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S06.E07: The Broken Man

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If Margaery is being strategic, why would she stop sleeping with Tommen? Other than religious fervor, it's basically the only other way she has to relate to him. I feel like that was just a contrivance to give the High Sparrow and Margaery a pretense for conversation, with bonus points for allowing the High Sparrow to make it clear that the faith considers a wife's desire unimportant. 

I would like to know more of exactly what's going on in Margaery's head - 100% faking or finding some wheat in the chaff there? - though if she is just going to die with everyone else in King's Landing soon the show might not think it's worth the time to explore her thoughts further.

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I am unsure why Sansa was so needlessly bitchy. Like sure, she's had a rough few days and been told she's not a Stark a few times and that's got to be rough, and I know she's tense but sweetie, none of that is Davos' fault. Take a breather.

And I'm a huge Sansa fan. But that bugged the hell out of me. Still a teenager.

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I didn't know Ian McShane's character was going to get killed off so quickly and was bummed when I saw him hanged. I genuinely wanted to more "violent murderer" support group stories from him and for the Hound to tell some as well.

Edited by VCRTracking
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I was ok with the Hound, Loved Lady Mormont and Glover, between the two; I think Jon and Sansa are going to get a fast track lesson on not only what it takes to be a Stark, but a true Northerner.

Jon is rushing head long into suicide, and though Sansa is correct; she needs to tell him that there is an army nearby.

I'm still not sure if the letter she sends is to LF as she could also send it to house Manderly or another house.

I also think

House Glover will be the house to change it's mind, because Lord Glover didn't throw up Sansa's marriages to her face,

he gave more valid reasons.

I had a wierd male smile on my face with Yara wanting to bone that woman, and her having her brother drink some liquid courage.

I gasped at that stabbing to Arya and somehow it's not looking well for the Waif, didn't Jauqin tell her not to let Arya suffer?  

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2) I don't understand who says it was an improvement over last week. For me, it was the worst episode this season. Felt underwhelmed with all the plots. Does anyone really believe Maegeary isn't playing the game? Or that Sansa's letter wasn't to Littlefinger. No surprises. Nice confirmation of the Hound's life state, but, again, underwhelming.

Agreed that it was underwhelming. A few good moments, but definitely a lull. And I don't actually think Sansa wrote to Littlefinger. I say House Cerwyn. If it is actually Littlefinger, then where is boss ass bitch Sansa? She's done nothing but sew some damn clothes, forget her lines with Brienne, and become besties with Theon - Theon who sacked her home and betrayed her brother. (sure, let them have a bond, let there be a little understanding, but come on - don't hug him like a brother and beg him to come with her *sad face*)

And are we ever going to see why Jon's resurrection matters? Talk about underwhelming to the max degree. Sheesh. Right now there is zero - ZERO - narrative reason for it other than 'oh, how shocking!'

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1 minute ago, Gertrude said:

Agreed that it was underwhelming. A few good moments, but definitely a lull. And I don't actually think Sansa wrote to Littlefinger. I say House Cerwyn. If it is actually Littlefinger, then where is boss ass bitch Sansa? She's done nothing but sew some damn clothes, forget her lines with Brienne, and become besties with Theon - Theon who sacked her home and betrayed her brother. (sure, let them have a bond, let there be a little understanding, but come on - don't hug him like a brother and beg him to come with her *sad face*)

The most disappointing thing this week about Sansa was when she started off her pitch with Lyanna with how she was sure that Lyanna was going to be a great beauty.  It came off quite condescending. Which is why I'm glad Lyanna batted that comment away with the quickness.

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1 hour ago, silkymoonshine said:

I don't understand who says it was an improvement over last week. For me, it was the worst episode this season. Felt underwhelmed with all the plots. Does anyone really believe Maegeary isn't playing the game? Or that Sansa's letter wasn't to Littlefinger. No surprises.

(shrug) I don't care about being surprised. Like, at all. I want the characters and the world to feel real and lived-in, and if that means things are more inevitable than surprising, more power to 'em.

I think back to when I first started watching season 1, having not yet read the books. It took me a few episodes to get into the show, because my first impression was that it was basically a medieval soap opera where, ooh, you never know what sex, violence, or treachery might be going on! I kept waiting for random surprise plot twists, like Maester Luwin turning out to be a Lannister spy or something. What hooked me on the show was finally realizing that it wasn't just a parade of melodramatic plot twists -- that there was a complex web of politics and psychology underpinning everything that happened.

