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Season 7 Finale Special - Check Up With Dr. Drew, Part 2

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On Tuesday, June 21, 2016 at 3:26 PM, ChocolateAddict said:

Not going to lie, I would have loved a segment where Chelsea and Aubree tell Sad Panda all about Pete the Pig and how they were planning to celebrate his birthday, how he gets on with the other pets and other completely irrelevant facts about that cutie.  Can you imagine Sad Panda trying to look interested as Aubree earnestly explains Pete's diet?  Waayyy more interesting then rehashing the whole father-daughter dance thing again. 

Considering he never seems to watch the show or know what the heck is going on in the clips I don't think it'd matter. And I too want more Pete the pig! 

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1 hour ago, DoctorWhovian said:

What bugs me the most about the Chelsea/Adam/dance thing is that there is this underlying assumption that so many people seem to have, that simply because she's the mom, she is responsible for telling the dad about school functions. It's sexist and it's gross. Men are 100% equally as capable as being informed as to school and extra curricular activities.

Since I'm one of the ones perceived as thinking Chelsea has a responsibility for telling Adam about school functions, I'll clarify that don't think she does.  I do think, however, that it can be used as a weapon, and should be kept in the arsenal for that purpose.

If she does give him all the details, then, as lilmarysunshine pointed out, if/when Adam tries to somehow blame Chelsea for his not showing up, she'll be able to rebut it.  If Aubree says, "Why didn't you try to include Dad in things?" Chelsea can show that she did.

I know she's tired of it, but I think Chelsea is conflicted about Aubree seeing Adam.  She knows Aubree loves him but she also knows he's a POS.  The danger of choosing to do everything she possibly can for them to spend time together is that she's running the risk that he'll actually follow through.  She talks a big game about how he won't, but I think she's worried deep down that he will, and she doesn't want to facilitate it.  That's understandable, but might have unintended effects in the future.

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What bugs me the most about the Chelsea/Adam/dance thing is that there is this underlying assumption that so many people seem to have, that simply because she's the mom, she is responsible for telling the dad about school functions. It's sexist and it's gross. Men are 100% equally as capable as being informed as to school and extra curricular activities. 

Many have pointed out that Adam could and should have known about Aubree's school activities without Chelsea telling him. At the same time, though, many understand that even the most attentive and involved dads, and moms too, just aren't good at paying attention to that kind of stuff -- because they expect the other parent to keep up with it and tell them about the important stuff directly, or because there's just so much nonsense advertised by the school every single day they kind of just tune it out, whatever.

Adam should know what's going on with Aubree's school. He could have found out about the dance on his own. But whether or not that would have happened we'll never know -- we do know that he was nonetheless told about it directly, and he still didn't go.

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2 minutes ago, Chicken Wing said:

Many have pointed out that Adam could and should have known about Aubree's school activities without Chelsea telling him. At the same time, though, many understand that even the most attentive and involved dads, and moms too, just aren't good at paying attention to that kind of stuff -- because they expect the other parent to keep up with it and tell them about the important stuff directly, or because there's just so much nonsense advertised by the school every single day they kind of just tune it out, whatever.

I think there's a lot of truth to that. I'll also say unless Adam picks her up most days, it is probably harder for him to keep up-to-date on what's going on. Doesn't he just get her on weekends?  My own kids who were in elementary brought a folder home once a week with all flyers and returned work in order to cut down on the constant bombardment of "notices." But weekly emails also went out reminding parents of happenings for the upcoming week. That would probably be an easier way for Adam to stay abreast of things going on at school rather than relying on Chelsea to tell him directly or to forward on paper reminders.  

Again ... we all know he knew about it but chose not to go so the point really is moot. And I don't know the best way to co-parent with a loser like Adam. Glad that's not me!  But hopefully decisions are made that are in Aubree's best interests (both short and long-term), not necessarily about what's "right" or what is "owed" by either Chelsea or Adam to the other.  I have known of many people who complain about co-parenting things - like the kids never return with the good clothes they were wearing when they went to dad's is a common one.  I guess all parents who co-parent, like all parents period, have to sometimes decide what battles they're willing to fight and what they're not willing to fight in order to raise their kids as best they can. 

