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S08.E10: Unhappy Holidays

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It seems that Bethenny didn't like Luann's red jumpsuit either and tweeted about it. http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2016/06/10/bethenny-frankel-throws-shade-at-luanns-fiance-businesses-on-social-media/

Bethenny's comment on Luann's outfit from her Countess line was smack talk about Luann's "brand". How does anyone think Bethenny would react if Luann called her SKG drinks swill, cheap, gross, unpalatable, ect........? LOL

  • Love 17
33 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

I liked LuAnn's pantsuit. It was different but I thought it looked cool on her. Bethanny and Carole have formed a tight knit clique. I don't understand why LuAnn keeps chasing them--- the more LuAnn tries, the more they are going to try to shut her out. She should focus on having fun with Sonja. 

Maybe Lu doesn't need her vag tightened?

  • Love 2

Here is a litmus test (standardized) for EVERYTHING you THINK you may know/feel/suspect?

There was a wonderful bit of advice my best gal pal gave me - She said, "Put yourself in someone else's shoes....."

When you do, you get a perspective on things you may not otherwise....

If I was Methenny, I would have sent my resignation into BRAVO - the morning after her tirade - with the explanation that I was leaving to try to get my life together. Going to get some anger management sessions in - forget seeing a psych - She fought Admiral Amador every step of the way.

This bitch is a fucking broken human being, her quips/putdowns are all about sex, assholes and other people's bad behavior - never mentioning her fucked up life. Oh, that is right, we are supposed to know all about screwed up upbringing, marriage, divorce and homelessness and how this has affected her and how is allows her to be critical towards people with 'normal' lives.

See, NONE of us knows what poor Meth has been thru - and if WE DID GO thru her trials?


Most of us would have done a little moping and jumped back into the saddle of life - and never looked back on the shit parts of life. Some people embrace that bitterness and wear it like an award around their neck.

It just takes one look at that "First Place  Asshole Division" medal and you should know who you are dealing with?

  • Love 21
52 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think the first time Mario met Luann was at the tennis match.  There was no flirting going on.

Maybe this is the clip where Luann mentions Mario is a handsome guy.  There is nothing friendly between Ramona and Luann in this conversation.http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-2/videos/ramona-vs-the-countess 

Here is where Ramona twists what happened.  She claims Luann said Mario wasn't good looking.  Bethenny corrects her.  Bethenny and Ramona start bitching about Luann and the manners stuff. 


The clip that I am thinking of is definitely during the Morocco trip, I'm sure of it now.  It was in the aftermath of the psychic reading and LuAnn translating and trying to twist it in on Ramona. 


ETA:  I can't find the clip but I did not imagine it!

7. The ladies take psychics way too seriously: When the fortune-teller told Ramona there was another woman in her husband's life and that another woman is after him (seemingly out of the blue), Sonja actually started crying. Ramona, on the other hand, went the defensive route and told a crazy story about how LuAnn once hit on her husband. Then Sonja and Ramona started to fight because Sonja kept wondering when Mario was going to leave Ramona and Ramona accused Sonja of marrying for money instead of love. Take the tarot cards away, we beg of you!


Edited by shoegal
3 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Thank You, It always feels like I'm  the only one who saw how ridiculously rude Beth was, first at the charity event and then during that completely terrible exchange. I think by the time they got to Scary Island Kelly was so frazzled by Beth that she just started spouting nonsense and officially had an axiety attack. I hate that people call it some complete mental break down when in all actually it was at worse an anxiety attack/episode with her trigger being Beth. Coupled with the fact that the other HW's were being so obtuse about it all, yeah I can see how she might have felt like she was losing her mind because everyone was acting like Kelly was this ball of crazy from jump because she mentioned gummy bears in the car at the START of the trip and Beth turned that whole thing some huge hyperbole of how nutty Kelly is cause she made one of her silly Kelly comments that to me wasn't even all that serious or meant to be dissected the way Beth did. Beth turned it into a let's laugh at how stupid Kelly is moment and right there is where think Kelly started getting nervous about where Beth was planning on taking things AND she also got a big indicator or where the other HW's would play into it and join in.

I'm telling you, I saw the build up from when they started out on the trip and Beth was reacting so rudely to Kelly's bouncy excited demeanor which I felt was quite lovely. No bitchiness, no nastiness, upbeat (especially since they were supposed to be passed their conflict and making efforts to get along or at least be civil at that point). I saw rude awakening and saw that Kelly's "oh fuck" moment where she knew it was gonna go south. No because of her but because that's where Beth wanted it to be so Beth made it happen. Boy did she. I think some of it was paranoia on her part especially if what I described was a part of Kelly's reasoning but I also can understand why she would have come up with that theory. Kelly pushed herself into that mental place by overthinking it but Beth had a serious hand in the end result just because Beth had no intention of keeping things light with Kelly from the get go so in turn Kelly's fears were somewhat realized by Beth.

I don't think that is what Beth was directly aiming for it just ended up being the end result but in no way shape or form do I  believe Beth ever intended on playing nice with Kelly for the whole trip. She challenged and questioned Kelly every chance she got in and every interaction they all had with each other.  And what came across so ugly was Kelly's attempted rebuttals and counter attacks which in her mind were defenses. That's how I knew that wasn't really Kelly's brand of interacting with others. By the way she was so disproportinate in her comebacks and that kinda says something about a person. That they are so uncomfortable in nasty exchanges that they completely go overboard and fail miserably.  I could tell how on edge Kelly was from the moment Beth wouldn't let up about the gummy bears. That right there set the stage for what was to come in Kelly mind (and mine) and I think the anticipation is what really did Kelly in at the end.

Thank goodness there isn't anyone else as fragile in this entourage that would completely disintegrate like Kelly.

What Kelly said about gummy bears was they were organic.  Beth said no they’re not.    The next interaction they had was when Beth was telling somebody (I don’t know who) how she was struggling with feelings about her relationship with her father.   Again, excuse my memory I don’t know  whether j he was gravely ill at that point or had already died.   Kelly interrupted that conversation to say something completely asinine to Beth about his sickness or her (Beth’s) reaction to it.  Next Kelly says you’re not a chef, you’re a cook.  The distinction of which she cannot articulate but the essence is whichever is “up there” is the one Kelly thinks Beth is not.    Next, she says some dumbass thing about making lemons out of lemonade.   Finally at dinner she says she had a nightmare wherein Beth was stabbing her and somehow at the end of this sentence Bethenny is Al Sharpton.  In each of these Scary Island instances, Kelly intiates the conversation, flusters when challenged with facts that dispute what she’s saying and then walks off insisting that she’s been attacked.   None of the other housewives recognized that as the psychotic break it was because it never looked any different from the everyday nutty ass lunatic that Kelly was, they’d just never seen it in such a concentrated dose.    The I’m up here you’re down here speech, again, initiated by Kelly, it wasn’t a defense of the guest at the dinner party they had attended, she wanted to let Beth know that she thought she was beneath her.   And per her mo, she fucked that up too.    She wasn’t done, ya’ll don’t remember the end of that season where she’d accused Beth of planting stories in the paper about her and her kids?   Kelly's fragile because Kelly's fragile.

