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S08.E08: All The Countess's Men

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51 minutes ago, JenFromCincy said:

In what may go down as the least agreed with post ever on here, I offer this:

Bethenny's problem isn't with LuAnn sleeping around, it's with LuAnn not being real.  Being real (and a real B in many cases) is what gained Bethenny her popularity. She sees it as a fairly simple formula  Be Real + Call People Out When They Aren't = Ratings.  If you look at her twitter feed with people commenting that she should tone it down a little, her response is always some version of- If I did that the show would be boring as *bleep*.  Depending on the season we get Lu or we get the Countess.  The Countess blows.  She's uppity, full of herself, and is constantly critical of her castmates.  Bethenny doesn't like the Countess, but she does like Lu, because to her Lu is the more "real" version of LuAnn.

Second unpopular stance....I don't think Ramona is some horny divorcee sleeping around with a ton of guys.  From her blog it seems like she and Tom dated a few times, but he has never been married and doesn't have older kids, so he wasn't what she was looking for.  I don't think she even slept with him (I could be proven wrong as early as next week on that one.).  If you look back through the seasons, she's always been prudish when it comes to her own sex life.  When they got her the handcuffs (or maybe it was scarves) for her "renewal bachelorette" on Scary Island, she didn't have a clue what to do with them.  I think she resents that Sonja and Luann are so free sexually, because in her mind (I repeat....HER mind) it's amoral.

We haven't seen that LuAnn in a while. We know Bethenny holds on to things and so I understand that she'll probably always be weary of her because of their past history together, but I don't think that this latest Bethenny attack has anything to do with issues of realness. I think it all has to do with LuAnn daring to defend Sonja to Bethenny and the group. LuAnn actually did a great job of avoiding the 'lecture' route. Instead, she approached the situation in a 'can you girls please try to work it out' manner. She was only guilty of offering a different perspective than Bethenny's. Once B is angry, she goes for the jugular and there are no rules she won't break (perhaps minus going after children). So of course she's going to shame LuAnn about her dating life, she's going exaggerate a situation to make it seem like LuAnn is taking credit for her brand - though she's already acknowledged that LuAnn did have some kind of role in the conception stages. She's only making it an issue now because the more shit she can throw at the wall, the better probability that something will stick.

I agree about Ramona. She thinks so highly of herself she probably dates men with the expectation that they have to chase her. Truthfully, Ramona has never portrayed herself as a sexual person. I think Ramona likes the convenience of a relationship so that she has a go-to person that will give her attention, which she can never get enough of. Whether she slept with Tom or not, a few dates does not constitute a relationship and there's no reason (besides Ramona's own delusions) that LuAnn should have gotten her approval first. Ramona thinks LuAnn is a bad friend for not getting her approval to date a man that she went on 3 dates with. But Ramona sees nothing wrong with the friendship she offers when it involves talking crap about her 'friends' behind their back, spreading gossip about them and being completely judgmental of them and their decisions. She's so ass backward it's not cute.

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I'm always so confused by this whole Countess/Lu angle. I don't think it's all that complicated. Lu's a "time and place", as well as, "need to know" type of person. Even as the non Countess. Is it everyone's cuppa? Nah, but that doesn't mean it's a bad formula to live by. I think Lu has had a normal share of conflict with her castmates over the seasons. I feel that a good amount of those spats weren't anything to get too worked up about. She showed disapproval for some behavior here and there but in all honesty I recall a lot of what she would be referring to was in fact sketchy or wackybehavior and they are on a show where sharing their opinions is expected so I usually took and still take a lot of that with a shrug and a "well damn tell us how you really feel" LOL.

As for what she wanted to present and what she feel was unnecessary for public fodder with regards to herself? I never felt like it was such a huge stretch. Hey I don't think keeping my street/ebonics speaking side of my personality under wraps while I'm at my day job as being fake and I don't think me calling out my co worker for discussing in the break room how we turnt up at the club the other night and blazed up is putting on airs. I never got the impression that Lu was truly against certain behaviors per se just against it becoming the topic of discussion at a formal dinner table full of acquaintances dressed in evening gowns and tuxedos. Her judgemental reads usually came during some conflict where she was either being criticized or some form of group gathering where people were going for each other anyway so whatevs.  I mean she had her little quips here and there but I really don't get this whole big grievance with Lu and her Countessness. I've always gotten this "time and place" honey "time and place" theme from her and that's it.  She does have her pet peeves and her girl code, this and that but I just see that as basic eye roll worthy type of stuff that you just sorta blow off without making much out of it and isn't about Up here, Down there attitude. She's also expressed her basic expectations of behavior which I don't find anything wrong with that.

I just think she has a normal amount of shit that's annoying about her. I don't see this huge "we've got to pull back the curtain" thing going on about the woman and I'm actually getting so very tired of the others trying desperately to make it a thing. It's so boring and it's not a glaring enough contradiction for me to even care. Especially when you got the likes of Beth, Dorinda and Romoaner in comparison! Lu vs. The Countess doesn't even register at all. Not to mention that whole angle is sooooooooo over. Even if it does creep in here and there. Who fucking cares at this point anymore? We've seen the Countess in her Yummie Bra, open robe talking about let's not be all uncool. I actually think its funny as shit and refreshing as hell to see the change even if once in awhile she does reverts back to old mannerisms and tongue clicking. It's much less offensive than the other Godzilla's in the room. Sheesh!

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LuAnn cracks me up with her 'be cool' advice, haha. Carole will be singing with glee in next weeks' episode when she arrives at Dorinda's to find Bethenny trying to slay LuAnn. Carole did say that there is some kind of resolution between her and LuAnn but I'm interested to see how that comes about. Carole is still at the stage where she complains to everyone that she doesn't want to be in the same room as LuAnn and when LuAnn tries to speak to her, I'm sure she would take her ears off and put them in her pocket if she could because it's not like she's listening for anything but an apology anyhow. LuAnn handled the Carole thing all wrong. I don't think she expressed the honest reason why their budding relationship was uncomfortable for her and instead of telling the truth, she just made snarky comments in an effort to dissuade Carole from pursuing things further. Let's be honest, would anyone of us not feel a little uncomfortable that you were indirectly the reason that one of your friends began hooking up with your younger niece's ex-boyfriend? If all the factors were the same except that Carole and Adam had somehow met somewhere completely random without LuAnn being any way involved, I think there's a good chance that LuAnn wouldn't care (unless she did in fact think that her niece and Adam were still dating).