And just to clarify:  In no way, shape or form am I "blaming" Chelsea for Adam not going to the dance. ;-)  Just .... if it were me, I might push aside some of my "I-shouldn't-have-to-do-that" feelings in order to compensate MY KID (not Adam) for the shitty guy with whom I decided to procreate. I don't know. Glad my baby daddy is a good father (though I do have to remind him of things :-) ) and this isn't an issue for me because it is a tough one to navigate, for sure.

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And just to clarify:  In no way, shape or form am I "blaming" Chelsea for Adam not going to the dance. ;-)  Just .... if it were me, I might push aside some of my "I-shouldn't-have-to-do-that" feelings in order to compensate MY KID (not Adam) for the shitty guy with whom I decided to procreate. I don't know. Glad my baby daddy is a good father (though I do have to remind him of things :-) ) and this isn't an issue for me because it is a tough one to navigate, for sure.

I'm actually proud of Chelsea for taking the trouble to inform Adam of what was going on. She could have taken the stance of "I don't have to tell him every little thing, he can read the school bulletins just as well as I can, he's Aubree's parent too" and just left him alone to maybe or maybe not find out about it by himself. We know Randy would have loved if she had left it at that. But she let him know -- not to help him out or do him any favors or compensate for his "dad brain" not paying attention to details, but because Aubree wanted her daddy to go. Chelsea went out of her way to try to involve Adam mainly because her daughter specifically wanted him to be there. She was doing Aubree a favor, not Adam.

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I'm 50/50 on Chelsea and Adam. I have no doubts that she wants him completely out of the picture now that St. Cole has arrived, so she isn't going to go out of her way to ensure Aubrey has a good relationship with her father. As for Adam, he talks a good game but he fucks up continuously. He wants to parent when it's convenient for him, not when it calls for minor sacrifices on his part. I do think they're equally petty in their refusal to communicate with one another. Aubrey is six, at this point they should be able to get together or talk on the phone to discuss what's going on in their daughter's life. It's immature on both their parts.

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48 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I'm 50/50 on Chelsea and Adam. I have no doubts that she wants him completely out of the picture now that St. Cole has arrived, so she isn't going to go out of her way to ensure Aubrey has a good relationship with her father. As for Adam, he talks a good game but he fucks up continuously. He wants to parent when it's convenient for him, not when it calls for minor sacrifices on his part. I do think they're equally petty in their refusal to communicate with one another. Aubrey is six, at this point they should be able to get together or talk on the phone to discuss what's going on in their daughter's life. It's immature on both their parts.

To be fair, she has repeatedly tried in the past to meet up or talk on the phone about Aubree, and he made it clear that she was never to contact him except through text. 

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On the dance topic, I'll just say that even *if* one were to accept the premise that Chelsea lied, obfuscated, or otherwise evaded giving Adam the info about it; even if she is openly lying now about if he did or didn't text; even if the story is "suspect" (none of which I believe, but hypothetically), it would not matter. At all. Grown ass adults deal with far more difficult and contentious co parents than Chelsea will ever be, yet they still manage to attend their children's events. His gender is unimportant, as are Chelsea's texts or feelings about him or Cole. They are entirely irrelevant to this incident.

Also, all of this is null and void. He openly said himself that he knew when the dance was and chose not to attend. If he could have blamed Chelsea, he would have. But he didn't. He said he had a different priority. He overtly admitted to knowing the school information and choosing not to go, and was not in any way upset about or ashamed of it. Period. 

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14 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Is there anyone else who secretly can't wait to watch Big Papi adjust to life on an enlisted airman's salary (with just a bit extra MTV $ that will probably go to child support)? 

Very excited!  The best part would be if he had to move to the barracks!

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At some point in the past, it became a "given" that it was best for a child to have their father involved in their lives, regardless of circumstances. We left my dad when I was 8 and moved in with my grandparents because of his alcoholism. I never saw him again. As painful as that was, I think it would have been massively more painful if he'd popped in and out of my life the way these TM fathers do. I had been told he was "sick" (which was true, he had very bad heart disease), and we all just adapted to our new life. Adam is not a father; he was merely a sperm donor. He has zero interest in Aubrey. He feels uncomfortable and awkward at her events and avoids them however he can. He would not be present in her life at all if not for the MTV money. He made it plain to Chelsea when Aubree was born. When you love somebody, it shows. He doesn't love Aubree. He has nothing good to give her. When I think of Matt's children (of TMOG), I wonder if they were actually lucky that he disappeared and never came back. Aubree gets heaps of love from her mom, Cole and grandparents. She will never lack for love. The only way Adam would have anything worthwhile to contribute to Aubree's life is if he magically changed into a better man, and that is just not going to happen. If I was Chelsea, I would give up trying to involve him at all.

