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S02.E16: The Lyon Who Cried Wolf

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The discovery of a dark secret by Andre threatens to sabotage Lucious's deeply personal music video about his mother; Hakeem and Jamal put everything at risk to pursue secretive affairs; and Rhonda begins to piece together the identity of her attacker.

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This sounds bad, but I hope Lucious' "mother" has a horrible accident, and I put mother in quotes because that's no mother.  I mean even a rat can give birth.

Was that Mozart at the end?

Edited by Neurochick
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outside of whatever the hell Jamal was doing with the ASA guy whose name I don't care to remember, there were many things I enjoyed.


  • Becky dancing in the studio (Gabourey is joy in human form.)
  • Rhonda starting to learn the truth.
  • Thirsty's "I'm a gentleman!" Before Harper is taken. 
  • The family song near the end.

Then you get to the final scene. My God. Leslie is so good. And I am so repulsed by her character. He finally had a reason to be devious and pissed that she was found. She's insane.


THIS is what I was waiting for, show.

Edited by mtlchick
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Are You Afraid of Cake?: The Empire Diet by Leah Walker

I was waiting for the reveal that Luscious would drop dead of poison or that she used the maid as an ingredient in one of the cakes.

I officially find Luscious' Mom scarier than Negan on the Walking Dead.

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I saw the eyes Hakeem was giving Tiana. Laura's not long for this show I'm guessing.

I see the Feds are still investigating Lucious. Good thing they can eaves drop on loud conversations like the one Carol and Candace were having.

Still think Anika's red shoes are a red herring.

Something's off with Jamal's new love - I mean aside from him not being out. I just don't trust him.

Why do I have a bad feeling that Grandma did something to poor Juanita.

Becky continues to look amazing this season.


Was that Mozart at the end?


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Thank you, I was trying to figure out if it was Mozart or Beethoven.  Now I remember hearing it before.  It was perfect music for that scene.  Ah, now I remember where I've heard that music before, "The King's Speech" when the king is reading the speech.

Loved the family song at the end.  I bet it'll be on Amazon tomorrow.

Edited by Neurochick
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The family song was great, but holy shit grandma is scary as hell. Lucious and his deviousness really starts to make more sense the more we learn about him and his messed up past. 

Rhonda is going to cut a butch. 

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I officially find Luscious' Mom scarier than Negan on the Walking Dead.

Yeah, and Jamal's new fling. I don't trust him one bit, I don't know what it is. 

Finally, poor Luscious. Until he directs the same kind of loathing at Jamal next week. 

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34 minutes ago, Gillian Rosh said:

I saw the eyes Hakeem was giving Tiana. Laura's not long for this show I'm guessing.

I see the Feds are still investigating Lucious. Good thing they can eaves drop on loud conversations like the one Carol and Candace were having.

Still think Anika's red shoes are a red herring.

Something's off with Jamal's new love - I mean aside from him not being out. I just don't trust him.

Why do I have a bad feeling that Grandma did something to poor Juanita.

Becky continues to look amazing this season.


Especially since Lucious said Juanita lived there. So where is she? Well we know granny is a goner. She has no idea what she created - literally.

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45 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Thank you, I was trying to figure out if it was Mozart or Beethoven.  Now I remember hearing it before.  It was perfect music for that scene.  Ah, now I remember where I've heard that music before, "The King's Speech" when the king is reading the speech.

Loved the family song at the end.  I bet it'll be on Amazon tomorrow.

I haven't posted in this thread in a while, but I love the whole "mother" story line and LOVED the song tonight. Are the songs only on Amazon? Itunes too? Have they completely forgotten about Lucious' illness? He looks younger now than her did at the start of season 1. 

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It seems that all of Jamal's men are shady, and Michael was no better, but this current guy is chocolate sex on a stick. I certainly appreciated that. GET IT JAMAL! LOL.

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You know what Lu? If you'd kept your mom in a proper setting when you "almost tripped over her"? Maybe you wouldn't be terrorized by the dessert queen. Or as soon as you had more than a couple of coins to rub together, but no.  While I don't expect an eight-year old to get over almost drowning by their parent, I expect a middle-aged man who seems to know better to have more than just one nurse available if he is that (rightfully) nervous. A day nurse and a night nurse; domestics shouldn't have to play nurse to seriously ill folks.


