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S11.E03: AGT Auditions Week 3

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OK, I'm seeing a pattern here.  Last week the good comic followed the bad comedian.  This week the good hula hoop ace followed the disastrous hula hoop act.  Anyway, LOVED the singer who got the gold buzzer.  Looking forward to hearing him again.

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I like the singer that got the gold buzzer too, but I like the crooners. I liked the young girl comedian and the juggler in the leotard and the couple that walked the tight rope - had problems looking at the screen. I could look it up, they live in Sarasota, Florida, is that the circus town? 

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While I enjoy elders doing their thing, whatever it may be, on this show, I wish the judges would quit pandering to them. It's condescending and not necessary. They are grown adults who have made it this far in life, they can handle rejection. The dance group tonight is a prime example. Sweet people all I am sure, but less than mediocre. Encourage them to keep dancing and performing in their community, but don't tell them they are a potential million dollar act. 

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9 minutes ago, Juneau Gal said:

While I enjoy elders doing their thing, whatever it may be, on this show, I wish the judges would quit pandering to them. It's condescending and not necessary. They are grown adults who have made it this far in life, they can handle rejection. The dance group tonight is a prime example. Sweet people all I am sure, but less than mediocre. Encourage them to keep dancing and performing in their community, but don't tell them they are a potential million dollar act. 

Absolutely!  It seems if you're over 70, and able to walk onto the stage, you're through to the next round, no matter what your act is.   The dance group was awful.  The man had some talent as a dancer, but not good enough for the show.  And the women weren't as good as the talent show at our local senior citizen center. I bet they would have been happy just to be on  the TV show.  But the judges had to pump them up and tell them they're great, so that NEXT time, they will be told they're "not good enough."

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Sal, the Golden Buzzer singer (really?) already had 15 minutes of fame a few seasons ago on AI.

I'm already seeing a showdown between Musicality (the high school act from the rough part of Chicago) and One Voice from (maybe a more well off?) part of Memphis. Probably isn't room for both acapella groups to make the Top 40 acts.

Waiting eight whole seasons to return...aka the Russian Bar Trio is kind of crazy. At least they got to perform in front of an entirely new judging panel. They were from all the way back in the days of Piers, The Hoff and maybe Brandy...

Some rapid fire, anonymous dance acts. Yippee. A couple of actual working stand up comics (well at least I'm sure of the 2nd guy who Heidi loved) to set up the teen girl comic who wasn't all that IMO. Even more yippee.

I'm sure Simon was having X Factor flashbacks to Good Girl. They would have been right at home on that show. Their harmonies seemed off, but they had a couple of strong lead vocalists.

Moving forward, I'll give the judges a bit of a pass on gasping about Kady the country singer being only 12. Because if you were just listening and not looking....there is no way you should think she was 12.

The juggler Android guy was kind of hypnotic.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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Viktor Kee, that mesmerizing, beautiful juggling man, is from Cirque du Soleil. I would know him anywhere. Definitely not some no-name ding dong juggling in his garage in his spare time hoping to get his big break on this show. Cirque du freaking Soleil!!!!

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I know that every year someone complains that there are too many singers and that there are other singer competitions and that so and so was already on a singing competition. I don't think I'm the only person, maybe one of the only 100 people, that doesn't watch the other singing competition shows. I only watch Dancing With The Stars and then this and this show because there is little else on during the summer. So I don't mind the singers. I like some of them. There's competitions for comedians too, I have watched those on occasion. But I like to watch the comedians on here too. A zillion years ago when I first had cable, there was the Comedy Channel, lots of Stand Up in those days, I became a fan of Tim Allen, Roseanne, Rita Rudner, Brett Butler and many others. I miss those days. To me, this show has room for a lot of different types of performing talent, and I like the bits and pieces. 

There are other kinds of talent in this world, but very few of us want to watch a seamstress or seamster, or an auto body artist or a welder, cooks apparently people want to watch, there are several channels devoted to cooking and they even have competitions. I'm one of the few who likes to watch videos of Dior miniature couture created and diorama artist at work. Just remembered that there has been a competition for fashion design, I only watched a few times. But those are not competitions and talents that would go on this show, this show is about performing and that's why we watch, we also want to watch a variety of performances, and in those, different strokes for different folks.