Too much this season, it's felt like the show was conforming instead to my initial impression -- that things happen just to happen, not because the reality of the fictional world demands it. This is one of the few recent episodes where all the way through -- with only a couple dumb exceptions, like the "Let's camp where Stannis got ambushed" decision -- I could feel the influence of a larger world behind events, not just than the hand of the writers.

Edited by Dev F
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49 minutes ago, Gertrude said:

Another thing this episode made me think about was how there is a part of the fan-base lambasting Bran for doing what he did to Hodor, but I don't remember the same outcry against Robb when he 'took up with his foreign whore'. He was an adult making and adult choice with consequences. Bran is a child making a mistake of which the consequences were never fully explained to him. Yes, what happened to Hodor was tragic and horrible, but why is it not as horrible as tearing apart so many Northern families and leaving his uncle to marry the Frey girl and wind up the Frey's prisoner and a dead man walking?

Well, most people read this before they saw it onscreen, in the book section, but season six is based on a book that hasn't been finished. Also, there is a difference in why people are reacting the way they are. Although tragic, we are used to men going to war on stuff like this, but someone losing their mind and becoming human cattle is a different sort of horror. Like lost the ability of speech just to say the bastardized version of hold the door, until he died saying hold the door over 20-30 odd years later. 

And are we not going to talk about the preview?!?!?!

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56 minutes ago, Gertrude said:

Another thing this episode made me think about was how there is a part of the fan-base lambasting Bran for doing what he did to Hodor, but I don't remember the same outcry against Robb when he 'took up with his foreign whore'. He was an adult making and adult choice with consequences. Bran is a child making a mistake of which the consequences were never fully explained to him. Yes, what happened to Hodor was tragic and horrible, but why is it not as horrible as tearing apart so many Northern families and leaving his uncle to marry the Frey girl and wind up the Frey's prisoner and a dead man walking?

Why is everyone calling Talisa a whore? Robb's mistake is he took a nice carrying person who won his heart, over a Frey girl breaking a King's promise.

The venom should be at Robb, not Talisa.

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2 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

I forgot about Lady Crane, Arya saved her life she could repay the favor.

As I watched my poor girl clutch her stomach and no one come to her aid, I worried where she could get help. Thank you for reminding me that she has a friend in Lady Crane. If Arya is to believably survive this stabbing, her only hope is to seek out the theater troupe. 

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How likely is CleganeBowl? Mountain is still in KL. Hound is cruising the forest [somewhere near the Vale?] at half speed looking for revenge against difficult odds. Hardly an inevitable collision course.

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4 minutes ago, larapu2000 said:

I want to be Lady Mormont when I grow up.

Me too! In fact, I'm going to start modelling some of that no nonsense toughness in some currently difficult situations in my life. I tend toward the kind and the comprising but people respect a bad ass. 

Oh Arya, I saw the waif coming and it really took me out of things that Arya didn't even take a step back. She is after all the girl that just defied an assassin's cult that operates with face magic. Did she really think the waif wouldn't be gunning for her?

And still, nobody's making nearly enough hay about the Night King. In the North! Vassals of the ruling "Winter is Coming" Stark family. It just makes no sense. Jon could have avoided a resurrection if he talked more about Hardhome. I liked the episode but people not giving information that anyone would share grates. 

I didn't mind Yara batting for Team Sappho. Not all tough warrior chicks are portrayed as lesbians. We know Brienne likes guys. 

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6 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:

If Arya is to believably survive this stabbing, her only hope is to seek out the theater troupe. 

Arya: Help me ...[gasp] please.

Actor 1: I'm not a maester, but I play one on stage...

Actor 2: I'm his understudy!

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To be honest, the whole Arya story seemed a little "off" to me. She didn't seem like herself when she approached the sailor (mannerisms and voice), and I would have thought that she would have asked the theatre troupe for a ride back to Westeros before throwing all that money at a surly stranger. Then there's the foolishness of not anticipating the attack by the waif. I partly expected that stabbed-Arya would then reveal herself to be Jaqen in disguise.* However, I'm not sure what purpose this would actually serve, except maybe to sabotage the waif's assassination attempt and let Arya escape unnoticed.