The ASA guy? I get the feeling he's using Jamal's availability either in conjunction with Lucious or in order to smear Jamal in the media. I don't know why, but as others have noted- something's off about this guy.  When they were making out in the studio, I thought someone would send security because they were knocking bottles and stuff over and someone might get concerned over both men's safety, so close to the awards.


I feel for Carol. While I do believe she cares and loves her kids, it has to be heady in Cookie's world. Plus getting clean and living in Cookie's place.  Still, I understand Candace wanting to get back to her normal too.  If Carol truly wants to be clean, then she does need to face the possibility of "Hurricane Cookie", no matter what Candace is grumping about. 

Of course Harper was "dealt with" by folks not actually Thirsty. While I hope she can figure out some way to not be dead, I think she will be a news item on the TV for Lucious to be awful about.


I enjoyed how relatively natural the set-up was for Rhonda to start remembering That Night. Right now, I am hoping that Anika's shoes are red-soled herrings and someone else, reasonably, is the actual culprit.  Anika is meant for better schemes.

That Lyon Family Anthem was cool. Unfortunately, Lu took the song from Leah. Unless he knows for certain that that is fully Leah's, Lucious lied about writing the song.(He said first that he got the song from Leah. Then he said that he wrote it. Typical Lucious.)

I can't hardly wait for next week!

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1 hour ago, Actionmage said:

If you'd kept your mom in a proper setting when you "almost tripped over her"? Maybe you wouldn't be terrorized by the dessert queen.

That speech she gave about him ruining her life was awful especially if she's been saying stuff like that to him since he was a child. Ms Uggams was awesome. 

I know people like Porsha but I have no patience for stupid or indescretion so I'd be happy not to see her anymore. 

And I know this will sound petty but you know Vivica wants to be playing Cookie. Speaking of, whatever is going on with Taraji's eyebrows but the makeup folks need to make some strong recommendations about going easy on the arching--WOW.

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I cannot believe this show came up with a scenario that would make me feel pity for Lucious.  Well played writers...well played.

Oh Anika, you just should have put on flip flops girl!

Cookie looked great tonight!  I'm not a fan of fringe, but these are the fabulous outfits that I can believe Cookie would buy!

Oh....I know you're pregnant Anika, but can you maybe find a staircase for Laura to fall down, because I am all the way done with that character.  In what universe does she feel like she is owed a song over Tianna who is a solo artist that has a bigger following?  Hakeem should drop her like a bad habit.

Edited by RCharter
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I really like the family song.

Laura seems to be getting full of herself. Even her clothing, she's wearing all fur like she's the Queen. Does she ever have scenes with people other than just Hakeem? Odd they're engaged but she's not more around the others to integrate her. It basically shows she's an outsider and won't work. She also thinks just because she's with Hakeem she's owed that duet because it'll be a hit? I wish Cookie would have been there to slap her. 

Grandma is crazy.

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That last song is the best song since the show started. Nice that the show runners remembered that Hakeem and Yazz are both good rappers, I was worried that this season they've been deliberately downgrading Hakeem to make Jamal shine. they are really at their best when they sing together.
The fame is starting to get to Laura, I don't think that engagement is going to last, hello Hakeem/Tiana.
Jamal I don't trust that guy, but he is hot, enjoy. I was mad last episode when I saw Michael, I hate that character, I hope he never comes back.
Yeah, mama Luscious is crazy
Rhonda vs Anika, bring it on. Show, please don't make Anika the killer, I love her and don't want to hate her, besides I,m looking forward to her baby drama with Hakeem.
I'm sorry, Cookie's makeup looks terrible, whats up with her brows.

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Jamal's new love interest may be shady but wow the chemistry between those two is off the charts! :)  So glad that they finally gave Jamal a lover with whom he has great chemistry, unlike boring Michael. Oh and I guess that photographer guy from season 1 was also pretty hot. Yeah it sucks that Derek is not out of the closet and he may have an alternative agenda, but I'm happy that the writers finally remembered that Jamal is a young gay man, after all that debacle with Sky, etc. So yeah I'm already shipping Jamal/Derek.

Loved the family song, that was really good.

Grandma needs to be locked up again pronto, that woman is crazy. I was actually afraid that she would stab Luscious with that knife. And I cannot stand Luscious! So good job, show, with creating the suspense and actually making me care whether Luscious lived or died.