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2 hours ago, ryebread said:

Bethenny:  "Like the blind leading the deaf."

That doesn't even make sense.  'The blind leading the blind', now that makes sense.  Deaf people aren't blind.

Maybe Beth is trying to invent a new catchphrase  - One that she actually made up and isn't from 1987.  Fail.

Bethenny does have a lot of good one liners, and times where she has re-worked a popular phrase that worked, but that one didn't work or make any sense, but yet, she thought she was hysterical!!  ;-)

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3 hours ago, queenjen said:

Re the serving caviar question: I've has it served that way, in the tin on a little crystal pedestal surrounded by crushed or shaved ice, with the blinis, sour cream, chopped egg and onion underneath. This is fine dining, and usually vodka shots or based drinks. So seeing Bethenny's setup didn't phase me. I think the serving spoons are specialized also and made of mother of pearl? That was what Bethenny was aiming for. It must be traditional. I don't know what the usherette/cigarette concession girl added to the experience. I'm surprised Ramona didn't have her shoveling in spadefuls. 

First time I saw this presentation, there was cognitive dissonance. Fine dining and a tin with product name and logo? It just seems to be the way it's done

I'm wondering if leaving it in the tin originated to show its origin, quality and also keep the caviar from any damage in transfer.

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On May 26, 2016 at 0:27 AM, ninjago said:

Bethenny really hates Luanne.  She was just livid in that argument.  Probably because Luanne doesn't back down and stays calm and aloof and it gets under Beth's skin.

Fights between Bethenny and Luanne are my favorite, because Luanne is the only one who is semi-capable of going toe to toe with B. The fights with others just don't seem fair.

I don't think they've ever really liked each other since B's "You're a snake" moment with Luanne. Pretty sure Bethenny still feels that way. Ever since then there's always a bit of tension, even when they're supposedly getting along.

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21 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Well, except for the whole hypocrite thing.

No one is 100% guilt free of this tho. Hypocrisy is a pretty common thing and pretty hard to steer clear of even with the best of efforts. I mean I curse like nobodies business and sometimes get loud with my friends at the bar but that doesn't mean I won't side eye the next group of chicks a week later who are cursing and being loudly disruptive at the bar while I'm having a quiet beer cause, well, its annoying and unsightly even though I was just partaking in that same behavior a week before. Now will I say something? Probably not. Will I try to hide my annoyance from showing on my face? Maybe, maybe not. Am I being hypocritical. Sure, but it is what it is. I'm annoyed, can't help it.

Now in Lu's case she on a platform where she's expected to react to the others win lose or draw. And of course the others do as well but the difference is that the others take waaaaaayyyyy more liberties with regards to being extra vulgar about Lu. Between talking about who she's making out with, to speculating that she was fucking in the bathroom, to her fucking the pirate, to her fucking the married dude that she brought home, to them repeating that they hear she squirts I mean come on now. This is stuff that's just way overboard. I mean Lu could easily go on and on about how Beth is such a tyrant and repeat plenty of mean shit she's observed about Beth off camera or have heard people say about Beth and go on and on as well as stuff about Ramona ad nauseum but she doesn't.

I don't see where Lu having and voicing her opinions on stuff is in the same league as how abruptly ridiculous the others are when it comes to Lu. It's just such a non issue to be so worked up over. It's not like she really badgers anyone with it and hangs their poor manners over their head for a whole season or that her tsk tsking is really all that much of a blow to one's self esteem in the first place. Give me a break. She has her reactions, states her peace and keeps it moving. She's not holding a summit over it. Nothing ever really lingers when it comes to <gasp> "what Lu has done" to any of the others. The only "feud" which in my eyes was of minimal substance was between her and Carole and to me that's a whole other category of details but regardless I can't remember Lu ever having some drawn out fall out with any of the other ladies over anything truly appalling or unforgivable. However the shit that's been thrown at Lu has been pretty nasty and very crude. I don't think she's ever been deserving of anything more than a few catty barbs here and there and yet it's like hunting season for this woman and I just don't get it.

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1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

LuAnn cracks me up with her 'be cool' advice, haha. Carole will be singing with glee in next weeks' episode when she arrives at Dorinda's to find Bethenny trying to slay LuAnn. Carole did say that there is some kind of resolution between her and LuAnn but I'm interested to see how that comes about. Carole is still at the stage where she complains to everyone that she doesn't want to be in the same room as LuAnn and when LuAnn tries to speak to her, I'm sure she would take her ears off and put them in her pocket if she could because it's not like she's listening for anything but an apology anyhow. LuAnn handled the Carole thing all wrong. I don't think she expressed the honest reason why their budding relationship was uncomfortable for her and instead of telling the truth, she just made snarky comments in an effort to dissuade Carole from pursuing things further. Let's be honest, would anyone of us not feel a little uncomfortable that you were indirectly the reason that one of your friends began hooking up with your younger niece's ex-boyfriend? If all the factors were the same except that Carole and Adam had somehow met somewhere completely random without LuAnn being any way involved, I think there's a good chance that LuAnn wouldn't care (unless she did in fact think that her niece and Adam were still dating).

I think this is exactly what happened with Lu last season. And I find it completely understandable. I mean the details surrounding that was all kinds of messy and messy and oh did I say messy? It bugged the fuck outta me that that was all but skipped over in a flash (within one/two episodes) and instead they parked themselves over in the "what's Lu so upset about" sandbox complete with juice boxes, crayons and their childlike understanding of it all completely ignoring the relevant details that explained at least some of Lu's position. I mean sure Lu was butchering her position left right and center but come on now it wasn't that hard to put the pieces of the puzzle together and have the light bulb go off even if Lu was being completely inarticulate about it all.   So freaking frustrating.

Edited by Yours Truly
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3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

See I don't think boorish manners and one's sex life are equivalents.  Ramona has provided season after season of inappropriate comments, behavior and untruths.  Ramona felt like Luann giving Bethenny a purse at her birthday party was inappropriate.  Then use that example (once-not fifty times) but don't counter every call out on Ramona's atrocious behavior with a "sleeping around" comment.  Ramona just has volumes of inappropriate, manipulative, dishonest behavior. 

