blitzer...aiyiyi.  What an embarrassment!  Years later, he's still talked about amongst Jeopardy! fans.

  • Love 2

Those Xarelto commercials drive me crazy.  Why do the paid spokesmen have to say "I'm so and so, Pro Golfer" or "I'm Bozo, professional hooker"?   Who gives a rat's ass that you're a race car driver, or a comedian or golfer.


I hadn't really noticed those commercials until a couple of months ago, when Brian Vickers, the race car driver in them, had to stop driving (again) because of a re-occurrence of blood clots forced him back on medication.  I'm not sure that's a strong endorsement of the product.

  • Love 3

I hadn't really noticed those commercials until a couple of months ago, when Brian Vickers, the race car driver in them, had to stop driving (again) because of a re-occurrence of blood clots forced him back on medication.  I'm not sure that's a strong endorsement of the product.

Well, to be fair, there is no anticoagulant that would be safe to take and then get in a race car.  You can a life threatening brain bleed from falling from a standing position on anticoagulants.  If you were in a race car accident, you'd pretty much be done. Though if I were him I'd be really concerned why as a relatively young guy I was getting blood clots in my legs multiple times more than if I could eat dark green leafy vegetables or if I had to have my blood drawn every so often.


All of the alternatives to Coumadin are dangerous and can't be reversed (and also to be fair, being on Coumadin is fairly dangerous itself). Xarelto can't even be removed from your blood by dialysis.  And that "no blood monitoring" is because there is no blood test that can accurately monitor how much Xarelto is thinning your blood.  So, your choice is either a drug that's been prescribed for decades, is relatively cheap, has a blood test that can monitor it's effectiveness, and has an antidote in case of emergency; or a drug that's new, expensive, has no test to measure it's effectiveness, and has no way to reverse it's effects.  And by the way, the blood monitoring is generally only done once a month once you blood tests reach the correct range, and it can be done by just a finger stick. About the only thing Xarelto has going for it is the dose is standard. Coumadin's dose is determined by your blood levels and can change (and sometimes the dose will be different on different days of the week), which can be confusing for some people (especially the elderly).

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My father was on Coumadin the last several years of his life and the laboratory from the medical provider would call him every week with a blood level and tell him what dose to take each week, and then every Friday he went to the lab to get another blood test.  One time he went into the lab, they took his blood, and by the time he and my mother got home there was a message on their answering machine to get back to the doctor immediately because the Coumadin level was too high.

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There are pluses and minuses to every med.  The blood testing for Coumadin as mentioned is very frequent and the dosage is dependent based on results.  For old and forgetful people, that can be a lot to manage.  These folks likely are on a lot of meds.  Now, Xarelto works for some people.  It's extremely expensive and hard to get covered by insurance.  My mom was on it for a few months and it was $600 without insurance, $400 with --- each month!  She's off it now because unfortunately, they do not test your blood routinely and her hemoglobin went from 14 to 7 undetected.


As for having the commercial air back to back with one of those ambulance chaser ads --- shame on their media agency.  You can put block rules in place as to what other ads you air near.  Cost a bit more, but worth it.


For celeb endorsements, it's been shown via research that boomers and tombers respond positively to endorsements of their own generation.  Same doesn't hold for Gen-X or Gen-Y.

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