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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I dunno guys. I googled up Jeremy, since I'm on a laptop, and he looks to have more of an olive cast to his skin than this guy, not to mention, this pic didn't show up. It COULD be the lighting...in winter...but I can't get on the "IT'S HIM!!!" train quite yet. 

eta: Pickles' record is about 50/50, and I'll be ecstatic if I am wrong and she's right. :D 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 2

Oh, Sew, i hope this is a real picture! It's  so fun thinking about Jim Bob's reactions to this! 

Josh wasn't fun because there was a child molestation involved and that's not entertainment. Ever. 

Jeremy? Yes! Yes!  A self loving athlete who drank and now found God, during the time period of social media!  Snarkalicious. 

  • Love 3
27 minutes ago, Aja said:

Like a lot of fundy men, he is unreasonably threatened by homosexual males and points this out with aplomb on his church's website. I am absolutely 100% convinced Jeremy and his ilk are closeted, and it's not just me being snarky. I've thought about it way too much, and it is the only reasonable explanation for people like him taking it as far as they do.  If it walks like a duck wearing purple beads.....

Oh, Aja! I love your snark.  I see you brought back Janis the Muppet.

I think Jeremy needs a little help from TFDW!

  • Love 3

Found the source. It came from the IG of a teammate on the NY Red Bulls, posted 4 years ago, which coincides with his time with the team. I bet it was just rookie hazing, but LMAO! it's still going to go viral. I'm so happy to be wrong!  Jeremy also had an IG account at the time. Wonder what happened with that? 

PS: The entire internet has now seen Jeremy topless long before Jinger ever will!  COME ON TABLOIDS!!!!!



Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 13

This looks like a bit of good-natured ribbing between teammates.  They were probably in the locker room after a game and got silly.  I've had similarly silly pictures taken of me in my 20s.  Thank GOD they happened before social media!  ?

I foresee Jim Bob being VERY upset about this pic.  Reminiscent of Michele's carefree and fun cheerleading days, is it not?  And oh my LORD, Jeremy's shirtless!  For the whole world to see!  I'd say I felt defiled but...

  • Love 14

While I do think some are closeted, I think many - much like Jeremy - are straight, but repressed. They're bothered by anyone that they can't dominate, whether it is women, gay men, minorities, people from other countries, etc. They Spew hatred at anyone they think can control them, when usually, the people they hate don't give a flying fig about what Jeremys do.

if he's hating on gays, it's because he is scared that if he comes into contact with a homosexual man, Jeremy will immediately be forced to have gay sex. He can't fathom anyone would think any differently than him and not force their beliefs, lifestyle, politics, religion, orientation, etc., because that's what he would do himself.

  • Love 13

I hope ben and jessa see this. I bet their reactions will be priceless.  

This courtship isn't as rainbow and sunshine like Jill and Jessa. I mean, most people don't care about his drunk tank, a tattoo or a stupid picture from way back....but, in Duggarville and Gothardville, this is not ok. 

JinJer is not looking good. 

  • Love 1

I really think this was just lockerroom hazing of a rookie player. Athletes in all sports make rookies do some very silly, and often humiliating, things. I've seen ballplayers in drag carrying the veterans' luggage, etc. I've seen interpretive dances that make Derick look like Baryshnikov. 

Harmless fun, but I agree that Boob will be PISSED! He is jealous of jock culture, because he could never crack it, so that will just make him angrier. Shit like this is what fuels his form of dictatorship. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Sew Sumi said:

Found the source. It came from the IG of a teammate on the NY Red Bulls, posted 4 years ago, which coincides with his time with the team. I bet it was just rookie hazing, but LMAO! it's still going to go viral. I'm so happy to be wrong!  Jeremy also had an IG account at the time. Wonder what happened with that? 

PS: The entire internet has now seen Jeremy topless long before Jinger ever will!  COME ON TABLOIDS!!!!!



I expect this photo is defrauding the bejeezus out of Jinger, if in fact she has seen it. she probably has never even seen a shirtless brother. This would be hypnotic. 