I can't see how commenting about someone peeing on camera has anything to do with who someone sleeps with or how many.  It is not as if she is sleeping with these guys on camera.  I don't think you can have it both ways and be out there dating and then call out another's behavior.  Bethenny has made her love life off limits, should she afford Luann the same courtesy?  The idea it happened during the filming season does not make it fair game or in front of another castmate.  Turks and Caicos and the separated guy came about via gossip from the houseboy.  Kristen thought the need to bring up but she sure didn't bring up Bethenny having dated her husband.  (Thank you Brandi Glanville for this reveal.) So the balance of power is out of kilter. 

To me crass behavior (insert Ramona photo here) is not the same as one's sex life.  Really, once Luann has come to a decision to be in a committed relationship, why bring up her history?  Do they want her relationship to fail?  Does it make them feel better?  I think Erika has a word for this type of behavior.

I'm finally catching up with this show and am happy to say that I'm hooked again. I'm actually enjoying this season more than I enjoyed Beverly Hills. Somehow I feel like Dubai would have been more fun with the NY cast.

I've loved reading everyone's insightful comments.

Long post, my apologies but I can't help it, now that I'm caught up. 

Regarding the bit in bold--@Zoeysmom , Bethenny dated Josh Taekman?! How did I not hear this? I feel like that explains a couple of things. When did Brandi mention this? Did Kristen ever talk about it? 

Regarding this episode--

Maybe it's because I marathoned the current season but I loved every awkward and cringeworthy second. I can even forgive the cameramen and editors for including the shot of Coco (?) taking a shit because it proved what a careless, thoughtless, selfish, and inconsiderate liar Ramona is. This woman has endless nerve. She's the nerviest woman on this show even with the stiff competition of entitled Luann, delusional Sonja, and I'm-clearly-not-happy-with-my-life-Bethenny. 

I find the dynamic between Sonja and Luann to be hysterical. I don't care how producer driven it is, I'm enjoying every second of it. Sonja's pride in having bidets, her reluctance to turning on the heat, her comment about Luann being too old for certain stuff and Luann having no response, the viagra talk, the 'victory lap' comment. I seriously need to watch this shit again. 

As far as Dorinda not inviting Sonja, I think I might have had a better time agreeing with her claim that she was trying to be a friend to Sonja if she'd let Sonja decide for herself. Like, hey, you're totally invited I'm just concerned that it might not be the best environment for you all things considered. Do you think you'll be okay interacting with Bethenny based on what's happened, because I'm really hoping that we can just have a fun couple of days without rehashing x,y, and z. 

I agree with the poster who made the observation that Dorinda was essentially telling Carole where she stands in the pecking order. Carole doesn't have the power to get people kicked off of the invite list. I can completely understand Carole having some negative feelings about Luann but I feel like she's a little over the top for somebody who supposedly 'doesn't care'.

I like Carole but I'm a little disappointed in the way she's treated Jules so far. I felt bad for Jules when she walked in and they'd just been mocking her to some women Jules has never even met before. Jeez, not nice. Jules might be kind of dumb but she seems relatively harmless in the way that Kristen was so I don't quite understand why it seems like everyone save Dorinda has seemingly already judged her hard and fast.

I'm going to save my thoughts about Bethenny for her thread since I have so many. 

I will say that I'm laughing my ass off over the idea that Sonja wouldn't hurt a fly. In my opinion, based on what we've seen on the show, off the show, and that judgment against, I think it's fair to say that she's a selfish, deluded, and entitled asshole who thinks that the world owes her a fucking living. All this woman has to do is turn on the tears to get endless sympathy even after years of rude, outrageous, and inconsiderate behavior and I feel like that's a very nice and charitable way of putting it. 

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Luann kind of cracks me up. She was living in a coop on Riverside Drive around the block from me and I saw her in the park a lot with her little white dog. I have friends in the building, so I ran into her in the elevator once or twice. In person she is tall and big-boned, but very good looking. In the park, she was somewhat diffident with other people, but really made an effort to be friendly. It's funny that Jacques, who is also a dog person often in the park, is very much a loner, who walks with his dog off the leash and over the years has never made an effort to acknowledge anyone. it's perfectly ok, as it is early in the morning, and the dogs keep most folks occupied, but having seen them on the show, it was a little odd to think their private life was on TV.  But I give him props as he has been very kind to a former street person who has managed to get sober and rebuild her life...she is an older woman and he has found work for her as a dog walker and housekeeper, and she speaks highly of him. For what it's worth, I don't think Luann owned that apt...that building has a two year lease restriction on owners renting out units, and I think she rented it from an owner and outran the lease. No biggie.

The real Luann seems to be much less sure of herself than she has variously tried to present herself on TV...but who wouldn't make that effort. The whole Countess act was her ticket to the show...so she worked it. I have had plenty of amusement watching the uptight Countess give way to the good time girl but if she wants to marry...the D'agostino family has a lot of bucks (supermarkets in NYC) and why not go for it. Life is short. She's working her angle as much as the increasingly tedious and shrill Bethenny is working hers. 

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17 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Yes, I think that's exactly what he meant.  He's just plain gross.

I totally think he meant it in a sexual way as well, but it just didn't make any sense. Why would the phone be moist? On who's end? Because what body part was touching the phone? It was a really dumb comment. 

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There is this conundrum that arises with the RH.  If they are struggling with marital/relationship problems, they may not wish to discuss them as it may skew any opportunity to put the marriage back together.  Luann's first season, which they were all rookies, apparently she confided off camera she was having marital issues.  That is where the hypocrite tag came from. On camera she and the Count gave the appearance of a trouble free married couple.   By the second season, she was divorcing and open about it.  Sometimes deeply personal issues should be kept private.  If someone were diagnosed with breast cancer and chose not to share it but at some point there was talk of the woman having a boob job-should they be forced to reveal that which is personal and confidential?  Sometimes it is simply their story to tell.  Most recent example-Kristen and Josh's on-line romancing.  Kristen could sure throw out those accusations but when it came time in her precious marriage she was zipped tighter than a catsuit.

Ramona did the season her marriage fell apart and did not want to talk about it in a group forum because she was holding out hope their marriage would survive.  But for some reason that rule didn't apply to Luann for wanting to do the same thing.   Ramona has never really gone in depth about the demise of her marriage other than he was not the  man she married.  This would be the same man that Jonathan didn't measure up to. 


Avaleigh,  Brandi revealed the info when she had Kristen on as a guest and Kristen pretty quickly downplayed it.  Again here we go saying one thing off camera and then dancing around it on camera.  Personally, I don't blame people for not wanting to discuss or even acknowledge relationships dating, sexual or otherwise that are really old news.  Maybe that is why we never heard confirmation from George Clooney about his 18 month long relationship with Carole.   