I really hope that Anika is not the one that pushed Rhonda down the stairs although they were hinting at it pretty hard in this episode. I think it would be more interesting if it was someone that we didn't suspect.

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Still catching my breath from this episode! A blockbuster! Wow, Jamal and Derek are en fuego! But I definitely agree that there is something more to Derek than meets the eye - I hope he doesn't screw Jamal (and I mean that figuratively!), this is a bit worrisome.

Laura has now been relegated to the annoying "ball and chain." Someone posting earlier made a great point - she's only shown with Hakeem, never with anyone else, and that's quite telling. And she's always such a pouty downer, scolding Hakeem for not jumping quickly or high enough. He's always apologizing to her, or having to reassure her. How exhausting for them both, and not exactly enjoyable viewing for us. I hope Tiana doesn't try to break them up. She's hot stuff - drop dead gorgeous and talented. She doesn't need to do anything but sit and wait - if Hakeem was smart, he'd hitch his star to Tiana's wagon. I feel as if Tiana is Hakeem's equal and can go toe to toe with him, personally and professionally. But I want Hakeem to come to that realization by himself. I don't want Tiana to be the homewrecker.

Now, why exactly was Harper taking a drive with Thirsty? It was pretty clear from their location - a dark, deserted street - that she was going to meet an untimely end, but how did that even come about? I feel as if we missed a prior scene. A little context would have been nice. Thirsty is a piece of work - he'll do and say anything to advance Lucious' cause (and his own!). Whoever cast this actor for this role hit the bullseye.

Grandma Walker is out of control! That cake scene was quite creepy indeed, what with the music, the billowing curtains, Lucious in his do-rag and bathrobe, the knife in Leah's hands - woah Nellie! When she told him that he was the reason for everything bad in her life, that was just horrible. Yes, Lucious is a bad man much of the time, but even his blood must have run cold hearing that again as an adult, from his own mother. Wow. I wonder how Andre would feel if he'd overheard that exchange. Grandma is not the precious hot house flower he thinks she is.

I'm glad that Rhonda is starting to put two and two together, but I agree with others who have expressed skepticism that Anika is the pusher - on one hand, that seems way too obvious (not that subtlety is a hallmark of any soap opera), but on the other hand, given Anika's behavior and mindset leading up to Rhonda's accident, it does make sense. Anika is so angelic right now that one can't help but be suspicious.

The family song was excellent.

Edited by Biggie B
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I loved that episode. Some of the best music we've ever had on the show.

Jamal and Derek, I'm intrigued by this pairing as such, even though the latter is closeted. Still more chemistry and spark than Michael.

Lucious and his mother, those scenes were disturbing, especially the last one. I can see why Lucious wanted her locked up. Andre might have messed up here.

Hakeem and Laura will be broken up by next week. It seems like they're heading towards him and Tiana again.

I still don't think Anika is Rhonda's attacker but it doesn't look good for her right now, 9/10

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Speaking of, whatever is going on with Taraji's eyebrows but the makeup folks need to make some strong recommendations about going easy on the arching--WOW.

YES.  Maybe it was due to the make up in some scenes where it was really toned down, but whoever did this needs to go back to school.  I had to think back to remember if they were ever this pronounced even last season!

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Trai Byers is the star of this story arc for sure. Those scenes between him and Leslie Uggams... So much acting with very little dialogue.

The song at the very end, for those who wondered, is called Figlio Perduto (Lost Son) and was an incredible choice for those particular scenes with Rhonda and Luscious.

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 I wonder how Andre would feel if he'd overheard that exchange. Grandma is not the precious hot house flower he thinks she is.

I do not believe that Andre thinks Leah is some hothouse flower; he saw how she reacted to losing one game of Bingo, so I think he knows she's not some helpless little old woman.  I think if Andre were present for Leah threatening Lucious that he'd get Leah in one of the best treatment places he could afford. He'd probably apologize to Lucious for not insisting he ( Andre) take her home with he and Rhonda, which would leave Andre open to more bull from Lucious about knowing  what you're dealing with, but Lucious, of course, ignoring that he never tells anyone truth or enough to be safe. Because Lucious is a monster, even though we are seeing how little Dwight got to that place.