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1 hour ago, Elizabeth9 said:

Very excited!  The best part would be if he had to move to the barracks!

I am also jonesing to see Javi adjusting to barracks life after living in the lap of TM2 luxury. I do wonder, if he has any plans on staying in the Air Force after his first tour of service is over. Something tells me he isn't a lifer. I could see Javi getting out, moving near Kail, and trying to get as much film time as possible to up his paycheck. TBH, I don't see him as anymore ambitious or hardworking then Jo, and he sure looooves the fame he has gotten from being on tv. He would be more then willing to provide the drama in Kail's storyline, methinks. 

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Dr. Drew is insanely sexist on top of all the stupid. Who shames the only TM2 girl who has a four-year university education for wanting a job or grad school and not popping out another kid to keep her husband docile? Who shames the most emotionally healthy woman on the show for not getting engaged at an earlier age than 24??! And acts like without a man she didn't have a family and her life sucked?

Oh, but Jenelle and Nathan are totes fine even though Nathan basically admitted to repeatedly physically abusing Jenelle on screen, she neglects her baby on TV, and between them and David, they have three kids they are entirely not or barely allowed to see, legally. Let's just let Leah and Corey 100% slide on the obvious neglect of their disabled daughter and tell them how great they are even though they blatantly admitted to ignoring a specialist's orders on how to prolong and improve their daughter's life. 

What in the fuck?!

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35 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I am also jonesing to see Javi adjusting to barracks life after living in the lap of TM2 luxury. I do wonder, if he has any plans on staying in the Air Force after his first tour of service is over. Something tells me he isn't a lifer. I could see Javi getting out, moving near Kail, and trying to get as much film time as possible to up his paycheck. TBH, I don't see him as anymore ambitious or hardworking then Jo, and he sure looooves the fame he has gotten from being on tv. He would be more then willing to provide the drama in Kail's storyline, methinks. 

It'll be fun to watch. I think Javi is at least slightly more ambitious--he does CrossFit and actually has a job and was able to pass the necessary tests, which is more than Jo appears likely to do in a lifetime --but that's primarily because he's quite egotistical. Jo is more likable, but damn, he is a slug. 

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20 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

Dr. Drew is insanely sexist on top of all the stupid. Who shames the only TM2 girl who has a four-year university education for wanting a job or grad school and not popping out another kid to keep her husband docile? Who shames the most emotionally healthy woman on the show for not getting engaged at an earlier age than 24??! And acts like without a man she didn't have a family and her life sucked?

Oh, but Jenelle and Nathan are totes fine even though Nathan basically admitted to repeatedly physically abusing Jenelle on screen, she neglects her baby on TV, and between them and David, they have three kids they are entirely not or barely allowed to see, legally. Let's just let Leah and Corey 100% slide on the obvious neglect of their disabled daughter and tell them how great they are even though they blatantly admitted to ignoring a specialist's orders on how to prolong and improve their daughter's life. 

What in the fuck?!

 Guess she should have just picked any old asshole to get married to...like Jenelle.  Look at how long that lasted, Drew

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21 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

If Drew watched the show he would not have to ask about the other times Adam has missed Aubree's events. What about missing Father's Day?

 Chelsea gave examples in a previous reunion. Chelsea also told Drew before that Adam has shown up for some functions. 

There have been many times over the year. The fact that he missed this one just shows he isn't really improving. At any rate, I didn't think Dr. Drew specifically asked for examples. I thought he phrased it more like, "Does he miss other events?" or  "Does this happen a lot?" I don't have it saved on my DVR, but I remember it being something more vague and Chelsea just kind of acknowledging that it happens a lot without running off a list. She doesn't need to. We know. 


20 hours ago, Lemons said:

The Father's Day was more than a year ago.  He saw both the kids this Father's Day, so nothing to talk about.  Other examples are ancient history.  

Maybe not to his daughter. Kids have a way of remembering all the times you weren't there for them. 

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 Chelsea has also mentioned that Adam never calls to talk to Aubree. He is as lame as fathers get.

I think Cole is a great guy and that Aubree is blessed to have him in her life. He is a great stepfather to her.