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Well, it really came from them all knowing she slept around and so did the count.  At the time, I don't really think that was a "marriage problem" as much as a decision they made long ago, or he made, and she went along with it, because it was so European dahling.

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19 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

 Luann's first season, which they were all rookies, apparently she confided off camera she was having marital issues.  That is where the hypocrite tag came from.

That's not where it came from for me.  I didn't feel like she was being completely honest, but lying doesn't make you a hypocrite.  My view of her being a hypocrite comes from situations like her chastising Carole for going to a "Sonja young" level by seeing Adam, when all of them have said Luann's done the same thing.  Is there anything wrong with her seeing young guys?  Nope.  But there is something wrong with shaming someone else for behavior that you participate in.  Like getting falling down drunk.  She's an adult, has every right to do it, but you don't gang up on Ramona and trash her drinking when you're as bad, but smart enough to do it off camera.  It's the whole remove the plank before you point out a speck scenario.

Edited by JenFromCincy
spell czech is on vacation.
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31 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

There is this conundrum that arises with the RH.  If they are struggling with marital/relationship problems, they may not wish to discuss them as it may skew any opportunity to put the marriage back together.  Luann's first season, which they were all rookies, apparently she confided off camera she was having marital issues.  That is where the hypocrite tag came from. On camera she and the Count gave the appearance of a trouble free married couple.   By the second season, she was divorcing and open about it.  Sometimes deeply personal issues should be kept private.  If someone were diagnosed with breast cancer and chose not to share it but at some point there was talk of the woman having a boob job-should they be forced to reveal that which is personal and confidential?  Sometimes it is simply their story to tell.  Most recent example-Kristen and Josh's on-line romancing.  Kristen could sure throw out those accusations but when it came time in her precious marriage she was zipped tighter than a catsuit.

Ramona did the season her marriage fell apart and did not want to talk about it in a group forum because she was holding out hope their marriage would survive.  But for some reason that rule didn't apply to Luann for wanting to do the same thing.   Ramona has never really gone in depth about the demise of her marriage other than he was not the  man she married.  This would be the same man that Jonathan didn't measure up to. 


Avaleigh,  Brandi revealed the info when she had Kristen on as a guest and Kristen pretty quickly downplayed it.  Again here we go saying one thing off camera and then dancing around it on camera.  Personally, I don't blame people for not wanting to discuss or even acknowledge relationships dating, sexual or otherwise that are really old news.  Maybe that is why we never heard confirmation from George Clooney about his 18 month long relationship with Carole.   

I have been rewatching Season 6 (while doing my aerobics! don't judge) and it's really sad and yet amusing in retrospect.  Kristin complaining that he doesn't let her know when he's coming home.  He's screaming at her b/c he's "in meetings."  Makes you wonder how many times when he was incommunicado that he was meeting up with his Ashley Madison women?  He was such a prick to her about it that I hope he groveled and groveled once busted.

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1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

No one is 100% guilt free of this tho. Hypocrisy is a pretty common thing and pretty hard to steer clear of even with the best of efforts. I mean I curse like nobodies business and sometimes get loud with my friends at the bar but that doesn't mean I won't side eye the next group of chicks a week later who are cursing and being loudly disruptive at the bar while I'm having a quiet beer cause, well, its annoying and unsightly even though I was just partaking in that same behavior a week before. Now will I say something? Probably not. Will I try to hide my annoyance from showing on my face? Maybe, maybe not. Am I being hypocritical. Sure, but it is what it is. I'm annoyed, can't help it.

Now in Lu's case she on a platform where she's expected to react to the others win lose or draw. And of course the others do as well but the difference is that the others take waaaaaayyyyy more liberties with regards to being extra vulgar about Lu. Between talking about who she's making out with, to speculating that she was fucking in the bathroom, to her fucking the pirate, to her fucking the married dude that she brought home, to them repeating that they hear she squirts I mean come on now. This is stuff that's just way overboard. I mean Lu could easily go on and on about how Beth is such a tyrant and repeat plenty of mean shit she's observed about Beth off camera or have heard people say about Beth and go on and on as well as stuff about Ramona ad nauseum but she doesn't.

I don't see where Lu having and voicing her opinions on stuff is in the same league as how abruptly ridiculous the others are when it comes to Lu. It's just such a non issue to be so worked up over. It's not like she really badgers anyone with it and hangs their poor manners over their head for a whole season or that her tsk tsking is really all that much of a blow to one's self esteem in the first place. Give me a break. She has her reactions, states her peace and keeps it moving. She's not holding a summit over it. Nothing ever really lingers when it comes to <gasp> "what Lu has done" to any of the others. The only "feud" which in my eyes was of minimal substance was between her and Carole and to me that's a whole other category of details but regardless I can't remember Lu ever having some drawn out fall out with any of the other ladies over anything truly appalling or unforgivable. However the shit that's been thrown at Lu has been pretty nasty and very crude. I don't think she's ever been deserving of anything more than a few catty barbs here and there and yet it's like hunting season for this woman and I just don't get it.

Talking about stuff that happens off camera/during their hiatus is questionable at best but talking about things that happen when the cameras were there or during filming, say on their trips, when the cameras have been put away for the night is fair game in my opinion.  It is OK to try and put your best foot forward but not at the expense of being real/honest. That goes for all of the HWs across the franchise.

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54 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Well, it really came from them all knowing she slept around and so did the count.  At the time, I don't really think that was a "marriage problem" as much as a decision they made long ago, or he made, and she went along with it, because it was so European dahling.

That is just gossip.  Bethenny  and Ramona didn't even know Luann, Jill had a slight acquaintance with her before filming.  That all started with a newspaper article after the season had filmed, the same one that said the Count pushed her to the ground in the parking lot.  Luann used a euphemism the Count travelled a lot when they in fact were separated.   No one ever said they slept with Luann while she was married and not a single castmember has said she told them she did.  This is Ramona level stuff.  He fell in love with someone else that prompted the divorce-obviously he had been seeing her prior to the divorce.  http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20422556,00.html  She openly admits she had hoped to keep it private.   Don't know how that would happen.

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1 hour ago, JenFromCincy said:

That's not where it came from for me.  I didn't feel like she was being completely honest, but lying doesn't make you a hypocrite.  My view of her being a hypocrite comes from situations like her chastising Carole for going to a "Sonja young" level by seeing Adam, when all of them have said Luann's done the same thing.  Is there anything wrong with her seeing young guys?  Nope.  But there is something wrong with shaming someone else for behavior that you participate in.  Like getting falling down drunk.  She's an adult, has every right to do it, but you don't gang up on Ramona and trash her drinking when you're as bad, but smart enough to do it off camera.  It's the whole remove the plank before you point out a speck scenario.

