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S06.E09: Battle Of The Bastards

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As the Starks prepare to fight, Davos loses something dear. Ramsay plays a game. Daenerys faces a choice.




Reminder: This is for discussion of the TV show only, no book talk allowed - including saying "but it's different in the books". Any spoiler from outside the books (i.e. next weeks preview) should be in spoiler tags.

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The Starks are back at Winterfell! Yes! I was so happy to see the wolf banner flying there again. 

Thank god Ramsay finally got what was coming to him.

I've never been so happy to see Littlefinger. I loved Sansa basically saving Jon's ass with the Knights of the Vale after Jon refused to listen to her. 

That battle scene was crazy, some Saving Private Ryan stuff right there.

Yara and Daenerys were great together, but like Tyrion, Daenerys as a ruler still worries me.

Edited by cynic
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I was on the edge of my seat throughout the battle..I loved every bit of it. Especially when I thought Jon was about to perish like 3 times during the battle. When he couldn't breathe, I couldn't breathe. I loved it!!!

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DRAGONS! Plural. Drogon was just totally "What did you say about my mummy?!" I really like Dany and Yara together.

I thought Davos was going to die when he went wandering along, but he found the stag he made Shireen.  So I thought he was going to try to kill Melisandre instead. Probably next episode.

The identities of the burning, flayed men? Would they be Roose or Stannis? It's been a while since they were killed, would their bodies have not decayed quickly since it's The North?

Goddammit. It was so fucking obvious Rickon would die right before he reached Jon. Jon's roaring rampage of anger made him impenetrable to arrows, but not suffocation.

Oh, Wun Wun. Rest in peace you magnificent wonder.

Oh yes, good dogs! I'll be honest I looked through my fingers when the first one just chomped on Ramsey's face. I was scared his death wouldn't be satisfying. Ran away and wouldn't fight in the battle like the total bitch Jon called him on.

Two smirks from Lady Sansa; I see you girl!

Where did they keep the Stark banners?

Only one more episode left, sob!

Edited by Popples
I had to conjugate some verbs.
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Tyrion's quiet advice to the survivor of the parley--that scene was very effective.

My heart is pounding seeing Ramsay again. He fucking terrifies me.

DAMN, Sansa. "Sleep well." *mic drop*

Loving Dany and Yara's dynamic! They are both so over the patriarchy. And *loved* "I'm up for anything...'" and that sly smile Yara gave Dany. You sense Dany is at once amused, flattered and speculative.

Go UNDER!!!! Go UNDER the spears--attack the feet!

Poor Won Won is St. Sebastian.

Seeing the Stark banner over Winterfell is great but the battle didn't do much for me. I was kind of confused about what was happening--so Littlefinger swooped in to save them but is that dove his banner? Or that of the Vale's? I guess his army and the Vale's army are one and the same.

And we end with a PSA on why animal neglect is a Bad Thing. I bet that big fewocious hound at the end was a total sweetie before you decided to STARVE HIM.

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Just now, Enigma X said:

I still don't understand why Jon could not know that Sansa enlisted Littlefinger's help. 

Yeah, that was a mystery to me as well. I guess they wanted to amp up the drama, but look how many of the Starks' allies died needlessly. It is one thing if Sansa told him about the Vale coming to help and he ignored her, but Jon had no clue.

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1 minute ago, DakotaLavender said:

I got all confused. What back up army did Sansa bring in? 

Her cousin Robyn's army from the Vale. Under Littlefinger's command, of course.

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5 minutes ago, CeeBeeGee said:

Seeing the Stark banner over Winterfell is great but the battle didn't do much for me. I was kind of confused about what was happening--so Littlefinger swooped in to save them but is that dove his banner? Or that of the Vale's? I guess his army and the Vale's army are one and the same.

I thought it was Littlefinger's mockingbird?  It could be the Vale, though I don't know what their sigil is.

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1 minute ago, maydaymayday said:

Is Jon pissed at Sansa for calling in Littlefinger?

He might be pissed that she didn't tell him that Littlefinger was coming beforehand.

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Awww, the doggies had good num nums for dinner.  Yes they did :)

And, like Sansa, I was smilin'! 

RIP, Giant,  you will be missed.  RIP to you also, Kate Crackernuts Stark.  Yes, I know you're a boy, but I'm still calling you Kate Crackernuts.

And Mereen is back in Daenerys' hands.  Lovely.  It's always a bad thing to give Daeney shitty terms.  And Tyrion helped this episode.  He's not so useless after all.  Let the Yara/Daenerys slash fics and pics being.