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They did an excellent job of distracting us from the singing competition we all know is coming.  The circus act outside drastically changed the energy and served as a great distraction.  So, too, the other danger act, Russian Bar.  The problem for each of these is repetition.  Hmm.  This brings me to a general observation...

Remember how sooooo many acts got the "How does this act lend itself to being a Vegas headliner?"?  I haven't heard them trot out the Vegas justification of denial this season.  I'm not at all missing it, but it is odd to not hear it a minimum of five times per show.     

I hate how they have truncated the comics so far this year.  Girly-guy gets one joke?!!!!  Then we get sob story comic girl.  Ugh.  She's a great person, her jokes not so great.

I honestly did not get Simon's outsized praise of the high school chorus.  Their sound was not particularly great.  Same for Spice wannabes.  Each was good.  I didn't see nor hear anything special.  I did like the prom proposal, though.  It looked to me like the girl was not very thrilled that he asked.  Her immediate body language suggested negativity If you see a reply, check her arms waving in a protective manner.  

Sorry Sal, I won't vote for you, my way.  Landau will always have that.  Golden singer buzzer?  C'mon, Heidi.  Really?  

Worst moment of the night, and perhaps many a season, was the "Creep" montage, featuring the very, and rightfully, proud juggler.  First of all, that was a lousy rendition of the song.  Second, that man is a warrior.  Sure, he presents a European vibe.  He is different.  He is not like us.  OK.  Got it.  But he is amazing.  He commands respect.  The heck with TPTB if they want to get xenophobic (I'm being nice).  I am genuinely angry about this.     

Best moment of the night, by far, was the lap dance for Simon.  Oh, to have been in the control room when that act busted out!

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Remember how sooooo many acts got the "How does this act lend itself to being a Vegas headliner?"?

Yes, and like you, I don't miss it, but I expected it.

The juggler guy was one of my favorites.  He had smooth transitions, and did some classic juggling moves, but did them extremely well.  That's what many many hours of practice for years will do.  And juggling IS an Olympic sport, kind of; Rhythmic Gymnastics is a mix of juggling and gymnastics.  Last time I checked, only women could compete.

I was surprised the country singer girl didn't get the Golden Buzzer.  Maybe the judges prone to doing that had already used theirs (this is one of the flaws of the Golden Buzzer.)  The signer who did get the Golden Buzzer was also good; I'm surprised they didn't bust out the "you have delivered your last pizza" trope.

I liked the young comedian as well--the babysitter bit was clever. 

When Good Girl said they wanted to be the American Spice Girls, I thought "didn't we already have En Vogue?" and then they did an En Vogue song.  They'd do better on an X-Factor type show, where working intensely with someone who can help them blend better would propel them even higher.  They have the raw talent, and the stage presence; their harmony was *very* slightly off in spots, which is harder to coach.

Simon's "press the buzzer" moments during the lap dance were really awesome.

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I haven't seen the whole episode yet but saw enough to have a few comments....

9 hours ago, Juneau Gal said:

While I enjoy elders doing their thing, whatever it may be, on this show, I wish the judges would quit pandering to them. It's condescending and not necessary. They are grown adults who have made it this far in life, they can handle rejection. The dance group tonight is a prime example. Sweet people all I am sure, but less than mediocre. Encourage them to keep dancing and performing in their community, but don't tell them they are a potential million dollar act. 

I was surprised that Howie was the voice of reason on that one.  