4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I am not disagreeing Kelly is definitely one for the record books.  There was some Bethenny behavior that I see be repeated in that conversation and the one in the Berkshires.  When Kelly made it pretty clear they were not going to be friends and told Bethenny she did not appreciate the Madonna comment, Bethenny launched into that she had met Kelly 10 times (later revised to 7) and when at a party at Kelly's house, Kelly was flirting with her boyfriend.  She then struck a blow claiming Kely was a celebrity collector.  Kelly thought the guy was a photographer hired to take photos.  The guy was a photographer (and must have had a camera) but Bethenny  saw beautiful model talking to her man and decided that Kelly was flirting with him.  The other thing Bethenny was guilty of is getting offended when people don't remember meeting her. That is more on her than the other person.  In one episode she launched on a chiropractor when he didn't recall meeting her.

So essentially, Bethenny, when confronted about rude behavior, and the comment was rude, especially when there was not mutual familiarity, goes below the belt.  Bethenny was fairly calm, but Kelly did own the conversation, she set up the meeting, the start time (her terms) and left the meeting after having her say.  Without a lot of explanation from Kelly it was pretty clear Kelly was referencing Bethenny as being immature and offensive in her behavior and Kelly wanted her to come up to her level (polite) that didn't include snide remarks.   it really isn't on the receiver of an insult to be forced to accept the insult.  Had she said nothing there would not have been a conflict.  Bethenny was trying to get a reaction out of Kelly and she did.

Bethenny and I do find her version of the truth to not always be accurate, seems to have a thing about women going after her men.  She also claimed Luann grabbed her date's package at a wedding reception (whether Bethenny was at the wedding is unclear from Ramona's account).  Her humor consists of wild exaggerations and so for me, it is hard to distinguish fact from Bethenny's perceptions.  She also broke her kitchen sink rule.  Kelly was not there to talk about her relationship with celebrities, invitations or a party at her house, where she did not remember Bethenny.  When Kelly left Bethenny went so far as to call Kelly's date imaginary.  Again with the men stuff.

This is not to dismiss her scorched earth method.   Those people claimed not to have ever met her, not that they didn’t remember.  It’s a subtle but important difference.  If I were to categorize the theme here, I’d say her thing is pointing out the lie.   We have met, it’s fine if you don’t remember but it’s not accurate to say we haven’t.     Stop insisting gummy bears are organic when their only two ingredients are high fructose corn syrup and gelatin, they’re not organic.   It’s actually physically impossible to make lemons out of lemonade but thanks for contributing to the discussion.     What’s the difference between being a cook and a chef again?  Oh, crickets?  Alright, thanks have a seat.   She's become a bigger asshole since season 1 or 2 but that doesn't diminish that she's right about what she's right about.

  • Love 22
25 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

My thoughts and they may prove true next episode is Luann is not going to allow herself to be excluded.  She has been on the show since the beginning and is not going to be put in the corner.  She has done all the stuff RH are suppose to do when they have been unpleasant.  It is a joke that Dorinda includes Ramona after three pretty big dust ups so why wouldn't Luann think she would be included in a trip.

No one puts baby the Countess in the corner, I love it.

In spite of everything, I'm still looking forward to the big trip since it's usually my favorite part of every season. I'm sure though that Bethenny will be as sour as ever.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, NewDigs said:

And I'll put LuLu's red lace get-up against B's gray onesie any day. Neither wins that one, imho.

Fashion this season sucks. Both B and Carol have dressed like they don't give a damn. Sort of roll out of bed casual. (literally this episode) When B has dressed up its expensive but a usually a fashion miss like that hideous shoulder amour thing she wore or it wore her at Ramona's party. At least LuAnn's misses are promoting her line being sold on a real shopping network so there is an explanation for it. Ramona's new boobage makes her figure look stumpy in everything. While it used to be amusing, Sonja continues her sad 90s chic couture. The new HW I haven't even noticed so that's a fail there too. I appreciate Dorinda still putting in the effort.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Thank You, It always feels like I'm  the only one who saw how ridiculously rude Beth was, first at the charity event and then during that completely terrible exchange. I think by the time they got to Scary Island Kelly was so frazzled by Beth that she just started spouting nonsense and officially had an axiety attack. I hate that people call it some complete mental break down when in all actually it was at worse an anxiety attack/episode with her trigger being Beth. Coupled with the fact that the other HW's were being so obtuse about it all, yeah I can see how she might have felt like she was losing her mind because everyone was acting like Kelly was this ball of crazy from jump because she mentioned gummy bears in the car at the START of the trip and Beth turned that whole thing some huge hyperbole of how nutty Kelly is cause she made one of her silly Kelly comments that to me wasn't even all that serious or meant to be dissected the way Beth did. Beth turned it into a let's laugh at how stupid Kelly is moment and right there is where think Kelly started getting nervous about where Beth was planning on taking things AND she also got a big indicator or where the other HW's would play into it and join in.

I'm telling you, I saw the build up from when they started out on the trip and Beth was reacting so rudely to Kelly's bouncy excited demeanor which I felt was quite lovely. No bitchiness, no nastiness, upbeat (especially since they were supposed to be passed their conflict and making efforts to get along or at least be civil at that point). I saw rude awakening and saw that Kelly's "oh fuck" moment where she knew it was gonna go south. No because of her but because that's where Beth wanted it to be so Beth made it happen. Boy did she. I think some of it was paranoia on her part especially if what I described was a part of Kelly's reasoning but I also can understand why she would have come up with that theory. Kelly pushed herself into that mental place by overthinking it but Beth had a serious hand in the end result just because Beth had no intention of keeping things light with Kelly from the get go so in turn Kelly's fears were somewhat realized by Beth.

I don't think that is what Beth was directly aiming for it just ended up being the end result but in no way shape or form do I  believe Beth ever intended on playing nice with Kelly for the whole trip. She challenged and questioned Kelly every chance she got in and every interaction they all had with each other.  And what came across so ugly was Kelly's attempted rebuttals and counter attacks which in her mind were defenses. That's how I knew that wasn't really Kelly's brand of interacting with others. By the way she was so disproportinate in her comebacks and that kinda says something about a person. That they are so uncomfortable in nasty exchanges that they completely go overboard and fail miserably.  I could tell how on edge Kelly was from the moment Beth wouldn't let up about the gummy bears. That right there set the stage for what was to come in Kelly mind (and mine) and I think the anticipation is what really did Kelly in at the end.

Thank goodness there isn't anyone else as fragile in this entourage that would completely disintegrate like Kelly.

I agree with the bolded part. At the time I was on Bethenny's side, however, that trip is when I started really seeing Bethenny's way of unnecessary anger and meanness. When they were in the car and Kelly was eating, I think it was Gummy Bears, or some other candy, not real sure now, and Beth started the argument of high fructose corn syrup. 

I thought Kelly was just trying to have a good time and be in a good mood and then she mis-spoke about not eating fructose and Bethenny jumped her on it. I get correcting someone, or informing someone on things, but at the time I just thought there was no need for it. Just role your eyes and let it go. It's not that difficult to let someone you may not like be in a good mood in that sort of situation. 