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I know it's wrong, but I was just laughing my head off watching do ragged Lucious eating the cake Grandma baked for him! His expression was a combo of "Mama's crazy. I'm gonna die. But I'm gonna kick Andre's ass before I die. If I wasn't so scared, I'd get the hell outta here! I hope this cake ain't poisoned! Damn can she at least turn up the lights in here a little, I can't see what I'm eating let alone where she's pointing that big knife! Maybe I don't want to see where she has that knife pointed. I'm gonna kick Andre's ass! This cake is really good! ". BTW, didn't Lucious think it was weird Grandma got him from his bedroom, when he instructed Juanita to keep her in her room and keep an eye on her 24/7? I hope Grandma didn't kill Juanita. Anyhow, it would be hilarious if Grandma only acts crazy around Lucious, but is "sane" around the rest of the family.  BTW, those cakes looked yummy!

Rhonda: You have 2 more episodes to regain your memory of the fall. I hope you get out of BBK's apartment alive.

Andre: Lucious is gonna kick your ass.

Thirsty: I hope the thugs you hired notice her shoe fell off.

Jamal: Don't get involved with him. He's not ready to be out. You're wasting your time.

Candace and Carole: You two are the dumbest people around. Yeah, go to a restaurant/bar and talk about all the murders Carole helped Lucious with when Cookie was in jail. You'd have more privacy if you tweeted it. Dumb!

Edited by Milz
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10 hours ago, MaryTylerMoore said:

That speech she gave about him ruining her life was awful especially if she's been saying stuff like that to him since he was a child. Ms Uggams was awesome. 



Yeah, Ms. Uggams was awesome. But that bitch "Grandma Leah" gotta go.  Oh, Thirsty!!!!

Edited by announcergirl
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11 hours ago, Actionmage said:

I enjoyed how relatively natural the set-up was for Rhonda to start remembering That Night. Right now, I am hoping that Anika's shoes are red-soled herrings and someone else, reasonably, is the actual culprit.  Anika is meant for better schemes.

I still think it's the Mayor's office contact Andre was banging and then blackmailed that pushed Rhonda. It'll be a chickens coming home to roost situation.

Also once again the family musically bonds and Andre is MIA. He really is the odd son out and it's increasingly concerning to me that he may be seen as the expendable son since he 'doesn't belong'. Andre's special in that he was there with Cookie and Lucious from the beginning and aided in taking care of things and holding things together for the younger brothers. It's sad that this special position in the family isn't acknowledged for him. Its allll about the music. Although if they have Andre bust out the pipes and lay out a song that makes the rest of their eyes bug out and he then drops the mic saying 'Yeah, I can sing, that's just not how I express myself' I'd laugh.  

Is it wrong that I didn't feel all that badly for Lucious while Leah was terrorizing him? Maybe a moment when you saw the fear in his eyes as he looked up at her while she waved the knife at him but that was it. Don't get me wrong her abuse of him as a child was horrible and a parent telling a child that she wished she had succeeded in killing him and that he ruined her life is atrocious no matter what their age, but instead of going the other way in making sure his children never doubt his love for them or their importance to him, he continued a weird cycle of psychological and verbal abuse bordering on violent. And yet when he sang the anthem and bleating out that the one thing true about him was his love for his kids, you believed it, it's just that Lucious simply doesn't know how to show real love because he is so damaged.

Still he was dumb as hell for supporting Thirsty's taking care of the reporter, ordering Juanita to look after his mother AND for sitting down at that table in the first place. He should've picked up a fire poker and said 'You wanna go? Let's go, old woman!'

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I still can't get over how beautiful Leslie Uggams still looks!  She's very youthful and clear-eyed.  I pray that when I reach her age, I will look as young as her.

Wow!  I was actually afraid for Lucious in that big room filled with cakes and the crazy old lady with the sharp looking cake knife!  Lucious wasn't joking when he said that his mom tried to kill him all those years ago!  What a horrible woman to live with!  But to think of it, Lucious was still kind enough to put his mom in a home and taken care of all the bills for the 20 some odd years she was there.  And here she is now, still crazy, still blaming him for ruining her life.  I have to say, I laughed when Mama Leah told Dwight to eat another piece of cake, and Lucious simply threw his fork down and pushed the plate away and stared at the old lady defiantly as if to say, "You don't get to talk to me that way!  Dwight ain't here no more, I'm Lucious, you crazy old bitch!"  As scary as that scene was with the old lady waving that cake knife around Lucious' face; I can't help thinking that if he was a different type of person, he would've simply jumped up and wrestle the knife away from the old woman and knocked her out!

