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S28.E01: Mexican Standoff

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TJ had a lot of fun announcing the pairings, and I like seeing him have fun.

Is there any doubt that Bananas and Sarah are going to win this?  So many of the teams are total trainwrecks that it could be anyone that is in the final three with them, at least.

Cory needs to stay away from Cheyenne.  I've already decided she's marrying Leroy.  She is the one person from Are You the One? that I could see selling people on them being included.  Devin is the worst, though.  It's too bad that she's stuck with him.  Devin is so bad that his commentary had me 100% on Simone's side in her fight with Tony.  I was already a bit on her side, but it was more than enough to make me ignore that her wording was a little silly.

Johnny can go home now, if he's just going to pout about Jessica being his partner and Avery being there.  It didn't seem like he said a word while they were up there, so I'd put the blame on him.  Jessica has done a good job with heights challenges before, so it isn't like she can't overcome her fear.

I am very scared for Leroy and his pinched nerve.

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I loved when Sarah outsmarted Johnny, I hope she doesn't go back on that just because of this challenge. It's times like these that I wish people would win and stay away from challenges, because.. then I can remember Sarah fondly. Anyway, TJ is still the best thing about these shows, though

. I don'r care who wins anymore, considering I like these people less and less each season. Except for, despite my better judgement I will always have a soft spot for Wes and I do not know where that comes from or why. So, maybe him. Although his partner kind of sucks.

  • Love 9

The Are You the One cast members tried to form an alliance but that one douche broke it up.

I don't think Bananas is too worried about this first challenge.  He probably has a half dozen at least lined up on his alliance.

It's the same total amount of prize money but now even more lopsided for the first place finishers, just so they could boast about having the biggest grand prize ever.

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So I actually watched the season of AYTO with Brandon Nate and Christina bc my brothers friend was on it and Brandon is such a whiny little douchebag STILL! Really? Calling all the girls Sluts? What an asshole. My jaw dropped when he said it, I feel like he is a completely vile person.

anyway I hate Vince by proxy of Bananas but  love Jenna so I hope they do well. Go Sarah and I hope Bananas gets sent home and gets replaced by Jordan or someone tolerable. LOL. Tony is a hilarious doofy human. Like he just seems like a goofy ass dude who somehow wound up on a reality show unless Im forgetting some egregious behavior from before. He needs to stop getting people pregnant. the whole dont lie on me was so ridiculous.

I really only care about what the veterans are doing, not interested in the AYTO people or the bloodlines. Avery annoys me, Wes and Nany seem ok for now but I get flashbacks of how horrible they were during other seasons and it makes it hard for me to root for them

Oh and how about that bullshit with Johnny throwing the challenge and dropping Sarah. if I was sarah I would throw every single one to make a point and go home empty handed after that. What an asshole!!!

I hate the rivals format because they pair people I like ( Sarah, Jenna) with douchecanoes and its hard to truly root for anyone. Maybe Tony and Camilla? 

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Ugh, I am totally at the point of hate-watching this now. Nearly all of the vets are very obviously and poorly playing "their role" to the camera. If any of them are hoping to get into acting, they need to get another plan. How many seasons of this shit do you have to do before you stop saying "I'm so scared to be on this contraption they have us on every season!"

Brandon's slut comment was putting a blunt point on a fine pencil, but...I guess it falls into the category of things that are true but shouldn't be said? And unless his gf outside the show hooks on a street corner, she probably is better than these chicks. How sad that having an undergraduate degree is powerful enough ammo with which to attack these people.

What was with the staggered entry to the house? We already know Johnny sucks production's dick, we don't need to see him examining the five open rooms of a mansion that the cast gets to transform into a shithole right quick. 

But this season especially, I'm not sure any team would send Johnny in with this setup. His normal enemies (Wes, Dario) are tethered to his harem of hoes.

And there's something persistently weird about Johnny's tendency season after season to assault people's assholes being presented as comedy gold by this show. That thing with the Icy-Hot (free advice; stop taking steroids, Leroy!) would cause me to give the offender the side eye every time I saw him.

It's way too soon for another season of this shit.  Didn't we just end "Battle of the Bloodlines"?  And the new "Real World" isn't even halfway over, and the two shows should never air at the same time.  I can only stomach one of them at a time.  And must Johnny be part of EVERY season?  I would refuse to call him Bananas because he so clearly wants that to be his brand.  So stupid.  Having said that, I'm rooting for Sarah.  So, yeah...

  • Love 1

Does John have incriminating pictures of one of the producers or something? So not only is he on EVERY damn season, they let him come in first and select his bed/bedroom by himself, he gets paired with the best female competitor and he has a bloodline there to help protect him (paired with probably the second best female competitor).