Now, I'm seeing a lot of Bethenny just being angry and mean for no reason and it really just for me, diminishes her feelings the times she has a reason. If that makes sense. 

Edited by Rainny
  • Love 8
59 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

That black blouse was an atrocity!!!!! The giant zipper, and that itchy lace. Maybe they saw their mistake and tookt he bolts of fabric they were going to make it with in RED and made that fabric into jumpsuits... hmmmmm :-) 

The Countess Collection is perfect for LuAnn.  It's trying to be "elegant" but is really just cheap and tacky.  I hope she wears every piece of it, it suits her. 

  • Love 7
On June 9, 2016 at 0:30 PM, Avaleigh said:

The NY ladies have never quite pushed my buttons in the way that some of the BH, ATL, and OC women have. Even when they're acting like jerks, save Aviva and Jill, they all bring (or have brought) something to the table that I enjoy even when I'm irritated and frustrated with them. 

These past two episodes---holy fucking shit, they all suck on some level but if I have to pick a team I guess I found Luann and Jules to be the least offensive with Dorinda just barely landing the bronze. 

I used to love Carole and Bethenny and now I'm starting to forget why I ever liked them. I hope they're fucking embarrassed right now. 100% Pain, I am right there with you in being pissed at these bitches for making me feel ridiculously sorry for Luann. If this had been real life as opposed to women filming a show because it's their job, Luann would have gone home. She knew though that they'd win if she fled, so she decided to stay and deal even though the shit they were flinging was ridiculously over the top, hurtful, mean, and not even entirely accurate. 

Bethenny full admits that she would de-friend anyone who spoke to her the way that she spoke to Luann and she's giggling like an idiot like her behavior is somehow cute, acceptable, or understandable. Oh, and Dorinda shouldn't go into the hospitality business because Bethenny can't keep herself from acting like an ass at Dorinda's events? What the hell is wrong with this woman?

I'm still astounded at how rude Carole and Bethenny were. They clearly wanted to be anywhere but there and only showed up because it's there job. It was the same when they went to Jules's place.They come in, they act clique-ish, they say a few rude things, they indicate how over it and above it they are, and then they leave like they can't get away fast enough and make it seem like they've done someone a favor by bothering to show.

That apology over the SG margarita was cringeworthy. The power that Bethenny has over these women couldn't be more obvious. Luann is playing nice because she knows she needs the job. The hugs that she gave Bethenny and Carole reeked of desperation.

Sonja's is panicked because she knows Bethenny wants to freeze her out and she has little going for her other than the show. Sonja knows that she can't go off on Bethenny, so she's screaming at Luann and Dorinda even though she knows that Bethenny is the real reason that she's walking on rotten ice.

A small but super telling example to me was Ramona saying that Bethenny and Carole's half assed goodbye was lovely and that Luann was deliberately only seeing something negative. Ramona was clearly trying to score points with Bethenny. 

Dorinda was wrong to not invite Sonja IMO and she's full of shit. Oh and Ramona would have been EPICALLY pissed if she'd been the one to not be invited to Dorinda's. She would have made a federal case out of it. Frankly, I think that Sonja would have been more fun than Bethenny and Carole were.

The whole "man stealing" conversation was sad. Like a man is some inanimate object that can be stolen off of a shelf. I find it disgusting and I honestly thought Bethenny and Carole were more intelligent than that.

What's the worst part about all of this? We all know damned well that Satan Andy is not going to ask Bethenny and Carole the tough questions at the reunion and it's the others who are going to be in the hot seat. Fuck, it's more annoying than Brandi being given a platform to spew about the women when she isn't even on the freaking show anymore. 

I have nothing to add. Every word of this was just so good it needed to be posted again.

  • Love 7
18 minutes ago, shoegal said:

The clip that I am thinking of is definitely during the Morocco trip, I'm sure of it now.  It was in the aftermath of the psychic reading and LuAnn translating and trying to twist it in on Ramona. 

I think perhaps you should find it.    Season 4 Episode 9.  Season 4 Episode 8 ends with Ramona getting her fortune told. 

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I think perhaps you should find it.    Season 4 Episode 9.  Season 4 Episode 8 ends with Ramona getting her fortune told. 

I found reference to it, so that's enough for me.  From episode recaps, just to name a few:

"Suddenly Ramona is accusing Luann of hitting on her husband. How long has she been stewing about that one?"http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2011/06/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city-recap-camel-woe/

"Once the reading was over and the crowd dispersed, Ramona went off into a corner and chatted with some woman about how much better her life is than the other housewives’ lives, and she proved it to this woman by saying when LuAnn first met Mario, she hit on him and said “come fuck me” with her centaur body."http://www.hollywood.com/tv/the-real-housewives-of-nyc-recap-more-morocco-57244290/

. A Foreign Fortune Teller Tells All

In season four of RHONY, the ladies ventured to Morocco for their big getaway and sought out the otherworldly wisdom of a local fortune teller. When in Rome—err, Morocco—right? Unfortunately, the woman had nothing pleasant for Ramona to hear, telling the then-still married Housewife that there was another woman in her husband Mario's life. Her BFF Sonja Morgan immediately burst into tears, while Ramona immediately went on the defensive, telling a story about the time Luann de Lesseps apparently hit on Mario and accusing Sonja of marrying for money. Why the insane reactions? Probably because they all knew it was true. (Ramona and Mariosplit over infidelity on his end a short time later.)http://www.eonline.com/uk/shows/the_real_housewives_of_orange_county/news/764463/we-ranked-the-best-real-housewives-psychic-moments-which-the-winner-probably-saw-coming


ETA: here is what Alex says about it in her Bravo blog from that episode:  "All I will say about Ramona's hallway discussion and her mention of LuAnn and Mario is that the behavior she described is not confined to Mario."http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-4/blogs/alex-mccord/so-souk-me

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 5

Ramona insisted the 'other woman' was Avery.  In a thread here, someone said a friend of hers told her that Mario hit on her during, I think, season 2 or 3.  TWoP folks felt the earliest Singer scenes, where Ramona accosted a woman that Mario was talking to without his wedding ring, and where he stared past her at sidewalk cafes, showed...something.  But to Ramona, her marriage was so enviable that she could be a snatchafrass hosebeast about LuAnn and the Count's extracurriculars.  She's a loser and intensely delusional.  I don't believe a damned thing about her, her marriage, and what other women 'did' to get Mario.  He was slinging it, pretty much on camera.  She was desperate to not see that.