*Even though they have indicated that the archive of faces comes from dead people, we saw last season that Arya uncovered her own face when she was quickly pulling off the layers of faces on the dead body right before she was blinded, so it could be possible to impersonate her while she's still alive. Or something. They have been inconsistent with the whole faceless man disguise thing, so who knows.

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11 minutes ago, paigow said:


How likely is CleganeBowl? Mountain is still in KL. Hound is cruising the forest [somewhere near the Vale?] at half speed looking for revenge against difficult odds. Hardly an inevitable collision course.


I have to agree. It's a great concept, but doesn't seem terribly likely, especially when you factor in the Hound's leg injury. Also, Martin doesn't seem to go in for Karmic revenge as much as other writers. I know that lots of people want the Hound to kill the Mountain and Sansa to kill Littlefinger and/or Ramsay, but I don't think these will happen so neatly.

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4 minutes ago, gwhh said:

What did that symbol written on that paper that quenn handed to her grandmother mean?   

Well, since it was a rose, I'd take it to mean, "still team Tyrell here."

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6 minutes ago, Cherpumple said:

To be honest, the whole Arya story seemed a little "off" to me. She didn't seem like herself when she approached the sailor (mannerisms and voice), and I would have thought that she would have asked the theatre troupe for a ride back to Westeros before throwing all that money at a surly stranger.

It's not totally clear, but given her change both in attitude and appearance, I think the idea is that a fair amount of time has passed since she absconded from the House of Black and White. Maybe we're supposed to think that she's been skulking around the city for weeks, not only surviving but somehow managing to raise/steal a whole bunch of money, and as a result she's grown a little complacent about her own safety?


*Even though they have indicated that the archive of faces comes from dead people, we saw last season that Arya uncovered her own face when she was quickly pulling off the layers of faces on the dead body right before she was blinded, so it could be possible to impersonate her while she's still alive. Or something. They have been inconsistent with the whole faceless man disguise thing, so who knows.

I think the multiple faces were just hallucinations she experienced right before being struck blind.

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6 minutes ago, gwhh said:

What did that symbol written on that paper that quenn handed to her grandmother mean?   

It's the Tyrell family sigil, the Rose. Margaery was letting her grandmother know she hasn't truly converted to the Faith, she's still a Tyrell.

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I can't imagine how Arya is going to do all the things previews have her doing next week, while nursing a slash in her tummy. Maybe it wasn't that deep a slash.

They don't teach their horrible league of assassins how to perform a proper foin?  If what we saw was right, Arya would be lucky to live if she was 5 steps from a trauma center.  So disappointing to see Arya just strolling around town rather than running for her fucking life, and to be gulled into letting someone get into stabbing range because they look harmless, having just been trained by a league of assassins who routinely switch faces?  That wasn't great.


Shane, you magnificent bastard.  Thank you for spoiling in an interview that your character would die- so I was prepared that while memorable, you visit to GOT would be brief.

Love that cocksucker.  Can't believe he's already gone, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't bracing myself for some blistering profanity from him.  Still, one of the better bits in this episode, him and young Lady Mormont.  

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28 minutes ago, paigow said:

How likely is CleganeBowl? Mountain is still in KL. Hound is cruising the forest [somewhere near the Vale?] at half speed looking for revenge against difficult odds. Hardly an inevitable collision course.

Well, LF can travel from WF to the Vale, and from there to Mole Town in like 3 days.  Yara and Theon went from the Iron Islands to Volantis in what felt like a day, with time to spare to visit the whorehouse.  So, the Hound can probably exert his revenge and reach King's Landing in a single episode.


The reason I think Sansa was writing to LF is that when Glover asked who was fighting in Jon's army he said they had the Mormonts and that they had sent ravens to the other houses. So, all the ravens have been sent. Then as Sansa and Jon are walking she says they need more men and proposes that they continue touring the North to get them; he says they have to fight with what they have, there's no time to visit anyone else.  Immediately after that conversation Sansa is writing a letter and she's not looking all too happy about it.

If she'd been writing to some other Northern family, why not tell Jon? "I'm writing to such and such again, it couldn't hurt to try one more time by raven could it?"  And why is she looking so apprehensive while doing it?

It makes more sense that after seeing her plan fail (she was the one that insisted that the North would support them), she has to backtrack and ask LF for help, after she refused him the first time.

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36 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:

As I watched my poor girl clutch her stomach and no one come to her aid, I worried where she could get help. Thank you for reminding me that she has a friend in Lady Crane. If Arya is to believably survive this stabbing, her only hope is to seek out the theater troupe. 