And of course he throws the challenge...why not, his cousin Vince had already clinched the victory, he knew he was in zero danger of going in the pit.

And am I the only one that gets second hand embarrassment from Johns cheesy toasts at the beginning of every season? It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't look like a 40+ year old man trying to fit in amongst a bunch of kids half his age (not really half his age, but they LOOK it).

I despise the format of this season. Every person I would root for (Sarah and Jenna) are attached to complete douchebags.

I guess if we are going to continue to watch this, might as well get used to the Are You the One kids. They are obviously here to stay. None of them are likable, especially the guy who refers to women as sluts (hope his girlfriend is taking notes...his lack of respect towards women will eventually find its way to you).

Gotta admit, I am curious as hell who TJ gets all pissed off at and tells them to pack their bags. Must have really pissed him off.

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I can get that they may not be getting as many new potential contestants from RW.

Or that many of the vets are no longer interested.

But why mix the young kids from Are you the One with the much older RW and RR vets?  There must be a lot of 10-year gaps in age?

Does that show get good ratings?  Or maybe MTV just want a bunch of tatted up young kids on the show, just to play to the demographic?

I've never seen one episode of AYTO, but I think it's more that they need new people for this show, nothing to do with that shows ratings. And also, the only vets who keep coming back are those of Nany, Wes, John, etc. The actual vets- people who I miss dearly- are done with this show. I doubt we will ever see the likes of Coral or Mark or those people. The vets that come back now, even though they are vets by all accounts and standards don't feel like the people I would consider vets, if you know what I mean. But then again, I'm thinking of the classic challenges and not what has been going on these last couple of years.

I thought that the reason the AYTO kids were included on The Challenge (aside from the fact that there's a drought of RW/RR folks willing to participate) was because AYTO was produced by Bunim/Murray, but apparently that's not the case. 

It was interesting start to the season, although I was a little bummed that it was a 90 minute episode and yet no one was eliminated. In fact, we didn't even get to the damn elimination round. Talk about filler. 

1 hour ago, Hiacios said:

I don't think Bananas & Sarah will last long given that they hate each other and Bananas throwing the first challenge just to be an ass to Sarah. smh.

Eh. Johnny (I *still* refuse to refer to him as Bananas) knew that he was perfectly safe after Vince came in first place. I imagine that if there was a real chance that he was at risk of elimination, he wouldn't have let Sarah fall. 

Is anyone else surprised by how old KellyAnne and Ashley look? It makes sense for Ashley because she appears to be a heavy drinker, but KellyAnne strikes me as someone who takes good care of herself. 

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This first ep is showing me a light at the end of the tunnel. Pretty soon all the challengers will be from Are You the One and other crappy MTV shows I don't watch/care about with NO vets from RW/RR and I will finally stop watching. I know the names of less than 1/2 the cast now. Although I do see Johnny coming on into his 50's.

There's no one for me to root for, at least not yet. WhosThatGirl, I'm happy to see Wes too. I also have a soft spot for him although I have no idea why. I guess I'm rooting for Sarah. Shut the fuck up, Johnny. And I'm happy to see Leroy who has really grown on me over the years. I sort of like Cuz (Jamie).

Teej looks great. New haircut? More lively? I don't know, he seems in top form & he's smiling a lot.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I've never seen one episode of AYTO, but I think it's more that they need new people for this show, nothing to do with that shows ratings. And also, the only vets who keep coming back are those of Nany, Wes, John, etc. The actual vets- people who I miss dearly- are done with this show. I doubt we will ever see the likes of Coral or Mark or those people. The vets that come back now, even though they are vets by all accounts and standards don't feel like the people I would consider vets, if you know what I mean. But then again, I'm thinking of the classic challenges and not what has been going on these last couple of years.

The first season of AYTO was the best, the 2nd one was good, but the 3rd season was just terrible.

3 hours ago, kat165 said:

This first ep is showing me a light at the end of the tunnel. Pretty soon all the challengers will be from Are You the One and other crappy MTV shows I don't watch/care about with NO vets from RW/RR and I will finally stop watching. I know the names of less than 1/2 the cast now. Although I do see Johnny coming on into his 50's.

There's no one for me to root for, at least not yet. WhosThatGirl, I'm happy to see Wes too. I also have a soft spot for him although I have no idea why. I guess I'm rooting for Sarah. Shut the fuck up, Johnny. And I'm happy to see Leroy who has really grown on me over the years. I sort of like Cuz (Jamie).