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7 hours ago, Chicken Wing said:

I'm actually proud of Chelsea for taking the trouble to inform Adam of what was going on. She could have taken the stance of "I don't have to tell him every little thing, he can read the school bulletins just as well as I can, he's Aubree's parent too" and just left him alone to maybe or maybe not find out about it by himself. We know Randy would have loved if she had left it at that. But she let him know -- not to help him out or do him any favors or compensate for his "dad brain" not paying attention to details, but because Aubree wanted her daddy to go. Chelsea went out of her way to try to involve Adam mainly because her daughter specifically wanted him to be there. She was doing Aubree a favor, not Adam.


We have watched Kail in action with how she plays her game of not wanting to inform Jo of important info as it applies to Isaac as well as she tried to keep Isaac from Jo. She even did the same damn thing as Chelsea with the whole "He is your daddy" spiel..  What is the difference? If Chelsea did 1/4 of the things Kail did? Lord have mercy.

Double standards.

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Adam is a great reminder of why most of us are damn lucky we no longer know the bad boy we lost our virginity to in high school. He's totally stuck at 16. It's hard to take his fuck-you-dad routine with Dr. Drew seriously. I felt embarrassed watching him.

Jave wants a stay at home, barefoot and pregnant type wife and Kail doesn't want to be that person. The lesson should have been to not marry and have kids so young before you know what you want from life, not suck it for the kids and add even more kids. I really could hardly believe my ears at that stupidity.

I agree with everyone who said it was gross when Dr. Drew was match making Jace and Aubrey. It's like he's trying to make sure the series keeps going and going and going. Pre-teen mom anyone? Ugh.

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On June 22, 2016 at 5:42 PM, GreatKazu said:



If Drew watched the show he would not have to ask about the other times Adam has missed Aubree's events. What about missing Father's Day?

 Chelsea gave examples in a previous reunion. Chelsea also told Drew before that Adam has shown up for some functions. 

I seriously made a list a few pages back of the things he had missed.  I didn't include all the other crap he has pulled. So missing the dance was not the first in a long while. 


Then em there is this: http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/adam-lind-strip-club-theft-accused-stealing-wallet-suspect/

Edited by Mkay
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12 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I'm 50/50 on Chelsea and Adam. I have no doubts that she wants him completely out of the picture now that St. Cole has arrived, so she isn't going to go out of her way to ensure Aubrey has a good relationship with her father. As for Adam, he talks a good game but he fucks up continuously. He wants to parent when it's convenient for him, not when it calls for minor sacrifices on his part. I do think they're equally petty in their refusal to communicate with one another. Aubrey is six, at this point they should be able to get together or talk on the phone to discuss what's going on in their daughter's life. It's immature on both their parts.

It's never 100 percent one persons fault.  It's like listening to a girlfriend saying OMG, he never does anything!  I do everything!  And you're like, I know!  Why really thinking, yeah, right.  

What I wonder is what kind of shitty father Randy was to have all 4 girls have babies out of wedlock with 2 teenage daughters having babies within a year of each other?  That's some massive failure on his part.   he should be feeling guilt on why Chelsea made the decisions that she made.  Adam was a troubled teen and the only ones attracted to troubled teens are other troubled teens.  instead he's trashing his granddaughters father on social media and bringing booze and face altering mess to the young people's barbecues.  Someone has to teach Randy that "throwing stones" expression.  

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2 hours ago, Soobs said:

Adam is a great reminder of why most of us are damn lucky we no longer know the bad boy we lost our virginity to in high school. He's totally stuck at 16. It's hard to take his fuck-you-dad routine with Dr. Drew seriously. I felt embarrassed watching him.

Jave wants a stay at home, barefoot and pregnant type wife and Kail doesn't want to be that person. The lesson should have been to not marry and have kids so young before you know what you want from life, not suck it for the kids and add even more kids. I really could hardly believe my ears at that stupidity.

I agree with everyone who said it was gross when Dr. Drew was match making Jace and Aubrey. It's like he's trying to make sure the series keeps going and going and going. Pre-teen mom anyone? Ugh.

Drew is hoping to keep hosting this damn show with the Teen Mom kids...Teen Mom: The New Generation.

We will watch Leah as she becomes a grandmother at the age of 30. Kail will be with husband number four while getting more plastic surgery done. Chelsea will be filled with so much Botox she can no longer smile or close her eyes. Adam is gone. Jenelle gets arrested along with Jace. 