But at the same time these women go after each other in ridiculous ways. I doubt Lu would even say things like that to people in her regular circle and why? because she probably doesn't have to always counter some snide remark with one of her own. That's where a lot of these digs arise from anyway. The fact that someone is usually countering some unnecessary bitchiness that arises the minute the cameraman says action.

Tired of hearing the whole Carole/Adam thing being used as such a literal example of Lu's hypocrisy when there was so much more fueling the animosity and hard feelings. Plus that seems to be the only solid example anyone can come up with so I'm still trying to figure out what all these glaring contradictions are. Sure there is stuff here and there but they are all guilty of something or other over the seasons. I'm trying to see where she's really bombarded the women with anything worthy of the heavy duty snark they others like to dish on her.

Also when a person is controlled enough to manage their drinking from situation to situation while others need a snatch guard DURING FILMING no less, then yeah there is a difference in a persons caliber. Call me judgy cause I don't consider that being a hypocrite. I get fall down drunk on occasion. Even had a pic of me put on instagram post fall, laughing and being helped back up. It was a funny moment but it wasn't the same kind of display like the one's with the girls laid out on the sidewalk, legs, splayed tampon string showing...... Ummmm yeah, that's not me so if I ever get caught having a side eye moment when refering to that type of drunken display then I ain't feeling guilty about it just cause I fall down sometimes and me+a lot of alcohol+high heels=me busting my ass. Shit there have been times I've been uber wasted and was still able to not flash my pussy left right and center. Am I going to call the etiquette police or shame her to death? No, but at the same time, if I hear a story like that about someone, it's still a shaking my head kinda moment and I'm not wrong to express that just cause I've been drunk before too.

And has there been any serious declaration that Lu has gotten THAT sloppy drunk? That she can't function or has needed to be "carried" home?

Edited by Yours Truly
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24 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Talking about stuff that happens off camera/during their hiatus is questionable at best but talking about things that happen when the cameras were there or during filming, say on their trips, when the cameras have been put away for the night is fair game in my opinion.  It is OK to try and put your best foot forward but not at the expense of being real/honest. That goes for all of the HWs across the franchise.

But the women seem to be bringing things up from off season and off camera and to be honest no one followed Lu into the bathroom that time everyone claimed she fucked that dude in the bathroom so those were only assumptions. Possible assumptions but assumptions non the less. At least in T&C some of the wives were snooping and gathered first hand intel before spouting off about it so it is what it is but that still doesn't mean that Lu isn't suppossed to try and downplay it especially since when it's discussed the women try to present it in the most vulgar and exagerrated way to start. I wouldn't let exaggerations fly either so I don't see anything wrong with Lu trying to do some damage control and rush off the subject matter. Most people wouldn't be so eager to have a 30 minute in depth conversation about that on camera and I respect her right to want to touch on it as little as possible and move on from the topic.

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1 hour ago, JenFromCincy said:

That's not where it came from for me.  I didn't feel like she was being completely honest, but lying doesn't make you a hypocrite.  My view of her being a hypocrite comes from situations like her chastising Carole for going to a "Sonja young" level by seeing Adam, when all of them have said Luann's done the same thing.  Is there anything wrong with her seeing young guys?  Nope.  But there is something wrong with shaming someone else for behavior that you participate in.  Like getting falling down drunk.  She's an adult, has every right to do it, but you don't gang up on Ramona and trash her drinking when you're as bad, but smart enough to do it off camera.  It's the whole remove the plank before you point out a speck scenario.

When was Luann in a long term or serious relationship with someone 20 years her junior? or is the old sex in the bathroom chestnut?  I think there is a difference.  Luann behaved poorly because it became none of her business and at some point Adam should have perhaps addressed it with her-since he is the one that had a relationship (not romantic or sexual with her) with Luann.  I think as someone Luann invited to show his brand at her home he could have been decent about things and let her know.   Instead it was this bizarre situation where Carole was telling Luann how her niece felt about Adam.

I have never heard anyone say Luann was falling down drunk or had to be escorted home because she could not care for herself.  Sonja and Ramona have both been on screen and very drunk not able to care for themselves and mumbling gibberish over several seasons.  Ramona got drunk during lunch at the Reunion last year and fell asleep while taping.   Ramona has created a number of occasions where while drinking she behaved inappropriately.  I do like the fact Ramona pretends she doesn't drink too much because then she is claiming  it is her real retched personality we see and not using the too much to drink excuse. 

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Talking about Ramona's sex life reminds me of the episode in season 2 (?) where she had Mario take off his shirt and she gave him an oil massage while she was wearing lingerie- awkward and needed bleach in my eyes afterward

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As each season and episode passes, I ask myself...."Mario, how the hell did you stay with Ramona for so long?"  I guess his answer would be Avery.  Ramona is the most insufferable woman I have ever seen.  Yep, she got the long extensions and big titties, but no man is interested in being with that crazy bitch.

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The press stories and eye rolls about Luann from cast members were out there long before she fucked the married Depp lookalike and lied to her boyfriend.  Jus' sayin'

I don't care what she does when she's cool about it, but when she puts on haughty airs about dating, marriage, and sex?  Yeah.  Hypocrite.

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Forgive me, but I don't understand why John's joke was gross. I have compiled a list of reasons I recommend you don't read if you're squeamish about vulgarity. Was the phone moist because:

Lu had somehow transmitted spit through the phone

The phone had touched a vagina

The previous caller jerked off on the phone (seems most likely)

The previous caller licked the phone 

I don't get it.

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1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

But the women seem to be bringing things up from off season and off camera and to be honest no one followed Lu into the bathroom that time everyone claimed she fucked that dude in the bathroom so those were only assumptions. Possible assumptions but assumptions non the less. At least in T&C some of the wives were snooping and gathered first hand intel before spouting off about it so it is what it is but that still doesn't mean that Lu isn't suppossed to try and downplay it especially since when it's discussed the women try to present it in the most vulgar and exagerrated way to start. I wouldn't let exaggerations fly either so I don't see anything wrong with Lu trying to do some damage control and rush off the subject matter. Most people wouldn't be so eager to have a 30 minute in depth conversation about that on camera and I respect her right to want to touch on it as little as possible and move on from the topic.