I think it is cruel to get someone's (like the oldster acts) hopes up just to turn them down later, but the judges that send them through probably think they are being very kind to the elderly.  Sometimes trying to be kind is the less kind thing to do.  For example, I have a friend who had a dog who was quite the "chowhound" - that dog loved to eat, lived for his next meal, started drooling excessively if someone mentioned "dinner."  When my friend would feed him, she would put some kibble in his bowl, then open a can of dog food and put a couple of scoops in the bowl, then mix it all together, and final give it to the dog, who sat there drooling and waiting impatiently.  Then the dog inhaled the bowl of food in under 30 seconds, never even bothering to chew.  She said she fed him this way because she felt sorry for him if all he had was kibble and thought the bit of canned food made his meal taste better.  She was trying to do the kindest thing for the dog. Her heart was in the right place, but I thought it was cruel, making that poor dog wait and watch for his meal.  He didn't care about the taste, he didn't even chew it, he had no idea how it tasted. Whenever I would dog sit for her, I would do what I felt was the kindest way I could feed him - I put kibble in his bowl and gave it to him.


9 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

'm already seeing a showdown between Musicality (the high school act from the rough part of Chicago) and One Voice from (maybe a more well off?) part of Memphis. Probably isn't room for both acapella groups to make the Top 40 acts.


I'm sure Simon was having X Factor flashbacks to Good Girl. They would have been right at home on that show. Their harmonies seemed off, but they had a couple of strong lead vocalists.

I think there may be something wrong with my speakers or the acoustics in my living room, because all three of these acts sounded off to me - good in a sing-at-a-party-for-free way or good in a go-see-your-kid-perform way, but not good enough in a pay-to-see-them way.


5 hours ago, friendperidot said:

There are other kinds of talent in this world, but very few of us want to watch a seamstress or seamster, or an auto body artist or a welder, cooks apparently people want to watch, there are several channels devoted to cooking and they even have competitions. 

Just imagine what a seamstress act would be like on this show...She comes out wearing a slip and starts off by unwrapping yards of fabric from the bolt, running across the stage with it like a giant ribbon dance.  Then, with a dramatic uplift in the music, she whips out a pair of scissors and starts cutting frantically.  She juggles all of the pieces as she leaps over to her sewing machine.  The music picks up in pace (Flight of the Bumble Bee or Minute Waltz?) as she sews - the audience getting a birds-eye view from the camera positioned directly above her. We can see that her spool of thread is almost empty.  Cut to Heidi with her hand-goggles, then to the audience where people are on their feet, obviously concerned that she will run out of thread before she is done sewing, then to Mel B. who has looked away and can't watch because she is worried that the seamstress will get her fingers too close to the needle.  Just as the last bit of thread flies off the spool, the seamstress, in one swift motion, yanks the material out of the machine and puts it on.  As the audience roars with applause, the seamstress stands on the stage, panting heavily, wearing an exact replica on the outfit Heidi is wearing.  


23 minutes ago, marketdoctor said:

I was surprised the country singer girl didn't get the Golden Buzzer.  Maybe the judges prone to doing that had already used theirs (this is one of the flaws of the Golden Buzzer.)  

I was surprised too.  When she first came out and said she was 12 and was going to sing, I thought "Show's over already? That was fast" The first two episodes ended (or came close to ending) with a 12 year old girl singer who got the golden buzzer.  It was a nice that they mixed it up this week.  Still, it looks like a singer gets the golden buzzer this week too.  I thought they would golden buzz the russian pole trio or maybe the tightrope people with the comment "I am buzzing you because I know you are good enough to make it the to live rounds, and didn't want risk you dying before you get there" 

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44 minutes ago, needschocolate said:

Just imagine what a seamstress act would be like on this show...She comes out wearing a slip and starts off by unwrapping yards of fabric from the bolt, running across the stage with it like a giant ribbon dance.  Then, with a dramatic uplift in the music, she whips out a pair of scissors and starts cutting frantically.  She juggles all of the pieces as she leaps over to her sewing machine.  The music picks up in pace (Flight of the Bumble Bee or Minute Waltz?) as she sews - the audience getting a birds-eye view from the camera positioned directly above her. We can see that her spool of thread is almost empty.  Cut to Heidi with her hand-goggles, then to the audience where people are on their feet, obviously concerned that she will run out of thread before she is done sewing, then to Mel B. who has looked away and can't watch because she is worried that the seamstress will get her fingers too close to the needle.  Just as the last bit of thread flies off the spool, the seamstress, in one swift motion, yanks the material out of the machine and puts it on.  As the audience roars with applause, the seamstress stands on the stage, panting heavily, wearing an exact replica on the outfit Heidi is wearing.  