I would like Leah Walker to stick around longer to make Lucious' life unbearable for awhile.  God knows, Lucious deserves to be miserable for awhile.

Rhonda finally remembers!  About time!  I still think there is something not quite right.  Ok, Anika was wearing similar shoes that Rhonda saw that night of her terrible miscarriage, but it looked strange to me because Anika's shoes looked so clean.  I mean the sole of her one shoe looked pretty clean.  Could this just be shoes she wore around the house?  I don't know.  It feels like one of those "red herring" things TV shows like to throw at viewers.

I never thought of Jamal as a "Wham Bam, thank you, man!" sort of dude, but he seems willing to go that route with the handsome, very masculine ASA guy.  Frankly, I wonder how much patience Jamal will be willing to date a guy who is so very much in the closet.  Shit, their make out scene was pretty hot though!

Oh Hakeem!  Don't go back to Tiana and your old club hopping party ways!  You gotta grow up if you are willing to marry Laura and settle down!  Hakeem has grown up in the sense that he is willing to take responsibility for the child he has with Anika, but I don't know if he truly is ready for marriage.

It's funny how Lucious probably thought he'd be the dominating CEO of the company with just Cookie being his sidekick co-CEO.  Cookie just about dominated everything when she took control of putting a great performance by the Lyons' family.  Cookie ain't no pushover!  Lucious better be ready to have a battle on his hands!

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3 hours ago, Biggie B said:

I don't want Tiana to be the homewrecker.

What home?  Do they live together?  I hope Laura leaves and pronto, she adds zero to the show, Tiana is much more Hakeem's equal than dull as dishwater, Laura.

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I don't want Tiana to be the homewrecker.

What home?  Do they live together?  I hope Laura leaves and pronto, she adds zero to the show, Tiana is much more Hakeem's equal than dull as dishwater, Laura.

What I mean was, I don't want Tiana to actively break up Laura and Hakeem. I don't care for Laura but I want Hakeem on his own to realize that Tiana is the better partner for him. Here's what I said about Tiana:

"She's hot stuff - drop dead gorgeous and talented. She doesn't need to do anything but sit and wait - if Hakeem was smart, he'd hitch his star to Tiana's wagon. I feel as if Tiana is Hakeem's equal and can go toe to toe with him, personally and professionally. But I want Hakeem to come to that realization by himself."

By "homewrecker," I did not mean literally that Hakeem and Laura live together under the same roof.

Edited by Biggie B
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Yes that's true, Hakeem needs to figure that out on his own.  I don't think Tiana will break them up though.  I saw how Hakeem was looking at her as if to say, "WTF am I doing with Laura?  I must be insane." 

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I continue to love the Holloway sisters and the way the wardrobe department styles them so distinctly that you can totally comprehend their personalities without them uttering any dialogue.

Candace appears immaculately pulled together in a rich brown & cranberry trench ensemble with beautifully understated dark makeup and honey highlighted hair to prissily lecture Cookie who is decked out in a snakeskin mini dress with teal fringe and flashy pastel makeup only for them to immediately be joined by meek Carol whose increasingly divided loyalties are clearly defined by her simplistic black and white outfit.

Edited by Dee
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14 hours ago, Actionmage said:

Of course Harper was "dealt with" by folks not actually Thirsty. While I hope she can figure out some way to not be dead, I think she will be a news item on the TV for Lucious to be awful about.

Did anyone else notice the end of that scene having what seemed to be a street corner camera positioned in the upper left corner to capture everything? Will Thirsty save his own skin and try to sell Lucious out?

12 hours ago, MaryTylerMoore said:

I know people like Porsha but I have no patience for stupid or indescretion so I'd be happy not to see her anymore. 

And I know this will sound petty but you know Vivica wants to be playing Cookie. Speaking of, whatever is going on with Taraji's eyebrows but the makeup folks need to make some strong recommendations about going easy on the arching--WOW.

Porsha can go any day (or yesterday) now.

Cookie's eyebrows were a MESS. 

3 hours ago, Actionmage said:

I do not believe that Andre thinks Leah is some hothouse flower; he saw how she reacted to losing one game of Bingo, so I think he knows she's not some helpless little old woman.  I think if Andre were present for Leah threatening Lucious that he'd get Leah in one of the best treatment places he could afford. He'd probably apologize to Lucious for not insisting he ( Andre) take her home with he and Rhonda, which would leave Andre open to more bull from Lucious about knowing  what you're dealing with, but Lucious, of course, ignoring that he never tells anyone truth or enough to be safe. Because Lucious is a monster, even though we are seeing how little Dwight got to that place.