Yes, they all talk about stuff that happened off season, All. Of. Them., Luann included. Sometimes it plays directly into what is happening on camera and sometimes it doesn't. The bathroom scene happened during filming and does anyone really think Luann just took the kid in there to show him what the women's bathroom looked like? LOL. Had she just looked at the other HWs and said "So what if I did, I am single and free to do as I please", it would have shut the conversation down for good but she gets indignant when confronted with comments/questions about her behavior. She often claims she is not ashamed of her dating/sexual habits then acts the exact opposite when it is brought up. She can't have it both ways, none of them can.   

As for the T&C trip, Luann should have been mad at Ramona, who threw her under the bus blaming her and not Heather/Carole who had a legit gripe IMO. Yet, she did blame them and never held Ramona responsible at all.

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This is a story, and not a particularly intelligent one about Luann.  None of this rises to someone having an affair, but it is the old adage if people say it enough it must be true.  http://starcasm.net/archives/40333  There is some very fine print at the bottom regarding the Reunion that year. 


1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

Yes, they all talk about stuff that happened off season, All. Of. Them., Luann included. Sometimes it plays directly into what is happening on camera and sometimes it doesn't. The bathroom scene happened during filming and does anyone really think Luann just took the kid in there to show him what the women's bathroom looked like? LOL. Had she just looked at the other HWs and said "So what if I did, I am single and free to do as I please", it would have shut the conversation down for good but she gets indignant when confronted with comments/questions about her behavior. She often claims she is not ashamed of her dating/sexual habits then acts the exact opposite when it is brought up. She can't have it both ways, none of them can.   

As for the T&C trip, Luann should have been mad at Ramona, who threw her under the bus blaming her and not Heather/Carole who had a legit gripe IMO. Yet, she did blame them and never held Ramona responsible at all.

Why would someone presume they had sex in the bathroom?  Just ridiculous.   Sometimes accusations aren't worth dignifying.  Why do these women ask?  For airtime and this insane idea they have some kind of ethical immunity because they are on a reality show.  There are reasons people like Heather quit and that is because at the end of the day she doesn't want to have to justify "mean girl" behavior either through editing or circumstance to her children one day.

I do think Luann should have manually throttled Ramona for her stunt in T&C.  Again, why are they going after Luann for Ramona's behavior? I don't think Luann acts the opposite when it comes to be accused of behavior that is none of their business-filming or not.   Luann did try and say what was going on and to be cool.   I think it is pretty hard to answer when someone says, "it's Fleet Week and Luann did the berth deck of the aircraft carrier."  And then try and lend credence  to the statement by saying, "well she didn't deny it." 

The next time they are tossing out insults about pass around guys, Carole should stand up and be counted because Adam came to her from someone she knew in the RH line of succession.  There is no shortage of hypocrisy with this group.  Let's ask Carole about Adam's penis, like she talked about Harry's. 

Edited by zoeysmom
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I love the whole college-dorm-room thing that Luanne and Sonja have going on.  Watching them in the morning washing their faces discussing over the sink what they did last night was the best.  Gold!

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Her judgemental reads usually came during some conflict where she was either being criticized or some form of group gathering where people were going for each other anyway so whatevs.

Except when she did things like tell Bethenny not to address her as "Luanne" to their driver, but "Mrs DeLesseps."


There is no shortage of hypocrisy with this group.  Let's ask Carole about Adam's penis, like she talked about Harry's. 

Are we even sure Adam has a penis? Sorry....

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10 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

I love the whole college-dorm-room thing that Luanne and Sonja have going on.  Watching them in the morning washing their faces discussing over the sink what they did last night was the best.  Gold!

Me too!  Although the shared fuzzy slippers and wearing fur coats because Sonja can't afford to heat it just make it more Grey Gardens than ever!

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35 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

This is a story, and a particularly intelligent one about Luann.  None of this rises to someone having an affair, but it is the old adage if people say it enough it must be true.  http://starcasm.net/archives/40333  There is some very fine print at the bottom regarding the Reunion that year. 


Why would someone presume they had sex in the bathroom?  Just ridiculous.   Sometimes accusations aren't worth dignifying.  Why do these women ask?  For airtime and this insane idea they have some kind of ethical immunity because they are on a reality show.  There are reasons people like Heather quit and that is because at the end of the day she doesn't want to have to justify "mean girl" behavior either through editing or circumstance to her children one day.

I do think Luann should have manually throttled Ramona for her stunt in T&C.  Again, why are they going after Luann for Ramona's behavior? I don't think Luann acts the opposite when it comes to be accused of behavior that is none of their business-filming or not.   Luann did try and say what was going on and to be cool.   I think it is pretty hard to answer when someone says, "it's Fleet Week and Luann did the berth deck of the aircraft carrier."  And then try and lend credence  to the statement by saying, "well she didn't deny it." 

The next time they are tossing out insults about pass around guys, Carole should stand up and be counted because Adam came to her from someone she knew in the RH line of succession.  There is no shortage of hypocrisy with this group.  Let's ask Carole about Adam's penis, like she talked about Harry's. 

IMO, Luann loves that the others talk about her sexual prowess, loves it, and this is why she does these stunts like at the bar with that kid. She is the one that told everyone she was 'taking him to the ladies room with her", so she can't boo hoo when they call her out on it. Was Carole even at that bar that night? I don't remember her but know that Romana, Sonja and Bethenny were there and the rumor had to have started with 1 of them.

As for the T&C Ramona lie, Luann didn't call Ramona out on it right there and then, even though she was told what Ramona said, which only added to the notion that Ramona was telling the truth and added in is the simple fact that Ramona had never brought a guy back to a trip house with her before but Luann had done it just the prior season.

Although Adam had a tie into Luann, it was a distant tie in, he did not sleep with her like Sonja/Ramona/Luann/Tom or Sonja/Luann/Harry. And I never got the impression that Luann had Adam on to "help" his career as much as she wanted to impress the others having a "private chef" in her home cooking for her.

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43 minutes ago, misschung said:

Except when she did things like tell Bethenny not to address her as "Luanne" to their driver, but "Mrs DeLesseps."

Are we even sure Adam has a penis? Sorry....


19 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

IMO, Luann loves that the others talk about her sexual prowess, loves it, and this is why she does these stunts like at the bar with that kid. She is the one that told everyone she was 'taking him to the ladies room with her", so she can't boo hoo when they call her out on it. Was Carole even at that bar that night? I don't remember her but know that Romana, Sonja and Bethenny were there and the rumor had to have started with 1 of them.