Also, and do correct me (seriously, do!) if I'm wrong -- I am pretty sure LuAnn's bitchy French translation of the psychic came after or contemporaneously with Ramona's obviously deliberate retweeting of Victoria getting into trouble being a dumb privileged brat and saying the n word.  I despise that behavior but Victoria was apparently saying it in an 'I'm cool and urban' idiotic way, not in a racist like Paris Hilton way.  Ramona shared that with every follower, and Victoria was ultimately pushed out of her school for that.  I will never be able to prove this, but while the season aired, Alex McCord took questions on her "McCordVanKempen'" blog and I posed a question (feeling super stupid and crazy for asking) how she could align with Ramona for certain off-screen, kid-harming behavior, and she replied in an honest and discreet but public way saying she disagreed with that behavior (meaning, she did not recite the incident to give it more air at the time -- but she confirmed and agreed with the assertion that it was deliberate and completely beyond the pale.  Alex agreed that Ramona was vicious to LuAnn.  LuAnn!  Alex hated LuAnn for legit reasons - LuAnn was dismissive and utterly contemptuous of Alex.)  My point is that Ramona is lower than her dog's shit dug into Dorinda's parquet floors, and she is a liar -- Ramona tried to delete and backtrack on social media after getting justified criticism.  She tries to control the narrative but she is a bona fide, frequent liar and distortion artist.  If Ramona did that to my kid?  I'd fix my situation, and then I'd run and yank Ramona's crow's feet straight while snatching her bald and telling her to smell Mario once in a while to accept her reality, and to make sure to up her wine intake to 3 bottles/day to deal with the fact that he just wasn't all that into her.  IMO she wanted to renew her vows at 17 years because she wasn't sure they'd make it to 20.  I trust nothing she says about her marriage and the sex being tossed Mario's way.  I think she will never admit reality and will lie to attack other women with her last breath.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
attempt(s) at making myself clear! again! Saying argh like Lu's pirate.
  • Love 11
44 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

It seems that Bethenny didn't like Luann's red jumpsuit either and tweeted about it. http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2016/06/10/bethenny-frankel-throws-shade-at-luanns-fiance-businesses-on-social-media/

Bethenny's comment on Luann's outfit from her Countess line was smack talk about Luann's "brand". How does anyone think Bethenny would react if Luann called her SKG drinks swill, cheap, gross, unpalatable, ect........? LOL

I'm just waiting for a wife to forget herself and say what they really think of whatever drink B is serving at her perfectly themed accompanying party.

  • Love 11
46 minutes ago, shoegal said:

The clip that I am thinking of is definitely during the Morocco trip, I'm sure of it now.  It was in the aftermath of the psychic reading and LuAnn translating and trying to twist it in on Ramona. 


ETA:  I can't find the clip but I did not imagine it!

7. The ladies take psychics way too seriously: When the fortune-teller told Ramona there was another woman in her husband's life and that another woman is after him (seemingly out of the blue), Sonja actually started crying. Ramona, on the other hand, went the defensive route and told a crazy story about how LuAnn once hit on her husband. Then Sonja and Ramona started to fight because Sonja kept wondering when Mario was going to leave Ramona and Ramona accused Sonja of marrying for money instead of love. Take the tarot cards away, we beg of you!


Thanks and I think the "crazy story" defines it best.  Ramona makes things up.  Did she hear Luann say that? No.  did anyone else? No.  Because Luann regardless of her sexual prowess is not going to make a huge blunder such as that one.  I think Mario cheated for a very long time and got off on making Ramona jealous.  I read what Alex said and all I can say is I never pictured Alex as a slut shamer.  Although she might have reason for a dig since Simon said of all the RHNY he would have sex with Luann, not Countess Luann but Luann on WWHL.  When will people ever learn the safe answer-no one. 

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

Thanks and I think the "crazy story" defines it best.  Ramona makes things up.  Did she hear Luann say that? No.  did anyone else? No.  Because Luann regardless of her sexual prowess is not going to make a huge blunder such as that one.  I think Mario cheated for a very long time and got off on making Ramona jealous.  I read what Alex said and all I can say is I never pictured Alex as a slut shamer.  Although she might have reason for a dig since Simon said of all the RHNY he would have sex with Luann, not Countess Luann but Luann on WWHL.  When will people ever learn the safe answer-no one. 

LuAnn is also a cheater, and these stories of LuAnn hitting on other people's man have been around for ages, I don't they they are ALL untrue.  I think it's pretty well established that LuAnn is let's say, free with her affection and sexuality, so I have no doubt that LuAnn the cheater made a play for Mario the cheater.  I can totally see that one happening. 

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

I always felt like Kellys biggest offense was that she was annoying because of her obvious self appreciation. That and the fact that she wasn't quick on the uptake and therefore gave off the worse case of airhead.  Granted that's annoying but at the same time how do you turn that into something dark and devious and worthy of attack?  She really did seem to be an overall nice person, good with her kids and completely out of her depth when it came to confrontation. The "I'm up here, you're down there" conversation happened in response to how Beth did her thing and berated someone right in their face to SOMEONE else when Kelly showed up late for that charity meeting that time. I didn't see anything that warranted Beth to go off on Kelly as nasty as she did which is why from that season on I did not like her (I started watching RHoNY during it's second season). I don't believe that someone who has quirks or traits that annoy you is a reason to be intentionally nasty or hateful to them. I get that no one should have to endure the picadillos of someone elses if they don't want to but at the same time you also can't just steam into someone cause you don't like the way they carry themselves sometimes. Bringing it to someone's attention is one thing cause you want to make them aware of how it comes across but automatically berating or mocking them in the moment serves no one's purpose. But that's the way our Beth operates and yet she was the heroine and Kelly the villain. Huh, what?

I never got it but at the same time Kelly was terrible at trying to handle her and the situation but then again she was completely out of her league with thy bitch named Beth. I mean Lu is a smooth operator and it's obvious even she was winded after dealing with the Bethinator so of course Kelly had no shot taking Beth to task about anything. She ended up being so distraught in Beth's presence the girl had a melt down followed by a break down for crying out loud. I'm telling you Scary Island showed me what having to deal with someone so invested in causing someone else distress can physically and emotionally do to someone. That shit unfolded right before my eyes a whole lot different than most people saw it. Yellchhh, I just got the hibbie Jibbies just recalling how awful that whole things was.

Beth's behavior that season is similar to the way she's been steamrolling people this season and last. It's always been there it's just really full blast nowadays however I've never condoned her bullying ways so when Kelly had that sit down with her I took her to mean that she was way above treating people in the nasty way Beth does which in turn was what was meant by "you're down there". People like to see it like she was asserting some sort of social or success status when I took it to mean that she was outlining how she's not a fan of the catty bullshit women pull with each other and she won't be pulled into that way of dealing with her. I hated that she couldn't pull it off though. I had so much second hand embarrasment for Kelly and pissed that Beth ended up looking good because of that blundered exchange.

After that Kelly uneasiness when around Beth took over and created even more awkward turned ugly interactions which I never thought was ever Kelly's intent. I felt like most of the time Kelly was just trying to blow her nastiness off or push back and not allow Beth to be aggressive towards her but The Countess, she ain't. <shrug>


First of all, Kelly was behaving like a pretentious asshole at that meeting.  And Bethenny "berating"  her had nothing to do with Kelly showing up late. It was because of her whole "umm... I don't lend my name to just anything" (except shitty Halloween parties that you don't show up to until after midnight) spiel. And then she was all over the damn place with her reasoning.  I was especially fond of this insane little exchange... 

Kel - "I don't even have time to support my own charities"

Somebody else ( I think Lu) - "Oh what charities do you support?"

Kel - "I don't support any charities."

We the Viewers - "Dafuq is this chic smoking?"   

