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Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage

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Can I just say that Tena commercials that advise women to "let go" while they are driving, should be blown up posthaste.

I was in need of a product recently and Tena was on sale for quite a lot less than other brands. I bought something else just because of that screeching/cackling bitch in those commercials. And I'm a cheapskate who loves a sale.

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That was my first impression, but I think only the guy on the left is actually a moron, while the other guy is just accommodating him, like you might a child. Where do you find a Sonic that has that many carhops to each be delivering one flavor of shake? I think the local one has at most two on duty at any one time.

I hate that misogynistic piece of garbage commercial. Two white guys sit in a middle-aged-crisis-mobile (red convertible), laughing about a "crazy" ex-girlfriend while unidentifiable female torsos stand around and wait on them? Sonic can fuck right off with that bullshit.
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Can I just say that Tena commercials that advise women to "let go" while they are driving, should be blown up posthaste.

Having bought similar products for family members in need of such things I have always assumed they were meant for when you couldn't control yourself.  That is, they were meant for people who are incontinent, whether the occasional sneezing or coughing related accident or had the inability to hold their urine when there is a build up.  When they make it seem like you should just "let go" and pee yourself wherever you are we have an issue.  Unless you are fully incontinent with no bladder control whatsoever, I would still like to think people try to find a bathroom and don't just figure the car ride is as good a time as any to release their bladder.  If they make these things good enough, will people just starting pissing and shitting wherever they are?  Will we be beset with theaters full of full diapers on adults?  

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When they make it seem like you should just "let go" and pee yourself wherever you are we have an issue. 

I'd bet they intended it to be read as "go ahead and laugh etc, even though you might pee a bit" but like Bud Light's "take 'no' out of your vocabulary" and the girl who "grew up in the backseat", they really should think about how things sound out of context.

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I hate that misogynistic piece of garbage commercial. Two white guys sit in a middle-aged-crisis-mobile (red convertible), laughing about a "crazy" ex-girlfriend while unidentifiable female torsos stand around and wait on them? Sonic can fuck right off with that bullshit.


At least you probably have a Sonic to go to.  There are none  anywhere near me, and we still get the endless commercials.


To the someone upthread who doesn't like "artisinal" - it actually is a word that means something.  It means - made by an artisan.  An artisan is someone who personally makes something, like a cabinet maker who comes to your house and makes your kitchen cabinets from wood, or a baker who makes a cake from scratch.  What is doesn't mean is food made by machinery that's sort of like what an artisan would make.

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There's a Hair Club ad where a woman says that having hair was "a necessity." As a woman losing hair on account of chemo, that's utter bullshit!

I loathe ads where douchey parents deny their kids the treats they eat: The gelato deniers are the worst.

Marie Osmond, you lost 50 pounds, now fuck off! You'll gain it all back like Larry the Cable Guy did when he lost his weight courtesy of some weight loss plan.

  • Love 5

There's a Hair Club ad where a woman says that having hair was "a necessity." As a woman losing hair on account of chemo, that's utter bullshit!

I loathe ads where douchey parents deny their kids the treats they eat: The gelato deniers are the worst.

Marie Osmond, you lost 50 pounds, now fuck off! You'll gain it all back like Larry the Cable Guy did when he lost his weight courtesy of some weight loss plan.

Best of luck with your chemo. It's a tough row to hoe. ((Hugs))

I don't understand all of these richer than God assholes with the weight loss ads. If I had their $$$$$ I'd hire a cook to make my meals out of, you know, real food and a personal trainer.

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Best of luck with your chemo. It's a tough row to hoe. ((Hugs))

I don't understand all of these richer than God assholes with the weight loss ads. If I had their $$$$$ I'd hire a cook to make my meals out of, you know, real food and a personal trainer.


Beyonce claims to have lost 65 pounds in 22 days!

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I think Marie has kept the weight off for 7-8 years now, so good for her. It worked. Or whatever else she was doing worked. She looks happy and healthy.

When did Beyonce have 65 lbs to lose? Is there an actual ad or just somebody using her image like they do with Dr. Oz touting weird fruit?

I'm not sure how closely Marie's still following the NutriSystem plan/how much she's still eating their foods, but she still looks good to me. And she &, usually also, her 1st/3rd husband, Steve Craig, are on the QVC home shopping channel about once a month or so selling/promoting a product called The Body Gym, which is 1 of those portable "bar" type pieces of exercise equipment--which it appears she also uses to keep herself in shape.

I post on behalf of my dog, who HATES the Incorporate Dot Com commercials with the airhorns.  I have to mute the TV every time it comes on because it gives her the nervous hiccups. At first, I thought she was just being her weird little self with the hiccups (never had a dog before her who got them), but after a few more times with the same reaction to the airhorns, I figured out the pattern and get ready to mute.

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Probably the same marketing whiz who thought up the campaign for that other candy bar (can't remember which one) that boiled down to "eat our candy bar to buy time while you think up a convincing lie." Because Heaven forbid that people eat candy for the taste.

There's a Les Schwab ad where the "real customer" doing the voice-over talks about the kitten stuck in her car. She keeps pronouncing "kitten" with an unnatural emphasis on the "t", so it comes out "kitt-tten." Drives me nuts.

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There's a Les Schwab ad where the "real customer" doing the voice-over talks about the kitten stuck in her car. She keeps pronouncing "kitten" with an unnatural emphasis on the "t", so it comes out "kitt-tten." Drives me nuts.


I did a bit of animal rescue work with a woman who also pronounced it "kitt-tten". Maybe its the same person?

I notice that happens a lot lately in words with two t's.  Somebody's teaching kids to put a glottal stop in between the t's and it's annoying as hell.


As for that Crystal Geyser ad, it's also annoying for calling it "Opera Singing" - Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is not opera.  I get that the singers are supposed to be bad, but, please...stop calling it opera.

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I don't understand all of these richer than God assholes with the weight loss ads. If I had their $$$$$ I'd hire a cook to make my meals out of, you know, real food and a personal trainer.


Or you could just pay someone to follow you around and slap the food right out of your hand. But the celebs who advertise the weight-loss products probably do have a little extra help in the form of personal trainers and/or chefs.

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Ok, this commercial is driving me crazy.   Your kids act like jerks because your car needs gas more often?  That is no excuse.  

The song SHOULD say "don't let your children grow up to be ASSHOLES, not cowboys. 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 8

Leaving it out is happening more and more with our local news anchors. Mountain is one they do it with. Ugh. It makes me stabby.

I actually (true story) called out our local news anchor in an email for this very thing.  He wrote back and said he was insulted, but he never pronounced it that way ever again!

  • Love 7

Probably the same marketing whiz who thought up the campaign for that other candy bar (can't remember which one) that boiled down to "eat our candy bar to buy time while you think up a convincing lie." Because Heaven forbid that people eat candy for the taste.

There's a Les Schwab ad where the "real customer" doing the voice-over talks about the kitten stuck in her car. She keeps pronouncing "kitten" with an unnatural emphasis on the "t", so it comes out "kitt-tten." Drives me nuts.

My adult son had said his double-t's like this ever since he could talk. He had 3 years of speech therapy as a child (not for that particular impediment), and I always wonder if the pronunciation came from the therapy or in spite of it.

  • Love 1

I don't understand all of these richer than God assholes with the weight loss ads. If I had their $$$$$ I'd hire a cook to make my meals out of, you know, real food and a personal trainer.



Hannibal, is that you?


Personal trainers can be tough and chewy if you don't cook them right. If I had the opportunity to hire a real cook I'd look for one who knew how to prepare trainer properly.

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