As for the T&C Ramona lie, Luann didn't call Ramona out on it right there and then, even though she was told what Ramona said, which only added to the notion that Ramona was telling the truth and added in is the simple fact that Ramona had never brought a guy back to a trip house with her before but Luann had done it just the prior season.

Although Adam had a tie into Luann, it was a distant tie in, he did not sleep with her like Sonja/Ramona/Luann/Tom or Sonja/Luann/Harry. And I never got the impression that Luann had Adam on to "help" his career as much as she wanted to impress the others having a "private chef" in her home cooking for her.

Sorry Wire, Nadine was on the show the first season, a Bravolebrity and  Carole is sucking up on sloppy seconds. Are you saying it doesn't count until it is thirds?  No other way around it.  No distance about it.  He was trying to get his business out there and Luann was helping.  Now he is trying to get their business out there.  I don't think Carole is going to be cheering on the multiple partners line-she has to be smarter than to do such a thing.

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Regarding Beth and Lu, I don't think it is just about the fact that Beth believes Lu to be someone who hides her true self during filming, although that is part of it as Beth has said. I think it is also that Beth believes Lu to be a snob. That was her problem with Lu during the first season with the whole deal about how Beth should have introduced Lu. Attached is an interesting article. It was written after the first season; after the reunion. They all gathered for a Harper's Bazaar photo shoot and interview. During the article it is mentioned that Lu and Beth were supposed to head to a casino to party and gamble after the shoot. Lu tells Beth that she won't be coming after all.  This from the article: "Now she informs Bethenny she will not be accompanying her to the Indian casino. Bethenny explains: "LuAnn didn't want my assistant to come. Only it had been my assistant's idea to begin with."  I think that Beth is a lot of things, but I don't think she is a snob. I think she is judgmental like crazy, but I don't believe her to be elitist. I just think this is something that drives her crazy about Lu.


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6 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Regarding Beth and Lu, I don't think it is just about the fact that Beth believes Lu to be someone who hides her true self during filming, although that is part of it as Beth has said. I think it is also that Beth believes Lu to be a snob. That was her problem with Lu during the first season with the whole deal about how Beth should have introduced Lu. Attached is an interesting article. It was written after the first season; after the reunion. They all gathered for a Harper's Bazaar photo shoot and interview. During the article it is mentioned that Lu and Beth were supposed to head to a casino to party and gamble after the shoot. Lu tells Beth that she won't be coming after all.  This from the article: "Now she informs Bethenny she will not be accompanying her to the Indian casino. Bethenny explains: "LuAnn didn't want my assistant to come. Only it had been my assistant's idea to begin with."  I think that Beth is a lot of things, but I don't think she is a snob. I think she is judgmental like crazy, but I don't believe her to be elitist. I just think this is something that drives her crazy about Lu.


Great article.

It is not as if Luann asked to be called Countess.  Not too terribly long ago you did address people, clients and the like by Miss, Ms, or Mrs., Mr., Dr. It was up to the client to suggest first names are in acceptable.  Bethenny claims she was raised by wolves and it shows.  It was a huge popular thing for Bethenny to do, and I guarantee you when these women check into hotels, arrange for limo service, the employees call them by a proper address.   That is pretty standard in the service industry.  I live on the west coast, famous for being informal, and the directive from the local grocery chain is all women, regardless of age are to be addressed by Miss rather than Ma'am.  The don't want to offend with an agesist comment.

I still question why the broke Bethenny had an assistant.  Some things just don't ring true.  

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23 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:


Sorry Wire, Nadine was on the show the first season, a Bravolebrity and  Carole is sucking up on sloppy seconds. Are you saying it doesn't count until it is thirds?  No other way around it.  No distance about it.  He was trying to get his business out there and Luann was helping.  Now he is trying to get their business out there.  I don't think Carole is going to be cheering on the multiple partners line-she has to be smarter than to do such a thing.

Nadine was never a NY HW cast member, she didn't even rise to the level of FOH. She was on the NY HW show a few times over the years here and there and never with Adam. Was she on another Bravo show? I never knew that and even if she was, I don't think all the HW viewers have seen the show she was on, I know I did not. Did she have Adam on whatever show it was with her, presenting themselves as a couple? My point was/is that no other NY HW slept with Adam so it doesn't rate the same "Oh My" as Luann/Sonja - Harry or Sonja/Ramona/Luann - Tom. Now if Luann had been in a personal/romantic/sexual relationship Adam, then Yes, it would be the same........ her niece does not have the same standing as she does IMO.

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Just curious, did LuLu call it an "Indian" casino?

And I almost have to agree that B is not necessarily a snob. (oh, now I feel kind of dirty.)

But Beth's mouthy, at times unhinged, impertinence is, imho, worse. We have at least seen free-range LuLu and she can be a hoot. I don't think B ever shuts it down.

Nice to see her true-to-form via twitter. Frankly, I'd watch more than a few minutes at a time if she'd just ease up.

Edited by NewDigs
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On May 25, 2016 at 9:56 PM, snarts said:

They all have issues which is why I find it so annoying when any one of them tries to look down or judge someone else. Bethany & Ramona are queens of this.  They both drink, they've both made romantic mistakes, they're both fucking crazy.  Yet They somehow think they're above Luann & Sonya?  Why?  

Pissed me off to see Dorinda kowtow to Bethany.  I was happy that she told Carole to get over herself re: not wanting to sleep under the same roof as Luann.

I thought Tom was cute.  Is he now Luann's fiance?

imo Bethany and Ramona think they are above the others because they are narcissists - in the true "narcissistic personality disorder" sense of the word.

I was also happy that Dorinda said Carole should get over herself. 

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36 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Regarding Beth and Lu, I don't think it is just about the fact that Beth believes Lu to be someone who hides her true self during filming, although that is part of it as Beth has said. I think it is also that Beth believes Lu to be a snob. That was her problem with Lu during the first season with the whole deal about how Beth should have introduced Lu. Attached is an interesting article. It was written after the first season; after the reunion. They all gathered for a Harper's Bazaar photo shoot and interview. During the article it is mentioned that Lu and Beth were supposed to head to a casino to party and gamble after the shoot. Lu tells Beth that she won't be coming after all.  This from the article: "Now she informs Bethenny she will not be accompanying her to the Indian casino. Bethenny explains: "LuAnn didn't want my assistant to come. Only it had been my assistant's idea to begin with."  I think that Beth is a lot of things, but I don't think she is a snob. I think she is judgmental like crazy, but I don't believe her to be elitist. I just think this is something that drives her crazy about Lu.