Second of all, I don't think Bethenny whispering under her breath "apparently she's Madonna" classifies as berating somebody. Nor saying that she thinks that Kelly comes from a "place of no."  I mean, it's kinda rude, maybe sorta bitchy. But. Screaming at somebody that they sleep with everybody and calling them a "plastic fuck doll"? Yeah, that's berating somebody to their face.

I don't wanna spend too much time defending Bethenny because it makes me feel dirty in light of her recent tirades and horrific behavior on the show. But suffice to say that Kelly was hardly some sweet, innocent angel who got caught in the Bethenny Frankel crosshairs.  She was just as much of a bitch as Bethenny, if not more so.

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 21



That makes her behavior on this show even worse.

Someone said this about Carole, because of the fact that she´s educated and has lived an interesting life. I agree, and it saddens me to see the former fun and easy-going Carole who I really liked turn into a seemingly boring, dumb follower who´s trying to be a young hipster when in reality she´s about 70 years old (if I had to guess based on her looks).

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

Thank You, It always feels like I'm  the only one who saw how ridiculously rude Beth was, first at the charity event and then during that completely terrible exchange. I think by the time they got to Scary Island Kelly was so frazzled by Beth that she just started spouting nonsense and officially had an axiety attack. I hate that people call it some complete mental break down when in all actually it was at worse an anxiety attack/episode with her trigger being Beth. Coupled with the fact that the other HW's were being so obtuse about it all, yeah I can see how she might have felt like she was losing her mind because everyone was acting like Kelly was this ball of crazy from jump because she mentioned gummy bears in the car at the START of the trip and Beth turned that whole thing some huge hyperbole of how nutty Kelly is cause she made one of her silly Kelly comments that to me wasn't even all that serious or meant to be dissected the way Beth did. Beth turned it into a let's laugh at how stupid Kelly is moment and right there is where think Kelly started getting nervous about where Beth was planning on taking things AND she also got a big indicator or where the other HW's would play into it and join in.

I'm telling you, I saw the build up from when they started out on the trip and Beth was reacting so rudely to Kelly's bouncy excited demeanor which I felt was quite lovely. No bitchiness, no nastiness, upbeat (especially since they were supposed to be passed their conflict and making efforts to get along or at least be civil at that point). I saw rude awakening and saw that Kelly's "oh fuck" moment where she knew it was gonna go south. No because of her but because that's where Beth wanted it to be so Beth made it happen. Boy did she. I think some of it was paranoia on her part especially if what I described was a part of Kelly's reasoning but I also can understand why she would have come up with that theory. Kelly pushed herself into that mental place by overthinking it but Beth had a serious hand in the end result just because Beth had no intention of keeping things light with Kelly from the get go so in turn Kelly's fears were somewhat realized by Beth.

I don't think that is what Beth was directly aiming for it just ended up being the end result but in no way shape or form do I  believe Beth ever intended on playing nice with Kelly for the whole trip. She challenged and questioned Kelly every chance she got in and every interaction they all had with each other.  And what came across so ugly was Kelly's attempted rebuttals and counter attacks which in her mind were defenses. That's how I knew that wasn't really Kelly's brand of interacting with others. By the way she was so disproportinate in her comebacks and that kinda says something about a person. That they are so uncomfortable in nasty exchanges that they completely go overboard and fail miserably.  I could tell how on edge Kelly was from the moment Beth wouldn't let up about the gummy bears. That right there set the stage for what was to come in Kelly mind (and mine) and I think the anticipation is what really did Kelly in at the end.

Thank goodness there isn't anyone else as fragile in this entourage that would completely disintegrate like Kelly.

As if I needed another reason to despise Bethenny. Now she's so hated that people are feeling sorry for the awful Kelly Bensimon and the idea is that Kelly was just some innocent, fragile, and overwhelmed victim of Bethenny's after all of the shit that she pulled? Is this the world we live in? (Sorry, I just recently got a bit of a RHOC fix.)

Kelly was right up there with Jill and Aviva in terms of being an unlikeable jerk and her gummy bear cartwheel bullshit didn't disguise for a second what a crazed delusional lunatic she revealed herself to be. Her accusations of bullying still make my blood boil. As if her 'I'm up here, you're down here' isn't on page 3 of The Bitchy Popular Girls Manual. She would say one thing and the idea in her mind was that everyone should simply ignore the stupid stuff she said and should have only taken her word seriously or literally when she deemed it to be appropriate. 

Nothing will ever make me side with Kelly on the 'this is you, this is me' and it wasn't just her being a dity airhead that was annoying. She didn't strike me as being particularly kind at all and she was frequently playing the victim. She was insulting and she gave Bethenny zero reason to be friendly towards her especially on Scary Island. She also thought that she knew better than Bethenny about Bethenny's culinary accomplishments. 

I thought and still think that Kelly was insufferable. Bethenny is acting like an asshole this season but I disagree that Kelly's behavior from past seasons is somehow redeemed, understandable, or at all logical. Bethenny had every right to be frustrated with Kelly's nonsense.

  • Love 22
4 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I think Luann is a cheater and more than a little desperate to latch on to a man.  Any man.  As long as he has deep pockets. 

However, I don't think she'd go after Mario. She's not stupid and probably understands the old adage: Don't get your meat where you get your bread. 

Unless she gave him a hate fuck for the "Countless" comment!

  • Love 1

I just think the comments Mario made about Luann (ie...Countless) and comments made by Luann (ie...this season telling Ramona "sorry, I never liked him") make me believe that HE hit on her and she said something to Ramona about it.  Which could also explain why Ramona took digs at Luann being dumped by the cheating Count while she was so happily married. 

I just think the behaviour of all three involved makes a lot more sense in my scenario than it does in a scenario where Luann hits on Mario and the two of them have a bit of fun.  So when Luann is the one to translate the fortune teller to Ramona, Ramona reacts the same way she probably did if Luann told her Mario hit on her ie....Luann is a slut who is jealous of her happy marriage. 

Edited by Castina
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Almost 3000 said:

I'm just waiting for a wife to forget herself and say what they really think of whatever drink B is serving at her perfectly themed accompanying party.

She can call Ramona's wine swill water, but I would LOVE to see what would happen if someone called one of her cocktails "SkankyGirl. To her face. Or on ((gasp)) Page Six.

  • Love 9
57 minutes ago, shoegal said:

LuAnn is also a cheater, and these stories of LuAnn hitting on other people's man have been around for ages, I don't they they are ALL untrue.  I think it's pretty well established that LuAnn is let's say, free with her affection and sexuality, so I have no doubt that LuAnn the cheater made a play for Mario the cheater.  I can totally see that one happening. 

or vice versa.  Someone posted upthread that Mario had issues with Luann.  Maybe she turned him down? Or does he like to be the aggressor?

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, Castina said:

I just think the comments Mario made about Luann (ie...Countless) and comments made by Luann (ie...this season telling Ramona "sorry, I never liked him") make me believe that HE hit on her and she said something to Ramona about it.  Which could also explain why Ramona took digs at Luann being dumped by the cheating Count while she was so happily married. 