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 6

I don't think Jinger is too happy. A lot of emphasis is placed on purity, virginity and not being involved in "worldly" things. All that Prince Charming crap and a few unpleasantries have popped up; a tat, this picture and his arrest (later dropped).  From my IFB experience, this is no bueno.  They talk a lot about forgiveness but that is for other people.   It's one of those "it's never said but you just know it" kinda rules that Jeremy is less than perfect now.  The Prince Charming isn't quite so charming. 

Jessa is probably having a good laugh. Ben scrubs toilets or whatever Jim Bob does but no "dirty" pictures have been found.

  • Love 4

Aside from his slide into fundie-ism, I would have liked to party with this guy back in the day. Well, aside from assaulting cops, which if he were black, would have gotten him killed. To be honest, I partied a LOT when I was that age (I was in the dictionary next to "burning the candle at both ends" as I worked fulltime), but neither me nor my friends ever got into tiffs with cops. I SAW lots of tiffs with cops when I went to punk clubs back in the early 80's, but I was never even remotely part of the crowd that got hauled off. 

  • Love 4

I can't wait to see how the leghumpers justify this one! And Marigold is right: let's see how far Boob's heart for "forgiveness" extends. As I noted before, I think the circumstances (being jock-related) could be a deal-breaker. Can he break off the relationship, or will he pressure Jinger into it, because in Gothard circles, only the girl can call off a courtship? Jinger has been shown to be a pretty weak reed; Boob could break her easily, and POOF! No more relationship, but no breakup announcement until the new season has aired. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Lady Edith said:

This looks like a bit of good-natured ribbing between teammates.  They were probably in the locker room after a game and got silly.  I've had similarly silly pictures taken of me in my 20s.  Thank GOD they happened before social media!  ?

I foresee Jim Bob being VERY upset about this pic.  Reminiscent of Michele's carefree and fun cheerleading days, is it not?  And oh my LORD, Jeremy's shirtless!  For the whole world to see!  I'd say I felt defiled but...

He's probably caused a couple of divorces by now.

Maybe this will give Jinger something valuable to hold over his head. That could come in very handy.

  • Love 4

This isn't because of the picture, but I do think that there's a strong possibility that Jeremy is closeted.

There is too much concern for a young man about the sexuality of other young men. Most people his age -- even evangelicals -- are not terribly concerned about homosexuality. It's just not a big issue for them. His desire to "fix" gay people combined with his own obsessive concern with his own "sinfullness" gives me pause.

Jeremy is 28 and is totally cool with a completely hands-off "courtship." I realize that back in the day millions of young people courted with limited physical contact before the wedding and that was normal, and no one exploded, but this is 2016. I find it hard to believe that a healthy 28 year old man would agree to a long-term hands-off relationship because "Jesus, something, something." I think it's a lot easier to engage in a long-term, hands-off courtship if you're really just not that interested.

I know we've only seen a couple of pictures, but there doesn't appear to be any chemistry between them. Jill and Derick always seemed kind of dopily infatuated with each other; Jessa and Ben always looked like they were ready to jump each other; but Jeremy and Jinger look like the generic couple in a new frame from the discount store.

  • Love 15
15 minutes ago, cmr2014 said:

This isn't because of the picture, but I do think that there's a strong possibility that Jeremy is closeted.

There is too much concern for a young man about the sexuality of other young men. Most people his age -- even evangelicals -- are not terribly concerned about homosexuality. It's just not a big issue for them. His desire to "fix" gay people combined with his own obsessive concern with his own "sinfullness" gives me pause.

Jeremy is 28 and is totally cool with a completely hands-off "courtship." I realize that back in the day millions of young people courted with limited physical contact before the wedding and that was normal, and no one exploded, but this is 2016. I find it hard to believe that a healthy 28 year old man would agree to a long-term hands-off relationship because "Jesus, something, something." I think it's a lot easier to engage in a long-term, hands-off courtship if you're really just not that interested.