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44 minutes ago, Lemons said:

It's never 100 percent one persons fault.  It's like listening to a girlfriend saying OMG, he never does anything!  I do everything!  And you're like, I know!  Why really thinking, yeah, right.  

What I wonder is what kind of shitty father Randy was to have all 4 girls have babies out of wedlock with 2 teenage daughters having babies within a year of each other?  That's some massive failure on his part.   he should be feeling guilt on why Chelsea made the decisions that she made.  Adam was a troubled teen and the only ones attracted to troubled teens are other troubled teens.  instead he's trashing his granddaughters father on social media and bringing booze and face altering mess to the young people's barbecues.  Someone has to teach Randy that "throwing stones" expression.  

Randy chooses to be their friend rather than their father. I'm guessing there were no rules, no consequences. And mary seems like such a doormat.

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8 hours ago, starfire said:

 Chelsea has also mentioned that Adam never calls to talk to Aubree. He is as lame as fathers get.

I think Cole is a great guy and that Aubree is blessed to have him in her life. He is a great stepfather to her.

He seems like he genuinely loves her and has welcomed her into his life. He just seems like a good guy. Again, I think normal 'ol boring Chelsea is the best thing for her daughter.  Really the only thing I can knock her (and her family*) on is talking smack about Adam to and around Aubree and grilling the poor child.  (*And I know we only see a small part of her life but I don't remember any instances of Cole ripping Adam to or around Aubree - much different than any other TM significant other we've seen - David, Taylor, Matt, Javi, Jeremy.)

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1 hour ago, Lemons said:

It's never 100 percent one persons fault.  It's like listening to a girlfriend saying OMG, he never does anything!  I do everything!  And you're like, I know!  Why really thinking, yeah, right.  

What I wonder is what kind of shitty father Randy was to have all 4 girls have babies out of wedlock with 2 teenage daughters having babies within a year of each other?  That's some massive failure on his part.   he should be feeling guilt on why Chelsea made the decisions that she made.  Adam was a troubled teen and the only ones attracted to troubled teens are other troubled teens.  instead he's trashing his granddaughters father on social media and bringing booze and face altering mess to the young people's barbecues.  Someone has to teach Randy that "throwing stones" expression.  

Being "troubled" in the sense that you are still getting repeatedly arrested 6 years later is really, really different from being "troubled" by being attracted to the bad boy when you're insecure and 16. Same thing with "fault." Chelsea could have fairly major, readily apparent character flaws and they still wouldn't add up to what Adam has done and said both in his personal life and about/to his daughter.

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24 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

He seems like he genuinely loves her and has welcomed her into his life. He just seems like a good guy. Again, I think normal 'ol boring Chelsea is the best thing for her daughter.  Really the only thing I can knock her (and her family*) on is talking smack about Adam to and around Aubree and grilling the poor child.  (*And I know we only see a small part of her life but I don't remember any instances of Cole ripping Adam to or around Aubree - much different than any other TM significant other we've seen - David, Taylor, Matt, Javi, Jeremy.)


Matt, Javi, and David are the worst!  Javi, for all his talk about doing what is best for Isaac, had no problem bashing Isaac's father any chance he got including the times he talked shit in Isaac's presence. Cannot wait until Lincoln's step-daddy or step-mommy does the same to Javi.

Then we have the assholes who bash Barb - David, Nathan, and Keefuh. 

Then, there is Adam who bashed his own child. Mutherfucker.

What happened with the registerd sex offender friend Adam had around his children? And why does Adam continue to violate the court order regarding his parents who are required to supervise his visits? 

Edited by GreatKazu
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2 hours ago, Lemons said:

It's never 100 percent one persons fault.  It's like listening to a girlfriend saying OMG, he never does anything!  I do everything!  And you're like, I know!  Why really thinking, yeah, right.  

What I wonder is what kind of shitty father Randy was to have all 4 girls have babies out of wedlock with 2 teenage daughters having babies within a year of each other?  That's some massive failure on his part.     

I asked Randy something similar to that on Twitter once because he was calling someone else out on Twitter. So when I asked something along the lines of "having a baby while still in high school is ok?" He remarked at least she isn't a Twitter bully. And then I got slammed with all the crazy Chelsea fans. Sigh 


papa randy doesn't realize he is exactly the same. I replied back how I had always said nothing but nice things anywhere on Twitter and the one remark that is negative gets the reply. No response back. He likes the drama. 