Arya's only hope is Lady Crane. Unless the real Jaqen or alive!Syrio are somewhere in Braavos. I don't know how Arya can trust anyone in Braavos though. When the crowd was staring at her without helping, it seemed to me that she was fearful one of the bystanders was the Waif in disguise.  

26 minutes ago, paigow said:

Arya: Help me ...[gasp] please.

Actor 1: I'm not a maester, but I play one on stage...

Actor 2: I'm his understudy!

Well, the Joffrey actor was asking someone about warts a couple episodes ago. Maybe that person can heal stomach wounds?

16 minutes ago, Cherpumple said:

I have to agree. It's a great concept, but doesn't seem terribly likely, especially when you factor in the Hound's leg injury. Also, Martin doesn't seem to go in for Karmic revenge as much as other writers. I know that lots of people want the Hound to kill the Mountain and Sansa to kill Littlefinger and/or Ramsay, but I don't think these will happen so neatly.

As someone who is incredibly happy to see that the Hound survived (even though I've known for a while that he's the Gravedigger), I absolutely don't want him to go to King's Landing. I don't see him getting out of there alive, even if he survives a fight with FrankenGregor. There's bound to be fire there eventually, be it from the wildfire stashes or Dany's dragons. Not a safe place for a hound. 


In the books, there would probably still be enough time for him to fight the Mountain and leave, but in the show, it seems likely that King's Landing is going to burn soon.

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Why didn't Jon show his sword, Longclaw, to Lady Mormont as a sign of the faith that the Old Bear put in him? 

Lady Mormont is unlikely to have ever seen Longclaw (she's too young to have known Mormont before he left for the Wall) and even if she had, when last she saw it it would have had a bear-head pommel.  Mormont changed it to a dire wolf-head to honor Jon, so it no longer even looks like the Longclaw that Mormont took to the Wall with him.

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It's the Mormonts' ancestral sword, which is supposed to be passed down from generation to generation. Upon Mormont's death it would have been sent back to House Mormont had Jeor not given it to Jon.  Maybe Jon didn't want to rub it in her face that her uncle preferred to give it to a bastard.

Edited by WearyTraveler
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1 hour ago, aslightjump said:

I am unsure why Sansa was so needlessly bitchy. Like sure, she's had a rough few days and been told she's not a Stark a few times and that's got to be rough, and I know she's tense but sweetie, none of that is Davos' fault. Take a breather.

And I'm a huge Sansa fan. But that bugged the hell out of me. Still a teenager.

Sophie's line readings--and/or what I see as the actress' limited range--make the character sound a lot bitchier than perhaps the writers intend. With that said, remember that Sansa has Brienne's warning in her mind about Davos being an opportunist who helped murder Renly with blood magic. Sansa also has a point that Davos' resume as advising Stannis faithfully isn't exactly a mark in his favour, given Stannis' notorious failure at Blackwater (and, although she didn't say so, Stannis' defeat at Winterfell); it's not too different from Varys noting to Kinvara that the red priests' track record in assisting supposed saviours was awfully lacking.

...Of course, Sansa grumping about Davos' great accomplishment in getting 62 soldiers from a 10-year-old child was a little rich, since she had tried and failed to do the exact same thing. I understand her perspective, though.

On a meta level, I don't appreciate the writers making Jon and Sansa look like idiots to highlight Lyanna's sassiness and Davos' competence.

Another thing that bothered me was the camerawork artfully blurring the words of Sansa's letter. Come on! We all know she's writing to Littlefinger! Give the audience some credit, here!

I'm not even mad about Yara liking the ladies (as opposed to straight Asha). Get it, girl.


Also, Martin doesn't seem to go in for Karmic revenge as much as other writers.

Jaime (crippled Bran and was crippled himself), Cersei (sicced the High Sparrow on Margaery only to have the same thing happen to her), Vargo Hoat (chopped off Jaime's hand, died by having bits of him chopped off slowly), Lysa (merrily executed tons of people using the Moon Door and was shoved out herself), and many other ASOIAF characters would disagree.

...With that said, I doubt Cleganebowl will be a thing.

Edited by Eyes High
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38 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:

It's the Tyrell family sigil, the Rose. Margaery was letting her grandmother know she hasn't truly converted to the Faith, she's still a Tyrell.