Well, crap.  Now I really really really want to see this, and I know it will never happen.  :(

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9 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

Viktor Kee, that mesmerizing, beautiful juggling man, is from Cirque du Soleil. I would know him anywhere. Definitely not some no-name ding dong juggling in his garage in his spare time hoping to get his big break on this show. Cirque du freaking Soleil!!!!

Eeeeee! I haven't watched this week's episode yet but now I'm super excited. I saw him in Amaluna and he is a-fricking-mazing.  And really funny. 

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Does anyone know of a source of info regarding AGT incidental music? As Lori Mae Hernandez walked off stage there was a song being sung in the background and I'd like to id it.  When I tried to watch a clip of her performance, it cut off before the song began.

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So has Simon banned all magic acts?  I don't think I've seen a single one this year.  Really disappointed.  Seems to be turning into just another singing competition instead of a variety show.

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2 hours ago, needschocolate said:

Just imagine what a seamstress act would be like on this show...She comes out wearing a slip and starts off by unwrapping yards of fabric from the bolt, running across the stage with it like a giant ribbon dance.  Then, with a dramatic uplift in the music, she whips out a pair of scissors and starts cutting frantically.  She juggles all of the pieces as she leaps over to her sewing machine.  The music picks up in pace (Flight of the Bumble Bee or Minute Waltz?) as she sews - the audience getting a birds-eye view from the camera positioned directly above her. We can see that her spool of thread is almost empty.  Cut to Heidi with her hand-goggles, then to the audience where people are on their feet, obviously concerned that she will run out of thread before she is done sewing, then to Mel B. who has looked away and can't watch because she is worried that the seamstress will get her fingers too close to the needle.  Just as the last bit of thread flies off the spool, the seamstress, in one swift motion, yanks the material out of the machine and puts it on.  As the audience roars with applause, the seamstress stands on the stage, panting heavily, wearing an exact replica on the outfit Heidi is wearing.

Haven't we seen that in Project Runway ?? :P

2 hours ago, needschocolate said:

I was surprised too.  When she first came out and said she was 12 and was going to sing, I thought "Show's over already? That was fast" The first two episodes ended (or came close to ending) with a 12 year old girl singer who got the golden buzzer.  It was a nice that they mixed it up this week.  Still, it looks like a singer gets the golden buzzer this week too.  I thought they would golden buzz the russian pole trio or maybe the tightrope people with the comment "I am buzzing you because I know you are good enough to make it the to live rounds, and didn't want risk you dying before you get there" 

Yeah if the girl with ukulele from last week deserved a golden buzzer then this 12 year old more than deserved one.  She had better control of her vocal than the ukulele girl.  Also, IMHO, the ukulele girl could actually benefit from more performances in front of critical audience like the judges.

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Before last week, I'd never seen this show.  Then Maleva and the synchronized drone act made me think, "Wow, there's some interesting stuff here I've not seen before." 

This week, not so much.  My main takeaway was "Stop treating anyone who collects social security like they have special needs--it's so fucking insulting."

But three minutes of boneless skinless Cirque du Soleil made the whole two hours worthwhile, so. . . still in! 

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Needschocolate, I really want to see that, but could it be done in 90 seconds? I make doll clothing and there ain't no way!   There are Youtube videos of Dior miniature couture, amazing, and I love watching because I learn from the couture artists, but they are 10 or 15 minutes and lots of skip overs moments.  

I rather like American Restoration, and would prefer when they spent more time on technique rather than on employee hijinks. But watching someone pant a auto body for 10-12 hours, or bank dents out of an old metal something or other, boring.But they are still talents, just not performing talents.