Teej looks great. New haircut? More lively? I don't know, he seems in top form & he's smiling a lot.

Yep, John (thank you, Abe!) will be coming on until they just stop making these things.  He reminds me of one of my husband's old friends from college.  When they graduated, he rented out this house right on the edge of campus.  The house used to be rented by a group of football players, and was the "party house" for the campus.  So he decided to rent it and still invite the students to come party there.  It just struck me as so pathetic - this guy who's graduated, has a real job, a fiancee, etc, and he's desperate to host college parties and be "cool."  (And it became more and more pathetic as the next half dozen or so years passed and he was hosting parties for kids who weren't even in college when he graduated.)  That's John.  He's going to hang in there and pat himself on the back for being the "big man on campus" among all these young kids who gather around him to listen to his toasts (at his insistence) each season.  

As soon as that mission started, I thought to myself "well, Jenna should be good at this, because height and long arms are going to make this much easier."  I'm not surprised at all that she was the only one to get all five skulls.  That fifth one would be a challenge for any average or shorter girl.  There's only so far you can stretch your body out.  I hate that she and Sarah are paired up with John and Vince.  They're the women I most want to root for, but no way I can root for either one of those guys.  (But, if John gets sent home and Vince doesn't act like nearly as much of a douchebag outside of his presence, I might not be completely sickened by him winning with Jenna.)

Cuz and Ashley didn't waste any time, did they?  I mean, they certainly didn't spend two seconds pondering how many uncovered windows were in their hook up location.  For all of Ashley's "OMG, you guys saw us??" act, I tend to think that she knew exactly what she was doing.  There was attention being paid to someone else, and she wanted some attention turned her way.  You could almost see the wheels in her brain turning when she looked over at the whole "don't you lie on me! I don't want you!" scene and then turned to Cuz and started making out with him, before leading him away to hook up in a bathroom with multiple open windows allowing a view of the events.  I can't believe for a second that she didn't see those guys looking in (it's not like any of them were being subtle, and Cuz acknowledged that he saw them).  

And, seriously, production?  You let John get first shot at the house, all on his lonesome, so he can snag the king size bed for himself and be lord of the manor, directing everyone else where to go?  He was the only person (aside from guy who got there last, whose name escapes me) to show up solo, too.  Why do they love this guy so much?  He's not even "love to hate," he's just an obnoxious douche bag who clearly has production catering to him and manipulating events in his favor.  Why?  Like there aren't other cast members who could be at least as interesting if they were given the kind of focus he's given each and every season.  

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John is the one vet that will be around until he can't walk, I bet. I think we are past the point of him walking away from these shows gracefully. I guess, I can't fault the guy anymore, for all intents and purposes, this is his job, he makes an income for his time on the show-they are paid to be there, right?- and then he gets an added bonus if he places first, second, or third. Plus, he gets to travel on a paid vacation in a pretty nice house. It seems kind of like a win and a great way to make money. 

I found it interesting that Cousin, the guy who slut-shamed Kellyanne as a skank who would sleep with anything, was the first to hookup.  And he hooked-up with the first woman to show thirty seconds of interest, in a bathroom, in full view of cameras and every voyeur in the cast.  Looks like Cousin is a skank who will sleep with anything.

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John needs to put on his big boy pants and be glad he's been paired with the best competitor there (who is good at puzzles as well). I didn't watch the season where Sarah did whatever to him (which he deserved), but get over it John, she out Johnned you and you know it. Hell, he was even able to show some grudging respect for Cara last season after she bested him.

Once again they're really stretching it with the reasons for the rival pairings. That thing with Camila and Tony arguing over what he said about her sister last season was ridiculous. Camila is a pretty good competitor, she just needs to keep her emotions in check. I've never seen anyone cry about the person they were paired with before.

Yay, Wes! He, Sarah and Jenna were the only ones I was happy to see again. They managed to bring back the AYTO and Bloodline folks I least wanted to see. I haven't watched a RW since New Orleans so the new RW people are as unknown to me as the AYTO kids. They must be forcing AYTO on us, I find it hard to believe they would have that hard a time finding enough RW or even FM people to fill out the cast.

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The more time I spend thinking about it, the more I think that this John/Sarah thing might possibly be a set up on their part.  Once Sarah had sent him in (which, if he was being honest, he would admit was a smart move on her part to secure the win), he probably knew that, if he threw enough of a tantrum, they'd end up paired up in a future season.  The two of them seem to be trying not to laugh at a few different points of the episode.  