But also it was drawn to look like a fist to indicate that she is still fighting.

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3 hours ago, Skeeter22 said:

Having a 10 year-old throw "Lannister-Bolton" in her face was pretty ballsy of the writers since their poor storytelling saddled her with having to explain marrying Ramsay.

Yeah, as much as I liked Lady Mormont, that was complete BS.  It's easy for her to throw out lines like that when she's safe in her castle, she has no idea what Sansa went through out in the world.

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4 minutes ago, WearyTraveler said:

It's the Mormont's ancestral sword, which is supposed to be passed down from generation to generation. Upon Mormont's death it would have been sent back to House Mormont had Jeor not given it to Jon.  Maybe Jon didn't want to rub it in her face that her uncle preferred to give it to a bastard.

Maybe, but I'd say there's exactly zero chance her maester didn't know this, and inform Lyanna.  Just a guess but I think she's unlikely to be swayed by this connection (interesting as it is), whereas the Mormont ties to the Starks still carries weight.  

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1 hour ago, Gertrude said:

And are we ever going to see why Jon's resurrection matters? Talk about underwhelming to the max degree. Sheesh. Right now there is zero - ZERO - narrative reason for it other than 'oh, how shocking!'

It got him out of his Night's Watch vows. His watch is ended, so he's free to take back Winterfell, etc.

Edited by Fex
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I liked Lyanna Mormont, but it seemed a little far fetched that she would accompany the troops.

I wish the Hound was re-introduced differently.  I felt nothing at the killing of those people, and I'm not buying the Hound seeking vengeance.  If that's where this is going.  He's slipping.  He hears screams, knew the bad guys were in the vicinity, yet ditched the machete before running to check out the situation.

Was Arya's stabbing supposed to remind me of Talisa's?

What is it about this show.  They take old dudes, give them English accents and armor, and they're kind of hot.

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I don't think they're making Jon and Sansa look like idiots so much as they are making the Northern Lords very different from their book counterparts.

As Starks raised by Ned, they are appealing to people's honor (your house swore allegiance), the way Ned would.  And you know that if the situation were reversed, both of them (or at the very least Jon) would try to follow Ned's teaching and act with honor.  In the books we see plenty of evidence of the loyalty that most of the Northern houses still have for the Starks, so, that appeal is one that should work.

Only, it's not working now because D&D think we need the added tension of having Jon and Sansa face the Bolton as the underdogs, to have someone later either change sides at a critical moment (the Freys/Boltons turning on Robb, the Tyrells supporting the Lannisters after Renly died), or someone showing up at the last minute to save them (Tywin showing up in KL, Stannis showing up at the Wall, Drogon rescuing Dany).

They probably think watching competent people making competent plans and wining with this strategy is boring.

Edited by WearyTraveler
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If you ever wondered what the Seven Samurai would be like without the samurai... well that would be it.

Loved the Mormont kid too... although I disagree that she was the best of the kid actors... Joffrey was excellent at being hateful and sadistic... Robin was amazing at being clumsy and creepy... and little Arya was great at being spunky and brave.  This girl is just the best at being bad ass of the bunch.

Speaking of Arya, there's not too much suspense speculating about whether she lives now that they resurrected the Hound.  Sounds like she is on his abbreviated shit list of one.

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(For all the Sansa pregnancy speculators) Sansa Bumpwatch 2016:

In general, it was hard to see any kind of shape to Sansa's new blue gown; it looks like a big sack. Her snazzy furred cloak mostly covered her gown, and the gown has very, very long, draping sleeves, quite unlike the style she was wearing when she arrived at Castle Black. Those sleeves conceal her midsection and everything below when she holds her hands in front of her midsection, the way Sansa was doing in this episode (and the way, to be fair, she often held them in past seasons).

1. First scene (wildlings): Sansa held her hands in front of her.

2. Second scene (Bear Island): Sansa again clasped her hands in front of her, even when she walking, which looked a little odd.

3. Third scene (Deepwood Motte): Sansa has her cloak pulled around her, so her gown isn't even visible.

4. Fourth scene (Stannis' former encampment): While walking with Davos and Jon, Sansa is again holding her hands in front of her midsection. She seems to be rubbing her hands anxiously. Compare this with Jon who keeps his hands by his side. She does drop her hands a little bit when she insists to Jon that they need more men.