I know we've only seen a couple of pictures, but there doesn't appear to be any chemistry between them. Jill and Derick always seemed kind of dopily infatuated with each other; Jessa and Ben always looked like they were ready to jump each other; but Jeremy and Jinger look like the generic couple in a new frame from the discount store.

It's more this that makes me think he's closeted than his fabulous purple beads. There are a lot of people who object to homosexuality for Biblical reasons--and that's the extent of it. They don't get completely obsessed like Sugar Daddy over there.

Edited by Aja
  • Love 7

There is too much concern for a young man about the sexuality of other young men. Most people his age -- even evangelicals -- are not terribly concerned about homosexuality. It's just not a big issue for them. His desire to "fix" gay people combined with his own obsessive concern with his own "sinfullness" gives me pause.

They minute I read his church does gay conversions I knew he had to be harboring something.

  • Love 4

I just don't think we hear a lot from fundie guys in this age range. Remember, we heard a TON from Smuggar when he was at the FRC, and he's the same age as Jeremy.Of course, there's TFDW. I' ve also heard from Steph Curry, a national superstar and  conservative Christian who is the same age, and he's also homophobic. He's married with two kids and in no way closeted, just bigoted. 

I know this is a snark board, but should we really out him because he wore beads and is now a bigot? TFDW has a much larger body of work. :D

  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

I just don't think we hear a lot from fundie guys in this age range. Remember, we heard a TON from Smuggar when he was at the FRC, and he's the same age as Jeremy.Of course, there's TFDW. I' ve also heard from Steph Curry, a national superstar and  conservative Christian who is the same age, and he's also homophobic. He's married with two kids and in no way closeted, just bigoted. 

I know this is a snark board, but should we really out him because he wore beads and is now a bigot? TFDW has a much larger body of work. :D

He said hurtful shit about me first. :) And really, I think that's just what his ilk deserve. Being accused of being gay is like the most hurtful, horrific thing imaginable to them. So I oblige. Because they're idiots. :)

Edited by Aja
  • Love 20

I think Jeremy has a wealth of things that will be found. Hopefully nothing terrible like Josh.  

I enjoyed that topless picture with his purple beads. snark on! 

Jinger is probably humiliated. She looks pretty fragile to begin with...the courtship will continue because it was FILMED already for the summer edition of Counting On. 

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Fuck him. I think he's straight and that he's also a bigot. 

Beads and shit happens in locker rooms. I really don't see anything more harmful than teammate pranks.The timing of the original IG post is pretty conclusive to me. Sorry. 

I definitely don't see anything harmful in it either. :) To be fair, the purple beads feed my snark meter, but you're right, there is absolutely nothing about that photo that would suggest a sexual preference either way.  His website, however…. 

  • Love 4

We have no idea when he went full on fundie, other than trying to make a  team in 2014 (which folded last year). He said he was all Fellowship of Christian Athletes in college,but I've known of this institution since high school in the Dark Ages, and those kids partied! This is two years after the Drunk Tank. Was he Christian? Possibly. Was he fundie? No way. Or maybe. I have to re-read the IG posting, which could be code, but looking at this guy's feed, he's pretty casual...caveat: I didn't read his feed, only looked at pics. 

  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, Aja said:

It's more this that makes me think he's closeted than his fabulous purple beads. There are a lot of people who object to homosexuality for Biblical reasons--and that's the extent of it. They don't get completely obsessed like Sugar Daddy over there.

That's definitely one possibility, but I also think it's quite probable that a straight libido could come crashing headlong into the whole notion of sexuality outside of marriage being horribly sinful, and result in a guy with perfectly normal (ie overwhelming) drives feeling that he was even more sinful than anyone could imagine. And if he could not identify with "the gay", it would prbably have seemed to him the very epitome of sin which he, as vile as he felt himself to be, was merely the tip of. Whereas if he had understood his own urges as normal, and been given the OK to find other methods of relieving them himself if waiting until  marriage for sex was that important, it might not all have seemed as though thoughts of sexuality, in whatever form, were eating him up alive.