I just think the behaviour of all three involved makes a lot more sense in my scenario than it does in a scenario where Luann hits on Mario and the two of them have a bit of fun.  So when Luann is the one to translate the fortune teller to Ramona, Ramona reacts the same way she probably did if Luann told her Mario hit on her ie....Luann is a slut who is jealous of her happy marriage. 

I don't think Luann even had to say anything to Ramona-I think jerkwad Mario can lead Ramona to  believe he is just so desirable and she was lucky to have him because every one wanted him.  Wouldn't it be just the worst thing a marriage to hold tight to others are jealous just because your husband is physically attractive?  No one has ever said anything nice about Mario's personality.  Including Ramona.  Oh he is a good father, except when he got caught cheating on Ramona.

Why is it, with the exception of Harry Dubin, it is always the women who seem to talk about Luann's sex life?  I would think if she was boning all these guys while married, with her celebrity, one or some of them would have crawled out from under a rock.  It is either "a friend" who saw her roll up on someone, or Alistair the houseboy, who probably lost his job over gossiping about guests, let alone high profile guests. Why aren't the sex partners coming out of the woodwork?  I mean we saw how smooth Ramona was asking for the dirt on Luann from Rey, who she never denied sleeping with-the clue being she went to Spain with him. Luann since the departure of Jacques has been pretty open about the fact she dates, and dates a lot.  I presume in the dating there is some sex going on but I don't assume every date is sex.   I also think it is more on the women they believe all these guys give into Luann that she is always the pursuer.  Granted Ramona climbing over a table to get a man's attention, might be the mindset they work from.

Lastly, is the Tom thing.  Say Tom invited Luann out for a date, and for argument's sake she read the article, wouldn't she ask Tom if he was dating/still dating Ramona?  Apparently she did.  What was she suppose to do, let me check with Ramona and I'll get back to you.  The guy said he had dinner with her, Ramona said she had dinner with him, and no chemistry, no romance, I just don't see the debate.  I put more blame on Bethenny for claiming, Tom was smitten with Ramona. it is kind of a slap to Ramona that Tom moved on from her in favor or Luann.  Since it didn't happen (pull out a calendar) it is even a bigger insult and plays into this praying mantis theory Bethenny is trying to build.  Such assumptions.  

  • Love 8

From the first season, I was sort of rooting on Bethenny, hoping she'd find what she obviously was lacking in her life.  Now, I really can't stand to see her on tv.  I don't think anything will make her happy.  Who cares what Luann does in her dating life?  Who cares if she chooses to bring one man in per hour?  She's an adult.  I don't see Bethenny spilling the details on what goes on in her personal life, so why does Luann have to tell her every damned detail?  Bethenny is just doing the dirty work for her toadie, Carole.  Carole has no backbone; she does passive aggressive jabs after the fact.  The only time she actually went up against someone was when Aviva said she used a ghostwriter.  Had that been someone questioning something that would cost me my job and livelihood, I would have gone in hard on that person.  Carole really didn't confront Aviva that much and I think Aviva knew she would not.   

I wish someone would tell Bethenny off once and for all.  But it seems she has Andy Cohen in her back pocket, so the other housewives won't because they want to stay on the show.  Heather did seem to go after her, but I think got tired of having to deal with all the shit from this show.  Heather got her company name exposure and got out before she looked like a complete moron.

Bethenny looks worse and worse with each episode.  Can you just imagine if her little girl gets in a fight or argument with another child?  I truly hope that Bethenny is not scarring her child too much with all her neuroses.  She is just an angry, angry person.  

How sad is it that I watched reruns of Orange County today, and even with their fighting (this was the last season Gretchen and Slade were on the show - the Canada trip was on) it was not nearly as jarring as the last two episodes of NY.  Yes, people like confrontation, but not the endless screeching and teenage mean girls mentality.  It's turning into the Queen Bitch Bethenny show, and I'm not a fan.

  • Love 10
On June 9, 2016 at 1:47 PM, lezlers said:

Well that was rude.  I like Bethanny and I assure you, I do have a brain.  I find her funny, honest and witty.  Her behavior on the sleepover was shameful, sure, but I still enjoy watching her and love her talking heads. By the amount of likes on the rare post saying the same, I'm fairly certain I'm not alone.

No, you're not.  I don't even think her whole behavior was shameful.  Over the top a bit, sure.  But Lu ticked her off and she went off.  It happens.  I did think it was rude to try to leave without thanking Dorinda, but they did rethink that and went back to to just that.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, Midnight Cheese said:

Eh, if there was inappropriateness, I doubt it was from LuAnn to Mario.  He probably wouldn't have noticed a Countessy hard-court press, what with his wang having wandered into and out of lots and lots of the UES. 

If there's real substance to the gossip in the tabloids about Dennis Shields and Bethenny, I hope his wife goes HAM on Frankel.  If it's true, I can't think of another franchise where 1 Ho eviscerated another for something but was outed as being guilty of the exact same thing during the exact same time frame. 

I was a loyal fan until this season - and yet I totally agree with you.  The level of hypocrisy is off the charts - and Bethenny knew that this would be out in the open soon, which makes me wonder if she just approaches this as "playing a role" on the show and thinks it won't affect her real life.  Well, if the rest of the world believed that it was merely a role, it would be BRILLIANT - but alas, even we regular folk know that it's the real deal.  

I don't doubt for a second that she simply considers herself untouchable, either - and I wouldn't think that this would be a good look for any businesswoman.  

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

It seems that Bethenny didn't like Luann's red jumpsuit either and tweeted about it. http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2016/06/10/bethenny-frankel-throws-shade-at-luanns-fiance-businesses-on-social-media/

Bethenny's comment on Luann's outfit from her Countess line was smack talk about Luann's "brand". How does anyone think Bethenny would react if Luann called her SKG drinks swill, cheap, gross, unpalatable, ect........? LOL

I'm one that didn't like that red jumpsuit. I almost thought it would be more suitable for someone a bit younger. I have a medical mind and what jumped inside my brain at first sight of that red jumpsuit was all the blood vessels in the human body. Oh I know it was lace. Luann uses lace a lot in 'her' designs. But still, blood vessel jumpsuit in my mind.


  • Love 9
2 hours ago, lilshilo said:

I have been loving ALL of the smart comments here so I decided that Andy Cohen should take a look-  Andy clapped back - (is it sad that I am fangirl happy that he replied to my tweet even if it was to swat me down?)


So sad. This show is over. It is not reality of a group of housewives it is "give Andy what he wants-ratings- and you keep your job". That said, every boss wants his employees to deliver whether you are a dishwasher or a car salesman. But this is reality TV. Faking it for Andy's ratings isn't what I wanna see.

13 minutes ago, straightshooter said:

I was a loyal fan until this season - and yet I totally agree with you.  The level of hypocrisy is off the charts - and Bethenny knew that this would be out in the open soon, which makes me wonder if she just approaches this as "playing a role" on the show and thinks it won't affect her real life.  Well, if the rest of the world believed that it was merely a role, it would be BRILLIANT - but alas, even we regular folk know that it's the real deal.  

I don't doubt for a second that she simply considers herself untouchable, either - and I wouldn't think that this would be a good look for any businesswoman.  