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12 hours ago, AhFillAck said:

Viktor Kee, that mesmerizing, beautiful juggling man, is from Cirque du Soleil. I would know him anywhere. Definitely not some no-name ding dong juggling in his garage in his spare time hoping to get his big break on this show. Cirque du freaking Soleil!!!!

Adding, yes he is mesmerizing. I took a juggling class from him two years ago when his Cirque show was in the area.  I was surprised to see him on the show and wondering why he's deciding to do this show. Like you said, "Cirque du freaking Soleil!!!!"  Not sure, but his next costume will probably be the reptile tail.

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I absolutely loved the juggler, my favorite act so far.  As someone else upthread already said, when it comes to crooners Landau Eugene Murphy, the winner of Season 6 of this show, was far superior to the Italain guy who got the golden buzzer last night.  He had a better back story, and he was so unexpected!  One of my favorite auditions ever...

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...has Simon banned all magic acts?

There was the mentalist/clairvoyance act, which is a variation on a magic act.  They haven't shown any others, which might be producer influence; or it might be that magicians rarely get votes.  There are exceptions, but they seem to do not as well as singers (but better than hula hoopers.)

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5 hours ago, friendperidot said:

Needschocolate, I really want to see that, but could it be done in 90 seconds? I make doll clothing and there ain't no way!   There are Youtube videos of Dior miniature couture, amazing, and I love watching because I learn from the couture artists, but they are 10 or 15 minutes and lots of skip overs moments.  

I suppose it depends on what sort of outfit Heidi is wearing - maybe she would have to copy the outfit of a lady wearing a mumu in the audience instead. 


4 hours ago, Enygma2u said:

Adding, yes he is mesmerizing. I took a juggling class from him two years ago when his Cirque show was in the area.  I was surprised to see him on the show and wondering why he's deciding to do this show. Like you said, "Cirque du freaking Soleil!!!!"  Not sure, but his next costume will probably be the reptile tail.

My guess is that he is hoping to get a solo act in Vegas and earn more money while getting to stay in one place. 

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I could look it up, they live in Sarasota, Florida, is that the circus town? 

There's a whole rest of the town there, but yep. Traditional winter quarters for Ringing Bros, home of the Ringling Museum (https://www.ringling.org/), preferred retirement area for circus people and animals. If you ever get down there John and Mabel Ringing, who donated their land and art collection to create the museum, mandated it must be free to the public once a week so no admission is charged on Mondays.

The line about getting a show in Vegas isn't quite as BS as it's been in years past, both Paul Zerdin and Piff have honest-to-God headline shows right on the Strip now. Completely separate from their show obligation but it can really happen. Michael Grimm is also still kicking around the Valley.

I'm pretty sure we've seen another featured performer from Cirque on a previous season.

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Pretty sure Matt Franco is still at Caesar's LV with a magic show. He even got an NBC TV special last season too.

I know someone mentioned the mentalist couple, but there was also a Japanese guy (Hara IIRC) who had a blended magic/CGI act too. Still it's surprising we haven't seen a pure magic act and we're already to the 4th audition show.

Right now if I had to bet money on 15 acts being in the Top 40 I'd say...

All 3 golden buzzer singers

Musicality acapella group

Tape Face


Edgar the family singing group

Russian Bar Trio

Jonathan Nosan the contortionist 

The Old Nu-Metal Karaoke guy

The elder statesman hand balancer guy

Probably the Drone group (Eleven Player?)

The Teen Girl and Hearing Impaired Comics

The Clairvoyant couple

I'm sure we've already seen a few others who end up making it too, but those are the 15 I'd start with based on who's been shown so far...

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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The juggler was awesome. My favorite act of the night.

I also really liked the Russian bar performers. I have such immense respect for anyone who can do that, it's obviously incredibly difficult to master and clearly dangerous...unfortunately it's one of those acts that tends to get labeled "repetitive" because there are only so many variations to, ya know, flipping and jumping around on a beam that's, what, half a foot in width?