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I'm not sure what Randy as a father has to do with Adam as a father?  Despite Randy's immaturity and coddling of his daughters, he's still light years better than Adumb.  At least Randy's daughters know they can depend on him.  Pretty sure he'd actually show up for his visits and daughters' events.  

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Randy is a wonderful father who clearly loves his daughter unconditionally. His behavior on Twitter is whatever; if he finds it fun to get into squabbles there after a day of work or defends his daughter a little too zealously, who cares?! He is in no way "the same" as Adam. That thought boggles my mind. Everyone has flaws. If his is bitching on Twitter, well, then, he has a lot of company. Heck, we're doing the same, just anonymously and about reality TV stars. 

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Yeah, but it's just weird when you know it's a grown-ass middle-aged man with a family, a business and a life on Twitter getting into virtual slapfights with mostly teenagers over a reality show on MTV. It's like, dude. Don't you have something to do? I have absolutely no life and even I don't have time for that nonsense.

That said, Randy and Adam's only similarity is in their mutual like for getting into unnecessary conversations with strangers on social media. Other than that, they are so un-like each other they might as well be different species.

As for Randy the Super Dad having four daughters have babies out of wedlock (is that really still an expression?), two of them while in high school? We don't know nearly enough about the Houska clan, their upbringing, their family values, their attitudes about sex and family or the mentality of young women in their part of South Dakota in general to make any judgments about that one way or the other. There are just too many factors in teen/unwed pregnancy to make any generalized assumptions.

Edited by Chicken Wing
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Randy is very, very reluctant to grant Adam even a modicum of credit. He grudgingly admits that Adam is, at the very least, a better person and a better father than he was back in the day, then immediately follows it up with "Yeah, well, it's easy for him to be around because they're all living in the same town so it's not like it's any big effort." Just say something nice and move on.

I totally agree with Adam that Chelsea and her family go out of their way, intentionally or not, to diminish his role as "dad." It's no secret that they would all love it if he just went away. They've said it on camera multiple times. But be that as it may, they can't actually make him go away. They can't actually stop him from being a father. They can't keep him away from his daughter. Randy talks a lot of smack, but at the end of the day there isn't anything he or even Chelsea can do about Adam's presence as Aubree's real father. He has the right to be around. But he doesn't take advantage of that right as he should. He has her four days a month and when he bothers to even be around, he barely pays attention to her. He doesn't show up to events. He doesn't call to talk to his daughter, see how she's doing, ask her what she did in school that day. Randy does not have any power to stop him from doing these things. The Houskas may not respect Adam very much as Aubree's father, but there is nothing any of them can do to stop him from being her father. The ball is in his court to be present, to assert his rights as a father beyond a piece of paper signed by a judge that unilaterally declares him worthy of custody just because. The opportunity is there for him to be present, to be involved, to be a better father than they decided years ago he was. But he squanders those opportunities all on his own. 

Edited by Chicken Wing
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Moving on.

Dr. Drew cannot and should not be the host. What did we get out of this reunion except the validation that he has no business on these reunions and that he clearly does not watch the show.

I did laugh at him when he asked in a shocking way if Keefah was back in the picture. Although, the fact that she admitted being with him, a former heroin user, received no response from the addiction specialist. Even Barb just blew it off.

Dr. Drew failed to dig more into the claims about Jenelle harming herself. No one was asked about the safety of the children with Dave around.

Leah barely had screen time. 

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I bet they now wish they had let Adam sign away his mistake or however he put it at the time. Way better than fighting over custody.

Although I think Randy would be bored if he wasn't in the middle of the mess all the time. I still think he's a good dad but that teen and preteen crud he gets into on Twitter drives me nuts. 

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I think it's incorrect that all of Randy's 4 daughters had babies before marriage/were teen moms. I'm pretty sure it was just the two younger ones. I think the youngest two were probably heavily impacted by Randy and Mary's divorce while the older ones were already out living their adult lives when that happened. I remember in an early season Chlesea and her sister who was also a teen mom talking about how they just wanted their kids to have "a familllleeeee" and not have separate holidays, etc like they did when their parents divorced. 