No mourns the wicked, Ramsay Bolton.  Hope you enjoy sucking Theon's severed cock in Hell.

The moral of this episode is never underestimate ladies.

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I'm still having heart palpitations. My Tormund is safe, but poor Wun Wun:(

Sansa is proving to be a lot more calculating than Jon. She was right that Rickon was dead either way, and hot head Jon still charged right into Ramsay's trap. He needs to not react to everything so emotionally.

For the first time ever Dany didn't annoy the crap out of me. I loved the Girl Power conference with Yara. Next week is going to be awesome!

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The dog that ate Ramsey's face looked like a Dogo Argentino. Did anyone figure out the breed?

All I can say is that Sansa better stab Littlefinger in the heart before he gets within 10 feet of her. His obsession with her after being in love with her mother is perverted and creepy as hell.

Edited by SimoneS
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Well, that was satisfying.  I'm still totally againt Dany winning the Game, it's not fair that she gets the throne just because she has dragons. Sorry, I'm not a fan.

I did enjoy the Dany/Yara scene though. i kind of liked Yara just slipping in the dig about both their fathers. Dany really does seem to have a huge blind spot for HER family.

Knew Rickon was a gonner. Sadly i spent a good amount of the battle yelling at my TV. Jon Snow is pretty and a good fighter but he's a total dumbass. Sansa warned him and none of it sank in. I'm glad "Sansa's" army was able to put in a rescue although way to wait to the last minute.  

I was really disappointed when it looked like Jon was going to kill Ramsey.  I really,  really wanted Sansa to kill him. Glad she got to be the one to end him. Hopefully Sansa takes all of Littlefinger's lessons and puts them to good use. I kind of want to see Sansa take the throne.  It would be nice to see the Starks come out on top.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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As usual, I see a lot of people displeased with Jon showing his emotions. Although it is probably not the best trait for a soldier, but I like that about him. I think far more characters on this show have far worse traits they are defined by. Frankly, I think he needs to have his emotions but have more control on when to unleash them but definitely go batshit crazy on a mofo at opportune times.

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11 minutes ago, maydaymayday said:

Is Jon pissed at Sansa for calling in Littlefinger?

He might be pissed that she didn't tell him she had an army at her beck and call. After he stopped beating on Ramsey, he turned his back on her and walked away. 

I'm glad Sansa has matured and changed but I'm totally pissed that she did not tell Jon about the Vale army coming. How many lives of her allies were sacrificed for no reason?  The fact that she may have let LF's words stop her from telling Jon suggests she's not as mature as she thinks she is. 

Edited by Lemuria
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I think Sansa has finally learned from Cersei, Littlefinger and Ramsy how to totally annihilate an apponent. The only way to beat Ramsy is to surprise him. She said that he won't fall for your trap. He plays with people. She just played all of them. I don't think it would have worked if Jon or any of his war council knew they had reinforcements coming. Ramsy needed to believe he won. Then...see ya later psycho.  

Cant wait to see their conversation next week. Please please please someone one feed Littlefinger to the dogs for dessert.  

Edited by caws 727
Silly spellchecker
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1 minute ago, Lemuria said:

He might just be. After he stopped beating on Ramsey, he turned his back on her and walked away. 

No, I think he stopped and walked away because seeing her shocked him and brought him back to himself. I highly doubt that Jon had any thought of being angry with Sansa in that moment although he might be that she didn't tell him that help was or might be coming.

Edited by SimoneS
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When Ramsey threw Shaggydog's head at Jon and Sansa, I remembered how happy I was that Ghost hasn't been seen since episode 2. Let's hope he wanders in later and feasts on Bolton supporter leftovers.

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I loved Yara and Daenerys’ interaction; woman to woman – queen to queen. Yara is up for anything. Ha. I love her.

I couldn't have been the only one yelling 'kiss, kiss!' at my tv - could I?

Loved Tyrion this ep. Loved seeing all the dragons taking a fly. Loved Ramsay finally dying.

I still don't know why Sansa kept the Vale army a secret but then again I don't know why anyone would fight for Ramsay either.

I really wish a direwolf had munched Ramsay's face but dying by his own dogs was satisfying.

Was there ever a point to Rickon?

Did not like losing Wun Wun.

Stark banners fly again - best thing we've seen at Winterfell in a long time.

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I loved the battle field choreography. The choas, brutality, hacking, mud, and mutilated bodies felt real. As was Jon almost suffocating to death under all those bodies.

There is no evidence of this on the show, but I think that being reborn has given Jon some time of magical protection from his enemies somehow.