  • Love 2
42 minutes ago, Aja said:

It's more this that makes me think he's closeted than his fabulous purple beads. There are a lot of people who object to homosexuality for Biblical reasons--and that's the extent of it. They don't get completely obsessed like Sugar Daddy over there.

Yeah, I agree. However, I do think some guys who are generally heterosexual can go obsessively anti-gay crazy too, if they're in prolonged all-male situations or sports situations with not only all males but very physical and pretty goodlooking males and they feel stirrings or get involved in just a tad bit of something. I'm pretty sure that most (I want to say "all" but who knows, I suppose...) people's sexuality is more fluid and, mm, open to options than most people give it credit for. But while many people never find that out about themselves or do find it out but take it pretty much in stride, people with some personalities (and maybe some belief systems? ...) may freak and become obsessive, I think. Someone with a controlling personality, for example. Finding out your own sexuality was even a tiny bit different than you thought might trigger a pretty intense reaction in such a person, I'd guess. I also think that his major obsessiveness about sexuality could just be response to guilt or a feeling of hypocrisy over having gotten drunk and having fun in purple beads. I think there are a range of things that could have caused him to go so nutso. .................None of them rational, of course.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 8
46 minutes ago, Aja said:

I definitely don't see anything harmful in it either. :) To be fair, the purple beads feed my snark meter, but you're right, there is absolutely nothing about that photo that would suggest a sexual preference either way.  His website, however…. 

FYI it's sexual orientation not sexual preference.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

Buddies, I'm so defrauded by Jeremy's perfect nipples that I'm going to leave my husband --- just like that time Michelle's bikini caused marriage problems for her neighbor. 

I know, right? I, too, feel so defrauded that I must now seek out "sweet fellowship" with my husband, so that my desires that were stirred up nay be righteously fulfilled..that's how it works, right?

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Buddies, I'm so defrauded by Jeremy's perfect nipples that I'm going to leave my husband --- just like that time Michelle's bikini caused marriage problems for her neighbor. 

Someone should have yelled Nike so you didn't look!

 I don't know what to think about the photo except 1) it's most likely freaking the duggars out so yay! 2) he looks fabulous in purple and 3) the duggar boys would never have done this (in public, don't want to think about their private activities ?)

  • Love 5

The photo itself doesn't bother me none. Why should it? However, Kim Dong Bulb's Head must surely explode by now? This is a topless photo, AND he's wearing wimmins stuff - a huge no no in his world.

He really IS scraping the barrel in trying to find suitors for his kids. No offence to Jeremy, but the Duggar world is different to ours.

And this courtship is boring me silly. It's just not interesting. So get married. Start shagging, pop out babies. Yawn.

  • Love 4

The picture could be harmless fun - or not. Gay or straight, still could be harmless fun.

For me, it feels a little less harmless, when he is known to try and condemn people whose sexual orientation isn't straight. Context is very important. For instance, many folks call David W, TFDW on this site, that does not feel bigoted to me. It feels more like a gentle funny poke at a stereotype, and not hate. However I'm not gay, so I may be getting it wrong. To me, it matters more what is in your heart when you say or do something that might be seen as offensive, and sometimes I think political correctness goes too far, but hate is real too.

Anyway, I would love to know what the conversation is, in the Duggar household about this picture. Did Jinger &  Jeremy have to sit down and meet with JB & M? Part of me thinks JB would be less apt to have a talk with Jeremy than Derick or Ben.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, MunichNark said:

He really IS scraping the barrel in trying to find suitors for his kids. No offence to Jeremy, but the Duggar world is different to ours.

Sadly, the girls' "value" to the men in their warped community took a nose-dive after the molestation reveal.  I don't think Derrick would have married Jill if he was made aware that she was "damaged goods."