I usually don't like acts that have to be performed outside (they never win, usually don't even make it past the first live round), but I thought the married tightrope walkers were great. Although I'm gonna need this show to stop pretending that there's a chance that contestants will fall to their deaths during the non-live rounds. If someone died during an AGT audition, it would have made the news before their episode aired (and I'd like to think the show would have the decency to not air what would essentially be a snuff film).

"It's not even a big deal that I'm adopted, it's not something we talk about...unless I need to drum up sympathy for a reality show."

Good Girl definitely falls into the category of group act that Simon is known for making millions off of. Even if they don't win this show, they'll be taken care of.

The guy seemed really sweet, but big public promposals make me uncomfortable, unless they're between two people who are already dating and would go to prom together anyway. I had a few friends who felt pressured into going to prom with guys they didn't really like all that much because the guys had blindsided them with these big hooplah promposals in front of the whole school...you don't want to be the asshole that says "no" when hundreds of people are watching.

Didn't like the teen girl comedian at all. The next Tina Fey? Puh-lease. Not only is that an extreme over-exaggeration (Tina is insanely accomplished, not to mention well-respected), but it's not even an accurate comparison. Tina is not a stand-up comedian and never has been...her background is in sketch comedy and while she does host the occasional award show, it's a totally different skill set. Sorry, I've just loved Tina since I was about 6 and I hate when hollow comparisons are just tossed around like that.

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9 hours ago, helenamonster said:

I also really liked the Russian bar performers. I have such immense respect for anyone who can do that, it's obviously incredibly difficult to master and clearly dangerous...unfortunately it's one of those acts that tends to get labeled "repetitive" because there are only so many variations to, ya know, flipping and jumping around on a beam that's, what, half a foot in width?

ITA. They were great.  But I fear they will go in the direction of that Russian Bar act we had a few seasons ago, the Sandou Trio. They were great until they got the "don't be repetative!! go bigger!! be different!! add fire!!" memo and translated that to the weird upside-down piano playing act.  Hopefully this year's group will stick with what they know.

Viktor Kee was just as good as I remembered him being in Cirque.  Even without his Cali costume, he's just so wonderfully lizardy (he played a lizard-man in Cirque's Amaluna). I can't wait to see more of him.  He and the Russian Bar were my favorites. 

I liked this week's 12 year old singer better than last week's.  Sort of surprised she didn't get the golden buzzer since last week's girl did, but glad for it.  The guy that did get the golden buzzer, though, was just super meh for me.  Not a bad singer, but I can't help but compare him to Landau Eugene Murphy Junior, and Landau is head and shoulders above Sal. 

The young girl comedian was funny, but nothing super special.  I do believe she writes her own jokes, which at least is better than the twee little boy comedian they forced on us the first week.  She's just too young for this. Comedy is hard on AGT, even for the professionals. 

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Viktor Kee is one of my favourite performers EVER on AGT. Which means he won't win. I'm sorry, Viktor, but I can't help it if you're awesome and I like you.

So Sal was already on American Idol? I was shocked he got a golden buzzer. I thought he was seriously nothing special at all. At first, he just sounded like a Sinatra impersonator, and not a very good one. He's a cute kid, and his family was hilarious, but his singing, which is supposed to be his talent, was not great, imho.

I'm enjoying Simon so far and all the other judges don't seem to be quite as silly/stupid as they had been on previous seasons. I'm even able to tolerate Heidi and Howie so far.

We'll see how that holds out.

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Yeah, I didn't love his interactions with JLo on AI either (although she seemed, or faked really well that she found him charming). The bizarre Sopranos reject guy cheering for him backstage mercifully didn't make an appearance back in those days.

The one saving grace from his AI audition was that he shut down Harry Connick Jr's general condescension and music snobbery. He bet money (a hundred bucks IIRC) that Sal couldn't answer a trivia question about his audition song, Fly Me to the Moon and Sal nailed it. Then, HCJ tried to double or nothing him but he wasn't biting at that point lol. 

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The hula hoop woman was obviously for comic relief.  ???  And you didn't allow us to hear the stand up comics?! 

Viktor was good, clearly, but I would not want to see an entire hour of juggling, no matter how skilled.  