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22 minutes ago, cynic said:

The Starks are back at Winterfell! Yes! I was so happy to see the wolf banner flying there again. 

Thank god Ramsay finally got what was coming to him.

I've never been so happy to see Littlefinger. I loved Sansa basically saving Jon's ass with the Knights of the Vale after Jon refused to listen to her. 

That battle scene was crazy, some Saving Private Ryan stuff right there.

Yara and Daenerys were great together. Daenerys as a ruler still worries me though.

I sighed with relief when the Stark banner was unrolled.

RIP Rickon, a true innocent who had a short and crappy life.

Sansa's stank attitude really got on my nerves when she was talking to Jon before the battle. I know she didn't know for sure if her cousin's army would come through, but she didn't have to be such a smart-ass when she's been holding back info.

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I'm glad Sansa has matured and changed but I'm totally pissed that she did not tell Jon about the Vale army coming. How many lives of her allies were sacrificed for no reason?  The fact that she may have let LF's words stop her from telling Jon suggests she's not as mature as she thinks she is. 

She told him they needed more men and he wouldn't wait.  Jon and Sansa were expecting The Blackfish and before Brienne even learned of the siege of Riverrunn Jon was all "We fight with the army we have."  He wasn't waiting.   And I don't think Sansa was sure LF would come until she met up with him wherever.

If Sansa had told Jon about LF's control of the Vale army and his willingness to help them, would Jon have waited?  I'm not sure he would have.  I don't think he would have been willing to wait on the chance (as he see's it) that LF would show up.  I think his unwillingness to go and court "House Cerwyn" show's that.

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That was the tensest hour I have watched on TV since the finale of Breaking Bad, even though everything went as as I, and just about everyone else, had envisaged. We have been so baited by the writers.  Meeren saved by the dragons and Dothraki, Tomen dies, the rest of the good guys lived, Little Finger riding in with the calvary, Dany and Yara doing that women thing, and ending with the dog show - now that was an exit.

Now it is time for the Frays, the Sparrows, and Uncle Aeron.

Big mysteries are Brienne and Jaime, Bran and Arya, Varys, Sansa? What will Bravos do to the Red Queen? What of Sandor Glegane.....All probably next season.

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Just now, maydaymayday said:

Do you think Littlefinger wants to marry Sansa? She hates him, remember, but she must have promised him something in return for the army.  Hopefully it's not marrying her first cousin young Robin

I'd rather have her with Robyn than Littlefinger. It's nice he came to the rescue, but the boy skeeves me out.

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1 minute ago, maydaymayday said:

Do you think Littlefinger wants to marry Sansa? She hates him, remember, but she must have promised him something in return for the army.  Hopefully it's not marrying her first cousin young Robin

Littlefinger owes Sansa, so I'm sure she didn't promise him shit. He can always ask, but she's back in Winterfell now and doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to do.

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2 hours ago, Enigma X said:

I still don't understand why Jon could not know that Sansa enlisted Littlefinger's help. 

Right now I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt.

We weren't shown any reply from either LF or Brienne's message, so she had no concrete fact if any help was to arrive.

I also think even if she did tell Jon it would still end with Jon doing the engaging first; totally opposite of what he planned. Sansa knew Rickon was dying as soon as the wolf head was tossed.

Sansa said don't let him make you do what you don't want to do, but it totally changed when Ramsey brought out Rickon.

So even if he layed back the Vale would still have been late and Rickon still dead.

Jon doesn't seem too angry with Sansa in next weeks promo, and Sansa looks like she is getting blindsided by LF next week.

Going back to re-watch.

Edited by GrailKing
edit for Briennes letter.
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11 minutes ago, Timetoread said:

I think Sansa would have told Jon but he kept dismissing her. Jon is a tough fighter but he is no strategist. Sansa on the other hand was held prisoner by Cersei and Tywin, tortured by Joffrey, married to Tyrion, given advice by Varys, Oleana, and Margarey, and lustfully mentored by  Littlefinger.  She is a frankenstein's monster made up of all the parts of the master players she's encountered. Ramsey's abuse proved to be the bolt of electricity that brought the monster to life. I wouldn't sleep on Sansa and Jon would do well to listen to little sister from now on.

I disagree.  Jon wasn't dismissing Sansa, he was dismissing her constant argument that they didn't have enough people. He was well aware of that. He also knew that this was all they were going to have--"Unless you know something I don't Sansa". 

"Uh no Jon. What could you possibly think I might know that I haven't told you?"

if Sansa wants trust, she needs to give it. 

Edited by Lemuria
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