Yet Bethenny brought up the fact that John is not UES like Dorinda! LOL Bethenny is also a snob.

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18 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I have always gotten the impression Ramona, using an antiquated term, frigid.  She likes to date because she can't maintain any real friendships and probably has zero invitations that aren't related to a product launch or a business opportunity.  I even question these so called "dates".  She is most recently famous for being uninvited-something that will probably become a trend.

Sonja was not happy with being "iced out".  A few choice words for Ramona:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/sonja-morgan-calls-out-dorinda-medley-after-being-iced-


Ramoaner's idea of foreplay is to look thru a guy's wallet, If it does get physical, she only does missionary, with a nightgown on - pulled up to her waist. no cuddling and no kissing...and you have to leave as soon as you are done.

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9 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Nadine was never a NY HW cast member, she didn't even rise to the level of FOH. She was on the NY HW show a few times over the years here and there and never with Adam. Was she on another Bravo show? I never knew that and even if she was, I don't think all the HW viewers have seen the show she was on, I know I did not. Did she have Adam on whatever show it was with her, presenting themselves as a couple? My point was/is that no other NY HW slept with Adam so it doesn't rate the same "Oh My" as Luann/Sonja - Harry or Sonja/Ramona/Luann - Tom. Now if Luann had been in a personal/romantic/sexual relationship Adam, then Yes, it would be the same........ her niece does not have the same standing as she does IMO.

Yes she was on another Bravo Show and did quite well. It was the Sarah Jessica Parker's art show .  Here is her portfolio.    http://www.bravotv.com/work-of-art/photos/nicole-nadeau/item/9470316  She and Adam were a big time couple.  You are moving the goal posts.  :-).   We didn't see Harry Dubin until after the fact.  Adam made a conscience choice and went with RH schlepping.  Adam didn't get into Luann's house without the connection.  I think the point I am trying to illustrate is they should not be talking about recycled love interests.  From Bethenny and Josh to Adam and Carole these folks have histories.

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5 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Yes she was on another Bravo Show and did quite well. It was the Sarah Jessica Parker's art show .  Here is her portfolio.    http://www.bravotv.com/work-of-art/photos/nicole-nadeau/item/9470316  She and Adam were a big time couple.  You are moving the goal posts.  :-).   We didn't see Harry Dubin until after the fact.  Adam made a conscience choice and went with RH schlepping.  Adam didn't get into Luann's house without the connection.  I think the point I am trying to illustrate is they should not be talking about recycled love interests.  From Bethenny and Josh to Adam and Carole these folks have histories.

Bottom line, Adams connection to the show through Luann is platonic so it is not comparable to the others (L/S/A/H connection or the current S/R/L/T connection) and you tried to make that connection "The next time they are tossing out insults about pass around guys, Carole should stand up and be counted because Adam came to her from someone she knew in the RH line of succession." and I disagree there is any comparison in the connections. Knowing someone/aka/sleeping with them is far different than introducing them to someone else. 

Also, IMO, she had Adam on as a "See, I have a private chef" and not as a "I am trying to help this young chef make a name for himself", it was more about her/status than it was about Adam or her niece (who she didn't mention). LOL

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Bethenny claims she was raised by wolves and it shows.  It was a huge popular thing for Bethenny to do, and I guarantee you when these women check into hotels, arrange for limo service, the employees call them by a proper address.   That is pretty standard in the service industry.  I live on the west coast, famous for being informal, and the directive from the local grocery chain is all women, regardless of age are to be addressed by Miss rather than Ma'am.  The don't want to offend with an agesist comment.

I still question why the broke Bethenny had an assistant.  Some things just don't ring true.  

That's fair enough, and I'm from Westchester so I totally get it.  I suppose what struck me as strange was Bethenny and Luanne's night out seemed less formal.  If one of my girlfriends and I were going out, and I introduced her to my driver, I wouldn't call her "Miss" - then again, I don't have a driver or an assistant, so what the heck do I know? lol!

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2 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Yet Bethenny brought up the fact that John is not UES like Dorinda! LOL Bethenny is also a snob.

It was probably not a nice thing to say, but I don't think snobby. Beth hates UES sensibilities and people. I will say that from the very beginning, Beth didn't understand these people. She mocks Ramona and her UES friends constantly. That was the thing that made Beth unique from the beginning. I think she is surprised that Dorinda considers herself to be one thing, but hangs with a guy who is another thing, condsidering the judgement Dorinda has of specific behavior. She seems to believe that folks should show deference and act in a very specific manner (don't walk in the restaurant without me) but dates a guy who doesn't seem to follow any of her rules. Confusing to say the least. 

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Also, this may be late to the thread, but I am sure that the Tipsy Girl thing was entirely a set-up by the producers. The return of Unreal just reminded me.

Bethenny has a deal with Bravo for a million bucks and I am sure that her corporate parents inserted a clause that demanded a certain number of mentions during RHNYC screen time. It's her appearance on the show that drives her brand...no way do just her lame product placements do the job. How hard would it be to have some labels printed up on a couple of cases of no-name prosecco, and have a party. Sonja has a friend with a restaurant who could use the publicity, and besides donating the room, really wouldn't cost him anything. This enables Bethenny to have one of her trademark meltdowns, and to reiterate the word Skinnygirl endlessly.  I am sure there is some corporate assistant somewhere assigned to watch the show and verify the number of mentions per episode. Is Sonja in on it...of course, but the poor woman can't heat her house...her choices are slim and none. And it gives her screen time to trot out her crazy Sonja persona. Helps to pay the bills.

i am sure all these housewives console themselves that they are really actresses and this is in no way a full portrait of themselves. They play the roles assigned and collect the bucks. Unfortunately, they are not trained actresses and their appalling selves are on full display, with producers and other interested parties calling the shots. 

Having seen Luann and Jacques around my neighborhood does remind me that these are real people and that what one does to earn money is not always pretty...I work for a major corporation, very buttoned-down, but I would be horrified to see myself on camera during the work day. It's not even dramatic, but still the power plays, the small humiliations and the screw-ups would not be happy things to watch. I expect most of us would prefer not to have our lives provide entertainment for hordes of watchers. No major bucks, but at least some semblance of dignity.

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