I don't know, I don't think the girls would be seen as damaged goods by anyone, even in narrow minded Fundyland. And I get a different read from Derick anyway. I see Derick as a dude who isn't full of hate or disdain for anyone. I think his beliefs are totally rigid, and he preaches in areas without a lot of knowledge, and he has an inflated sense of his abilities as a missionary, or any missionary for that matter, but I don't see him as a self-righteous hater.

I would love to know what the Fundy take is on the Duggar family is in general though. Like what does Jeremy's family think of the of Duggars? I have a feeling that potential suitors may be more worried that any skeletons in their closet may become public, more than the Duggars being a hot mess.

  • Love 3

I don't think the girls are seen as damaged goods. I think the family is seen as a lightening rod for controversy and most people try to avoid heavy controversy mixed with hypocrisy. Anyone who goes with a Duggar girl is now going to be scrutinized.  A lot. Not because of the girls but because Jim Bob is such an ass. 

Jeremy knows if she had drunken sex with someone way back but he isn't afraid that this stuff will come out in a tabloid? He lived a typical college life with social media involved (and probably a few beers) but still feels ok with his history splashed and dissected on the internet? 

I guess so.  He feels confident in his faith for the forgiveness and will continue to be "in your face" to others preaching against what he did so easily just a few years ago. Jinger?  Does she feel Ok with all this? Probably not but she is not allowed to say what she feels.  She feels whatever Jim Bob tells her to feel so it doesn't matter anyway. 

As an aside, I have quite a few religious (casual) friends and no one here is impressed with Jim Bob and Michelle anymore. I'm in the greater NYC area, which is very different than other parts of the country. Josh is hated. Girls are liked. 

3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:


For instance, many folks call David W, TFDW on this site, that does not feel bigoted to me. It feels more like a gentle funny poke at a stereotype, and not hate.

I'm not gay either, but it feels very bigoted to me. I think it's just that liberals think we're not bigoted, oh no no no not ever.

And that while it wouldn't ever be right to poke sexual/gender-related jokes at an out gay person's expense or come up with nicknames that refer to him or her as being butch or effeminate, it's more than fine -- actually deserved, even -- to do it when the person is heavily closeted because of his insane upbringing and his own conservative beliefs. Since he's a conservative Christian who's confused and miserable enough deep inside to wear pink shirts and aprons while closeted and seething with rage and married to Prissy, then he's fair game for being labeled with something supposedly cute and harmless that would actually brand him horribly in the life he's in.

Every time I see that phrase used around here, it seems to me to be dripping with contempt at his being closeted and angry. But when you struggle terribly with something about yourself that's heavily at odds with situations like the one he was born into, there aren't many channels of escape from that struggle that won't make you fear your inner being will be ripped to shreds.

He was lucky or unlucky enough to have the option of not only staying in place but rising to become a leader of that space. And while that's not a good choice and certainly leaves him just as angry as before and likely in a position to do more harm to people just like himself, I still completely understand why he made the choice. I think it's a choice that many of us would make if we were in his situation and got the opportunity -- Because of some talents you have, you get to bury the feeling that you're unacceptable in the sight of your God, and serve your God in a high position. What a vindication and a rush that must have been. How many people wouldn't take it, especially if we were as essentially blind to the real meaning of our struggles as I'm sure he was, and is? A lot of us would take that option, I would guess, and of course it's a horrible trap. My heart breaks for David Waller. To me, he's not a figure of fun to any degree at all. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 6

If all takes to 'turn a person gay' or know you're gay and just come out of the closet, is to get drunk and put a necklace on your head - why isn't far more of the population gay, and why do so many people struggle with coming out?

I mean just go up to the Walmart and put in a necklace and poof! Bad pun intended. 

Maybe that's why jewelry was forbidden for a lot of really strict fundamentalists for years. Touching a necklace turns you gay.

Seriously. Jeremy does say hateful things. However, it's beyond silly to me to think one drunk college pic with a plastic necklace means he's secretly closeted. Besides - no gay man I know would touch a tacky plastic bead set unless it was thrown at them from a Marti Gras float. 

  • Love 8
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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