5. Fifth scene (Sansa writes a letter): Sansa is only shot from the chest up, and the lighting isn't great.

Edited by Eyes High
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30 minutes ago, Sentient Meat said:

If you ever wondered what the Seven Samurai would be like without the samurai... well that would be it.

Loved the Mormont kid too... although I disagree that she was the best of the kid actors... Joffrey was excellent at being hateful and sadistic... Robin was amazing at being clumsy and creepy... and little Arya was great at being spunky and brave.  This girl is just the best at being bad ass of the bunch.

Speaking of Arya, there's not too much suspense speculating about whether she lives now that they resurrected the Hound.  Sounds like she is on his abbreviated shit list of one.

Her and Brienne.

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The most disappointing thing this week about Sansa was when she started off her pitch with Lyanna with how she was sure that Lyanna was going to be a great beauty.

It's shocking that Sansa doesn't know how to talk to a tomboyish girl given her history. ;-)

Seriously though, Davos was definitely the right person to speak to Lyanna Mormont because he can talk to precocious children.



Only, it's not working now because D&D think we need the added tension of having Jon and Sansa face the Bolton as the underdogs, to have someone later either change sides at a critical moment (the Freys/Boltons turning on Robb, the Tyrells supporting the Lannisters after Renly died), or someone showing up at the last minute to save them (Tywin showing up in KL, Stannis showing up at the Wall, Drogon rescuing Dany).

They probably think watching competent people making competent plans and wining with this strategy is boring.


Well, they'd be right.

Also people can't believe Jaime is still in Cersei's corner even though she really hasn't changed that much on the show? If anything she's gotten more humbled as opposed to the books where she's supposed to be paranoid and powermad that's what alienates Jaime. On the show he fails to keep their daughter from being killed and she does the humiliating walk of shame, of course she wants vengeance and of course Jaime would agree.

Edited by VCRTracking
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1 hour ago, jjjmoss said:

Sophie Turner is amazing and superior to the actors who've gotten Emmy noms from this program.

I really want her to at least be nominated for a Golden Globe. She's improved a thousandfold since season one.

Anyway, I wasn't that enamored of this episode. Precocious children on TV annoy the hell out of me (with a few rare exceptions). And I hate that Jon's book character was dumbed down for this arc. Jon in the books is quite savvy about politics, telling Stannis how to gain support in the North. 

I was glad to see Riverrun, but it just reminded me that Jaime's character has become completely toothless. I did enjoy the Blackfish though.

I also enjoyed Olenna smacking down Cersei. And I KNEW (as did most people, I suppose) that Margaery, wearing her Modest Blue Dress of Fake Piety, was playing some kind of long con. I just wonder what her plan is. I hope it's a good one, and I hope it involves slapping the High Sparrow somehow, because GOOD LORD he's creepy in the worst way.

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Again, I liked the episode more, I think because it showed none of the characters are even close to getting what they want, and there's still no clear solution yet.

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4 hours ago, Amers said:

I feel very strongly that Cersei's going to blow Kings Landing up and burn it to the ground. There was something Olena said, about you can't kill them all,

Yes. "Thousands of enemies. Are you going to kill them all by yourself?" Cue the little cogs turning in Cersei's head amidst the sounds of a humungous anvil dropping nearby. 

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Arya, good lord.  I actually yelled in frustration when she was knifed.  First, because she's the Worst Spy Ever if she didn't see it coming, and second, because it's setting back her story AGAIN.  Just GET ON WITH IT.  Sorry to get shouty.  Here's hoping she stumbles into Lady Crane who will save her life and blah blah blah Westeros.  What happened to Needle, by the way?  What happened to that whole cool scene of Arya in the cell putting out the candle at the end of the last episode?  Oh, Show.  

I knew the smiling people working happily in the sun were not long for this world, because Game of Thrones.  Honestly I do love this series but the grim and the dark are starting to get to me.

Lyanna Mormont, so awesome.  You could see Davos thinking about Shireen in that exchange -- here is everything he hoped Shireen would be.  And he will find out next week, I'm betting, what happened to Shireen because he's in Stannis' camp.   Maybe then someone on this show might finally open a big old can of whoop-ass.  

Also, welcome back Hound!  *waves*  

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Someone asked why Margaery would withold sex from Tommen.  I think because this is her way if controlling him, much as it was before. "If I could get my brother out if his cell, I'd be so happy and worry free that I'd probably be in the mood".  Or something like that

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