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29 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I think it's incorrect that all of Randy's 4 daughters had babies before marriage/were teen moms. I'm pretty sure it was just the two younger ones. I think the youngest two were probably heavily impacted by Randy and Mary's divorce while the older ones were already out living their adult lives when that happened. I remember in an early season Chlesea and her sister who was also a teen mom talking about how they just wanted their kids to have "a familllleeeee" and not have separate holidays, etc like they did when their parents divorced. 

I think you're right. I know at one point someone back on TWoP posted a blog post by one of the older Houska girls where she addressed the Teen Mom stuff (I can't remember what her blog was dedicated to but it definitely wasn't typically centered around reality TV) and she talked about her family life. I should see if I can find the blog post. 

ETA: I found her blog but not the particular blog post I remember reading: http://salutesandsmiles.blogspot.com/?m=1

Edited by ivgotspirit02
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How come "out of wedlock" was not used for Adam? 

Out of wedlock is sexist. It also implies these girls, or any girl, should be married before having a baby. We live in an era now where couples are not always male and female. Women are content to having babies without having to be married or in a relationship. I would rather see any one of these girls move forward without having to drag a guy into their lives. I would hate to see any female stay in any kind of toxic relationship because they would be shamed for not staying with the father of their child. 


No one here knows any details about Chelsea's sisters reasons for having children without the benefit of marriage. Next thing will be is that they should have gotten abortions instead of having the status or label of having children out of wedlock. 

Changing the topic.

Kail seemed very bothered. I think she hated Drew for not understanding how she feels. He should have praised her more for her education. Instead, he blathers on about babies. Damn.

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54 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

How come "out of wedlock" was not used for Adam? 

Out of wedlock is sexist. It also implies these girls, or any girl, should be married before having a baby. We live in an era now where couples are not always male and female. Women are content to having babies without having to be married or in a relationship. I would rather see any one of these girls move forward without having to drag a guy into their lives. I would hate to see any female stay in any kind of toxic relationship because they would be shamed for not staying with the father of their child. 


No one here knows any details about Chelsea's sisters reasons for having children without the benefit of marriage. Next thing will be is that they should have gotten abortions instead of having the status or label of having children out of wedlock. 

Changing the topic.

Kail seemed very bothered. I think she hated Drew for not understanding how she feels. He should have praised her more for her education. Instead, he blathers on about babies. Damn.

Well...I know I'm old-fashioned but I do think children do best when raised in stable, long-term relationships so I won't diminish the benefits of having babies within the confines of a marriage (or at the very least in a very stable, years-long relationship). So, yeah. I think it looks bad to have children "out of wedlock" but that does not discriminate by gender!  Adam's had two kids like that and Chelsea just one.

Having said that, I had an older friend years ago and all 3 of her daughters were single mothers. She and her husband were good parents and married for 25-30 years at the time. He was involved in their lives. Both parents worked to support the family. I don't know why all of her kids did that but it doesn't make her a bad parent and I don't think it makes Randy a bad one, either. Sometimes kids do things in spite of or because of their parenting. Like Chelsea, Randy is far from the worst parent or grandparent on this show to complain about .lol

Edited by lilmarysunshine
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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

How come "out of wedlock" was not used for Adam? 

Out of wedlock is sexist. It also implies these girls, or any girl, should be married before having a baby. We live in an era now where couples are not always male and female. Women are content to having babies without having to be married or in a relationship. I would rather see any one of these girls move forward without having to drag a guy into their lives. I would hate to see any female stay in any kind of toxic relationship because they would be shamed for not staying with the father of their child. 


No one here knows any details about Chelsea's sisters reasons for having children without the benefit of marriage. Next thing will be is that they should have gotten abortions instead of having the status or label of having children out of wedlock. 

Changing the topic.

Kail seemed very bothered. I think she hated Drew for not understanding how she feels. He should have praised her more for her education. Instead, he blathers on about babies. Damn.

Exactly. The girls are often described as having babies 'out of wedlock,' while that is very rarely used for any of the dads. And 'out of wedlock' itself is pretty outdated. 

Kail should have been praised for graduating instead of pushed to have yet another child with a man who she doesn't love and who doesn't love her.

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2 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Well...I know I'm old-fashioned but I do think children do best when raised in stable, long-term relationships so I won't diminish the benefits of having babies within the confines of a marriage (or at the very least in a very stable, years-long relationship). So, yeah. I think it looks bad to have children "out of wedlock" but that does not discriminate by gender!  Adam's had two kids like that and Chelsea just one.