How was Andre super concerned about Grandma's well being but set to pull off with Rhonda without a word said about where she would stay/who would have responsibility for her care? Only when he saw Thirsty did he bother to wonder about where she was going.

Laura, bye. She's really gotten on her high horse for a barely opening act from the projects/afraid to open her mouth and say anything to trying to run the show. 

In what world do we have a lunch at a public restaurant loudly discussing helping our rich and famous (and under FBI investigation) brother in law murder folks? These chicks aren't green, they're hood chicks at heart and a crackhead at that. Totally unbelievable move there, writers. 

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I'm generally okay with Porsha, because I find her funny, and they give her some great lines....especially the stuff about her grandmother and the pennies.  But, sometimes...just no.  I honestly think Cookie should have been done with her after she had the audacity to give Cookie's name when she was being detained for jumping the turnstile.  Or at the very least she should have had to do something major in order to get back in Cookie's good graces.  I also get annoyed at Porsha saying that she doesn't want to do this or that......girl....you are an ex-convict who is now assistant to the CEO at a major record label!  There are way better qualified candidates so you shouldn't be acting like you're above doing anything!  Now, I can't figure if maybe Porsha thinks that Carol is up to something due to her jealousy and Porsha is trying to bring it to light or figure it out -- or if she was just being kinda mean.

I think Andre is projecting.  I don't think Grandma Lyon seemed particularly unhappy at the home.  She didn't like the meatloaf...in spite of its deliciousness and she apparently had developed a Bingo strategy.

I don't know if Lucious is going to get rid of Grandma.  It looks like he is right back to being a child that is terrorized by her.  And Grandma knows the drill....she acts like a kindly old lady when in front of others and unleashes when she knows she is alone with Lucious.  Hopefully Janita sounds the alarm, because I suspect the Grandma may have had to really do something to convince her to leave her job without any word from her actual employer.

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25 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

I thought Jamaal was going to get sexually assaulted by the ASA guy. 

I'd hate for them to have anyone on the show sexually assaulted, but that is a cornerstone of soaps and Empire embraces that about itself.

And it still could happen. Not only would it be acquaintance rape, but the Lyons would have to deal with the scandal and Lucious' response would be interesting. I could see him making sure that ASA guy would be quartered up and fed to dogs for hurting his son but also tell Jamal that he 'deserved it' for 'playing at' being gay.

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Thoughts after re-watching the ep:

I noted upthread that I don't trust D Major (Derek), Jamal's new love interest. But that makeout scene between them was FIRE!

Terrence Howard was amazing in this ep - especially Lucious' look of utter terror when Leah first showed up. 

I loved that short scene of Becky giving Porsha the assistant's bible. Love those 2 together.

Wonder what's going to come of htat little moment when Porsha was trying to stir up some shit with Carol. It wouldn't entirely surprise me if Porsha tried to plot against Cookie, given how dismissive Cookie is of her.

I crack up when Candace calls Cookie by her government name.

Seeing Hakeem work with Jamal and then Tiana makes me smile. I have always loved the easy rapport between Yazz and Serayah.

"You locked her away for 21 years" is this season's "I served 17 years for you"

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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19 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

Are You Afraid of Cake?: The Empire Diet by Leah Walker

I was waiting for the reveal that Luscious would drop dead of poison or that she used the maid as an ingredient in one of the cakes.

I officially find Luscious' Mom scarier than Negan on the Walking Dead.


19 hours ago, Gillian Rosh said:

Why do I have a bad feeling that Grandma did something to poor Juanita.

Until we see Juanita, with all her appendages attached in their normal arrangements, I'm gonna assume that she was sprinkled into the cake batter, cause Grandma Leah is fucking crazy!  I was laughing so hard during that scene, but mostly because I was so terrified of what she was planning to do next.  I was hoping they'd show us a montage of Lucious eating slice after slice of cake, though.  So much for his green cleanse!

19 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Rhonda is going to cut a butch. 

I'm truly hoping that this storyline is leading to the return of devious, bib wearing Rhonda.  I'm not a fan of this new version.