So they get themselves paired up as rivals (and how nice of production to accommodate them by doing an opposite sex rivals format this time), they head into the first mission swearing up and down that they haven't spoken since that season.  For good measure, they throw the first mission, cementing in the rest of the cast's minds that "these two dislike each other too much to play nicely together and win."  As insurance, John has his usual handful of supporters to shield him from elimination - Vince, Leroy, Johnny, Nany, and Camilla.  I'm sure that, one or two missions in (or on a mission where someone gunning for them performs well), suddenly the two of them will discover they're able to work together.  

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I watch Are You The One (you guys it's seriously the best trainwreck there is) and Cheyenne is the best. Devin sucks, but I really hope they can pull it together, because she's awesome and I want to see her go far.

Agree with others' comments that I can't take the now "vets" seriously. When I think of vets, I think of Bananas and Wes of course, but also CT, Paula, Mark, Brad, Derrick, Kenny, Evan, Rachel, Coral...definitely not Nany and definitely not Camila. Not to mention that nearly everyone else has only been on 1 or 2 other challenges--that's not a veteran.

That being said, I was happy to see Wes again. I've always been "Team Wes". I'm also reluctant to admit this, but Jenna has grown on me. I always find Sarah irksome but if Bananas could actually get over his deflated ego he could maybe pull out a win with her. The two of them are strong competitors. He needs to get his head out of his butt.

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That clip of Simone tossing drink after drink after drink in Tom's face was priceless!  How did I miss that during the last challenge they were on, or was that from AYTO?  And Simone's lost a bit of weight, no?


On 5/6/2016 at 10:58 AM, Frootloop Dingus said:

I see Magic Marker eyebrows is back.  Didn't she watch last season? They are creepy.  


On 5/6/2016 at 0:38 PM, MaggieG said:

She did make me laugh when she said her lashes wouldn't fly off because she had the good glue!

She also brought back the fake ass contacts.  I was surprised her entire face didn't melt off when she fell in the water.  I'll never forget last season when she had no make up on and I had no idea who the new stranger in the house was.  Lol!


On 5/6/2016 at 5:46 PM, toodywoody said:

Omg Johnny stfu. You do that shit to everyone and when it's you, you cry like a little bitch two years later. Give me a break. If that was Wes still talking about it, Johnny would be calling him a little bitch.

For reals.  He has done this and worse to people who were actually his friends.  But he expects everyone else to just swallow it as a part of the game.  I wish Sarah was bad ass enough to throw every single mission this season solely for the purpose of ensuring that John gets nowhere near the final.

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Are you people listening to the susie and sarah podcast? they have been bashing johnny on most of their streams,  I cant stand susie and sarah but both do give a good scoop of johnny`s true life and its really good hearing people that actually know him bashing him, specially bc I still remember how johnny used to bash people and mainly CT on that podcast with derrick.

Anyway Sarah pretty much said that johnny cheats on his current gf hannah, and that he hook up with nany on that house from exes 2 when they were on the exile, that everyone knows and that she doesn't understand why mtv protects him so much, and that she feels sorry for hannah bc most likely she doesn't know. I know that is sarah and well she could be talking bc she hates him now, but still that rumor of johnny cheating on hannah has become stronger, cara sort of hint it on bloodlines, the host also tried to bring the subject but johnny act really defensive, he has a cheating historial, and current rumor is that hannah and johnny relationship is on the rocks. Sarah also said that johnny doesnt have a job that he is currently trying to invest on some camera rental equipment but that he doesnt have anything good aside of the challenge going out now.

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Can't believe I'm back at this again. Every year the boys (cause none of them are men) get doucher and doucher and I pray they never procreate and pass on those genes.

Even though it went on too long I was here for Simone standing up for herself to the gross "boy talk". She was right, spreading it around that she wanted to fuck Tony isn't funny and shit like that should be nipped in the bud but the guys are into that and most of the girls don't want to upset the big scary men. RME.

Hate John being back. Feel bad for Sarah getting stuck with him. I want to root for her but I can't with him. Love that it sticks in his craw that she used his own moves against him and that she will not apologize or back down about it.

Did Leroy throw that challenge? It felt like it. His "rivalry" doesn't make any sense to me, neither does the Camilla/Tony.

Most of the rookies are so faceless and nameless but I will grudgingly accept the new RW kids. These Are You The One people? Go away. Take Creepy Vince with you too.

Edited by TiffanyNichelle
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The best thing about this season is that I won't have to decide who I want to go home/hate more--Johnny or Sarah.  I hate Johnny for obvious reasons but I think I might dislike Sarah more.  She just grates my nerves--reminds me of one of those girls who brags about hating girls and only having guy friends.  I just know she's that girl.

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