Sal got the golden buzzer, sigh.  He was a reasonable singer but not all that noteworthy.  He looks older than his years but that song is way too old for him and to be of any interest to the majority of viewers/voters.  I am a baby boomer and Frank Sinatra was before my time!   

The elderly dance act was horrible.  They all looked much older than their years and barely danced.  They were terrible!  Jane Fonda is 78, to give you some perspective.  Ok sure, she has been a fitness freak all of her life but these women were lame!   And we got this instead of the stand up acts?   

No one has stood out to me yet but I do tend to dose off on occasion. 

I don't like high wire acts and hate to admit it but I always want them to fall!   I am a terrible person.  

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I really liked the girl group.

The dance group that got 10 seconds of airtime reminded me of DM Nation from last year with all their crazy arm waving.

How adorable was the John Rothman guy? He just looked so happy to be up there dancing. I'm with Howie on giving them a no though lol. There's no reason to see them again.

The Russian bar people were great. It's so difficult. For a second I was afraid this was the Russian bar act that decided to switch to singing in the semis.

The tightrope act has to be so nerve wracking to watch in person, I was scared just watching it at home. How can they top that though?

I can't stand the child comedians, they are so awkward on stage and their delivery always sounds so forced and unnatural.

The singing chihuahua - HAHAHAHA.

Why do they always save the golden buzzer for last? Stop it! Stop previewing it the entire episode and then saving it for the end! It completely ruins the surprise. And I have to say I was NOT a fan of the guy who got it at all. Not to mention he was annoying. Ugh, bleh, sigh. Why do they keep giving the GB to these lame singing acts? At least it's one less performance of his I'll have to sit through.

I miss when they gave the GB to acts who wouldn't go through otherwise like Dustin's Dojo or those brothers from Youtube who sang the ratchet song. Can we please go back to that and stop giving these boring singers a free pass to the live shows?

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Viktor was good, clearly, but I would not want to see an entire hour of juggling, no matter how skilled

That's one of the challenges of juggling--no matter how good you are (and Viktor is extremely good), you need to mix it with different things to have a sustainable act.  That's why he uses costumes and comedy, and lots of jugglers use magic, singing, etc.  (Choosing the right "etc." is an interesting challenge.) 

The other problem is that the difference between bad and good juggling is easy to spot, but from good to great is harder--and takes MUCH more practice and talent to get there.  Viktor's practice shows, but how much more entertainment value that adds is less obvious--but he seems like a nice guy, and he's funny; that's enough that you want to like what he does, which can help you enjoy it.

I realize the point of the background/sob stories is that they make us want to hope for the contestants, but as I think others have noted, a sob story without actual talent is just a Gofundme page.  (Fine if that's your thing, I suppose.)  Viktor, by contrast, has talent, and that makes me want to know his story.

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My best acts were the Russian Bar and Viktor Kee's juggling act.

The old dance group even though I give them credit for being up there shouldn't have gone through.

The dance groups that they showed briefly, the high school A capella group, the high wire act are "dead end" performances that aren't going to win AGT.

I agree with some that the golden buzzer should not have gone to that Italian singer.

That 12 year old girl singer sang well but her voice does need to mature.

Singers will always win or be near the top of AGT because there's a variety they could put in their act. Changing the song, genre, adding dancers, etc.

I really don't care for comedians and none of them were very funny.


Until next time.....

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Am I the only one who is extremely annoyed at the audience clapping and cheering through 3/4 of a song?  I can't enjoy a performance if I can barely hear it. What ever happened to waiting until the performance is over before clapping and cheering?

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You're not the only one, but I think the point of the audience in these auditions is knee-jerk reaction theater. They decide if they love it/hate it within about 10 seconds. The judges might not (especially for example if it's a singer and the more difficult part of the song is near the middle or end of the song) be so hurried to decide. So the impetus for the audience is to go nuts as soon as possible to try to influence the judges "look how convinced we are"; whereas the judges, if they're doing what I hope they are, really do want to judge the entire performance (save those that are immediately terrible and thus deservedly buzzed).

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