11 hours ago, Grace19 said:

Jamal I don't trust that guy, but he is hot, enjoy. I was mad last episode when I saw Michael, I hate that character, I hope he never comes back.

I clearly wasn't paying attention last week during Jamal and Michael's scene, because Michael has always been pretty darn boring.  So I just assumed they were back together.  Where'd he disappear to again?

8 hours ago, LaChavalina said:

The song at the very end, for those who wondered, is called Figlio Perduto (Lost Son) and was an incredible choice for those particular scenes with Rhonda and Luscious.

Thank you for sharing that.  That's a great song choice considering the context of both those scenes. 

4 hours ago, sunsheyen said:

How was Andre super concerned about Grandma's well being but set to pull off with Rhonda without a word said about where she would stay/who would have responsibility for her care? Only when he saw Thirsty did he bother to wonder about where she was going.

Andre was planning on taking Grandma Leah back with him and Rhonda to the hotel, if I'm remembering correctly.  That's what they were discussing in the car before Thirsty tried returning her to the home. 

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Damn Lucious' mama is crazy as hell. Lucious needs a bodyguard to protect him from his mother or Thirsty to take her out. Is poor Juanita dead? Terence Howard is such a talented actor. He can bring it with the best actors in Hollywood. I knew that he, Taraji, and Leslie would give us some outstanding scenes, but I didn't expect this goodness. I loved when Lucious was watching his mother, Cookie called him, and he responded, "yes, baby." In that moment, you realize how strong the bond is between them. 

I loved Cookie taking on Lucious/Hakeem/Jamal. Cookie's clothes were stylish as hell, but you'll are right about her eyebrows being out of control.

Jamal and Derek were hot as hell, much hotter than Jamal and his other guys. I don't mind if Derek is in the closet because it is good drama.

Tiana is sexy as hell and so sweet. Wake up, Hakeem! 

Rhonda is onto your evilness, Anika. Oh, Carol stay sober and away from that fed and Porsha.

I cannot believe that woman went with Thirsty. He is so slimy. 

All of the music was really good in this episode. I loved the Lyon Family Anthem. Oh Andre, don't feel left out.

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Wow!  I was actually afraid for Lucious in that big room filled with cakes and the crazy old lady with the sharp looking cake knife! 

Yeah, but next to the fear, I was like how in the hell did she bake all those cakes? Come on now. Even in a manic state were all those cakes, iced to perfection realistic? LOL, that's all I kept thinking while she was waving that knife at Luscious, wishing him dead, that, and I hoped for his quick reflexes. 

But now that I think about it, that "boy" was paralyzed with fear; he has lived with some serious trauma. But he'll never get help. I'm waiting for his mother to set fire to that mansion, just wait. That's what I was thinking when he left, never mind the maid. We see what happened to her, rather, we're left wondering what exactly happened to her?

What the hell is up with Cookie's assistant taunting Carol? She must feel threatened by Carol; after all, Carol is family. Why is she trying to start shit?

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4 hours ago, SimoneS said:

Damn Lucious' mama is crazy as hell. Lucious needs a bodyguard to protect him from his mother

I'm a little confused - so was/is Lucious' mom really suffering from bi-polar or perhaps schizophrenia; or is she just inherently evil?

The entire backstory has been the mentally ill angle, which supposedly predisposed Andre to it, which is why Lu shuns him for being "like his mother"

A mental disorder/condition and being a clinically dangerous psychopath are NOT the same thing!!

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5 hours ago, Jade Foxx said:


The entire backstory has been the mentally ill angle, which supposedly predisposed Andre to it, which is why Lu shuns him for being "like his mother"

A mental disorder/condition and being a clinically dangerous psychopath are NOT the same thing!!

I think Lucious, though not exactly enlightened about mental illness, recognized this when he said something to Andre to the effect that, "You think [your grandmother] is just like you, but she's not." So while the family history affects how he acts and thinks regarding Andre, he isn't about to shunt Andre off to a facility and keep him there.

Edited by GreekGeek
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1 hour ago, GreekGeek said:

I think Lucious, though not exactly enlightened about mental illness, recognized this when he said something to Andre to the effect that, "You think [your grandmother] is just like you, but she's not." So while the family history affects how he acts and thinks regarding Andre, he isn't about to shunt Andre off to a facility and keep him there.