Having said that, I had an older friend years ago and all 3 of her daughters were single mothers. She and her husband were good parents and married for 25-30 years at the time. He was involved in their lives. Both parents worked to support the family. I don't know why all of her kids did that but it doesn't make her a bad parent and I don't think it makes Randy a bad one, either. Sometimes kids do things in spite of or because of their parenting. Like Chelsea, Randy is far from the worst parent or grandparent on this show to complain about .lol

I am sure I am older than you lilmarysunshine. I too have values that are from another era. I am also understanding of how things have changed. 

I mentioned sexist because the term OoW is not only extremely dated, but the term was coined to describe someone who had a child without being married, and has been used primarily to shame females. It is right up there with calling a baby "bastard" due to its parents not being married or the father is not in the picture.

I mentioned above why refer to the females when Adam himself has two kids.

We are not privy  to Chelsea's sister's private lives. None of us know what choices were made by them. Did the fathers leave? Die? Were they abusive? Did the sisters have toxic relationships? Do they live with the fathers? We don't know and who cares?

I know that two of the sisters were adults when they had their babies. 

What's next? Blame Adam's behavior on Mary? The police? His neighbor? 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Not even going to be pulled in the Randy fault talk.

I will talk legal talk. Adam is violating the court order by not having supervised visits.

Adam had a registered sex offender in the presence of his children.

Adam has to be taken to court to pay more child support. He would rather spend $500 on pets' toys than pony up on his own more money to his children.

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9 hours ago, Lemons said:

Randy as a father has plenty to do with Adam as a father.  Randy has created an unhealthy overly dependent relationship with Chelsea.  He interferes and will not let Adam improve and is involved way too much  

Randy won't let Adam improve?! Adam is supposed to be an adult. It's not Randy holding him back, it's Adam.  

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On 6/23/2016 at 3:22 PM, Lm2162 said:

Dr. Drew is insanely sexist on top of all the stupid. Who shames the only TM2 girl who has a four-year university education for wanting a job or grad school and not popping out another kid to keep her husband docile? Who shames the most emotionally healthy woman on the show for not getting engaged at an earlier age than 24??! And acts like without a man she didn't have a family and her life sucked?

Oh, but Jenelle and Nathan are totes fine even though Nathan basically admitted to repeatedly physically abusing Jenelle on screen, she neglects her baby on TV, and between them and David, they have three kids they are entirely not or barely allowed to see, legally. Let's just let Leah and Corey 100% slide on the obvious neglect of their disabled daughter and tell them how great they are even though they blatantly admitted to ignoring a specialist's orders on how to prolong and improve their daughter's life. 

What in the fuck?!

THIS!!!!!  Yes!!!!

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I totally felt for Kailyn when Javi was on.

Yes, it completely kills me to say that.

Yes, I still dislike her.

But I could see that Javi is really toxic to her well being. He said and did things that are unforgivable. Blaming her for the miscarriage? 

Kailyn was totally right to say that he was saying the right thing too late. You can't just erase months of emotional abuse. Javi is emotionally abusive.

I will say that Kailyn probably brings out the worst in him (as she seems to be inclined to do), but after this episode I see him as much more capable of evil than I thought before. He is more than a match for her.

Hopefully in his next relationship he will remember that you can't just say whatever shit pops into your head and expect the other person to forgive you.

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11 hours ago, Lemons said:

Out of wedlock is a legal definition to describe a child born to two people who aren't married.  It's not an insult or "old fashioned" it's just a factual description and it doesn't single out the mothers at all.  The problem with legal terms is that people use them in derogatory ways and when they see them used in their original form, they look out of place.

 All the fathers are equally involved and Adam wasn't too bright to let it happen again.  But I just wonder where Randy went wrong.  

I'm still wondering what having a child "outside of wedlock" has to do with being a good or bad father?  Randy is a great dad, as is Corey.  And Jo.  All had kids without the benefit of marriage.  Adumb did as well and is a horrible father.  What's the point?

Edited by lezlers
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10 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Well f*ck me, I was living in a cocoon of relative peace until the Ashley (re) dropped that bomb. I was really, really hoping Janelle's worthless ass wasn't pregnant. Ugh, yet another victim for her and uncle Bad Touch. 


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