That is satisfying. That B is selling her soul to Andy and throwing the baby out w/the bathwater. Wrecking her brand so Andy gets what he wants and she gets attn. 

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

What Kelly said about gummy bears was they were organic.  Beth said no they’re not.    The next interaction they had was when Beth was telling somebody (I don’t know who) how she was struggling with feelings about her relationship with her father.   Again, excuse my memory I don’t know  whether j he was gravely ill at that point or had already died.   Kelly interrupted that conversation to say something completely asinine to Beth about his sickness or her (Beth’s) reaction to it.  Next Kelly says you’re not a chef, you’re a cook.  The distinction of which she cannot articulate but the essence is whichever is “up there” is the one Kelly thinks Beth is not.    Next, she says some dumbass thing about making lemons out of lemonade.   Finally at dinner she says she had a nightmare wherein Beth was stabbing her and somehow at the end of this sentence Bethenny is Al Sharpton.  In each of these Scary Island instances, Kelly intiates the conversation, flusters when challenged with facts that dispute what she’s saying and then walks off insisting that she’s been attacked.   None of the other housewives recognized that as the psychotic break it was because it never looked any different from the everyday nutty ass lunatic that Kelly was, they’d just never seen it in such a concentrated dose.    The I’m up here you’re down here speech, again, initiated by Kelly, it wasn’t a defense of the guest at the dinner party they had attended, she wanted to let Beth know that she thought she was beneath her.   And per her mo, she fucked that up too.    She wasn’t done, ya’ll don’t remember the end of that season where she’d accused Beth of planting stories in the paper about her and her kids?   Kelly's fragile because Kelly's fragile.

This is not to dismiss her scorched earth method.   Those people claimed not to have ever met her, not that they didn’t remember.  It’s a subtle but important difference.  If I were to categorize the theme here, I’d say her thing is pointing out the lie.   We have met, it’s fine if you don’t remember but it’s not accurate to say we haven’t.     Stop insisting gummy bears are organic when their only two ingredients are high fructose corn syrup and gelatin, they’re not organic.   It’s actually physically impossible to make lemons out of lemonade but thanks for contributing to the discussion.     What’s the difference between being a cook and a chef again?  Oh, crickets?  Alright, thanks have a seat.   She's become a bigger asshole since season 1 or 2 but that doesn't diminish that she's right about what she's right about.

But but why is the organicness of gummy bears so important?? It's the extreme need to challenge, counter, prove wrong that creates the ugly energy that Beth ALWAYS creates. You know sometimes u can just have an inner laugh at someone's ridiculousness. Beth just HAS TO put someone on blast for whatever reason even if it's a minuscule reason. We will agree to disagree but that confrontation at the bar was Kelly addressing Beth's unnecessarily rude behavior at the charity meeting. Bereting Kelly and being a bitch. That much is clear. I mean are we not acknowledging that Beth pretty much went after Kelly at That meeting or is it supposed to be glossed over as it never happened..? I notice that no one ever addresses that particular interaction. That one where she decided that Kelly was an enemy oh and don't forget the charming conversation she had in the pool with the countess before Kelly was even introduced to the group as part of the cast where she was already talking uber smack about Kelly for no real reason. Shit I saw the writing in the wall with that wxchange allow and that was like episode 4 or 5. Nope Beth wasn't innocent then the same way she isn't innocent now...

And real Kelly's silly sayings and understanding of things and malapropriations  is such a crime against nature? Really??? 

Edited by Yours Truly
  • Love 9


It isn't supposed to be like this. The laws of reality television tend to dictate that no show remains captivating for more than a few seasons, even with cast shakeups. It's just the way our attention spans and the concept of diminishing returns operate. Yet, here we are in the eighth season of The Real Housewives of New York City and the Bravo staple is unequivocally having its best season ever.

Yes, ever.



I agree!  I'm having so much fun with these idiots this season.  I don't have to like or hate reality stars to enjoy their antics, and so far?  These ladies are delivering big time.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Duke2801 said:


First of all, Kelly was behaving like a pretentious asshole at that meeting.  And Bethenny "berating"  her had nothing to do with Kelly showing up late. It was because of her whole "umm... I don't lend my name to just anything" (except shitty Halloween parties that you don't show up to until after midnight) spiel. And then she was all over the damn place with her reasoning.  I was especially fond of this insane little exchange... 

Kel - "I don't even have time to support my own charities"

Somebody else ( I think Lu) - "Oh what charities do you support?"

Kel - "I don't support any charities."

We the Viewers - "Dafuq is this chic smoking?"   

Second of all, I don't think Bethenny whispering under her breath "apparently she's Madonna" classifies as berating somebody. Nor saying that she thinks that Kelly comes from a "place of no."  I mean, it's kinda rude, maybe sorta bitchy. But. Screaming at somebody that they sleep with everybody and calling them a "plastic fuck doll"? Yeah, that's berating somebody to their face.

I don't wanna spend too much time defending Bethenny because it makes me feel dirty in light of her recent tirades and horrific behavior on the show. But suffice to say that Kelly was hardly some sweet, innocent angel who got caught in the Bethenny Frankel crosshairs.  She was just as much of a bitch as Bethenny, if not more so.

Ummm okay she was being annoying so what..? That means a random person who doesn't know u well can start in on you with some really aggressive bullshit and then start mocking u to someone else right in ur face? Yeah that's how nasty and mean people handle a situation and u know what last season this season bethenny ever after the talk show etc etc rests my case and I'm not even gonna bother cause sure yeah Kelly had her annoying moments but guess what we are seeing just how wrong Beth can be ON A REGULAR BASIS. Beth's bullshit shouldn't be condoned cause some of her prey annoys. 

One last thing, I totally thought it was within reason BUT articulated badly by Kelly about her reasoning behind just slapping her name onto charities if she's not really active in it. I actually thought it was a good point to make. Showed that she doesn't want to be pretending she's such an advocate but yet doesn't commit to much time to it whereas she's got her particular charities she truly involved in.. MMV obviously especially when Kelly's involved.. 

At the end of the day as it usually is in the case of Beth and her prey Kelly was for the most part harmless and her eviserstion completely unnecessary. 

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Midnight Cheese said:

Ramona insisted the 'other woman' was Avery.  In a thread here, someone said a friend of hers told her that Mario hit on her during, I think, season 2 or 3.  TWoP folks felt the earliest Singer scenes, where Ramona accosted a woman that Mario was talking to without his wedding ring, and where he stared past her at sidewalk cafes, showed...something.  But to Ramona, her marriage was so enviable that she could be a snatchafrass hosebeast about LuAnn and the Count's extracurriculars.  She's a loser and intensely delusional.  I don't believe a damned thing about her, her marriage, and what other women 'did' to get Mario.  He was slinging it, pretty much on camera.  She was desperate to not see that.