Someone can be mentally ill and an evil asshole at the same time. Lucious feels his mother is both (rightly or wrongly). I also think Lucious doesn't want his family effected by his mother's presence, and brush off the real harm she can can cause because she's mentally ill. 

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20 hours ago, gazebo said:

I still can't get over how beautiful Leslie Uggams still looks!  She's very youthful and clear-eyed.  I pray that when I reach her age, I will look as young as her.



I know! And she has an elegance and poise about her that I wish she could bottle and sell for $19.99 because I'd certainly buy it.

Edited by Milz
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On 5/5/2016 at 11:29 PM, Actionmage said:

You know what Lu? If you'd kept your mom in a proper setting when you "almost tripped over her"? Maybe you wouldn't be terrorized by the dessert queen. Or as soon as you had more than a couple of coins to rub together, but no.  While I don't expect an eight-year old to get over almost drowning by their parent, I expect a middle-aged man who seems to know better to have more than just one nurse available if he is that (rightfully) nervous. A day nurse and a night nurse; domestics shouldn't have to play nurse to seriously ill folks.

I don't think he could put her anywhere when he saw her again.  He said that Cookie was pregnant with Hakeem at the time and we've seen what kind of crappy life they were scraping together at that time.  He had no means to take care of her.  At some point he found her and put her in what appeared to be a very nice place where she was safe and supervised.  She was dressed nicely, playing bingo with other residents who were clean and dressed well, the rooms we've seen were VERY nice and homey, not clinical at all.  So I think he did take care of her.  He kept her from doing to his kids and Cookie what she had done to him.  He knows what she's capable of, they don't.  Andre really screwed up by taking her out of there.  He doesn't really get the difference between his bipolar disorder and hers.  She's NOT AT ALL like Andre and he can't see that Lucious did this because he loves them.  Also, Andre should cut his dad some slack, especially now that they all know what happened to him as a child.  

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10 hours ago, Jade Foxx said:

I'm a little confused - so was/is Lucious' mom really suffering from bi-polar or perhaps schizophrenia; or is she just inherently evil?

The entire backstory has been the mentally ill angle, which supposedly predisposed Andre to it, which is why Lu shuns him for being "like his mother"

A mental disorder/condition and being a clinically dangerous psychopath are NOT the same thing!!

There are various "level's for lack of a better term with many mental illnesses, and it's not uncommon for people to have more than one diagnosis at the same time.  So Andre may be diagnosed bipolar II and able to manage it with oral meds and therapy (or Jennifer Hudson singing to him), but his grandmother may be diagnosed bipolar I with schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder which would be very dangerous if she isn't well medicated and supervised.  I think Lucious probably doesn't really grok the difference, so he's always worried that Andre will be like his grandmother even though that's pretty unlikely.

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10 hours ago, Jade Foxx said:

I'm a little confused - so was/is Lucious' mom really suffering from bi-polar or perhaps schizophrenia; or is she just inherently evil?

The entire backstory has been the mentally ill angle, which supposedly predisposed Andre to it, which is why Lu shuns him for being "like his mother"

A mental disorder/condition and being a clinically dangerous psychopath are NOT the same thing!!

Yes, but you can be mentally ill and a psychopath. I mean isn't psychosis a mental illness?  I mean someone who is psychotic doesn't see the world as it is.  Lucious' mother is doing just that when she told Lucious that he ruined her life.  She sees a different world in her mind. 

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I know Lee and Ilene have repeatedly said Michael is Jamal's true love (UGH!) but Jamal has way more chemistry, and potential, with Derek. I'd much rather Empire put it's efforts into building Jamal & Derek as a couple then for the show to twist itself into knots to bring Dora's useless ass back again.

1 hour ago, Trixie Belden said:

There are various "level's for lack of a better term with many mental illnesses, and it's not uncommon for people to have more than one diagnosis at the same time.  So Andre may be diagnosed bipolar II and able to manage it with oral meds and therapy (or Jennifer Hudson singing to him), but his grandmother may be diagnosed bipolar I with schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder which would be very dangerous if she isn't well medicated and supervised.  I think Lucious probably doesn't really grok the difference, so he's always worried that Andre will be like his grandmother even though that's pretty unlikely.

And we've seen that Andre, himself, can be pretty destructive despite being mentally ill. He may not be as ruthless as Nana Leah, but he's pretty malevolent towards his family when he's not properly medicated.

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