Also, and do correct me (seriously, do!) if I'm wrong -- I am pretty sure LuAnn's bitchy French translation of the psychic came after or contemporaneously with Ramona's obviously deliberate retweeting of Victoria getting into trouble being a dumb privileged brat and saying the n word.  I despise that behavior but Victoria was apparently saying it in an 'I'm cool and urban' idiotic way, not in a racist like Paris Hilton way.  Ramona shared that with every follower, and Victoria was ultimately pushed out of her school for that.  I will never be able to prove this, but while the season aired, Alex McCord took questions on her "McCordVanKempen'" blog and I posed a question (feeling super stupid and crazy for asking) how she could align with Ramona for certain off-screen, kid-harming behavior, and she replied in an honest and discreet but public way saying she disagreed with that behavior (meaning, she did not recite the incident to give it more air at the time -- but she confirmed and agreed with the assertion that it was deliberate and completely beyond the pale.  Alex agreed that Ramona was vicious to LuAnn.  LuAnn!  Alex hated LuAnn for legit reasons - LuAnn was dismissive and utterly contemptuous of Alex.)  My point is that Ramona is lower than her dog's shit dug into Dorinda's parquet floors, and she is a liar -- Ramona tried to delete and backtrack on social media after getting justified criticism.  She tries to control the narrative but she is a bona fide, frequent liar and distortion artist.  If Ramona did that to my kid?  I'd fix my situation, and then I'd run and yank Ramona's crow's feet straight while snatching her bald and telling her to smell Mario once in a while to accept her reality, and to make sure to up her wine intake to 3 bottles/day to deal with the fact that he just wasn't all that into her.  IMO she wanted to renew her vows at 17 years because she wasn't sure they'd make it to 20.  I trust nothing she says about her marriage and the sex being tossed Mario's way.  I think she will never admit reality and will lie to attack other women with her last breath.

I totally agree.  IMO, Ramona is actually the meanest one in the bunch - yep, even meaner than Bethenny.  The difference is that we've come to regard Ramona as a gnat and even though she is constantly making noise, we listen to less and less of her.  Now that Bethenny is HBIC, she's trying to tone certain things down but will still sling anything the brings her closer to the top.  Kiss that ass, Ramona! 

The most cruel words I've heard on this show to this day were said way back when on the bridge by Ramona to Bethenny.  

I've gone from liking all of them to now liking Dorinda, I tolerated Carole until these last few episodes as the bully's sidekick, and I'm thoroughly confused by the ever-confused Jules.  Sonja is just a mess, and I was glad to hear that she is actually still not drinking as of a couple of days ago.  I just can't take her delusions of grandeur.  Anytime she has an chance to insert something about herself into any conversation, I know it's going to make me dislike her even more.  Blehhh

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, lilshilo said:

I have been loving ALL of the smart comments here so I decided that Andy Cohen should take a look-  Andy clapped back - (is it sad that I am fangirl happy that he replied to my tweet even if it was to swat me down?)


I agree with you that Bethenny has to much clout on the show. However, Bethenny has become the biggest villain on the show in years so it must be good for ratings.. I prefer Bethenny the villain storyline to  the lyme disease storyline on RHOBH & fake cancer on RHOC.

  • Love 6
54 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

So sad. This show is over. It is not reality of a group of housewives it is "give Andy what he wants-ratings- and you keep your job". That said, every boss wants his employees to deliver whether you are a dishwasher or a car salesman. But this is reality TV. Faking it for Andy's ratings isn't what I wanna see.

That is satisfying. That B is selling her soul to Andy and throwing the baby out w/the bathwater. Wrecking her brand so Andy gets what he wants and she gets attn. 

Andy thinks the ratings being up now is a good sign.  Won't he be surprised once this shitshow is over?!  That's my prediction, anyway.  Who knows?  Maybe we all will.

  • Love 2
28 minutes ago, straightshooter said:

I totally agree.  IMO, Ramona is actually the meanest one in the bunch - yep, even meaner than Bethenny.  The difference is that we've come to regard Ramona as a gnat and even though she is constantly making noise, we listen to less and less of her.  Now that Bethenny is HBIC, she's trying to tone certain things down but will still sling anything the brings her closer to the top.  Kiss that ass, Ramona! 

The most cruel words I've heard on this show to this day were said way back when on the bridge by Ramona to Bethenny.  

I've gone from liking all of them to now liking Dorinda, I tolerated Carole until these last few episodes as the bully's sidekick, and I'm thoroughly confused by the ever-confused Jules.  Sonja is just a mess, and I was glad to hear that she is actually still not drinking as of a couple of days ago.  I just can't take her delusions of grandeur.  Anytime she has an chance to insert something about herself into any conversation, I know it's going to make me dislike her even more.  Blehhh

Ramona sees herself as the peacemaker and is trying to re-invent herself.  She was mean to Bethenny but she has done and said some pretty harsh things about Luann's children.

I just wish one of these women would bring up Ramona as the caboose of the Bethenny hypocritical train, her brother's allegations that Ramona had more affairs than Mario.  he was there so I guess he would know.  He wrote a book about them so they must be true. ; )  

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6 hours ago, Midnight Cheese said:

The comments about Carole and ambition are interesting.  Now, of course she owes Aviva and the rest of we observers nothing, but -- it's so freaking hard to get published, by major houses, and to have notable editors work with you, to land regular columns in print publications.  Why in the holy hell would she let her focus seem to dwindle to this degree, when she probably has decades of work and life ahead of her, and isn't (and I am NOT no-kid-shaming) raising a family or doing volunteer work out of her ass or something?  It's just a little baffling, especially after Aviva's vicious attacks.  I am curious, I guess. 

It is hard to get published by a major house, but it's a whole lot easier if you're a famous person--or fame-adjacent like Carole was.  And it was especially easier in the years following JFK Jr.'s death, which kind of revived the whole Camelot nostalgia.  I worked on a book by one of his friends, who was someone that nobody had ever heard of (and it was a book that had literally no merit).  They were practically hunting people down who had the most tenuous connection to JFK Jr. and handing out book contracts like pizzeria flyers.  So maybe Carole, who hadn't spent years in the trenches (the trenches of developing skills as a writer, not the TV-news-producing trenches), didn't have a clear sense of what a gift she'd been handed and thought it was something she'd always be privileged with in the future.  And since she didn't have to work toward it in the past, assumed she wouldn't have to work for it in the future.  I don't know.  People think they're entering some sort of magic circle that they'll never be evicted from.  It kind of looks as if she's in the process of being delivered from that delusion.

5 hours ago, NewDigs said:

I thought the onesie's crotch was hanging too low. Did it have a drop-seat?

I think that the building code requires every dwelling place to have a means of ingress and egress, so I'm going to say yes, it has a drop-seat.  Carole does need to go walk the dog occasionally.

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2 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Ramona sees herself as the peacemaker and is trying to re-invent herself.  She was mean to Bethenny but she has done and said some pretty harsh things about Luann's children.

I just wish one of these women would bring up Ramona as the caboose of the Bethenny hypocritical train, her brother's allegations that Ramona had more affairs than Mario.  he was there so I guess he would know.  He wrote a book about them so they must be true. ; )  

I bolded that because you're right and that was actually the point of my post - the comment to Bethenny was just a clear example of how we saw that in Ramona early on. (Just making it clear that it's not a Bethenny vs. Ramona thing)  She's said awful things to every single HW she's "worked" with.  

I cringe for poor Avery. 

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